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Название [04-2022] react-the-complete-guide-incl-redux
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001 Welcome To The Course!.en_US.srt 1.96Кб
001 Welcome To The Course!.mp4 37.61Мб
002 What is React.js_.en_US.srt 6.21Кб
002 What is React.js_.mp4 55.25Мб
003 Vanilla-JavaScript-vs-React-Example-Code-.txt 112б
003 Why React Instead Of _Just JavaScript__.en_US.srt 11.67Кб
003 Why React Instead Of _Just JavaScript__.mp4 43.24Мб
004 Building Single-Page Applications (SPAs) with React.en_US.srt 2.35Кб
004 Building Single-Page Applications (SPAs) with React.mp4 17.30Мб
005 Exploring React.js Alternatives (Angular _ Vue).en_US.srt 5.29Кб
005 Exploring React.js Alternatives (Angular _ Vue).mp4 11.34Мб
005 React-vs-Angular-vs-Vue-Comparison-Deep-Dive-.txt 69б
006 Join our Online Learning Community.html 1.25Кб
007 About This Course & Course Outline.en_US.srt 12.93Кб
007 About This Course & Course Outline.mp4 24.25Мб
008 Jump-ahead-to-the-React.js-Summary-.txt 88б
008 The Two Ways (Paths) Of Taking This Course.en_US.srt 6.51Кб
008 The Two Ways (Paths) Of Taking This Course.mp4 13.53Мб
009 Getting The Most Out Of This Course.en_US.srt 5.96Кб
009 Getting The Most Out Of This Course.mp4 10.09Мб
010 Setting Up The Course Dev Environment (Code Editor).en_US.srt 7.63Кб
010 Setting Up The Course Dev Environment (Code Editor).mp4 23.26Мб
011 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 2.06Кб
011 Module Introduction.mp4 2.42Мб
012 Understanding _let_ and _const_.en_US.srt 3.85Кб
012 Understanding _let_ and _const_.mp4 6.73Мб
013 Arrow Functions.en_US.srt 6.58Кб
013 Arrow Functions.mp4 12.51Мб
014 Exports and Imports.en_US.srt 5.80Кб
014 Exports and Imports.mp4 13.82Мб
015 Understanding Classes.en_US.srt 5.63Кб
015 Understanding Classes.mp4 15.69Мб
016 Classes, Properties and Methods.en_US.srt 3.93Кб
016 Classes, Properties and Methods.mp4 8.92Мб
017 The Spread & Rest Operator.en_US.srt 7.98Кб
017 The Spread & Rest Operator.mp4 15.56Мб
018 Destructuring.en_US.srt 3.97Кб
018 Destructuring.mp4 7.72Мб
019 Reference and Primitive Types Refresher.en_US.srt 5.27Кб
019 Reference and Primitive Types Refresher.mp4 11.65Мб
020 Refreshing Array Functions.en_US.srt 3.41Кб
020 Refreshing Array Functions.mp4 6.84Мб
021 Wrap Up.en_US.srt 1.24Кб
021 Wrap Up.mp4 1.31Мб
022 Next-Gen JavaScript - Summary.html 9.95Кб
022 next-gen-js-summary.pdf 74.24Кб
023 JS Array Functions.html 3.33Кб
024 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 5.41Кб
024 Module Introduction.mp4 8.23Мб
025 What Are Components_ And Why Is React All About Them_.en_US.srt 9.95Кб
025 What Are Components_ And Why Is React All About Them_.mp4 30.90Мб
026 React Code Is Written In A _Declarative Way_!.en_US.srt 5.13Кб
026 React Code Is Written In A _Declarative Way_!.mp4 9.59Мб
027 A Note About New React Projects & NodeJS.html 1.08Кб
028 01-starting-setup.zip 26.80Кб
028 Creating a new React Project.en_US.srt 18.12Кб
028 Creating a new React Project.mp4 81.72Мб
028 Section-Code-Snapshots-Github-Link-.txt 105б
029 01-starting-setup.zip 26.80Кб
029 Section-Code-Snapshots.txt 105б
029 The Starting Project.html 788б
030 Analyzing a Standard React Project.en_US.srt 19.40Кб
030 Analyzing a Standard React Project.mp4 151.56Мб
031 Introducing JSX.en_US.srt 5.78Кб
031 Introducing JSX.mp4 15.99Мб
032 How React Works.en_US.srt 6.17Кб
032 How React Works.mp4 19.81Мб
033 Building a First Custom Component.en_US.srt 12.85Кб
033 Building a First Custom Component.mp4 32.56Мб
034 Writing More Complex JSX Code.en_US.srt 8.39Кб
034 Writing More Complex JSX Code.mp4 23.58Мб
035 Adding Basic CSS Styling.en_US.srt 6.53Кб
035 Adding Basic CSS Styling.mp4 19.41Мб
035 ExpenseItem.css-Code.txt 128б
036 Outputting Dynamic Data & Working with Expressions in JSX.en_US.srt 11.84Кб
036 Outputting Dynamic Data & Working with Expressions in JSX.mp4 100.14Мб
037 expenses.txt-File.txt 125б
037 Passing Data via _props_.en_US.srt 17.77Кб
037 Passing Data via _props_.mp4 81.99Мб
038 Adding _normal_ JavaScript Logic to Components.en_US.srt 8.21Кб
038 Adding _normal_ JavaScript Logic to Components.mp4 64.00Мб
039 ExpenseDate.css-Code.txt 128б
039 Splitting Components Into Multiple Components.en_US.srt 15.36Кб
039 Splitting Components Into Multiple Components.mp4 62.73Мб
040 [assignment_info] Time to Practice_ React & Component Basics.html 2.69Кб
040 [assignment_solution] Time to Practice_ React & Component Basics.mp4 65.90Мб
040 [assignment] Time to Practice_ React & Component Basics.mp4 23.40Мб
040 The Concept of _Composition_ (_children props_).en_US.srt 18.49Кб
040 The Concept of _Composition_ (_children props_).mp4 83.11Мб
041 A First Summary.en_US.srt 5.79Кб
041 A First Summary.mp4 18.64Мб
042 A Closer Look At JSX.en_US.srt 13.63Кб
042 A Closer Look At JSX.mp4 99.61Мб
043 Organizing Component Files.en_US.srt 4.42Кб
043 Organizing Component Files.mp4 18.51Мб
044 An Alternative Function Syntax.en_US.srt 3.91Кб
044 An Alternative Function Syntax.mp4 14.15Мб
044 More-on-JavaScript-Arrow-Functions.txt 92б
045 [quiz] Learning Check_ React Basics, Components, Props & JSX.html 22.10Кб
045 Module Resources.html 1.29Кб
046 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 3.53Кб
046 Module Introduction.mp4 9.08Мб
047 Listening to Events & Working with Event Handlers.en_US.srt 14.21Кб
047 Listening to Events & Working with Event Handlers.mp4 102.52Мб
048 How Component Functions Are Executed.en_US.srt 8.62Кб
048 How Component Functions Are Executed.mp4 66.11Мб
049 Working with _State_.en_US.srt 15.77Кб
049 Working with _State_.mp4 130.27Мб
050 A Closer Look at the _useState_ Hook.en_US.srt 11.15Кб
050 A Closer Look at the _useState_ Hook.mp4 55.44Мб
051 State can be updated in many ways!.html 977б
052 Adding Form Inputs.en_US.srt 14.01Кб
052 Adding Form Inputs.mp4 53.70Мб
052 ExpenseForm.css-Code.txt 110б
052 NewExpense.css-Code.txt 109б
053 Listening to User Input.en_US.srt 7.45Кб
053 Listening to User Input.mp4 59.43Мб
054 Working with Multiple States.en_US.srt 9.81Кб
054 Working with Multiple States.mp4 44.28Мб
055 Using One State Instead (And What's Better).en_US.srt 8.06Кб
055 Using One State Instead (And What's Better).mp4 31.97Мб
056 Updating State That Depends On The Previous State.en_US.srt 7.19Кб
056 Updating State That Depends On The Previous State.mp4 30.24Мб
057 Handling Form Submission.en_US.srt 8.56Кб
057 Handling Form Submission.mp4 38.20Мб
058 Adding Two-Way Binding.en_US.srt 4.05Кб
058 Adding Two-Way Binding.mp4 18.99Мб
059 Child-to-Parent Component Communication (Bottom-up).en_US.srt 19.70Кб
