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Название The Ultimate React Course 2023 React, Redux & More
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1. Course Roadmap and Projects.mp4 44.83Мб
1. Introduction to Part 1.mp4 18.22Мб
1. Introduction to Part 2.mp4 26.38Мб
1. Introduction to Part 3.mp4 24.80Мб
1. Introduction to Part 4.mp4 29.40Мб
1. Section Overview.mp4 5.10Мб
1. Section Overview.mp4 7.92Мб
1. Section Overview.mp4 5.98Мб
1. Section Overview.mp4 5.92Мб
1. Section Overview.mp4 5.44Мб
1. Section Overview.mp4 4.29Мб
1. Section Overview.mp4 5.75Мб
1. Section Overview.mp4 13.75Мб
1. Section Overview.mp4 5.63Мб
1. Section Overview.mp4 5.56Мб
1. Section Overview.mp4 5.74Мб
1. Section Overview.mp4 5.29Мб
1. Section Overview.mp4 8.65Мб
1. Section Overview.mp4 7.61Мб
1. Section Overview.mp4 6.26Мб
1. Section Overview.mp4 4.78Мб
1. Section Overview.mp4 6.45Мб
1. Section Overview.mp4 4.93Мб
1. Section Overview.mp4 3.89Мб
1. Section Overview.mp4 5.42Мб
1. Section Overview.mp4 4.91Мб
1. Section Overview.mp4 5.75Мб
1. Section Overview.mp4 6.18Мб
1. Section Overview.mp4 7.62Мб
1. Section Overview.mp4 7.93Мб
1. Section Overview.srt 748б
1. Section Overview.srt 993б
1. Section Overview.srt 945б
1. Section Overview.srt 1.14Кб
1. Section Overview.srt 1.03Кб
1. Section Overview.srt 965б
1. Section Overview.srt 1.00Кб
1. Section Overview.srt 1.90Кб
1. Section Overview.srt 953б
1. Section Overview.srt 950б
1. Section Overview.srt 1.33Кб
1. Section Overview.srt 1.09Кб
1. Where to Go from Here.mp4 73.91Мб
10. Building the Sidebar and Main Navigation.mp4 118.63Мб
10. Confirming Cabin Deletions.mp4 87.15Мб
10. Fetching Orders.mp4 109.61Мб
10. Finishing the City View.mp4 187.15Мб
10. Handling New Answers.mp4 137.69Мб
10. Handling New Answers.srt 20.59Кб
10. Lifecycle Methods.mp4 117.36Мб
10. Lifecycle Methods.srt 19.02Кб
10. Nested Routes and Index Route.mp4 117.75Мб
10. Optimizing Context Re-Renders.mp4 135.68Мб
10. Passing Elements as Props (Alternative to children).mp4 33.32Мб
10. Passing Elements as Props (Alternative to children).srt 5.82Кб
10. Prefetching With React Query.mp4 68.61Мб
10. Refs to Persist Data Between Renders.mp4 98.72Мб
10. Refs to Persist Data Between Renders.srt 12.54Кб
10. Sorting Items.mp4 85.28Мб
10. Sorting Items.srt 13.55Кб
10. Styling Buttons Element States and Transitions.mp4 109.23Мб
10. Styling React Applications.mp4 133.26Мб
10. Styling React Applications.srt 15.58Кб
10. Synchronizing Queries With Movie Data.mp4 126.66Мб
10. Synchronizing Queries With Movie Data.srt 18.28Кб
10. The Array filter Method.mp4 76.46Мб
10. The Array filter Method.srt 10.95Кб
10. The Key Prop.mp4 39.01Мб
10. The Key Prop.srt 9.06Кб
10. The Legacy Way of Connecting Components to Redux.mp4 38.25Мб
10. Updating State Based on Current State.mp4 30.47Мб
10. Updating State Based on Current State.srt 6.79Кб
10. Uploading Images to Supabase.mp4 136.92Мб
10. Using the Cart for New Orders.mp4 167.99Мб
11. Back to The WorldWise App.mp4 131.64Мб
11. Building a Reusable Star Rating Component.mp4 74.03Мб
11. Building a Reusable Star Rating Component.srt 13.63Кб
11. Building a Reusable Table.mp4 129.96Мб
11. Building the Single Booking Page.mp4 143.77Мб
11. Clearing the List.mp4 47.54Мб
11. Clearing the List.srt 6.19Кб
11. Editing a Cabin.mp4 313.04Мб
11. Implementing the Cities List.mp4 172.50Мб
11. Including a Map With the Leaflet Library.mp4 112.51Мб
11. More Thoughts About State + State Guidelines.mp4 34.14Мб
11. More Thoughts About State + State Guidelines.srt 7.89Кб
11. Moving to the Next Question.mp4 51.14Мб
