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Название [TalkPython] #100DaysOfCode (2020)
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001 Welcome to the course.mp4 13.08Мб
002 The rules of #100DaysOfCode.mp4 2.99Мб
003 Topics covered.mp4 8.51Мб
004 Why Python for #100DaysOfCode.mp4 7.76Мб
005 Course flow.mp4 4.95Мб
006 Meet your instructors.mp4 8.62Мб
007 Need a Python primer.mp4 2.91Мб
008 Get the source code.mp4 32.58Мб
009 Three devs are better than one.mp4 22.55Мб
010 Julian's setup.mp4 15.34Мб
011 Bob's setup.mp4 65.19Мб
012 Michael's tool's and setup.mp4 24.41Мб
013 PyBites code challenge platform.mp4 45.83Мб
014 Video player A quick feature tour.mp4 4.87Мб
015 Lesson introduction.mp4 6.21Мб
016 Your 3 day overview.mp4 14.95Мб
017 Learning datetime and date.mp4 36.03Мб
018 Datetime timedelta usage.mp4 26.85Мб
019 Concepts what did we learn.mp4 14.98Мб
020 Lesson introduction.mp4 6.24Мб
021 Namedtuples more readable code.mp4 24.76Мб
022 Defaultdicts factory for data structures.mp4 33.68Мб
023 Counter don't reinvent the wheel.mp4 17.22Мб
024 Deque when lists become slow.mp4 46.83Мб
025 Concepts what did we learn.mp4 4.11Мб
026 Second day use collections on movie data.mp4 71.92Мб
027 Third day get more practice.mp4 19.02Мб
028 Introduction to Data Structures.mp4 4.97Мб
029 Your 3 day overview.mp4 26.70Мб
030 Manipulating Lists.mp4 29.27Мб
031 Immutability and Tuples.mp4 16.06Мб
032 Creating and Parsing Dictionaries.mp4 31.66Мб
033 Concepts what did we learn.mp4 12.10Мб
034 Lesson introduction.mp4 6.84Мб
035 The importance of testing.mp4 35.73Мб
036 Setup and a guessing game to test.mp4 23.37Мб
037 Hello test world - unittest vs pytest.mp4 28.42Мб
038 Mocking randomness pytest-cov.mp4 61.08Мб
039 Mocking user input and exceptions.mp4 57.58Мб
040 Testing a program's stdout with capfd.mp4 55.69Мб
041 Testing (simulating) the game end-to-end.mp4 81.28Мб
042 A TDD primer writing Fizz buzz.mp4 56.24Мб
043 Concepts what did we learn.mp4 13.46Мб
044 Second day use pytest on your code.mp4 25.15Мб
045 Third day writing pytest fixtures.mp4 23.24Мб
046 Introduction to the chapter.mp4 6.69Мб
047 Modeling concepts Inheritance, classes, and objects.mp4 5.78Мб
048 Demo Initial project structure.mp4 17.67Мб
049 Demo Building our classes.mp4 60.77Мб
050 Demo Implementing the game play.mp4 47.10Мб
051 Concept Classes.mp4 2.35Мб
052 Your turn Day 1.mp4 27.68Мб
053 Your turn Day 2.mp4 11.26Мб
054 Your turn Day 3.mp4 21.20Мб
055 Lesson introduction.mp4 10.06Мб
056 Writing a simple list comprehension.mp4 34.35Мб
057 Cleaning data with list comprehensions.mp4 47.89Мб
058 Generators - the basics.mp4 22.65Мб
059 Use generators to build a sequence.mp4 28.25Мб
060 List vs generator performance.mp4 22.84Мб
061 Concepts what did we learn.mp4 6.85Мб
062 Second day a practical exercise.mp4 13.25Мб
063 Third day solution and islice.mp4 59.05Мб
064 Third day more code challenges.mp4 18.75Мб
065 Introduction to the lesson.mp4 5.02Мб
066 Your 3 day overview.mp4 23.62Мб
067 Iteration Refresher.mp4 18.76Мб
068 Itertools - Cycle.mp4 22.89Мб
069 Itertools - Product.mp4 20.01Мб
070 Combinations and Permutations.mp4 16.98Мб
071 Traffic Lights Project.mp4 51.51Мб
072 Concepts what did we learn.mp4 15.34Мб
073 Lesson introduction.mp4 5.64Мб
