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001 Course Overview.mp4 |
546.79Мб |
001 Introduction.mp4 |
33.36Мб |
001 Introduction.mp4 |
54.30Мб |
001 Introduction.mp4 |
58.52Мб |
001 Introduction.mp4 |
21.21Мб |
001 Introduction.mp4 |
78.99Мб |
001 Introduction.mp4 |
28.97Мб |
001 Introduction.mp4 |
63.30Мб |
001 Introduction.mp4 |
55.80Мб |
001 Introduction.mp4 |
70.31Мб |
002 Additional Resources.mp4 |
234.10Мб |
002 Argument vs Parameter.mp4 |
72.29Мб |
002 Docstrings and Annotations - Lecture.mp4 |
307.44Мб |
002 Global and Local Scopes - Lecture.mp4 |
1.19Гб |
002 Integers_ Data Types.mp4 |
426.42Мб |
002 Pre-Requisites.html |
1.57Кб |
002 The Python Type Hierarchy.mp4 |
114.22Мб |
002 Tuples as Data Structures - Lecture.mp4 |
681.55Мб |
002 Variables are Memory References.mp4 |
135.55Мб |
002 What is a Module_.mp4 |
144.95Мб |
003 Code Projects and Notebooks.html |
459б |
003 Docstrings and Annotations - Coding.mp4 |
205.94Мб |
003 Global and Local Scopes - Coding.mp4 |
89.89Мб |
003 How does Python Import Modules_.mp4 |
316.22Мб |
003 Integers_ Operations.mp4 |
411.05Мб |
003 Multi-Line Statements and Strings.mp4 |
362.43Мб |
003 Positional and Keyword Arguments - Lecture.mp4 |
463.06Мб |
003 Python 3.6 Highlights.mp4 |
61.46Мб |
003 Reference Counting.mp4 |
232.47Мб |
003 Tuples as Data Structures - Coding.mp4 |
153.05Мб |
004 Garbage Collection.mp4 |
569.84Мб |
004 Imports and importlib.mp4 |
199.31Мб |
004 Integers_ Constructors and Bases - Lecture.mp4 |
565.91Мб |
004 Lambda Expressions - Lecture.mp4 |
235.36Мб |
004 Named Tuples - Lecture.mp4 |
534.25Мб |
004 Nonlocal Scopes - Lecture.mp4 |
780.62Мб |
004 Positional and Keyword Arguments - Coding.mp4 |
25.99Мб |
004 Python 3.6 - Dictionary Ordering.mp4 |
80.06Мб |
004 Variable Names.mp4 |
214.61Мб |
005 Conditionals.mp4 |
29.16Мб |
005 Dynamic vs Static Typing.mp4 |
98.82Мб |
005 Import Variants and Misconceptions - Lecture.mp4 |
257.09Мб |
005 Integers_ Constructors and Bases - Coding.mp4 |
362.57Мб |
005 Lambda Expressions - Coding.mp4 |
62.75Мб |
005 Named Tuples - Coding.mp4 |
215.20Мб |
005 Nonlocal Scopes - Coding.mp4 |
57.00Мб |
005 Python 3.6 - Preserved Order of kwargs and Named Tuple Application.mp4 |
25.30Мб |
005 Unpacking Iterables - Lecture.mp4 |
248.56Мб |
006 Closures - Lecture.mp4 |
751.24Мб |
006 Functions.mp4 |
50.94Мб |
006 Import Variants and Misconceptions - Coding.mp4 |
112.86Мб |
006 Lambdas and Sorting.mp4 |
68.28Мб |
006 Named Tuples - Modifying and Extending - Lecture.mp4 |
393.85Мб |
006 Python 3.6 - Underscores in Numeric Literals.mp4 |
8.63Мб |
006 Rational Numbers - Lecture.mp4 |
282.26Мб |
006 Unpacking Iterables - Coding.mp4 |
116.35Мб |
006 Variable Re-Assignment.mp4 |
