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Название Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Bootcamp
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1.1 BTC & CC Bootcamp Lecture Slides.pdf.pdf 70.92Мб
1.1 Enigma Machine Online.html 95б
1.1 Exchanges Page On Bitcoin.org.html 93б
1.1 The Bitcoin Whitepaper.html 92б
1. Appendix Can Addresses Collide.mp4 18.50Мб
1. A Simple DApp.mp4 64.92Мб
1. Introductions. Start Here!.mp4 17.33Мб
1. Introduction to Bitcoin.mp4 52.07Мб
1. Introduction to Blocks.mp4 63.46Мб
1. Introduction To Cryptography.mp4 55.51Мб
1. Mining How and Why.mp4 32.27Мб
1. Mining Rewards.mp4 60.87Мб
1. Picking an Exchange.mp4 56.75Мб
1. Private Key Signing Part 1.mp4 23.95Мб
1. Supplement Slides PDF.html 30б
1. Symmetric Key Cryptography Intro.mp4 24.79Мб
1. Wait there are other Cryptocurrencies!.mp4 18.45Мб
10.1 Very Detailed Segwit Article.html 106б
10. Appendix Segwit.mp4 26.31Мб
10. Ethereum Transactions Explained.mp4 30.03Мб
10. Quiz An Overview of Mining.html 142б
10. Review SHA-256 and Hash Functions.html 142б
10. Tokens Visualized.mp4 31.55Мб
10. What are Target and Difficulty.mp4 64.82Мб
11.1 Bitcoin Cash.html 89б
11. Appendix Bitcoin Cash.mp4 57.10Мб
11. Demo HashCash Mini Mining Walkthrough.mp4 30.46Мб
11. Quiz Ethereum Transactions Explained.html 142б
11. Quiz Tokens.html 142б
12.1 More Technical Article On The DAO Hack.html 121б
12.1 The Ether Thief Article.html 117б
12.2 More Technical Article On The DAO Hack.html 121б
12.2 The Ether Thief Article.html 117б
12. Quiz Bitcoin Cash.html 142б
12. Review Mining.html 142б
12. The DAO.mp4 59.35Мб
13.1 Bitcoin Address Validator Demo.html 91б
13. Appendix Base 58 Encoding.mp4 25.54Мб
14. Appendix RSA Note on N and Public Key.mp4 12.08Мб
15. Quiz RSA Note on N and Public Key.html 142б
2.1 Bitcoin.org Exchanges Page.html 93б
2.1 Great Article On Mt. Gox.html 142б
2.1 List Of Orphan Blocks.html 100б
2.1 Wallet App Directory On Bitcoin.org.html 102б
2.2 Bitcoin.org Exchanges Page.html 93б
2.2 Great Article On Mt. Gox.html 142б
2. Acquiring Bitcoin - Three Ways.mp4 57.22Мб
2. Appendix Mnemonic Seeds.mp4 30.33Мб
2. Course Overview IMPORTANT!.mp4 47.20Мб
2. Introducing the Blockchain.mp4 91.12Мб
2. One Way Functions.mp4 20.44Мб
2. Orphan Blocks.mp4 83.32Мб
2. Picking a Wallet App.mp4 45.66Мб
2. Private Key Signing Part 2.mp4 83.94Мб
2. Quiz A Simple DApp.html 142б
2. Quiz Mining How and Why.html 142б
2. Quiz Symmetric Key Cryptography.html 142б
2. Quiz Wait, other Cryptocurrencies!.html 142б
2. Types of Currencies.mp4 81.49Мб
3.1 Cryptokitties.html 90б
3.1 Ethereum Homepage.html 86б
3.1 EtherScan - Ethereum Block Explorer.html 82б
3.1 Interactive Blockchain Demo.html 100б
3.2 Cryptokitties.html 90б
3.2 EtherScan - Ethereum Block Explorer.html 82б
3. Appendix Mnemonic Seeds Demo.mp4 50.79Мб
3. Bitcoin in 3 Minutes.mp4 32.50Мб
3. Exploring the Ethereum Blockchain.mp4 97.77Мб
3. Introducing Ethereum.mp4 81.26Мб
3. Introducing The Nonce.mp4 82.79Мб
3. Quiz Acquiring Bitcoin.html 142б
3. Quiz Digital Signatures.html 142б
3. Quiz Introducing the Blockchain.html 142б
3. Quiz One-Way Functions.html 142б
3. Quiz Types of Currencies.html 142б
3. Tamper Resistance.mp4 80.69Мб
3. The World of Public Key Cryptography.mp4 39.31Мб
4.1 Blockchain.info Blockchain Viewer.html 85б
4.1 Blockchain Demo.html 106б
4.1 Public Key Cryptography Demo.html 122б
4.1 PublicPrivate Keys Demo.html 120б
