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1.1 Link to Seaborn Documentation (updated).html 87б
1.1 Py-DS-ML-Bootcamp-master.zip.zip 52.49Мб
1.1 TensorFlow_FILES.zip.zip 33.05Мб
1. Bias Variance Trade-Off.mp4 18.93Мб
1. Bias Variance Trade-Off.srt 9.71Кб
1. Bonus Lecture.html 532б
1. Download TensorFlow Notebooks Here.html 315б
1. Introduction to Geographical Plotting.mp4 1.94Мб
1. Introduction to Geographical Plotting.srt 1.36Кб
1. Introduction to Plotly and Cufflinks.mp4 12.52Мб
1. Introduction to Plotly and Cufflinks.srt 5.47Кб
1. Introduction to Seaborn.mp4 9.03Мб
1. Introduction to Seaborn.srt 4.46Кб
1. Introduction to the Course.mp4 29.04Мб
1. Introduction to the Course.srt 5.90Кб
1. Introduction to Tree Methods.mp4 12.06Мб
1. Introduction to Tree Methods.srt 9.92Кб
1. K Means Algorithm Theory.mp4 9.61Мб
1. K Means Algorithm Theory.srt 7.55Кб
1. KNN Theory.mp4 9.91Мб
1. KNN Theory.srt 8.01Кб
1. Linear Regression Theory.mp4 8.57Мб
1. Linear Regression Theory.srt 6.65Кб
1. Logistic Regression Theory.mp4 21.01Мб
1. Logistic Regression Theory.srt 17.29Кб
1. Natural Language Processing Theory.mp4 8.86Мб
1. Natural Language Processing Theory.srt 6.99Кб
1. Note on SF Salary Exercise.html 559б
1. Pandas Built-in Data Visualization.mp4 31.35Мб
1. Pandas Built-in Data Visualization.srt 20.81Кб
1. Principal Component Analysis.mp4 6.21Мб
1. Principal Component Analysis.srt 4.88Кб
1. Python Environment Setup.mp4 76.35Мб
1. Python Environment Setup.srt 19.99Кб
1. Recommender Systems.mp4 7.87Мб
1. Recommender Systems.srt 6.73Кб
1. SVM Theory.mp4 8.72Мб
1. SVM Theory.srt 6.55Кб
1. Updates to Notebook Zip.html 197б
1. Welcome to the Big Data Section!.mp4 5.23Мб
1. Welcome to the Big Data Section!.srt 740б
1. Welcome to the Data Capstone Projects!.mp4 3.99Мб
1. Welcome to the Data Capstone Projects!.srt 614б
1. Welcome to the Data Visualization Section!.mp4 5.19Мб
1. Welcome to the Data Visualization Section!.srt 748б
1. Welcome to the Machine Learning Section!.mp4 7.21Мб
1. Welcome to the Machine Learning Section!.srt 991б
1. Welcome to the NumPy Section!.mp4 2.47Мб
1. Welcome to the NumPy Section!.srt 348б
1. Welcome to the Pandas Section!.mp4 3.26Мб
1. Welcome to the Pandas Section!.srt 469б
1. Welcome to the Python Crash Course Section!.mp4 3.96Мб
1. Welcome to the Python Crash Course Section!.srt 553б
10. Backpropagation.mp4 57.95Мб
10. Backpropagation.srt 21.45Кб
10. Lambda Expressions Review.mp4 9.33Мб
10. Lambda Expressions Review.srt 7.88Кб
10. Operations.mp4 24.13Мб
10. Operations.srt 17.76Кб
11. Data Input and Output.mp4 36.62Мб
11. Data Input and Output.srt 21.00Кб
11. Introduction to Spark and Python.mp4 15.73Мб
11. Introduction to Spark and Python.srt 12.14Кб
11. TensorFlow vs Keras.mp4 10.45Мб
11. TensorFlow vs Keras.srt 3.27Кб
12. RDD Transformations and Actions.mp4 55.68Мб
12. RDD Transformations and Actions.srt 32.35Кб
12. TF Syntax Basics - Part One - Preparing the Data.mp4 50.34Мб
12. TF Syntax Basics - Part One - Preparing the Data.srt 16.33Кб
