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[CourseClub.ME].url |
122б |
[FCS Forum].url |
133б |
[FreeCourseSite.com].url |
127б |
1.1 bmilogo.png |
6.55Кб |
1.1 film.json |
24.84Кб |
1.1 flag.png |
92.42Кб |
1.1 Icons-splash.zip |
130.88Кб |
1.1 Keystore setup Auth.html |
117б |
1.1 Starter-mortgage-app-screenshot.png |
103.04Кб |
1.2 Screen Shot 2019-12-04 at 7.45.49 PM.png |
280.40Кб |
1.3 mortgage_payment_starter_app.zip |
165.13Кб |
1. App - BMI Solution - UI Setup - Part 1.mp4 |
100.21Мб |
1. App - BMI Solution - UI Setup - Part 1.srt |
14.22Кб |
1. App - Introduction to the Make It Rain App.mp4 |
3.27Мб |
1. App - Introduction to the Make It Rain App.srt |
2.30Кб |
1. Control Flow - If Statements.mp4 |
9.01Мб |
1. Control Flow - If Statements.srt |
10.54Кб |
1. Deconstructing the Flutter Syntax - Part 1.mp4 |
117.94Мб |
1. Deconstructing the Flutter Syntax - Part 1.srt |
18.86Кб |
1. Device Orientation - Portrait and Landscape.mp4 |
18.93Мб |
1. Device Orientation - Portrait and Landscape.srt |
4.42Кб |
1. Download all Assets Needed for this Section.html |
49б |
1. Download Android Studio and Setup Emulators.mp4 |
369.46Мб |
1. Download Android Studio and Setup Emulators.srt |
33.89Кб |
1. Download - Image Resource.html |
30б |
1. Download -Movie Resources.html |
240б |
1. Download Starter code and Resources.html |
66б |
1. Firebase Android Setup - Part 1.mp4 |
177.32Мб |
1. Firebase Android Setup - Part 1.srt |
20.50Кб |
1. Flutter App Project Source Code.html |
438б |
1. Flutter HelloWorld - Text Widget.mp4 |
61.26Мб |
1. Flutter HelloWorld - Text Widget.srt |
11.68Кб |
1. Flutter Tip Calculator - User Interface - Part 1.mp4 |
95.70Мб |
1. Flutter Tip Calculator - User Interface - Part 1.srt |
16.07Кб |
1. Getting Started with Animations in Flutter.mp4 |
185.48Мб |
1. Getting Started with Animations in Flutter.srt |
27.70Кб |
1. Image Resources - BMI App.html |
26б |
1. Introduction to Abstract and Interface Classes.mp4 |
24.92Мб |
1. Introduction to Abstract and Interface Classes.srt |
11.57Кб |
1. Introduction to App - Weight On Planet X.mp4 |
6.01Мб |
1. Introduction to App - Weight On Planet X.srt |
2.39Кб |
1. Introduction to Classes and Objects.mp4 |
22.33Мб |
1. Introduction to Classes and Objects.srt |
7.76Кб |
1. Introduction to Collections.mp4 |
11.58Мб |
1. Introduction to Collections.srt |
6.52Кб |
1. Introduction to Database.mp4 |
10.71Мб |
1. Introduction to Database.srt |
3.88Кб |
1. Introduction to FirebaseFirestore and Realtime Database.mp4 |
36.07Мб |
1. Introduction to FirebaseFirestore and Realtime Database.srt |
5.22Кб |
1. Introduction to Firebase User Authentication.mp4 |
8.82Мб |
1. Introduction to Firebase User Authentication.srt |
2.52Кб |
1. Introduction to Flutter and Flutter App Anatomy.mp4 |
7.15Мб |
1. Introduction to Flutter and Flutter App Anatomy.srt |
4.42Кб |
1. Introduction to Google Maps and API Key Android Setup.mp4 |
54.14Мб |
1. Introduction to Google Maps and API Key Android Setup.srt |
11.04Кб |
1. Introduction to HTTP and JSON.mp4 |
34.73Мб |
1. Introduction to HTTP and JSON.srt |
8.21Кб |
1. Introduction to Inheritance with Dart.mp4 |
17.25Мб |
1. Introduction to Inheritance with Dart.srt |
9.57Кб |
1. Introduction to Persistence in Flutter.mp4 |
10.41Мб |
1. Introduction to Persistence in Flutter.srt |
5.58Кб |
1. Introduction to Scaffold Widget and More.mp4 |
11.13Мб |
1. Introduction to Scaffold Widget and More.srt |
5.76Кб |
1. Introduction to Stateless VS Stateful Widgets.mp4 |
9.14Мб |
1. Introduction to Stateless VS Stateful Widgets.srt |
4.67Кб |
1. Introduction to UI and UX.mp4 |
149.22Мб |
1. Introduction to UI and UX.srt |
142.92Мб |
1. Intro to Dart and Dart Pad - Online Editor.mp4 |
11.40Мб |
1. Intro to Dart and Dart Pad - Online Editor.srt |
11.70Кб |
1. Keep Learning By Building Apps - Lots of Them!.html |
1.48Кб |
1. Layouts - Containers and Columns.mp4 |
128.09Мб |
1. Layouts - Containers and Columns.srt |
16.28Кб |
1. MAC -Setup Dart and Flutter SDK on Mac OSX - Part 1.mp4 |
99.39Мб |
1. MAC -Setup Dart and Flutter SDK on Mac OSX - Part 1.srt |
12.38Кб |
1. Mortgage App - Solution - Pick Color Palette and Create Colors File.mp4 |
43.81Мб |
1. Mortgage App - Solution - Pick Color Palette and Create Colors File.srt |
7.91Кб |
1. My other Courses.html |
1.73Кб |
1. Parsing a JSON Object.mp4 |
115.37Мб |
1. Parsing a JSON Object.srt |
15.75Кб |
1. Quake App Solution - Part 1.mp4 |
102.60Мб |
1. Quake App Solution - Part 1.srt |
12.66Кб |
1. The App Development Process.mp4 |
8.59Мб |
1. The App Development Process.srt |
5.88Кб |
1. The Learning Path of This Course.mp4 |
2.22Мб |
1. The Learning Path of This Course.srt |
2.16Кб |
1. What We'll be Building.mp4 |
15.13Мб |
1. What We'll be Building.srt |
2.23Кб |
1. What Will You Build in this Challenge - Quake App.mp4 |
8.64Мб |
1. What Will You Build in this Challenge - Quake App.srt |
3.00Кб |
1. What Will You Build in this Section - Klimatic Introduction.mp4 |
10.47Мб |
1. What Will You Build in this Section - Klimatic Introduction.srt |