11. Moving to the Next Question.srt 7.39Кб
11. Passing and Receiving Props.mp4 88.80Мб
11. Passing and Receiving Props.srt 11.12Кб
11. Redux Middleware and Thunks.mp4 26.62Мб
11. Redux Thunks With createAsyncThunk.mp4 160.55Мб
11. Resetting State With the Key Prop.mp4 30.31Мб
11. Resetting State With the Key Prop.srt 4.69Кб
11. Selecting a Movie.mp4 136.54Мб
11. Selecting a Movie.srt 15.76Кб
11. Styling Form Elements.mp4 94.26Мб
11. The Array reduce Method.mp4 57.74Мб
11. The Array reduce Method.srt 8.97Кб
11. What are Custom Hooks When to Create One.mp4 24.28Мб
11. What are Custom Hooks When to Create One.srt 4.80Кб
11. Writing Data With React Router Actions.mp4 175.53Мб
12. Abstracting React Query Into Custom Hooks.mp4 174.32Мб
12. Applying the Render Props Pattern.mp4 44.78Мб
12. A Vanilla JavaScript Implementation.mp4 60.19Мб
12. A Vanilla JavaScript Implementation.srt 8.17Кб
12. Checking In a Booking.mp4 286.11Мб
12. Creating our First Custom Hook useMovies.mp4 120.18Мб
12. Creating our First Custom Hook useMovies.srt 15.93Кб
12. Creating the Stars.mp4 110.88Мб
12. Creating the Stars.srt 15.15Кб
12. Displaying City Markers on Map.mp4 86.89Мб
12. Displaying Progress.mp4 64.64Мб
12. Displaying Progress.srt 11.03Кб
12. Error Handling in Form Actions.mp4 98.29Мб
12. Implementing the Countries List.mp4 107.65Мб
12. Integrating Geolocation.mp4 172.06Мб
12. Loading Movie Details.mp4 179.97Мб
12. Loading Movie Details.srt 21.23Кб
12. Making an API Call With Redux Thunks.mp4 163.38Мб
12. Moving Components Into Separate Files.mp4 79.62Мб
12. Moving Components Into Separate Files.srt 11.23Кб
12. Optimizing Bundle Size With Code Splitting.mp4 164.89Мб
12. Props, Immutability, and One-Way Data Flow.mp4 34.68Мб
12. Props, Immutability, and One-Way Data Flow.srt 8.26Кб
12. Reusing Styles With @apply.mp4 41.34Мб
12. The Array sort Method.mp4 56.54Мб
12. The Array sort Method.srt 7.72Кб
12. Using the Key Prop to Fix Our Eat-'N-Split App.mp4 35.55Мб
12. Using the Key Prop to Fix Our Eat-'N-Split App.srt 5.07Кб
13.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL v1.html 129б
13.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL v1.html 130б
13.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL v1.html 126б
13.2 CodeSandbox link STARTER.html 128б
13.2 CodeSandbox link STARTER.html 125б
13. Adding a Watched Movie.mp4 277.69Мб
13. Adding a Watched Movie.srt 30.75Кб
13. Adding Optional Breakfast.mp4 141.61Мб
13. Building a Reusable Context Menu.mp4 322.93Мб
13. CHALLENGE #1 Date Counter (v1).mp4 71.25Мб
13. CHALLENGE #1 Date Counter (v1).srt 16.74Кб
13. CHALLENGE #1 Profile Card (v1).mp4 139.84Мб
13. CHALLENGE #1 Profile Card (v1).srt 20.80Кб
13. Creating useLocalStorageState.mp4 78.11Мб
13. Creating useLocalStorageState.srt 10.57Кб
13. Don't Optimize Prematurely!.mp4 15.87Мб
13. Duplicating Cabins.mp4 70.60Мб
13. EXERCISE #1 Accordion Component (v1).mp4 87.29Мб
13. EXERCISE #1 Accordion Component (v1).srt 17.27Кб
13. Fetching Data Without Navigation useFetcher.mp4 124.75Мб
13. Finishing a Quiz.mp4 120.03Мб
13. Finishing a Quiz.srt 17.20Кб
13. Handling Hover Events.mp4 65.28Мб
13. Handling Hover Events.srt 9.03Кб
13. Interacting With the Map.mp4 164.49Мб
13. Reusing Styles With React Components.mp4 109.14Мб
13. Rules for Render Logic Pure Components.mp4 55.53Мб
13. Rules for Render Logic Pure Components.srt 11.00Кб
13. Storing State in the URL.mp4 30.69Мб
13. The Redux DevTools.mp4 61.79Мб
13. Working With Immutable Arrays.mp4 85.05Мб
13. Working With Immutable Arrays.srt 14.09Кб