13. TF Syntax Basics - Part Two - Creating and Training the Model.mp4 84.32Мб
13. TF Syntax Basics - Part Two - Creating and Training the Model.srt 21.49Кб
14. TF Syntax Basics - Part Three - Model Evaluation.mp4 64.78Мб
14. TF Syntax Basics - Part Three - Model Evaluation.srt 18.50Кб
15. TF Regression Code Along - Exploratory Data Analysis.mp4 136.96Мб
15. TF Regression Code Along - Exploratory Data Analysis.srt 27.22Кб
16. TF Regression Code Along - Exploratory Data Analysis - Continued.mp4 76.20Мб
16. TF Regression Code Along - Exploratory Data Analysis - Continued.srt 19.56Кб
17. TF Regression Code Along - Data Preprocessing and Creating a Model.mp4 46.99Мб
17. TF Regression Code Along - Data Preprocessing and Creating a Model.srt 13.05Кб
18. TF Regression Code Along - Model Evaluation and Predictions.mp4 68.93Мб
18. TF Regression Code Along - Model Evaluation and Predictions.srt 17.28Кб
19. TF Classification Code Along - EDA and Preprocessing.mp4 56.21Мб
19. TF Classification Code Along - EDA and Preprocessing.srt 11.69Кб
2.1 ISLR 6th Edition PDF (Machine Learning Textbook).html 123б
2.1 Py-DS-ML-Bootcamp-master.zip.zip 52.50Мб
2.2 Python DS Presentations.zip.zip 2.79Мб
2. 911 Calls Project Overview.mp4 8.57Мб
2. 911 Calls Project Overview.srt 3.64Кб
2. Big Data Overview.mp4 9.96Мб
2. Big Data Overview.srt 7.77Кб
2. Choropleth Maps - Part 1 - USA.mp4 46.16Мб
2. Choropleth Maps - Part 1 - USA.srt 26.28Кб
2. Course Help and Welcome.mp4 8.26Мб
2. Course Help and Welcome.srt 1.15Кб
2. Decision Trees and Random Forest with Python.mp4 40.10Мб
2. Decision Trees and Random Forest with Python.srt 20.13Кб
2. Distribution Plots.mp4 51.40Мб
2. Distribution Plots.srt 51.43Мб
2. Introduction to Matplotlib.mp4 12.64Мб
2. Introduction to Matplotlib.srt 5.23Кб
2. Introduction to Numpy.mp4 4.16Мб
2. Introduction to Numpy.srt 3.28Кб
2. Introduction to Pandas.mp4 3.19Мб
2. Introduction to Pandas.srt 2.59Кб
2. Introduction to Python Crash Course.mp4 2.66Мб
2. Introduction to Python Crash Course.srt 2.28Кб
2. Jupyter Notebooks.mp4 31.99Мб
2. Jupyter Notebooks.srt 22.74Кб
2. K Means with Python.mp4 29.95Мб
2. K Means with Python.srt 17.37Кб
2. KNN with Python.mp4 45.96Мб
2. KNN with Python.srt 26.68Кб
2. Link for ISLR.html 560б
2. Logistic Regression with Python - Part 1.mp4 41.41Мб
2. Logistic Regression with Python - Part 1.srt 26.22Кб
2. model_selection Updates for SciKit Learn 0.18.html 845б
2. NLP with Python - Part 1.mp4 40.16Мб
2. NLP with Python - Part 1.srt 22.05Кб
2. Pandas Data Visualization Exercise.mp4 5.17Мб
2. Pandas Data Visualization Exercise.srt 2.27Кб
2. PCA with Python.mp4 43.24Мб
2. PCA with Python.srt 23.53Кб
2. Plotly and Cufflinks.mp4 51.15Мб
2. Plotly and Cufflinks.srt 27.72Кб
2. Recommender Systems with Python - Part 1.mp4 35.53Мб
2. Recommender Systems with Python - Part 1.srt 19.44Кб
2. SF Salaries Exercise Overview.mp4 6.79Мб
2. SF Salaries Exercise Overview.srt 3.36Кб
2. Support Vector Machines with Python.mp4 47.45Мб
2. Support Vector Machines with Python.srt 24.79Кб
2. Welcome to the Deep Learning Section!.mp4 4.91Мб
