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0| Foreword.mp3 8.28Мб
0| Prologue.mp3 33.77Мб
01.jpg 213.95Кб
02.jpg 296.23Кб
03-Dragon.jpg 275.13Кб
04-Dragon.jpg 184.39Кб
05-Dragon.jpg 186.99Кб
06-Dragon.jpg 267.64Кб
07.jpg 177.24Кб
08-Sauron.jpg 238.47Кб
09-Blacksmith.jpg 202.38Кб
1| Ainulindalë - The Music of the Ainur.mp3 20.05Мб
1| Book I - Chapter 01 - A Long-Expected Party.mp3 47.54Мб
1| Book I - Chapter 02 - The Shadow of the Past.mp3 47.36Мб
1| Book I - Chapter 03 - Three is Company.mp3 40.47Мб
1| Book I - Chapter 04 - A Shortcut to Mushrooms.mp3 24.23Мб
1| Book I - Chapter 05 - A Conspiracy Unmasked.mp3 22.02Мб
1| Book I - Chapter 06 - The Old Forest.mp3 28.08Мб
1| Book I - Chapter 07 - In the House of Tom Bombadil.mp3 24.15Мб
1| Book I - Chapter 08 - Fog on the Barrow Downs.mp3 29.29Мб
1| Book I - Chapter 09 - At the Sign of The Prancing Pony.mp3 26.43Мб
1| Book I - Chapter 10 - Strider.mp3 24.12Мб
1| Book I - Chapter 11 - A Knife in the Dark.mp3 40.48Мб
1| Book I - Chapter 12 - Flight to the Ford.mp3 37.26Мб
1| Book V - Chapter 01 - Minas Tirith.mp3 54.46Мб
1| Book V - Chapter 02 - The Passing of the Grey Company.mp3 37.53Мб
1| Book V - Chapter 03 - The Muster of Rohan.mp3 29.65Мб
1| Book V - Chapter 04 - The Siege of Gondor.mp3 51.63Мб
1| Book V - Chapter 05 - The Ride of the Rohirrim.mp3 20.66Мб
1| Book V - Chapter 06 - The Battle of Pelennor Fields.mp3 25.01Мб
1| Book V - Chapter 07 - The Pyre of Denethor.mp3 16.30Мб
1| Book V - Chapter 08 - The Houses of Healing.mp3 28.67Мб
1| Book V - Chapter 09 - The Last Debate.mp3 23.10Мб
1| Book V - Chapter 10 - The Black Gate Opens.mp3 22.47Мб
111th Birthday.jpg 274.43Кб
1st Age - 01 - First Two Voyages of the Elves to Aman.jpg 2.38Мб
1st Age - 02 - Feanor and Fingolfin's Flight.jpg 1.13Мб
2| Book II - Chapter 01 - Many Meetings.mp3 39.62Мб
2| Book II - Chapter 02 - The Council of Elrond.mp3 72.55Мб
2| Book II - Chapter 03 - The Ring Goes South.mp3 47.30Мб
2| Book II - Chapter 04 - A Journey in the Dark.mp3 50.69Мб
2| Book II - Chapter 05 - The Bridge of Khazad-dûm.mp3 24.25Мб
2| Book II - Chapter 06 - Lothlórien.mp3 42.60Мб
2| Book II - Chapter 07 - The Mirror of Galadriel.mp3 30.78Мб
2| Book II - Chapter 08 - Farewell to Lórien.mp3 28.26Мб
2| Book II - Chapter 09 - The Great River.mp3 30.89Мб
2| Book II - Chapter 10 - The Breaking of the Fellowship.mp3 27.25Мб
2| Book VI - Chapter 01 - The Tower of Cirith Ungol.mp3 39.52Мб
2| Book VI - Chapter 02 - The Land of Shadow.mp3 36.79Мб
2| Book VI - Chapter 03 - Mount Doom.mp3 32.96Мб
2| Book VI - Chapter 04 - The Field of Cormallen.mp3 21.89Мб
2| Book VI - Chapter 05 - The Steward & The King.mp3 32.63Мб
2| Book VI - Chapter 06 - Many Partings.mp3 33.46Мб
2| Book VI - Chapter 07 - Homeward Bound.mp3 16.93Мб