81.79Мб |
007 Challenge - Randomize an Iterable using Sorted!!.mp4 |
10.72Мб |
007 Closures - Coding.mp4 |
200.26Мб |
007 Extended Unpacking - Lecture.mp4 |
342.53Мб |
007 Named Tuples - Modifying and Extending - Coding.mp4 |
98.42Мб |
007 Object Mutability.mp4 |
269.70Мб |
007 Python 3.6 - f-Strings.mp4 |
22.52Мб |
007 Rationals Numbers - Coding.mp4 |
75.46Мб |
007 Reloading Modules.mp4 |
95.12Мб |
007 The While Loop.mp4 |
97.64Мб |
008 Break, Continue and the Try Statement.mp4 |
41.96Мб |
008 Closure Applications - Part 1.mp4 |
104.98Мб |
008 Extended Unpacking - Coding.mp4 |
114.71Мб |
008 Floats_ Internal Representations - Lecture.mp4 |
705.58Мб |
008 Function Arguments and Mutability.mp4 |
288.19Мб |
008 Function Introspection - Lecture.mp4 |
382.45Мб |
008 Named Tuples - DocStrings and Default Values - Lecture.mp4 |
262.95Мб |
008 Random_ Seeds.mp4 |
126.77Мб |
008 Using __main__.mp4 |
196.43Мб |
009 _args - Lecture.mp4 |
116.04Мб |
009 Closure Applications - Part 2.mp4 |
92.38Мб |
009 Floats_ Internal Representations - Coding.mp4 |
21.28Мб |
009 Function Introspection - Coding.mp4 |
518.41Мб |
009 Modules Recap.mp4 |
241.78Мб |
009 Named Tuples - DocStrings and Default Values - Coding.mp4 |
101.27Мб |
009 Random Choices.mp4 |
132.74Мб |
009 Shared References and Mutability.mp4 |
285.77Мб |
009 The For Loop.mp4 |
68.05Мб |
010 _args - Coding.mp4 |
66.00Мб |
010 Callables.mp4 |
242.53Мб |
010 Classes.mp4 |
304.53Мб |
010 Decorators (Part 1) - Lecture.mp4 |
408.46Мб |
010 Floats_ Equality Testing - Lecture.mp4 |
367.11Мб |
010 Named Tuples - Application - Returning Multiple Values.mp4 |
39.82Мб |
010 Random Samples.mp4 |
34.35Мб |
010 Variable Equality.mp4 |
353.05Мб |
010 What are Packages_ - Lecture.mp4 |
378.32Мб |
011 Decorators (Part 1) - Coding.mp4 |
159.29Мб |
011 Everything is an Object.mp4 |
314.64Мб |
011 Floats_ Equality Testing - Coding.mp4 |
93.77Мб |
011 Keyword Arguments - Lecture.mp4 |
181.00Мб |
011 Map, Filter, Zip and List Comprehensions - Lecture.mp4 |
423.17Мб |
011 Named Tuples - Application - Alternative to Dictionaries.mp4 |
742.26Мб |
011 Timing code using _timeit_.mp4 |
122.65Мб |
011 What are Packages _ - Coding.mp4 |
93.37Мб |
012 Decorator Application (Timer).mp4 |
664.11Мб |
012 Don't Use _args and __kwargs Names Blindly.mp4 |
18.51Мб |
012 Floats_ Coercing to Integers - Lecture.mp4 |
190.59Мб |
012 Keyword Arguments - Coding.mp4 |
58.91Мб |
012 Map, Filter, Zip and List Comprehensions - Coding.mp4 |
284.44Мб |
012 Python Optimizations_ Interning.mp4 |
160.77Мб |
012 Why Packages_.mp4 |
243.93Мб |
013 __kwargs.mp4 |
168.78Мб |
013 Command Line Arguments.mp4 |
239.04Мб |
013 Decorator Application (Logger, Stacked Decorators).mp4 |
