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100 Swizec Teller on keeping up with front end tech and whats coming next.mp4 |
915.43Мб |
100 Swizec Teller on keeping up with front end tech and whats coming next.vtt |
915.43Мб |
101 Js Fundamentals .mp4 |
735.85Мб |
101 Js Fundamentals .vtt |
735.85Мб |
102 More JS Fundamentals .mp4 |
563.32Мб |
102 More JS Fundamentals .vtt |
563.32Мб |
103 Intro to React .mp4 |
996.08Мб |
103 Intro to React .vtt |
996.08Мб |
104 More React Fundamentals .mp4 |
390.43Мб |
104 More React Fundamentals .vtt |
390.43Мб |
105 Learn React State .mp4 |
737.43Мб |
105 Learn React State .vtt |
737.43Мб |
106 Intro To React Hooks .mp4 |
671.97Мб |
106 Intro To React Hooks .vtt |
671.97Мб |
107 Use Hooks for API requests .mp4 |
778.30Мб |
107 Use Hooks for API requests .vtt |
778.30Мб |
108 React Context .mp4 |
683.19Мб |
108 React Context .vtt |
683.19Мб |
10 Remove Array Items with Slice and Splice.mp4 |
6.52Мб |
11 Add Items to an Array with Concat and the Spread Operator.mp4 |
2.64Мб |
12 Modify Elements in an Array with Map.mp4 |
6.11Мб |
13 Remove Elements from an Array with Filter.mp4 |
3.75Мб |
14 Use the Reduce Function on Arrays.mp4 |
21.35Мб |
15 Use Import and Export On JS Files and Modules.mp4 |
13.62Мб |
16 Understand how Babel Transforms Modern JS into Older JS.mp4 |
4.74Мб |
17 Write Your First React App Hello World.mp4 |
20.00Мб |
18 How JSX Compiles to Plain JavaScript.mp4 |
15.01Мб |
19 Differences Between JSX and HTML.mp4 |
8.03Мб |
1 Write Concise Functions with ES6 Arrows and Implicit Returns.mp4 |
6.72Мб |
20 Sketch Before Building a Tweet Component.mp4 |
1.74Мб |
21 Build a Tweet Component with Hardcoded Data.mp4 |
12.48Мб |
22 Make Components Dynamic with Props.mp4 |
24.50Мб |
23 Split up a React App into Component Files.mp4 |
22.16Мб |
24 Sketch Before Building the GitHub File List.mp4 |
1.59Мб |
25 Build the GitHub File List app.mp4 |
26.61Мб |
26 Use React Children to render dynamic content.mp4 |
6.19Мб |
27 The Slots Pattern for Passing Multiple Children to a Component.mp4 |
11.24Мб |
28 Validate data with PropTypes.mp4 |
18.92Мб |
29 Deploy an app to Surge and Nowsh.mp4 |
11.41Мб |
2 Understand How this Works in Regular Functions and Arrow Functions.mp4 |
3.94Мб |
30 Use React State to Make Components Interactive.mp4 |
11.95Мб |
31 Run Code After setState with a Callback.mp4 |
8.92Мб |
32 Write a React Component Without the Constructor.mp4 |
3.18Мб |
33 setState Uses Shallow Merge to Update State.mp4 |
14.54Мб |
34 The Consequences of Mutating State.mp4 |
14.28Мб |
35 Store the Value of Form Input in State.mp4 |
4.83Мб |
36 Use a Ref to Refer to an Uncontrolled Input.mp4 |
4.27Мб |
37 Sketch Before Building Shopper App.mp4 |
2.22Мб |
38 Build the Shoppers Item Page.mp4 |
8.50Мб |
39 Add Items to the Cart.mp4 |
12.57Мб |
3 Use let and const for BlockScoped Variables.mp4 |
9.98Мб |
40 Build the Shoppers Cart Page.mp4 |
9.78Мб |
41 Display Cart Items and a Total.mp4 |
23.78Мб |
42 Build a Checkout Form.mp4 |
34.14Мб |
43 Phases of the Component Lifecycle.mp4 |
4.10Мб |
44 Mounting Updating and Unmounting.mp4 |
5.84Мб |
45 Optimize a React Component with shouldComponentUpdate.mp4 |
14.55Мб |
46 Automatically Scroll a Chat Box with getSnapshotBeforeUpdate.mp4 |
10.13Мб |
47 Update State Based On Props with getDerivedStateFromProps.mp4 |
7.32Мб |
48 Use Error Boundaries to Catch and Recover from Errors.mp4 |
17.08Мб |
49 Use the useState Hook to Add State to a Function Component.mp4 |
4.94Мб |
4 Understand the Difference Between Statements and Expressions.mp4 |
4.92Мб |
50 The Magic Behind How Hooks Work.mp4 |
7.52Мб |
51 Call useState Multiple Times in One Component.mp4 |
4.78Мб |
52 Store an Object in useState and Update It Immutably.mp4 |
11.61Мб |
53 Extract Related Hooks Code into a Custom Hook.mp4 |
10.57Мб |