14.1 useGeolocation CodeSandbox link.html 129б
14. Absolute Positioning, z-index, and More.mp4 62.45Мб
14. Adding a New Effect Changing Page Title.mp4 77.74Мб
14. Adding a New Effect Changing Page Title.srt 10.44Кб
14. Asynchronous JavaScript Promises.mp4 40.32Мб
14. Asynchronous JavaScript Promises.srt 10.30Кб
14. Checking Out a Booking (+ Fixing a Small Bug).mp4 108.53Мб
14. Creating useKey.mp4 68.59Мб
14. Creating useKey.srt 9.64Кб
14. Dynamic Routes With URL Parameters.mp4 109.24Мб
14. Fetching Applications Settings.mp4 76.72Мб
14. Props as a Component API.mp4 23.78Мб
14. Props as a Component API.srt 5.19Кб
14. Restarting a Quiz.mp4 66.01Мб
14. Restarting a Quiz.srt 8.54Кб
14. Setting Map Position With Geolocation.mp4 133.28Мб
14. Starting a New Project The Far Away Travel List.mp4 17.94Мб
14. Starting a New Project The Far Away Travel List.srt 5.49Кб
14. State Update Batching.mp4 49.08Мб
14. State Update Batching.srt 10.69Кб
14. The children Prop Making a Reusable Button.mp4 101.66Мб
14. The children Prop Making a Reusable Button.srt 19.57Кб
14. The Rules of JSX.mp4 20.34Мб
14. The Rules of JSX.srt 4.12Кб
14. Updating Data Without Navigation.mp4 135.75Мб
14. useEffect Rules and Best Practices.mp4 56.39Мб
14. What is Redux Toolkit (RTK).mp4 17.46Мб
15.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL.html 129б
15.2 CodeSandbox link STARTER.html 131б
15. Asynchronous JavaScript AsyncAwait.mp4 42.00Мб
15. Asynchronous JavaScript AsyncAwait.srt 9.19Кб
15. Building the Layout.mp4 45.46Мб
15. Building the Layout.srt 10.75Кб
15. CHALLENGE #1 Fix Performance Issues in Workout Timer.mp4 105.29Мб
15. CHALLENGE #1 useGeolocate.mp4 62.25Мб
15. CHALLENGE #1 useGeolocate.srt 8.88Кб
15. Configuring Tailwind Custom Font Family.mp4 111.49Мб
15. Creating the Store With RTK.mp4 40.67Мб
15. Deleting a Booking.mp4 146.78Мб
15. Fetching City Data in the Form.mp4 217.86Мб
15. Improving Reusability With Props.mp4 130.69Мб
15. Improving Reusability With Props.srt 22.82Кб
15. More Reusability With the children Prop.mp4 65.86Мб
15. More Reusability With the children Prop.srt 10.21Кб
15. Reading and Setting a Query String.mp4 88.64Мб
15. Rendering Lists.mp4 101.85Мб
15. Rendering Lists.srt 14.70Кб
15. Setting Up a Timer With useEffect.mp4 177.52Мб
15. State Update Batching in Practice.mp4 122.87Мб
15. State Update Batching in Practice.srt 19.36Кб
15. The useEffect Cleanup Function.mp4 26.25Мб
15. The useEffect Cleanup Function.srt 5.15Кб
15. Updating Application Settings.mp4 105.93Мб
16.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL v2.html 126б
16. Authentication User Login With Supabase.mp4 192.31Мб
16. Cleaning Up the Title.mp4 39.53Мб
16. Cleaning Up the Title.srt 6.67Кб
16. Conditional Rendering With &&.mp4 81.52Мб
16. Conditional Rendering With &&.srt 11.83Кб
16. Creating a New City.mp4 295.34Мб
16. Creating the Account Slice.mp4 211.70Мб
16. EXERCISE #2 Accordion Component (v2).mp4 70.87Мб
16. EXERCISE #2 Accordion Component (v2).srt 12.10Кб
16. How Events Work in React.mp4 83.36Мб
16. How Events Work in React.srt 16.18Кб
16. Programmatic Navigation with useNavigate.mp4 100.00Мб
16. PropTypes.mp4 52.54Мб
16. PropTypes.srt 8.82Кб
16. Rendering the Items List.mp4 58.12Мб
16. Rendering the Items List.srt 10.59Кб
16. Section Summary useState vs. useReducer.mp4 29.43Мб
16. Setting State Based on Other State Updates.mp4 114.10Мб
16. Styling the Menu.mp4 196.81Мб
17.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL.html 132б
17.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL.html 128б
17.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL.html 130б
