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Название [Udemy] Your 2nd JavaScript Course Advanced Concepts and Algorithms (2022) [EN]
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001 __proto___en.vtt 2.01Кб
001 __proto__.mp4 9.95Мб
001 Array basics_en.vtt 3.24Кб
001 Array basics.mp4 20.68Мб
001 async await.mp4 29.63Мб
001 Bit, byte, word, memory address and byte addressing_en.vtt 3.89Кб
001 Bit, byte, word, memory address and byte addressing.mp4 14.99Мб
001 Bucket sorting introduction_en.vtt 11.88Кб
001 Bucket sorting introduction.mp4 50.47Мб
001 Class introduction.mp4 19.07Мб
001 Closure_en.vtt 1.77Кб
001 Closure.mp4 10.34Мб
001 Cocktail sorting_en.vtt 5.02Кб
001 Cocktail sorting.mp4 33.43Мб
001 Counting sorting introduction_en.vtt 3.24Кб
001 Counting sorting introduction.mp4 18.25Мб
001 Data structure Queue, Stack, and Heap.mp4 15.50Мб
001 Data types in JavaScript_en.vtt 1.52Кб
001 Data types in JavaScript.mp4 5.90Мб
001 Destructure array_en.vtt 3.64Кб
001 Destructure array.mp4 19.43Мб
001 Differences between VAR and LET.html 9.86Кб
001 Encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism.mp4 19.96Мб
001 ES6 import and export.mp4 6.92Мб
001 Event loop, micro task queue, macro task queue.mp4 46.90Мб
001 Everything you need to know about VAR_en.vtt 4.79Кб
001 Everything you need to know about VAR.mp4 29.56Мб
001 Extend properties.mp4 27.64Мб
001 Getter and Setter introduction_en.vtt 2.43Кб
001 Getter and Setter introduction.mp4 11.94Мб
001 How to define your own constructor function.mp4 30.36Мб
001 How to enable the strict mode.mp4 17.76Мб
001 How to realize binary heap in JavaScript_en.vtt 3.98Кб
001 How to realize binary heap in JavaScript.mp4 16.17Мб
001 Insertion sorting introduction_en.vtt 3.52Кб
001 Insertion sorting introduction.mp4 10.20Мб
001 instanceof and typeof.mp4 14.38Мб
001 Introduction to CommonJS.mp4 22.87Мб
001 Introduction to Promise_en.vtt 5.42Кб
001 Introduction to Promise.mp4 34.87Мб
001 Introduction to Symbol.mp4 7.99Мб
001 Introduction to the Object constructor.mp4 11.62Мб
001 Introduction to the Observer pattern_en.vtt 3.34Кб
001 Introduction to the Observer pattern.mp4 21.57Мб
001 JavaScript garbage collection and memory leak_en.vtt 3.53Кб
001 JavaScript garbage collection and memory leak.mp4 11.55Мб
001 JSON_en.vtt 5.80Кб
001 JSON.mp4 81.47Мб
001 Linear structures and how they are stored in memory_en.vtt 9.01Кб
001 Linear structures and how they are stored in memory.mp4 43.52Мб
001 Map basics_en.vtt 3.42Кб
001 Map basics.mp4 23.48Мб
001 Quick sorting introduction_en.vtt 6.08Кб
001 Quick sorting introduction.mp4 20.36Мб
001 Reflect and its methods.mp4 22.19Мб
001 Scope chain and closure_en.vtt 2.57Кб
001 Scope chain and closure.mp4 15.00Мб
001 Selection sort introduction_en.vtt 2.87Кб
001 Selection sort introduction.mp4 8.93Мб
001 Switching two variable values without creating a new variable_en.vtt 1.17Кб
001 Switching two variable values without creating a new variable.mp4 4.49Мб
001 The iteration protocol the iterable protocol and the iterator protocol.mp4 20.94Мб
001 The problems with typeof and instanceof_en.vtt 2.84Кб
001 The problems with typeof and instanceof.mp4 15.83Мб
001 The two shocking forms of FOR loop_en.vtt 5.25Кб
001 The two shocking forms of FOR loop.mp4 29.67Мб
001 Time and space complexity big O notation_en.vtt 8.52Кб
001 Time and space complexity big O notation.mp4 36.67Мб
001 What is tail call optimization.mp4 14.77Мб
001 Who has the highest priority Variable name, function name or argument name_en.vtt 4.31Кб
