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Название [FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Flutter & Dart - The Complete Flutter App Development Course
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[CourseClub.ME].url 122б
[FCS Forum].url 133б
[FreeCourseSite.com].url 127б
1.1 bmilogo.png 6.55Кб
1.1 film.json 24.84Кб
1.1 flag.png 92.42Кб
1.1 Icons-splash.zip 130.88Кб
1.1 Keystore setup Auth.html 117б
1.1 Starter-mortgage-app-screenshot.png 103.04Кб
1.2 Screen Shot 2019-12-04 at 7.45.49 PM.png 280.40Кб
1.3 mortgage_payment_starter_app.zip 165.13Кб
1. App - BMI Solution - UI Setup - Part 1.mp4 100.21Мб
1. App - BMI Solution - UI Setup - Part 1.srt 14.22Кб
1. App - Introduction to the Make It Rain App.mp4 3.27Мб
1. App - Introduction to the Make It Rain App.srt 2.30Кб
1. Control Flow - If Statements.mp4 9.01Мб
1. Control Flow - If Statements.srt 10.54Кб
1. Deconstructing the Flutter Syntax - Part 1.mp4 117.94Мб
1. Deconstructing the Flutter Syntax - Part 1.srt 18.86Кб
1. Device Orientation - Portrait and Landscape.mp4 18.93Мб
1. Device Orientation - Portrait and Landscape.srt 4.42Кб
1. Download all Assets Needed for this Section.html 49б
1. Download Android Studio and Setup Emulators.mp4 369.46Мб
1. Download Android Studio and Setup Emulators.srt 33.89Кб
1. Download - Image Resource.html 30б
1. Download -Movie Resources.html 240б
1. Download Starter code and Resources.html 66б
1. Firebase Android Setup - Part 1.mp4 177.32Мб
1. Firebase Android Setup - Part 1.srt 20.50Кб
1. Flutter App Project Source Code.html 438б
1. Flutter HelloWorld - Text Widget.mp4 61.26Мб
1. Flutter HelloWorld - Text Widget.srt 11.68Кб
1. Flutter Tip Calculator - User Interface - Part 1.mp4 95.70Мб
1. Flutter Tip Calculator - User Interface - Part 1.srt 16.07Кб
1. Getting Started with Animations in Flutter.mp4 185.48Мб
1. Getting Started with Animations in Flutter.srt 27.70Кб
1. Image Resources - BMI App.html 26б
1. Introduction to Abstract and Interface Classes.mp4 24.92Мб
1. Introduction to Abstract and Interface Classes.srt 11.57Кб
1. Introduction to App - Weight On Planet X.mp4 6.01Мб
1. Introduction to App - Weight On Planet X.srt 2.39Кб
1. Introduction to Classes and Objects.mp4 22.33Мб
1. Introduction to Classes and Objects.srt 7.76Кб
1. Introduction to Collections.mp4 11.58Мб
1. Introduction to Collections.srt 6.52Кб
1. Introduction to Database.mp4 10.71Мб
1. Introduction to Database.srt 3.88Кб
1. Introduction to FirebaseFirestore and Realtime Database.mp4 36.07Мб
1. Introduction to FirebaseFirestore and Realtime Database.srt 5.22Кб
1. Introduction to Firebase User Authentication.mp4 8.82Мб
1. Introduction to Firebase User Authentication.srt 2.52Кб
1. Introduction to Flutter and Flutter App Anatomy.mp4 7.15Мб
1. Introduction to Flutter and Flutter App Anatomy.srt 4.42Кб
1. Introduction to Google Maps and API Key Android Setup.mp4 54.14Мб
1. Introduction to Google Maps and API Key Android Setup.srt 11.04Кб
1. Introduction to HTTP and JSON.mp4 34.73Мб
1. Introduction to HTTP and JSON.srt 8.21Кб
1. Introduction to Inheritance with Dart.mp4 17.25Мб
1. Introduction to Inheritance with Dart.srt 9.57Кб
1. Introduction to Persistence in Flutter.mp4 10.41Мб
1. Introduction to Persistence in Flutter.srt 5.58Кб
1. Introduction to Scaffold Widget and More.mp4 11.13Мб
1. Introduction to Scaffold Widget and More.srt 5.76Кб
1. Introduction to Stateless VS Stateful Widgets.mp4 9.14Мб
1. Introduction to Stateless VS Stateful Widgets.srt 4.67Кб
1. Introduction to UI and UX.mp4 149.22Мб
1. Introduction to UI and UX.srt 142.92Мб
1. Intro to Dart and Dart Pad - Online Editor.mp4 11.40Мб
1. Intro to Dart and Dart Pad - Online Editor.srt 11.70Кб
1. Keep Learning By Building Apps - Lots of Them!.html 1.48Кб
1. Layouts - Containers and Columns.mp4 128.09Мб
1. Layouts - Containers and Columns.srt 16.28Кб
1. MAC -Setup Dart and Flutter SDK on Mac OSX - Part 1.mp4 99.39Мб
1. MAC -Setup Dart and Flutter SDK on Mac OSX - Part 1.srt 12.38Кб
1. Mortgage App - Solution - Pick Color Palette and Create Colors File.mp4 43.81Мб
1. Mortgage App - Solution - Pick Color Palette and Create Colors File.srt 7.91Кб
1. My other Courses.html 1.73Кб
1. Parsing a JSON Object.mp4 115.37Мб
1. Parsing a JSON Object.srt 15.75Кб
1. Quake App Solution - Part 1.mp4 102.60Мб
1. Quake App Solution - Part 1.srt 12.66Кб
1. The App Development Process.mp4 8.59Мб
1. The App Development Process.srt 5.88Кб
1. The Learning Path of This Course.mp4 2.22Мб
1. The Learning Path of This Course.srt 2.16Кб
1. What We'll be Building.mp4 15.13Мб
1. What We'll be Building.srt 2.23Кб
1. What Will You Build in this Challenge - Quake App.mp4 8.64Мб
1. What Will You Build in this Challenge - Quake App.srt 3.00Кб