17.2 CodeSandbox link STARTER.html 130б
17.2 CodeSandbox link STARTER.html 132б
17. Authorization Protecting Routes.mp4 213.47Мб
17. Back to Thunks.mp4 51.33Мб
17. Building a Form and Handling Submissions.mp4 95.39Мб
17. Building a Form and Handling Submissions.srt 15.77Кб
17. CHALLENGE #1 Creating a Bank Account With useReducer.mp4 145.85Мб
17. CHALLENGE #1 Text Expander Component.mp4 138.03Мб
17. CHALLENGE #1 Text Expander Component.srt 22.24Кб
17. CHALLENGE #1 Tip Calculator.mp4 144.40Мб
17. CHALLENGE #1 Tip Calculator.srt 24.45Кб
17. Cleaning Up Data Fetching.mp4 85.51Мб
17. Cleaning Up Data Fetching.srt 12.54Кб
17. Conditional Rendering With Ternaries.mp4 44.31Мб
17. Conditional Rendering With Ternaries.srt 5.76Кб
17. Deleting a City.mp4 68.64Мб
17. Libraries vs. Frameworks & The React Ecosystem.mp4 64.33Мб
17. Libraries vs. Frameworks & The React Ecosystem.srt 11.63Кб
17. Programmatic Navigation with Navigate .mp4 39.59Мб
17. Styling the Cart.mp4 115.46Мб
17. Using Helper Functions In Effects.mp4 139.60Мб
18. Advanced State Management System Context + useReducer.mp4 305.71Мб
18. Closures in Effects.mp4 80.11Мб
18. Conditional Rendering With Multiple Returns.mp4 55.07Мб
18. Conditional Rendering With Multiple Returns.srt 6.38Кб
18. Controlled Elements.mp4 144.12Мб
18. Controlled Elements.srt 24.25Кб
18. Creating the Customer Slice.mp4 102.26Мб
18. One More Effect Listening to a Keypress.mp4 124.47Мб
18. One More Effect Listening to a Keypress.srt 17.12Кб
18. Section Summary Practical Takeaways.mp4 67.99Мб
18. Section Summary Practical Takeaways.srt 11.78Кб
18. Styling the Order Form.mp4 141.18Мб
18. User Logout.mp4 74.99Мб
19.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL.html 133б
19.2 CodeSandbox link STARTER.html 135б
19. Adding Fake Authentication Setting Up Context.mp4 101.33Мб
19. CHALLENGE #1 Currency Converter.mp4 124.97Мб
19. CHALLENGE #1 Currency Converter.srt 19.29Кб
19. Extracting JSX Into a New Component.mp4 44.49Мб
19. Extracting JSX Into a New Component.srt 5.33Кб
19. Fixing an Important Bug.mp4 47.18Мб
19. Redux vs. Context API.mp4 40.91Мб
19. State vs. Props.mp4 24.18Мб
19. State vs. Props.srt 4.25Кб
19. Styling the Order Overview.mp4 134.20Мб
2.1 CodeSandbox link.html 115б
2. An Overview of Reusability in React.mp4 31.15Мб
2. Application Planning.mp4 112.14Мб
2. Building Our First React App!.mp4 115.79Мб
2. Building Our First React App!.srt 24.62Кб
2. CHALLENGE #1 Understand The Atomic Blog App.mp4 28.61Мб
2. Client-Side Filtering Filtering Cabins.mp4 179.62Мб
2. Creating Our First App With Vite WorldWise.mp4 99.84Мб
2. Deploying to Netlify.mp4 89.24Мб
2. Destructuring Objects and Arrays.mp4 65.85Мб
2. Destructuring Objects and Arrays.srt 13.82Кб
2. Introduction to Redux.mp4 62.15Мб
2. Let's Build a Steps Component.mp4 73.34Мб
2. Let's Build a Steps Component.srt 18.08Кб
2. Modeling the User State With Redux Toolkit.mp4 108.85Мб
2. Our First Class Component.mp4 45.17Мб
2. Our First Class Component.srt 11.29Кб
2. Performance Optimization and Wasted Renders.mp4 28.72Мб
2. Project Setup.mp4 14.38Мб
2. Project Setup.srt 4.84Кб
2. Project Setup and Walkthrough.mp4 100.31Мб
2. Project Setup and Walkthrough.srt 13.93Кб
2. React Hooks and Their Rules.mp4 54.53Мб
2. React Hooks and Their Rules.srt 12.53Кб
2. Rendering the Root Component and Strict Mode.mp4 45.18Мб
2. Rendering the Root Component and Strict Mode.srt 9.22Кб
2. Setting Up a New Project Fast React Pizza Co..mp4 38.21Мб
2. Setting Up the usePopcorn Project.mp4 16.86Мб