074 Quick primer on decorators.mp4 20.09Мб
075 Function argument types args and kwargs.mp4 48.80Мб
076 Write a timeit decorator (wraps).mp4 25.44Мб
077 More abstraction stacking decorators.mp4 17.67Мб
078 Examples of real life decorators.mp4 30.15Мб
079 Concepts what did we learn.mp4 9.96Мб
080 Second day a practical exercise.mp4 5.51Мб
081 Third day write your own decorator.mp4 28.55Мб
082 Introducing Python's error handling.mp4 4.47Мб
083 Demo The starter app skeleton.mp4 18.21Мб
084 Demo try-except blocks.mp4 14.74Мб
085 Demo Error types.mp4 28.57Мб
086 Concepts Error handling and exceptions.mp4 4.11Мб
087 Your turn Day 1.mp4 11.07Мб
088 Your turn Day 2.mp4 5.92Мб
089 Your turn Day 3.mp4 4.62Мб
090 Lesson introduction.mp4 5.53Мб
091 When not to use regexes.mp4 29.08Мб
092 Comparing re.search and re.match.mp4 18.51Мб
093 String capturing parenthesis.mp4 15.44Мб
094 findall is your friend.mp4 54.36Мб
095 Compiling regexes with re.VERBOSE.mp4 95.24Мб
096 Using re.sub for string replacing.mp4 29.85Мб
097 Concepts what did we learn.mp4 9.62Мб
098 Second day write your own regexes.mp4 33.47Мб
099 Third day more regex exercises.mp4 31.22Мб
100daysofcode-with-python-course-master.zip 4.64Мб
100 Introduction to logging.mp4 40.51Мб
101 Logging with Logbook.mp4 20.20Мб
102 Demo Introducing our app.mp4 12.07Мб
103 Demo Configuring logging.mp4 33.80Мб
104 Demo Writing the log messages.mp4 40.58Мб
105 Demo Logging a the API level.mp4 23.54Мб
106 Demo File logging.mp4 25.42Мб
107 Concepts Logging.mp4 7.03Мб
108 Your turn Day 1.mp4 6.74Мб
109 Your turn Day 2.mp4 3.14Мб
110 Your turn Day 3.mp4 9.81Мб
111 Lesson introduction.mp4 10.15Мб
112 Refactoring 1 if-elif-else horror.mp4 23.69Мб
113 Refactoring 2 loop counting == enumerate.mp4 13.51Мб
114 Refactoring 3 with statement (context managers).mp4 23.97Мб
115 Refactoring 4 use built-ins standard library.mp4 21.91Мб
116 Refactoring 5 tuple unpacking and namedtuples.mp4 25.28Мб
117 Refactoring 6 list comprehensions and generators.mp4 24.87Мб
118 Refactoring 7 string formatting and concatenation.mp4 32.53Мб
119 Refactoring 8 PEP8 and Zen of Python.mp4 12.73Мб
120 Refactoring 9 be explicit in your exceptions.mp4 29.04Мб
121 Refactoring 10 quality code best practices.mp4 23.72Мб
122 Refactoring code quality resources.mp4 40.65Мб
123 Concepts what did we learn.mp4 30.61Мб
124 Your turn Day 2 and 3.mp4 28.21Мб
125 Introduction to CSV programming.mp4 3.15Мб
126 Some amazing data sets.mp4 39.72Мб
127 Our data.mp4 13.94Мб
128 Demo Getting started with CSV processing.mp4 20.53Мб
129 Demo Reading the CSV file contents.mp4 26.63Мб
130 Demo Parsing the CSV file.mp4 16.43Мб
131 Demo Converting our CSV data to a usable form.mp4 71.23Мб
132 Demo Answer the questions.mp4 54.51Мб
133 Concepts CSV programming.mp4 5.05Мб
134 Your turn Day 1.mp4 16.56Мб
135 Your turn Day 2.mp4 3.19Мб
136 Your turn Day 3.mp4 2.91Мб
137 Introduction to JSON.mp4 8.48Мб
138 Your 3 day overview.mp4 17.00Мб
139 Inspecting JSON schema.mp4 9.56Мб
140 Request JSON data from an API.mp4 91.66Мб
141 Parsing nested dicts in JSON.mp4 101.07Мб
142 Concepts what did we learn.mp4 34.91Мб
143 Introduction to HTTP APIs.mp4 5.28Мб
144 Exploring the service.mp4 9.77Мб
145 Introducing the Postman app.mp4 6.88Мб
146 The requests package.mp4 8.24Мб
