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Название [FreeCourseLab.com] Udemy - Apache Kafka Series - Learn Apache Kafka for Beginners v2
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[FreeCourseLab.com].url 126б
1.1 Code Part II on GitHub.html 114б
1.1 Kafka Connectors.html 105б
1.1 Stephane GitHub.html 91б
1.1 Topic Configurations (scroll down).html 114б
1.2 code.zip.zip 10.53Кб
1.2 Stephane Twitter.html 95б
1.3 Stephane LinkedIn.html 103б
1.4 Stephane Medium.html 96б
1. Advanced Kafka.html 308б
1. Annex 1 - Overview.mp4 11.40Мб
1. Annex 1 - Overview.vtt 993б
1. Changing a Topic Configuration.mp4 25.32Мб
1. Changing a Topic Configuration.vtt 8.09Кб
1. Choosing Partition Count & Replication Factor.mp4 39.66Мб
1. Choosing Partition Count & Replication Factor.vtt 17.06Кб
1. CLI Introduction.mp4 7.84Мб
1. CLI Introduction.vtt 650б
1. Code Download.html 882б
1. Consumer and Advanced Configuration Overview.mp4 9.17Мб
1. Consumer and Advanced Configuration Overview.vtt 754б
1. Important Starting Kafka.mp4 7.90Мб
1. Important Starting Kafka.vtt 678б
1. Intro to Kafka Programming.mp4 8.63Мб
1. Intro to Kafka Programming.vtt 790б
1. Kafka Cluster Setup High Level Architecture Overview.mp4 11.36Мб
1. Kafka Cluster Setup High Level Architecture Overview.vtt 5.58Кб
1. Kafka Connect Introduction.mp4 20.44Мб
1. Kafka Connect Introduction.vtt 9.31Кб
1. Kafka Fundamentals.html 584б
1. Kafka in the Real World.mp4 16.07Мб
1. Kafka in the Real World.vtt 1.46Кб
1. Kafka Theory Overview.mp4 9.85Мб
1. Kafka Theory Overview.vtt 857б
1. Producer and Advanced Configurations Overview.mp4 9.58Мб
1. Producer and Advanced Configurations Overview.vtt 924б
1. Real World Project Overview.mp4 1.98Мб
1. Real World Project Overview.vtt 1.47Кб
1. Welcome!.mp4 14.53Мб
1. Welcome!.vtt 2.36Кб
1. What's Next.mp4 7.99Мб
1. What's Next.vtt 3.02Кб
1. What are annexes.mp4 11.40Мб
1. What are annexes.vtt 1.03Кб
10.1 Producer Compression Benchmark.html 112б
10. Consumer Part 4 - Manual Commit of Offsets.mp4 52.70Мб
10. Consumer Part 4 - Manual Commit of Offsets.vtt 7.99Кб
10. Java Consumer Seek and Assign.mp4 49.58Мб
10. Java Consumer Seek and Assign.vtt 5.99Кб
10. Kafka Guarantees.mp4 5.18Мб
10. Kafka Guarantees.vtt 2.43Кб
10. Producer Compression.mp4 19.24Мб
10. Producer Compression.vtt 8.72Кб
10. What about UIs.html 604б
10. Windows - Download Kafka and PATH Setup.mp4 78.87Мб
10. Windows - Download Kafka and PATH Setup.vtt 14.28Кб
11.1 Blog on Kafka Clients Compatibility.html 138б
11. Client Bi-Directional Compatibility.mp4 5.97Мб
11. Client Bi-Directional Compatibility.vtt 2.37Кб
11. Consumer Part 5 - Performance Improvement using Batching.mp4 63.42Мб
11. Consumer Part 5 - Performance Improvement using Batching.vtt 8.94Кб
11. Kafka Tools UI.mp4 20.02Мб
11. Kafka Tools UI.vtt 7.90Кб