059 Child-to-Parent Component Communication (Bottom-up).mp4 104.21Мб
060 Lifting The State Up.en_US.srt 9.41Кб
060 Lifting The State Up.mp4 51.85Мб
061 [assignment_info] Time to Practice_ Working with Events & State.html 2.64Кб
061 [assignment_solution] Time to Practice_ Working with Events & State.mp4 88.30Мб
061 [assignment] Time to Practice_ Working with Events & State.mp4 17.05Мб
061 Controlled vs Uncontrolled Components & Stateless vs Stateful Components.en_US.srt 7.58Кб
061 Controlled vs Uncontrolled Components & Stateless vs Stateful Components.mp4 64.39Мб
062 [quiz] Learning Check_ Working with Events & State.html 20.28Кб
062 Module Resources.html 1.25Кб
063 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 1.13Кб
063 Module Introduction.mp4 1.59Мб
064 Rendering Lists of Data.en_US.srt 10.05Кб
064 Rendering Lists of Data.mp4 53.71Мб
065 Using Stateful Lists.en_US.srt 6.38Кб
065 Using Stateful Lists.mp4 50.70Мб
066 Understanding _Keys_.en_US.srt 10.42Кб
066 Understanding _Keys_.mp4 75.39Мб
067 [assignment_info] Time to Practice_ Working with Lists.html 1.73Кб
067 [assignment_solution] Time to Practice_ Working with Lists.mp4 47.08Мб
067 [assignment] Time to Practice_ Working with Lists.mp4 4.62Мб
067 Outputting Conditional Content.en_US.srt 9.58Кб
067 Outputting Conditional Content.mp4 42.56Мб
068 Adding Conditional Return Statements.en_US.srt 7.42Кб
068 Adding Conditional Return Statements.mp4 26.94Мб
068 ExpensesList.css-Code.txt 128б
069 [assignment_info] Time to Practice_ Conditional Content.html 1.73Кб
069 [assignment_solution] Time to Practice_ Conditional Content.mp4 52.86Мб
069 [assignment] Time to Practice_ Conditional Content.mp4 3.07Мб
069 Chart.css-Code.txt 121б
069 ChartBar.css-Code.txt 124б
069 Demo App_ Adding a Chart.en_US.srt 10.22Кб
069 Demo App_ Adding a Chart.mp4 34.63Мб
070 Adding Dynamic Styles.en_US.srt 9.68Кб
070 Adding Dynamic Styles.mp4 35.19Мб
071 Wrap Up & Next Steps.en_US.srt 16.08Кб
071 Wrap Up & Next Steps.mp4 152.50Мб
072 Fixing a Small Bug.html 1.12Кб
073 [quiz] Learning Check_ Outputting Lists & Conditional Content.html 7.24Кб
073 Module Resources.html 1.29Кб
074 01-starting-project.zip 39.21Кб
074 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 5.61Кб
074 Module Introduction.mp4 13.76Мб
075 Setting Dynamic Inline Styles.en_US.srt 14.55Кб
075 Setting Dynamic Inline Styles.mp4 53.58Мб
076 Setting CSS Classes Dynamically.en_US.srt 7.47Кб
076 Setting CSS Classes Dynamically.mp4 30.05Мб
077 Introducing Styled Components.en_US.srt 15.18Кб
077 Introducing Styled Components.mp4 98.86Мб
078 Styled Components & Dynamic Props.en_US.srt 13.02Кб
078 Styled Components & Dynamic Props.mp4 93.81Мб
079 Styled Components & Media Queries.en_US.srt 3.88Кб
079 Styled Components & Media Queries.mp4 16.35Мб
080 Using CSS Modules.en_US.srt 10.20Кб
080 Using CSS Modules.mp4 72.26Мб
081 Dynamic Styles with CSS Modules.en_US.srt 8.71Кб
081 Dynamic Styles with CSS Modules.mp4 40.61Мб
082 Module Resources.html 1.23Кб
083 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 2.23Кб
083 Module Introduction.mp4 2.99Мб
084 01-starting-project.zip 28.35Кб
084 Understanding React Error Messages.en_US.srt 9.30Кб
084 Understanding React Error Messages.mp4 34.76Мб
085 Analyzing Code Flow & Warnings.en_US.srt 9.20Кб
085 Analyzing Code Flow & Warnings.mp4 65.85Мб
086 Working with Breakpoints.en_US.srt 10.32Кб
086 Working with Breakpoints.mp4 42.13Мб
087 Using the React DevTools.en_US.srt 10.78Кб
087 Using the React DevTools.mp4 29.30Мб
088 Module Resources.html 1.24Кб
089 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 4.84Кб
089 Module Introduction.mp4 5.02Мб
090 01-starting-project.zip 21.99Кб
090 Adding a _User_ Component.en_US.srt 10.49Кб
090 Adding a _User_ Component.mp4 33.65Мб
091 Adding a re-usable _Card_ Component.en_US.srt 12.84Кб
091 Adding a re-usable _Card_ Component.mp4 76.77Мб
091 AddUser.module.css-Code.txt 111б
092 Adding a re-usable _Button_ Component.en_US.srt 6.21Кб
092 Adding a re-usable _Button_ Component.mp4 19.41Мб
092 Button.module.css-Code.txt 110б
093 Managing the User Input State.en_US.srt 7.71Кб
093 Managing the User Input State.mp4 34.51Мб
094 Adding Validation & Resetting Logic.en_US.srt 6.84Кб
094 Adding Validation & Resetting Logic.mp4 27.01Мб
095 Adding a Users List Component.en_US.srt 15.93Кб
095 Adding a Users List Component.mp4 68.45Мб
095 UsersList.module.css-Code.txt 113б
096 Managing a List Of Users via State.en_US.srt 14.16Кб
096 Managing a List Of Users via State.mp4 55.77Мб
097 Adding The _ErrorModal_ Component.en_US.srt 14.23Кб
097 Adding The _ErrorModal_ Component.mp4 53.90Мб
097 ErrorModal.module.css-Code.txt 114б
098 Managing the Error State.en_US.srt 12.71Кб
098 Managing the Error State.mp4 65.27Мб
099 Module Resources.html 1.25Кб
100 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 1.22Кб
100 Module Introduction.mp4 1.71Мб
101 01-starting-project.zip 28.45Кб
101 JSX Limitations & Workarounds.en_US.srt 13.37Кб
101 JSX Limitations & Workarounds.mp4 40.27Мб
102 Creating a Wrapper Component.en_US.srt 6.05Кб
102 Creating a Wrapper Component.mp4 27.65Мб
103 React Fragments.en_US.srt 4.26Кб
103 React Fragments.mp4 15.67Мб
104 Introducing React Portals.en_US.srt 6.74Кб
104 Introducing React Portals.mp4 15.72Мб
105 Working with Portals.en_US.srt 18.32Кб
105 Working with Portals.mp4 96.19Мб
106 Working with _ref_s.en_US.srt 17.87Кб
106 Working with _ref_s.mp4 89.00Мб
107 Controlled vs Uncontrolled Components.en_US.srt 4.71Кб
107 Controlled vs Uncontrolled Components.mp4 23.46Мб
108 Module Resources.html 1.26Кб
109 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 2.11Кб
109 Module Introduction.mp4 3.53Мб
110 What are _Side Effects_ & Introducing useEffect.en_US.srt 10.76Кб
110 What are _Side Effects_ & Introducing useEffect.mp4 33.44Мб
111 01-starting-project.zip 30.27Кб
111 Using the useEffect() Hook.en_US.srt 16.93Кб
111 Using the useEffect() Hook.mp4 70.47Мб
112 useEffect & Dependencies.en_US.srt 12.34Кб
112 useEffect & Dependencies.mp4 70.38Мб
113 What to add & Not to add as Dependencies.html 4.16Кб
114 Using the useEffect Cleanup Function.en_US.srt 13.72Кб
114 Using the useEffect Cleanup Function.mp4 65.80Мб
115 useEffect Summary.en_US.srt 5.52Кб
115 useEffect Summary.mp4 22.26Мб
116 Introducing useReducer & Reducers In General.en_US.srt 13.64Кб
116 Introducing useReducer & Reducers In General.mp4 55.47Мб
117 06-usereducer-starting-project.zip 43.19Кб
117 Using the useReducer() Hook.en_US.srt 21.12Кб
117 Using the useReducer() Hook.mp4 166.04Мб
