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Название Udemy - The Unreal Engine Developer Course - Learn C++ & Make Games
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001 - Promo Video.mp4 59.72Мб
002 - Welcome to the Course.mp4 28.13Мб
003 - A Note On Unreal Versions.mp4 21.78Мб
004 - Setup Visual Studio or XCode.mp4 13.48Мб
005 - Unreal Development Environment.mp4 16.79Мб
006 - Intro to Visual Studio 2015 on PC.mp4 15.29Мб
007 - Intro to Xcode on MacOS.mp4 12.71Мб
008 - How to Ask Good Questions.mp4 43.69Мб
009 - A Quick Tour of Unreal Editor.mp4 32.87Мб
010 - Section 1 Wrap-Up.mp4 21.86Мб
011 - Instructor Hangout.mp4 88.36Мб
012 - Intro, Notes & Section 2 Assets.mp4 31.03Мб
013 - Bull Cow Game Overview.mp4 18.17Мб
014 - S02 Game Design Document (GDD).mp4 25.29Мб
015 - How Solutions & Projects Relate.mp4 32.06Мб
016 - C++ Function Syntax.mp4 24.02Мб
017 - Using, #include and Namespaces.mp4 29.06Мб
018 - Magic Numbers and Constants.mp4 22.02Мб
019 - Variables and cin for Input.mp4 31.98Мб
020 - Using getline().mp4 24.59Мб
021 - Simplifying With Functions.mp4 41.02Мб
022 - Iterating With For & While Loops.mp4 25.25Мб
023 - Clarity is Worth Fighting For.mp4 29.43Мб
024 - Booleans and comparisons.mp4 34.04Мб
025 - Using do and while in C++.mp4 22.91Мб
026 - Introducing Classes.mp4 37.86Мб
027 - Using Header Files as Contracts.mp4 32.94Мб
028 - Including Our Own Header File.mp4 36.72Мб
029 - Instantiating Your Class.mp4 22.84Мб
030 - Writing & Using Getter Methods.mp4 32.23Мб
031 - Introducing the Const Keyword.mp4 20.61Мб
032 - Constructors For Initialisation.mp4 27.92Мб
033 - Pseudocode Programming.mp4 85.59Мб
034 - Using using for Type Aliases.mp4 36.83Мб
035 - Using struct for Simple Types.mp4 32.42Мб
036 - Using if Statements in C++.mp4 41.21Мб
037 - Debugging 101.mp4 31.46Мб
038 - A Place for Everything.mp4 26.29Мб
039 - Introducing enumerations.mp4 35.03Мб
040 - Writing Error Checking Code.mp4 31.99Мб
041 - Using switch Statements.mp4 46.66Мб
042 - Warm Fuzzy Feelings.mp4 25.76Мб
043 - Handling Game Win Condition.mp4 28.46Мб
044 - Win or Lose Screen.mp4 66.13Мб
045 - Introducing Big O Notation.mp4 62.14Мб
046 - TMap and map Data Structures.mp4 46.33Мб
047 - Range-based for Loop.mp4 27.14Мб
048 - Design a Helper Function.mp4 29.80Мб
049 - Playtesting Your Game.mp4 27.29Мб
050 - Difficulty & Play Tuning.mp4 34.97Мб
051 - Polishing & Packaging.mp4 34.13Мб
052 - Section 2 Wrap-Up.mp4 14.30Мб
053 - Intro, Notes & Section 3 Assets.mp4 9.95Мб
054 - S03 Game Design Document (GDD) .mp4 15.03Мб
055 - Building Escape Overview.mp4 28.96Мб
056 - Version Control 101.mp4 23.25Мб
057 - Ignoring Unreal Derived Files.mp4 28.88Мб
058 - Your First .gitignore for Unreal.mp4 27.86Мб
059 - Getting to Know Unreal’s Editor.mp4 71.25Мб
060 - A Pointers Primer.mp4 46.11Мб
061 - Unreal’s Class System.mp4 51.12Мб
062 - Runtime Messages for Feedback.mp4 45.84Мб
063 - Accessing Object Names.mp4 55.43Мб
