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Название [Udemy] Complete VMWare vSphere ESXi and vCenter Administration [EN]
Тип Приложение для PC
Размер 3.51Гб

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1. Introduction.mp4 52.82Мб
1. Introduction.srt 3.08Кб
1. Re-cap of Virtualization.mp4 42.31Мб
1. Re-cap of Virtualization.srt 16.71Кб
1. Welcome to Module 10.mp4 471.14Кб
1. Welcome to Module 10.srt
1. Welcome to Module 2.mp4 480.94Кб
1. Welcome to Module 2.srt
1. Welcome to Module 3.mp4 466.03Кб
1. Welcome to Module 3.srt
1. Welcome to Module 4.mp4 535.87Кб
1. Welcome to Module 4.srt
1. Welcome to Module 5.mp4 471.74Кб
1. Welcome to Module 5.srt
1. Welcome to Module 6.mp4 496.53Кб
1. Welcome to Module 6.srt
1. Welcome to Module 7.mp4 456.06Кб
1. Welcome to Module 7.srt
1. Welcome to Module 8.mp4 507.50Кб
1. Welcome to Module 8.srt
1. Welcome to Module 9.mp4 472.77Кб
1. Welcome to Module 9.srt
10.10 VMWare vRealize Automation Hands on Lab.html 113б
10.11 vRealize Automation Lab.html 120б
10.1 VMWare vRealize Automation (vRA).html 117б
10.1 VMWare Workstation Player User Guide.pdf 2.49Мб
10.1 vsphere-esxi-vcenter-server-65-virtual-machine-admin-guide.pdf 1.34Мб
10.2 vRealize Operations Manager Appliance Download.html 163б
10.2 vsphere-esxi-installation-setup-guide.pdf 1.68Мб
10.3 Putty Documentation.pdf 1.43Мб
10.3 vrealize-operations-manager-70-user-guide.pdf 816.47Кб
10.4 vRealize-Operations-Manager-Best-Practices-8.1.pdf 486.88Кб
10.5 vrealize-operations-manager-70-vapp-deploy-guide.pdf 795.25Кб
10.6 vrealize-operations-manager-70-config-guide.pdf 2.46Мб
10.7 VMWare vRealize automation download page.html 163б
10.8 vRealize Operations Manager Lab.html 113б
10.9 VMWare Horizon.html 105б
10. Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS).mp4 36.95Мб
10. Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS).srt 9.11Кб
10. Handouts.html 46б
10. Module 2 - Homework.html 145б
10. Module 4 - Handouts.html 28б
10. Module 5 - Quiz.html 166б
10. Module 6 - Quiz.html 166б
10. Module 7 - Homework.html 247б
10. Module 9 - Handouts.html 46б
10. RAID.mp4 12.91Мб
10. RAID.srt 6.55Кб
11.1 vCenter Server Appliance Configuration.pdf 785.96Кб
11.1 vSphere ESXi Installation and Setup.pdf 2.77Мб
11.2 VM administration.pdf 2.00Мб
11.2 vmware-vcenter-server-datasheet.pdf 196.24Кб
11.3 vmware-tools-installation-configuration.pdf 870.85Кб
11. Bonus.mp4 14.72Мб
11. Bonus.srt 5.28Кб
11. Module 4 - Homework.html 600б
11. Module 5 - Handouts.html 28б
11. Module 6 - Handouts.html 57б
11. Module 9 - Homework.html 520б
11. Sequence of Starting and Shutting VMWare vSphere Environment.mp4 45.72Мб
11. Sequence of Starting and Shutting VMWare vSphere Environment.srt 10.40Кб
12. Datastore cluster.mp4 37.71Мб
12. Datastore cluster.srt 9.12Кб
12. Module 5 - Homework.html 362б
12. Module 6 - Homework.html 298б
13. Module 8 - Quiz.html 166б
14.1 Distributed-Power-Management-vSphere.pdf 410.56Кб
14.2 Module 8 - Sharing Resources and vCenter Clustering.pdf 406.03Кб
14.3 vsphere-esxi-vcenter-server-65-availability-guide.pdf 622.21Кб
14. Module 8 - Handouts.html 57б
15. Module 8 - Homework.html 347б
2. ESXi Command Line (CLI).mp4 139.48Мб
2. ESXi Command Line (CLI).srt 22.78Кб
2. First VM on ESXi.mp4 52.11Мб
2. First VM on ESXi.srt 15.42Кб