2| Book VI - Chapter 08 - The Scouring of the Shire.mp3 46.85Мб
2| Book VI - Chapter 09 - The Grey Havens.mp3 22.31Мб
2| Valaquenta - Account of the Valar and Maiar.mp3 17.25Мб
3| Appendix A - Annals of the Kings and Rulers.mp3 78.64Мб
3| Appendix B - The House of Eorl.mp3 19.41Мб
3| Appendix C - Durin's Folk.mp3 23.18Мб
3| Book III - Chapter 01 - The Departure of Boromir.mp3 17.32Мб
3| Book III - Chapter 02 - The Riders of Rohan.mp3 50.00Мб
3| Book III - Chapter 03 - The Uruk-Hai.mp3 34.75Мб
3| Book III - Chapter 04 - Treebeard.mp3 59.27Мб
3| Book III - Chapter 05 - The White Rider.mp3 37.58Мб
3| Book III - Chapter 06 - The King of the Golden Hall.mp3 40.40Мб
3| Book III - Chapter 07 - Helm's Deep.mp3 32.46Мб
3| Book III - Chapter 08 - The Road to Isengard.mp3 34.60Мб
3| Book III - Chapter 09 - Flotsam & Jetsam.mp3 32.49Мб
3| Book III - Chapter 10 - The Voice of Saruman.mp3 24.63Мб
3| Book III - Chapter 11 - The Palantír.mp3 26.41Мб
3| QS - Chapter 01 - Of the Beginning of Days.mp3 18.51Мб
3| QS - Chapter 02 - Of Aulë and Yavanna.mp3 9.53Мб
3| QS - Chapter 03 - Of the Coming of the Elves and the Captivity of Melkor.mp3 18.48Мб
3| QS - Chapter 04 - Of Thingol and Melian.mp3 3.32Мб
3| QS - Chapter 05 - Of Eldamar and the Princes of the Eldalië.mp3 12.50Мб
3| QS - Chapter 06 - Of Fëanor and the Unchaining of Melkor.mp3 8.21Мб
3| QS - Chapter 07 - Of the Silmarils and the Unrest of Noldor.mp3 12.43Мб
3| QS - Chapter 08 - Of the Darkening of Valinor.mp3 9.63Мб
3| QS - Chapter 09 - Of the Flight of the Noldor.mp3 30.13Мб
3| QS - Chapter 10 - Of the Sindar.mp3 14.58Мб
3| QS - Chapter 11 - Of the Sun and the Moon and the Hiding of Valinor.mp3 11.42Мб
3| QS - Chapter 12 - Of Men.mp3 5.57Мб
3| QS - Chapter 13 - Of the Return of the Noldor.mp3 25.08Мб
3| QS - Chapter 14 - Of Beleriand and its Realms.mp3 15.67Мб
3| QS - Chapter 15 - Of the Noldor in Beleriand.mp3 12.04Мб
3| QS - Chapter 16 - Of Maeglin.mp3 18.99Мб
3| QS - Chapter 17 - Of the Coming of Men into the West.mp3 20.59Мб
3| QS - Chapter 18 - Of the Ruin of Beleriand and the Fall of Fingolfin.mp3 24.42Мб
3| QS - Chapter 19 - Of Beren and Lúthien.mp3 57.49Мб
3| QS - Chapter 20 - Of the Fifth Battle- Nirnaeth Arnoediad.mp3 21.91Мб
3| QS - Chapter 21 - Of Túrin Turambar.mp3 65.61Мб
3| QS - Chapter 22 - Of the Ruin of Doriath.mp3 23.79Мб
3| QS - Chapter 23 - Of Tuor and the Fall of Gondolin.mp3 16.50Мб
3| QS - Chapter 24 - Of the Voyage of Eärendil and the War of Wrath.mp3 21.55Мб
3rd Age - 01 - Bilbo and Thorin's Journey.jpg 3.78Мб
3rd Age - 02 - Bilbo Saves Dwarves from Spiders.jpg 1.32Мб
3rd Age - 03 - Battle of Five Armies.jpg 1016.20Кб
3rd Age - 04 - Early Movements of Gandalf and Gollum.jpg 626.71Кб
3rd Age - 05 - Fellowship Chases Merry and Pippin.jpg 864.45Кб
3rd Age - 06 - Battle of Helm's Deep.jpg 1.78Мб