11. Producer Batching.mp4 18.95Мб
11. Producer Batching.vtt 8.34Кб
11. Theory Roundup.mp4 8.87Мб
11. Theory Roundup.vtt 4.21Кб
11. Windows - Start Zookeeper & Kafka.mp4 54.52Мб
11. Windows - Start Zookeeper & Kafka.vtt 9.04Кб
12. Configuring Producers and Consumers.html 638б
12. Consumer Offsets Reset Behaviour.mp4 9.27Мб
12. Consumer Offsets Reset Behaviour.vtt 4.50Кб
12. KafkaCat as a replacement for Kafka CLI.html 625б
12. Producer Part 4 - High Throughput Producer.mp4 37.43Мб
12. Producer Part 4 - High Throughput Producer.vtt 6.13Кб
12. Quiz on Theory.html 119б
12. Windows - Summary.html 1.44Кб
13. Consumer Part 6 - Replaying Data.mp4 22.58Мб
13. Consumer Part 6 - Replaying Data.vtt 3.40Кб
13. Producer Default Partitions and Key Hashing.mp4 10.97Мб
13. Producer Default Partitions and Key Hashing.vtt 4.40Кб
13. Quiz on CLI.html 119б
13. Quiz on Java Programming 101.html 119б
14. [Advanced] max.block.ms and buffer.memory.mp4 10.11Мб
14. [Advanced] max.block.ms and buffer.memory.vtt 4.71Кб
14. Consumer Internal Threads.mp4 12.66Мб
14. Consumer Internal Threads.vtt 6.33Кб
15. Quiz on Consumer Configurations.html 119б
15. Quiz on Producer Configurations.html 119б
16. Refactoring the Project.mp4 28.36Мб
16. Refactoring the Project.vtt 5.57Кб
2.1 DataDog Blog Kafka Monitoring.html 129б
2.2 Confluent Documentation.html 116б
2.3 Kafka Monitoring and Operations.html 111б
2. Apache Kafka in 5 minutes.mp4 23.33Мб
2. Apache Kafka in 5 minutes.vtt 9.98Кб
2. Bonus Lecture Student Special Coupons for my Other courses.html 6.91Кб
2. FAQ for Setup Problems.html 1.45Кб
2. Installing Java 8 & IntelliJ Community Edition.html 768б
2. Kafka Connect Twitter Hands-On.mp4 66.26Мб
2. Kafka Connect Twitter Hands-On.vtt 14.60Кб
2. Kafka Monitoring & Operations.mp4 12.49Мб
2. Kafka Monitoring & Operations.vtt 7.00Кб
2. Kafka Topics Naming Convention.html 501б
2. Real World Exercise.html 1.46Кб
2. Segment and Indexes.mp4 26.45Мб
2. Segment and Indexes.vtt 10.09Кб
2. Setting up ElasticSearch in the Cloud.mp4 18.75Мб
2. Setting up ElasticSearch in the Cloud.vtt 6.38Кб
2. Starting Kafka with the Confluent CLI.mp4 21.32Мб
2. Starting Kafka with the Confluent CLI.vtt 6.86Кб
2. Topics, Partitions and Offsets.mp4 31.61Мб
2. Topics, Partitions and Offsets.vtt 13.33Кб
2. Twitter Setup.mp4 34.58Мб
2. Twitter Setup.vtt 8.27Кб
3. Brokers and Topics.mp4 11.54Мб
3. Brokers and Topics.vtt 6.47Кб
3. Case Study - MovieFlix.mp4 19.81Мб
3. Case Study - MovieFlix.vtt 10.08Кб
3. Course Objectives.mp4 7.13Мб
3. Course Objectives.vtt 4.05Кб
3. Creating Kafka Project.mp4 49.08Мб
3. Creating Kafka Project.vtt 10.14Кб
3. ElasticSearch 101.mp4 29.29Мб
3. ElasticSearch 101.vtt 11.14Кб
3. Kafka Security.mp4 20.09Мб
3. Kafka Security.vtt 10.41Кб
3. Kafka Streams Introduction.mp4 14.02Мб
3. Kafka Streams Introduction.vtt 6.26Кб