2. Setting Up the usePopcorn Project.srt 5.52Кб
2. The Component Lifecycle.mp4 18.99Мб
2. The Component Lifecycle.srt 5.11Кб
2. Useful Resources for Part 1.html 1.03Кб
2. Useful Resources for Part 2.html 3.56Кб
2. Useful Resources for Part 3.html 3.40Кб
2. Useful Resources for Part 4.html 2.92Кб
2. What is React Query.mp4 33.80Мб
2. What is Supabase.mp4 14.44Мб
2. What is Tailwind CSS.mp4 43.22Мб
2. What is Thinking in React.mp4 27.73Мб
2. What is Thinking in React.srt 5.79Кб
2. Why Do Front-End Frameworks Exist.mp4 68.35Мб
2. Why Do Front-End Frameworks Exist.srt 12.67Кб
2. Yet Another Hook useReducer.mp4 130.39Мб
2. Yet Another Hook useReducer.srt 20.59Кб
20.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL.html 124б
20.2 CodeSandbox link STARTER.html 126б
20. Adding Fake Authentication Implementing Login.mp4 184.83Мб
20. Building the Sign Up Form.mp4 102.62Мб
20. Destructuring Props.mp4 47.45Мб
20. Destructuring Props.srt 6.05Кб
20. EXERCISE #1 Flashcards.mp4 94.26Мб
20. EXERCISE #1 Flashcards.srt 16.97Кб
21.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL v2.html 130б
21. Adding Fake Authentication Protecting a Route.mp4 123.47Мб
21. CHALLENGE #2 Date Counter (v2).mp4 64.11Мб
21. CHALLENGE #2 Date Counter (v2).srt 13.12Кб
21. React Fragments.mp4 53.96Мб
21. React Fragments.srt 7.12Кб
21. User Sign Up.mp4 134.89Мб
22. Authorization on Supabase Protecting Database (RLS).mp4 38.73Мб
22. CHALLENGE #2 Refactoring React Quiz to Context API.mp4 76.41Мб
22. Setting Classes and Text Conditionally.mp4 67.13Мб
22. Setting Classes and Text Conditionally.srt 10.13Кб
23. Building The App Header.mp4 90.85Мб
23. Section Summary.mp4 26.47Мб
23. Section Summary.srt 6.66Кб
24.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL v2.html 129б
24. CHALLENGE #2 Profile Card (v2).mp4 73.42Мб
24. CHALLENGE #2 Profile Card (v2).srt 9.67Кб
24. Updating User Data and Password.mp4 273.35Мб
25. Implementing Dark Mode With CSS Variables.mp4 208.04Мб
26. Building the Dashboard Layout.mp4 38.62Мб
27. Computing Recent Bookings and Stays.mp4 138.80Мб
28. Displaying Statistics.mp4 113.10Мб
29. Displaying a Line Chart With the Recharts Library.mp4 246.03Мб
3.1 CodeSandbox link.html 115б
3.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL.html 117б
3.2 CodeSandbox link STARTER.html 119б
3. Application Planning.mp4 105.74Мб
3. Before We Start Coding Debugging.mp4 69.11Мб
3. Before We Start Coding Debugging.srt 13.07Кб
3. Building the Static App List of Friends.mp4 71.23Мб
3. Building the Static App List of Friends.srt 13.84Кб
3. Client-Side Sorting Sorting Cabins.mp4 182.38Мб
3. Components, Instances, and Elements.mp4 26.33Мб
3. Components, Instances, and Elements.srt 5.83Кб
3. Creating a New Database.mp4 27.57Мб
3. Creating a Reducer Bank Account.mp4 57.67Мб
3. Fundamentals of State Management.mp4 51.49Мб
3. Fundamentals of State Management.srt 11.51Кб
3. Handling Events the React Way.mp4 47.47Мб
3. Handling Events the React Way.srt 9.63Кб
3. How NOT to Fetch Data in React.mp4 78.59Мб
3. How NOT to Fetch Data in React.srt 12.49Кб
3. How to Split a UI Into Components.mp4 73.03Мб
3. How to Split a UI Into Components.srt 14.80Кб
3. Managing Related Pieces of State.mp4 101.10Мб
3. Managing Related Pieces of State.srt 14.49Кб
3. React vs. Vanilla JavaScript.mp4 63.82Мб
3. React vs. Vanilla JavaScript.srt 8.95Кб
3. Reading and Updating the User State.mp4 98.28Мб
3. RestSpread Operator.mp4 64.16Мб
3. RestSpread Operator.srt 12.26Кб
3. Routing and Single-Page Applications (SPAs).mp4 40.61Мб
3. Setting Up a Git and GitHub Repository.mp4 108.82Мб