064 - Include What You Use For 4.17+.mp4 65.90Мб
065 - Getting Transforms in C++.mp4 43.92Мб
066 - Moving Objects With C++.mp4 71.24Мб
067 - Laying Out Geometry.mp4 477.63Мб
068 - Applying Materials.mp4 95.04Мб
069 - Macros Starting with UPROPERTY.mp4 41.97Мб
070 - Using Trigger Volumes.mp4 78.32Мб
071 - Unreal’s PlayerController.mp4 84.76Мб
072 - Using Collision Volumes.mp4 93.11Мб
073 - Using GetTimeSeconds().mp4 103.38Мб
074 - Grabbing System Overview.mp4 46.66Мб
075 - Modifying the Default Pawn Actor.mp4 61.98Мб
076 - Inherit Game Mode Blueprint.mp4 52.62Мб
077 - Getting Player Viewpoint.mp4 82.28Мб
078 - Using DrawDebugLine.mp4 89.10Мб
079 - Line Tracing AKA Ray-Casting.mp4 84.28Мб
080 - LineTraceSingleByObjectType().mp4 74.25Мб
081 - REFERENCES & POINTERS.mp4 42.76Мб
082 - Resetting Your Unreal Project.mp4 50.86Мб
083 - Using FindComponentByClass().mp4 60.01Мб
084 - Introducing Input Binding.mp4 72.95Мб
085 - Accessors & Memory Layout.mp4 66.19Мб
086 - Reducing Code in Hot Loops.mp4 82.62Мб
087 - Using Physics Handles.mp4 93.82Мб
088 - Refactoring Rules.mp4 80.37Мб
089 - Introducing Unreal’s TArray.mp4 85.19Мб
090 - Iterating over TArray with for.mp4 69.89Мб
091 - Debugging Game Issues.mp4 77.56Мб
092 - Managing Texture Tiling.mp4 92.87Мб
093 - Pointer Protection Process.mp4 86.06Мб
094 - Exposing Events to Blueprint.mp4 85.42Мб
095 - Using Blueprint Timeline.mp4 71.38Мб
096 - Everything in its Place.mp4 85.26Мб
097 - Using Variables in Blueprint.mp4 83.61Мб
098 - SFX & Audio Clips.mp4 61.24Мб
099 - Section 3 Wrap-Up.mp4 29.25Мб
100 - Intro, Notes & Section 4 Assets.mp4 15.94Мб
101 - Battle Tank Overview.mp4 24.73Мб
102 - S04 Game Design Document (GDD).mp4 52.92Мб
103 - Setting Up a GitHub Repo.mp4 46.51Мб
104 - Creating & Deleting Landscapes.mp4 83.73Мб
105 - Landscape Setup & Scaling.mp4 144.13Мб
106 - A Landscaping Process.mp4 96.60Мб
107 - Upgrading Engine Version.mp4 39.40Мб
108 - Using Landscape Layers.mp4 97.85Мб
109 - Flat Shading Low Poly Landscapes.mp4 417.81Мб
110 - More Landscaping Tools.mp4 114.66Мб
111 - Tank Control System.mp4 59.55Мб
112 - Actors from Multiple Meshes.mp4 87.82Мб
113 - Configuring a Tank.mp4 317.91Мб
114 - 3rd Person Camera Control.mp4 97.61Мб
115 - Fixing 3rd Person Camera Rotation.mp4 65.22Мб
116 - User Interface (UI) in Unreal.mp4 68.90Мб
117 - Main Menu Screens.mp4 53.95Мб
118 - UI Scale Box, Buttons & Mouse.mp4 106.47Мб
119 - Controller Ready Navigation.mp4 62.22Мб
120 - Trial Packaging Your Game.mp4 78.37Мб
121 - Delegating to Components.mp4 70.15Мб
122 - Using virtual and override.mp4 97.66Мб
123 - Overloading and Polymorphism.mp4 43.34Мб
124 - Virtual Functions and Vtables.mp4 41.27Мб
125 - Creating an AI Controller Class.mp4 90.44Мб
126 - Get the Player Controller with C++.mp4 65.29Мб
127 - Add Tick() to PlayerController.mp4 67.36Мб
128 - Creating an Out Parameter Method.mp4 71.60Мб
129 - Finding Screen Pixel Coordinates.mp4 97.00Мб
130 - Using DeprojectScreenToWorld.mp4 85.07Мб