54 Access a DOM Node Directly with the useRef Hook.mp4 |
9.47Мб |
55 Manage Simple State with the useReducer Hook.mp4 |
11.47Мб |
56 Implement undoredo with the useReducer Hook.mp4 |
32.68Мб |
57 Synchronize State with Side Effects with the useEffect Hook.mp4 |
10.71Мб |
58 Manage Input Focus with useEffect.mp4 |
19.07Мб |
59 Return a Function From useEffect to Clean Up a Previous Effect.mp4 |
8.81Мб |
5 Use ES6 Template Strings to Interpolate Values.mp4 |
3.69Мб |
60 How to useLayoutEffect instead of useEffect.mp4 |
10.59Мб |
61 Refactor a React Class to Use Hooks.mp4 |
7.54Мб |
62 Refactor Lifecycles with Closures to Use Hooks.mp4 |
38.76Мб |
63 Cache Values with the useMemo Hook.mp4 |
9.76Мб |
64 Initialize useState with a Function.mp4 |
4.57Мб |
65 Cache Callback Functions with the useCallback Hook.mp4 |
12.10Мб |
66 Basics of REST and HTTP.mp4 |
8.06Мб |
67 Finished Product First the Pet Store App Well Be Building.mp4 |
2.05Мб |
68 Set up a REST Server with jsonserver.mp4 |
7.31Мб |
69 Fetch a List of Data with useEffect and Promises.mp4 |
7.64Мб |
6 Use the Rest and Spread Operators on Arrays and Objects.mp4 |
7.68Мб |
70 Fetch a List of Data with useEffect and asyncawait.mp4 |
7.30Мб |
71 Display a Loading Indicator.mp4 |
10.50Мб |
72 Display a Modal Dialog Using reactmodal.mp4 |
9.21Мб |
73 Create a New Pet Form.mp4 |
24.77Мб |
74 Use a File Input to Upload an Image.mp4 |
11.12Мб |
75 Implement Saving Pet Data Locally.mp4 |
12.21Мб |
76 Use HTTP POST to Save the Pet to the Server.mp4 |
35.16Мб |
77 Use HTTP PUT to Update the Pet on the Server.mp4 |
42.17Мб |
78 Refactor New and Edit Forms into One.mp4 |
20.11Мб |
79 Use HTTP DELETE to Remove a Pet from the Server.mp4 |
9.24Мб |
7 Use Destructuring to Pick Apart Arrays and Objects.mp4 |
11.25Мб |
80 Reverseengineer an API and Display Data with React.mp4 |
13.23Мб |
81 Finished Product First the App Were Building.mp4 |
10.82Мб |
82 Avoid prop drilling with React Context.mp4 |
22.47Мб |
83 Allow Children to Update Parents with a callback from Context in React.mp4 |
14.32Мб |
84 Manage the Loggedin User State with Context.mp4 |
7.91Мб |
85 Create a Context Wrapper With a Custom Hook.mp4 |
18.21Мб |
86 Use Multiple Context Providers in the same app.mp4 |
24.80Мб |
87 Manage Context State with the useReducer Hook.mp4 |
24.33Мб |
88 Use the useEffect Hook to Periodically Fetch Data.mp4 |
12.53Мб |
89 Use React Context to display notifications.mp4 |
27.27Мб |
8 Understand Mutable vs Immutable Operations in JavaScript.mp4 |
15.78Мб |
90 Periodically Clean Up Notifications with useEffect and setInterval.mp4 |
9.97Мб |
91 Create a Wrapper to Contain the Providers.mp4 |
8.20Мб |
92 Performantly render a large list of items with React Context.mp4 |
51.54Мб |
93 Use a Context Outside of its Matching Provider.mp4 |
6.95Мб |
94 Ali Spittel on teaching yourself teaching others and getting yourself unstuck.mp4 |
615.61Мб |
94 Ali Spittel on teaching yourself teaching others and getting yourself unstuck.vtt |
615.61Мб |
95 Emma Wedekind on landing a dev job in a foreign country no less.mp4 |
819.26Мб |
95 Emma Wedekind on landing a dev job in a foreign country no less.vtt |
819.26Мб |
96 Kent C Dodds on strategies for testing your apps.mp4 |
774.67Мб |
96 Kent C Dodds on strategies for testing your apps.vtt |
774.67Мб |
97 Shawn swyx Wang on marketing yourself as a developer.mp4 |
1001.69Мб |
97 Shawn swyx Wang on marketing yourself as a developer.vtt |
1001.69Мб |
98 Eve Porcello and Alex Banks on getting started with GraphQL.mp4 |
611.35Мб |
98 Eve Porcello and Alex Banks on getting started with GraphQL.vtt |
611.35Мб |
99 Mark Erikson on Redux the Context API and which to choose.mp4 |
1.10Гб |
99 Mark Erikson on Redux the Context API and which to choose.vtt |
1.10Гб |
9 Find Elements in JavaScript Arrays with find and findIndex.mp4 |
3.87Мб |