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10 - Engagement.mp4 106.71Мб
10 - Engagement.pdf 38.10Кб
10 - Engagement English.srt 4.86Кб
11 - Values.mp4 92.94Мб
11 - Values-beliefs-mission.pdf 92.29Кб
11 - Values English.srt 4.35Кб
12 - Motivational speech.mp4 193.53Мб
12 - Motivational speech English.srt 9.11Кб
12 - Motivational-speeches.pdf 49.13Кб
12 - Motivation-conclusion.mp4 129.48Мб
13 - Intro to focus.mp4 15.34Мб
13 - Intro-to-focus.pdf 96.25Кб
13 - Intro to focus English.srt 794б
13 - What-influences-our-focus.mp4 94.68Мб
14 - Focus points.mp4 89.82Мб
14 - Focus-points.pdf 65.37Кб
14 - Focus points English.srt 4.22Кб
15 - Mental simulation.mp4 202.14Мб
15 - Mental-simulation.pdf 86.81Кб
15 - Mental simulation English.srt 9.78Кб
16 - Errors in sport.mp4 100.84Мб
16 - Errors in sport English.srt 5.20Кб
16 - Types-of-mistakes.pdf 58.80Кб
17 - Perceptive positions.mp4 107.83Мб
17 - Perceptive-positions-and-perception.pdf 63.63Кб
17 - Perceptive positions English.srt 5.39Кб
18 - Rituals and routines in sport.mp4 175.16Мб
18 - Rituals and routines in sport English.srt 8.74Кб
18 - Rituals-in-sport.pdf 71.43Кб
19 - Focus and intensity.mp4 113.95Мб
19 - Focus-and-intensity.pdf 75.31Кб
19 - Focus and intensity English.srt 6.00Кб
1 - Greetings.mp4 13.01Мб
1 - Welcome to mental training for athletes.mp4 8.55Мб
1 - Welcome to mental training for athletes English.srt 438б
1 - What-is-Mental-Training.pdf 34.63Кб
20 - Conclusion-and-4P.pdf 37.35Кб
20 - Focus conclusion.mp4 29.98Мб
20 - Focus conclusion English.srt 1.54Кб
21 - Intro to emotional management.mp4 169.35Мб
21 - Intro to emotional management English.srt 8.48Кб
21 - What-is-emotion-control.pdf 67.08Кб
22 - Competing anxiety.mp4 116.31Мб
22 - Competing anxiety English.srt 5.89Кб
22 - Competition-anxiety-and-perfectionism.pdf 76.84Кб
23 - Breathing exercises.mp4 148.81Мб
23 - Breathing-exercises-and-body-scan.pdf 109.95Кб
23 - Breathing exercises English.srt 7.78Кб
24 - PMR.mp4 101.33Мб
24 - PMR English.srt 5.40Кб
25 - Positive self talk.mp4 104.27Мб
25 - Positive self talk English.srt 6.33Кб
26 - Athletic-attitude.pdf 53.82Кб
26 - Emotional management conclusion.mp4 57.26Мб
26 - Emotional management conclusion English.srt 3.13Кб
27 - Application-of-biofeedback-in-sports.pdf 82.25Кб
27 - Conclusion on mental training.mp4 82.20Мб
27 - Conclusion on mental training English.srt 4.62Кб
27 - More-than-a-conclusion-sport-journal-and-how-to-use-it.pdf 70.62Кб
2 - What it means working on a project.mp4 25.00Мб
2 - What it means working on a project English.srt 1.22Кб
3 - MT-process.pdf 43.09Кб
3 - Process of mental training.mp4 30.19Мб
3 - Process of mental training English.srt 1.55Кб
4 - Intro to motivation.mp4 85.36Мб
4 - Intro-to-motivation.pdf 74.92Кб
4 - Intro to motivation English.srt 4.41Кб
5 - Intermal motivation.mp4 40.92Мб
5 - Intermal motivation English.srt 1.87Кб
5 - Internal-motivation.pdf 62.99Кб
6 - External motivation.mp4 125.09Мб
6 - External motivation English.srt 5.92Кб
6 - External-motivation-factors.pdf 64.38Кб
7 - Goal-setting.pdf 53.04Кб
7 - SMART goals.mp4 151.98Мб
7 - SMART goals English.srt 6.75Кб
8 - Timing determination.mp4 65.22Мб
8 - Timing determination English.srt 2.90Кб
9 - Goals-exercise.mp4 66.61Мб
9 - Goals of path and outcome.mp4 27.80Мб
9 - Goals of path and outcome English.srt 1.14Кб
9 - Process-vs-outcome-goals.pdf 45.63Кб
Bonus Resources.txt 386б
Get Bonus Downloads Here.url 178б
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