2. Welcome to the Deep Learning Section!.srt 709б
20. TF Classification - Dealing with Overfitting and Evaluation.mp4 111.33Мб
20. TF Classification - Dealing with Overfitting and Evaluation.srt 26.42Кб
21. TensorFlow 2.0 Project Options Overview.mp4 7.86Мб
21. TensorFlow 2.0 Project Options Overview.srt 2.66Кб
22. TensorFlow 2.0 Project Notebook Overview.mp4 80.53Мб
22. TensorFlow 2.0 Project Notebook Overview.srt 13.45Кб
23. Keras Project Solutions - Dealing with Missing Data.mp4 143.62Мб
23. Keras Project Solutions - Dealing with Missing Data.srt 30.18Кб
24. Keras Project Solutions - Dealing with Missing Data - Part Two.mp4 96.81Мб
24. Keras Project Solutions - Dealing with Missing Data - Part Two.srt 21.84Кб
25. Keras Project Solutions - Categorical Data.mp4 85.38Мб
25. Keras Project Solutions - Categorical Data.srt 18.34Кб
26. Keras Project Solutions - Data PreProcessing.mp4 124.95Мб
26. Keras Project Solutions - Data PreProcessing.srt 26.80Кб
27. Keras Project Solutions - Data PreProcessing.mp4 23.98Мб
27. Keras Project Solutions - Data PreProcessing.srt 5.44Кб
28. Keras Project Solutions - Creating and Training a Model.mp4 29.74Мб
28. Keras Project Solutions - Creating and Training a Model.srt 6.42Кб
29. Keras Project Solutions - Model Evaluation.mp4 63.11Мб
29. Keras Project Solutions - Model Evaluation.srt 14.83Кб
3.1 Py_DS_ML_Bootcamp-master.zip.zip 52.50Мб
3.1 Updated Link to Manage Environments with Conda.html 144б
3. 911 Calls Solutions - Part 1.mp4 39.80Мб
3. 911 Calls Solutions - Part 1.srt 20.88Кб
3. Categorical Plots.mp4 38.50Мб
3. Categorical Plots.srt 25.95Кб
3. Choropleth Maps - Part 2 - World.mp4 19.19Мб
3. Choropleth Maps - Part 2 - World.srt 8.88Кб
3. Course FAQs.html 5.34Кб
3. Decision Trees and Random Forest Project Overview.mp4 11.96Мб
3. Decision Trees and Random Forest Project Overview.srt 4.98Кб
3. Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks (ANN).mp4 9.67Мб
3. Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks (ANN).srt 3.48Кб
3. K Means Project Overview.mp4 9.20Мб
3. K Means Project Overview.srt 4.79Кб
3. KNN Project Overview.mp4 4.99Мб
3. KNN Project Overview.srt 2.19Кб
3. Linear Regression with Python - Part 1.mp4 43.32Мб
3. Linear Regression with Python - Part 1.srt 26.06Кб
3. Logistic Regression with Python - Part 2.mp4 34.22Мб
3. Logistic Regression with Python - Part 2.srt 23.79Кб
3. Matplotlib Part 1.mp4 36.17Мб
3. Matplotlib Part 1.srt 25.06Кб
3. NLP with Python - Part 2.mp4 41.92Мб
3. NLP with Python - Part 2.srt 25.26Кб
3. Numpy Arrays.mp4 33.44Мб
3. Numpy Arrays.srt 22.89Мб
3. Optional Virtual Environments.mp4 18.95Мб
3. Optional Virtual Environments.srt 15.39Кб
3. Pandas Data Visualization Exercise- Solutions.mp4 28.60Мб
3. Pandas Data Visualization Exercise- Solutions.srt 13.30Кб
3. Python Crash Course - Part 1.mp4 35.78Мб
3. Python Crash Course - Part 1.srt 27.25Кб
3. Recommender Systems with Python - Part 2.mp4 34.44Мб
3. Recommender Systems with Python - Part 2.srt 17.06Кб
3. Series.mp4 20.31Мб