1. What Will You Build in this Section - Klimatic Introduction.mp4 10.47Мб
1. What Will You Build in this Section - Klimatic Introduction.srt 1.30Кб
1. What Will You Build in this Section - No-Todo App Introduction.mp4 3.93Мб
1. What Will You Build in this Section - No-Todo App Introduction.srt 2.37Кб
1. What You'll Build Next.html 671б
1. What You'll Build - Weather Forecast App Demo.mp4 34.90Мб
1. What You'll Build - Weather Forecast App Demo.srt 3.25Кб
1. Why Flutter Development.mp4 8.34Мб
1. Why Flutter Development.srt 14.35Кб
10. [API Link] - JSON API Link to Use.html 240б
10.1 notodo_app.zip 28.00Мб
10. App - Community Board - AnimatedList and FirebaseListview - Showing Ite - Part 5.mp4 149.88Мб
10. App - Community Board - AnimatedList and FirebaseListview - Showing Ite - Part 5.srt 14.32Кб
10. Board App - Update Document.mp4 149.67Мб
10. Board App - Update Document.srt 15.57Кб
10. Company Page Animation - Showing Image and Backdrop Opacity - Part 4.mp4 126.79Мб
10. Company Page Animation - Showing Image and Backdrop Opacity - Part 4.srt 16.92Кб
10. Equality and Relational Operators in Dart.mp4 7.62Мб
10. Equality and Relational Operators in Dart.srt 8.10Кб
10. Flutter Floating Action Button.mp4 33.59Мб
10. Flutter Floating Action Button.srt 3.97Кб
10. Getting City Name Dynamically from TextField.mp4 37.03Мб
10. Getting City Name Dynamically from TextField.srt 3.84Кб
10. Material Design - Material.io Overview.mp4 34.89Мб
10. Material Design - Material.io Overview.srt 7.04Кб
10. MOVIE APP - Adding Movie Image.mp4 113.36Мб
10. MOVIE APP - Adding Movie Image.srt 14.97Кб
10. Optional Parameters in Dart.mp4 6.74Мб
10. Optional Parameters in Dart.srt 7.13Кб
10. PODO - Final Implementation.mp4 119.23Мб
10. PODO - Final Implementation.srt 16.98Кб
10. Resources.html 1019б
10. Resources.html
10. Showing All Users from Database in a Listview.mp4 117.76Мб
10. Showing All Users from Database in a Listview.srt 13.54Кб
10. UPDATE - MaterialPageRoute Issue Fixed!.html 831б
11.1 HelloDartVars.zip 1.48Мб
11. App - Community Board - Add OnChangedData - Final App.mp4 82.29Мб
11. App - Community Board - Add OnChangedData - Final App.srt 8.52Кб
11. Company Page Animation - Adding Blur Effect and Logo Avatar - Part 5.mp4 198.79Мб
11. Company Page Animation - Adding Blur Effect and Logo Avatar - Part 5.srt 25.35Кб
11. Formatting and Showing Date.mp4 92.12Мб
11. Formatting and Showing Date.srt 12.78Кб
11. Lexical Scope in Dart.mp4 11.45Мб
11. Lexical Scope in Dart.srt 11.89Кб
11. Material Design - Understanding Color Themes.mp4 29.17Мб
11. Material Design - Understanding Color Themes.srt 8.96Кб
11. MOVIE APP - Finishing Custom Row.mp4 53.64Мб
11. MOVIE APP - Finishing Custom Row.srt 5.18Кб
11. Quakes App - Our Quakes API and Chrome Extension.mp4 53.95Мб
11. Quakes App - Our Quakes API and Chrome Extension.srt 7.77Кб
11. Resources.html 428б
11. Resources.html 481б
11. Sending Data back to First Screen.mp4 150.48Мб
11. Sending Data back to First Screen.srt 18.69Кб
11. Source Code.html 119б
12.1 database_intro.zip 28.03Мб
12.1 firebase_setup_community_board_app.zip 279.19Мб
12. App - Klimatic - Go to Second Screen - Second Screen User Interface.mp4 199.48Мб
12. App - Klimatic - Go to Second Screen - Second Screen User Interface.srt 21.80Кб
12. Company Page Animation - Adding UI Interface and Animation - Part 6.mp4 138.11Мб
12. Company Page Animation - Adding UI Interface and Animation - Part 6.srt 14.67Кб
12. Material Design - Typography and Iconography.mp4 38.55Мб
12. Material Design - Typography and Iconography.srt 8.34Кб
12. MOVIE APP - Changing the Background Color.mp4 16.16Мб
12. MOVIE APP - Changing the Background Color.srt 1.65Кб
12. Quakes App - Setting up Project and TypesHelper Class.mp4 88.71Мб
12. Quakes App - Setting up Project and TypesHelper Class.srt 15.06Кб
12. Resources.html 246б
12. Showing Current Temp.mp4 49.75Мб
12. Showing Current Temp.srt 7.56Кб
12. Source Code.html 18б
12. Source Code.html 18б
13.1 HelloDartVars.zip 1.48Мб
13. Adding Humidity, Wind and Max to the User Interface.mp4 77.02Мб
13. Adding Humidity, Wind and Max to the User Interface.srt 9.00Кб
13. App - Klimatic - Changing City and Getting Weather Temperature.mp4 106.17Мб
13. App - Klimatic - Changing City and Getting Weather Temperature.srt 10.27Кб
13. Company Page Animation - Adding Animation and UI Touchups - Part 7.mp4 79.40Мб
13. Company Page Animation - Adding Animation and UI Touchups - Part 7.srt 7.62Кб
13. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Showing Movie Thumbnail.mp4 77.80Мб
13. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Showing Movie Thumbnail.srt 11.72Кб
13. Quakes App - Fixing the Types Issue.mp4 99.11Мб
