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Название Diogenes Laertius - Lives of the Eminent Philosophers
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00. Introduction.mp3 13.99Мб
01. Book 1 - Prologue_ Thales, Solon, Chilon, Pittacus, Bias, Cleobulus, Periander, Anacharsis, M.mp3 54.01Мб
02. Book 2 - Anaximander, Anaximenes, Anaxagoras, Archelaus, Socrates, Xenophon, Aeschines, Arist.mp3 62.49Мб
03. Book 3 - Plato.mp3 43.36Мб
04. Book 4 - Speusippus, Xenocrates, Polemon, Crates, Crantor, Arcesilaus, Bion, Lacydes, Carnead.mp3 29.25Мб
05. Book 5 - Aristotle, Theophrastus, Strato, Lyco, Demetrius, Heraclides.mp3 43.01Мб
06. Book 6 - Antisthenes, Diogenes, Monimus, Onesicritus, Crates, Metrocles, Hipparchia, Menippus.mp3 46.96Мб
07. Book 7 - Zeno, Ariston, Herillus, Dionysius, Cleanthes, Sphaerus, Chrysippus.mp3 92.58Мб
08. Book 8 - Pythagoras, Empedocles, Epicharmus, Archytas, Alcmeon, Hippasus, Philolaus, Eudoxus.mp3 37.24Мб
09. Book 9 - Heraclitus, Xenophanes, Parmenides, Melissus, Zeno, Leucippus, Democritus, Protagora.mp3 51.53Мб
10. Book 10 - Epicurus.mp3 63.39Мб
11. Anthony Grafton - Diogenes Laertius From Inspiration to Annoyance (and Back).mp3 26.85Мб
12. Ingrid D. Rowland - Raphael's Eminent Philosophers The School of Athens and the Classic Work .mp3 17.26Мб
13. Kathryn Gutzwiller - Diogenes' Epigrams.mp3 19.22Мб
14. James Romm - Corporeal Humor in Diogenes Laertius.mp3 11.35Мб
15. Malcolm Schofield - Philosophers and Politics in Diogenes Laertius.mp3 12.54Мб
16. Giuseppe Cambiano - Diogenes Laertius and Philosophical Lives in Antiquity.mp3 13.25Мб
17. Tiziano Dorandi - ''A la Recherche du Texte Perdu'' The Manuscript Tradition of Diogenes Laer.mp3 16.20Мб
18. Tiziano Dorandi - Diogenes Laertius in Byzantium.mp3 12.94Мб
19. Tiziano Dorandi - Diogenes Laertius in Latin.mp3 8.25Мб
20. Andre Laks - Diogenes Laertius and the Pre-Socratics.mp3 14.17Мб
21. John Dillon - Plato's Doctrines in Diogenes Laertius.mp3 15.81Мб
22. R. Bracht Branham - Cynicism Ancient and Modern.mp3 16.42Мб
23. A. A. Long - Zeno of Citium Cynic Founder of the Stoic Tradition.mp3 22.17Мб
24. James Allen - Skeptics in Diogenes Laertius.mp3 14.46Мб
25. James Allen - Epicurus in Diogenes Laertius.mp3 14.84Мб
26. Glenn W. Most - Diogenes Laertius and Nietzsche.mp3 12.09Мб
Diogenes Laertius - Lives of the Eminent Philosophers.jpg 41.16Кб
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