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Barron - Letter to a Suffering Church. A Bishop Speaks on the Sexual Abuse Crisis (2019).pdf |
2.00Мб |
Bokody - The Imagery and Politics of Sexual Violence in Early Renaissance Italy (2023).pdf |
26.29Мб |
Bourke - Disgrace. Global Reflections on Sexual Violence (2022).pdf |
3.89Мб |
Briggs - Double Crossed. Uncovering the Catholic Church's Betrayal of American Nuns (2007).epub |
473.15Кб |
Burkey et al - Sexual Abuse Within the Church. Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention (2021).pdf |
28.21Мб |
Caffo (Ed.) - Online Child Sexual Exploitation. Treatment and Prevention of Abuse in a Digital World (2021).pdf |
2.25Мб |
Casteix - The Well-Armored Child. A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Sexual Abuse (2015).epub |
711.05Кб |
Cavanagh - Sexing the Teacher. School Sex Scandals and Queer Pedagogies (2007).pdf |
2.23Мб |
DeMuth - We Too. How the Church Can Respond Redemptively to the Sexual Abuse Crisis (2019).epub |
1.81Мб |
Engel - Freedom at Last. Healing the Shame of Childhood Sexual Abuse (2023).epub |
477.68Кб |
Fairstein - How Serial Rapists Target Their Victims (2010).epub |
652.98Кб |
Fairstein - The Rape Scandal that Puts You at Risk (2012).epub |
637.70Кб |
Figueroa & Tombs - Living in obedience and suffering in silence. The Shattered Faith of Nuns Abused by Priests, in Sexual Violence in the Context of the Church (2022).pdf |
266.94Кб |
Formicola - Clerical Sexual Abuse. How the Crisis Changed US Catholic Church-State Relations (2014).pdf |
1.31Мб |
Gulley (Ed.) - Teaching Rape in the Medieval Literature Classroom. Approaches to Difficult Texts (2018).pdf |
13.60Мб |
Hendrie - Murder, Rape, and Torture in a Catholic Nunnery. Maria Monk’s Awful Disclosures Proven True (2015).mobi |
1.18Мб |
Holmstrom & Burgess - The Victim of Rape. Institutional Reactions (1983).epub |
1.67Мб |
Kamil & Elder - Great Is the Truth. Secrecy, Scandal, and the Quest for Justice at the Horace Mann School (2015).epub |
488.27Кб |
Loughlin - Where Freedom Starts. Sex Power Violence #MeToo, A Verso Report (2018).epub |
345.30Кб |
Moynihan - Finding Viganò. In Search of the Man Whose Testimony Shook the Church and the World (2020).epub |
496.03Кб |
Plante & McChesney (Eds.) - Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church. A Decade of Crisis, 2002-2012 (2011).pdf |
1.51Мб |
Reeder - The Samaritan Woman’s Story. Reconsidering John 4 After #ChurchToo (2021).epub |
5.30Мб |
Report Concerning Complaints of Faculty-Student Sexual Misconduct. The Cate School, Dec. 13, 2021.pdf |
782.25Кб |
Ryan & Hoysted - Unholy Trinity. The hunt for the paedophile priest Monsignor John Day (2013).epub |
2.07Мб |
Sandford - Healing Victims of Sexual Abuse (2009).epub |
719.04Кб |
Smallbone et al - Preventing Child Sexual Abuse. Evidence, Policy and Practice (2008).pdf |
5.75Мб |
Stefano - What a Body Remembers. A Memoir of Sexual Assault and Its Aftermath (2019).epub |
2.76Мб |
Still - Assessment and Intervention with Mothers and Partners Following Child Sexual Abuse. Empowering to Protect (2016).pdf |
1.97Мб |
The Anderson Report. Child Sexual Abuse in the Archdiocese and Dioceses in Illinois (2022).pdf |
24.55Мб |
The Trial and Conviction of That Infamous Hypocrite John Church (2019).epub |
555.77Кб |
Ullman - Talking About Sexual Assault. Society’s Response to Survivors (2010).pdf |
1.01Мб |
Valliere - Unmasking the Sexual Offender (2023).pdf |
7.83Мб |
Ward & Rodger - Child sexual abuse in residential schools. A literature review, Nov 2018.pdf |
682.83Кб |
Wooten & Mitchell (Eds.) - Preventing Sexual Violence on Campus. Challenging Traditional Approaches through Program Innovation (2017).pdf |
2.71Мб |