118 useReducer & useEffect.en_US.srt 15.23Кб
118 useReducer & useEffect.mp4 154.94Мб
119 Adding Nested Properties As Dependencies To useEffect.html 1.87Кб
120 useReducer vs useState for State Management.en_US.srt 5.19Кб
120 useReducer vs useState for State Management.mp4 20.52Мб
121 Introducing React Context (Context API).en_US.srt 12.05Кб
121 Introducing React Context (Context API).mp4 47.29Мб
122 Using the React Context API.en_US.srt 16.39Кб
122 Using the React Context API.mp4 154.05Мб
123 Tapping Into Context with the useContext Hook.en_US.srt 2.91Кб
123 Tapping Into Context with the useContext Hook.mp4 10.33Мб
124 Making Context Dynamic.en_US.srt 7.07Кб
124 Making Context Dynamic.mp4 32.16Мб
125 Building & Using a Custom Context Provider Component.en_US.srt 12.34Кб
125 Building & Using a Custom Context Provider Component.mp4 72.94Мб
126 React Context Limitations.en_US.srt 4.36Кб
126 React Context Limitations.mp4 12.52Мб
127 Learning the _Rules of Hooks_.en_US.srt 11.50Кб
127 Learning the _Rules of Hooks_.mp4 69.94Мб
127 rules-of-hooks.pdf 63.51Кб
128 Refactoring an Input Component.en_US.srt 8.17Кб
128 Refactoring an Input Component.mp4 73.40Мб
129 Diving into _Forward Refs_.en_US.srt 21.13Кб
129 Diving into _Forward Refs_.mp4 99.46Мб
130 Module Resources.html 1.28Кб
131 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 4.03Кб
131 Module Introduction.mp4 22.47Мб
131 Section-Style-Files.txt 99б
132 01-starting-project.zip 23.36Кб
132 Starting Setup.en_US.srt 5.95Кб
132 Starting Setup.mp4 17.11Мб
133 Adding a _Header_ Component.en_US.srt 13.60Кб
133 Adding a _Header_ Component.mp4 48.50Мб
133 Header.module.css-Code.txt 117б
133 meals.jpg-File.txt 109б
134 Adding the _Cart_ Button Component.en_US.srt 7.20Кб
134 Adding the _Cart_ Button Component.mp4 31.55Мб
134 CartIcon.js-Code.txt 111б
134 HeaderCartButton.module.css-Code.txt 127б
135 Adding a _Meals_ Component.en_US.srt 12.02Кб
135 Adding a _Meals_ Component.mp4 60.97Мб
135 AvailableMeals.module.css-Code.txt 125б
135 dummy-meals.js-Data-File-.txt 114б
135 MealsSummary.js-Code.txt 115б
135 MealsSummary.module.css-Code.txt 123б
136 Adding Individual Meal Items & Displaying Them.en_US.srt 12.59Кб
136 Adding Individual Meal Items & Displaying Them.mp4 95.89Мб
136 Card.module.css-File.txt 115б
136 MealItem.module.css-Code.txt 119б
137 Adding a Form.en_US.srt 13.71Кб
137 Adding a Form.mp4 68.02Мб
137 Input.module.css-Code.txt 116б
137 MealItemForm.module.css.txt 123б
138 Fixing Form Input IDs.html 3.08Кб
139 Cart.module.css-Code.txt 115б
139 Working on the _Shopping Cart_ Component.en_US.srt 6.68Кб
139 Working on the _Shopping Cart_ Component.mp4 28.98Мб
140 Adding a Modal via a React Portal.en_US.srt 9.96Кб
140 Adding a Modal via a React Portal.mp4 54.20Мб
140 Modal.module.css-Code.txt 116б
141 Managing Cart & Modal State.en_US.srt 15.15Кб
141 Managing Cart & Modal State.mp4 67.32Мб
142 Adding a Cart Context.en_US.srt 9.99Кб
142 Adding a Cart Context.mp4 78.51Мб
143 Using the Context.en_US.srt 6.26Кб
143 Using the Context.mp4 38.35Мб
144 Adding a Cart Reducer.en_US.srt 15.05Кб
144 Adding a Cart Reducer.mp4 82.25Мб
145 Working with Refs & Forward Refs.en_US.srt 14.38Кб
145 Working with Refs & Forward Refs.mp4 69.61Мб
146 CartItem.zip-File.txt 112б
146 Outputting Cart Items.en_US.srt 9.52Кб
146 Outputting Cart Items.mp4 88.32Мб
147 Working on a More Complex Reducer Logic.en_US.srt 7.53Кб
147 Working on a More Complex Reducer Logic.mp4 35.85Мб
148 Making Items Removable.en_US.srt 10.83Кб
148 Making Items Removable.mp4 163.29Мб
149 Using the useEffect Hook.en_US.srt 10.74Кб
149 Using the useEffect Hook.mp4 97.94Мб
150 Module Resources.html 1.26Кб
151 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 3.55Кб
151 Module Introduction.mp4 4.60Мб
152 How React Really Works.en_US.srt 11.38Кб
152 How React Really Works.mp4 21.41Мб
153 01-starting-setup.zip 23.93Кб
153 Component Updates In Action.en_US.srt 11.11Кб
153 Component Updates In Action.mp4 36.64Мб
154 A Closer Look At Child Component Re-Evaluation.en_US.srt 16.82Кб
154 A Closer Look At Child Component Re-Evaluation.mp4 60.43Мб
155 Preventing Unnecessary Re-Evaluations with React.memo().en_US.srt 18.09Кб
155 Preventing Unnecessary Re-Evaluations with React.memo().mp4 116.57Мб
155 Reference-vs-Primitive-Values-in-JavaScript-Tutorial-.txt 63б
156 Preventing Function Re-Creation with useCallback().en_US.srt 5.96Кб
156 Preventing Function Re-Creation with useCallback().mp4 30.37Мб
157 More-on-Closures.txt 65б
157 useCallback() and its Dependencies.en_US.srt 10.85Кб
157 useCallback() and its Dependencies.mp4 78.65Мб
158 A First Summary.en_US.srt 6.23Кб
158 A First Summary.mp4 30.53Мб
159 A Closer Look At State & Components.en_US.srt 5.45Кб
159 A Closer Look At State & Components.mp4 19.41Мб
160 Understanding State Scheduling & Batching.en_US.srt 14.50Кб
160 Understanding State Scheduling & Batching.mp4 53.72Мб
161 Optimizing with useMemo().en_US.srt 14.48Кб
161 Optimizing with useMemo().mp4 54.01Мб
162 Module Resources.html 1.26Кб
163 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 2.97Кб
163 Module Introduction.mp4 4.49Мб
164 What & Why.en_US.srt 6.58Кб
164 What & Why.mp4 20.62Мб
165 01-starting-project.zip 25.31Кб
165 Adding a First Class-based Component.en_US.srt 9.65Кб
165 Adding a First Class-based Component.mp4 45.83Мб
166 Understanding-this-in-JavaScript-Tutorial-.txt 66б
166 Working with State & Events.en_US.srt 15.56Кб
166 Working with State & Events.mp4 85.91Мб
167 The Component Lifecycle (Class-based Components Only!).en_US.srt 7.18Кб
167 The Component Lifecycle (Class-based Components Only!).mp4 29.43Мб
167 UserFinder.js-Code.txt 105б
167 UserFinder.module.css-Code.txt 113б
168 Lifecycle Methods In Action.en_US.srt 16.19Кб
168 Lifecycle Methods In Action.mp4 92.80Мб
169 App.js-Code.txt 98б
169 Class-based Components & Context.en_US.srt 6.04Кб
169 Class-based Components & Context.mp4 36.54Мб
169 users-context.js-Code.txt 108б
170 Class-based vs Functional Components_ A Summary.en_US.srt 4.03Кб
170 Class-based vs Functional Components_ A Summary.mp4 12.98Мб
171 Introducing Error Boundaries.en_US.srt 14.47Кб
171 Introducing Error Boundaries.mp4 69.52Мб
172 Module Resources.html 1.25Кб
173 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 2.47Кб
173 Module Introduction.mp4 3.42Мб
174 01-starting-project.zip 25.25Кб
174 How To (Not) Connect To A Database.en_US.srt 5.17Кб
174 How To (Not) Connect To A Database.mp4 9.93Мб
174 Your-JavaScript-code-is-exposed-to-your-visitors-More-Details-.txt 61б
175 Using the Star Wars API.html 1.03Кб