13. Quakes App - Fixing the Types Issue.srt 13.72Кб
13. Resources.html 234б
13. Source Code.html 18б
14. Company Page Animation - Adding UI - Scrollable Courses Area - Part 8.mp4 197.77Мб
14. Company Page Animation - Adding UI - Scrollable Courses Area - Part 8.srt 28.11Кб
14. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Adding Linear Gradient.mp4 52.81Мб
14. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Adding Linear Gradient.srt 8.62Кб
14. Quakes App - Getting All Quakes and Setup Markers.mp4 125.91Мб
14. Quakes App - Getting All Quakes and Setup Markers.srt 21.29Кб
14. UPDATE - MaterialPageRoute Issue Fixed!.mp4 22.10Мб
14. UPDATE - MaterialPageRoute Issue Fixed!.srt 2.56Кб
14. Utilizing FontAwesome Icons.mp4 71.00Мб
14. Utilizing FontAwesome Icons.srt 8.22Кб
15. App - Klimatic Final App - Congrats.mp4 155.74Мб
15. App - Klimatic Final App - Congrats.srt 15.54Кб
15. Finished App.mp4 124.96Мб
15. Finished App.srt 13.54Кб
15. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Adding Movie Poster.mp4 88.21Мб
15. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Adding Movie Poster.srt 13.60Кб
15. Quake App - Markers Fixed and Working.mp4 33.77Мб
15. Quake App - Markers Fixed and Working.srt 3.71Кб
15. Setup getWeatherIcon Helper Function.mp4 59.92Мб
15. Setup getWeatherIcon Helper Function.srt 9.07Кб
16.1 bawp_profile.zip 30.48Мб
16. App - Klimatic - Final.mp4 187.16Мб
16. App - Klimatic - Final.srt 15.97Кб
16. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Movie's Header.mp4 99.76Мб
16. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Movie's Header.srt 11.24Кб
16. Quake App - Adding Zooms and Finished App.mp4 164.88Мб
16. Quake App - Adding Zooms and Finished App.srt 18.73Кб
16. Resources.html 30б
16. Setup Bottom ScrollView - Part 1.mp4 95.65Мб
16. Setup Bottom ScrollView - Part 1.srt 14.70Кб
17.1 klimatic.zip 31.37Мб
17. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Adding Movie's Cast.mp4 72.25Мб
17. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Adding Movie's Cast.srt 9.97Кб
17. Resources.html 1.37Кб
17. Setup Day in Bottom ScrollView.mp4 83.98Мб
17. Setup Day in Bottom ScrollView.srt 11.86Кб
17. Source Code.html 33б
18. Adding WeatherIcon to our ScrollView.mp4 67.32Мб
18. Adding WeatherIcon to our ScrollView.srt 8.15Кб
18. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Adding Horizontal Line.mp4 41.13Мб
18. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Adding Horizontal Line.srt 5.21Кб
19. Finished App.mp4 134.77Мб
19. Finished App.srt 15.18Кб
19. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Adding Bottom Movie Posters - Finished App.mp4 139.51Мб
19. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Adding Bottom Movie Posters - Finished App.srt 17.47Кб
2. [OPTIONAL] Google Maps iOS Setup.mp4 32.27Мб
2. [OPTIONAL] Google Maps iOS Setup.srt 4.99Кб
2.1 face.png 2.55Кб
2.1 FlutterFire - Flutter Plugins Site.html 95б
2.1 planet.png 26.11Кб
2. Abstract and Interface Classes in Dart - Creation.mp4 96.46Мб
2. Abstract and Interface Classes in Dart - Creation.srt 18.42Кб
2. App - BMI Solution - UI Final - Part 2.mp4 121.64Мб
2. App - BMI Solution - UI Final - Part 2.srt 11.96Кб
2. App - Build a Biz card App.mp4 168.58Мб
2. App - Build a Biz card App.srt 24.33Кб
2. App - Build a Quotes App - Part 1.mp4 122.93Мб
2. App - Build a Quotes App - Part 1.srt 18.77Кб
2. App - Klimatic - Signup for API Key.mp4 53.36Мб
2. App - Klimatic - Signup for API Key.srt 8.51Кб
2. App - User Interface - Make it Rain App.mp4 84.96Мб
2. App - User Interface - Make it Rain App.srt 12.75Кб
2. Challenge Instructions.html 2.77Кб
2. Challenge Instructions.html 5.30Кб
2. Creating a Counter Animation.mp4 143.27Мб
2. Creating a Counter Animation.srt 19.05Кб
2. Creating a Flutter Hello World App - Basics with Text Widget.mp4 36.69Мб
2. Creating a Flutter Hello World App - Basics with Text Widget.srt 8.15Кб
2. Creating a Listview of Movies.mp4 95.23Мб
2. Creating a Listview of Movies.srt 13.10Кб
2. Creating App Icon - With Online Tools.mp4 41.25Мб
2. Creating App Icon - With Online Tools.srt 5.57Кб
2. Creating Classes and Inheritance Tree.mp4 58.64Мб
2. Creating Classes and Inheritance Tree.srt 9.32Кб
2. Creating Lists and Iterating through Them.mp4 52.96Мб
2. Creating Lists and Iterating through Them.srt 10.94Кб
2. Dart - Coding Style and Naming Convention.mp4 9.94Мб
2. Dart - Coding Style and Naming Convention.srt 6.79Кб
2. Database Project Setup - Dependencies and Plugins.mp4 93.77Мб
2. Database Project Setup - Dependencies and Plugins.srt 93.78Мб
2. Deconstructing the Flutter Syntax - Understanding Named Parameters - Part 2.mp4 104.30Мб
2. Deconstructing the Flutter Syntax - Understanding Named Parameters - Part 2.srt 16.15Кб