001 Who has the highest priority Variable name, function name or argument name.mp4 22.09Мб
002 'Shallow copy an object.mp4 16.05Мб
002 Add the left and right sort border to avoid unnecessary comparisons_en.vtt 4.40Кб
002 Add the left and right sort border to avoid unnecessary comparisons.mp4 32.85Мб
002 Arguments, caller, callee_en.vtt 4.34Кб
002 Arguments, caller, callee.mp4 24.58Мб
002 async await supplement.mp4 9.78Мб
002 Basic encoding knowledge_en.vtt 4.35Кб
002 Basic encoding knowledge.mp4 23.94Мб
002 Bucket sorting demo_en.vtt 4.73Кб
002 Bucket sorting demo.mp4 43.26Мб
002 Challenge iterating over the array backwards_en.vtt 3.24Кб
002 Challenge iterating over the array backwards.mp4 16.94Мб
002 Changes brought by the strict mode.mp4 15.38Мб
002 Circular reference, reference counting and mark and sweep_en.vtt 2.20Кб
002 Circular reference, reference counting and mark and sweep.mp4 7.25Мб
002 Closure.html 14.78Кб
002 Count how many times each character of a string has been used_en.vtt 1.41Кб
002 Count how many times each character of a string has been used.mp4 9.63Мб
002 Create accessors using Object.defineProperty().mp4 10.64Мб
002 Create a data type checker by combining typeof and instanceof_en.vtt 3.59Кб
002 Create a data type checker by combining typeof and instanceof.mp4 26.34Мб
002 Create your own iterator.mp4 26.56Мб
002 Deal with duplicated elements_en.vtt 1.69Кб
002 Deal with duplicated elements.mp4 15.25Мб
002 Destructure object_en.vtt 3.72Кб
002 Destructure object.mp4 25.08Мб
002 Differences between a primitive prop. value and a reference-type prop. value.mp4 18.58Мб
002 Everything you need to know about LET_en.vtt 2.17Кб
002 Everything you need to know about LET.mp4 12.63Мб
002 Extend methods.mp4 13.68Мб
002 How does an array affect THIS in a function or method_en.vtt 2.70Кб
002 How does an array affect THIS in a function or method.mp4 14.24Мб
002 How to 'import'.mp4 9.37Мб
002 How to create a Symbol value.mp4 8.40Мб
002 How to define properties.mp4 30.43Мб
002 Insertion sort demo_en.vtt 3.40Кб
002 Insertion sort demo.mp4 24.16Мб
002 Interview challenges predict the result of the following programs.mp4 33.56Мб
002 Iterate over MAP using FOR OF_en.vtt 1.79Кб
002 Iterate over MAP using FOR OF.mp4 15.50Мб
002 Lexical scoping vs. dynamic scoping_en.vtt 1.72Кб
002 Lexical scoping vs. dynamic scoping.mp4 7.01Мб
002 Managing several page elements using the Observer pattern_en.vtt 2.04Кб
002 Managing several page elements using the Observer pattern.mp4 16.21Мб
002 Non-linear data structure_en.vtt 6.37Кб
002 Non-linear data structure.mp4 25.98Мб
002 Object.values(), Object.keys(), Object.entries(), Object.is().mp4 14.73Мб
002 Prototype and static properties and methods.mp4 24.55Мб
002 Quick sorting demo_en.vtt 4.45Кб
002 Quick sorting demo.mp4 23.44Мб
002 Realize the binary heap structure using JavaScript codes_en.vtt 3.92Кб
002 Realize the binary heap structure using JavaScript codes.mp4 20.24Мб
002 Real-life application of Closure_en.vtt 1.46Кб
002 Real-life application of Closure.mp4 11.37Мб
002 Real-life application of tail call optimization.mp4 32.42Мб
002 Selection sort demo_en.vtt 3.32Кб
002 Selection sort demo.mp4 20.45Мб
002 The mechanism of CommonJS the module object.mp4 14.71Мб
002 The Promise constructor.mp4 27.30Мб
002 The prototype property of a constructor_en.vtt 4.03Кб
002 The prototype property of a constructor.mp4 27.96Мб
002 Thread and Process, sync and async, blocking and non-blocking.mp4 32.56Мб
