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Название Anthony Robbins - Mastering Influence
Тип Музыка
Размер 1.52Гб

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01 Build Trust by Genuinely Caring.mp3 49.10Мб
01 Commitment- Your Greatest Power.mp3 58.71Мб
01 Create Units of Interest.mp3 25.94Мб
01 Make the Experience Real with Questions.mp3 25.81Мб
01 Making Big Fat Claims.mp3 42.70Мб
01 Objections are Opportunities.mp3 25.72Мб
01 Probing for Problems and Magnifying the Hurt.mp3 34.93Мб
01 Review of the Programme (A).mp3 24.40Мб
01 The Power of Beliefs.mp3 23.44Мб
01 The Power of Our Beliefs.mp3 12.09Мб
01 Three Phases of Sales Mastery.mp3 16.99Мб
01 Why We Buy.mp3 24.99Мб
02 Commited Beliefs.mp3 20.55Мб
02 Creating Units of Conviction.mp3 32.81Мб
02 DEFEAT Disbelief.mp3 20.71Мб
02 Five Steps to Mastery.mp3 13.42Мб
02 Give Effective Compliments.mp3 25.34Мб
02 Preparation- the First Step in Engagement.mp3 55.75Мб
02 Recap.mp3 1.98Мб
02 Review of the Programme (B).mp3 26.95Мб
02 Steps to Handling Any Objection (A-E).mp3 28.05Мб
02 The Process of Selling.mp3 21.58Мб
02 Three Reasons People Fail.mp3 13.03Мб
02 Use All Five Senses.mp3 28.27Мб
03 'If ___ then' Rules.mp3 34.60Мб
03 Developing Rapport.mp3 19.43Мб
03 Discovering Your Clients Buying Strategies- Toward or Away From (A).mp3 40.08Мб
03 Exercise to Create Conviction Cards.mp3 14.22Мб
03 Making it Easy to Buy.mp3 14.81Мб
03 Managing Your State- Physiology.mp3 41.66Мб
03 Point, Tell and Paint.mp3 13.42Мб
03 Steps to Handling Any Objection (F-H).mp3 32.83Мб
03 The Learning Process.mp3 16.05Мб
03 The Science of Persuasion.mp3 45.61Мб
03 Turn Yourself On- Step Two.mp3 37.03Мб
04 Answering- WHY TOM and ED.mp3 19.25Мб
04 Customers Top 5 Questions.mp3 11.22Мб
04 Exercise- Make your Clients Think They Are Already Your Customer.mp3 13.56Мб
04 Internal or External (B), Possibility or Necessity (C).mp3 16.82Мб
04 Making Effective Contact (Three).mp3 24.59Мб
04 Managing Your State- Representation.mp3 54.79Мб
04 Matching and Mirroring.mp3 21.15Мб
04 Preventing Remorse and Gaining Referrals.mp3 25.26Мб
04 Probing for Views with Test Closes.mp3 46.93Мб
04 Strategies of Top Sellers.mp3 18.90Мб
04 The Primary Tools of Influence.mp3 16.54Мб
05 And Getting Their Attention (Three).mp3 23.27Мб
05 Commitment to Mastery.mp3 21.68Мб
05 Developing Your Sensory Acuity.mp3 7.56Мб
05 Exercise on Influence.mp3 23.39Мб
05 Matcher or Mismatcher (D).mp3 25.83Мб
05 Pacing and Leading.mp3 34.13Мб
05 Putting it Together.mp3 10.77Мб
05 Summing-Up.mp3 20.78Мб
05 Tying it Down, Testing and Assuming the Sale.mp3 8.99Мб
06 Attention Focus (E), Completion or Process (F), Convincer Strategy (G).mp3 37.67Мб
06 Closing to Absolutely Justify the Client's Decision.mp3 24.83Мб
06 Communication Styles.mp3 32.54Мб
06 Dealing with Objections.mp3 21.59Мб
06 Your Compelling Reasons.mp3 6.21Мб
07 Generality or Specificity (H), Past or Future (I), Cost or Convenience (J).mp3 20.87Мб
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