134.32Мб |
013 Floats_ Coercing to Integers - Coding.mp4 |
78.75Мб |
013 Python Optimizations_ String Interning.mp4 |
170.55Мб |
013 Reducing Functions - Lecture.mp4 |
498.45Мб |
013 Structuring Packages - Part 1.mp4 |
129.59Мб |
014 Decorator Application (Memoization).mp4 |
220.37Мб |
014 Floats_ Rounding - Lecture.mp4 |
913.28Мб |
014 Putting it all Together - Lecture.mp4 |
258.75Мб |
014 Python Optimizations_ Peephole.mp4 |
442.61Мб |
014 Reducing Functions - Coding.mp4 |
121.93Мб |
014 Sentinel Values for Parameter Defaults.mp4 |
32.26Мб |
014 Structuring Packages - Part 2.mp4 |
196.88Мб |
015 Decorators (Part 2) - Lecture.mp4 |
230.02Мб |
015 Floats_ Rounding - Coding.mp4 |
62.95Мб |
015 Namespace Packages.mp4 |
196.13Мб |
015 Partial Functions - Lecture.mp4 |
219.10Мб |
015 Putting it all Together - Coding.mp4 |
110.52Мб |
015 Simulating a simple switch in Python.mp4 |
72.14Мб |
016 Application_ A Simple Function Timer.mp4 |
115.69Мб |
016 Decimals - Lecture.mp4 |
330.31Мб |
016 Decorators (Part 2) - Coding.mp4 |
440.35Мб |
016 Importing from Zip Archives.mp4 |
14.33Мб |
016 Partial Functions - Coding.mp4 |
157.65Мб |
017 Decimals - Coding.mp4 |
67.13Мб |
017 Decorator Application (Decorator Class).mp4 |
55.68Мб |
017 Parameter Defaults - Beware!!.mp4 |
318.87Мб |
017 The operator Module - Lecture.mp4 |
298.42Мб |
018 Decimals_ Constructors and Contexts - Lecture.mp4 |
200.60Мб |
018 Decorator Application (Decorating Classes).mp4 |
374.90Мб |
018 Parameter Defaults - Beware Again!!.mp4 |
272.42Мб |
018 The operator Module - Coding.mp4 |
442.66Мб |
019 Decimals_ Constructors and Contexts - Coding.mp4 |
46.25Мб |
019 Decorator Application (Dispatching) - Part 1.mp4 |
240.17Мб |
020 Decimals_ Math Operations - Lecture.mp4 |
188.75Мб |
020 Decorator Application (Dispatching) - Part 2.mp4 |
269.12Мб |
021 Decimals_ Math Operations - Coding.mp4 |
114.45Мб |
021 Decorator Application (Dispatching) - Part 3.mp4 |
380.19Мб |
022 Decimals_ Performance Considerations.mp4 |
210.77Мб |
023 Complex Numbers - Lecture.mp4 |
229.15Мб |
024 Complex Numbers - Coding.mp4 |
88.77Мб |
025 Booleans.mp4 |
483.05Мб |
026 Booleans_ Truth Values - Lecture.mp4 |
179.95Мб |
027 Booleans_ Truth Values - Coding.mp4 |
87.07Мб |
028 Booleans_ Precedence and Short-Circuiting - Lecture.mp4 |
415.15Мб |
029 Booleans_ Precedence and Short-Circuiting - Coding.mp4 |
82.54Мб |
030 Booleans_ Boolean Operators - Lecture.mp4 |
346.90Мб |
031 Booleans_ Boolean Operators - Coding.mp4 |
59.80Мб |
032 Comparison Operators.mp4 |
339.07Мб |
10146304-Reducing-Functions.zip |
3.10Кб |
10274328-operator-module.zip |
3.46Кб |
10288612-Partial-Functions.zip |
3.34Кб |
10370128-Global-and-Local-Scopes.zip |