176 More-on-APIs-REST-APIs-GraphQL-APIs-.txt 53б
176 Our Starting App & Backend.en_US.srt 5.51Кб
176 Our Starting App & Backend.mp4 15.48Мб
177 Sending a GET Request.en_US.srt 15.41Кб
177 Sending a GET Request.mp4 109.31Мб
178 Using async _ await.en_US.srt 2.93Кб
178 Using async _ await.mp4 12.85Мб
179 Handling Loading & Data States.en_US.srt 6.82Кб
179 Handling Loading & Data States.mp4 26.59Мб
180 Handling Http Errors.en_US.srt 16.49Кб
180 Handling Http Errors.mp4 196.02Мб
180 More-on-Http-Status-Codes.txt 57б
181 Using useEffect() For Requests.en_US.srt 10.24Кб
181 Using useEffect() For Requests.mp4 45.45Мб
182 06-preparing-the-project-for-the-next-steps.zip 35.13Кб
182 Preparing The Project For The Next Steps.en_US.srt 9.54Кб
182 Preparing The Project For The Next Steps.mp4 42.70Мб
183 Sending a POST Request.en_US.srt 13.13Кб
183 Sending a POST Request.mp4 63.34Мб
184 Wrap Up.en_US.srt 1.83Кб
184 Wrap Up.mp4 16.61Мб
185 Module Resources.html 1.26Кб
186 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 1.97Кб
186 Module Introduction.mp4 4.53Мб
187 What are _Custom Hooks__.en_US.srt 2.15Кб
187 What are _Custom Hooks__.mp4 4.00Мб
188 01-starting-project.zip 25.31Кб
188 Creating a Custom React Hook Function.en_US.srt 9.31Кб
188 Creating a Custom React Hook Function.mp4 31.34Мб
189 Using Custom Hooks.en_US.srt 6.48Кб
189 Using Custom Hooks.mp4 32.51Мб
190 Configuring Custom Hooks.en_US.srt 7.98Кб
190 Configuring Custom Hooks.mp4 34.81Мб
191 04-onwards-to-a-more-realistic-example.zip 39.31Кб
191 Onwards To A More Realistic Example.en_US.srt 9.56Кб
191 Onwards To A More Realistic Example.mp4 39.65Мб
192 Building a Custom Http Hook.en_US.srt 13.20Кб
192 Building a Custom Http Hook.mp4 56.02Мб
193 Using the Custom Http Hook.en_US.srt 11.20Кб
193 Using the Custom Http Hook.mp4 60.32Мб
194 Adjusting the Custom Hook Logic.en_US.srt 12.79Кб
194 Adjusting the Custom Hook Logic.mp4 107.58Мб
195 More-about-bind-Indirect-Function-Execution-Tutorial-.txt 63б
195 Using The Custom Hook In More Components.en_US.srt 12.71Кб
195 Using The Custom Hook In More Components.mp4 167.41Мб
196 Module Resources.html 1.27Кб
197 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 2.27Кб
197 Module Introduction.mp4 3.64Мб
198 Our Starting Setup.en_US.srt 2.35Кб
198 Our Starting Setup.mp4 5.66Мб
199 01-starting-project.zip 24.88Кб
199 What's So Complex About Forms_.en_US.srt 7.72Кб
199 What's So Complex About Forms_.mp4 15.77Мб
200 Dealing With Form Submission & Getting User Input Values.en_US.srt 13.88Кб
200 Dealing With Form Submission & Getting User Input Values.mp4 61.19Мб
201 Adding Basic Validation.en_US.srt 5.79Кб
201 Adding Basic Validation.mp4 15.24Мб
201 Your-frontend-JavaScript-code-can-be-hacked.txt 54б
202 Providing Validation Feedback.en_US.srt 5.26Кб
202 Providing Validation Feedback.mp4 27.42Мб
203 Handling the _was touched_ State.en_US.srt 8.36Кб
203 Handling the _was touched_ State.mp4 41.84Мб
204 React To Lost Focus.en_US.srt 7.99Кб
204 React To Lost Focus.mp4 34.31Мб
205 Refactoring & Deriving States.en_US.srt 14.04Кб
205 Refactoring & Deriving States.mp4 66.00Мб
206 Managing The Overall Form Validity.en_US.srt 9.74Кб
206 Managing The Overall Form Validity.mp4 54.16Мб
207 [assignment_info] Time to Practice_ Forms.html 1.73Кб
207 [assignment_solution] Time to Practice_ Forms.mp4 57.42Мб
207 [assignment] Time to Practice_ Forms.mp4 9.73Мб
207 Adding A Custom Input Hook.en_US.srt 17.42Кб
207 Adding A Custom Input Hook.mp4 196.77Мб
208 Re-Using The Custom Hook.en_US.srt 3.82Кб
208 Re-Using The Custom Hook.mp4 25.02Мб
209 A Challenge For You!.en_US.srt 2.24Кб
209 A Challenge For You!.mp4 10.13Мб
210 Applying Our Hook & Knowledge To A New Form.en_US.srt 14.03Кб
210 Applying Our Hook & Knowledge To A New Form.mp4 136.12Мб
211 Building-a-Custom-useForm-Hook-Tutorial-.txt 63б
211 Summary.en_US.srt 5.14Кб
211 Summary.mp4 24.97Мб
212 Bonus_ Using useReducer().en_US.srt 10.69Кб
212 Bonus_ Using useReducer().mp4 62.37Мб
213 Module Resources.html 1.25Кб
214 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 4.51Кб
214 Module Introduction.mp4 13.79Мб
215 01-starting-project.zip 447.19Кб
215 Moving _Meals_ Data To The Backend.en_US.srt 5.35Кб
215 Moving _Meals_ Data To The Backend.mp4 22.21Мб
216 Fetching Meals via Http.en_US.srt 13.62Кб
216 Fetching Meals via Http.mp4 69.39Мб
217 Handling the Loading State.en_US.srt 5.99Кб
217 Handling the Loading State.mp4 29.62Мб
218 Handling Errors.en_US.srt 11.12Кб
218 Handling Errors.mp4 142.37Мб
219 Adding A Checkout Form.en_US.srt 14.96Кб
219 Adding A Checkout Form.mp4 80.67Мб
220 Checkout.js-Code.txt 118б
220 Checkout.module.css-Code.txt 126б
220 Modal.module.css-Code.txt 123б
220 Reading Form Values.en_US.srt 6.45Кб
220 Reading Form Values.mp4 32.05Мб
221 Adding Form Validation.en_US.srt 16.39Кб
221 Adding Form Validation.mp4 102.85Мб
222 Submitting & Sending Cart Data.en_US.srt 9.81Кб
222 Submitting & Sending Cart Data.mp4 77.49Мб
222 Your-frontend-JavaScript-code-can-be-hacked.txt 61б
223 Adding Better User Feedback.en_US.srt 12.32Кб
223 Adding Better User Feedback.mp4 77.17Мб
224 Summary.en_US.srt 2.23Кб
224 Summary.mp4 11.56Мб
225 Module Resources.html 1.28Кб
226 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 1.50Кб
226 Module Introduction.mp4 2.50Мб
227 Another Look At State In React Apps.en_US.srt 7.12Кб
227 Another Look At State In React Apps.mp4 27.65Мб
228 Redux vs React Context.en_US.srt 9.25Кб
228 Redux vs React Context.mp4 19.84Мб
229 How Redux Works.en_US.srt 8.49Кб
229 How Redux Works.mp4 14.91Мб
230 Exploring The Core Redux Concepts.en_US.srt 20.92Кб
230 Exploring The Core Redux Concepts.mp4 58.31Мб
231 More Redux Basics.en_US.srt 4.11Кб
231 More Redux Basics.mp4 12.24Мб
232 01-starting-project.zip 27.28Кб
232 Preparing a new Project.en_US.srt 2.80Кб
232 Preparing a new Project.mp4 6.16Мб
233 Creating a Redux Store for React.en_US.srt 6.62Кб
233 Creating a Redux Store for React.mp4 28.37Мб
234 Providing the Store.en_US.srt 5.18Кб
234 Providing the Store.mp4 14.30Мб
235 Using Redux Data in React Components.en_US.srt 6.93Кб
235 Using Redux Data in React Components.mp4 29.16Мб
236 Dispatching Actions From Inside Components.en_US.srt 4.58Кб
236 Dispatching Actions From Inside Components.mp4 25.45Мб
237 Redux with Class-based Components.en_US.srt 14.61Кб
237 Redux with Class-based Components.mp4 77.81Мб
238 Attaching Payloads to Actions.en_US.srt 5.90Кб
238 Attaching Payloads to Actions.mp4 26.00Мб
239 Working with Multiple State Properties.en_US.srt 8.88Кб
239 Working with Multiple State Properties.mp4 47.09Мб