002 Type coercion, wrapper object, explicit and implicit typecasting_en.vtt 3.26Кб
002 Type coercion, wrapper object, explicit and implicit typecasting.mp4 13.34Мб
002 What is Proxy.mp4 28.32Мб
003 Application extending the Array() constructor.mp4 18.10Мб
003 Arrow function syntax and where its THIS points to.html 4.52Кб
003 Checking data type using the constructor property_en.vtt 1.37Кб
003 Checking data type using the constructor property.mp4 9.16Мб
003 Circular dependency.mp4 14.12Мб
003 Compare NULL, undefined, and NaN_en.vtt 2.03Кб
003 Compare NULL, undefined, and NaN.mp4 8.52Мб
003 Concatenate two arrays, operating the first and last element_en.vtt 1.62Кб
003 Concatenate two arrays, operating the first and last element.mp4 9.11Мб
003 Constant_en.vtt 946б
003 Constant.mp4 6.86Мб
003 Create private properties using the GET trap.mp4 12.88Мб
003 Deep copy an object.mp4 37.18Мб
003 Destructure string_en.vtt 1.68Кб
003 Destructure string.mp4 10.32Мб
003 Douglas Crawford's program recreate Object.create().mp4 8.11Мб
003 Find the most and least frequently used character_en.vtt 1.91Кб
003 Find the most and least frequently used character.mp4 12.44Мб
003 Generator.mp4 19.51Мб
003 How our own constructor uses the prototype chain_en.vtt 1.73Кб
003 How our own constructor uses the prototype chain.mp4 11.36Мб
003 How to define methods instance, prototype and static.mp4 17.23Мб
003 Improve efficiency Part 1_en.vtt 2.55Кб
003 Improve efficiency Part 1.mp4 18.92Мб
003 Memory address and byte addressing_en.vtt 3.07Кб
003 Memory address and byte addressing.mp4 11.13Мб
003 Named export.mp4 26.50Мб
003 Object.setPrototypeOf() and Object.assign().mp4 20.20Мб
003 process.nextTick().mp4 4.80Мб
003 Recursion and stack overflow.mp4 19.34Мб
003 Review, comparison and summary.mp4 37.02Мб
003 SET basics_en.vtt 2.29Кб
003 SET basics.mp4 15.16Мб
003 Symbol.for().mp4 8.80Мб
003 Syntax of arrow function_en.vtt 3.51Кб
003 Syntax of arrow function.mp4 18.57Мб
003 The application of Promise_en.vtt 2.68Кб
003 The application of Promise.mp4 20.99Мб
003 The heap sorting algorithm intro_en.vtt 2.12Кб
003 The heap sorting algorithm intro.mp4 8.29Мб
003 Three ways to redirecting THIS of a funciton_en.vtt 3.61Кб
003 Three ways to redirecting THIS of a funciton.mp4 22.60Мб
003 Two-way data binding using getter and setter.mp4 8.58Мб
003 Two-way data binding using the Observer pattern_en.vtt 850б
003 Two-way data binding using the Observer pattern.mp4 8.58Мб
004 Application of generator.mp4 28.60Мб
004 Application of SET_en.vtt 1.80Кб
004 Application of SET.mp4 12.72Мб
004 Bit width_en.vtt 3.75Кб
004 Bit width.mp4 18.85Мб
004 Checking data type using the toString method and the call or apply method_en.vtt 2.34Кб
004 Checking data type using the toString method and the call or apply method.mp4 17.59Мб
004 Count words_en.vtt 3.03Кб
004 Count words.mp4 21.55Мб
004 Deep assign an object into another one.mp4 23.70Мб
004 Default export.mp4 13.98Мб
004 Destructure number, boolean, null and undefined_en.vtt 2.25Кб
004 Destructure number, boolean, null and undefined.mp4 15.39Мб
004 Destructuring Assignment.html 5.93Кб
004 Fields.mp4 18.95Мб
004 Higher-order function and currying_en.vtt 3.09Кб
004 Higher-order function and currying.mp4 18.61Мб
004 How CommonJS handles cache require.cache.mp4 24.57Мб
004 Improve efficiency Part 2_en.vtt 2.92Кб
004 Improve efficiency Part 2.mp4 22.32Мб
004 Macro tasks, micro tasks, and their queues.mp4 20.34Мб
004 Object.create() Part 1.mp4 8.59Мб
004 Private properties in constructors.mp4 12.83Мб
