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1. Component Driven Architecture.mp4 |
61.56Мб |
1. Component Fundamentals.mp4 |
51.75Мб |
1. Introduction.mp4 |
32.37Мб |
1. Router Links.mp4 |
22.80Мб |
1. Services.mp4 |
40.38Мб |
1. Template Forms.mp4 |
76.87Мб |
1. Unit Testing in Angular.mp4 |
69.83Мб |
1. Wrapping Up.mp4 |
53.14Мб |
10. Component Fundamentals Exercise.mp4 |
32.14Мб |
11. Component Fundamentals Solution.mp4 |
58.65Мб |
2. Component API Input & Output.mp4 |
71.48Мб |
2. Component Routes.mp4 |
13.01Мб |
2. Routing to Components.mp4 |
24.06Мб |
2. Services CRUD Methods.mp4 |
61.60Мб |
2. Setting Up the Repo.mp4 |
19.39Мб |
2. Submitting Forms & Valid States.mp4 |
28.22Мб |
2. Template Testing.mp4 |
46.57Мб |
3. Angular Overview.mp4 |
25.79Мб |
3. Component Data.mp4 |
21.24Мб |
3. Creating a Lazy Loaded Route.mp4 |
46.50Мб |
3. Form Template Exercise.mp4 |
5.79Мб |
3. Handling Shared Mutable State.mp4 |
31.17Мб |
3. Resolving Dependencies & Mocking.mp4 |
61.69Мб |
3. Services Exercise.mp4 |
19.79Мб |
4. Component Architecture Exercise.mp4 |
4.13Мб |
4. Form Template Solution.mp4 |
59.77Мб |
4. Generate an App with the Angular CLI.mp4 |
44.55Мб |
4. Property Binding.mp4 |
43.99Мб |
4. Router Service.mp4 |
13.94Мб |
4. Services Solution- Building a Service.mp4 |
22.08Мб |
4. Spying & Component Testing.mp4 |
61.77Мб |
5. Angular Files & Style Guide.mp4 |
38.29Мб |
5. Component Architecture Solution.mp4 |
28.57Мб |
5. Create a Route Exercise.mp4 |
5.89Мб |
5. Event Binding.mp4 |
28.65Мб |
5. Services Solution- Remote Endpoint.mp4 |
88.06Мб |
6. Create a Route Solution.mp4 |
13.53Мб |
6. Generate a New Component.mp4 |
36.24Мб |
6. HTTP Client Exercise.mp4 |
15.96Мб |
6. ngFor.mp4 |
37.41Мб |
7. Angular and ES6 Modules.mp4 |
28.19Мб |
7. HTTP Client Solution.mp4 |
40.71Мб |
7. Selecting an Item & ngIf.mp4 |
35.96Мб |
8. Adding Angular Material.mp4 |
75.61Мб |
8. Local Templates & else.mp4 |
19.29Мб |
9. Sanitizing Input Data.mp4 |
23.49Мб |
Angular_9_Fundamentals.pdf |
6.57Мб |
angular.json |
3.92Кб |
angular-9-fundamentals.pdf |
6.57Мб |
app.component.html |
1005б |
app.component.scss |
0б |
app.component.spec.ts |
816б |
app.component.ts |
647б |
app.e2e-spec.ts |
663б |
app.module.ts |
900б |
app.po.ts |
301б |
app-routing.module.ts |
699б |
auth.guard.spec.ts |
753б |
auth.guard.ts |
822б |
auth.interface.ts |
71б |
auth.service.spec.ts |
538б |
auth.service.ts |
1.00Кб |
browserslist |
429б |
course.interface.ts |
139б |
course-details.component.html |
1.79Кб |
course-details.component.scss |
0б |
course-details.component.spec.ts |
796б |
course-details.component.ts |
859б |
courses.component.html |
429б |
courses.component.scss |
0б |
courses.component.spec.ts |
913б |
courses.component.ts |
1.61Кб |
courses.module.ts |
1.09Кб |
courses.service.spec.ts |
784б |
courses.service.ts |
1.08Кб |
courses-list.component.html |
603б |
courses-list.component.scss |
0б |
courses-list.component.spec.ts |
664б |
courses-list.component.ts |
682б |
courses-routing.module.ts |
352б |
db.json |
202б |
environment.prod.ts |
51б |
environment.ts |
662б |
favicon.ico |
948б |
home.component.html |
362б |
home.component.scss |
0б |
home.component.spec.ts |
614б |
home.component.ts |
736б |
http-interceptor.service.spec.ts |
403б |
http-interceptor.service.ts |
462б |
index.html |
525б |
karma.conf.js |
1.02Кб |
login.component.html |
1.04Кб |
login.component.scss |
0б |
login.component.spec.ts |
831б |
login.component.ts |
566б |
login.module.ts |
557б |
login-routing.module.ts |
344б |
logo.png |
3.65Кб |
main.ts |
372б |
material.module.ts |
1.39Кб |
notification.service.spec.ts |
596б |
notification.service.ts |
399б |
package.json |
1.49Кб |
package-lock.json |
499.66Кб |
polyfills.ts |
2.77Кб |
protractor.conf.js |
808б |
163б |
readme.txt |
10.62Кб |
styles.scss |
6.91Кб |
test.ts |
753б |
tsconfig.app.json |
210б |
tsconfig.json |
214б |
tsconfig.json |
489б |
tsconfig.spec.json |
270б |
tslint.json |
3.05Кб |