3. Setting Up an Example.mp4 62.73Мб
3. Setting Up React Query.mp4 78.45Мб
3. Setting Up Tailwind CSS.mp4 105.08Мб
3. Setting Up the Project The Wild Oasis.mp4 38.63Мб
3. The Profiler Developer Tool.mp4 65.62Мб
3. The Rules of Hooks in Practice.mp4 82.44Мб
3. The Rules of Hooks in Practice.srt 9.97Кб
3. Watch Before You Start!.mp4 42.06Мб
3. What is the Context API.mp4 27.68Мб
3. Working With Event Handlers.mp4 65.50Мб
3. Working With Event Handlers.srt 12.46Кб
30. Displaying a Pie Chart.mp4 170.33Мб
31. Displaying Stays for Current Day.mp4 211.60Мб
32. Error Boundaries.mp4 88.99Мб
33. Final Touches + Fixing Bugs.mp4 125.42Мб
4.1 GitHub repository.html 118б
4.2 theory-slides.pdf 48.41Мб
4. A Surprising Optimization Trick With children.mp4 101.49Мб
4. Building the Bookings Table.mp4 163.97Мб
4. Building the Static App Forms.mp4 67.96Мб
4. Building the Static App Forms.srt 10.84Кб
4. Class Components vs. Function Components.mp4 31.62Мб
4. Class Components vs. Function Components.srt 6.39Кб
4. Components as Building Blocks.mp4 28.04Мб
4. Components as Building Blocks.srt 5.37Кб
4. Creating and Providing a Context.mp4 95.48Мб
4. Creating a Redux Store.mp4 69.38Мб
4. Deploying to Vercel.mp4 31.92Мб
4. Fetching Cabin Data.mp4 196.50Мб
4. Implementing Main Pages and Routes.mp4 78.76Мб
4. Instances and Elements in Practice.mp4 66.74Мб
4. Instances and Elements in Practice.srt 9.11Кб
4. Introduction to Styled Components.mp4 93.84Мб
4. Managing State With useReducer.mp4 77.65Мб
4. Managing State With useReducer.srt 16.69Кб
4. Modeling Application State.mp4 25.27Мб
4. Modeling the Cart State.mp4 123.78Мб
4. More Details of useState.mp4 105.74Мб
4. More Details of useState.srt 14.29Кб
4. Read Before You Start!.html 1.37Кб
4. Setting Up a Professional File Structure.mp4 49.51Мб
4. Splitting Components in Practice.mp4 215.58Мб
4. Splitting Components in Practice.srt 30.28Кб
4. Template Literals.mp4 32.74Мб
4. Template Literals.srt 6.16Кб
4. The Render Props Pattern.mp4 69.98Мб
4. Thinking About State and Lifting State Up.mp4 119.21Мб
4. Thinking About State and Lifting State Up.srt 18.91Кб
4. useEffect to the Rescue.mp4 35.47Мб
4. useEffect to the Rescue.srt 5.58Кб
4. What is React.mp4 51.90Мб
4. What is React.srt 11.02Кб
4. What is State in React.mp4 31.33Мб
4. What is State in React.srt 7.31Кб
4. Working With Color.mp4 86.01Мб
5.1 GitHub repository.html 118б
5. Adding Menu Items to the Cart.mp4 78.44Мб
5. A First Look at Effects.mp4 39.67Мб
5. A First Look at Effects.srt 7.31Кб
5. A Look at Higher-Order Components (HOC).mp4 74.18Мб
5. A New Way Of Implementing Routes.mp4 72.89Мб
5. Component Categories.mp4 14.02Мб
5. Component Categories.srt 3.06Кб
5. Consuming the Context.mp4 106.37Мб
5. Creating And Reusing a Component.mp4 82.57Мб
5. Creating And Reusing a Component.srt 12.08Кб
5. Creating a State Variable With useState.mp4 61.75Мб
5. Creating a State Variable With useState.srt 11.44Кб
5. Creating Tables.mp4 48.06Мб
5. Displaying the New Friend Form.mp4 50.95Мб
5. Displaying the New Friend Form.srt 7.93Кб
5. Downloading Course Material.mp4 25.06Мб
5. Global Styles With Styled Components.mp4 146.97Мб
5. How Rendering Works Overview.mp4 34.39Мб
5. How Rendering Works Overview.srt 7.96Кб
5. Initializing State With a Callback (Lazy Initial State).mp4 106.47Мб
5. Initializing State With a Callback (Lazy Initial State).srt 16.50Кб
5. Linking Between Routes With Link and NavLink .mp4 67.40Мб
5. Mutations Deleting a Cabin.mp4 154.60Мб
5. Reviewing Lifting Up State.mp4 38.05Мб
5. Reviewing Lifting Up State.srt 7.56Кб