4.2 Blockchain.info Blockchain Viewer.html 85б
4.2 Blockchain Demo.html 106б
4.2 Public Key Cryptography Demo.html 122б
4.2 PublicPrivate Keys Demo.html 120б
4. A Bitcoin Transaction in Depth.mp4 48.69Мб
4. Bitcoin and Private Key Signing.mp4 81.35Мб
4. Demo Simple Public Key Example.mp4 38.43Мб
4. Demo The Interactive Block Explorer.mp4 72.12Мб
4. Digital Money.mp4 142.10Мб
4. Quiz Introducing Ethereum.html 142б
4. Quiz Mnemonic Seeds.html 142б
4. Quiz Tamper Resistance.html 142б
4. Quiz The Nonce.html 142б
4. The Ethereum Virtual Machine.mp4 27.37Мб
4. Thumbprints A Wedding Cake Mystery.mp4 41.72Мб
5. Appendix Privacy.mp4 36.79Мб
5. Double Spends.mp4 45.41Мб
5. HashCash Overview.mp4 37.03Мб
5. Introduction to Hashing Functions.mp4 36.71Мб
5. Quiz A Bitcoin Transaction in Depth.html 142б
5. Quiz Bitcoin and Private Key Signing.html 142б
5. Quiz Digital Money.html 142б
5. Quiz Public Key Cryptography.html 142б
5. Quiz The Ethereum Virtual Machine.html 142б
5. Smart Contracts.mp4 55.63Мб
6.1 Article On Bitcoin Phishing Scam.html 153б
6. Appendix Safety.mp4 59.47Мб
6. A Real Transaction - Kevin Sends Colt Bitcoin ).mp4 132.15Мб
6. Creating Our Own Digital Currency RainbowCoin.mp4 26.20Мб
6. Properties of SHA-256 and Other Hash Functions.mp4 70.20Мб
6. Quiz Double Spends.html 142б
6. Quiz Hashcash.html 142б
6. Quiz Smart Contracts.html 142б
6. RSA and ECDSA and Some Math!.mp4 23.21Мб
6. Signing and the Block Explorer.mp4 42.30Мб
6. What is Gas.mp4 44.10Мб
7.1 Bitcoin Average Historical Fee Chart.html 126б
7. A Demo of SHA-256 and Moby Dick.mp4 47.47Мб
7. Appendix Public Key Vs. Address.mp4 36.04Мб
7. A Simple Election Contract.mp4 22.89Мб
7. Block Size and Fees.mp4 63.93Мб
7. Demo HashCash Illustrated.mp4 32.55Мб
7. Problems with RainbowCoin.mp4 20.33Мб
7. Quiz Math Basics for RSA.html 142б
7. Quiz What is Gas.html 142б
7. Transactions Ins and Outs.mp4 57.93Мб
7. What Happened After We Hit Send.mp4 39.92Мб
8.1 B-Money Proposal.html 93б
8.1 B-Money Wiki.html 95б
8.1 Ethereum and Bitcoin Transaction Fees Compared.html 126б
8.1 MetaMask Chrome Extension.html 81б
8.1 Original Bit Gold Blog Post.html 115б
8.1 Ubuntu.html 84б
8.2 B-Money Proposal.html 93б
8.2 B-Money Wiki.html 95б
8.2 Original Bit Gold Blog Post.html 115б
8.3 B-Money Proposal.html 93б
8.3 B-Money Wiki.html 95б
8.3 Original Bit Gold Blog Post.html 115б
8. An RSA Example.mp4 66.09Мб
8. A Real Ethereum Transaction.mp4 35.17Мб
8. Comparing Bitcoin and Ethereum.mp4 91.08Мб
8. DEMO Verifying a Download With SHA-256.mp4 39.79Мб
8. Earlier Attempts at Cryptocurrencies.mp4 37.60Мб
8. Quiz Appendix Public Key Vs. Address.html 142б
8. Quiz Hashcash Targets.html 142б
8. Quiz Transactions Ins and Outs.html 142б
8. Quiz What Happened After We Hit Send.html 142б
9.1 BitNodes.html 87б
9.1 ERC20 Standard Wikl.html 118б
9.1 Golem.html 83б
9.1 Interactive Blockchain Demo.html 106б
9.1 More On The 51% Attack.html 111б
9.1 Token Tracker.html 88б
9.2 ERC20 Standard Wikl.html 118б
9.2 Golem.html 83б
9.2 Token Tracker.html 88б
9.3 ERC20 Standard Wikl.html 118б
9.3 Golem.html 83б
9.3 Token Tracker.html 88б
9. An Overview of Mining.mp4 71.21Мб
9. Appendix 51% Attack.mp4 61.92Мб
9. Demo Proof Of Work Interactive.mp4 18.17Мб
9. Ethereum Tokens.mp4 72.70Мб
9. Hashing Passwords Demonstration.mp4 45.54Мб
9. Quiz Comparing Bitcoin and Ethereum.html 142б
9. Review RSA and Public Key Cryptocraphy.html 142б
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