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01-reductions.png 101.61Кб
01-regular-expressions.png 72.10Кб
01-tries.png 79.69Кб
02-data-compression.png 65.78Кб
02-intractability.png 86.59Кб
02-substring-search.png 82.86Кб
03-linear-programming.png 91.83Кб
Algorithms Part II 0.0 Course Introduction (922).mp4 42.66Мб
Algorithms Part II 1.0 Introduction to Graphs (932).mp4 24.57Мб
Algorithms Part II 1.1 Graph API (1447).mp4 20.58Мб
Algorithms Part II 1.2 Depth-First Search (2622).mp4 67.02Мб
Algorithms Part II 1.3 Breadth-First Search (1334).mp4 32.57Мб
Algorithms Part II 1.4 Connected Components (1856).mp4 24.75Мб
Algorithms Part II 1.5 Graph Challenges (1429).mp4 54.93Мб
Algorithms Part II 10.0 Introduction to Data Compression (2227).mp4 36.04Мб
Algorithms Part II 10.1 Run-Length Coding (559).mp4 9.11Мб
Algorithms Part II 10.2 Huffman Compression (2414).mp4 34.02Мб
Algorithms Part II 10.3 LZW Compression (2733).mp4 37.15Мб
Algorithms Part II 11.0 Introduction to Reductions (925).mp4 17.45Мб
Algorithms Part II 11.1 Designing Algorithms (813).mp4 11.87Мб
Algorithms Part II 11.2 Establishing Lower Bounds (916).mp4 16.45Мб
Algorithms Part II 11.3 Classifying Problems (12-45).mp4 18.52Мб
Algorithms Part II 12.0 Brewer-'s Problem (21-15).mp4 29.77Мб
Algorithms Part II 12.1 Simplex Algorithm (11-49).mp4 16.12Мб
Algorithms Part II 12.2 Simplex Implementations (1621).mp4 79.71Мб
Algorithms Part II 12.3 Linear Programming Reductions (11-46).mp4 20.79Мб
Algorithms Part II 13.0 Introduction to Intractability (1700).mp4 34.49Мб
Algorithms Part II 13.1 Search Problems (1056).mp4 21.23Мб
Algorithms Part II 13.2 P vs. NP (1629).mp4 29.95Мб
Algorithms Part II 13.3 Classifying Problems (1343).mp4 21.37Мб
Algorithms Part II 13.4 NP-Completeness (1238).mp4 31.80Мб
Algorithms Part II 13.5 Coping with Intractability (1401).mp4 21.66Мб
Algorithms Part II 2.0 Introduction to Digraphs (830).mp4 13.31Мб
Algorithms Part II 2.1 Digraph API (456).mp4 7.21Мб
Algorithms Part II 2.2 Digraph Search (2056).mp4 27.59Мб
Algorithms Part II 2.3 Topological Sort (1254).mp4 27.38Мб
Algorithms Part II 2.4 Strong Components (2022).mp4 26.06Мб
Algorithms Part II 3.0 Introduction to MSTs (404).mp4 12.43Мб
Algorithms Part II 3.1 Greedy Algorithm (1256).mp4 18.29Мб
Algorithms Part II 3.2 Edge-Weighted Graph API (1115).mp4 15.12Мб
Algorithms Part II 3.3 Kruskal's Algorithm (1228).mp4 16.87Мб
Algorithms Part II 3.4 Prim's Algorithm (3315).mp4 66.78Мб
Algorithms Part II 3.5 MST Context (1034).mp4 16.42Мб
Algorithms Part II 4.0 Shortest Paths APIs (1051).mp4 27.71Мб
Algorithms Part II 4.1 Shortest Path Properties (1446).mp4 33.94Мб
Algorithms Part II 4.2 Dijkstra's Algorithm (1858).mp4 51.40Мб
Algorithms Part II 4.3 Edge-Weighted DAGs (1923).mp4 26.49Мб
Algorithms Part II 4.4 Negative Weights (2101).mp4 27.84Мб
Algorithms Part II 5.0 Introduction to Maxflow (1033).mp4 14.99Мб
Algorithms Part II 5.1 Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm (632).mp4 8.51Мб
Algorithms Part II 5.2 Maxflow-Mincut Theorem (938).mp4 20.43Мб
Algorithms Part II 5.3 Running Time Analysis (8-49).mp4 12.67Мб
Algorithms Part II 5.4 Java Implementation (14-29).mp4 18.85Мб
Algorithms Part II 5.5 Maxflow Applications (22-20).mp4 33.19Мб
Algorithms Part II 6.0 Strings in Java (17-43).mp4 25.38Мб
Algorithms Part II 6.1 Key-Indexed Counting (12-06).mp4 16.76Мб
Algorithms Part II 6.2 LSD Radix Sort (15-00).mp4 20.70Мб
Algorithms Part II 6.3 MSD Radix Sort (13-41).mp4 18.77Мб
Algorithms Part II 6.4 3-way Radix Quicksort (7-22).mp4 11.91Мб
Algorithms Part II 6.5 Suffix Arrays (1925).mp4 55.30Мб
Algorithms Part II 7.0 R-way Tries (3219).mp4 61.75Мб
Algorithms Part II 7.1 Ternary Search Tries (2242).mp4 29.27Мб
Algorithms Part II 7.2 Character-Based Operations (2003).mp4 32.72Мб
Algorithms Part II 8.0 Introduction to Substring Search (642).mp4 9.04Мб
Algorithms Part II 8.1 Brute-Force Substring Search (1011).mp4 14.13Мб
Algorithms Part II 8.2 Knuth-Morris-Pratt (3314).mp4 45.04Мб
Algorithms Part II 8.3 Boyer-Moore (836).mp4 12.01Мб
Algorithms Part II 8.4 Rabin-Karp (1613).mp4 24.58Мб
Algorithms Part II 9.0 Regular Expressions (2003).mp4 30.83Мб
Algorithms Part II 9.1 REs and NFAs (1314).mp4 19.06Мб
Algorithms Part II 9.2 NFA Simulation (1827).mp4 35.25Мб
Algorithms Part II 9.3 NFA Construction (1142).mp4 16.56Мб
Algorithms Part II 9.4 Regular Expression Applications (2009).mp4 66.30Мб
baseball.html 13.83Кб
baseball.png 48.33Кб
boggle.html 15.14Кб
boggle-gui.png 59.14Кб
burrows.html 22.07Кб
dates.png 10.39Кб
dual-gradient.png 81.47Кб
hints.txt 334б
hints.txt 310б
hints.txt 427б
hints.txt 439б
hints.txt 495б
hints.txt 505б
HJoceanSmall.png 156.52Кб
HJoceanSmallEnergy.png 91.57Кб
HJoceanSmallShrunk.png 173.81Кб
HJoceanSmallVerticalSeam.png 92.12Кб
horizontal-seam.png 158.18Кб
pines.png 9.03Кб
pins.png 8.66Кб
pint.png 9.71Кб
Qu.png 3.92Кб
questions.txt 753б
questions.txt 898б
questions.txt 990б
questions.txt 803б
questions.txt 926б
questions.txt 1.25Кб
README.txt 139б
README.txt 547б
Robert Sedgewick_ Kevin Daniel Wayne-Algorithms-Addison-Wesley (2011).pdf 11.01Мб
seamCarving.html 13.60Кб
sid.png 8.78Кб
tepee.png 9.17Кб
vertical-seam.png 164.26Кб
wordnet.html 14.84Кб
wordnet-fig1.png 41.27Кб
wordnet-sap.png 9.95Кб
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