147 Demo Building the program structure.mp4 20.94Мб
148 Demo Downloading search results.mp4 15.09Мб
149 Demo Data version one dicts.mp4 14.07Мб
150 Demo Data version two Better results.mp4 34.64Мб
151 Concepts.mp4 4.78Мб
152 Your turn Day 1.mp4 6.70Мб
153 Your turn Day 2.mp4 18.55Мб
154 Your turn Day 3.mp4 6.79Мб
155 Introduction to BeautifulSoup4.mp4 6.49Мб
156 Your 3 day overview.mp4 22.93Мб
157 Setting up the environment.mp4 8.77Мб
158 A quick BS4 overview.mp4 51.03Мб
159 Building your first BS4 scraper.mp4 73.28Мб
160 Requests best practice.mp4 10.02Мб
161 Detailed BS4 scraping and searching.mp4 191.44Мб
162 Concepts what did we learn.mp4 21.70Мб
163 Introduction to profiling.mp4 4.42Мб
164 Intuition fail.mp4 3.66Мб
165 Demo Getting started.mp4 54.19Мб
166 Demo Focus on our code.mp4 30.09Мб
167 Demo Fine-tuning collection with the API.mp4 39.44Мб
168 Demo Even more focused collection.mp4 40.70Мб
169 Demo Faster with less data processed.mp4 60.75Мб
170 PyCharm's profiling.mp4 33.50Мб
171 Concepts Profiling.mp4 3.83Мб
172 A quantum warning.mp4 4.67Мб
173 Your turn Day 1.mp4 8.86Мб
174 Your turn Day 2.mp4 6.51Мб
175 Your turn Day 3.mp4 5.68Мб
176 Lesson introduction.mp4 5.45Мб
177 Your 3 day overview.mp4 14.22Мб
178 Setting up our Feedparser environment.mp4 10.19Мб
179 Pulling the feed with Requests.mp4 21.02Мб
180 Parsing XML with Feedparser.mp4 53.07Мб
181 Feedparser Sanity Check.mp4 22.53Мб
182 Concepts what did we learn.mp4 11.25Мб
183 Introducing uplink.mp4 6.00Мб
184 A glimpse at an API.mp4 5.04Мб
185 Use the official API if available.mp4 3.30Мб
186 Demo Getting started.mp4 18.68Мб
187 Demo Exploring the service.mp4 13.15Мб
188 Demo Creating the client.mp4 27.77Мб
189 Demo Getting a individual post.mp4 26.50Мб
190 Demo Only success responses.mp4 26.14Мб
191 Demo Writing a new post.mp4 36.77Мб
192 Demo Better wrappers and helpers.mp4 36.09Мб
193 Concepts uplink.mp4 7.88Мб
194 Your turn Day 1.mp4 10.35Мб
195 Your turn Day 2.mp4 7.73Мб
196 Your turn Day 3.mp4 3.44Мб
197 Lesson introduction.mp4 7.73Мб
198 Create a Twitter app.mp4 7.13Мб
199 Virtual environment and env variables.mp4 20.65Мб
200 Get all tweets with tweepy.Cursor.mp4 35.91Мб
201 Identify the most popular tweets.mp4 38.95Мб
202 Most common hashtags and mentions.mp4 21.94Мб
203 Build a Twitter wordcloud.mp4 85.27Мб
204 Concepts what did we learn.mp4 14.71Мб
205 Second + third day practice projects.mp4 59.89Мб
206 Lesson introduction.mp4 7.38Мб
207 Setup and creating a Github user object.mp4 27.19Мб
208 Quick detour getting help in Python.mp4 36.37Мб
209 Ranking user's repos by popularity.mp4 75.75Мб
210 Creating a gist with the Github API.mp4 43.79Мб
211 Inspecting Github objects with pdb.mp4 68.36Мб
212 Concepts what did we learn.mp4 10.05Мб
213 Second day examples get practice.mp4 32.44Мб
214 Third day more practice requests-cache.mp4 24.36Мб
215 Introduction to sending Emails.mp4 6.84Мб
216 Your 3 day overview.mp4 14.28Мб
217 Obtaining your Gmail App ID.mp4 18.34Мб
218 Email Project Setup.mp4 3.70Мб
219 Sending an Email with smtplib.mp4 25.26Мб
220 Getting into MIME.mp4 36.87Мб
221 Emailing with BCC.mp4 24.54Мб
222 Concepts what did we learn.mp4 18.95Мб
223 Lesson introduction.mp4 6.44Мб
224 Your 3 day overview.mp4 14.75Мб
225 Setup Install Pyperclip and your env.mp4 5.04Мб