3rd Age - 07 - Three Journeys from Edoras to Minas Tirith.jpg 1.53Мб
3rd Age - 08 - Battle of Pelenor Fields.jpg 1.20Мб
3rd Age - 09 - Battle of the Black Gate.jpg 747.80Кб
3rd Age - 10 - Frodo and Sam from Rauros to Orodruin.jpg 711.26Кб
3rd Age - 11 - Minas Morgul to Cirith Ungol.jpg 933.58Кб
3rd Age - 12 - Mount Doom.jpg 976.37Кб
3rd Age - 13 - The Journey Back.jpg 761.67Кб
3rd Age - Entire LotR Journey.jpg 3.15Мб
4| Akallabêth - The Downfall of Númenor.mp3 53.42Мб
4| Book IV - Chapter 01 - The Taming of Sméagol.mp3 36.08Мб
4| Book IV - Chapter 02 - The Passage of the Marshes.mp3 34.62Мб
4| Book IV - Chapter 03 - The Black Gate is Closed.mp3 26.08Мб
4| Book IV - Chapter 04 - Of Herbs & Stewed Rabbit.mp3 30.94Мб
4| Book IV - Chapter 05 - The Window on the West.mp3 43.78Мб
4| Book IV - Chapter 06 - The Forbidden Pool.mp3 23.21Мб
4| Book IV - Chapter 07 - Journey to the Crossroads.mp3 19.28Мб
4| Book IV - Chapter 08 - The Stairs of Cirith Ungol.mp3 29.50Мб
4| Book IV - Chapter 09 - Shelob's Lair.mp3 23.73Мб
4| Book IV - Chapter 10 - The Choices of Master Samwise.mp3 32.14Мб
4th Age - Kingdoms of the 4th Age.jpg 1.13Мб
5| Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age.mp3 46.54Мб
Balrog.jpg 215.55Кб
Bard of Dale.jpg 174.03Кб
Barrow Wights.jpg 189.59Кб
Beleriand.jpg 4.11Мб
Caradhras.jpg 134.31Кб
Chapter 01 - An Unexpected Party.mp3 42.74Мб
Chapter 01 - The Childhood of Túrin.mp3 27.04Мб
Chapter 02 - Roast Mutton.mp3 25.44Мб
Chapter 02 - The Battle of Unnumbered Tears.mp3 12.69Мб
Chapter 03 - A Short Rest.mp3 14.01Мб
Chapter 03 - The Words of Húrin and Morgoth.mp3 7.90Мб
Chapter 04 - Over Hill & Under Hill.mp3 19.33Мб
Chapter 04 - The Departure of Túrin.mp3 18.90Мб
Chapter 05 - Riddles in the Dark.mp3 38.36Мб
Chapter 05 - Túrin in Doriath.mp3 24.56Мб
Chapter 06 - Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire.mp3 30.53Мб
Chapter 06 - Túrin Among the Outlaws.mp3 30.70Мб
Chapter 07 - Of Mîm the Dwarf.mp3 29.55Мб
Chapter 07 - Queer Lodgings.mp3 39.28Мб
Chapter 08 - Flies & Spiders.mp3 46.89Мб
Chapter 08 - The Land of Bow and Helm.mp3 14.13Мб
Chapter 09 - Barrels Out of Bond.mp3 26.71Мб
Chapter 09 - The Death of Beleg.mp3 10.33Мб
Chapter 10 - A Warm Welcome.mp3 18.97Мб
Chapter 10 - Túrin in Nargothrond.mp3 16.83Мб
Chapter 11 - On the Doorstep.mp3 14.77Мб
Chapter 11 - The Fall of Nargothrond.mp3 15.40Мб
Chapter 12 - Inside Information.mp3 35.87Мб
Chapter 12 - The Return of Túrin to Dor-Lómin.mp3 13.87Мб
Chapter 13 - Not at Home.mp3 19.36Мб
Chapter 13 - The Coming of Túrin into Brethil.mp3 8.55Мб
Chapter 14 - Fire & Water.mp3 15.60Мб
Chapter 14 - The Journey of Morwen and Niënor to Nargothrond.mp3 23.67Мб
Chapter 15 - Niënor in Brethil.mp3 11.42Мб
Chapter 15 - The Gathering of the Clouds.mp3 17.42Мб
