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Название Terraform MasterClass Basic to Advance 2022
Тип Приложение для PC
Размер 6.67Гб

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[TGx]Downloaded from torrentgalaxy.to .txt 585б
0 24б
10 833.16Кб
100 - Use the Terraform CLI.mp4 44.83Мб
100 - Use-the-Terraform-CLI.pdf 237.06Кб
100 - Use the Terraform CLI English.srt 14.13Кб
101 - Interact with Terraform modules.mp4 27.68Мб
101 - Interact-with-Terraform-modules.pdf 272.85Кб
101 - Interact with Terraform modules English.srt 7.16Кб
102 - Navigate Terraform workflow.mp4 58.77Мб
102 - Navigate-Terraform-workflow.pdf 164.19Кб
102 - Navigate Terraform workflow English.srt 18.24Кб
103 - Implement and Maintain State.mp4 37.53Мб
103 - Implement-and-Maintain-State.pdf 156.29Кб
103 - Implement and Maintain State English.srt 13.01Кб
104 - Read Generate and Modify Configuration.mp4 54.86Мб
104 - Read-generate-and-modify-configuration.pdf 178.08Кб
104 - Read Generate and Modify Configuration English.srt 17.37Кб
105 - Understand Terraform Cloud and Enterprise Capabilities.mp4 56.49Мб
105 - Understand-Terraform-Cloud-and-Enterprise-Capabilities.pdf 177.58Кб
105 - Understand Terraform Cloud and Enterprise Capabilities English.srt 16.74Кб
106 - Practice Questions For Terraform Associate Certification I.html 6.18Кб
107 - Practice Questions For Terraform Associate Certification II.html 22.00Кб
108 - Practice Questions For Terraform Associate Certification III.html 12.57Кб
109 - Practice Questions For Terraform Associate Certification IV.html 9.06Кб
10 - Create Cloud Machine for Terraform Execution.mp4 45.68Мб
10 - Create Cloud Machine for Terraform Execution English.srt 10.71Кб
11 570.26Кб
110 - Practice Questions For Terraform Associate Certification V.html 17.07Кб
11 - 100 Discount Gift on Digital Ocean.html 1.42Кб
111 - Practice Questions For Terraform Associate Certification VI.html 9.13Кб
112 - Congratulations.html 75б
113 - Bonus Lecture What is Next.html 4.01Кб
12 560.10Кб
12 - Terraform Installation & Verification.mp4 35.19Мб
12 - Terraform Installation & Verification English.srt 8.72Кб
13 119.45Кб
13 - Install Terraform on MacOS Windows.html 3.23Кб
14 503.72Кб
14 - main.tf 296б
14 - Terraform Provider & Initialization.mp4 86.77Мб
14 - Terraform Provider & Initialization English.srt 19.84Кб
14 - Terraform-Provider-Initialization.pdf 247.09Кб
15 165.10Кб
15 - AWS SetUp for Terraform.mp4 47.81Мб
15 - AWS SetUp for Terraform English.srt 9.59Кб
16 209.48Кб
16 - createInstance.tf 117б
16 - Create Machine Using Terraform.mp4 90.57Мб
16 - Create Machine Using Terraform English.srt 16.54Кб
17 115.42Кб
17 - createInstance.tf 117б
17 - Provide Creds in Separate Centralised File.mp4 41.02Мб
17 - Provide Creds in Separate Centralised File English.srt 8.96Кб
17 - provider.tf 116б
18 433.71Кб
18 - Provide Creds in Environment Variables.mp4 28.72Мб
18 - Provide Creds in Environment Variables English.srt 6.55Кб
19 955.62Кб
19 - createInstance.tf 193б
19 - Create Multiple Instances.mp4 49.49Мб
19 - Create Multiple Instances English.srt 9.61Кб
1 - Course Introduction.mp4 17.06Мб
1 - Course Introduction English.srt 4.19Кб
1 - Intoduction.pdf 176.58Кб