131 - Using LineTraceSingleByChannel().mp4 105.19Мб
132 - Unify Player & AI Aiming.mp4 70.09Мб
133 - Create Default Sub Objects in C++.mp4 71.59Мб
134 - BlueprintCallable().mp4 79.64Мб
135 - SuggestProjectileVelocity().mp4 79.16Мб
136 - Predict Projectile Landing Point.mp4 75.91Мб
137 - Using FRotators in Unreal.mp4 63.20Мб
138 - The C++ Compilation Process.mp4 53.45Мб
139 - Using Forward Declarations.mp4 52.50Мб
140 - BlueprintSpawnableComponent().mp4 61.80Мб
141 - Review Our Execution Flow.mp4 97.58Мб
142 - How to Report Bugs.mp4 379.05Мб
143 - Using Clamp() to Limit Values.mp4 424.04Мб
144 - CHALLENGE - Turret Rotation.mp4 71.92Мб
145 - CHALLENGE - Turret Rotation Pt.2.mp4 83.76Мб
146 - Setting Up Projectiles.mp4 59.75Мб
147 - Upgrading to Unreal 4.12.mp4 75.18Мб
148 - A Note About The Movement Bu.txt 401б
149 - Working Round Awkward Bugs.mp4 105.83Мб
150 - Using SpawnActor() to Spawn.mp4 74.72Мб
151 - Projectile Movement Components.mp4 69.08Мб
152 - Making AI Tanks Fire.mp4 33.29Мб
153 - EditAnywhere vs EditDefaultsOnly.mp4 63.68Мб
154 - Adding a Quit Button.mp4 371.78Мб
155 - Setup Track Throttles.mp4 76.30Мб
156 - ApplyForceAtLocation() in Action.mp4 75.73Мб
157 - Physics Materials & Friction.mp4 117.86Мб
158 - Fly-by-Wire Control System.mp4 68.71Мб
159 - Using BlueprintReadOnly.mp4 68.25Мб
160 - A Better Component Architecture.mp4 93.25Мб
161 - Completing Manual Tank Movement.mp4 82.64Мб
162 - Introducing AI Pathfinding.mp4 112.87Мб
163 - Dissecting RequestDirectMove().mp4 80.61Мб
164 - DotProduct() Vector Operator.mp4 110.77Мб
165 - CrossProduct() Vector Operator.mp4 141.89Мб
166 - Finalising Your Class Code.mp4 89.89Мб
167 - How to Use Blueprint Variables.mp4 95.41Мб
168 - Using Enum(erations) in UE4.mp4 92.68Мб
169 - Refactoring our Aiming Component.mp4 89.16Мб
170 - Attaching a Debugger to Unreal.mp4 53.11Мб
171 - Constructor & Begin Play Timing.mp4 85.28Мб
172 - Decoupling Your Architecture.mp4 62.87Мб
173 - BlueprintImplementableEvent.mp4 72.84Мб
174 - Using the ensure Assertion.mp4 68.72Мб
175 - Dependency Mapping.mp4 79.33Мб
176 - Talking Head - Real World Skills.mp4 28.76Мб
177 - Starting From Green.mp4 91.89Мб
178 - Aiming Without the Tank.mp4 91.04Мб
179 - Finishing our Refactoring.mp4 116.28Мб
180 - Adding TickComponent() Back.mp4 98.64Мб
181 - Are Two Floats Equal.mp4 89.26Мб
182 - Programmatic Sideways Friction.mp4 84.60Мб
183 - OnComponentHit Event in 4.12.mp4 64.86Мб
184 - Avoiding Boolean Flags.mp4 118.96Мб
185 - Improving Tank Aiming.mp4 102.74Мб
186 - Tweaking Tank AI.mp4 134.06Мб
187 - Making an Ammo Display.mp4 123.50Мб
188 - Making an AutoMortar.mp4 112.02Мб
189 - Using the Reference Viewer.mp4 87.04Мб
190 - Preparing for Particles.mp4 86.81Мб
191 - Introducing Particle Systems.mp4 131.67Мб
192 - Particle Bounding Boxes.mp4 71.89Мб
193 - Using FAttachmentTransformRules.mp4 519.22Мб
194 - Radial Forces & Caching.mp4 121.90Мб
195 - Using GetTimerManager().mp4 94.74Мб
