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Название TTC - Understanding the Quantum World
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9750_Quantum_World.pdf 18.97Мб
9750-01 - Particle-Wave Duality - Understanding the Quantum World.mp4 230.97Мб
9750-02 - Particles, Waves, and Interference Patterns - Understanding the Quantum World.mp4 208.96Мб
9750-03 - Observers Disturb What They Measure - Understanding the Quantum World.mp4 246.46Мб
9750-04 - Bell’s Theorem and Schrödinger’s Cat - Understanding the Quantum World.mp4 246.42Мб
9750-05 - Quantum Paradoxes and Interpretations - Understanding the Quantum World.mp4 286.90Мб
9750-06 - The Position-Momentum Uncertainty Relation - Understanding the Quantum World.mp4 267.31Мб
9750-07 - Wave Quantization - Understanding the Quantum World.mp4 291.36Мб
9750-08 - Quantum Wave Shapes and the Periodic Table - Understanding the Quantum World.mp4 272.96Мб
9750-09 - Interference of Waves and Sloshing States - Understanding the Quantum World.mp4 265.80Мб
9750-10 - Wave Shapes in Diamond and Graphene - Understanding the Quantum World.mp4 273.68Мб
9750-11 - Harmonic Oscillators - Understanding the Quantum World.mp4 291.70Мб
9750-12 - The Energy-Time Uncertainty Relation - Understanding the Quantum World.mp4 267.11Мб
9750-13 - Quantum Angular Momentum and Electron Spin - Understanding the Quantum World.mp4 283.97Мб
9750-14 - Quantum Orbital Angular Momentum - Understanding the Quantum World.mp4 297.02Мб
9750-15 - Quantum Properties of Light - Understanding the Quantum World.mp4 329.27Мб
9750-16 - Atomic Transitions and Photons - Understanding the Quantum World.mp4 258.10Мб
9750-17 - Atomic Clocks and GPS - Understanding the Quantum World.mp4 252.16Мб
9750-18 - Quantum Mechanics and Color Vision - Understanding the Quantum World.mp4 260.07Мб
9750-19 - A Quantum Explanation of Color - Understanding the Quantum World.mp4 276.57Мб
9750-20 - Quantum Tunneling - Understanding the Quantum World.mp4 288.41Мб
9750-21 - Fermions and Bosons - Understanding the Quantum World.mp4 267.88Мб
9750-22 - Spin Singlets and the EPR Paradox - Understanding the Quantum World.mp4 255.52Мб
9750-23 - Quantum Mechanics and Metals - Understanding the Quantum World.mp4 276.97Мб
9750-24 - Superconductivity - Understanding the Quantum World.mp4 315.98Мб
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