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Название Jorge Luis Borges - Selected Non-Fictions
Тип Музыка
Размер 1.40Гб

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001. A Note on This Edition.mp3 18.44Мб
002. The Nothingness of Personality.mp3 19.87Мб
003. After Images.mp3 6.06Мб
004. Joyce's Ulysses.mp3 9.39Мб
005. A History of Angels.mp3 9.24Мб
006. Verbiage for Poems.mp3 8.58Мб
007. A Profession of Literary Faith.mp3 12.10Мб
008. Literary Pleasure.mp3 11.67Мб
009. An Investigation of the Word.mp3 15.84Мб
010. An Investigation of the Word - Part II.mp3 10.16Мб
011. The Perpetual Race of Achilles and the Tortoise.mp3 14.17Мб
012. The Duration of Hell.mp3 11.74Мб
013. The Superstitious Ethics of the Reader.mp3 10.31Мб
014. Our Inabilities.mp3 9.23Мб
015. The Postulation of Reality.mp3 13.88Мб
016. A Defense of Basilides the False.mp3 11.56Мб
017. The Homeric Versions.mp3 13.89Мб
018. Narrative Art and Magic.mp3 19.17Мб
019. A Defense of the Kabbalah.mp3 9.99Мб
020. The Art of Verbal Abuse.mp3 15.23Мб
021. The Translators of The Thousand and One Nights.mp3 31.68Мб
022. Thousand and One Nights - 2. Doctor Mardrus.mp3 14.71Мб
023. Thousand and One Nights - 3. Enno Littmann.mp3 9.39Мб
024. I, a Jew.mp3 3.59Мб
025. The Labyrinths of the Detective Story and Chesterton.mp3 8.71Мб
026. The Doctrine of Cycles.mp3 8.28Мб
027. The Doctrine of Cycles - Part II.mp3 9.28Мб
028. The Doctrine of Cycles - Part III.mp3 5.46Мб
029. A History of Eternity.mp3 18.92Мб
030. A History of Eternity - Part II.mp3 17.38Мб
031. A History of Eternity - Part III.mp3 6.16Мб
032. A History of Eternity - Part IV.mp3 6.78Мб
033. The Cinematograph, the Biograph.mp3 10.47Мб
034. Films.mp3 6.15Мб
035. Street Scene King Kong.mp3 4.97Мб
036. The Informer.mp3 4.46Мб
037. Two Films (Crime and Punishment; The Thirty-nine Steps).mp3 3.29Мб
038. The Petrified Forest.mp3 2.84Мб
039. Wells, the Visionary.mp3 4.81Мб
040. Ramon Llull's Thinking Machine.mp3 5.06Мб
041. Ramon Llull's Thinking Machine - The Three Disks.mp3 4.01Мб
042. When Fiction Lives in Fiction.mp3 7.98Мб
043. Isaac Babel.mp3 2.81Мб
044. Ernest Bramah.mp3 2.73Мб
045. Benedetto Croce.mp3 3.04Мб
046. Theodore Dreiser.mp3 3.64Мб
047. T. S. Eliot.mp3 2.98Мб
048. Will James.mp3 2.89Мб
049. Liam O'Flaherty.mp3 2.53Мб
050. Oswald Spengler.mp3 3.54Мб
051. Paul Valery.mp3 3.04Мб
052. S. S. Van Dine.mp3 3.31Мб
053. Virginia Woolf.mp3 4.37Мб
054. Gustav Meyrink, Der Engel vom Westlichen Fenster.mp3 1.49Мб
055. Alan Pryce-Jones, Private Opinion.mp3 1.89Мб
056. Louis Golding, The Pursuer.mp3 2.87Мб
057. Lord Halifax's Ghost Book.mp3 2.36Мб
058. William Faulkner, Absalom! Absalom!.mp3 1.94Мб
059. Gustaf Janson, Gubben Kom mer.mp3 3.00Мб
060. Aldous Huxley, Stories, Essays and Poems.mp3 2.48Мб
061. Rabindranath Tagore, Collected Poems and Plays.mp3 1.33Мб
