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Название [ CourseLala.com ] Udemy - Whole Systems Thinking--Thinking Like A Ceo
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1.1 Introduction.mp3 10.26Мб
1.2 All Orgs.mp3 7.43Мб
1.3 From this Course.mp3 5.09Мб
10 - 7.a-Culture-Assessment-Handout.pdf 130.10Кб
10 - Assessment of Culture.mp4 93.48Мб
11 - 8.a-Example-Key-Results-Matrix.pdf 182.38Кб
11 - 8.b-Example-Internal-Resource-Inventory.pdf 169.85Кб
11 - 8.c-Results-Assessment-Handout.pdf 159.11Кб
11 - Assessment of Results.mp4 74.86Мб
12 - CauseEffect Nature of the Model.mp4 148.36Мб
13 - 3.2.a-Application-Exercise-Summary-of-Your-Assessment.pdf 234.95Кб
13 - Summary Assessment.mp4 32.70Мб
14 - Implications for My Leadership.mp4 133.53Мб
15 - 3.4.a-the-Intitiative-Matrix.pdf 173.70Кб
15 - Managing an Initiative.mp4 43.25Мб
16 - Conclusion and Next Steps.mp4 63.65Мб
1 - Introduction.mp4 88.55Мб
2.1 Intro to Assessment.mp3 12.15Мб
2.2 Environment.mp3 7.32Мб
2.3 Strategy.mp3 9.88Мб
2.4 Core Processes.mp3 10.92Мб
2.5 Structure.mp3 8.09Мб
2.6 Systems.mp3 6.98Мб
2.7 Culture.mp3 8.56Мб
2.8 Results.mp3 7.63Мб
2 - All Organizations are Perfectly Designed to Get the Results They Get.mp4 82.65Мб
3.1 Cause Effect.mp3 14.20Мб
3.2 Summary Assessment.mp3 3.18Мб
3.3 Implications.mp3 11.66Мб
3.4 Managing Initiative.mp3 7.11Мб
3.5 Conclusion.mp3 6.29Мб
3 - Tips to Get the Most from the Program.mp4 52.49Мб
4 - Company-A-Assessment-New.pdf 2.03Мб
4 - Company-B-Assessment-New.pdf 1.94Мб
4 - Introduction to Assessment.mp4 119.34Мб
4 - T-Model-Assessment-Worksheet-for-My-Organization-New-11-28-22.pdf 632.23Кб
5 - 2.a-Environment-Assessement-Handout.pdf 152.28Кб
5 - Assessment of Your External Environment.mp4 81.76Мб
6 - 3.a-Strategy-Assessment-Handout.pdf 158.97Кб
6 - Assessment of Your Strategy.mp4 103.85Мб
7 - 4.b-Core-Process-Assessment-Handout.pdf 189.27Кб
7 - Assessment of Your Core Process.mp4 124.39Мб
8 - 5.a-Structure-Assessment-Handout.pdf 158.71Кб
8 - Assessment of Your Structure.mp4 66.01Мб
9 - 6.a-Systems-Assessment.pdf 157.29Кб
9 - Assessment of Systems.mp4 80.00Мб
Bonus Resources.txt 386б
Get Bonus Downloads Here.url 180б
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