226 Pyperclip Usage.mp4 9.61Мб
227 Demo Affiliate script.mp4 27.92Мб
228 Demo Pyperclip text replacer.mp4 41.44Мб
229 Concepts what did we learn.mp4 10.48Мб
230 Lesson introduction.mp4 6.15Мб
231 Your 3 day overview.mp4 16.48Мб
232 Setup install openpyxl and your env.mp4 5.88Мб
233 Understanding workbooks and worksheets in openpyxl.mp4 38.58Мб
234 Working with cell values.mp4 80.43Мб
235 Using maxrow.mp4 56.56Мб
236 Inserting data into a worksheet.mp4 85.09Мб
237 Concepts what did we learn.mp4 31.84Мб
238 Lesson introduction.mp4 7.13Мб
239 Setup install Selenium and ChromeDriver.mp4 19.32Мб
240 Hello world Selenium search python.org.mp4 20.43Мб
241 Demo 1 access my Packt ebook collection.mp4 85.81Мб
242 Demo 2 automating PyBites banner creation.mp4 58.04Мб
243 Concepts what did we learn.mp4 10.45Мб
244 Your turn Day 2.mp4 23.68Мб
245 Your turn Day 3.mp4 11.95Мб
246 Flask introduction.mp4 6.47Мб
247 Your 3 day overview.mp4 17.85Мб
248 Setting up the environment.mp4 11.45Мб
249 Creating your first Flask app!.mp4 23.31Мб
250 Dict data in Flask.mp4 38.77Мб
251 Concepts what did we learn.mp4 11.62Мб
252 A brief intro to SQLite3 Databases.mp4 7.76Мб
253 Your 3 day overview.mp4 17.49Мб
254 Installing SQLite DB Browser.mp4 10.73Мб
255 Creating a simple SQLite3 address book.mp4 25.45Мб
256 Analysing the DB with SQLite DB Browser.mp4 3.87Мб
257 Demo Script to Generate a DB.mp4 27.47Мб
258 Inserting data into the address book.mp4 9.01Мб
259 Demo Script to populate the address book.mp4 36.29Мб
260 Pulling data with SELECT.mp4 14.20Мб
261 Concepts what did we learn.mp4 14.84Мб
262 Lesson introduction.mp4 7.96Мб
263 Installing feedparser and plotly.mp4 17.93Мб
264 Prep 1 parse PyBites RSS feed data.mp4 70.92Мб
265 Prep 2 useful data structures for plotting.mp4 64.75Мб
266 Prep 3 transpose data and init Plotly.mp4 29.39Мб
267 Creating bar and pie charts with Plotly.mp4 24.33Мб
268 Other data visualization libraries.mp4 32.19Мб
269 Concepts what did we learn.mp4 18.78Мб
270 Second day build your own graphs.mp4 18.17Мб
271 Third day extra inspiration keep coding.mp4 14.93Мб
272 Fullstack web introduction.mp4 4.18Мб
273 What is fullstack development.mp4 5.45Мб
274 What app will we build.mp4 8.39Мб
275 Introducing Anvil.mp4 3.38Мб
276 Anvil building blocks.mp4 5.09Мб
277 Creating a new project in Anvil.mp4 17.62Мб
278 Adding navigation.mp4 11.58Мб
279 Subforms.mp4 16.66Мб
280 Linking the forms.mp4 29.34Мб
281 Building the Add new document form.mp4 11.96Мб
282 Processing add new document.mp4 32.97Мб
283 Data tables.mp4 15.04Мб
284 Anvil server code.mp4 24.44Мб
285 Creating the document.mp4 25.88Мб
286 Add document finale.mp4 33.89Мб
287 All docs.mp4 48.26Мб
288 A refactoring.mp4 9.07Мб
289 Adding filtering.mp4 22.58Мб
290 Document details form.mp4 21.03Мб
291 Publishing our web app.mp4 9.96Мб
292 Anvil concepts.mp4 10.27Мб
293 Your turn Day 1.mp4 14.25Мб
294 Your turn Day 2.mp4 7.57Мб
295 Your turn Day 3.mp4 9.40Мб
296 Lesson Introduction.mp4 6.68Мб
297 Your 3 day overview.mp4 20.20Мб
298 Writing and working the main menu.mp4 34.89Мб
299 SQLite3 database usage.mp4 20.66Мб
300 Scrub function - SQLite3 workaround.mp4 25.74Мб
301 Home Inventory app run through.mp4 69.55Мб
302 Bug and functionality fixes.mp4 65.95Мб
303 Your Turn! - Fix the app.mp4 10.01Мб