1.30Кб |
1. What Will You Build in this Section - No-Todo App Introduction.mp4 |
3.93Мб |
1. What Will You Build in this Section - No-Todo App Introduction.srt |
2.37Кб |
1. What You'll Build Next.html |
671б |
1. What You'll Build - Weather Forecast App Demo.mp4 |
34.90Мб |
1. What You'll Build - Weather Forecast App Demo.srt |
3.25Кб |
1. Why Flutter Development.mp4 |
8.34Мб |
1. Why Flutter Development.srt |
14.35Кб |
10. [API Link] - JSON API Link to Use.html |
240б |
10.1 notodo_app.zip |
28.00Мб |
10. App - Community Board - AnimatedList and FirebaseListview - Showing Ite - Part 5.mp4 |
149.88Мб |
10. App - Community Board - AnimatedList and FirebaseListview - Showing Ite - Part 5.srt |
14.32Кб |
10. Board App - Update Document.mp4 |
149.67Мб |
10. Board App - Update Document.srt |
15.57Кб |
10. Company Page Animation - Showing Image and Backdrop Opacity - Part 4.mp4 |
126.79Мб |
10. Company Page Animation - Showing Image and Backdrop Opacity - Part 4.srt |
16.92Кб |
10. Equality and Relational Operators in Dart.mp4 |
7.62Мб |
10. Equality and Relational Operators in Dart.srt |
8.10Кб |
10. Flutter Floating Action Button.mp4 |
33.59Мб |
10. Flutter Floating Action Button.srt |
3.97Кб |
10. Getting City Name Dynamically from TextField.mp4 |
37.03Мб |
10. Getting City Name Dynamically from TextField.srt |
3.84Кб |
10. Material Design - Material.io Overview.mp4 |
34.89Мб |
10. Material Design - Material.io Overview.srt |
7.04Кб |
10. MOVIE APP - Adding Movie Image.mp4 |
113.36Мб |
10. MOVIE APP - Adding Movie Image.srt |
14.97Кб |
10. Optional Parameters in Dart.mp4 |
6.74Мб |
10. Optional Parameters in Dart.srt |
7.13Кб |
10. PODO - Final Implementation.mp4 |
119.23Мб |
10. PODO - Final Implementation.srt |
16.98Кб |
10. Resources.html |
1019б |
10. Resources.html |
9б |
10. Showing All Users from Database in a Listview.mp4 |
117.76Мб |
10. Showing All Users from Database in a Listview.srt |
13.54Кб |
10. UPDATE - MaterialPageRoute Issue Fixed!.html |
831б |
11.1 HelloDartVars.zip |
1.48Мб |
11. App - Community Board - Add OnChangedData - Final App.mp4 |
82.29Мб |
11. App - Community Board - Add OnChangedData - Final App.srt |
8.52Кб |
11. Company Page Animation - Adding Blur Effect and Logo Avatar - Part 5.mp4 |
198.79Мб |
11. Company Page Animation - Adding Blur Effect and Logo Avatar - Part 5.srt |
25.35Кб |
11. Formatting and Showing Date.mp4 |
92.12Мб |
11. Formatting and Showing Date.srt |
12.78Кб |
11. Lexical Scope in Dart.mp4 |
11.45Мб |
11. Lexical Scope in Dart.srt |
11.89Кб |
11. Material Design - Understanding Color Themes.mp4 |
29.17Мб |
11. Material Design - Understanding Color Themes.srt |
8.96Кб |
11. MOVIE APP - Finishing Custom Row.mp4 |
53.64Мб |
11. MOVIE APP - Finishing Custom Row.srt |
5.18Кб |
11. Quakes App - Our Quakes API and Chrome Extension.mp4 |
53.95Мб |
11. Quakes App - Our Quakes API and Chrome Extension.srt |
7.77Кб |
11. Resources.html |
428б |
11. Resources.html |
481б |
11. Sending Data back to First Screen.mp4 |
150.48Мб |
11. Sending Data back to First Screen.srt |
18.69Кб |
11. Source Code.html |
119б |
12.1 database_intro.zip |
28.03Мб |
12.1 firebase_setup_community_board_app.zip |
279.19Мб |
12. App - Klimatic - Go to Second Screen - Second Screen User Interface.mp4 |
199.48Мб |
12. App - Klimatic - Go to Second Screen - Second Screen User Interface.srt |
21.80Кб |
12. Company Page Animation - Adding UI Interface and Animation - Part 6.mp4 |
138.11Мб |
12. Company Page Animation - Adding UI Interface and Animation - Part 6.srt |
14.67Кб |
12. Material Design - Typography and Iconography.mp4 |
38.55Мб |
12. Material Design - Typography and Iconography.srt |
8.34Кб |
12. MOVIE APP - Changing the Background Color.mp4 |
16.16Мб |
12. MOVIE APP - Changing the Background Color.srt |
1.65Кб |
12. Quakes App - Setting up Project and TypesHelper Class.mp4 |
88.71Мб |
12. Quakes App - Setting up Project and TypesHelper Class.srt |
15.06Кб |
12. Resources.html |
246б |
12. Showing Current Temp.mp4 |
49.75Мб |
12. Showing Current Temp.srt |
7.56Кб |
12. Source Code.html |
18б |
12. Source Code.html |
18б |
13.1 HelloDartVars.zip |
1.48Мб |
13. Adding Humidity, Wind and Max to the User Interface.mp4 |
77.02Мб |
13. Adding Humidity, Wind and Max to the User Interface.srt |
9.00Кб |
13. App - Klimatic - Changing City and Getting Weather Temperature.mp4 |
106.17Мб |
13. App - Klimatic - Changing City and Getting Weather Temperature.srt |
10.27Кб |
13. Company Page Animation - Adding Animation and UI Touchups - Part 7.mp4 |
79.40Мб |
13. Company Page Animation - Adding Animation and UI Touchups - Part 7.srt |
7.62Кб |
13. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Showing Movie Thumbnail.mp4 |
77.80Мб |
13. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Showing Movie Thumbnail.srt |
11.72Кб |
13. Quakes App - Fixing the Types Issue.mp4 |
99.11Мб |
13. Quakes App - Fixing the Types Issue.srt |
13.72Кб |
13. Resources.html |
234б |
13. Source Code.html |
18б |