062. Ellery Queen, The Door Between.mp3 1.96Мб
063. Sir William Barrett, Personality Survives Death.mp3 2.11Мб
064. Wolfram Eberhard, tr., Chinese Fairy Tales and Folk Tales.mp3 2.63Мб
065. The Literary Life Marinetti.mp3 1.67Мб
066. Richard Hull, Excellent Intentions.mp3 2.24Мб
067. Meadows Taylor, The Confessions of a Thug.mp3 3.31Мб
068. William Faulkner, The Unvanquished.mp3 2.67Мб
069. Lady Murasaki, The Tale of Genji.mp3 2.86Мб
070. Lord Dunsany, Patches of Sunlight.mp3 3.27Мб
071. Two Fantasy Novels.mp3 3.05Мб
072. The Literary Life Oliver Gogarty.mp3 2.45Мб
073. Alan Griffiths, Of Course, Vitelli!.mp3 2.11Мб
074. A Grandiose Manifesto from Breton.mp3 3.99Мб
075. H. G. Wells' Latest Novel.mp3 2.59Мб
076. E. S. Pankhurst, Delphos, or the Future of International Language.mp3 3.72Мб
077. Joyce's Latest Novel.mp3 3.22Мб
078. A Pedagogy of Hatred.mp3 3.96Мб
079. A Disturbing Exposition.mp3 4.34Мб
080. An Essay on Neutrality.mp3 5.57Мб
081. Definition of a Germanophile.mp3 7.44Мб
082. 1941.mp3 2.90Мб
083. Two Books.mp3 10.84Мб
084. A Comment on August 23, 1944.mp3 5.08Мб
085. A Note on the Peace.mp3 3.56Мб
086. The Total Library.mp3 8.61Мб
087. Time and J. W. Dunne.mp3 8.77Мб
088. A Fragment on Joyce.mp3 5.80Мб
089. The Creation and P. H. Gosse.mp3 8.34Мб
090. Circular Time.mp3 11.42Мб
091. John Wilkins' Analytical Language.mp3 11.37Мб
092. On Literary Description.mp3 5.45Мб
093. On William Beckford's Vathek.mp3 10.39Мб
094. Coleridge's Flower.mp3 8.26Мб
095. Adolfo Bioy Casares, The Invention of Morel.mp3 6.44Мб
096. Herman Melville, Bartleby the Scrivener.mp3 5.54Мб
097. Henry James, The Abasement of the Northmores.mp3 6.65Мб
098. Edward Kasner & James Newman, Mathematics and the Imagination.mp3 3.26Мб
099. Edward Shanks, Rudyard Kipling A Study in Literature and Political Ideas.mp3 4.80Мб
100. Arthur Waley, Monkey.mp3 9.32Мб
101. Leslie Weatherhead, After Death.mp3 4.65Мб
102. Two Films (Sabotage; Los muchachos de antes).mp3 4.61Мб
103. An Overwhelming Film (Citizen Kane).mp3 3.67Мб
104. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Transformed.mp3 3.80Мб
105. Two Films (Now Voyager; Nightmare).mp3 4.05Мб
106. On Dubbing.mp3 3.69Мб
107. Dantesque Essays - Prologue.mp3 14.13Мб
108. The Noble Castle of the Fourth Canto.mp3 11.98Мб
109. The False Problem of Ugolino.mp3 8.33Мб
110. The Last Voyage of Ulysses.mp3 10.58Мб
111. The Pitying Torturer.mp3 6.96Мб
112. Dante and the Anglo-Saxon Visionaries.mp3 14.15Мб
113. Purgatorio - Canto I Line 13.mp3 3.21Мб
114. The Simurgh and the Eagle.mp3 9.15Мб
115. The Meeting in a Dream.mp3 10.71Мб
116. Beatrice's Last Smile.mp3 9.22Мб
117. Our Poor Individualism.mp3 5.85Мб
118. The Paradox of Apollinaire.mp3 9.62Мб
119. On Oscar Wilde.mp3 6.85Мб
120. A New Refutation of Time.mp3 3.44Мб
121. A New Refutation of Time - A.mp3 19.17Мб
122. A New Refutation of Time - Part II.mp3 6.25Мб