2. Install 2nd ESXi Server.mp4 79.59Мб
2. Install 2nd ESXi Server.srt 13.48Кб
2. Lab Design.mp4 20.36Мб
2. Lab Design.srt 9.86Кб
2. Migrating VM without VMWare cluster (Cold).mp4 59.32Мб
2. Migrating VM without VMWare cluster (Cold).srt 15.16Кб
2. Syllabus Overview.mp4 11.60Мб
2. Syllabus Overview.srt 6.33Кб
2. vCenter Homepage.mp4 48.83Мб
2. vCenter Homepage.srt 13.20Кб
2. VM Cloning.mp4 54.76Мб
2. VM Cloning.srt 14.94Кб
2. What is IT.mp4 11.24Мб
2. What is IT.srt 3.48Кб
2. What is Virtualization.mp4 15.54Мб
2. What is Virtualization.srt 6.33Кб
2. What is VMWare.mp4 14.71Мб
2. What is VMWare.srt 5.07Кб
3.1 Course Syllabus.pdf 178.69Кб
3.1 Linux CentOS7.html 146б
3. Download Syllabus.html 53б
3. Getting Started and Summary.mp4 41.00Мб
3. Getting Started and Summary.srt 9.88Кб
3. How Virtualization Works.mp4 7.38Мб
3. How Virtualization Works.srt 2.88Кб
3. Install Linux OS.mp4 46.35Мб
3. Install Linux OS.srt 8.18Кб
3. IT Components.mp4 5.58Мб
3. IT Components.srt 2.73Кб
3. vMotion.mp4 87.47Мб
3. vMotion.srt 16.41Кб
3. VM Templates.mp4 63.18Мб
3. VM Templates.srt 14.55Кб
3. VMWare Online Lab - Virtualization 101.mp4 50.80Мб
3. VMWare Online Lab - Virtualization 101.srt 7.80Кб
3. VMWare Products (Player, ESXi, vSphere, etc.).mp4 21.21Мб
3. VMWare Products (Player, ESXi, vSphere, etc.).srt 5.90Кб
3. VMWare vCenter Converter.mp4 108.26Мб
3. VMWare vCenter Converter.srt 23.65Кб
3. What is vCenter.mp4 20.92Мб
3. What is vCenter.srt 7.19Кб
4.1 VMWare Workstation Player 12.html 151б
4.2 VMWare Workstation player 16 or latest version.html 146б
4. Basic Virtualization Terms.mp4 11.57Мб
4. Basic Virtualization Terms.srt 5.85Кб
4. Download and Install VMWare Player.mp4 34.20Мб
4. Download and Install VMWare Player.srt 6.50Кб
4. Downloading vCenter and Installation Options (Win32 UI or OVA).mp4 73.02Мб
4. Downloading vCenter and Installation Options (Win32 UI or OVA).srt 13.83Кб
4. Facts about IT.mp4 21.69Мб
4. Facts about IT.srt 4.65Кб
4. Importance of VMWare.mp4 16.37Мб
4. Importance of VMWare.srt 4.94Кб
4. Monitors.mp4 47.37Мб
4. Monitors.srt 9.46Кб
4. Thank You.mp4 21.47Мб
4. Thank You.srt 1.11Кб
4. VM Export and Import (OVF).mp4 64.64Мб
4. VM Export and Import (OVF).srt 12.78Кб
4. VM Management.mp4 31.07Мб
4. VM Management.srt 7.34Кб
4. VMWare Cluster.mp4 51.21Мб
4. VMWare Cluster.srt 12.38Кб
4. VMWare vRealize Operations.mp4 75.83Мб
4. VMWare vRealize Operations.srt 19.37Кб
5. Benefits of Virtualization.mp4 14.30Мб
5. Benefits of Virtualization.srt 6.70Кб
5. Configure, Permissions and Datacenters (Menu).mp4 56.96Мб
5. Configure, Permissions and Datacenters (Menu).srt 14.00Кб
5. First VM on VMWare Player (Linux).mp4 48.40Мб
5. First VM on VMWare Player (Linux).srt 9.76Кб
5. High Availability - (Introduction).mp4 42.91Мб
5. High Availability - (Introduction).srt 14.27Кб
5. Install vCenter.mp4 93.77Мб
5. Install vCenter.srt 18.33Кб
5. Module 3 Quiz.html 166б
5. Organizing VMs.mp4 47.62Мб
5. Organizing VMs.srt 9.85Кб
5. Update ESXi hostname.mp4 20.37Мб
5. Update ESXi hostname.srt 4.79Кб
5. VMWare vRealize Automation.mp4 40.65Мб
5. VMWare vRealize Automation.srt 11.35Кб
5. What is VirtualBox.mp4 7.80Мб
5. What is VirtualBox.srt 2.16Кб
6.1 vmware-product-guide.pdf 1016.48Кб
6.1 Windows 2016 ISO.html 145б
6.2 Module 3 - Introduction to VMWare.pdf 284.69Кб