14. Company Page Animation - Adding UI - Scrollable Courses Area - Part 8.mp4 |
197.77Мб |
14. Company Page Animation - Adding UI - Scrollable Courses Area - Part 8.srt |
28.11Кб |
14. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Adding Linear Gradient.mp4 |
52.81Мб |
14. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Adding Linear Gradient.srt |
8.62Кб |
14. Quakes App - Getting All Quakes and Setup Markers.mp4 |
125.91Мб |
14. Quakes App - Getting All Quakes and Setup Markers.srt |
21.29Кб |
14. UPDATE - MaterialPageRoute Issue Fixed!.mp4 |
22.10Мб |
14. UPDATE - MaterialPageRoute Issue Fixed!.srt |
2.56Кб |
14. Utilizing FontAwesome Icons.mp4 |
71.00Мб |
14. Utilizing FontAwesome Icons.srt |
8.22Кб |
15. App - Klimatic Final App - Congrats.mp4 |
155.74Мб |
15. App - Klimatic Final App - Congrats.srt |
15.54Кб |
15. Finished App.mp4 |
124.96Мб |
15. Finished App.srt |
13.54Кб |
15. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Adding Movie Poster.mp4 |
88.21Мб |
15. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Adding Movie Poster.srt |
13.60Кб |
15. Quake App - Markers Fixed and Working.mp4 |
33.77Мб |
15. Quake App - Markers Fixed and Working.srt |
3.71Кб |
15. Setup getWeatherIcon Helper Function.mp4 |
59.92Мб |
15. Setup getWeatherIcon Helper Function.srt |
9.07Кб |
16.1 bawp_profile.zip |
30.48Мб |
16. App - Klimatic - Final.mp4 |
187.16Мб |
16. App - Klimatic - Final.srt |
15.97Кб |
16. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Movie's Header.mp4 |
99.76Мб |
16. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Movie's Header.srt |
11.24Кб |
16. Quake App - Adding Zooms and Finished App.mp4 |
164.88Мб |
16. Quake App - Adding Zooms and Finished App.srt |
18.73Кб |
16. Resources.html |
30б |
16. Setup Bottom ScrollView - Part 1.mp4 |
95.65Мб |
16. Setup Bottom ScrollView - Part 1.srt |
14.70Кб |
17.1 klimatic.zip |
31.37Мб |
17. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Adding Movie's Cast.mp4 |
72.25Мб |
17. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Adding Movie's Cast.srt |
9.97Кб |
17. Resources.html |
1.37Кб |
17. Setup Day in Bottom ScrollView.mp4 |
83.98Мб |
17. Setup Day in Bottom ScrollView.srt |
11.86Кб |
17. Source Code.html |
33б |
18. Adding WeatherIcon to our ScrollView.mp4 |
67.32Мб |
18. Adding WeatherIcon to our ScrollView.srt |
8.15Кб |
18. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Adding Horizontal Line.mp4 |
41.13Мб |
18. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Adding Horizontal Line.srt |
5.21Кб |
19. Finished App.mp4 |
134.77Мб |
19. Finished App.srt |
15.18Кб |
19. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Adding Bottom Movie Posters - Finished App.mp4 |
139.51Мб |
19. MOVIE APP - Details Route - Adding Bottom Movie Posters - Finished App.srt |
17.47Кб |
2. [OPTIONAL] Google Maps iOS Setup.mp4 |
32.27Мб |
2. [OPTIONAL] Google Maps iOS Setup.srt |
4.99Кб |
2.1 face.png |
2.55Кб |
2.1 FlutterFire - Flutter Plugins Site.html |
95б |
2.1 planet.png |
26.11Кб |
2. Abstract and Interface Classes in Dart - Creation.mp4 |
96.46Мб |
2. Abstract and Interface Classes in Dart - Creation.srt |
18.42Кб |
2. App - BMI Solution - UI Final - Part 2.mp4 |
121.64Мб |
2. App - BMI Solution - UI Final - Part 2.srt |
11.96Кб |
2. App - Build a Biz card App.mp4 |
168.58Мб |
2. App - Build a Biz card App.srt |
24.33Кб |
2. App - Build a Quotes App - Part 1.mp4 |
122.93Мб |
2. App - Build a Quotes App - Part 1.srt |
18.77Кб |
2. App - Klimatic - Signup for API Key.mp4 |
53.36Мб |
2. App - Klimatic - Signup for API Key.srt |
8.51Кб |
2. App - User Interface - Make it Rain App.mp4 |
84.96Мб |
2. App - User Interface - Make it Rain App.srt |
12.75Кб |
2. Challenge Instructions.html |
2.77Кб |
2. Challenge Instructions.html |
5.30Кб |
2. Creating a Counter Animation.mp4 |
143.27Мб |
2. Creating a Counter Animation.srt |
19.05Кб |
2. Creating a Flutter Hello World App - Basics with Text Widget.mp4 |
36.69Мб |
2. Creating a Flutter Hello World App - Basics with Text Widget.srt |
8.15Кб |
2. Creating a Listview of Movies.mp4 |
95.23Мб |
2. Creating a Listview of Movies.srt |
13.10Кб |
2. Creating App Icon - With Online Tools.mp4 |
41.25Мб |
2. Creating App Icon - With Online Tools.srt |
5.57Кб |
2. Creating Classes and Inheritance Tree.mp4 |
58.64Мб |
2. Creating Classes and Inheritance Tree.srt |
9.32Кб |
2. Creating Lists and Iterating through Them.mp4 |
52.96Мб |
2. Creating Lists and Iterating through Them.srt |
10.94Кб |
2. Dart - Coding Style and Naming Convention.mp4 |
9.94Мб |
2. Dart - Coding Style and Naming Convention.srt |
6.79Кб |
2. Database Project Setup - Dependencies and Plugins.mp4 |
93.77Мб |
2. Database Project Setup - Dependencies and Plugins.srt |
93.78Мб |
2. Deconstructing the Flutter Syntax - Understanding Named Parameters - Part 2.mp4 |
104.30Мб |
2. Deconstructing the Flutter Syntax - Understanding Named Parameters - Part 2.srt |
16.15Кб |
2. Firebase Android Setup - Final.mp4 |
105.23Мб |
2. Firebase Android Setup - Final.srt |