196 - Using TakeDamage() on Actors.mp4 100.65Мб
197 - BlueprintPure & Health Bars.mp4 93.19Мб
198 - The Observer Pattern.mp4 105.26Мб
199 - Finishing Off - Part 1.mp4 127.61Мб
200 - Finishing Off - Part 2.mp4 494.11Мб
201 - Section 4 Wrap-Up.mp4 36.81Мб
202 - Bonus - Switching Cameras.mp4 50.68Мб
203 - Testing Grounds Introduction.mp4 86.34Мб
204 - Testing Grounds GDD.mp4 14.45Мб
205 - Using Git LFS (Large File Support).mp4 304.25Мб
206 - Marketing & Markdown.mp4 431.70Мб
207 - Use git clean to Revert Project.mp4 238.20Мб
208 - First Person Character Overview.mp4 214.78Мб
209 - The Third Person Character.mp4 289.52Мб
210 - Introducing AI Behaviour Trees.mp4 290.32Мб
211 - Introducing AI Blackboard Data.mp4 321.89Мб
212 - Target Points and Patrol Routes.mp4 278.54Мб
213 - Using Any Actor for Waypoints.mp4 368.85Мб
214 - Options for Grouping Actors.mp4 261.17Мб
215 - Blueprint Behaviour Tree Tasks.mp4 76.72Мб
216 - Modular Arithmetic & Cycles.mp4 457.48Мб
217 - Performance Profiling 101.mp4 37.24Мб
218 - C++ AI Behaviour Tree Tasks.mp4 355.80Мб
219 - Reading Blackboard Data in C++.mp4 231.03Мб
220 - The Consequences of Inheritance.mp4 250.28Мб
221 - Converting Blueprint to C++.mp4 331.24Мб
222 - Composition over Inheritance.mp4 382.29Мб
223 - Talking Head What We've Covered So Far.mp4 30.92Мб
224 - How to Delete a C++ Class.mp4 37.84Мб
225 - Instanced Materials.mp4 383.92Мб
226 - Introducing AI Perception.mp4 369.84Мб
227 - OnTargetPerceptionUpdated Event.mp4 320.96Мб
228 - AI Hearing Perception in Unreal.mp4 278.63Мб
229 - The Animation Starter Pack.mp4 436.97Мб
230 - Changing a Character’s Animation.mp4 397.66Мб
231 - Customising a Character Blueprint.mp4 53.65Мб
232 - Sub Behaviour Trees.mp4 316.03Мб
233 - Talking Head - Introducing Sam.mp4 14.82Мб
234 - Talking Head - Refactoring Superpowers.mp4 33.44Мб
235 - Simplifying Our Project.mp4 86.87Мб
236 - Renaming & Moving CPP.mp4 53.61Мб
237 - Solution Renaming & Moving CPP.mp4 43.91Мб
238 - Holding a Gun with Skeletal Sockets.mp4 80.37Мб
239 - Understanding Animation Blueprints.mp4 46.85Мб
240 - Creating Animation State Machines.mp4 58.32Мб
241 - Movement Blend Spaces.mp4 82.94Мб
242 - Offset Animations.mp4 83.11Мб
243 - Aiming Blend Spaces Offsets.mp4 40.36Мб
244 - Rotating with SetFocalPoint().mp4 26.77Мб
245 - Character Movement vs Rotation.mp4 94.08Мб
246 - Control Rotation for Aim.mp4 86.54Мб
247 - Behaviour Tree Decorators.mp4 56.77Мб
248 - Behaviour Tree Services.mp4 79.59Мб
249 - Tweaking AI Behaviour.mp4 28.90Мб
250 - Debugging AI Behaviour.mp4 87.12Мб
251 - Refactoring to a Gun Actor.mp4 80.51Мб
252 - Attaching Actors to Components.mp4 78.18Мб
253 - Configuring the Gun.mp4 60.94Мб
254 - Moving Files from LFS to Git.mp4 60.31Мб
255 - To LFS or Not to LFS.mp4 49.12Мб
256 - Child Actor Components.mp4 221.21Мб
257 - Introduction to Inverse Kinematics.mp4 32.73Мб
258 - Inverse Kinematics with Animations.mp4 49.68Мб
259 - Comparing Blueprints with Diffs.mp4 51.15Мб