6. Accessing vCenter (FlashHTML, SSH, Console, Admin Portal).mp4 45.79Мб
6. Accessing vCenter (FlashHTML, SSH, Console, Admin Portal).srt 13.83Кб
6. Download and Install ESXi Server (Hypervisor).mp4 102.04Мб
6. Download and Install ESXi Server (Hypervisor).srt 18.58Кб
6. Downloading and Installing Virtualbox.mp4 31.73Мб
6. Downloading and Installing Virtualbox.srt 7.40Кб
6. High Availability - Part 1 (Linux Installation).mp4 97.48Мб
6. High Availability - Part 1 (Linux Installation).srt 12.80Кб
6. Hosts & Clusters and VMs.mp4 17.47Мб
6. Hosts & Clusters and VMs.srt 4.99Кб
6. Install Windows on a VM.mp4 29.67Мб
6. Install Windows on a VM.srt 6.57Кб
6. Module 3 Handouts.html 28б
6. Other Menu Options for VM.mp4 66.58Мб
6. Other Menu Options for VM.srt 14.12Кб
6. Virtualization Technology Companies.mp4 12.65Мб
6. Virtualization Technology Companies.srt 4.50Кб
6. VMWare Horizon.mp4 43.13Мб
6. VMWare Horizon.srt 15.60Кб
7. Configure ESXi Server.mp4 62.35Мб
7. Configure ESXi Server.srt 15.45Кб
7. Difference Between Virtualization and Cloud.mp4 15.68Мб
7. Difference Between Virtualization and Cloud.srt 4.75Кб
7. Fault Tolerance.mp4 60.51Мб
7. Fault Tolerance.srt 12.50Кб
7. High Availability - Part 2 (Setup NFS).mp4 132.60Мб
7. High Availability - Part 2 (Setup NFS).srt 23.15Кб
7. Install VMWare Tools.mp4 28.42Мб
7. Install VMWare Tools.srt 5.34Кб
7. Module 3 Homework.html 245б
7. Other Menu Options.mp4 25.18Мб
7. Other Menu Options.srt 7.23Кб
7. Step by Steps Linux CentOS7 Installation.mp4 111.01Мб
7. Step by Steps Linux CentOS7 Installation.srt 32.51Кб
7. vCenter Management Interface.mp4 17.50Мб
7. vCenter Management Interface.srt 6.61Кб
7. VMWare Community and Resources.mp4 397.40Кб
7. VMWare Community and Resources.srt
8.1 Download Putty for Windows.html 123б
8. Accessing vCenter through HTML5.mp4 21.51Мб
8. Accessing vCenter through HTML5.srt 5.50Кб
8. Congratulations.mp4 764.75Кб
8. Congratulations.srt
8. Connect to ESXi and Explore vSphere Dashboard.mp4 109.85Мб
8. Connect to ESXi and Explore vSphere Dashboard.srt 24.67Кб
8. Create a Datacenter and Add ESXi Servers.mp4 34.75Мб
8. Create a Datacenter and Add ESXi Servers.srt 8.27Кб
8. High Availability - Part 3 (Mount NFS and Migrate VMs).mp4 57.06Мб
8. High Availability - Part 3 (Mount NFS and Migrate VMs).srt 11.84Кб
8. Module 2 Quiz.html 166б
8. Module 7 - Quiz.html 166б
8. Review VMs and Modify Resources.mp4 79.97Мб
8. Review VMs and Modify Resources.srt 13.61Кб
8. Step by Steps Linux CentOS8 Installation.mp4 104.24Мб
8. Step by Steps Linux CentOS8 Installation.srt 28.86Кб
9.1 Module 2 - Understanding Virtualization.pdf 264.84Кб
9.1 vCenter Server and Host Management.pdf 1.51Мб
9. Don't Give Up!.mp4 27.00Мб
9. Don't Give Up!.srt 1.63Кб
9. Download and Install Putty.mp4 22.45Мб
9. Download and Install Putty.srt 3.76Кб
9. High Availability - Part 4 (Setup Cluster and Configure HA).mp4 66.68Мб
9. High Availability - Part 4 (Setup Cluster and Configure HA).srt 13.69Кб
9. Managing hosts on vCenter.mp4 57.31Мб
9. Managing hosts on vCenter.srt 13.33Кб
9. Module 2 - Handouts.html 28б
9. Module 4 - Quiz.html 166б
9. Module 7 - Handouts.html 46б
9. Module 9 - Quiz.html 166б
9. VM Snapshots.mp4 57.07Мб
9. VM Snapshots.srt 11.00Кб
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