240 How To Work With Redux State Correctly.en_US.srt 7.18Кб
240 How To Work With Redux State Correctly.mp4 30.82Мб
240 Reference-vs-Primitive-Values-Tutorial-.txt 63б
241 Redux Challenges & Introducing Redux Toolkit.en_US.srt 7.69Кб
241 Redux Challenges & Introducing Redux Toolkit.mp4 58.78Мб
242 Adding State Slices.en_US.srt 10.99Кб
242 Adding State Slices.mp4 62.20Мб
243 Connecting Redux Toolkit State.en_US.srt 5.99Кб
243 Connecting Redux Toolkit State.mp4 33.60Мб
244 Migrating Everything To Redux Toolkit.en_US.srt 7.62Кб
244 Migrating Everything To Redux Toolkit.mp4 72.09Мб
245 Working with Multiple Slices.en_US.srt 16.11Кб
245 Working with Multiple Slices.mp4 176.52Мб
246 Reading & Dispatching From A New Slice.en_US.srt 9.29Кб
246 Reading & Dispatching From A New Slice.mp4 50.72Мб
247 Splitting Our Code.en_US.srt 6.27Кб
247 Splitting Our Code.mp4 36.62Мб
248 Summary.en_US.srt 5.50Кб
248 Summary.mp4 50.33Мб
249 Module Resources.html 1.25Кб
250 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 937б
250 Module Introduction.mp4 1.39Мб
251 01-starting-project.zip 31.28Кб
251 Redux & Side Effects (and Asynchronous Code).en_US.srt 5.67Кб
251 Redux & Side Effects (and Asynchronous Code).mp4 11.01Мб
252 Refresher _ Practice_ Part 1_2.en_US.srt 27.74Кб
252 Refresher _ Practice_ Part 1_2.mp4 193.21Мб
253 Refresher _ Practice_ Part 2_2.en_US.srt 25.13Кб
253 Refresher _ Practice_ Part 2_2.mp4 197.96Мб
254 Redux & Async Code.en_US.srt 6.49Кб
254 Redux & Async Code.mp4 20.17Мб
255 Frontend Code vs Backend Code.en_US.srt 8.19Кб
255 Frontend Code vs Backend Code.mp4 33.15Мб
256 Suboptimal-Code-Snapshot-Example-.txt 110б
256 Where To Put Our Logic.en_US.srt 16.64Кб
256 Where To Put Our Logic.mp4 104.54Мб
257 Using useEffect with Redux.en_US.srt 9.04Кб
257 Using useEffect with Redux.mp4 69.91Мб
258 A Problem with useEffect().html 842б
259 Handling Http States & Feedback with Redux.en_US.srt 18.38Кб
259 Handling Http States & Feedback with Redux.mp4 245.72Мб
259 Notification-Component-Files.txt 90б
260 Using an Action Creator Thunk.en_US.srt 21.22Кб
260 Using an Action Creator Thunk.mp4 183.08Мб
261 Getting Started with Fetching Data.en_US.srt 12.60Кб
261 Getting Started with Fetching Data.mp4 107.58Мб
262 Finalizing the Fetching Logic.en_US.srt 7.95Кб
262 Finalizing the Fetching Logic.mp4 101.18Мб
263 Exploring the Redux DevTools.en_US.srt 8.45Кб
263 Exploring the Redux DevTools.mp4 53.92Мб
264 Summary.en_US.srt 2.69Кб
264 Summary.mp4 13.50Мб
265 Module Resources.html 1.25Кб
266 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 4.15Кб
266 Module Introduction.mp4 30.36Мб
267 What is Routing & Why_.en_US.srt 7.19Кб
267 What is Routing & Why_.mp4 14.00Мб
268 01-starting-project.zip 23.36Кб
268 Installing React Router.en_US.srt 3.98Кб
268 Installing React Router.mp4 19.58Мб
269 Defining & Using Routes.en_US.srt 14.97Кб
269 Defining & Using Routes.mp4 51.89Мб
270 Working with Links.en_US.srt 9.78Кб
270 Working with Links.mp4 26.87Мб
271 MainHeader.module.css-Code.txt 129б
271 Updated-index.css-Code.txt 117б
271 Using NavLinks.en_US.srt 4.64Кб
271 Using NavLinks.mp4 18.13Мб
272 Adding Dynamic Routes with Params.en_US.srt 8.71Кб
272 Adding Dynamic Routes with Params.mp4 30.31Мб
273 Extracting Route Params.en_US.srt 3.30Кб
273 Extracting Route Params.mp4 9.42Мб
274 Using _Switch_ and _exact_ For Configuring Routes.en_US.srt 10.41Кб
274 Using _Switch_ and _exact_ For Configuring Routes.mp4 76.50Мб
275 Working with Nested Routes.en_US.srt 5.69Кб
275 Working with Nested Routes.mp4 13.93Мб
276 Redirecting The User.en_US.srt 3.35Кб
276 Redirecting The User.mp4 22.87Мб
277 09-time-to-practice-starting-code.zip 52.59Кб
277 Time to Practice_ Onwards to a New Project.en_US.srt 14.87Кб
277 Time to Practice_ Onwards to a New Project.mp4 82.61Мб
278 Practice Redirecting & Extracting Params.en_US.srt 5.51Кб
278 Practice Redirecting & Extracting Params.mp4 15.51Мб
279 Practicing Nested Routes.en_US.srt 4.03Кб
279 Practicing Nested Routes.mp4 14.16Мб
280 Adding a Layout Wrapper Component.en_US.srt 9.00Кб
280 Adding a Layout Wrapper Component.mp4 40.32Мб
281 Adding Dummy Data & More Content.en_US.srt 9.09Кб
281 Adding Dummy Data & More Content.mp4 70.05Мб
282 Outputting Data on the _Details_ Page.en_US.srt 8.52Кб
282 Outputting Data on the _Details_ Page.mp4 42.02Мб
283 Adding a _Not Found_ Page.en_US.srt 4.87Кб
283 Adding a _Not Found_ Page.mp4 16.88Мб
284 Implementing Programmatic (Imperative) Navigation.en_US.srt 6.44Кб
284 Implementing Programmatic (Imperative) Navigation.mp4 20.58Мб
285 Preventing Possibly Unwanted Route Transitions with the _Prompt_ Component.en_US.srt 10.74Кб
285 Preventing Possibly Unwanted Route Transitions with the _Prompt_ Component.mp4 76.30Мб
286 sorting.js-Code.txt 118б
286 Working with Query Parameters.en_US.srt 21.71Кб
286 Working with Query Parameters.mp4 139.94Мб
287 Getting Creative With Nested Routes.en_US.srt 6.14Кб
287 Getting Creative With Nested Routes.mp4 22.24Мб
288 Writing More Flexible Routing Code.en_US.srt 12.02Кб
288 Writing More Flexible Routing Code.mp4 63.22Мб
289 hooks.zip 814б
289 lib.zip 897б
289 Sending & Getting Quote Data via Http.en_US.srt 24.68Кб
289 Sending & Getting Quote Data via Http.mp4 292.09Мб
290 Adding the _Comments_ Features.en_US.srt 25.76Кб
290 Adding the _Comments_ Features.mp4 140.85Мб
291 Final-Project-v5-.txt 74б
291 Final-Project-v6-.txt 74б
291 First-Example-v5-.txt 73б
291 First-Example-v6-.txt 73б
291 Second-Example-v5-.txt 75б
291 Second-Example-v6-.txt 75б
291 Upgrading To React Router v6.en_US.srt 43.80Кб
291 Upgrading To React Router v6.mp4 189.54Мб
292 Module Resources.html 1.28Кб
293 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 2.33Кб
293 Module Introduction.mp4 2.83Мб
294 Deployment Steps.en_US.srt 5.50Кб
294 Deployment Steps.mp4 6.18Мб
295 Adding Lazy Loading.en_US.srt 18.48Кб
295 Adding Lazy Loading.mp4 60.98Мб
295 React.memo-Lecture.txt 97б
296 Building The Code For Production.en_US.srt 5.39Кб
296 Building The Code For Production.mp4 21.26Мб
297 Getting Started With Deployment (Uploading Files).en_US.srt 11.42Кб
297 Getting Started With Deployment (Uploading Files).mp4 49.13Мб
298 Exploring Routing Issues & Finishing Deployment.en_US.srt 10.79Кб
298 Exploring Routing Issues & Finishing Deployment.mp4 36.29Мб
299 Module Resources.html 1.26Кб
300 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 2.29Кб
300 Module Introduction.mp4 3.69Мб
301 What, How & Why_.en_US.srt 17.05Кб
301 What, How & Why_.mp4 37.64Мб
302 More on _Authentication Tokens_.html 994б
303 01-starting-project.zip 31.43Кб