260 - Boolean Blending for Aim States.mp4 45.79Мб
261 - Adding Firing Animations.mp4 53.06Мб
262 - Animation Notify Events.mp4 77.52Мб
263 - Taking Damage in Blueprint.mp4 43.01Мб
264 - Death Animations and Refactors.mp4 199.09Мб
265 - Switching 1st and 3rd Person.mp4 62.70Мб
266 - Owner Invisible Meshes.mp4 71.79Мб
267 - Separating Firing from Gun Meshes.mp4 68.85Мб
268 - Aiming Our 1st Person Camera.mp4 29.80Мб
269 - Architecture of Infinite Runners.mp4 50.71Мб
270 - Spawning Terrain in the GameMode.mp4 65.12Мб
271 - Level Gating for Testing Grounds.mp4 50.63Мб
272 - Swapping Materials in Blueprint.mp4 59.21Мб
273 - Garbage Collecting Previous Tiles.mp4 61.52Мб
274 - Merging Our TP and FP Files.mp4 67.79Мб
275 - Hit vs Overlap Events.mp4 47.28Мб
276 - Dynamically Calculating NavMesh.mp4 233.56Мб
277 - Keep It Simple Stupid.mp4 51.22Мб
278 - Parallel Behaviour Tree Tasks.mp4 187.92Мб
279 - Custom BT Tasks and Decorators.mp4 68.46Мб
280 - External Build Data in 4.14+.mp4 37.96Мб
281 - Physical Gun Architecture.mp4 69.27Мб
282 - Converting a Character BP to C++.mp4 64.99Мб
283 - Who’s Pulled the Trigger.mp4 60.37Мб
284 - Cooldown Nodes & Gameplay Tags.mp4 69.97Мб
285 - Animation Montages and Slots.mp4 62.98Мб
286 - Reattaching the Gun.mp4 79.30Мб
287 - Procedural Level Generation.mp4 91.44Мб
288 - Generating Random Numbers.mp4 41.30Мб
289 - Spawning Actors in the Tile.mp4 82.85Мб
290 - Sphere Casting in C++.mp4 57.84Мб
291 - Configure Custom Trace Channels.mp4 58.20Мб
292 - Spawning into Free Space.mp4 73.05Мб
293 - Randomising Rotation & Scale.mp4 192.19Мб
294 - Flyweight Pattern for Foliage.mp4 116.15Мб
295 - Choosing Waypoint with EQS.mp4 95.53Мб
296 - Find Actors of Type from C++.mp4 74.29Мб
297 - Plumbing an Actor Pool Setup.mp4 66.99Мб
298 - Using the Pool API.mp4 78.81Мб
299 - Using TArray for Pools.mp4 46.03Мб
300 - Rebuilding Navigation Meshes.mp4 122.45Мб
301 - Structs to Simplify Function Args.mp4 65.53Мб
302 - Spawning AI from C++.mp4 62.68Мб
303 - Understanding Function Templates.mp4 26.94Мб
304 - Template Specialization.mp4 32.33Мб
305 - Fixing Double Spawning.mp4 71.15Мб
306 - Keeping Score.mp4 61.32Мб
307 - Using the HUD Class.mp4 62.33Мб
308 - Post Processing for Tunnel Vision.mp4 69.77Мб
309 - Recruiting Play Testers.mp4 112.65Мб
310 - Smooth Blending the Camera.mp4 61.93Мб
311 - Possessing and the View Target.mp4 57.72Мб
312 - The Calm Before The Storm.mp4 157.09Мб
313 - Testing Grounds Wrap-up.mp4 34.58Мб
314 - Bonus Lecture - Our Other Courses.mp4 9.93Мб
82-TG-URC-TestingGroundPack.zip 468.49Мб
BT12-TankParts.zip 668.87Кб
BT17-Firing-M1A1-tank-in-Djibouti.jpg 4.39Мб
BT86-mortar-placeholder.zip 102.33Кб
BT98-Student-AutoMortars.zip 413.26Кб
Chris-Folea-MountainRange3.png 13.32Мб
door-lock.wav 98.15Кб
gitignore.zip 250б
UnrealCourse.com-Section-2-Slides-v.9.pdf 834.19Кб
Unreal-IS02-Intro-Notes-Assets.pdf 518.73Кб
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