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Cities And Cinema.jpg 45.04Кб
Cities And Cinema.pdf 2.91Мб
Danish Directors - Dialogues on a Contemporary National Cinema.jpg 33.80Кб
Danish Directors - Dialogues on a Contemporary National Cinema.pdf 4.52Мб
Disaster Movies - A Loud, Long, Explosive, Star-Studded Guide to Avalanches, Earthquakes, Floods.jpg 46.56Кб
Disaster Movies - A Loud, Long, Explosive, Star-Studded Guide to Avalanches, Earthquakes, Floods.pdf 6.40Мб
Documentary Filmmakers Speak.jpg 37.91Кб
Documentary Filmmakers Speak.pdf 4.71Мб
Filming the Modern Middle East - Politics in the Cinemas of Hollywood and the Arab World.jpg 27.94Кб
Filming the Modern Middle East - Politics in the Cinemas of Hollywood and the Arab World.pdf 666.64Кб
From Moscow to Madrid - European Cities, Postmodern Cinema.jpg 32.24Кб
From Moscow to Madrid - European Cities, Postmodern Cinema.pdf 5.43Мб
Generation Multiplex - The Image of Youth in Contemporary American Cinema.jpg 31.17Кб
Generation Multiplex - The Image of Youth in Contemporary American Cinema.pdf 5.95Мб
Historical Dictionary of Horror Cinema.jpg 32.35Кб
Historical Dictionary of Horror Cinema.pdf 10.35Мб
Hollywood v. Hard Core - How the Struggle Over Censorship Created the Modern Film Industry.jpg 31.66Кб
Hollywood v. Hard Core - How the Struggle Over Censorship Created the Modern Film Industry.pdf 1.45Мб
Hong Kong Film, Hollywood and New Global Cinema - No Film is An Island.jpg 34.94Кб
Hong Kong Film, Hollywood and New Global Cinema - No Film is An Island.pdf 1.26Мб
Palestinian Cinema - Landscape, Trauma, and Memory.jpg 28.40Кб
Palestinian Cinema - Landscape, Trauma, and Memory.pdf 839.38Кб
Picture composition for film and television.jpg 27.55Кб
Picture composition for film and television.pdf 9.08Мб
Pop Fiction - The Song in Cinema.jpg 25.69Кб
Pop Fiction - The Song in Cinema.pdf 3.02Мб
Reconstructing American Historical Cinema - From Cimarron to Citizen Kane.jpg 53.83Кб
Reconstructing American Historical Cinema - From Cimarron to Citizen Kane.pdf 9.39Мб
Spectacular Bodies - Gender, Genre and the Action Cinema.jpg 27.94Кб
Spectacular Bodies - Gender, Genre and the Action Cinema.pdf 1.32Мб
Tamil Cinema - The Cultural Politics of India's other Film Industry.jpg 22.62Кб
Tamil Cinema - The Cultural Politics of India's other Film Industry.pdf 1.98Мб
Violent Affect - Literature, Cinema, and Critique after Representation.jpg 29.06Кб
Violent Affect - Literature, Cinema, and Critique after Representation.pdf 5.03Мб
Visionary Film - The American Avant-Garde, 1943-2000.jpg 28.05Кб
Visionary Film - The American Avant-Garde, 1943-2000.pdf 6.66Мб
Writing, Directing, and Producing Documentary Films and Digital Videos.jpg 26.65Кб
Writing, Directing, and Producing Documentary Films and Digital Videos.pdf 6.64Мб
Youth Culture in Global Cinema.jpg 33.04Кб
Youth Culture in Global Cinema.pdf 8.39Мб
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