2 66б
20 237.00Кб
20 - Terraform State The Concept.mp4 41.89Мб
20 - Terraform-State-The-Concept.pdf 186.50Кб
20 - Terraform State The Concept English.srt 11.34Кб
21 538.37Кб
21 - Variables in Terraform.mp4 40.73Мб
21 - Variables-in-Terraform.pdf 163.79Кб
21 - Variables in Terraform English.srt 13.96Кб
22 80.09Кб
22 - Use of Variable in Conf File.mp4 27.32Мб
22 - Use-of-Variable-in-Conf-File.pdf 158.42Кб
22 - Use of Variable in Conf File English.srt 9.75Кб
23 853.65Кб
23 - createInstance.tf 158б
23 - Lab Use of Variable in Conf File.mp4 57.59Мб
23 - Lab Use of Variable in Conf File English.srt 11.40Кб
23 - provider.tf 131б
23 - terraform.tfvars 80б
23 - variables.tf 107б
24 435.96Кб
24 - createInstance.tf 207б
24 - Lab List and Map Variables.mp4 89.53Мб
24 - Lab List and Map Variables English.srt 14.44Кб
24 - variables.tf 439б
25 744.18Кб
25 - Provision Software with Terraform.mp4 46.84Мб
25 - Provision-Software-with-Terraform.pdf 168.82Кб
25 - Provision Software with Terraform English.srt 17.84Кб
26 480.57Кб
26 - createInstance.tf 860б
26 - installNginx.sh 226б
26 - Lab Provision Software with Terraform.mp4 148.95Мб
26 - Lab Provision Software with Terraform English.srt 25.04Кб
26 - provider.tf 116б
26 - variables.tf 677б
27 240.24Кб
27 - DataSource in Terraform.mp4 19.72Мб
27 - DataSource-in-Terraform.pdf 132.68Кб
27 - DataSource in Terraform English.srt 6.24Кб
28 988.07Кб
28 - createInstance.tf 546б
28 - Lab DataSource in Terraform.mp4 138.12Мб
28 - Lab DataSource in Terraform English.srt 21.01Кб
28 - provider.tf 116б
28 - variables.tf 409б
29 376.26Кб
29 - Lab 2 DataSource in Terraform.mp4 93.17Мб
29 - Lab 2 DataSource in Terraform English.srt 15.76Кб
29 - securitygroup.tf 525б
2 - Terraform Exam BluePrint.mp4 27.91Мб
2 - Terraform Exam BluePrint English.srt 5.07Кб
3 45б
30 797.24Кб
30 - Output Attribute in TF.mp4 24.56Мб
30 - Output-Attribute-in-TF.pdf 149.12Кб
30 - Output Attribute in TF English.srt 8.15Кб
31 978.48Кб
31 - createInstance.tf 741б
31 - Lab Output Attribute in TF.mp4 65.57Мб
31 - Lab Output Attribute in TF English.srt 10.48Кб
32 802.49Кб
32 - Remote State in Terraform.mp4 103.80Мб
32 - Remote-State-in-Terraform.pdf 167.89Кб
32 - Remote State in Terraform English.srt 27.53Кб
33 503.63Кб
33 - backend.tf 148б
33 - Lab Remote State in Terraform.mp4 75.51Мб
33 - Lab Remote State in Terraform English.srt 12.24Кб
34 998.47Кб
34 - AWS VPC Introduction.mp4 49.82Мб
34 - AWS-VPC-Introduction.pdf 160.03Кб
34 - AWS VPC Introduction English.srt 15.69Кб
35 837.55Кб
35 - AWS VPC Introduction II.mp4 47.22Мб
35 - AWS-VPC-Introduction-II.pdf 179.56Кб
35 - AWS VPC Introduction II English.srt 13.57Кб
36 334.06Кб
36 - Demo AWS VPC & Security Group.mp4 95.92Мб
36 - Demo AWS VPC & Security Group English.srt 14.90Кб
37 548.81Кб
37 - Lab Create AWS VPC & NAT Gateway.mp4 207.89Мб
37 - Lab Create AWS VPC & NAT Gateway English.srt 33.42Кб
37 - nat.tf 1.01Кб
37 - provider.tf 116б
37 - variables.tf 677б
37 - vpc.tf 2.78Кб
38 436.11Кб
38 - Launch-EC2-Instance-in-Custom-VPC.pdf 132.00Кб
38 - Launch EC2 Instance using Custom VPC.mp4 22.01Мб
38 - Launch EC2 Instance using Custom VPC English.srt 7.22Кб
39 839.15Кб
39 - createInstance.tf 460б