2. Firebase Android Setup - Final.mp4 105.23Мб
2. Firebase Android Setup - Final.srt 14.11Кб
2. Flutter Introduction to Async and Future - Http Requests.mp4 15.41Мб
2. Flutter Introduction to Async and Future - Http Requests.srt 7.59Кб
2. Flutter Tip Calculator - Top Card and Custom Colors.mp4 121.17Мб
2. Flutter Tip Calculator - Top Card and Custom Colors.srt 18.17Кб
2. For MAC Users ONLY How to Create a .bash_profile.html 88б
2. How the Project Source Code is Structured.mp4 38.68Мб
2. How the Project Source Code is Structured.srt 5.96Кб
2. Important Message.mp4 2.23Мб
2. Important Message.srt 1.18Кб
2. Introduction to Class Creation and Instance Variables.mp4 55.51Мб
2. Introduction to Class Creation and Instance Variables.srt 11.68Кб
2. Logical Operators.mp4 13.69Мб
2. Logical Operators.srt 14.18Кб
2. Login App Image Resources.html 66б
2. Material Design Text and Widgets - Font Properties.mp4 57.37Мб
2. Material Design Text and Widgets - Font Properties.srt 9.71Кб
2. Mortgage App - Solution - Theming App - Part 1.mp4 101.04Мб
2. Mortgage App - Solution - Theming App - Part 1.srt 12.87Кб
2. No-Todo App - Setup - User Interface and Project Setting.mp4 111.89Мб
2. No-Todo App - Setup - User Interface and Project Setting.srt 16.98Кб
2. OpenWeather - Setting up our APPID.mp4 27.02Мб
2. OpenWeather - Setting up our APPID.srt 4.54Кб
2. OPTIONAL - Android Studio - Fix VTX is Disabled in BIOS.html 207б
2. Parsing a JSON Object - Getting a Field Value.mp4 81.82Мб
2. Parsing a JSON Object - Getting a Field Value.srt 11.48Кб
2. Quake App Solution - Fixing Return Types - Getting JSON Data.mp4 82.58Мб
2. Quake App Solution - Fixing Return Types - Getting JSON Data.srt 9.60Кб
2. Reading And Writing to Text Files - Part 1.mp4 167.86Мб
2. Reading And Writing to Text Files - Part 1.srt 22.90Кб
2. Rows and Expanded.mp4 71.15Мб
2. Rows and Expanded.srt 7.92Кб
2. Scaffold Widget and the AppBar, Toolbar and Responding to Tap.mp4 108.62Мб
2. Scaffold Widget and the AppBar, Toolbar and Responding to Tap.srt 15.70Кб
2. Setting up Emulator to Work with Google Sign in.mp4 50.58Мб
2. Setting up Emulator to Work with Google Sign in.srt 6.57Кб
2. Setting up Firestore in our Project.mp4 120.84Мб
2. Setting up Firestore in our Project.srt 20.97Кб
2. Setting up the Project.mp4 104.04Мб
2. Setting up the Project.srt 13.32Кб
2. Setup Project - Adding Image Assets.mp4 90.46Мб
2. Setup Project - Adding Image Assets.srt 13.45Кб
2. Weight On Planet X - Image Resources.html 47б
2. What's Material Design.mp4 36.25Мб
2. What's Material Design.srt 3.98Кб
2. What Will You Build in this Challenge.mp4 12.40Мб
2. What Will You Build in this Challenge.srt 12.41Мб
20. [CODE REFACTOR] - Movie App Code Refactor.mp4 26.32Мб
20. [CODE REFACTOR] - Movie App Code Refactor.srt 3.61Кб
20. Code Refactoring and User Interface Improvements.mp4 102.23Мб
20. Code Refactoring and User Interface Improvements.srt 11.04Кб
21. Resources and Tips.html 1.34Кб
3.1 AbstractClasses.zip 1.48Мб
3. Adding http Package to our Project.mp4 57.91Мб
3. Adding http Package to our Project.srt 10.36Кб
3. Adding Methods to Classes.mp4 49.04Мб
3. Adding Methods to Classes.srt 6.91Кб
3. App - BMI Solution - Writing the Logic- Part 3.mp4 127.81Мб
3. App - BMI Solution - Writing the Logic- Part 3.srt 12.46Кб
3. App - Build a Quotes App - Finished Product.mp4 100.14Мб
3. App - Build a Quotes App - Finished Product.srt 13.21Кб
3. App - Klimatic - Project Setup and Unsplash Website.mp4 138.02Мб
3. App - Klimatic - Project Setup and Unsplash Website.srt 17.10Кб
3. App - Login - Setup Configurations and UI - Part 1.mp4 145.52Мб
3. App - Login - Setup Configurations and UI - Part 1.srt 20.02Кб
3. App - User Interface - Make it Rain App - Part 2.mp4 103.84Мб
3. App - User Interface - Make it Rain App - Part 2.srt 13.77Кб
3. App - Weight On Planet X - User Interface - Part 1.mp4 108.65Мб
3. App - Weight On Planet X - User Interface - Part 1.srt 15.74Кб
3. Challenge - Instructions - Build a BMI App - Resources.html 1.95Кб
3. Creating a List with a Person Type Object.mp4 57.61Мб
3. Creating a List with a Person Type Object.srt 7.70Кб
3. Creating Database Client Helper Class - Part 1.mp4 48.26Мб
3. Creating Database Client Helper Class - Part 1.srt 10.47Кб
3. Customizing ListTile Row and Adding onTap.mp4 69.70Мб
3. Customizing ListTile Row and Adding onTap.srt 10.36Кб
3. Dart - Declaring variables - String.mp4 11.30Мб
3. Dart - Declaring variables - String.srt 15.02Кб
3. Deconstructing BuildContext.mp4 27.41Мб
3. Deconstructing BuildContext.srt 9.06Кб
3. Dynamically Generating iOS and Android Icons Using Plugin.mp4 105.22Мб
3. Dynamically Generating iOS and Android Icons Using Plugin.srt 16.10Кб