5. Setting Up Our Development Environment.mp4 59.49Мб
5. Setting Up Our Development Environment.srt 11.32Кб
5. Starting the Classy Weather App.mp4 48.48Мб
5. Starting the Classy Weather App.srt 8.88Кб
5. Styling Text.mp4 80.90Мб
5. Ternaries Instead of ifelse Statements.mp4 50.84Мб
5. Ternaries Instead of ifelse Statements.srt 7.26Кб
5. The React Quiz App.mp4 52.33Мб
5. The React Quiz App.srt 9.68Кб
5. Understanding memo.mp4 29.53Мб
5. Uploading Sample Data.mp4 68.95Мб
5. Working With Action Creators.mp4 53.75Мб
6.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL.html 124б
6.1 Get React URL from here.html 194б
6.2 CodeSandbox link STARTER.html 126б
6. Adding a New Friend.mp4 150.69Мб
6. Adding a New Friend.srt 23.87Кб
6. Adding More State Customer.mp4 105.61Мб
6. Advanced Pattern A Custom Provider and Hook.mp4 151.20Мб
6. API-Side Filtering Filtering Bookings.mp4 170.55Мб
6. Arrow Functions.mp4 43.84Мб
6. Arrow Functions.srt 6.51Кб
6. Building the App Layout.mp4 78.48Мб
6. Building the Cart Overview With Redux Selectors.mp4 92.09Мб
6. Deleting an Item More Child-to-Parent Communication!.mp4 69.77Мб
6. Deleting an Item More Child-to-Parent Communication!.srt 10.08Кб
6. Displaying Toasts (Notifications).mp4 77.39Мб
6. Don't Set State Manually!.mp4 35.92Мб
6. Don't Set State Manually!.srt 6.57Кб
6. Fetching Weather Data.mp4 98.34Мб
6. Fetching Weather Data.srt 11.76Кб
6. How Rendering Works The Render Phase.mp4 99.36Мб
6. How Rendering Works The Render Phase.srt 21.20Кб
6. Loading Questions from a Fake API.mp4 143.61Мб
6. Loading Questions from a Fake API.srt 21.81Кб
6. memo in Practice.mp4 133.56Мб
6. Prop Drilling.mp4 69.50Мб
6. Prop Drilling.srt 9.23Кб
6. Pure React.mp4 76.99Мб
6. Pure React.srt 18.87Кб
6. Relationships Between Tables.mp4 44.32Мб
6. Styled Component Props and the css Function.mp4 95.75Мб
6. Styling Options For React Applications.mp4 28.60Мб
6. The Box Model Spacing, Borders, and Display.mp4 103.74Мб
6. The Compound Component Pattern.mp4 114.44Мб
6. useState Summary.mp4 17.53Мб
6. useState Summary.srt 3.59Кб
6. Using an async Function.mp4 44.71Мб
6. Using an async Function.srt 6.55Кб
6. What is JSX.mp4 36.73Мб
6. What is JSX.srt 7.21Кб
7. Adding a Loading State.mp4 32.50Мб
7. Adding a Loading State.srt 4.52Кб
7. Adding Security Policies (RLS).mp4 43.42Мб
7. API-Side Sorting Sorting Bookings.mp4 72.74Мб
7. A Quick Look at React's Official Documentation.mp4 25.88Мб
7. Building a Modal Window Using a React Portal.mp4 170.72Мб
7. Building More Reusable Styled Components.mp4 110.94Мб
7. Building the Cart Page.mp4 74.69Мб
7. Component Composition.mp4 27.60Мб
7. Component Composition.srt 5.54Кб
7. Creating More Components.mp4 76.72Мб
7. Creating More Components.srt 9.57Кб
7. Displaying the Weather.mp4 113.49Мб
7. Displaying the Weather.srt 16.87Кб
7. Fetching Data With React Router Loaders Pizza Menu.mp4 108.43Мб
7. Handling Loading, Error, and Ready Status.mp4 75.83Мб
7. Handling Loading, Error, and Ready Status.srt 10.94Кб
7. How NOT to Select DOM Elements in React.mp4 25.94Мб
7. How NOT to Select DOM Elements in React.srt 4.11Кб
7. How Rendering Works The Commit Phase.mp4 62.82Мб
7. How Rendering Works The Commit Phase.srt 13.54Кб
7. Introducing Another Library React Hook Form.mp4 113.13Мб
7. Professional Redux File Structure State Slices.mp4 106.77Мб
7. Responsive Design.mp4 94.40Мб
7. Selecting a Friend.mp4 127.34Мб
7. Selecting a Friend.srt 18.65Кб
7. Short-Circuiting And Logical Operators &&, , .mp4 88.75Мб
7. Short-Circuiting And Logical Operators &&, , .srt 12.75Кб
7. The Mechanics of State.mp4 28.34Мб