14.11Кб |
2. Flutter Introduction to Async and Future - Http Requests.mp4 |
15.41Мб |
2. Flutter Introduction to Async and Future - Http Requests.srt |
7.59Кб |
2. Flutter Tip Calculator - Top Card and Custom Colors.mp4 |
121.17Мб |
2. Flutter Tip Calculator - Top Card and Custom Colors.srt |
18.17Кб |
2. For MAC Users ONLY How to Create a .bash_profile.html |
88б |
2. How the Project Source Code is Structured.mp4 |
38.68Мб |
2. How the Project Source Code is Structured.srt |
5.96Кб |
2. Important Message.mp4 |
2.23Мб |
2. Important Message.srt |
1.18Кб |
2. Introduction to Class Creation and Instance Variables.mp4 |
55.51Мб |
2. Introduction to Class Creation and Instance Variables.srt |
11.68Кб |
2. Logical Operators.mp4 |
13.69Мб |
2. Logical Operators.srt |
14.18Кб |
2. Login App Image Resources.html |
66б |
2. Material Design Text and Widgets - Font Properties.mp4 |
57.37Мб |
2. Material Design Text and Widgets - Font Properties.srt |
9.71Кб |
2. Mortgage App - Solution - Theming App - Part 1.mp4 |
101.04Мб |
2. Mortgage App - Solution - Theming App - Part 1.srt |
12.87Кб |
2. No-Todo App - Setup - User Interface and Project Setting.mp4 |
111.89Мб |
2. No-Todo App - Setup - User Interface and Project Setting.srt |
16.98Кб |
2. OpenWeather - Setting up our APPID.mp4 |
27.02Мб |
2. OpenWeather - Setting up our APPID.srt |
4.54Кб |
2. OPTIONAL - Android Studio - Fix VTX is Disabled in BIOS.html |
207б |
2. Parsing a JSON Object - Getting a Field Value.mp4 |
81.82Мб |
2. Parsing a JSON Object - Getting a Field Value.srt |
11.48Кб |
2. Quake App Solution - Fixing Return Types - Getting JSON Data.mp4 |
82.58Мб |
2. Quake App Solution - Fixing Return Types - Getting JSON Data.srt |
9.60Кб |
2. Reading And Writing to Text Files - Part 1.mp4 |
167.86Мб |
2. Reading And Writing to Text Files - Part 1.srt |
22.90Кб |
2. Rows and Expanded.mp4 |
71.15Мб |
2. Rows and Expanded.srt |
7.92Кб |
2. Scaffold Widget and the AppBar, Toolbar and Responding to Tap.mp4 |
108.62Мб |
2. Scaffold Widget and the AppBar, Toolbar and Responding to Tap.srt |
15.70Кб |
2. Setting up Emulator to Work with Google Sign in.mp4 |
50.58Мб |
2. Setting up Emulator to Work with Google Sign in.srt |
6.57Кб |
2. Setting up Firestore in our Project.mp4 |
120.84Мб |
2. Setting up Firestore in our Project.srt |
20.97Кб |
2. Setting up the Project.mp4 |
104.04Мб |
2. Setting up the Project.srt |
13.32Кб |
2. Setup Project - Adding Image Assets.mp4 |
90.46Мб |
2. Setup Project - Adding Image Assets.srt |
13.45Кб |
2. Weight On Planet X - Image Resources.html |
47б |
2. What's Material Design.mp4 |
36.25Мб |
2. What's Material Design.srt |
3.98Кб |
2. What Will You Build in this Challenge.mp4 |
12.40Мб |
2. What Will You Build in this Challenge.srt |
12.41Мб |
20. [CODE REFACTOR] - Movie App Code Refactor.mp4 |
26.32Мб |
20. [CODE REFACTOR] - Movie App Code Refactor.srt |
3.61Кб |
20. Code Refactoring and User Interface Improvements.mp4 |
102.23Мб |
20. Code Refactoring and User Interface Improvements.srt |
11.04Кб |
21. Resources and Tips.html |
1.34Кб |
3.1 AbstractClasses.zip |
1.48Мб |
3. Adding http Package to our Project.mp4 |
57.91Мб |
3. Adding http Package to our Project.srt |
10.36Кб |
3. Adding Methods to Classes.mp4 |
49.04Мб |
3. Adding Methods to Classes.srt |
6.91Кб |
3. App - BMI Solution - Writing the Logic- Part 3.mp4 |
127.81Мб |
3. App - BMI Solution - Writing the Logic- Part 3.srt |
12.46Кб |
3. App - Build a Quotes App - Finished Product.mp4 |
100.14Мб |
3. App - Build a Quotes App - Finished Product.srt |
13.21Кб |
3. App - Klimatic - Project Setup and Unsplash Website.mp4 |
138.02Мб |
3. App - Klimatic - Project Setup and Unsplash Website.srt |
17.10Кб |
3. App - Login - Setup Configurations and UI - Part 1.mp4 |
145.52Мб |
3. App - Login - Setup Configurations and UI - Part 1.srt |
20.02Кб |
3. App - User Interface - Make it Rain App - Part 2.mp4 |
103.84Мб |
3. App - User Interface - Make it Rain App - Part 2.srt |
13.77Кб |
3. App - Weight On Planet X - User Interface - Part 1.mp4 |
108.65Мб |
3. App - Weight On Planet X - User Interface - Part 1.srt |
15.74Кб |
3. Challenge - Instructions - Build a BMI App - Resources.html |
1.95Кб |
3. Creating a List with a Person Type Object.mp4 |
57.61Мб |
3. Creating a List with a Person Type Object.srt |
7.70Кб |
3. Creating Database Client Helper Class - Part 1.mp4 |
48.26Мб |
3. Creating Database Client Helper Class - Part 1.srt |
10.47Кб |
3. Customizing ListTile Row and Adding onTap.mp4 |
69.70Мб |
3. Customizing ListTile Row and Adding onTap.srt |
10.36Кб |
3. Dart - Declaring variables - String.mp4 |
11.30Мб |
3. Dart - Declaring variables - String.srt |
15.02Кб |
3. Deconstructing BuildContext.mp4 |
27.41Мб |
3. Deconstructing BuildContext.srt |
9.06Кб |
3. Dynamically Generating iOS and Android Icons Using Plugin.mp4 |
105.22Мб |
3. Dynamically Generating iOS and Android Icons Using Plugin.srt |
16.10Кб |
3. Flutter Android - Writing to Firebase Realtime Database.mp4 |
116.61Мб |