303 Starting Setup & First Steps.en_US.srt 6.69Кб
303 Starting Setup & First Steps.mp4 49.33Мб
304 Adding User Signup.en_US.srt 21.91Кб
304 Adding User Signup.mp4 228.62Мб
305 Showing Feedback To The User.en_US.srt 7.51Кб
305 Showing Feedback To The User.mp4 61.53Мб
306 Adding User Login.en_US.srt 9.06Кб
306 Adding User Login.mp4 100.55Мб
307 Managing The Auth State With Context.en_US.srt 15.32Кб
307 Managing The Auth State With Context.mp4 80.31Мб
308 Using The Token For Requests To Protected Resources.en_US.srt 15.63Кб
308 Using The Token For Requests To Protected Resources.mp4 53.57Мб
309 Redirecting The User.en_US.srt 4.10Кб
309 Redirecting The User.mp4 15.16Мб
310 Adding Logout.en_US.srt 3.53Кб
310 Adding Logout.mp4 14.18Мб
311 Protecting Frontend Pages.en_US.srt 9.47Кб
311 Protecting Frontend Pages.mp4 41.80Мб
312 Persisting The User Authentication Status.en_US.srt 10.10Кб
312 Persisting The User Authentication Status.mp4 37.85Мб
312 Storing-Tokens-in-localStorage-vs-Cookies.txt 61б
313 Adding Auto-Logout.en_US.srt 10.76Кб
313 Adding Auto-Logout.mp4 132.04Мб
314 Finishing Steps.en_US.srt 14.16Кб
314 Finishing Steps.mp4 82.55Мб
315 Module Resources.html 1.25Кб
316 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 2.80Кб
316 Module Introduction.mp4 5.13Мб
317 What is NextJS_.en_US.srt 6.88Кб
317 What is NextJS_.mp4 13.70Мб
318 Key Feature 1_ Built-in Server-side Rendering (Improved SEO!).en_US.srt 9.56Кб
318 Key Feature 1_ Built-in Server-side Rendering (Improved SEO!).mp4 83.94Мб
319 Key Feature 2_ Simplified Routing with File-based Routing.en_US.srt 4.65Кб
319 Key Feature 2_ Simplified Routing with File-based Routing.mp4 16.91Мб
320 Key Feature 3_ Build Fullstack Apps.en_US.srt 2.72Кб
320 Key Feature 3_ Build Fullstack Apps.mp4 9.44Мб
321 Creating a New Next.js Project & App.en_US.srt 8.58Кб
321 Creating a New Next.js Project & App.mp4 23.02Мб
322 01-starting-project.zip 6.62Кб
322 Analyzing the Created Project.en_US.srt 4.31Кб
322 Analyzing the Created Project.mp4 8.04Мб
323 Adding First Pages.en_US.srt 9.43Кб
323 Adding First Pages.mp4 38.37Мб
324 Adding Nested Paths & Pages (Nested Routes).en_US.srt 5.48Кб
324 Adding Nested Paths & Pages (Nested Routes).mp4 12.59Мб
325 Creating Dynamic Pages (with Parameters).en_US.srt 5.30Кб
325 Creating Dynamic Pages (with Parameters).mp4 11.32Мб
326 Extracting Dynamic Parameter Values.en_US.srt 5.86Кб
326 Extracting Dynamic Parameter Values.mp4 15.54Мб
327 Linking Between Pages.en_US.srt 10.75Кб
327 Linking Between Pages.mp4 23.92Мб
328 06-onwards-to-a-bigger-project-starting-project.zip 12.04Кб
328 Onwards to a bigger Project!.en_US.srt 5.14Кб
328 Onwards to a bigger Project!.mp4 22.79Мб
329 Preparing the Project Pages.en_US.srt 5.34Кб
329 Preparing the Project Pages.mp4 12.10Мб
330 Outputting a List of Meetups.en_US.srt 7.63Кб
330 Outputting a List of Meetups.mp4 65.79Мб
331 Adding the New Meetup Form.en_US.srt 5.30Кб
331 Adding the New Meetup Form.mp4 26.06Мб
332 The __app.js_ File & Layout Wrapper.en_US.srt 9.63Кб
332 The __app.js_ File & Layout Wrapper.mp4 34.76Мб
333 Using Programmatic (Imperative) Navigation.en_US.srt 5.84Кб
333 Using Programmatic (Imperative) Navigation.mp4 23.38Мб
334 Adding Custom Components & CSS Modules.en_US.srt 14.13Кб
334 Adding Custom Components & CSS Modules.mp4 147.15Мб
335 How Pre-rendering Works & Which Problem We Face.en_US.srt 8.79Кб
335 How Pre-rendering Works & Which Problem We Face.mp4 61.19Мб
336 Data Fetching for Static Pages.en_US.srt 13.02Кб
336 Data Fetching for Static Pages.mp4 72.06Мб
337 More on Static Site Generation (SSG).en_US.srt 8.26Кб
337 More on Static Site Generation (SSG).mp4 33.79Мб
338 Exploring Server-side Rendering (SSR) with _getServerSideProps_.en_US.srt 9.60Кб
338 Exploring Server-side Rendering (SSR) with _getServerSideProps_.mp4 39.57Мб
339 Working with Params for SSG Data Fetching.en_US.srt 7.27Кб
339 Working with Params for SSG Data Fetching.mp4 31.10Мб
340 Preparing Paths with _getStaticPaths_ & Working With Fallback Pages.en_US.srt 10.20Кб
340 Preparing Paths with _getStaticPaths_ & Working With Fallback Pages.mp4 43.44Мб
341 Introducing API Routes.en_US.srt 9.01Кб
341 Introducing API Routes.mp4 30.77Мб
342 Working with MongoDB.en_US.srt 13.81Кб
342 Working with MongoDB.mp4 65.26Мб
343 Sending Http Requests To Our API Routes.en_US.srt 9.77Кб
343 Sending Http Requests To Our API Routes.mp4 39.66Мб
344 Getting Data From The Database.en_US.srt 10.07Кб
344 Getting Data From The Database.mp4 75.15Мб
345 Getting Meetup Details Data & Preparing Pages.en_US.srt 13.37Кб
345 Getting Meetup Details Data & Preparing Pages.mp4 109.64Мб
346 Adding _head_ Metadata.en_US.srt 12.78Кб
346 Adding _head_ Metadata.mp4 152.01Мб
347 Deploying Next.js Projects.en_US.srt 19.19Кб
347 Deploying Next.js Projects.mp4 137.50Мб
348 Using Fallback Pages & Re-deploying.en_US.srt 5.92Кб
348 Using Fallback Pages & Re-deploying.mp4 23.19Мб
349 Summary.en_US.srt 3.09Кб
349 Summary.mp4 17.19Мб
350 Module Resources.html 1.25Кб
351 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 4.04Кб
351 Module Introduction.mp4 14.40Мб
352 animations-01-start.zip 128.60Кб
352 animations-02-modal-open-close.zip 130.12Кб
352 Preparing the Demo Project.en_US.srt 8.85Кб
352 Preparing the Demo Project.mp4 31.24Мб
353 Using CSS Transitions.en_US.srt 5.57Кб
353 Using CSS Transitions.mp4 25.67Мб
354 animations-03-css-animations.zip 127.96Кб
354 Using CSS Animations.en_US.srt 6.40Кб
354 Using CSS Animations.mp4 33.34Мб
355 CSS Transition & Animations Limitations.en_US.srt 4.53Кб
355 CSS Transition & Animations Limitations.mp4 28.96Мб
356 Using ReactTransitionGroup.en_US.srt 14.82Кб
356 Using ReactTransitionGroup.mp4 132.63Мб
357 animations-04-react-transition-basic.zip 129.52Кб
357 Using the Transition Component.en_US.srt 3.78Кб
357 Using the Transition Component.mp4 21.84Мб
358 Wrapping the Transition Component.en_US.srt 3.23Кб
358 Wrapping the Transition Component.mp4 21.99Мб
359 Animation Timings.en_US.srt 3.80Кб
359 Animation Timings.mp4 21.18Мб
360 animations-05-after-animation-events.zip 129.71Кб
360 Transition Events.en_US.srt 2.94Кб
360 Transition Events.mp4 17.56Мб
361 The CSSTransition Component.en_US.srt 6.07Кб
361 The CSSTransition Component.mp4 41.21Мб
362 animations-06-csstransition.zip 128.67Кб
362 Customizing CSS Classnames.en_US.srt 3.02Кб
362 Customizing CSS Classnames.mp4 16.39Мб
363 Animating Lists.en_US.srt 7.71Кб
363 Animating Lists.mp4 51.48Мб
364 Alternative Animation Packages.en_US.srt 5.56Кб
364 Alternative Animation Packages.mp4 44.34Мб