39 - Lab Launch EC2 Instance using Custom VPC.mp4 149.64Мб
39 - Lab Launch EC2 Instance using Custom VPC English.srt 25.83Кб
39 - security-group.tf 495б
39 - variables.tf 579б
3 - IAC and IAC Benefits.mp4 36.59Мб
3 - IAC and IAC Benefits English.srt 8.52Кб
4 87б
40 608.93Кб
40 - We Need You.html 749б
41 901.65Кб
41 - Elastic Block Store EBS in AWS.mp4 58.34Мб
41 - Elastic-Block-Store-EBS-in-AWS.pdf 202.15Кб
41 - Elastic Block Store EBS in AWS English.srt 16.37Кб
42 118.75Кб
42 - Demo Elastic Block Store EBS in AWS.mp4 59.14Мб
42 - Demo Elastic Block Store EBS in AWS English.srt 10.07Кб
43 876.01Кб
43 - createInstance.tf 829б
43 - Lab Elastic Block Store EBS in AWS.mp4 149.87Мб
43 - Lab Elastic Block Store EBS in AWS English.srt 25.89Кб
43 - provider.tf 116б
43 - variables.tf 579б
44 238.46Кб
44 - User Data in AWS.mp4 19.53Мб
44 - User-Data-in-AWS.pdf 148.25Кб
44 - User Data in AWS English.srt 6.56Кб
45 679.35Кб
45 - createInstance.tf 512б
45 - installapache.sh 187б
45 - Lab User Data using Script.mp4 61.41Мб
45 - Lab User Data using Script English.srt 9.96Кб
46 736.82Кб
46 - cloudinit.tf 348б
46 - createInstance.tf 549б
46 - init.cfg 293б
46 - Lab User Data using Cloud Init.mp4 81.04Мб
46 - Lab User Data using Cloud Init English.srt 15.67Кб
47 424.74Кб
47 - AWS RDS Basics.mp4 24.74Мб
47 - AWS-RDS-Basics.pdf 151.22Кб
47 - AWS RDS Basics English.srt 9.38Кб
48 523.09Кб
48 - createInstance.tf 589б
48 - Lab Create RDS.mp4 202.13Мб
48 - Lab Create RDS English.srt 28.72Кб
48 - rds.tf 1.79Кб
48 - security-group.tf 995б
48 - vpc.tf 2.78Кб
49 147.34Кб
49 - AWS Access and Identity Management.mp4 47.72Мб
49 - AWS-Access-and-Identity-Management.pdf 159.81Кб
49 - AWS Access and Identity Management English.srt 16.09Кб
4 - Cloud Agnostic IAC with Terraform.mp4 32.79Мб
4 - Cloud Agnostic IAC with Terraform English.srt 7.88Кб
50 183.50Кб
50 - iamuser.tf 705б
50 - Lab IAM Users and Groups.mp4 66.46Мб
50 - Lab IAM Users and Groups English.srt 10.35Кб
51 518.31Кб
51 - createInstance.tf 568б
51 - iamroles.tf 1.06Кб
51 - Lab AWS IAM Roles.mp4 113.51Мб
51 - Lab AWS IAM Roles English.srt 18.51Кб
51 - s3bucket.tf 173б
52 409.64Кб
52 - EC2 Instance Autoscaling.mp4 44.16Мб
52 - EC2-Instance-Autoscaling.pdf 153.71Кб
52 - EC2 Instance Autoscaling English.srt 15.30Кб
53 193.24Кб
53 - autoscaling.tf 2.99Кб
53 - Lab EC2 Instance Autoscaling.mp4 213.18Мб
53 - Lab EC2 Instance Autoscaling English.srt 32.10Кб
54 287.86Кб
54 - Your Reviews are Important.html 771б
55 469.94Кб
55 - Load Balancing in AWS.mp4 81.63Мб
55 - Load-Balancing-in-AWS.pdf 257.57Кб
55 - Load Balancing in AWS English.srt 21.07Кб
56 798.48Кб
56 - autosacling.tf 1.46Кб
56 - elb.tf 1.81Кб
56 - Lab AWS Load Balancing.mp4 165.22Мб
56 - Lab AWS Load Balancing English.srt 23.01Кб
56 - provider.tf 116б
56 - variables.tf 579б
56 - vpc.tf 2.78Кб
57 162.01Кб
57 - Terraform Module and Application.mp4 119.44Мб
57 - Terraform-Module-and-Application.pdf 304.79Кб
57 - Terraform Module and Application English.srt 31.03Кб
58 239.42Кб
58 - Lab Terraform Source From GITHUB.mp4 101.07Мб
58 - Lab Terraform Source From GITHUB English.srt 16.52Кб
58 - main.tf 314б
58 - provider.tf 101б
59 249.98Кб
59 - Development.zip 550б