2.69Кб |
10370136-Nonlocal-Scopes.zip |
1.79Кб |
10489762-Closures.zip |
4.18Кб |
10518708-Closure-Applications-1.zip |
2.09Кб |
10524150-Closure-Applications-2.zip |
2.38Кб |
10534532-Decorators-1.zip |
2.44Кб |
10582044-Decorator-Application-Timer.zip |
3.81Кб |
10582060-Decorator-Application-Memoization.zip |
3.37Кб |
10582062-Decorator-Application-Logger-Stacked.zip |
2.54Кб |
10814562-Decorators-2.zip |
3.43Кб |
10819054-Decorator-Application-Decorator-Class.zip |
1.39Кб |
10975292-Parameter-Defaults-Beware-2.zip |
2.61Кб |
11025308-Classes.zip |
5.66Кб |
11071872-Decorator-Application-Single-Dispatch-Generic-Functions.zip |
8.72Кб |
11110162-Named-Tuples.zip |
7.34Кб |
11120388-Tuples-as-Data-Structures.zip |
5.10Кб |
11132576-Named-Tuples-Modifying-Extending.zip |
3.67Кб |
11134112-Named-Tuples-Docstrings-DefaultValues.zip |
2.89Кб |
11156942-Named-Tuples-Application-Alternative-to-Dictionaries.zip |
3.68Кб |
11156944-Named-Tuples-Application-Returning-Multiple-Values.zip |
1.09Кб |
11178594-Additional-Resources.pdf |
1.04Мб |
11179150-Python-3.6-Highlights.zip |
2.35Кб |
11179326-Python-3.6-f-Strings.zip |
1.43Кб |
11179328-Python-3.6-Preserved-Order-of-kwargs-Named-Tuple-Application.zip |
1.22Кб |
11179330-Python-3.6-Underscores-and-Numeric-Literals.zip |
1.03Кб |
11179332-Python-3.6-Dictionary-Ordering.zip |
2.79Кб |
11219848-Random-Seeds.zip |
3.39Кб |
11227348-Random-Choices.zip |
3.76Кб |
11231378-Timing-code-using-timeit.zip |
5.61Кб |
11233574-08-Random-Samples.zip |
2.42Кб |
11234240-Dont-Use-args-and-kwargs-Names-Blindly.zip |
1.64Кб |
11262154-Decorator-Application-Decorating-Classes.zip |
6.17Кб |
11276980-How-Python-Imports-Modules.zip |
6.90Кб |
11276982-What-is-a-Module.zip |
6.73Кб |
11284142-Imports-and-importlib.zip |
4.49Кб |
11289650-Import-Variants-and-Misconceptions.zip |
10.59Кб |
11291708-Reloading-Modules.zip |
3.60Кб |
11307700-Using-main.zip |
1.29Кб |
11333544-packages.zip |
3.38Кб |
11377970-sturcturing-package-imports.zip |
4.84Кб |
11377972-sturcturing-package-imports.zip |
4.84Кб |
11379370-zipped-packages.zip |
10.45Кб |
11786994-argparse.zip |
5.83Кб |
12302028-Sentinel-Values-for-Parameter-Defaults.zip |
1.68Кб |
12552336-11-Keyword-Arguments.pdf |
367.89Кб |
12552338-17-Default-Values.pdf |
370.03Кб |
12552340-14-Putting-it-all-together.pdf |
456.45Кб |
12552342-13-kwargs.pdf |
291.72Кб |
12552344-09-star-args.pdf |
317.43Кб |
12552346-07-Extended-Unpacking.pdf |
552.57Кб |
12552348-02-Argument-vs-Parameter.pdf |
310.76Кб |
12552350-03-Positional-Arguments.pdf |
424.61Кб |
12552352-05-Unpacking-Iterables.pdf |
440.51Кб |
12552390-02-Docstrings-and-Annotations.pdf |
442.31Кб |
12552392-17-The-operator-Module.pdf |
436.30Кб |
