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Название Udemy - Complete Blender Course - From modelling to a short animation by Imran Nuruhussen (2022)
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001 Action Editor_en.vtt 5.36Кб
001 Action Editor.mp4 66.18Мб
001 Introduction_en.vtt 1.18Кб
001 Introduction.mp4 22.39Мб
001 Intro To Modeling_en.vtt 4.67Кб
001 Intro To Modeling.mp4 59.86Мб
001 Intro To Texturing_en.vtt 2.75Кб
001 Intro To Texturing.mp4 32.64Мб
001 lighting the scene up_en.vtt 21.28Кб
001 lighting the scene up.mp4 343.08Мб
001 Rigging the target_en.vtt 11.21Кб
001 Rigging the target.mp4 163.98Мб
001 Setting up for render_en.vtt 10.89Кб
001 Setting up for render.mp4 143.32Мб
001 Start Making the scene_en.vtt 8.45Кб
001 Start Making the scene.mp4 131.98Мб
001 Textures-Assets-Addons-and-Referance.zip 256.70Мб
002 ambientcg.com.url 56б
002 bringing the robot_en.vtt 5.30Кб
002 bringing the robot.mp4 66.36Мб
002 cannon rigging_en.vtt 15.16Кб
002 cannon rigging.mp4 227.68Мб
002 Compiling the png Sequence_en.vtt 2.49Кб
002 Compiling the png Sequence.mp4 32.44Мб
002 Continue Making The Scene_en.vtt 22.98Кб
002 Continue Making The Scene.mp4 398.29Мб
002 gumroad.url 44б
002 Material-converter.url 115б
002 megascans.url 52б
002 Modeling The Robot Body_en.vtt 13.09Кб
002 Modeling The Robot Body.mp4 181.37Мб
002 poliigon.url 49б
002 polyhaven.url 46б
002 Robot Eye colour and telling a story with the props_en.vtt 11.40Кб
002 Robot Eye colour and telling a story with the props.mp4 192.07Мб
002 sharetextures.url 54б
002 Softwares_en.vtt 3.63Кб
002 Softwares.mp4 46.10Мб
002 textures.com.url 56б
002 Websites_en.vtt 5.60Кб
002 Websites.mp4 64.71Мб
003 Addons and Precests_en.vtt 4.13Кб
003 Addons and Precests.mp4 31.29Мб
003 Finalise Modelling The Scene_en.vtt 14.30Кб
003 Finalise Modelling The Scene.mp4 266.73Мб
003 Laser_en.vtt 14.35Кб
003 Laser.mp4 256.74Мб
003 Modeling Robots Gun_en.vtt 20.16Кб
003 Modeling Robots Gun.mp4 296.33Мб
003 Robot Rigging_en.vtt 10.80Кб
003 Robot Rigging.mp4 147.99Мб
003 Rough Animation layout_en.vtt 27.80Кб
003 Rough Animation layout.mp4 297.85Мб
003 Setting up the robot for texturing_en.vtt 14.21Кб
003 Setting up the robot for texturing.mp4 195.05Мб
003 Textures-Assets-Addons-and-Referance.zip 256.70Мб
004 Adding Props_en.vtt 26.36Кб
004 Adding Props.mp4 486.12Мб
004 Adding the cannon, and more camera animation while polishing the scene_en.vtt 19.11Кб
004 Adding the cannon, and more camera animation while polishing the scene.mp4 261.60Мб
004 cannon lighting and cannon ball lighting and adding more details_en.vtt 9.68Кб
004 cannon lighting and cannon ball lighting and adding more details.mp4 147.69Мб
004 Folder Structure_en.vtt 4.02Кб
004 Folder Structure.mp4 17.97Мб
004 Modelling the Target_en.vtt 19.23Кб
004 Modelling the Target.mp4 235.31Мб
004 Robot Texturing_en.vtt 38.32Кб
004 Robot Texturing.mp4 533.19Мб
004 Textures-Assets-Addons-and-Referance.zip 256.70Мб
005 Adding Details_en.vtt 33.39Кб
005 Adding Details.mp4 537.68Мб
005 Adding the bulling and polishing the camera work_en.vtt 19.02Кб
005 Adding the bulling and polishing the camera work.mp4 275.54Мб
005 Modelling the Cannon_en.vtt 17.53Кб
005 Modelling the Cannon.mp4 290.45Мб
005 texturing the screen_en.vtt 10.84Кб
005 texturing the screen.mp4 144.40Мб
006 Adding the falling targets and the reloading animation_en.vtt 15.06Кб
006 Adding the falling targets and the reloading animation.mp4 252.57Мб
006 Texturing the Target_en.vtt 9.53Кб
006 Texturing the Target.mp4 121.10Мб
007 Polishing the robot animation_en.vtt 21.18Кб
007 Polishing the robot animation.mp4 341.45Мб
007 Texturing the Cannon_en.vtt 8.44Кб
007 Texturing the Cannon.mp4 118.14Мб
008 Cannon Lights_en.vtt 7.57Кб
008 Cannon Lights.mp4 111.02Мб
008 Depth of filed_en.vtt 11.02Кб
008 Depth of filed.mp4 164.62Мб
external-links.txt 449б
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