59 - Development-QA.zip 592б
59 - Lab Local Path Module.mp4 96.77Мб
59 - Lab Local Path Module English.srt 16.17Кб
59 - provider.tf 48б
59 - variable.tf 1.54Кб
59 - vpc.tf 541б
5 - Procedure Document and Resource Location.html 2.21Кб
60 331.85Кб
60 - Lab AWS VPC Module Part I.mp4 67.67Мб
60 - Lab AWS VPC Module Part I English.srt 11.57Кб
60 - main.tf 1.63Кб
60 - output.tf 195б
60 - varaible.tf 507б
61 425.34Кб
61 - Lab AWS VPC Module Part II.mp4 41.39Мб
61 - Lab AWS VPC Module Part II English.srt 7.07Кб
61 - main.tf 639б
61 - output.tf 88б
61 - varaible.tf 445б
62 174.55Кб
62 - Lab AWS VPC Module Part III.mp4 47.54Мб
62 - Lab AWS VPC Module Part III English.srt 7.75Кб
63 862.08Кб
63 - Condition Statements in Terraform.mp4 13.64Мб
63 - Condition-Statements-in-Terraform.pdf 165.29Кб
63 - Condition Statements in Terraform English.srt 4.82Кб
64 115.86Кб
64 - create-instance.tf 458б
64 - Lab Condition Statements in Terraform.mp4 60.88Мб
64 - Lab Condition Statements in Terraform English.srt 10.62Кб
64 - varaible.tf 164б
65 624.03Кб
65 - Terraform BuiltIn Functions.mp4 45.76Мб
65 - Terraform-Built-In-Functions.pdf 156.77Кб
65 - Terraform BuiltIn Functions English.srt 12.81Кб
66 1003.66Кб
66 - Lab Terraform BuiltIn Functions.mp4 45.77Мб
66 - Lab Terraform BuiltIn Functions English.srt 12.81Кб
67 274.11Кб
67 - Loops in TerraFrom HCL.mp4 48.60Мб
67 - Loops-in-TerraFrom-HCL.pdf 280.95Кб
67 - Loops in TerraFrom HCL English.srt 15.94Кб
68 898.01Кб
68 - Terraform Project Structure.mp4 21.32Мб
68 - Terraform-Project-Structure.pdf 132.71Кб
68 - Terraform Project Structure English.srt 6.86Кб
69 477.09Кб
69 - Lab Terraform Project Structure.mp4 227.56Мб
69 - Lab Terraform Project Structure English.srt 35.05Кб
69 - Terraform-Project-Structure.zip 6.90Кб
6 - Terraform Workflow.mp4 15.41Мб
6 - Terraform Workflow English.srt 3.71Кб
7 10.18Кб
70 415.65Кб
70 - Packer Introduction and Its Use.mp4 40.12Мб
70 - Packer-Introduction-and-Its-Use.pdf 212.72Кб
70 - Packer Introduction and Its Use English.srt 13.45Кб
71 828.08Кб
71 - Install Packer.mp4 15.59Мб
71 - Install Packer English.srt 3.15Кб
72 486.29Кб
72 - Lab Create Custom AMI Scenario I.mp4 90.27Мб
72 - Lab Create Custom AMI Scenario I English.srt 14.64Кб
72 - Packer.zip 6.81Кб
73 73.46Кб
73 - Lab Create Custom AMI Scenario II.mp4 101.89Мб
73 - Lab Create Custom AMI Scenario II English.srt 12.66Кб
73 - Packer.zip 6.81Кб
74 214.52Кб
74 - Lab Terraform Packer.mp4 129.54Мб
74 - Lab Terraform Packer English.srt 23.31Кб
74 - Packer.zip 6.81Кб
75 880.83Кб
75 - Application Overview.mp4 12.44Мб
75 - Application-Overview.pdf 131.92Кб
75 - Application Overview English.srt 4.96Кб
76 284.33Кб
76 - Create VPC Network.mp4 58.28Мб
76 - Create VPC Network English.srt 8.30Кб
76 - varaible.tf 956б
76 - vpc.tf 4.14Кб
77 95.49Кб
77 - Create RDS Service.mp4 118.45Мб
77 - Create RDS Service English.srt 17.72Кб
77 - rds.tf 1.74Кб
77 - varaible.tf 1.21Кб
78 331.29Кб
78 - Create WebServer in AWS.mp4 79.22Мб
78 - Create WebServer in AWS English.srt 10.95Кб
79 700.86Кб
79 - casestudy-1.zip 7.16Кб
79 - Deploy Complete Application.mp4 82.04Мб
79 - Deploy Complete Application English.srt 13.49Кб