3. Kafka Topics CLI.mp4 56.73Мб
3. Kafka Topics CLI.vtt 13.11Кб
3. Log Cleanup Policies.mp4 11.27Мб
3. Log Cleanup Policies.vtt 4.58Кб
3. Mac OS X - Download and Setup Kafka in PATH.mp4 24.06Мб
3. Mac OS X - Download and Setup Kafka in PATH.vtt 8.01Кб
3. Producer Part 1 - Writing Twitter Client.mp4 100.24Мб
3. Producer Part 1 - Writing Twitter Client.vtt 16.21Кб
3. Starting a multi broker Kafka Cluster using Binaries.mp4 47.50Мб
3. Starting a multi broker Kafka Cluster using Binaries.vtt 4.82Кб
4.1 Kafka Mirror Maker Best Practices.html 148б
4.2 Kafka Mirror Maker.html 134б
4.3 Netflix talk on Kafka Replication.html 170б
4.4 Blog on Multi DC Pros and Cons.html 154б
4.5 MirrorMaker Performance Tuning.html 139б
4.6 Uber UReplicator.html 94б
4.7 Confluent Replicator.html 174б
4.8 Open Source Kafka Connect Replicator.html 116б
4. Case Study - GetTaxi.mp4 17.06Мб
4. Case Study - GetTaxi.vtt 8.41Кб
4. Consumer Part 1 - Setup Project.mp4 71.38Мб
4. Consumer Part 1 - Setup Project.vtt 14.07Кб
4. Important Message.mp4 1.41Мб
4. Important Message.vtt 990б
4. Java Producer.mp4 89.84Мб
4. Java Producer.vtt 17.98Кб
4. Kafka Console Producer CLI.mp4 39.30Мб
4. Kafka Console Producer CLI.vtt 13.34Кб
4. Kafka Multi Cluster & MirrorMaker.mp4 31.22Мб
4. Kafka Multi Cluster & MirrorMaker.vtt 13.58Кб
4. Kafka Streams Hands-On.mp4 111.52Мб
4. Kafka Streams Hands-On.vtt 18.48Кб
4. Log Cleanup Delete.mp4 9.49Мб
4. Log Cleanup Delete.vtt 3.91Кб
4. Mac OS X - Using brew.mp4 6.61Мб
4. Mac OS X - Using brew.vtt 2.53Кб
4. Note on Docker Setup.html 1.18Кб
4. Producer Part 2 - Writing the Kafka Producer.mp4 75.89Мб
4. Producer Part 2 - Writing the Kafka Producer.vtt 12.31Кб
4. Topic Replication.mp4 18.57Мб
4. Topic Replication.vtt 7.76Кб
5. Case Study - MySocialMedia.mp4 23.83Мб
5. Case Study - MySocialMedia.vtt 10.77Кб
5. Consumer Part 2 - Write the Consumer & Send to ElasticSearch.mp4 70.05Мб
5. Consumer Part 2 - Write the Consumer & Send to ElasticSearch.vtt 11.15Кб
5. Java Producer Callbacks.mp4 70.68Мб
5. Java Producer Callbacks.vtt 10.18Кб
5. Kafka Console Consumer CLI.mp4 16.29Мб
5. Kafka Console Consumer CLI.vtt 6.13Кб
5. Kafka Schema Registry Introduction.mp4 19.50Мб
5. Kafka Schema Registry Introduction.vtt 9.59Кб
5. Log Compaction Theory.mp4 26.66Мб
5. Log Compaction Theory.vtt 11.25Кб
5. Mac OS X - Start Zookeeper and Kafka.mp4 40.40Мб
5. Mac OS X - Start Zookeeper and Kafka.vtt 40.41Мб
5. Producer Configurations Introduction.mp4 9.27Мб
5. Producer Configurations Introduction.vtt 1.65Кб
5. Producers and Message Keys.mp4 26.86Мб
5. Producers and Message Keys.vtt 10.71Кб
5. Start Kafka Development environment using Docker.mp4 29.03Мб
5. Start Kafka Development environment using Docker.vtt 7.84Кб
6. acks & min.insync.replicas.mp4 30.54Мб
6. acks & min.insync.replicas.vtt 12.18Кб
