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ac dc_back in black (3).mp3 6.13Мб
ac dc_thunderstruck.mp3 4.48Мб
ac dc_you shook me all night long.mp3 3.14Мб
adams, bryan_summer of 69.mp3 3.41Мб
audioslave_cochise (2).mp3 3.06Мб
audioslave_show me how to live.mp3 4.42Мб
beatles, the_here comes the sun.mp3 5.68Мб
black sabbath_paranoid.mp3 2.59Мб
cky_96 quite bitter beings.mp3 3.24Мб
clapton, eric_wonderful tonight.mp3 2.55Мб
coldplay_the scientist.mp3 4.73Мб
dire straits_sultans of swing.mp3 5.41Мб
dire straits_sultans of swing (2).mp3 6.86Мб
doobie brothers, the_long train runnin (2).mp3 7.83Мб
fleetwood mac_albatross.mp3 2.88Мб
fleetwood mac_need your love so bad.mp3 3.62Мб
foo fighters_everlong.mp3 3.82Мб
foo fighters_generator.mp3 3.32Мб
foo fighters_learn to fly.mp3 3.63Мб
foo fighters_pretender.mp3 3.94Мб
foo fighters - best of you.mp3 3.76Мб
free_all right now.mp3 3.98Мб
Gary Moore - Still Got The Blues (Backing Track).mp3 4.53Мб
gray, david_babylon.mp3 4.23Мб
green day_basket case.mp3 2.75Мб
guns n roses_sweet child o mine.mp3 4.14Мб
highway to hell.mp3 2.53Мб
johnson, eric_cliffs of dover.mp3 3.96Мб
metallica_enter sandman.mp3 5.03Мб
metallica_nothing else matters.mp3 7.75Мб
mr crowley (2).mp3 9.89Мб
nirvana_smells like teen spirit.mp3 4.61Мб
offspring_pretty fly for a white guy.mp3 2.95Мб
osbourne, ozzy_crazy train.mp3 4.36Мб
osbourne, ozzy - mr crowley (2).mp3 9.89Мб
papa roach_last resort.mp3 3.04Мб
police_roxanne.mp3 3.02Мб
rage against the machine_killing in the name of.mp3 4.86Мб
red hot chili peppers_californication.mp3 4.98Мб
red hot chili peppers_otherside.mp3 6.13Мб
red hot chili peppers_under the bridge.mp3 4.09Мб
silverchair_anas song.mp3 5.36Мб
strokes_reptilia.mp3 3.35Мб
switchfoot_meant to live.mp3 3.46Мб
system of a down_byob.mp3 3.95Мб
system of a down_chop suey.mp3 3.29Мб
system of a down_chop suey (2).mp3 3.23Мб
system of a down_toxicity.mp3 2.64Мб
wolfmother_woman.mp3 2.45Мб
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