7. The Mechanics of State.srt 5.77Кб
7. Thinking In React Advanced State Management.mp4 54.83Мб
7. Understanding useMemo and useCallback.mp4 36.49Мб
7. Updating an Item Complex Immutable Data Operation.mp4 64.11Мб
7. Updating an Item Complex Immutable Data Operation.srt 9.49Кб
7. Using CSS Modules.mp4 114.75Мб
8. Adding Another Piece of State.mp4 72.93Мб
8. Adding Another Piece of State.srt 11.41Кб
8. Back to React! Connecting our Redux App With React.mp4 37.30Мб
8. Back to WorldWise Creating a CitiesContext.mp4 91.90Мб
8. Building a Reusable Pagination Component.mp4 157.43Мб
8. Building the Pages.mp4 165.99Мб
8. Connecting Supabase With Our React App.mp4 63.41Мб
8. Converting the Modal to a Compound Component.mp4 202.78Мб
8. Creating a New Cabin.mp4 117.80Мб
8. Creating Controlled Elements.mp4 82.71Мб
8. Creating Controlled Elements.srt 12.04Кб
8. Deleting Cart Items.mp4 154.23Мб
8. Derived State.mp4 20.09Мб
8. Derived State.srt 3.61Кб
8. Displaying a Loading Indicator.mp4 59.19Мб
8. Fixing Prop Drilling With Composition (And Building a Layout).mp4 65.98Мб
8. Fixing Prop Drilling With Composition (And Building a Layout).srt 11.14Кб
8. Handling Errors.mp4 113.29Мб
8. Handling Errors.srt 15.52Кб
8. How Diffing Works.mp4 34.06Мб
8. How Diffing Works.srt 6.84Кб
8. Introducing Another Hook useRef.mp4 27.87Мб
8. Introducing Another Hook useRef.srt 6.29Кб
8. JavaScript Logic in Components.mp4 41.72Мб
8. JavaScript Logic in Components.srt 5.33Кб
8. Optional Chaining.mp4 54.43Мб
8. Optional Chaining.srt 8.34Кб
8. Removing Boilerplate Code With Class Fields.mp4 35.98Мб
8. Removing Boilerplate Code With Class Fields.srt 4.87Кб
8. Setting Up a New React Project The Options.mp4 45.76Мб
8. Setting Up a New React Project The Options.srt 8.10Кб
8. Setting Up Pages and Routes.mp4 60.26Мб
8. Starting a New Quiz.mp4 40.36Мб
8. Starting a New Quiz.srt 5.95Кб
8. useMemo in Practice.mp4 76.02Мб
8. Using Flexbox.mp4 55.19Мб
9. API-Side Pagination Paginating Bookings.mp4 109.21Мб
9. Building the App Layout.mp4 71.76Мб
9. Building the App Layout.mp4 118.94Мб
9. Calculating Statistics as Derived State.mp4 92.17Мб
9. Calculating Statistics as Derived State.srt 13.29Кб
9. Child to Parent Communication.mp4 48.31Мб
9. Child to Parent Communication.srt 4.70Кб
9. Consuming the CitiesContext.mp4 41.35Мб
9. Detecting a Click Outside the Modal.mp4 131.80Мб
9. Diffing Rules in Practice.mp4 35.77Мб
9. Diffing Rules in Practice.srt 6.44Кб
9. Dispatching Actions from Our React App.mp4 167.46Мб
9. Displaying Questions.mp4 62.96Мб
9. Displaying Questions.srt 9.27Кб
9. Handling Errors With Error Elements.mp4 56.64Мб
9. Handling Form Errors.mp4 251.68Мб
9. React Developer Tools.mp4 32.37Мб
9. React Developer Tools.srt 8.40Кб
9. Refs to Select DOM Elements.mp4 79.31Мб
9. Refs to Select DOM Elements.srt 12.15Кб
9. Separation of Concerns.mp4 36.18Мб
9. Separation of Concerns.srt 6.92Кб
9. Setting Up a Project With Create-React-App.mp4 64.72Мб
9. Setting Up a Project With Create-React-App.srt 16.24Кб
9. Setting Up Storage Buckets.mp4 40.24Мб
9. Splitting a Bill.mp4 100.35Мб
9. Splitting a Bill.srt 15.81Кб
9. The Array map Method.mp4 59.33Мб
9. The Array map Method.srt 11.01Кб
9. The useEffect Dependency Array.mp4 64.89Мб
9. The useEffect Dependency Array.srt 14.10Кб
9. Updating Cart Quantities.mp4 130.60Мб
9. useCallback in Practice.mp4 96.97Мб
9. Using Composition to Make a Reusable Box.mp4 56.70Мб
9. Using Composition to Make a Reusable Box.srt 7.87Кб
9. Using CSS Grid.mp4 103.83Мб
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