3. Flutter Android - Writing to Firebase Realtime Database.mp4 116.61Мб
3. Flutter Android - Writing to Firebase Realtime Database.srt 11.88Кб
3. Flutter Tip Calculator - Building the Split Row.mp4 81.73Мб
3. Flutter Tip Calculator - Building the Split Row.srt 11.19Кб
3. For Loops in Dart.mp4 7.85Мб
3. For Loops in Dart.srt 8.66Кб
3. For MAC Users ONLY How to Access the Library Folder in Your Home Folder.html 96б
3. InkWell Widget and EventListeners - Tap.mp4 109.19Мб
3. InkWell Widget and EventListeners - Tap.srt 13.69Кб
3. Introduction to Tween Class.mp4 67.83Мб
3. Introduction to Tween Class.srt 9.62Кб
3. Joke Listing Class.mp4 96.45Мб
3. Joke Listing Class.srt 13.37Кб
3. Mortgage App - Solution - Theming App - Part 2.mp4 106.21Мб
3. Mortgage App - Solution - Theming App - Part 2.srt 12.28Кб
3. No-Todo App - Setup - Model Class and Listview Row.mp4 109.99Мб
3. No-Todo App - Setup - Model Class and Listview Row.srt 14.09Кб
3. Override Methods.mp4 62.78Мб
3. Override Methods.srt 10.35Кб
3. Parsing a JSON Object - Looping Through JSON.mp4 27.08Мб
3. Parsing a JSON Object - Looping Through JSON.srt 2.74Кб
3. Quake App Solution - Getting Data into Listrow.mp4 106.73Мб
3. Quake App Solution - Getting Data into Listrow.srt 10.69Кб
3. Question Model Class - Setup.mp4 74.78Мб
3. Question Model Class - Setup.srt 11.82Кб
3. Reading Data from Firestore Database.mp4 96.67Мб
3. Reading Data from Firestore Database.srt 15.49Кб
3. ReadWrite - Show Data in Console.mp4 131.59Мб
3. ReadWrite - Show Data in Console.srt 13.12Кб
3. Setup Google Sing in - Part 1.mp4 205.71Мб
3. Setup Google Sing in - Part 1.srt 25.62Кб
3. Setup Our Weather Forecast Project.mp4 54.06Мб
3. Setup Our Weather Forecast Project.srt 9.16Кб
3. Showing a Google Map - Problem to be Fixed - AndroidX Update.mp4 61.19Мб
3. Showing a Google Map - Problem to be Fixed - AndroidX Update.srt 10.47Кб
3. Source Code.html 18б
3. Stack Widget.mp4 40.22Мб
3. Stack Widget.srt 5.11Кб
3. Themes in Flutter.mp4 7.12Мб
3. Themes in Flutter.srt 4.13Кб
3. Understanding Material Design Basics - Text and Widget Properties.mp4 49.93Мб
3. Understanding Material Design Basics - Text and Widget Properties.srt 8.30Кб
3. UPDATE - Please Watch.mp4 42.52Мб
3. UPDATE - Please Watch.srt 6.57Кб
3. Windows Flutter Installation - Final Setup.mp4 126.61Мб
3. Windows Flutter Installation - Final Setup.srt 11.41Кб
4.1 intro_layouts_containers.zip 132.64Мб
4.1 Klimatic-Images.zip 838.97Кб
4. Adding Splash Screen - Android.mp4 55.43Мб
4. Adding Splash Screen - Android.srt 9.07Кб
4. App - BMI Solution - Final.mp4 127.86Мб
4. App - BMI Solution - Final.srt 10.36Кб
4. App - UI Setup Image and TextFields - Part 2.mp4 103.14Мб
4. App - UI Setup Image and TextFields - Part 2.srt 17.92Кб
4. App - User Interface - Make it Rain App - Final.mp4 95.88Мб
4. App - User Interface - Make it Rain App - Final.srt 10.83Кб
4. App - Weight On Planet X - User Interface - Part 2.mp4 131.06Мб
4. App - Weight On Planet X - User Interface - Part 2.srt 16.27Кб
4. Board App - Setup Form.mp4 114.96Мб
4. Board App - Setup Form.srt 14.99Кб
4. Bottom Navigator and Adding Touch.mp4 76.05Мб
4. Bottom Navigator and Adding Touch.srt 9.08Кб
4. Creating Account With Email and Password.mp4 90.87Мб
4. Creating Account With Email and Password.srt 12.09Кб
4. Creating Database Client Helper Class - Part 2.mp4 110.41Мб
4. Creating Database Client Helper Class - Part 2.srt 13.21Кб
4. Creating Our Forecast Model Class.mp4 84.28Мб
4. Creating Our Forecast Model Class.srt 16.29Кб
4. Dart Types and Assigning Types to Variables.mp4 8.60Мб
4. Dart Types and Assigning Types to Variables.srt 10.33Кб
4. Exploring ThemeData Class - App Brightness.mp4 91.54Мб
4. Exploring ThemeData Class - App Brightness.srt 12.53Кб
4. Finishing the User Interface.mp4 53.42Мб
4. Finishing the User Interface.srt 6.71Кб
4. Fixing AndroidX Issues.mp4 108.83Мб
4. Fixing AndroidX Issues.srt 15.30Кб
4. Flutter Tip Calculator - Build the Tip Row.mp4 26.77Мб
4. Flutter Tip Calculator - Build the Tip Row.srt 3.74Кб
4. Formatting Our Code.mp4 18.56Мб
4. Formatting Our Code.srt 3.09Кб
4. Inheriting Classes with Constructors.mp4 55.32Мб
4. Inheriting Classes with Constructors.srt 8.83Кб
4. Introduction to Constructors - Part 1.mp4 82.76Мб
4. Introduction to Constructors - Part 1.srt 13.53Кб
4. Introduction to Maps.mp4 53.67Мб
4. Introduction to Maps.srt 9.56Кб
4. Joke Details Class.mp4 97.71Мб
4. Joke Details Class.srt 13.33Кб
4. Klimatic - Image Resources.html 30б
4. MAC -Setup Dart and Flutter SDK on Mac OSX - Part 2.mp4 115.49Мб
4. MAC -Setup Dart and Flutter SDK on Mac OSX - Part 2.srt 14.13Кб
4. Mortgage App - Solution Wrapup.mp4 38.61Мб
4. Mortgage App - Solution Wrapup.srt 4.46Кб