3. Series.srt 19.33Мб
3. SF Salaries Solutions.mp4 42.69Мб
3. SF Salaries Solutions.srt 20.72Кб
3. Spark Overview.mp4 15.70Мб
3. Spark Overview.srt 13.59Кб
3. Supervised Learning Overview.mp4 40.05Мб
3. Supervised Learning Overview.srt 13.42Кб
3. SVM Project Overview.mp4 8.59Мб
3. SVM Project Overview.srt 3.77Кб
30. Tensorboard.mp4 144.17Мб
30. Tensorboard.srt 30.83Кб
4. 911 Calls Solutions - Part 2.mp4 49.80Мб
4. 911 Calls Solutions - Part 2.srt 37.59Мб
4. Choropleth Exercises.mp4 11.16Мб
4. Choropleth Exercises.srt 5.74Кб
4. DataFrames - Part 1.mp4 39.77Мб
4. DataFrames - Part 1.srt 21.33Кб
4. Decision Trees and Random Forest Solutions Part 1.mp4 30.87Мб
4. Decision Trees and Random Forest Solutions Part 1.srt 17.14Кб
4. Ecommerce Purchases Exercise Overview.mp4 7.40Мб
4. Ecommerce Purchases Exercise Overview.srt 3.82Кб
4. Evaluating Performance - Classification Error Metrics.mp4 82.72Мб
4. Evaluating Performance - Classification Error Metrics.srt 27.05Кб
4. Installing Tensorflow.html 408б
4. K Means Project Solutions.mp4 47.12Мб
4. K Means Project Solutions.srt 22.68Кб
4. KNN Project Solutions.mp4 52.66Мб
4. KNN Project Solutions.srt 19.22Кб
4. Linear Regression with Python - Part 2.mp4 16.06Мб
4. Linear Regression with Python - Part 2.srt 10.08Кб
4. Local Spark Set-Up.html 1.62Кб
4. Logistic Regression with Python - Part 3.mp4 16.95Мб
4. Logistic Regression with Python - Part 3.srt 11.75Кб
4. Matplotlib Part 2.mp4 31.56Мб
4. Matplotlib Part 2.srt 21.51Кб
4. Matrix Plots.mp4 22.37Мб
4. Matrix Plots.srt 14.54Кб
4. NLP with Python - Part 3.mp4 37.66Мб
4. NLP with Python - Part 3.srt 23.92Кб
4. Python Crash Course - Part 2.mp4 28.87Мб
4. Python Crash Course - Part 2.srt 22.52Кб
4. Quick Note on Array Indexing.html 1.03Кб
4. SVM Project Solutions.mp4 28.14Мб
4. SVM Project Solutions.srt 13.21Кб
5.1 Amazon Guide to Creating an AWS Account.html 146б
5.1 Download all_banks pickle file from this link.html 117б
5. AWS Account Set-Up.mp4 10.88Мб
5. AWS Account Set-Up.srt 6.79Кб
5. Bank Data.html 363б
5. Choropleth Exercises - Solutions.mp4 27.64Мб
5. Choropleth Exercises - Solutions.srt 13.89Кб
5. DataFrames - Part 2.mp4 42.02Мб
5. DataFrames - Part 2.srt 24.96Кб
5. Decision Trees and Random Forest Solutions Part 2.mp4 26.56Мб
5. Decision Trees and Random Forest Solutions Part 2.srt 12.14Кб
5. Ecommerce Purchases Exercise Solutions.mp4 43.07Мб
5. Ecommerce Purchases Exercise Solutions.srt 21.34Кб
5. Evaluating Performance - Regression Error Metrics.mp4 23.69Мб
5. Evaluating Performance - Regression Error Metrics.srt 9.17Кб
5. Grids.mp4 19.88Мб
5. Grids.srt 12.73Кб
5. Linear Regression Project Overview.mp4 10.80Мб
5. Linear Regression Project Overview.srt 3.97Кб
5. Logistic Regression Project Overview.mp4 5.31Мб
5. Logistic Regression Project Overview.srt 2.58Кб
5. Matplotlib Part 3.mp4 27.28Мб
5. Matplotlib Part 3.srt 17.69Кб
5. NLP Project Overview.mp4 6.68Мб
5. NLP Project Overview.srt 3.58Кб
5. Numpy Array Indexing.mp4 37.30Мб
5. Numpy Array Indexing.srt 25.08Кб
5. Perceptron Model.mp4 48.00Мб