7 - Terraform Initialization.mp4 24.47Мб
7 - Terraform Initialization English.srt 5.73Кб
8 903.24Кб
80 81.50Кб
80 - AWS EKS Introduction.mp4 25.47Мб
80 - AWS-EKS-Introduction.pdf 151.11Кб
80 - AWS EKS Introduction English.srt 8.50Кб
81 122.31Кб
81 - Lab SetUp EKS Cluster Using AWS.mp4 70.18Мб
81 - Lab SetUp EKS Cluster Using AWS English.srt 14.10Кб
82 544.97Кб
82 - Lab SetUp EKS Using AWS CLI.mp4 117.88Мб
82 - Lab SetUp EKS Using AWS CLI English.srt 27.44Кб
83 267.75Кб
83 - Lab Access EKS Cluster and Deploy Application.mp4 96.47Мб
83 - Lab Access EKS Cluster and Deploy Application English.srt 22.85Кб
84 455.62Кб
84 - Text Direction SetUp EKS using AWS CLI.html 3.57Кб
85 540.97Кб
85 - ekscluster.tf 1.07Кб
85 - EKS Cluster TerraForm Configuration files.mp4 101.58Мб
85 - EKS Cluster TerraForm Configuration files English.srt 15.38Кб
85 - iam.tf 1.49Кб
85 - provider.tf 145б
85 - varaible.tf 131б
85 - vpc.tf 460б
86 351.57Кб
86 - casestudy-eks.zip 2.45Кб
86 - Lab Deploy EKS Cluster using Terraform.mp4 108.84Мб
86 - Lab Deploy EKS Cluster using Terraform English.srt 19.00Кб
87 1014.19Кб
87 - ELK Basics and Application.mp4 23.66Мб
87 - ELK-Basics-and-Application.pdf 142.73Кб
87 - ELK Basics and Application English.srt 8.02Кб
88 699.41Кб
88 - casestudy-ELK.zip 7.67Кб
88 - Lab Deploy ELK and Execute ELK.mp4 153.13Мб
88 - Lab Deploy ELK and Execute ELK English.srt 30.43Кб
89 290.36Кб
89 - Text Direction Lab Deploy ELK and Execute ELK.html 2.42Кб
8 - Terraform key Concepts Plan apply & Destroy.mp4 25.92Мб
8 - Terraform key Concepts Plan apply & Destroy English.srt 9.38Кб
9 469.35Кб
90 486.02Кб
90 - casestudy-ELK.zip 7.67Кб
90 - Lab Install ELK using Terraform.mp4 126.19Мб
90 - Lab Install ELK using Terraform English.srt 20.64Кб
91 221.28Кб
91 - Terraform vs Google Deployment Manager.mp4 33.93Мб
91 - Terraform vs Google Deployment Manager English.srt 7.33Кб
92 963.88Кб
92 - Setup GCP Project For Terraform.mp4 61.12Мб
92 - Setup GCP Project For Terraform English.srt 13.50Кб
93 423.28Кб
93 - Enable Basic APIs on Cloud Project.mp4 17.78Мб
93 - Enable Basic APIs on Cloud Project English.srt 3.98Кб
94 603.43Кб
94 - Setup Remote State File in Cloud.mp4 81.22Мб
94 - Setup Remote State File in Cloud English.srt 14.30Кб
95 370.68Кб
95 - Introduction HashiCorp Certification.mp4 25.88Мб
95 - Introduction HashiCorp Certification English.srt 4.54Кб
96 - Understand Infrastructure as Code IaC Concepts.mp4 45.58Мб
96 - Understand-Infrastructure-as-Code-IaC-Concepts.pdf 149.14Кб
96 - Understand Infrastructure as Code IaC Concepts English.srt 17.37Кб
97 - Understand Terraforms Purpose.mp4 34.53Мб
97 - Understand-Terraforms-Purpose.pdf 145.91Кб
97 - Understand Terraforms Purpose English.srt 11.51Кб
98 - Understand Terraform Basics I.mp4 62.18Мб
98 - Understand-Terraform-Basics-I.pdf 356.71Кб
98 - Understand Terraform Basics I English.srt 14.93Кб
99 - Understand Terraform Basics II.mp4 75.02Мб
99 - Understand-Terraform-Basics-II.pdf 420.94Кб
99 - Understand Terraform Basics II English.srt 25.79Кб
9 - SetUp FreeTier AWS Account Optional.mp4 32.14Мб
9 - SetUp FreeTier AWS Account Optional English.srt 6.33Кб
TutsNode.net.txt 63б
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