4. Navigating to a Second Route - Screen.mp4 65.19Мб
4. Navigating to a Second Route - Screen.srt 65.20Мб
4. No-Todo App - Setup - Database Helper Class.mp4 99.16Мб
4. No-Todo App - Setup - Database Helper Class.srt 12.61Кб
4. OPTIONAL - iOS Firebase Setup and Writing to Realtime Database.mp4 85.81Мб
4. OPTIONAL - iOS Firebase Setup and Writing to Realtime Database.srt 10.84Кб
4. Parsing JSON Data into a ListView Widget.mp4 165.22Мб
4. Parsing JSON Data into a ListView Widget.srt 20.99Кб
4. Quake App Solution - Row User Interface.mp4 104.80Мб
4. Quake App Solution - Row User Interface.srt 10.90Кб
4. Read and Write - Final.mp4 72.43Мб
4. Read and Write - Final.srt 7.98Кб
4. Resources.html 439б
4. Separating Flutter Code - Creating a Stateless Home Class.mp4 101.38Мб
4. Separating Flutter Code - Creating a Stateless Home Class.srt 16.37Кб
4. Setup Network Class.mp4 79.46Мб
4. Setup Network Class.srt 13.48Кб
4. Source Code.html 18б
4. Tween - Animation Status.mp4 53.52Мб
4. Tween - Animation Status.srt 6.33Кб
4. While, Do-While and Break in Dart.mp4 6.78Мб
4. While, Do-While and Break in Dart.srt 7.73Кб
4. Windows Flutter Installation Resources - Very Helpful!.html 505б
5.1 bmiapp.zip 216.63Кб
5.1 DartCollections.zip 1.48Мб
5.1 make_it_rain.zip 18.16Мб
5.1 mortgage_payment_solution.zip 512.67Кб
5. Adding Launcher Image - iOS.mp4 30.64Мб
5. Adding Launcher Image - iOS.srt 4.78Кб
5. App - Klimatic - User Interface Setup and API Setup.mp4 109.97Мб
5. App - Klimatic - User Interface Setup and API Setup.srt 12.40Кб
5. App - UI Setup - Finished.mp4 69.16Мб
5. App - UI Setup - Finished.srt 10.15Кб
5. App - Weight On Planet X - Logic- Part 3.mp4 113.77Мб
5. App - Weight On Planet X - Logic- Part 3.srt 14.95Кб
5. Board App - Saving Data to Firestore Database from the App.mp4 99.75Мб
5. Board App - Saving Data to Firestore Database from the App.srt 14.19Кб
5. Creating Database Client Helper Class - Part 3.mp4 145.30Мб
5. Creating Database Client Helper Class - Part 3.srt 19.21Кб
5. Creating Libraries and Adding Widgets to Libraries.mp4 44.60Мб
5. Creating Libraries and Adding Widgets to Libraries.srt 7.86Кб
5. Dart - Numbers - Integers and Doubles.mp4 4.47Мб
5. Dart - Numbers - Integers and Doubles.srt 4.55Кб
5. Data Parsing and Listviews - Customizing Listviews.mp4 147.66Мб
5. Data Parsing and Listviews - Customizing Listviews.srt 17.90Кб
5. Fetching JSON Data.mp4 88.95Мб
5. Fetching JSON Data.srt 12.92Кб
5. Final Product - The Joke App.mp4 203.96Мб
5. Final Product - The Joke App.srt 28.78Кб
5. Finishing Quiz Logic.mp4 74.58Мб
5. Finishing Quiz Logic.srt 10.58Кб
5. Floating Action - Running on iOS and Android.mp4 48.54Мб
5. Floating Action - Running on iOS and Android.srt 5.08Кб
5. Flutter Tip Calculator - Finished User Interface.mp4 82.82Мб
5. Flutter Tip Calculator - Finished User Interface.srt 82.83Мб
5. Google Signout And Refresh Screen.mp4 70.11Мб
5. Google Signout And Refresh Screen.srt 6.80Кб
5. Introduction to Chain Animation - Separating Animation Logic.mp4 99.58Мб
5. Introduction to Chain Animation - Separating Animation Logic.srt 13.79Кб
5. Little Material Design Presentation.mp4 6.03Мб
5. Little Material Design Presentation.srt 3.56Кб
5. MAC -Setup Dart and Flutter SDK on Mac OSX - Part 3.mp4 94.21Мб
5. MAC -Setup Dart and Flutter SDK on Mac OSX - Part 3.srt 11.33Кб
5. Named and Sugar Syntactic Constructors - Part 2.mp4 54.58Мб
5. Named and Sugar Syntactic Constructors - Part 2.srt 7.83Кб
5. No-Todo App - Setup - Saving Data to Database.mp4 159.24Мб
5. No-Todo App - Setup - Saving Data to Database.srt 18.69Кб
5. Quake App Solution - Date Formatting.mp4 190.71Мб
5. Quake App Solution - Date Formatting.srt 18.48Кб
5. Reading Data From Realtime Database - Part 1.mp4 79.29Мб
5. Reading Data From Realtime Database - Part 1.srt 8.18Кб
5. Returning to the First RouteScreen.mp4 17.36Мб
5. Returning to the First RouteScreen.srt 1.94Кб
5. Running our Map on Both Android and iOS.mp4 27.77Мб
5. Running our Map on Both Android and iOS.srt 3.40Кб
5. Shared Preferences for Android and iOS.mp4 225.05Мб
5. Shared Preferences for Android and iOS.srt 22.69Кб
5. Solution Source Code.html 40б
5. Source Code.html 18б
5. Source Code.html 18б
5. Source Code.html 18б
5. Switch Cases.mp4 5.82Мб
5. Switch Cases.srt 6.15Кб
5. Theming Headlines and Body1 Text.mp4 79.13Мб
5. Theming Headlines and Body1 Text.srt 11.94Кб
5. The toString() Method - Override.mp4 65.10Мб
5. The toString() Method - Override.srt 8.58Кб
5. WeatherForecast Modifiedfixed File.html 542б
6. [CHALLENGE] - Finished Logic.mp4 93.60Мб
6. [CHALLENGE] - Finished Logic.srt 12.52Кб
6.1 first_flutter_app.zip 132.66Мб
6.1 IntroToClasses.zip 1.48Мб
6.1 joke_app_orientation.zip 27.67Мб