5. Perceptron Model.srt 15.39Кб
5. Python Crash Course - Part 3.mp4 31.76Мб
5. Python Crash Course - Part 3.srt 23.24Кб
6. DataFrames - Part 3.mp4 20.85Мб
6. DataFrames - Part 3.srt 12.54Кб
6. Finance Data Project Overview.mp4 12.21Мб
6. Finance Data Project Overview.srt 5.41Кб
6. Linear Regression Project Solution.mp4 45.39Мб
6. Linear Regression Project Solution.srt 26.08Кб
6. Logistic Regression Project Solutions.mp4 30.21Мб
6. Logistic Regression Project Solutions.srt 14.72Кб
6. Machine Learning with Python.mp4 16.79Мб
6. Machine Learning with Python.srt 14.15Кб
6. Matplotlib Exercises Overview.mp4 5.85Мб
6. Matplotlib Exercises Overview.srt 2.63Кб
6. Neural Networks.mp4 35.92Мб
6. Neural Networks.srt 11.55Кб
6. NLP Project Solutions.mp4 48.05Мб
6. NLP Project Solutions.srt 26.98Кб
6. Numpy Operations.mp4 25.47Мб
6. Numpy Operations.srt 10.87Кб
6. Python Crash Course - Part 4.mp4 29.26Мб
6. Python Crash Course - Part 4.srt 21.34Кб
6. Quick Note on AWS Security.html 392б
6. Regression Plots.mp4 15.46Мб
6. Regression Plots.srt 10.26Кб
7.1 Amazon Guide to Using PuTTY for Windows SSH.html 122б
7. Activation Functions.mp4 62.58Мб
7. Activation Functions.srt 16.97Кб
7. EC2 Instance Set-Up.mp4 62.98Мб
7. EC2 Instance Set-Up.srt 25.75Кб
7. Finance Project - Solutions Part 1.mp4 47.26Мб
7. Finance Project - Solutions Part 1.srt 24.32Кб
7. Matplotlib Exercises - Solutions.mp4 27.73Мб
7. Matplotlib Exercises - Solutions.srt 12.87Кб
7. Missing Data.mp4 12.14Мб
7. Missing Data.srt 8.67Кб
7. Numpy Exercises Overview.mp4 9.77Мб
7. Numpy Exercises Overview.srt 4.80Кб
7. Python Crash Course Exercises - Overview.mp4 9.38Мб
7. Python Crash Course Exercises - Overview.srt 5.90Кб
7. Style and Color.mp4 19.00Мб
7. Style and Color.srt 12.23Кб
8.1 Amazon Guide to SSH with Mac.html 140б
8. Finance Project - Solutions Part 2.mp4 45.71Мб
8. Finance Project - Solutions Part 2.srt 25.24Кб
8. Groupby.mp4 14.77Мб
8. Groupby.srt 9.98Кб
8. Multi-Class Classification Considerations.mp4 46.06Мб
8. Multi-Class Classification Considerations.srt 17.07Кб
8. Numpy Exercises Solutions.mp4 38.27Мб
8. Numpy Exercises Solutions.srt 23.81Кб
8. Python Crash Course Exercises - Solutions.mp4 27.25Мб
8. Python Crash Course Exercises - Solutions.srt 16.44Кб
8. Seaborn Exercise Overview.mp4 6.63Мб
8. Seaborn Exercise Overview.srt 2.91Кб
8. SSH with Mac or Linux.mp4 9.14Мб
8. SSH with Mac or Linux.srt 7.95Кб
9.1 Step by Step Guide for PySpark Set-up.html 158б
9. Cost Functions and Gradient Descent.mp4 75.99Мб
9. Cost Functions and Gradient Descent.srt 28.50Кб
9. Finance Project - Solutions Part 3.mp4 16.57Мб
9. Finance Project - Solutions Part 3.srt 8.88Кб
9. Merging Joining and Concatenating.mp4 26.16Мб
9. Merging Joining and Concatenating.srt 13.64Кб
9. PySpark Setup.mp4 60.40Мб
9. PySpark Setup.srt 36.41Кб
9. Seaborn Exercise Solutions.mp4 20.04Мб
9. Seaborn Exercise Solutions.srt 10.17Кб
GetFreeCourses.Me.url 116б
GetFreeCourses.Me-Udemy-learn-ethical-hacking-from-scratch.txt 264б
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