004 Real-life application of prototype chain_en.vtt 3.66Кб
004 Real-life application of prototype chain.mp4 23.35Мб
004 Remove duplicated elements using two methods_en.vtt 2.40Кб
004 Remove duplicated elements using two methods.mp4 16.86Мб
004 static get [Symbol.species].mp4 11.25Мб
004 TDZ Temporal Dead Zone_en.vtt 1.39Кб
004 TDZ Temporal Dead Zone.mp4 8.24Мб
004 The creative combination of a constructor and the call or apply method.mp4 6.13Мб
004 The heap sorting algorithm demo_en.vtt 2.06Кб
004 The heap sorting algorithm demo.mp4 14.38Мб
004 The SET trap.mp4 15.19Мб
004 The then_able object.mp4 14.59Мб
004 THIS in an arrow function_en.vtt 2.45Кб
004 THIS in an arrow function.mp4 12.37Мб
004 Use Symbol value as the property name.mp4 9.86Мб
005 Application of arrow function_en.vtt 3.01Кб
005 Application of arrow function.mp4 17.47Мб
005 Check the entire array and find the matching element_en.vtt 3.27Кб
005 Check the entire array and find the matching element.mp4 18.21Мб
005 Currying and closure_en.vtt 1.99Кб
005 Currying and closure.mp4 15.31Мб
005 Destructure function arguments_en.vtt 2.56Кб
005 Destructure function arguments.mp4 15.48Мб
005 Find the most and least frequently words_en.vtt 3.96Кб
005 Find the most and least frequently words.mp4 24.50Мб
005 How to define getter and setter in a constructor.mp4 13.66Мб
005 new.target control the instantiation location.mp4 7.66Мб
005 Object.create() Part 2.mp4 13.39Мб
005 Private properties in classes.mp4 9.28Мб
005 Promise.resolve() and Promise.reject().mp4 14.65Мб
005 Queue, stack, and heap.html 3.57Кб
005 Real-life application of LET_en.vtt 3.55Кб
005 Real-life application of LET.mp4 24.99Мб
005 The difference between named export and dynamic export dynamic reference.mp4 14.08Мб
005 The genius combination of two constructors.mp4 7.53Мб
005 The has and deleteProperty trap.mp4 20.76Мб
005 The next() method.mp4 21.60Мб
005 Well-known Symbol.mp4 27.49Мб
006 Bubble sorting introduction_en.vtt 4.22Кб
006 Bubble sorting introduction.mp4 14.80Мб
006 How to remove and replace designated elements and retrieve an array segment_en.vtt 2.88Кб
006 How to remove and replace designated elements and retrieve an array segment.mp4 12.04Мб
006 Limits of Promise.resolve() and Promise.reject().mp4 18.04Мб
006 Make the parent class 'un-newable'.mp4 15.07Мб
006 Parasitic inheritance.mp4 14.44Мб
006 Property attributes.mp4 14.60Мб
006 Thread and process, sync and async.html 5.59Кб
006 Use a proxy object as the prototype.mp4 34.45Мб
006 Use ESM in browser.mp4 16.20Мб
006 yield.mp4 7.86Мб
007 Bubble sorting application_en.vtt 4.93Кб
007 Bubble sorting application.mp4 25.01Мб
007 How to find the max and min element and how to reorganize array elements_en.vtt 1.92Кб
007 How to find the max and min element and how to reorganize array elements.mp4 13.53Мб
007 Mixin.mp4 20.05Мб
007 Process several promises together .all(), .allSettled() and .race().mp4 42.92Мб
007 Stack overflow.html 2.72Кб
007 The defineProperty trap.mp4 43.14Мб
007 The descriptor object.mp4 10.33Мб
008 Array with holes_en.vtt 2.19Кб
008 Array with holes.mp4 12.68Мб
008 Bubble sort backwards_en.vtt 2.08Кб
008 Bubble sort backwards.mp4 14.39Мб
008 Create properties with customized attributes.mp4 10.06Мб
008 Event loop, macro task and micro task and their queues.html 3.67Кб
008 The apply trap.mp4 14.23Мб
009 NodeJS process.nextTick().html 1.22Кб
009 Object.preventExtensions().mp4 15.87Мб
009 Reorganize array elements in ascending and descending order using bubble sorting_en.vtt 2.84Кб