6.1 sharedprefs.zip 18.21Мб
6. Adding Markers onto Map.mp4 66.58Мб
6. Adding Markers onto Map.srt 10.61Кб
6. App - Build a Community Board Application - Setup Model Class.mp4 91.64Мб
6. App - Build a Community Board Application - Setup Model Class.srt 11.09Кб
6. App - Klimatic - Http Request to the API and Getting Data.mp4 104.11Мб
6. App - Klimatic - Http Request to the API and Getting Data.srt 12.87Кб
6. App - Validation and Clear.mp4 84.06Мб
6. App - Validation and Clear.srt 11.89Кб
6. App - Weight On Planet X - Final.mp4 74.28Мб
6. App - Weight On Planet X - Final.srt 8.66Кб
6. Board App - Custom Card - Accounting for Nulls.mp4 102.35Мб
6. Board App - Custom Card - Accounting for Nulls.srt 13.32Кб
6. Chain Animation - Using the Separated Class.mp4 116.47Мб
6. Chain Animation - Using the Separated Class.srt 14.50Кб
6. ChallengeExercise - Make It Rain.mp4 2.66Мб
6. ChallengeExercise - Make It Rain.srt 1.32Кб
6. Creating Database Client Helper Class - Part 4.mp4 158.19Мб
6. Creating Database Client Helper Class - Part 4.srt 18.26Кб
6. Dart - Booleans.mp4 3.73Мб
6. Dart - Booleans.srt 4.18Кб
6. Fetching JSON and Using FutureBuilder Widget.mp4 108.29Мб
6. Fetching JSON and Using FutureBuilder Widget.srt 17.94Кб
6. Fixing Forecast Model Class.mp4 78.44Мб
6. Fixing Forecast Model Class.srt 12.01Кб
6. Flutter Scaffold Widget and Properties.mp4 78.80Мб
6. Flutter Scaffold Widget and Properties.srt 11.78Кб
6. Flutter Tip Calculator - Wrapup.mp4 104.56Мб
6. Flutter Tip Calculator - Wrapup.srt 15.42Кб
6. Introduction to Functions in Dart.mp4 8.14Мб
6. Introduction to Functions in Dart.srt 9.60Кб
6. Introduction to GestureDetector Widget - Part 1.mp4 96.67Мб
6. Introduction to GestureDetector Widget - Part 1.srt 13.56Кб
6. MAC -Setup Dart and Flutter SDK on Mac OSX - Final.mp4 110.48Мб
6. MAC -Setup Dart and Flutter SDK on Mac OSX - Final.srt 15.34Кб
6. No-Todo App - Setup - Showing Items in Listview.mp4 171.29Мб
6. No-Todo App - Setup - Showing Items in Listview.srt 20.83Кб
6. Parsing Complex JSON Tree - Must Watch.mp4 107.39Мб
6. Parsing Complex JSON Tree - Must Watch.srt 13.52Кб
6. Passing Data to Second RouteScreen.mp4 55.59Мб
6. Passing Data to Second RouteScreen.srt 7.72Кб
6. Quake App Solution - Final App.mp4 90.62Мб
6. Quake App Solution - Final App.srt 9.05Кб
6. Resources.html 28б
6. Setters and Getters.mp4 36.62Мб
6. Setters and Getters.srt 6.11Кб
6. Signing Android App - Generating a Keystore and AppBundle.mp4 134.44Мб
6. Signing Android App - Generating a Keystore and AppBundle.srt 21.27Кб
6. Signin With Email and Password & Signing out.mp4 54.19Мб
6. Signin With Email and Password & Signing out.srt 6.81Кб
6. Source Code.html 18б
6. Source Code.html 18б
6. Source Code.html 30б
6. Theming - Over-Writing Theme Properties.mp4 80.28Мб
6. Theming - Over-Writing Theme Properties.srt 11.29Кб
7. [SOLUTION - IMPROVEMENTS] - Wrapup.mp4 61.50Мб
7. [SOLUTION - IMPROVEMENTS] - Wrapup.srt 8.18Кб
7.1 IntroToClasses.zip 1.48Мб
7.1 parsing_data_update.zip 28.18Мб
7.1 quakes.zip 209.13Кб
7.1 readwriteapp.zip 18.20Мб
7.1 weightonx.zip 18.24Мб
7. App - Build a Community Board Application - Setup - Part 2.mp4 94.48Мб
7. App - Build a Community Board Application - Setup - Part 2.srt 10.14Кб
7. App - Klimatic - Show Data on Screen and Introduction to FutureBuilder Widget.mp4 134.09Мб
7. App - Klimatic - Show Data on Screen and Introduction to FutureBuilder Widget.srt 14.82Кб
7. App - Login App - Fetching Fields Data.mp4 102.01Мб
7. App - Login App - Fetching Fields Data.srt 13.95Кб
7. Board App - Restructuring Custom Card.mp4 77.24Мб
7. Board App - Restructuring Custom Card.srt 9.02Кб
7. Build a Company Profile Page Animation - Introduction.mp4 106.49Мб
7. Build a Company Profile Page Animation - Introduction.srt 14.21Кб
7. Creating a Movie Model Class - Showing Movies - Part 1.mp4 87.58Мб
7. Creating a Movie Model Class - Showing Movies - Part 1.srt 12.44Кб
7. Creating Database Client Helper Class - Final Setup.mp4 66.03Мб
7. Creating Database Client Helper Class - Final Setup.srt 6.81Кб
7. Dart - Const and Final Keywords.mp4 7.43Мб
7. Dart - Const and Final Keywords.srt 8.90Кб
7. Finalizing Fetching JSON and FutureBuilder.mp4 80.74Мб
7. Finalizing Fetching JSON and FutureBuilder.srt 8.91Кб
7. Flutter InkWell Widget and Event Listeners.mp4 60.34Мб
7. Flutter InkWell Widget and Event Listeners.srt 10.69Кб
7. Function Return Types - String-Int-Booleans.mp4 13.16Мб
7. Function Return Types - String-Int-Booleans.srt 14.65Кб
7. Gesture Detector Widget - Custom Buttons and Tap.mp4 141.91Мб
7. Gesture Detector Widget - Custom Buttons and Tap.srt 18.87Кб
7. No-Todo App - Setup - Showing App Previous and Current Saved Items.mp4 125.79Мб