364 animations-07-finished.zip 128.21Кб
365 Wrap Up.en_US.srt 2.29Кб
365 Wrap Up.mp4 13.34Мб
366 Module Resources.html 1.24Кб
367 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 1.30Кб
367 Module Introduction.mp4 2.32Мб
368 React 18 & This Section.html 1.26Кб
369 replace-redux-01-starting-project.zip 32.53Кб
369 Starting Project & Why You Would Replace Redux.en_US.srt 5.83Кб
369 Starting Project & Why You Would Replace Redux.mp4 26.98Мб
370 Alternative_ Using the Context API.en_US.srt 9.54Кб
370 Alternative_ Using the Context API.mp4 51.18Мб
371 Toggling Favorites with the Context API.en_US.srt 7.27Кб
371 Toggling Favorites with the Context API.mp4 63.82Мб
372 Context API Summary (and why NOT to use it instead of Redux).en_US.srt 3.16Кб
372 Context API Summary (and why NOT to use it instead of Redux).mp4 19.01Мб
372 replace-redux-02-use-context-api.zip 34.24Кб
373 Getting Started with a Custom Hook as a Store.en_US.srt 11.46Кб
373 Getting Started with a Custom Hook as a Store.mp4 45.36Мб
373 replace-redux-03-started-work-on-custom-store-hook.zip 39.56Кб
374 Finishing the Store Hook.en_US.srt 7.59Кб
374 Finishing the Store Hook.mp4 37.30Мб
374 replace-redux-04-finished-custom-hook.zip 38.03Кб
375 Creating a Concrete Store.en_US.srt 5.26Кб
375 Creating a Concrete Store.mp4 30.91Мб
376 Using the Custom Store.en_US.srt 7.20Кб
376 Using the Custom Store.mp4 44.01Мб
377 Custom Hook Store Summary.en_US.srt 4.24Кб
377 Custom Hook Store Summary.mp4 40.88Мб
378 Optimizing the Custom Hook Store.en_US.srt 5.69Кб
378 Optimizing the Custom Hook Store.mp4 29.92Мб
378 replace-redux-05-finished.zip 35.93Кб
379 Bonus_ Managing Multiple State Slices with the Custom Store Hook.html 788б
379 replace-redux-06-bonus-multiple-slices.zip 40.85Кб
380 npm-Package-Global-State-Hook-.txt 46б
380 Wrap Up.en_US.srt 2.88Кб
380 Wrap Up.mp4 12.67Мб
381 Module Resources.html 1.25Кб
382 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 1.67Кб
382 Module Introduction.mp4 2.86Мб
383 What & Why_.en_US.srt 4.59Кб
383 What & Why_.mp4 9.60Мб
384 Understanding Different Kinds Of Tests.en_US.srt 5.68Кб
384 Understanding Different Kinds Of Tests.mp4 15.98Мб
385 What To Test & How To Test.en_US.srt 2.29Кб
385 What To Test & How To Test.mp4 3.22Мб
386 01-starting-project.zip 34.55Кб
386 Understanding the Technical Setup & Involved Tools.en_US.srt 3.62Кб
386 Understanding the Technical Setup & Involved Tools.mp4 7.58Мб
387 Running a First Test.en_US.srt 10.35Кб
387 Running a First Test.mp4 35.85Мб
388 Writing Our First Test.en_US.srt 14.14Кб
388 Writing Our First Test.mp4 60.09Мб
389 Grouping Tests Together With Test Suites.en_US.srt 3.15Кб
389 Grouping Tests Together With Test Suites.mp4 12.79Мб
390 Testing User Interaction & State.en_US.srt 19.55Кб
390 Testing User Interaction & State.mp4 84.87Мб
391 Testing Connected Components.en_US.srt 4.81Кб
391 Testing Connected Components.mp4 18.10Мб
392 Async-Component-Code-.txt 92б
392 Available-HTML-Roles.txt 48б
392 Testing Asynchronous Code.en_US.srt 12.22Кб
392 Testing Asynchronous Code.mp4 51.28Мб
393 Working With Mocks.en_US.srt 12.58Кб
393 Working With Mocks.mp4 48.53Мб
394 Summary & Further Resources.en_US.srt 5.88Кб
394 Summary & Further Resources.mp4 45.83Мб
395 Module Resources.html 1.23Кб
396 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 1.89Кб
396 Module Introduction.mp4 2.41Мб
397 01-starting-project.zip 1.65Кб
397 What & Why_.en_US.srt 8.88Кб
397 What & Why_.mp4 16.15Мб
398 Installing & Using TypeScript.en_US.srt 9.18Кб
398 Installing & Using TypeScript.mp4 49.98Мб
399 Exploring the Base Types.en_US.srt 5.42Кб
399 Exploring the Base Types.mp4 16.33Мб
400 Working with Array & Object Types.en_US.srt 8.06Кб
400 Working with Array & Object Types.mp4 20.41Мб
401 Understanding Type Inference.en_US.srt 3.68Кб
401 Understanding Type Inference.mp4 9.56Мб
402 Using Union Types.en_US.srt 3.95Кб
402 Using Union Types.mp4 9.62Мб
403 Understanding Type Aliases.en_US.srt 3.75Кб
403 Understanding Type Aliases.mp4 10.46Мб
404 Functions & Function Types.en_US.srt 7.22Кб
404 Functions & Function Types.mp4 22.43Мб
405 Diving Into Generics.en_US.srt 11.57Кб
405 Diving Into Generics.mp4 38.21Мб
406 A Closer Look At Generics.html 2.88Кб
407 Creating a React + TypeScript Project.en_US.srt 11.63Кб
407 Creating a React + TypeScript Project.mp4 52.93Мб
408 07-react-ts-starting-project.zip 34.37Кб
408 Working with Components & TypeScript.en_US.srt 8.31Кб
408 Working with Components & TypeScript.mp4 27.31Мб
409 Working with Props & TypeScript.en_US.srt 20.54Кб
409 Working with Props & TypeScript.mp4 69.11Мб
410 Adding a Data Model.en_US.srt 12.66Кб
410 Adding a Data Model.mp4 46.22Мб
411 Time to Practice_ Exercise Time!.en_US.srt 9.75Кб
411 Time to Practice_ Exercise Time!.mp4 41.42Мб
412 Form Submissions In TypeScript Projects.en_US.srt 7.41Кб
412 Form Submissions In TypeScript Projects.mp4 28.00Мб
413 Working with refs & useRef.en_US.srt 15.58Кб
413 Working with refs & useRef.mp4 115.05Мб
414 Working with _Function Props_.en_US.srt 9.97Кб
414 Working with _Function Props_.mp4 52.10Мб
415 Managing State & TypeScript.en_US.srt 7.09Кб
415 Managing State & TypeScript.mp4 29.82Мб
416 Adding Styling.en_US.srt 2.98Кб
416 Adding Styling.mp4 12.28Мб
416 Style-Files-Code-.txt 92б
417 Time to Practice_ Removing a Todo.en_US.srt 13.31Кб
417 Time to Practice_ Removing a Todo.mp4 59.26Мб
418 The Context API & TypeScript.en_US.srt 19.05Кб
418 The Context API & TypeScript.mp4 149.08Мб
419 Summary.en_US.srt 3.64Кб
419 Summary.mp4 13.25Мб
420 Bonus_ Exploring tsconfig.json.en_US.srt 8.33Кб
420 Bonus_ Exploring tsconfig.json.mp4 27.32Мб
421 Module Resources.html 1.25Кб
422 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 2.82Кб
422 Module Introduction.mp4 4.76Мб
423 What Are React Hooks_.en_US.srt 6.72Кб
423 What Are React Hooks_.mp4 13.41Мб
424 hooks-01-starting-project.zip 30.45Кб
424 The Starting Project.en_US.srt 8.62Кб
424 The Starting Project.mp4 28.07Мб
425 React 18 & This Section.html 1.26Кб
426 Getting Started with useState().en_US.srt 12.65Кб
426 Getting Started with useState().mp4 93.01Мб
427 More on useState() & State Updating.en_US.srt 15.89Кб
427 More on useState() & State Updating.mp4 86.36Мб
427 Understanding-Closures.txt 65б
428 Array Destructuring.en_US.srt 3.83Кб
428 Array Destructuring.mp4 19.31Мб
428 hooks-02-usestate.zip 27.49Кб
429 Multiple States.en_US.srt 4.89Кб
429 Multiple States.mp4 29.29Мб
430 Rules of Hooks.en_US.srt 3.06Кб
430 Rules of Hooks.mp4 14.66Мб
431 hooks-03-passing-data-manage-ingredients.zip 30.55Кб