3. Flutter Android - Writing to Firebase Realtime Database.srt |
11.88Кб |
3. Flutter Tip Calculator - Building the Split Row.mp4 |
81.73Мб |
3. Flutter Tip Calculator - Building the Split Row.srt |
11.19Кб |
3. For Loops in Dart.mp4 |
7.85Мб |
3. For Loops in Dart.srt |
8.66Кб |
3. For MAC Users ONLY How to Access the Library Folder in Your Home Folder.html |
96б |
3. InkWell Widget and EventListeners - Tap.mp4 |
109.19Мб |
3. InkWell Widget and EventListeners - Tap.srt |
13.69Кб |
3. Introduction to Tween Class.mp4 |
67.83Мб |
3. Introduction to Tween Class.srt |
9.62Кб |
3. Joke Listing Class.mp4 |
96.45Мб |
3. Joke Listing Class.srt |
13.37Кб |
3. Mortgage App - Solution - Theming App - Part 2.mp4 |
106.21Мб |
3. Mortgage App - Solution - Theming App - Part 2.srt |
12.28Кб |
3. No-Todo App - Setup - Model Class and Listview Row.mp4 |
109.99Мб |
3. No-Todo App - Setup - Model Class and Listview Row.srt |
14.09Кб |
3. Override Methods.mp4 |
62.78Мб |
3. Override Methods.srt |
10.35Кб |
3. Parsing a JSON Object - Looping Through JSON.mp4 |
27.08Мб |
3. Parsing a JSON Object - Looping Through JSON.srt |
2.74Кб |
3. Quake App Solution - Getting Data into Listrow.mp4 |
106.73Мб |
3. Quake App Solution - Getting Data into Listrow.srt |
10.69Кб |
3. Question Model Class - Setup.mp4 |
74.78Мб |
3. Question Model Class - Setup.srt |
11.82Кб |
3. Reading Data from Firestore Database.mp4 |
96.67Мб |
3. Reading Data from Firestore Database.srt |
15.49Кб |
3. ReadWrite - Show Data in Console.mp4 |
131.59Мб |
3. ReadWrite - Show Data in Console.srt |
13.12Кб |
3. Setup Google Sing in - Part 1.mp4 |
205.71Мб |
3. Setup Google Sing in - Part 1.srt |
25.62Кб |
3. Setup Our Weather Forecast Project.mp4 |
54.06Мб |
3. Setup Our Weather Forecast Project.srt |
9.16Кб |
3. Showing a Google Map - Problem to be Fixed - AndroidX Update.mp4 |
61.19Мб |
3. Showing a Google Map - Problem to be Fixed - AndroidX Update.srt |
10.47Кб |
3. Source Code.html |
18б |
3. Stack Widget.mp4 |
40.22Мб |
3. Stack Widget.srt |
5.11Кб |
3. Themes in Flutter.mp4 |
7.12Мб |
3. Themes in Flutter.srt |
4.13Кб |
3. Understanding Material Design Basics - Text and Widget Properties.mp4 |
49.93Мб |
3. Understanding Material Design Basics - Text and Widget Properties.srt |
8.30Кб |
3. UPDATE - Please Watch.mp4 |
42.52Мб |
3. UPDATE - Please Watch.srt |
6.57Кб |
3. Windows Flutter Installation - Final Setup.mp4 |
126.61Мб |
3. Windows Flutter Installation - Final Setup.srt |
11.41Кб |
4.1 intro_layouts_containers.zip |
132.64Мб |
4.1 Klimatic-Images.zip |
838.97Кб |
4. Adding Splash Screen - Android.mp4 |
55.43Мб |
4. Adding Splash Screen - Android.srt |
9.07Кб |
4. App - BMI Solution - Final.mp4 |
127.86Мб |
4. App - BMI Solution - Final.srt |
10.36Кб |
4. App - UI Setup Image and TextFields - Part 2.mp4 |
103.14Мб |
4. App - UI Setup Image and TextFields - Part 2.srt |
17.92Кб |
4. App - User Interface - Make it Rain App - Final.mp4 |
95.88Мб |
4. App - User Interface - Make it Rain App - Final.srt |
10.83Кб |
4. App - Weight On Planet X - User Interface - Part 2.mp4 |
131.06Мб |
4. App - Weight On Planet X - User Interface - Part 2.srt |
16.27Кб |
4. Board App - Setup Form.mp4 |
114.96Мб |
4. Board App - Setup Form.srt |
14.99Кб |
4. Bottom Navigator and Adding Touch.mp4 |
76.05Мб |
4. Bottom Navigator and Adding Touch.srt |
9.08Кб |
4. Creating Account With Email and Password.mp4 |
90.87Мб |
4. Creating Account With Email and Password.srt |
12.09Кб |
4. Creating Database Client Helper Class - Part 2.mp4 |
110.41Мб |
4. Creating Database Client Helper Class - Part 2.srt |
13.21Кб |
4. Creating Our Forecast Model Class.mp4 |
84.28Мб |
4. Creating Our Forecast Model Class.srt |
16.29Кб |
4. Dart Types and Assigning Types to Variables.mp4 |
8.60Мб |
4. Dart Types and Assigning Types to Variables.srt |
10.33Кб |
4. Exploring ThemeData Class - App Brightness.mp4 |
91.54Мб |
4. Exploring ThemeData Class - App Brightness.srt |
12.53Кб |
4. Finishing the User Interface.mp4 |
53.42Мб |
4. Finishing the User Interface.srt |
6.71Кб |
4. Fixing AndroidX Issues.mp4 |
108.83Мб |
4. Fixing AndroidX Issues.srt |
15.30Кб |
4. Flutter Tip Calculator - Build the Tip Row.mp4 |
26.77Мб |
4. Flutter Tip Calculator - Build the Tip Row.srt |
3.74Кб |
4. Formatting Our Code.mp4 |
18.56Мб |
4. Formatting Our Code.srt |
3.09Кб |
4. Inheriting Classes with Constructors.mp4 |
55.32Мб |
4. Inheriting Classes with Constructors.srt |
8.83Кб |
4. Introduction to Constructors - Part 1.mp4 |
82.76Мб |
4. Introduction to Constructors - Part 1.srt |
13.53Кб |
4. Introduction to Maps.mp4 |
53.67Мб |
4. Introduction to Maps.srt |
9.56Кб |
4. Joke Details Class.mp4 |
97.71Мб |
4. Joke Details Class.srt |
13.33Кб |
4. Klimatic - Image Resources.html |
30б |
4. MAC -Setup Dart and Flutter SDK on Mac OSX - Part 2.mp4 |
115.49Мб |
4. MAC -Setup Dart and Flutter SDK on Mac OSX - Part 2.srt |
14.13Кб |
4. Mortgage App - Solution Wrapup.mp4 |
38.61Мб |
4. Mortgage App - Solution Wrapup.srt |
4.46Кб |
4. Navigating to a Second Route - Screen.mp4 |