6. Case Study - MyBank.mp4 15.30Мб
6. Case Study - MyBank.vtt 7.18Кб
6. Consumers & Consumer Groups.mp4 20.12Мб
6. Consumers & Consumer Groups.vtt 9.42Кб
6. Delivery Semantics for Consumers.mp4 23.91Мб
6. Delivery Semantics for Consumers.vtt 8.91Кб
6. Java Producer with Keys.mp4 61.64Мб
6. Java Producer with Keys.vtt 10.51Кб
6. Kafka Consumers in Group.mp4 31.39Мб
6. Kafka Consumers in Group.vtt 14.94Мб
6. Log Compaction Practice.mp4 53.21Мб
6. Log Compaction Practice.vtt 12.25Кб
6. Mac OS X - Summary.html 1.18Кб
6. Starting a multi broker Kafka Cluster using Docker.mp4 19.11Мб
6. Starting a multi broker Kafka Cluster using Docker.vtt 4.82Кб
6. Which Kafka API should I use.html 595б
7. Case Study - Big Data Ingestion.mp4 8.25Мб
7. Case Study - Big Data Ingestion.vtt 3.28Кб
7. Consumer Offsets & Delivery Semantics.mp4 23.32Мб
7. Consumer Offsets & Delivery Semantics.vtt 8.87Кб
7. Consumer Part 3 - Idempotence.mp4 91.40Мб
7. Consumer Part 3 - Idempotence.vtt 12.34Кб
7. Java Consumer.mp4 120.33Мб
7. Java Consumer.vtt 18.23Кб
7. Kafka Advertised Host Setting.mp4 16.41Мб
7. Kafka Advertised Host Setting.vtt 7.34Кб
7. Kafka Consumer Groups CLI.mp4 23.88Мб
7. Kafka Consumer Groups CLI.vtt 7.69Кб
7. Linux - Download and Setup Kafka in PATH.mp4 47.70Мб
7. Linux - Download and Setup Kafka in PATH.vtt 7.79Кб
7. min.insync.replicas reminder.mp4 12.39Мб
7. min.insync.replicas reminder.vtt 5.28Кб
7. Quiz on Kafka Extended APIs.html 119б
7. retries & max.in.flight.requests.per.connection.mp4 9.89Мб
7. retries & max.in.flight.requests.per.connection.vtt 3.86Кб
8. Case Study - Logging and Metrics Aggregation.mp4 7.53Мб
8. Case Study - Logging and Metrics Aggregation.vtt 3.72Кб
8. Consumer Poll Behaviour.mp4 24.03Мб
8. Consumer Poll Behaviour.vtt 11.46Кб
8. Idempotent Producer.mp4 15.61Мб
8. Idempotent Producer.vtt 6.94Кб
8. Java Consumer inside Consumer Group.mp4 75.20Мб
8. Java Consumer inside Consumer Group.vtt 11.20Кб
8. Kafka Broker Discovery.mp4 12.18Мб
8. Kafka Broker Discovery.vtt 4.80Кб
8. Linux - Start Zookeeper and Kafka.mp4 39.22Мб
8. Linux - Start Zookeeper and Kafka.vtt 8.13Кб
8. Resetting Offsets.mp4 29.54Мб
8. Resetting Offsets.vtt 7.17Кб
8. Starting Kafka on a Remote Machine.mp4 39.59Мб
8. Starting Kafka on a Remote Machine.vtt 9.25Кб
8. Unclean Leader Election.mp4 5.61Мб
8. Unclean Leader Election.vtt 2.61Кб
9. CLI Options that are good to know.html 611б
9. Consumer Offset Commit Strategies.mp4 12.07Мб
9. Consumer Offset Commit Strategies.vtt 5.55Кб
9. Java Consumer with Threads.mp4 106.24Мб
9. Java Consumer with Threads.vtt 18.02Кб
9. Linux - Summary.html 1.29Кб
9. Producer Part 3 - Safe Producer.mp4 42.26Мб
9. Producer Part 3 - Safe Producer.vtt 7.82Кб
9. Zookeeper.mp4 11.23Мб
9. Zookeeper.vtt 5.23Кб
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