12552394-13-Reducing-Functions.pdf |
509.64Кб |
12552396-04-Lambda-Expressions.pdf |
384.54Кб |
12552398-15-Partial-Functions.pdf |
349.38Кб |
12552400-08-Function-Introspection.pdf |
462.80Кб |
12552402-10-Callables.pdf |
300.64Кб |
12552404-11-Map-Filter-Zip.pdf |
456.98Кб |
12587626-10-Decorators-1.pdf |
428.46Кб |
12587628-04-NonLocal-Sopes.pdf |
723.65Кб |
12587630-15-Decorators-2.pdf |
441.79Кб |
12587632-02-Global-and-Local-Scopes.pdf |
807.32Кб |
12587634-06-Closures.pdf |
483.20Кб |
12587674-06-Named-Tuples-Modifying-and-Extending.pdf |
486.17Кб |
12587676-04-Named-Tuples.pdf |
575.46Кб |
12587678-08-Named-Tuples-DocStrings-and-Default-Values.pdf |
426.20Кб |
12587680-02-Tuples.pdf |
430.41Кб |
12587752-11-Why-Packages.pdf |
427.77Кб |
12587754-09-What-are-Packages.pdf |
544.35Кб |
12587756-14-Namespace-Packages.pdf |
375.37Кб |
12587758-05-Import-Variants.pdf |
462.30Кб |
12587760-08-Modules-Recap.pdf |
376.65Кб |
12587780-Section-1-Intro.pdf |
783.56Кб |
12587918-Python-Type-Hierarchy.pdf |
346.15Кб |
12587920-Variable-Names.pdf |
357.75Кб |
12587922-Quick-Refresher-Introduction.pdf |
260.66Кб |
12587924-Multi-Line-Statements-and-Strings.pdf |
393.18Кб |
12587926-13-Python-Optimizations-String-Interning.pdf |
372.89Кб |
12587928-14-Python-Optimizations-Peephole.pdf |
323.86Кб |
12587930-10-Variable-Equality.pdf |
342.83Кб |
12587932-05-Dynamic-vs-Static-Typing.pdf |
348.21Кб |
12587934-09-Shared-References-and-Mutability.pdf |
364.71Кб |
12587936-07-Object-Mutability.pdf |
369.25Кб |
12587938-08-Function-Arguments-and-Mutability.pdf |
379.38Кб |
12587940-11-Everything-is-an-Object.pdf |
322.36Кб |
12587942-04-Garbage-Collection.pdf |
311.11Кб |
12587944-12-Python-Optimizations-Interning.pdf |
341.62Кб |
12587946-02-Variables-are-Memory-References.pdf |
386.57Кб |
12587948-03-Reference-Counting.pdf |
296.22Кб |
12587950-06-Variable-Re-Assignment.pdf |
304.47Кб |
12588198-22-Decimals-Performance-Considerations.pdf |
311.01Кб |
12588202-28-Boolean-Precedence-and-Short-Circuiting.pdf |
454.82Кб |
12588204-30-Boolean-Boolean-Operators.pdf |
473.97Кб |
12588206-20-Decimals-Math-Operations.pdf |
381.17Кб |
12588210-14-Floats-Rounding.pdf |
487.73Кб |
12588212-03-Integers-Operations.pdf |
400.15Кб |
12588214-10-Floats-Equality-Testing.pdf |
415.86Кб |
12588216-26-Booleans-Truth-Values-Lecture.pdf |
356.39Кб |
12588218-32-Comparison-Operators.pdf |
412.67Кб |
12588220-02-Integers-Data-Type.pdf |
376.98Кб |
12588222-25-Booleans.pdf |
386.40Кб |
12588226-16-Decimals.pdf |
319.08Кб |
12588274-06-Rational-Numbers.pdf |
358.98Кб |
12588298-04-Integers-Constructors-and-Bases.pdf |
527.87Кб |
12588310-08-Floats-Internal-Representation.pdf |
345.28Кб |