65.19Мб |
4. Navigating to a Second Route - Screen.srt |
65.20Мб |
4. No-Todo App - Setup - Database Helper Class.mp4 |
99.16Мб |
4. No-Todo App - Setup - Database Helper Class.srt |
12.61Кб |
4. OPTIONAL - iOS Firebase Setup and Writing to Realtime Database.mp4 |
85.81Мб |
4. OPTIONAL - iOS Firebase Setup and Writing to Realtime Database.srt |
10.84Кб |
4. Parsing JSON Data into a ListView Widget.mp4 |
165.22Мб |
4. Parsing JSON Data into a ListView Widget.srt |
20.99Кб |
4. Quake App Solution - Row User Interface.mp4 |
104.80Мб |
4. Quake App Solution - Row User Interface.srt |
10.90Кб |
4. Read and Write - Final.mp4 |
72.43Мб |
4. Read and Write - Final.srt |
7.98Кб |
4. Resources.html |
439б |
4. Separating Flutter Code - Creating a Stateless Home Class.mp4 |
101.38Мб |
4. Separating Flutter Code - Creating a Stateless Home Class.srt |
16.37Кб |
4. Setup Network Class.mp4 |
79.46Мб |
4. Setup Network Class.srt |
13.48Кб |
4. Source Code.html |
18б |
4. Tween - Animation Status.mp4 |
53.52Мб |
4. Tween - Animation Status.srt |
6.33Кб |
4. While, Do-While and Break in Dart.mp4 |
6.78Мб |
4. While, Do-While and Break in Dart.srt |
7.73Кб |
4. Windows Flutter Installation Resources - Very Helpful!.html |
505б |
5.1 bmiapp.zip |
216.63Кб |
5.1 DartCollections.zip |
1.48Мб |
5.1 make_it_rain.zip |
18.16Мб |
5.1 mortgage_payment_solution.zip |
512.67Кб |
5. Adding Launcher Image - iOS.mp4 |
30.64Мб |
5. Adding Launcher Image - iOS.srt |
4.78Кб |
5. App - Klimatic - User Interface Setup and API Setup.mp4 |
109.97Мб |
5. App - Klimatic - User Interface Setup and API Setup.srt |
12.40Кб |
5. App - UI Setup - Finished.mp4 |
69.16Мб |
5. App - UI Setup - Finished.srt |
10.15Кб |
5. App - Weight On Planet X - Logic- Part 3.mp4 |
113.77Мб |
5. App - Weight On Planet X - Logic- Part 3.srt |
14.95Кб |
5. Board App - Saving Data to Firestore Database from the App.mp4 |
99.75Мб |
5. Board App - Saving Data to Firestore Database from the App.srt |
14.19Кб |
5. Creating Database Client Helper Class - Part 3.mp4 |
145.30Мб |
5. Creating Database Client Helper Class - Part 3.srt |
19.21Кб |
5. Creating Libraries and Adding Widgets to Libraries.mp4 |
44.60Мб |
5. Creating Libraries and Adding Widgets to Libraries.srt |
7.86Кб |
5. Dart - Numbers - Integers and Doubles.mp4 |
4.47Мб |
5. Dart - Numbers - Integers and Doubles.srt |
4.55Кб |
5. Data Parsing and Listviews - Customizing Listviews.mp4 |
147.66Мб |
5. Data Parsing and Listviews - Customizing Listviews.srt |
17.90Кб |
5. Fetching JSON Data.mp4 |
88.95Мб |
5. Fetching JSON Data.srt |
12.92Кб |
5. Final Product - The Joke App.mp4 |
203.96Мб |
5. Final Product - The Joke App.srt |
28.78Кб |
5. Finishing Quiz Logic.mp4 |
74.58Мб |
5. Finishing Quiz Logic.srt |
10.58Кб |
5. Floating Action - Running on iOS and Android.mp4 |
48.54Мб |
5. Floating Action - Running on iOS and Android.srt |
5.08Кб |
5. Flutter Tip Calculator - Finished User Interface.mp4 |
82.82Мб |
5. Flutter Tip Calculator - Finished User Interface.srt |
82.83Мб |
5. Google Signout And Refresh Screen.mp4 |
70.11Мб |
5. Google Signout And Refresh Screen.srt |
6.80Кб |
5. Introduction to Chain Animation - Separating Animation Logic.mp4 |
99.58Мб |
5. Introduction to Chain Animation - Separating Animation Logic.srt |
13.79Кб |
5. Little Material Design Presentation.mp4 |
6.03Мб |
5. Little Material Design Presentation.srt |
3.56Кб |
5. MAC -Setup Dart and Flutter SDK on Mac OSX - Part 3.mp4 |
94.21Мб |
5. MAC -Setup Dart and Flutter SDK on Mac OSX - Part 3.srt |
11.33Кб |
5. Named and Sugar Syntactic Constructors - Part 2.mp4 |
54.58Мб |
5. Named and Sugar Syntactic Constructors - Part 2.srt |
7.83Кб |
5. No-Todo App - Setup - Saving Data to Database.mp4 |
159.24Мб |
5. No-Todo App - Setup - Saving Data to Database.srt |
18.69Кб |
5. Quake App Solution - Date Formatting.mp4 |
190.71Мб |
5. Quake App Solution - Date Formatting.srt |
18.48Кб |
5. Reading Data From Realtime Database - Part 1.mp4 |
79.29Мб |
5. Reading Data From Realtime Database - Part 1.srt |
8.18Кб |
5. Returning to the First RouteScreen.mp4 |
17.36Мб |
5. Returning to the First RouteScreen.srt |
1.94Кб |
5. Running our Map on Both Android and iOS.mp4 |
27.77Мб |
5. Running our Map on Both Android and iOS.srt |
3.40Кб |
5. Shared Preferences for Android and iOS.mp4 |
225.05Мб |
5. Shared Preferences for Android and iOS.srt |
22.69Кб |
5. Solution Source Code.html |
40б |
5. Source Code.html |
18б |
5. Source Code.html |
18б |
5. Source Code.html |
18б |
5. Switch Cases.mp4 |
5.82Мб |
5. Switch Cases.srt |
6.15Кб |
5. Theming Headlines and Body1 Text.mp4 |
79.13Мб |
5. Theming Headlines and Body1 Text.srt |
11.94Кб |
5. The toString() Method - Override.mp4 |
65.10Мб |
5. The toString() Method - Override.srt |
8.58Кб |
5. WeatherForecast Modifiedfixed File.html |
542б |
6. [CHALLENGE] - Finished Logic.mp4 |
93.60Мб |
6. [CHALLENGE] - Finished Logic.srt |
12.52Кб |
6.1 first_flutter_app.zip |
132.66Мб |
6.1 IntroToClasses.zip |
1.48Мб |
6.1 joke_app_orientation.zip |
27.67Мб |
