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Название Intermediate GitLab Tutorial GitLab CICD
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[TGx]Downloaded from torrentgalaxy.to .txt 585б
0 18.74Кб
1 577.65Кб
1. Intro to Artifacts for GitLab Pipelines .mp4 263.98Мб
1. Intro to Building Linux Container Images with GitLab .mp4 263.98Мб
1. Intro to Deploying AWS Cloud Resources with GitLab CICD .mp4 209.99Мб
1. Intro to GitLab CICD Service .mp4 225.52Мб
1. Intro to GitLab CICD with Microsoft Azure Cloud .mp4 290.73Мб
1. Intro to GitLab Pages Service .mp4 237.41Мб
1. Overview of More GitLab CICD Pipeline Features .mp4 299.98Мб
1. Understanding CICD Automation Solutions .mp4 273.49Мб
10 287.57Кб
11 602.17Кб
12 598.10Кб
13 492.68Кб
14 175.99Кб
15 330.48Кб
16 8.20Кб
17 46.41Кб
18 376.34Кб
19 179.14Кб
2 276.76Кб
2. Add Multi-line Scripts to GitLab CICD Pipelines .mp4 269.12Мб
2. Create GitLab Repository with Static Page .mp4 93.16Мб
2. Create the GitLab CICD Pipeline File .mp4 158.84Мб
2. Create the GitLab Project and CloudFormation Template .mp4 86.28Мб
2. Declare Artifact Upload for GitLab CICD Job .mp4 131.27Мб
2. Deploy GitLab Runner with Privileged Docker Executor .mp4 117.10Мб
2. General Structure of CICD Pipelines .mp4 259.72Мб
2. Understanding GitLab Runner Systems .mp4 235.42Мб
20 972.04Кб
21 882.12Кб
22 82.57Кб
23 324.70Кб
24 388.19Кб
25 164.99Кб
26 746.39Кб
27 1014.30Кб
28 211.33Кб
29 86.18Кб
3 537.64Кб
3. Add GitLab CICD Pipeline Config File .mp4 68.80Мб
3. Consume Artifacts from GitLab CICD Job .mp4 81.48Мб
3. Create GitLab CICD Pipeline and Explore Variables .mp4 214.68Мб
3. Create GitLab CICD Pipeline Definition .mp4 171.68Мб
3. Implement the Azure PowerShell Deployment Script .mp4 121.92Мб
3. Install GitLab Runner on Linux VM .mp4 187.05Мб
3. Specify Linux Container Images for GitLab CICD Jobs .mp4 267.20Мб
3. Understanding Package Registries with CICD Platforms .mp4 196.63Мб
30 919.81Кб
31 994.59Кб
32 24.33Кб
33 462.55Кб
34 539.52Кб
35 588.41Кб
36 863.35Кб
37 738.21Кб
38 595.18Кб
39 40.83Кб
4 879.26Кб
4. Adding the GitLab Service Container with Docker Engine .mp4 171.92Мб
4. Call AWS CloudFormation Create Stack API with CLI .mp4 179.14Мб
4. Call External Script Files from GitLab CICD Pipelines .mp4 97.47Мб
4. Configure Authentication for Microsoft Azure Subscription .mp4 115.98Мб
4. Create a Basic GitLab Pipeline .mp4 77.43Мб
4. Deploy Self-Hosted GitLab CICD Runner .mp4 98.55Мб
4. Intro to Service Containers for GitLab Pipelines .mp4 94.43Мб
4. Storing Secrets for CICD Platform Consumption .mp4 276.47Мб
40 531.03Кб
41 584.35Кб
42 881.46Кб
43 199.97Кб
5 523.21Кб
5. Add AWS IAM Credentials to GitLab Project .mp4 116.03Мб
5. Add CSS Stylesheet and Extra Pages .mp4 75.14Мб
5. Call PowerShell Scripts from GitLab CICD with Container Image .mp4 274.14Мб
5. Create Global Service Container for GitLab CICD Pipeline .mp4 123.79Мб
5. Grant Azure Service Principal Role Assignment .mp4 131.01Мб
5. Importance of CICD Platform Performance Metrics .mp4 298.44Мб
5. Specify GitLab Pipeline Job Dependencies .mp4 82.96Мб
5. Write Dockerfile and Test Container Image Build .mp4 205.95Мб
6 902.58Кб
6. Define Global and Job Variables in GitLab CICD Pipelines .mp4 224.83Мб
6. Deploy Job-Specific Service Container in GitLab CICD .mp4 85.42Мб
6. Develop and Deploy Azure Resource Manager Templates .mp4 167.62Мб
6. Target GitLab Pipelines to Runners with Tags .mp4 61.72Мб
6. Update Existing AWS CloudFormation Stacks from GitLab CICD .mp4 188.83Мб
7 818.62Кб
8 18.51Кб
9 19.36Кб
TutsNode.net.txt 63б
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