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Название Udemy - Introduction to Blender 3.0 by Nexttut (2022)
Размер 16.13Гб

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1.1 Download project files.html 145б
1. Bonus lecture-What’s next.mp4 12.48Мб
1. Bonus lecture-What’s next.srt 897б
1. Download project files.mp4 18.23Мб
1. Download project files.srt 1.31Кб
1. How to Animate.mp4 305.32Мб
1. How to Animate.srt 29.12Кб
1. How to model.mp4 315.97Мб
1. How to model.srt 29.99Кб
1. How to Texture Paint.mp4 437.64Мб
1. How to Texture Paint.srt 31.77Кб
1. How to Unwrap.mp4 400.76Мб
1. How to Unwrap.srt 25.65Кб
1. Making Volumetric Clouds.mp4 137.28Мб
1. Making Volumetric Clouds.srt 14.64Кб
1. Render.mp4 147.09Мб
1. Render.srt 13.99Кб
1. Setting up Sculpt.mp4 286.47Мб
1. Setting up Sculpt.srt 26.56Кб
1. Starting Retopology.mp4 488.27Мб
1. Starting Retopology.srt 27.54Кб
10. Finishing the back wings.mp4 415.34Мб
10. Finishing the back wings.srt 26.28Кб
10. Modelling chapter quizzes.html 177б
11. Using annotations.mp4 108.86Мб
11. Using annotations.srt 10.19Кб
12. Sculpting lower areas.mp4 368.93Мб
12. Sculpting lower areas.srt 26.02Кб
13. Creating Mein details.mp4 445.25Мб
13. Creating Mein details.srt 28.72Кб
14. Adding bolts.mp4 473.39Мб
14. Adding bolts.srt 25.47Кб
15. Cleaning up.mp4 305.46Мб
15. Cleaning up.srt 16.65Кб
16. Sculpting extra objects.mp4 440.31Мб
16. Sculpting extra objects.srt 35.03Кб
17. Adding minor pieces.mp4 365.17Мб
17. Adding minor pieces.srt 25.53Кб
18. Detailing hull and propellers.mp4 275.24Мб
18. Detailing hull and propellers.srt 17.38Кб
19. Sculpting vents.mp4 260.88Мб
19. Sculpting vents.srt 15.36Кб
2. Advance Shading and Painting.mp4 484.42Мб
2. Advance Shading and Painting.srt 31.50Кб
2. Animation Chapter quizzes.html 177б
2. Beginning this Sculpt.mp4 151.77Мб
2. Beginning this Sculpt.srt 14.10Кб
2. Geometry Nodes.mp4 100.06Мб
2. Geometry Nodes.srt 12.47Кб
2. Overview.mp4 28.18Мб
2. Overview.srt 4.82Кб
2. Rendering chapter quizzes.html 177б
2. Retopo Main Area.mp4 496.17Мб
2. Retopo Main Area.srt 24.51Кб
2. Unwrap the Propellers.mp4 239.71Мб
2. Unwrap the Propellers.srt 12.38Кб
2. Using basic tools.mp4 193.48Мб
2. Using basic tools.srt 15.30Кб
20. Interior engine.mp4 99.11Мб
20. Interior engine.srt 7.20Кб
21. Sculpting chapter Quizzes.html 177б
3. Block out main areas.mp4 464.94Мб
3. Block out main areas.srt 38.87Кб
3. Cleaning up the Aeroplane.mp4 342.02Мб
3. Cleaning up the Aeroplane.srt 28.59Кб
3. Final Touches.mp4 215.13Мб
3. Final Touches.srt 12.08Кб
3. Finish Texture Painting.mp4 196.24Мб
3. Finish Texture Painting.srt 18.16Кб
3. How to Bake Normals.mp4 209.72Мб
3. How to Bake Normals.srt 21.41Кб
3. Retopo Back Fins.mp4 505.16Мб
3. Retopo Back Fins.srt 24.48Кб
4. Baking Normals on Propellers.mp4 128.99Мб
4. Baking Normals on Propellers.srt 11.93Кб
4. Blockout Fins.mp4 506.47Мб
4. Blockout Fins.srt 39.96Кб
4. Particles and geometry nodes quizzes.html 177б
4. Retopo Extra Detail.mp4 608.14Мб
4. Retopo Extra Detail.srt 26.12Кб
4. Sculpting the top wing.mp4 422.17Мб
4. Sculpting the top wing.srt 39.04Кб
4. Setting and texture paint quizzes.html 177б
5. Finish the block out.mp4 318.40Мб
5. Finish the block out.srt 26.42Кб
5. Retopo Flight Deck.mp4 346.79Мб
5. Retopo Flight Deck.srt 14.27Кб
5. Sculpting the bottom Wing.mp4 396.03Мб
5. Sculpting the bottom Wing.srt 33.99Кб
5. Unwrapping chapter quizzes.html 177б
6. Adding details to the wing.mp4 455.58Мб
6. Adding details to the wing.srt 38.91Кб
6. Retopo Propellers.mp4 657.14Мб
6. Retopo Propellers.srt 23.41Кб
6. Separating pieces.mp4 489.05Мб
6. Separating pieces.srt 40.73Кб
7. Retopology Chapter quizzes.html 177б
7. Separating the flight deck.mp4 432.35Мб
7. Separating the flight deck.srt 32.35Кб
7. Using masks.mp4 350.99Мб
7. Using masks.srt 31.02Кб
8. Finishing the wing.mp4 353.35Мб
8. Finishing the wing.srt 32.52Кб
8. Modelling the flight deck.mp4 446.65Мб
8. Modelling the flight deck.srt 31.52Кб
9. Finishing the flight deck.mp4 503.52Мб
9. Finishing the flight deck.srt 34.71Кб
9. Sculpting the back wings.mp4 359.18Мб
9. Sculpting the back wings.srt 27.71Кб
Project Files.zip 5.17Мб
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