123. A New Refutation of Time - B.mp3 20.50Мб
124. Biathanatos.mp3 9.20Мб
125. From Allegories to Novels.mp3 9.80Мб
126. From Someone to Nobody.mp3 6.69Мб
127. The Wall and the Books.mp3 6.87Мб
128. Personality and the Buddha.mp3 12.31Мб
129. Pascal's Sphere.mp3 8.92Мб
130. The Innocence of Layamon.mp3 11.02Мб
131. On the Cult of Books.mp3 11.72Мб
132. Kafka and His Precursors.mp3 6.76Мб
133. The Enigma of Edward FitzGerald.mp3 9.01Мб
134. Coleridge's Dream.mp3 10.10Мб
135. Forms of a Legend.mp3 11.47Мб
136. The Scandinavian Destiny.mp3 10.87Мб
137. The Dialogues of Ascetic and King.mp3 10.23Мб
138. A Defense of Bouvard and Pecuchet.mp3 11.88Мб
139. Flaubert and His Exemplary Destiny.mp3 9.39Мб
140. A History of the Tango.mp3 5.36Мб
141. A History of the Tango - The Fighting Tango.mp3 4.88Мб
142. A History of the Tango - A Partial Mystery.mp3 10.98Мб
143. A History of the Tango - The Challenge.mp3 8.67Мб
144. A History of the Echoes of a Name.mp3 9.23Мб
145. L'Illusion Comique.mp3 4.67Мб
146. Bret Harte, The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Sketches.mp3 6.97Мб
147. Thomas Carlyle, On Heroes, Hero-worship....mp3 14.63Мб
148. Ray Bradbury, The Martian Chronicles.mp3 5.71Мб
149. The Argentine Writer and Tradition.mp3 22.32Мб
150. German Literature in the Age of Bach.mp3 20.44Мб
151. Ryunosuke Akutagawa, The Kappa.mp3 5.17Мб
152. Edward Gibbon, Pages of History and Autobiography.mp3 18.79Мб
153. Catalog of the Exhibition Books from Spain.mp3 2.87Мб
154. Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass.mp3 11.88Мб
155. Emanuel Swedenborg, Mystical Works.mp3 26.62Мб
156. The Concept of an Academy and the Celts.mp3 17.88Мб
157. The Enigma of Shakespeare.mp3 31.45Мб
158. Blindness.mp3 30.19Мб
159. Immortality.mp3 24.01Мб
160. The Detective Story.mp3 27.37Мб
161. The Library of Babel.mp3 2.61Мб
162. Franz Kafka, The Vulture.mp3 7.07Мб
163. Jack London, The Concentric Deaths.mp3 5.78Мб
164. Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, The Guest at the Last Banquets.mp3 6.68Мб
165. P'u Sung-ling, The Tiger Guest.mp3 4.94Мб
166. Charles Howard Hinton, Scientific Romances.mp3 6.55Мб
167. A Personal Library.mp3 5.86Мб
168. Prologue to the Collection.mp3 2.49Мб
169. Julio Cortazar, Stories.mp3 2.73Мб
170. The Apocryphal Gospels.mp3 3.01Мб
171. H. G. Wells, The Time Machine; The Invisible Man.mp3 2.55Мб
172. Fyodor Dostoevsky, Demons.mp3 2.81Мб
173. Thorstein Veblen, The Theory of the Leisure Class.mp3 2.52Мб
174. Soren Kierkegaard, Fear and Trembling.mp3 2.30Мб
175. Virgil, The Aeneid.mp3 3.84Мб
176. William James, Varieties of Religious Experience....mp3 4.24Мб
Jorge Luis Borges - Selected Non-Fictions.jpg 36.40Кб
Jorge Luis Borges - Selected Non-Fictions.pdf 4.64Мб
Jorge Luis Borges - Selected Non-Fictions.txt 1.44Кб
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