304 Introducing SQLAlchemy.mp4 8.02Мб
305 Demo Introducing our app.mp4 13.85Мб
306 Demo The app skeleton.mp4 23.63Мб
307 Demo Defining database classes.mp4 17.62Мб
308 Demo Defining columns (via classes).mp4 33.48Мб
309 Demo Connecting to the database.mp4 42.98Мб
310 Demo Using the data access layer (DAL).mp4 61.32Мб
311 Demo The final game.mp4 3.60Мб
312 Demo Seeing the database.mp4 13.11Мб
313 Concepts SQLAlchemy.mp4 10.52Мб
314 Your turn Day 1.mp4 10.04Мб
315 Your turn Day 2.mp4 20.01Мб
316 Your turn Day 3.mp4 3.93Мб
317 Introduction to Python UIs.mp4 10.79Мб
318 Demo Where we are starting.mp4 17.56Мб
319 Demo Refactoring to isolate user input.mp4 23.40Мб
320 Demo Adding Gooey to our app.mp4 58.64Мб
321 Demo Packaging our app for redistribution.mp4 53.44Мб
322 Concepts Gooey.mp4 5.44Мб
323 Your turn Day 1.mp4 19.98Мб
324 Your turn Day 2.mp4 11.12Мб
325 Your turn Day 3.mp4 11.34Мб
326 Introducing our online game server.mp4 51.80Мб
327 What API operations are required.mp4 6.06Мб
328 Getting started Program structures.mp4 15.29Мб
329 Adding the Flask basics.mp4 13.31Мб
330 Defining JSON methods in Flask.mp4 15.53Мб
331 Migrating our SQLAlchemy models.mp4 10.55Мб
332 Ensuring starter data.mp4 32.95Мб
333 Defining the API methods in Flask.mp4 38.13Мб
334 Exercising the API.mp4 9.11Мб
335 Implementing the all-rolls method.mp4 10.72Мб
336 Implementing the create-game method.mp4 10.55Мб
337 Implementing the find-user method.mp4 26.19Мб
338 Implementing the create-user method.mp4 32.62Мб
339 Implementing the game-status method.mp4 25.44Мб
340 Implementing the top-scores method.mp4 10.86Мб
341 Implementing the play-round method.mp4 43.54Мб
342 Refactoring our web code for single responsibility.mp4 57.04Мб
343 Implementing the client.mp4 16.62Мб
344 Making the client self-validating.mp4 11.41Мб
345 Writing the full client.mp4 6.99Мб
346 Implementing the game (client-side).mp4 28.43Мб
347 Your turn Day 1.mp4 14.22Мб
348 Your turn Day 2.mp4 5.26Мб
349 Your turn Day 3.mp4 8.74Мб
350 The final day.mp4 9.88Мб
351 You've done it!.mp4 1.58Мб
352 What you've learned.mp4 14.83Мб
353 Make sure you have the source.mp4 2.31Мб
354 Stay immersed in Python.mp4 6.97Мб
355 Continue to challenge yourself with PyBites.mp4 7.52Мб
356 Thanks and goodbye.mp4 6.31Мб
357 Concept The shape of a program.mp4 4.23Мб
358 Concept Variables.mp4 2.09Мб
359 Concept Truthiness.mp4 4.43Мб
360 Concept If else.mp4 3.26Мб
361 Concept Complex conditionals.mp4 3.48Мб
362 Concept for-in.mp4 3.91Мб
363 Concept Calling functions.mp4 2.44Мб
364 Concept Creating functions.mp4 3.94Мб
365 Concept File IO.mp4 3.09Мб
366 Concept Imports and importing modules.mp4 4.41Мб
367 Concept Python package index.mp4 9.28Мб
368 Concept pip.mp4 7.37Мб
369 Concept Virtual environments.mp4 15.20Мб
370 Concept Slicing.mp4 6.60Мб
371 Concept Tuples.mp4 4.66Мб
372 Concept Named tuples.mp4 5.07Мб
373 Concept Classes.mp4 5.78Мб
374 Concept objects vs. classes.mp4 4.85Мб
375 Concept Inheritance.mp4 5.04Мб
376 Concept Polymorphism.mp4 2.69Мб
377 Concept Dictionaries.mp4 6.95Мб
378 Concept Error handling.mp4 5.40Мб
379 Concept lambdas.mp4 4.46Мб
380 Concept list comprehensions.mp4 6.88Мб
381 Concept Want more foundational Python.mp4 3.11Мб
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