7. No-Todo App - Setup - Showing App Previous and Current Saved Items.srt 16.12Кб
7. Publishing App to Google PlayStore.mp4 43.28Мб
7. Publishing App to Google PlayStore.srt 8.70Кб
7. Pulling JSON Data from API and Showing Data.mp4 71.21Мб
7. Pulling JSON Data from API and Showing Data.srt 10.97Кб
7. Resources.html 275б
7. Showing Another Marker.mp4 44.13Мб
7. Showing Another Marker.srt 4.48Кб
7. SOLUTION to the Challenge - Make It Rain App.mp4 6.83Мб
7. SOLUTION to the Challenge - Make It Rain App.srt 2.94Кб
7. Source Code.html 18б
7. Source Code.html 18б
7. Source Code.html 18б
7. Source Code.html 29б
7. Source Code.html 18б
7. Theming - Refactoring our TextTheme Further.mp4 77.09Мб
7. Theming - Refactoring our TextTheme Further.srt 10.00Кб
8.1 intro_scaffold.zip 18.16Мб
8. App - Community Board - Setup Methods - Part 3.mp4 131.19Мб
8. App - Community Board - Setup Methods - Part 3.srt 13.61Кб
8. Board App - Custom Card - Quick Code Refactoring.mp4 19.51Мб
8. Board App - Custom Card - Quick Code Refactoring.srt 2.19Кб
8. Company Page Animation - Model and Data Classes - Part 2.mp4 84.00Мб
8. Company Page Animation - Model and Data Classes - Part 2.srt 10.65Кб
8. Dart - Concatenation.mp4 7.81Мб
8. Dart - Concatenation.srt 7.82Мб
8. Dart - Using the = Operator for Returning Expressions.mp4 4.53Мб
8. Dart - Using the = Operator for Returning Expressions.srt 4.90Кб
8. Final Login App.mp4 84.68Мб
8. Final Login App.srt 13.34Кб
8. Flutter Gesture Detector Widget - Creating a Custom Button.mp4 81.61Мб
8. Flutter Gesture Detector Widget - Creating a Custom Button.srt 15.07Кб
8. How To Send Data Between Screens - From First Screen to Second.mp4 196.36Мб
8. How To Send Data Between Screens - From First Screen to Second.srt 20.23Кб
8. Implementing CameraPosition Animations.mp4 53.84Мб
8. Implementing CameraPosition Animations.srt 6.00Кб
8. MOVIE APP - Passing a Movie Object to Details Route and Showing Image.mp4 86.29Мб
8. MOVIE APP - Passing a Movie Object to Details Route and Showing Image.srt 10.00Кб
8. No-Todo App - Setup - Delete Row from Database and Redraw Screen.mp4 64.71Мб
8. No-Todo App - Setup - Delete Row from Database and Redraw Screen.srt 10.59Кб
8. OPTIONAL - iOS Firebase - Google Sign in for iOS - Setup.mp4 85.09Мб
8. OPTIONAL - iOS Firebase - Google Sign in for iOS - Setup.srt 9.35Кб
8. Plain Old Dart Object ( PODO ) and Mapping JSON - Introduction Setup.mp4 79.55Мб
8. Plain Old Dart Object ( PODO ) and Mapping JSON - Introduction Setup.srt 14.47Кб
8. Saving and Retrieving data From the Database - Part 1.mp4 102.13Мб
8. Saving and Retrieving data From the Database - Part 1.srt 12.10Кб
8. Setup iOS App to Publish in the Appstore.mp4 50.41Мб
8. Setup iOS App to Publish in the Appstore.srt 9.80Кб
8. Source Code.html 18б
8. Theming - Adding Custom Fonts to Our Project.mp4 76.07Мб
8. Theming - Adding Custom Fonts to Our Project.srt 12.54Кб
8. Using FutureBuilder to Show Data.mp4 67.19Мб
8. Using FutureBuilder to Show Data.srt 11.39Кб
9.1 firebase_setup-2.zip 42.07Мб
9. Adding City and Country Names.mp4 60.81Мб
9. Adding City and Country Names.srt 8.48Кб
9. App - Community Board - Saving Data - Part 4.mp4 90.08Мб
9. App - Community Board - Saving Data - Part 4.srt 9.59Кб
9. Arguments and Functions in Dart.mp4 9.79Мб
9. Arguments and Functions in Dart.srt 12.15Кб
9. Board App - Delete a Document.mp4 62.70Мб
9. Board App - Delete a Document.srt 7.30Кб
9. Company Page Animation - Create Animation Classes - Part 3.mp4 111.44Мб
9. Company Page Animation - Create Animation Classes - Part 3.srt 14.54Кб
9. Creating the iOS Archive and Uploading It.mp4 53.41Мб
9. Creating the iOS Archive and Uploading It.srt 9.03Кб
9. Dart Operators - Arithmetic.mp4 9.46Мб
9. Dart Operators - Arithmetic.srt 10.04Кб
9. Flutter Bottom Navigator and Adding a Tap.mp4 61.27Мб
9. Flutter Bottom Navigator and Adding a Tap.srt 7.88Кб
9. MOVIE APP - Customizing Row.mp4 81.99Мб
9. MOVIE APP - Customizing Row.srt 10.11Кб
9. Navigating to Second Screen and Sending Data.mp4 105.74Мб
9. Navigating to Second Screen and Sending Data.srt 12.15Кб
9. No-Todo App - Finished App.mp4 222.53Мб
9. No-Todo App - Finished App.srt 30.74Кб
9. PODO - Creating a PostList Class and Mapping.mp4 68.11Мб
9. PODO - Creating a PostList Class and Mapping.srt 11.46Кб
9. Quakes App - Demo.mp4 22.02Мб
9. Quakes App - Demo.srt 1.81Кб
9. Saving and Retrieving data From the Database - CRUD Operations.mp4 139.34Мб
9. Saving and Retrieving data From the Database - CRUD Operations.srt 16.05Кб
9. Source Code.html 18б
9. Theming - Applying FontFamily to All TextTheme Properties.mp4 27.79Мб
9. Theming - Applying FontFamily to All TextTheme Properties.srt 55.61Мб
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