431 Passing State Data Across Components.en_US.srt 10.61Кб
431 Passing State Data Across Components.mp4 50.15Мб
432 [assignment_info] Time to Practice_ Hooks Basics.html 2.16Кб
432 [assignment_solution] Time to Practice_ Hooks Basics.mp4 25.60Мб
432 [assignment] Time to Practice_ Hooks Basics.mp4 9.59Мб
432 hooks-05-send-http.zip 27.89Кб
432 Sending Http Requests.en_US.srt 10.13Кб
432 Sending Http Requests.mp4 53.87Мб
433 Reference-vs-Primitive-Types.txt 70б
433 useEffect() & Loading Data.en_US.srt 11.19Кб
433 useEffect() & Loading Data.mp4 64.45Мб
434 Understanding useEffect() Dependencies.en_US.srt 3.17Кб
434 Understanding useEffect() Dependencies.mp4 27.21Мб
435 hooks-06-useeffect.zip 28.04Кб
435 More on useEffect().en_US.srt 13.06Кб
435 More on useEffect().mp4 73.61Мб
436 hooks-07-usecallback.zip 28.65Кб
436 What's useCallback()_.en_US.srt 7.94Кб
436 What's useCallback()_.mp4 43.78Мб
437 Working with Refs & useRef().en_US.srt 7.54Кб
437 Working with Refs & useRef().mp4 55.78Мб
438 Cleaning Up with useEffect().en_US.srt 4.63Кб
438 Cleaning Up with useEffect().mp4 20.95Мб
438 hooks-08-useeffect-cleanup.zip 29.42Кб
439 Deleting Ingredients.en_US.srt 3.51Кб
439 Deleting Ingredients.mp4 18.23Мб
440 hooks-09-error-handling.zip 29.26Кб
440 Loading Errors & State Batching.en_US.srt 11.90Кб
440 Loading Errors & State Batching.mp4 92.52Мб
441 More on State Batching & State Updates.html 2.00Кб
442 hooks-10-usereducer.zip 28.93Кб
442 Understanding useReducer().en_US.srt 13.42Кб
442 Understanding useReducer().mp4 117.74Мб
443 hooks-11-http-reducer.zip 29.33Кб
443 Using useReducer() for the Http State.en_US.srt 14.28Кб
443 Using useReducer() for the Http State.mp4 160.11Мб
444 Working with useContext().en_US.srt 11.06Кб
444 Working with useContext().mp4 61.43Мб
445 hooks-12-usememo.zip 30.46Кб
445 Performance Optimizations with useMemo().en_US.srt 15.13Кб
445 Performance Optimizations with useMemo().mp4 119.87Мб
446 Getting Started with Custom Hooks.en_US.srt 17.92Кб
446 Getting Started with Custom Hooks.mp4 150.34Мб
446 hooks-13-started-custom-hook.zip 34.07Кб
447 Sharing Data Between Custom Hooks & Components.en_US.srt 19.06Кб
447 Sharing Data Between Custom Hooks & Components.mp4 256.26Мб
448 hooks-14-finished.zip 32.34Кб
448 Using the Custom Hook.en_US.srt 10.43Кб
448 Using the Custom Hook.mp4 65.62Мб
449 Wrap Up.en_US.srt 4.22Кб
449 Wrap Up.mp4 38.49Мб
450 Module Resources.html 1.27Кб
451 Module Introduction.en_US.srt 2.07Кб
451 Module Introduction.mp4 5.61Мб
452 What Is React_.en_US.srt 4.96Кб
452 What Is React_.mp4 47.15Мб
453 Vanilla-JavaScript-vs-React-Example-Code-.txt 112б
453 Why React_.en_US.srt 11.20Кб
453 Why React_.mp4 47.82Мб
454 Building SPAs (Single Page Applications).en_US.srt 2.88Кб
454 Building SPAs (Single Page Applications).mp4 26.39Мб
455 React Alternatives.en_US.srt 4.65Кб
455 React Alternatives.mp4 12.10Мб
455 React-vs-Angular-vs-Vue-Comparison-Deep-Dive-.txt 69б
456 Creating a React Project.en_US.srt 12.64Кб
456 Creating a React Project.mp4 33.79Мб
457 Setting Up A Code Editor.en_US.srt 4.68Кб
457 Setting Up A Code Editor.mp4 12.78Мб
458 React 18.html 2.19Кб
459 01-starting-project.zip 22.35Кб
459 Diving Into The Created Project.en_US.srt 10.02Кб
459 Diving Into The Created Project.mp4 31.95Мб
460 How React Works & Understanding Components.en_US.srt 11.67Кб
460 How React Works & Understanding Components.mp4 55.19Мб
461 index.css-Code.txt 101б
461 More Component Work & Styling with CSS Classes.en_US.srt 7.60Кб
461 More Component Work & Styling with CSS Classes.mp4 20.99Мб
462 Building & Re-Using Another Component.en_US.srt 11.03Кб
462 Building & Re-Using Another Component.mp4 26.39Мб
463 Working with _props_ & Dynamic Content.en_US.srt 7.26Кб
463 Working with _props_ & Dynamic Content.mp4 20.55Мб
464 Handling Events.en_US.srt 9.08Кб
464 Handling Events.mp4 32.10Мб
465 Adding More Components.en_US.srt 8.74Кб
465 Adding More Components.mp4 20.78Мб
466 Introducing State.en_US.srt 12.30Кб
466 Introducing State.mp4 42.59Мб
466 What-is-State-Tutorial-.txt 47б
467 Working with _Event Props_ (Passing Function As Props).en_US.srt 10.43Кб
467 Working with _Event Props_ (Passing Function As Props).mp4 37.24Мб
468 Use The Right React Router Version.html 916б
469 07-new-starting-project.zip 22.66Кб
469 Adding Routing.en_US.srt 22.86Кб
469 Adding Routing.mp4 134.21Мб
470 Adding Links & Navigation.en_US.srt 7.26Кб
470 Adding Links & Navigation.mp4 27.35Мб
471 Style-Files.txt 91б
471 Styling with CSS Modules.en_US.srt 7.72Кб
471 Styling with CSS Modules.mp4 24.26Мб
472 Dummy-Data.txt 105б
472 Outputting Lists of Data.en_US.srt 7.79Кб
472 Outputting Lists of Data.mp4 39.63Мб
473 Adding More React Components.en_US.srt 13.22Кб
473 Adding More React Components.mp4 54.25Мб
473 Style-Files.txt 91б
474 Building Wrapper Components with props.children.en_US.srt 11.57Кб
474 Building Wrapper Components with props.children.mp4 93.05Мб
474 Style-Files.txt 91б
475 Adding a Form.en_US.srt 11.50Кб
475 Adding a Form.mp4 49.02Мб
475 Style-Files.txt 91б
475 Uploading-Images-in-React.txt 54б
476 Building-a-REST-API-Tutorial-.txt 68б
476 Getting User Input & Handling Form Submission.en_US.srt 12.97Кб
476 Getting User Input & Handling Form Submission.mp4 112.92Мб
476 How-to-connect-SPAs-to-Databases.txt 53б
477 Preparing the App for Http.en_US.srt 9.99Кб
477 Preparing the App for Http.mp4 49.33Мб
478 Sending a POST Request.en_US.srt 7.06Кб
478 Sending a POST Request.mp4 54.96Мб
479 Navigating Programmatically.en_US.srt 5.26Кб
479 Navigating Programmatically.mp4 41.48Мб
480 Getting Started with Fetching Data.en_US.srt 13.37Кб
480 Getting Started with Fetching Data.mp4 105.89Мб
481 Using the useEffect() Hook.en_US.srt 14.02Кб
481 Using the useEffect() Hook.mp4 62.15Мб
482 Introducing React Context.en_US.srt 15.19Кб
482 Introducing React Context.mp4 59.79Мб
483 Context Logic & Different Ways Of Updating State.en_US.srt 8.02Кб
483 Context Logic & Different Ways Of Updating State.mp4 37.79Мб
484 Using Context In Components.en_US.srt 16.69Кб
484 Using Context In Components.mp4 217.59Мб
485 More Context Usage.en_US.srt 8.96Кб
485 More Context Usage.mp4 49.69Мб
486 Summary.en_US.srt 1.44Кб
486 Summary.mp4 5.57Мб
487 Module Resources.html 1.25Кб
488 What Now_ Next Steps You Could Take!.en_US.srt 4.58Кб
488 What Now_ Next Steps You Could Take!.mp4 7.44Мб
489 Explore The React Ecosystem!.en_US.srt 6.49Кб
489 Explore The React Ecosystem!.mp4 19.09Мб
490 Finishing Thoughts.en_US.srt 1.67Кб
490 Finishing Thoughts.mp4 2.56Мб
491 Bonus!.html 1.48Кб
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