12588336-18-Decimals-Constructors-and-Contexts.pdf |
368.20Кб |
12588350-23-Complex-Numbers.pdf |
342.69Кб |
13684076-Simulating-a-simple-Switch-in-Python.zip |
2.59Кб |
27242946-12-Floats-to-Integers.pdf |
74.55Мб |
8797074-Notebook-Variables-are-Memory-References.zip |
1.01Кб |
8797108-Notebook-Reference-Counting.zip |
1.30Кб |
8797114-Notebook-Dynamic-vs-Static-Typing.zip |
899б |
8797116-Notebook-Variable-Re-Assignment.zip |
846б |
8797122-Notebook-Object-Mutability.zip |
1.68Кб |
8797124-Notebook-Function-Arguments-and-Mutability.zip |
1.49Кб |
8797126-Notebook-Shared-References-and-Mutability.zip |
1.49Кб |
8797130-Notebook-Variable-Equality.zip |
1.63Кб |
8797136-Notebook-Python-Optimizations-Interning.zip |
1.20Кб |
8797138-Notebook-Python-Optimizations-String-Interning.zip |
1.90Кб |
8797140-Notebook-Garbage-Collection.zip |
1.82Кб |
8797144-Notebook-Everything-is-an-Object.zip |
3.13Кб |
8797146-Notebook-Python-Optimizations-Peephole.zip |
2.03Кб |
9111398-Multi-Line-Statements-and-Strings.zip |
1.92Кб |
9111400-Integers-Bases-and-Constructors.zip |
3.99Кб |
9111402-Integers-Data-Type.zip |
1.16Кб |
9111404-Rational-Numbers.zip |
4.05Кб |
9111406-Integers-Operations.zip |
1.52Кб |
9111408-Floats-Internal-Representation.zip |
2.73Кб |
9111410-Floats-Equality-Testing.zip |
2.12Кб |
9111412-Floats-Coercing-to-Integers.zip |
891б |
9111414-Floats-Rounding.zip |
1.47Кб |
9145152-Decimals.zip |
1.61Кб |
9145154-Decimals-Performance.zip |
1.33Кб |
9145156-Decimals-Constructors-and-Contexts.zip |
1.72Кб |
9145158-Decimals-Math-Operations.zip |
1.78Кб |
9161212-Complex-Numbers.zip |
2.47Кб |
9186860-Booleans-Truth-Values.zip |
3.81Кб |
9186862-Booleans.zip |
1.81Кб |
9193534-Booleans-Precedence-and-Short-Circuiting.zip |
2.91Кб |
9199372-Booleans-Boolean-Operators.zip |
1.75Кб |
9227734-Comparison-Operators.zip |
1.71Кб |
9244082-Functions.zip |
2.50Кб |
9244084-While-Loops.zip |
2.04Кб |
9244086-Conditionals.zip |
1.07Кб |
9244088-Break-Continue-and-Try-Statements.zip |
1.17Кб |
9323444-Unpacking-Iterables.zip |
1.75Кб |
9323446-Extended-Unpacking.zip |
4.32Кб |
9323448-Positional-Arguments.zip |
1.45Кб |
9324696-star-args.zip |
2.39Кб |
9324702-For-Loop.zip |
2.26Кб |
9326158-Keyword-Arguments.zip |
1.99Кб |
9329762-kwargs.zip |
1.16Кб |
9338016-Putting-it-all-Together.zip |
2.11Кб |
9339186-A-Simple-Function-Timer.zip |
1.77Кб |
9344786-Default-Values-Beware.zip |
1.06Кб |
9419026-Lambda-Expressions.zip |
1.34Кб |
9424284-Lambdas-and-Sorting.zip |
1.92Кб |
9425510-Challenge-Randomizing-using-Sorted.zip |
966б |
9524042-Docstrings-and-Annotations.zip |
2.15Кб |
9609110-Function-Introspection.zip |
4.68Кб |
9615290-Callables.zip |
1.10Кб |
9658636-Map-Filter-and-Zip.zip |
2.72Кб |