009 Reorganize array elements in ascending and descending order using bubble sorting.mp4 15.59Мб
009 The Array constructor.html 1.09Кб
009 The constructor trap.mp4 15.12Мб
010 Improve the bubble sorting program by ending the loop at the earliest timing_en.vtt 3.46Кб
010 Improve the bubble sorting program by ending the loop at the earliest timing.mp4 23.86Мб
010 Object.seal().mp4 13.89Мб
010 Revocable proxy.mp4 13.22Мб
010 String basics_en.vtt 1008б
010 String basics.mp4 5.55Мб
011 Calculating word count using the split() method_en.vtt 2.39Кб
011 Calculating word count using the split() method.mp4 11.63Мб
011 Object.freeze().mp4 12.08Мб
011 Real-life Application_en.vtt 11.66Кб
011 Real-life Application.mp4 67.86Мб
011 The problem with the inner FOR loop_en.vtt 2.69Кб
011 The problem with the inner FOR loop.mp4 17.99Мб
012 Avoid unnecessary comparisons using rightSortBorder_en.vtt 4.63Кб
012 Avoid unnecessary comparisons using rightSortBorder.mp4 31.31Мб
012 Extract a section of a string_en.vtt 2.64Кб
012 Extract a section of a string.mp4 12.25Мб
013 LeftSortBorder avoiding unnecessary comparisons while iterating backwards_en.vtt 1.46Кб
013 LeftSortBorder avoiding unnecessary comparisons while iterating backwards.mp4 11.99Мб
013 Replace a section of a string_en.vtt 2.18Кб
013 Replace a section of a string.mp4 17.46Мб
014 Highlight selected texts_en.vtt 1.81Кб
014 Highlight selected texts.mp4 13.39Мб
19388184-var.html 415б
19388188-let.html 263б
19388190-const.html 320б
19388198-tdz.html 404б
19388202-for.html 463б
19388208-closure.html 273б
19388210-for-closure.html 582б
19388644-destructure-arr.html 259б
19388646-destructure-arr-obj.html 614б
19388658-destructure-str.html 286б
19388668-destructure-num-bool.html 284б
19388674-destructure-func.html 510б
19388980-arrow-syntax.html 366б
19388984-arrow-this.html 395б
19388992-arrow-app.html 369б
19389274-map-intro.html 403б
19389276-map-iterate.html 650б
19389280-set.html 210б
19389282-set-application.html 503б
19389298-getter-setter.html 357б
19389392-proto.html 173б
19389394-constructor.html 269б
19389398-my-constructor.html 262б
19389400-application-proto-Chain.html 379б
19389654-symbol.html 459б
19389658-symbol-func.html 357б
19389662-symbol-func.html 357б
19389666-symbol-app.html 403б
19389668-wks.html 463б
19389690-Object.html 544б
19389696-Obj-methods-1.html 422б
19389698-Obj-methods-2.html 404б
19389700-Obj-methods-3.html 279б
19389702-Obj-methods-4.html 473б
19389712-Obj-methods-4.html 473б
19389714-Obj-methods-5.html 415б
19389718-Obj-methods-6.html 386б
19389762-Obj-methods-7.html 507б
19389764-Obj-methods-8.html 527б
19389766-Obj-methods-8.html 527б
19389772-Obj-methods-8.html 527б
19389816-constructor-1.html 461б
19389818-constructor-2.html 735б
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20466078-tc2.html 389б
20466092-process-thread.html 245б
20466094-process-thread-2.html 375б
20466100-stack-recrusion.html 412б
20466106-recursion-factorial.html 229б
20466112-event-loop.html 330б
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20466124-event-loop-3.html 490б
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21550780-a16.html 732б
21552762-a17.html 511б
21553310-a18.html 762б
21562818-a19.html 835б
21563074-a20.html 907б
21564142-insert-sort.html 566б
21585436-bucket-sort.html 1011б
21824172-binary-heap-add.html 808б
21824448-heap-sort.html 1.02Кб
22265045-selection-sort.html 583б
37213578-vue3-reactivity-Vue-3.html 1.02Кб
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