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Название The Medieval Islamic Civilization - Collection 34 (Art, Architecture 9)
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Al-Bayati - Mosques; the Dome and the Mihrab (2015).pdf 154.98Мб
Antoniou - Historic Cairo. A Walk through the Islamic City (1998).pdf 52.22Мб
Boloix-Gallardo (Ed.) - A Companion to Islamic Granada (2022).pdf 17.26Мб
Bush - Reframing the Alhambra. Architecture, Poetry, Textiles and Court Ceremonial (2018).pdf 72.56Мб
Canby et al (Eds.) - The Seljuqs and their Successors. Art, Culture and History (2020).pdf 12.87Мб
CRE - The Alcazar of Seville. The History of Spain’s Most Famous Royal Palace (2018).epub 1.50Мб
CRE - The Mosque of Christo de la Luz. The History and Legacy of the Moor’s Famous Holy Site in Toledo, Spain (2018).epub 1002.85Кб
Dadi - Modernism and the Art of Muslim South Asia (2010).pdf 27.84Мб
Darke - Stealing from the Saracens. How Islamic Architecture Shaped Europe (2020).pdf 41.12Мб
El Fadl - The Search For Beauty in Islam. A Conference of the Books (2006).epub 4.36Мб
Frommer's Seville, Granada & the Best of Andalusia, 3e (2009).pdf 8.52Мб
Grajter (Ed.) - The Orient in Music -Music of the Orient (2017).pdf 3.50Мб
Greenhalgh - Constantinople to Córdoba. Dismantling Ancient Architecture in the East, North Africa and Islamic Spain (2012).pdf 14.45Мб
Gruendler (Tr.) - Abu Bakr Al-Suli. The Life and Times of Abu Tammam (2015).epub 1.68Мб
Guidetti - In the Shadow of the Church. The Building of Mosques in Early Medieval Syria (2017).pdf 15.69Мб
Ibn ‘Abd Rabbih - The Unique Necklace, Vol. I (2006).pdf 3.21Мб
Ibn ‘Abd Rabbih - The Unique Necklace, Vol. II (2009).pdf 1.71Мб
Irving - The Texts of Bracebridge Hall, Tales of a Traveller, and The Alhambra (1991).epub 1.90Мб
Jackson - Islamic Manuscripts of Late Medieval Rum, 1270s–1370s. Production, Patronage and the Arts of the Book (2020).pdf 25.09Мб
Khan - Bedouin and ‘Abbasid Cultural Identities. The Arabic Majnun Layla Story (2020).epub 1.99Мб
Koch - The Complete Taj Mahal and the Riverfront Gardens of Agra (2005).pdf 200.89Мб
Leonard (Ed.) - Arabesque Without End. Across Music and the Arts, from Faust to Shahrazad (2022).pdf 74.74Мб
Maryam & Claire - Art of the Islamic Civilization. A Course.pdf 13.55Мб
McClary - Medieval Monuments of Central Asia. Qarakhanid Architecture of the 11th and 12th Centuries (2020).pdf 20.40Мб
McClary - Rum Seljuq Architecture, 1170–1220. The Patronage of Sultans (2017).pdf 14.88Мб
Milwright - The Dome of the Rock and Its Umayyad Mosaic Inscriptions (2016).pdf 7.64Мб
Reynolds - Medieval Arab Music and Musicians. Three Translated Texts (2022).pdf 2.25Мб
Sinclair (Ed.) - Bibliography of Art and Architecture in the Islamic World, Volume 1, Art (2012).pdf 10.05Мб
Tabbaa - The Production of Meaning in Islamic Architecture and Ornament (2021).pdf 10.75Мб
TAJ MAHAL. A History From Beginning to End (2017).pdf 465.89Кб
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