Chapter 16 - A Thief in the Night.mp3 10.91Мб
Chapter 16 - The Coming of Glaurung.mp3 20.11Мб
Chapter 17 - The Clouds Burst.mp3 19.61Мб
Chapter 17 - The Death of Glaurung.mp3 22.31Мб
Chapter 18 - The Death of Túrin.mp3 18.62Мб
Chapter 18 - The Return Journey.mp3 14.50Мб
Chapter 19 - The Last Stage.mp3 14.19Мб
Cirith Ungol 1.jpg 147.05Кб
Cirith Ungol 2.jpg 89.10Кб
Cirith Ungol 3.jpg 115.24Кб
Crossing The Brandywine.jpg 185.64Кб
Eagles Rescue Dwarves 1.jpg 174.12Кб
Eagles Rescue Dwarves 2.jpg 133.21Кб
Edoras.jpg 97.05Кб
Fanghorn.jpg 150.13Кб
Fly You Fools.jpg 398.29Кб
Gandalf Smokes at Bag End.jpg 124.10Кб
Gandalf Travels.jpg 159.86Кб
Gollum and Bilbo.jpg 168.09Кб
Gollum and Fish.jpg 212.81Кб
Gollum and the Marshes.jpg 143.59Кб
Gollum in Mordor.jpg 120.82Кб
Hobbits on Ponies.jpg 242.04Кб
Hobbits Travel The Shire.jpg 238.63Кб
Iron Mountains.jpg 3.65Мб
JRR Tolkien - Black Speech.pdf 128.68Кб
JRR Tolkien - Elven Dictionary.pdf 87.66Кб
JRR Tolkien - Elven Language.pdf 298.70Кб
JRR Tolkien - Guide To The Names In The Lord Of The Rings.pdf 242.07Кб
JRR Tolkien - History of Middle Earth (post-Tolkien essays).pdf 1.20Мб
JRR Tolkien - Letters.pdf 1.85Мб
JRR Tolkien - Quenya Language.pdf 1.82Мб
JRR Tolkien Reads - A Poem In Elvish.mp3 371.93Кб
JRR Tolkien Reads - Elbereth Gilthoniel.mp3 592.00Кб
JRR Tolkien Reads - Excerpt From The Hobbit.mp3 10.88Мб
JRR Tolkien Reads - The One Ring Poem.mp3 876.00Кб
JRR Tolkien - Sindarin Dictionary.pdf 1.04Мб
JRR Tolkien - The Unfinished Tales of Middle Earth and Numenor.pdf 1.24Мб
Karen Wynn Fonstad - Atlas of Middle Earth.pdf 79.06Мб
Legolas.jpg 200.71Кб
Luthien.jpg 107.14Кб
Minas Tirith.jpg 136.73Кб
Misty Mountains.jpg 2.88Мб
Mordor and Ithilien.jpg 2.52Мб
Morgoth Chained.jpg 227.58Кб
Nazgul.jpg 166.13Кб
Nazgul Destroyed at the Ford of Bruinen.jpg 297.55Кб
Numenor.jpg 945.17Кб
Olephants.jpg 287.12Кб
Orcs.jpg 201.53Кб
Rivendell.jpg 216.11Кб
Rohan and Gondor.jpg 3.32Мб
Sam Kills Shelob.jpg 181.88Кб
Saruman at Bag End.jpg 265.58Кб
Saruman in Orthanc.jpg 86.53Кб
Smaug at Dale.jpg 173.34Кб
Smaug on Treasure.jpg 99.25Кб
The Battle of Pelennor Fields.jpg 131.10Кб
The Children of Hurin.pdf 2.66Мб
The Great Goblin.jpg 159.40Кб
The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings.pdf 13.04Мб
The Lonely Mountain.jpg 1.02Мб
The Mirror of Galadriel.jpg 194.83Кб
The Moonstone.jpg 195.82Кб
The Passing of Boromir.jpg 321.91Кб
The Silmarillion.pdf 3.63Мб
The Uruk-Hai Take Merry and Pippin.jpg 181.36Кб
The Witch King at Pelennor.jpg 236.89Кб
The Witch King Stabs Frodo.jpg 131.40Кб
Thorin.jpg 190.10Кб
Tolbrandir.jpg 132.69Кб
Tom Bombadil.jpg 248.05Кб
Torrent downloaded from Demonoid.com.txt 47б
Treebeards Home.jpg 189.13Кб
Troll Shaws.jpg 154.90Кб
Troll Statues.jpg 259.19Кб
Ulmo.jpg 229.60Кб
Wall of Moria.jpg 114.97Кб