6.1 sharedprefs.zip |
18.21Мб |
6. Adding Markers onto Map.mp4 |
66.58Мб |
6. Adding Markers onto Map.srt |
10.61Кб |
6. App - Build a Community Board Application - Setup Model Class.mp4 |
91.64Мб |
6. App - Build a Community Board Application - Setup Model Class.srt |
11.09Кб |
6. App - Klimatic - Http Request to the API and Getting Data.mp4 |
104.11Мб |
6. App - Klimatic - Http Request to the API and Getting Data.srt |
12.87Кб |
6. App - Validation and Clear.mp4 |
84.06Мб |
6. App - Validation and Clear.srt |
11.89Кб |
6. App - Weight On Planet X - Final.mp4 |
74.28Мб |
6. App - Weight On Planet X - Final.srt |
8.66Кб |
6. Board App - Custom Card - Accounting for Nulls.mp4 |
102.35Мб |
6. Board App - Custom Card - Accounting for Nulls.srt |
13.32Кб |
6. Chain Animation - Using the Separated Class.mp4 |
116.47Мб |
6. Chain Animation - Using the Separated Class.srt |
14.50Кб |
6. ChallengeExercise - Make It Rain.mp4 |
2.66Мб |
6. ChallengeExercise - Make It Rain.srt |
1.32Кб |
6. Creating Database Client Helper Class - Part 4.mp4 |
158.19Мб |
6. Creating Database Client Helper Class - Part 4.srt |
18.26Кб |
6. Dart - Booleans.mp4 |
3.73Мб |
6. Dart - Booleans.srt |
4.18Кб |
6. Fetching JSON and Using FutureBuilder Widget.mp4 |
108.29Мб |
6. Fetching JSON and Using FutureBuilder Widget.srt |
17.94Кб |
6. Fixing Forecast Model Class.mp4 |
78.44Мб |
6. Fixing Forecast Model Class.srt |
12.01Кб |
6. Flutter Scaffold Widget and Properties.mp4 |
78.80Мб |
6. Flutter Scaffold Widget and Properties.srt |
11.78Кб |
6. Flutter Tip Calculator - Wrapup.mp4 |
104.56Мб |
6. Flutter Tip Calculator - Wrapup.srt |
15.42Кб |
6. Introduction to Functions in Dart.mp4 |
8.14Мб |
6. Introduction to Functions in Dart.srt |
9.60Кб |
6. Introduction to GestureDetector Widget - Part 1.mp4 |
96.67Мб |
6. Introduction to GestureDetector Widget - Part 1.srt |
13.56Кб |
6. MAC -Setup Dart and Flutter SDK on Mac OSX - Final.mp4 |
110.48Мб |
6. MAC -Setup Dart and Flutter SDK on Mac OSX - Final.srt |
15.34Кб |
6. No-Todo App - Setup - Showing Items in Listview.mp4 |
171.29Мб |
6. No-Todo App - Setup - Showing Items in Listview.srt |
20.83Кб |
6. Parsing Complex JSON Tree - Must Watch.mp4 |
107.39Мб |
6. Parsing Complex JSON Tree - Must Watch.srt |
13.52Кб |
6. Passing Data to Second RouteScreen.mp4 |
55.59Мб |
6. Passing Data to Second RouteScreen.srt |
7.72Кб |
6. Quake App Solution - Final App.mp4 |
90.62Мб |
6. Quake App Solution - Final App.srt |
9.05Кб |
6. Resources.html |
28б |
6. Setters and Getters.mp4 |
36.62Мб |
6. Setters and Getters.srt |
6.11Кб |
6. Signing Android App - Generating a Keystore and AppBundle.mp4 |
134.44Мб |
6. Signing Android App - Generating a Keystore and AppBundle.srt |
21.27Кб |
6. Signin With Email and Password & Signing out.mp4 |
54.19Мб |
6. Signin With Email and Password & Signing out.srt |
6.81Кб |
6. Source Code.html |
18б |
6. Source Code.html |
18б |
6. Source Code.html |
30б |
6. Theming - Over-Writing Theme Properties.mp4 |
80.28Мб |
6. Theming - Over-Writing Theme Properties.srt |
11.29Кб |
7. [SOLUTION - IMPROVEMENTS] - Wrapup.mp4 |
61.50Мб |
7. [SOLUTION - IMPROVEMENTS] - Wrapup.srt |
8.18Кб |
7.1 IntroToClasses.zip |
1.48Мб |
7.1 parsing_data_update.zip |
28.18Мб |
7.1 quakes.zip |
209.13Кб |
7.1 readwriteapp.zip |
18.20Мб |
7.1 weightonx.zip |
18.24Мб |
7. App - Build a Community Board Application - Setup - Part 2.mp4 |
94.48Мб |
7. App - Build a Community Board Application - Setup - Part 2.srt |
10.14Кб |
7. App - Klimatic - Show Data on Screen and Introduction to FutureBuilder Widget.mp4 |
134.09Мб |
7. App - Klimatic - Show Data on Screen and Introduction to FutureBuilder Widget.srt |
14.82Кб |
7. App - Login App - Fetching Fields Data.mp4 |
102.01Мб |
7. App - Login App - Fetching Fields Data.srt |
13.95Кб |
7. Board App - Restructuring Custom Card.mp4 |
77.24Мб |
7. Board App - Restructuring Custom Card.srt |
9.02Кб |
7. Build a Company Profile Page Animation - Introduction.mp4 |
106.49Мб |
7. Build a Company Profile Page Animation - Introduction.srt |
14.21Кб |
7. Creating a Movie Model Class - Showing Movies - Part 1.mp4 |
87.58Мб |
7. Creating a Movie Model Class - Showing Movies - Part 1.srt |
12.44Кб |
7. Creating Database Client Helper Class - Final Setup.mp4 |
66.03Мб |
7. Creating Database Client Helper Class - Final Setup.srt |
6.81Кб |
7. Dart - Const and Final Keywords.mp4 |
7.43Мб |
7. Dart - Const and Final Keywords.srt |
8.90Кб |
7. Finalizing Fetching JSON and FutureBuilder.mp4 |
80.74Мб |
7. Finalizing Fetching JSON and FutureBuilder.srt |
8.91Кб |
7. Flutter InkWell Widget and Event Listeners.mp4 |
60.34Мб |
7. Flutter InkWell Widget and Event Listeners.srt |
10.69Кб |
7. Function Return Types - String-Int-Booleans.mp4 |
13.16Мб |
7. Function Return Types - String-Int-Booleans.srt |
14.65Кб |
7. Gesture Detector Widget - Custom Buttons and Tap.mp4 |
141.91Мб |
7. Gesture Detector Widget - Custom Buttons and Tap.srt |
18.87Кб |
7. No-Todo App - Setup - Showing App Previous and Current Saved Items.mp4 |
125.79Мб |
7. No-Todo App - Setup - Showing App Previous and Current Saved Items.srt |
16.12Кб |
7. Publishing App to Google PlayStore.mp4 |
43.28Мб |
7. Publishing App to Google PlayStore.srt |
8.70Кб |
7. Pulling JSON Data from API and Showing Data.mp4 |
71.21Мб |
7. Pulling JSON Data from API and Showing Data.srt |
10.97Кб |
7. Resources.html |
275б |
7. Showing Another Marker.mp4 |
44.13Мб |
7. Showing Another Marker.srt |
4.48Кб |
7. SOLUTION to the Challenge - Make It Rain App.mp4 |
6.83Мб |
7. SOLUTION to the Challenge - Make It Rain App.srt |
2.94Кб |
7. Source Code.html |
18б |
7. Source Code.html |
18б |
7. Source Code.html |
18б |
7. Source Code.html |
29б |
7. Source Code.html |
18б |
7. Theming - Refactoring our TextTheme Further.mp4 |
77.09Мб |
7. Theming - Refactoring our TextTheme Further.srt |
10.00Кб |
8.1 intro_scaffold.zip |
18.16Мб |
8. App - Community Board - Setup Methods - Part 3.mp4 |
131.19Мб |
8. App - Community Board - Setup Methods - Part 3.srt |
13.61Кб |
8. Board App - Custom Card - Quick Code Refactoring.mp4 |
19.51Мб |
8. Board App - Custom Card - Quick Code Refactoring.srt |
2.19Кб |
8. Company Page Animation - Model and Data Classes - Part 2.mp4 |
84.00Мб |
8. Company Page Animation - Model and Data Classes - Part 2.srt |
10.65Кб |
8. Dart - Concatenation.mp4 |
7.81Мб |
8. Dart - Concatenation.srt |
7.82Мб |
8. Dart - Using the = Operator for Returning Expressions.mp4 |
4.53Мб |
8. Dart - Using the = Operator for Returning Expressions.srt |
4.90Кб |
8. Final Login App.mp4 |
84.68Мб |
8. Final Login App.srt |
13.34Кб |
8. Flutter Gesture Detector Widget - Creating a Custom Button.mp4 |
81.61Мб |
8. Flutter Gesture Detector Widget - Creating a Custom Button.srt |
15.07Кб |
8. How To Send Data Between Screens - From First Screen to Second.mp4 |
196.36Мб |
8. How To Send Data Between Screens - From First Screen to Second.srt |
20.23Кб |
8. Implementing CameraPosition Animations.mp4 |
53.84Мб |
8. Implementing CameraPosition Animations.srt |
6.00Кб |
8. MOVIE APP - Passing a Movie Object to Details Route and Showing Image.mp4 |
86.29Мб |
8. MOVIE APP - Passing a Movie Object to Details Route and Showing Image.srt |
10.00Кб |
8. No-Todo App - Setup - Delete Row from Database and Redraw Screen.mp4 |
64.71Мб |
8. No-Todo App - Setup - Delete Row from Database and Redraw Screen.srt |
10.59Кб |
8. OPTIONAL - iOS Firebase - Google Sign in for iOS - Setup.mp4 |
85.09Мб |
8. OPTIONAL - iOS Firebase - Google Sign in for iOS - Setup.srt |
9.35Кб |
8. Plain Old Dart Object ( PODO ) and Mapping JSON - Introduction Setup.mp4 |
79.55Мб |
8. Plain Old Dart Object ( PODO ) and Mapping JSON - Introduction Setup.srt |
14.47Кб |
8. Saving and Retrieving data From the Database - Part 1.mp4 |
102.13Мб |
8. Saving and Retrieving data From the Database - Part 1.srt |
12.10Кб |
8. Setup iOS App to Publish in the Appstore.mp4 |
50.41Мб |
8. Setup iOS App to Publish in the Appstore.srt |
9.80Кб |
8. Source Code.html |
18б |
8. Theming - Adding Custom Fonts to Our Project.mp4 |
76.07Мб |
8. Theming - Adding Custom Fonts to Our Project.srt |
12.54Кб |
8. Using FutureBuilder to Show Data.mp4 |
67.19Мб |
8. Using FutureBuilder to Show Data.srt |
11.39Кб |
9.1 firebase_setup-2.zip |
42.07Мб |
9. Adding City and Country Names.mp4 |
60.81Мб |
9. Adding City and Country Names.srt |
8.48Кб |
9. App - Community Board - Saving Data - Part 4.mp4 |
90.08Мб |
9. App - Community Board - Saving Data - Part 4.srt |
9.59Кб |
9. Arguments and Functions in Dart.mp4 |
9.79Мб |
9. Arguments and Functions in Dart.srt |
12.15Кб |
9. Board App - Delete a Document.mp4 |
62.70Мб |
9. Board App - Delete a Document.srt |
7.30Кб |
9. Company Page Animation - Create Animation Classes - Part 3.mp4 |
111.44Мб |
9. Company Page Animation - Create Animation Classes - Part 3.srt |
14.54Кб |
9. Creating the iOS Archive and Uploading It.mp4 |
53.41Мб |
9. Creating the iOS Archive and Uploading It.srt |
9.03Кб |
9. Dart Operators - Arithmetic.mp4 |
9.46Мб |
9. Dart Operators - Arithmetic.srt |
10.04Кб |
9. Flutter Bottom Navigator and Adding a Tap.mp4 |
61.27Мб |
9. Flutter Bottom Navigator and Adding a Tap.srt |
7.88Кб |
9. MOVIE APP - Customizing Row.mp4 |
81.99Мб |
9. MOVIE APP - Customizing Row.srt |
10.11Кб |
9. Navigating to Second Screen and Sending Data.mp4 |
105.74Мб |
9. Navigating to Second Screen and Sending Data.srt |
12.15Кб |
9. No-Todo App - Finished App.mp4 |
222.53Мб |
9. No-Todo App - Finished App.srt |
30.74Кб |
9. PODO - Creating a PostList Class and Mapping.mp4 |
68.11Мб |
9. PODO - Creating a PostList Class and Mapping.srt |
11.46Кб |
9. Quakes App - Demo.mp4 |
22.02Мб |
9. Quakes App - Demo.srt |
1.81Кб |
9. Saving and Retrieving data From the Database - CRUD Operations.mp4 |
139.34Мб |
9. Saving and Retrieving data From the Database - CRUD Operations.srt |
16.05Кб |
9. Source Code.html |
18б |
9. Theming - Applying FontFamily to All TextTheme Properties.mp4 |
27.79Мб |
9. Theming - Applying FontFamily to All TextTheme Properties.srt |
55.61Мб |