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Название Lynda - Alan Thorn - Unity 3D Level Design
Размер 1.80Гб

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01.Welcome.en.srt 1.83Кб
01.Welcome.mp4 2.74Мб
02.Creating a Unity project.en.srt 6.75Кб
02.Creating a Unity project.mp4 4.61Мб
03.Importing and configuring assets.en.srt 13.24Кб
03.Importing and configuring assets.mp4 13.96Мб
04.Exporting content from Blender.en.srt 12.13Кб
04.Exporting content from Blender.mp4 14.93Мб
05.Establishing a base level.en.srt 13.13Кб
05.Establishing a base level.mp4 16.72Мб
06.Modular level building.en.srt 13.36Кб
06.Modular level building.mp4 20.31Мб
07.Completing the level.en.srt 7.66Кб
07.Completing the level.mp4 15.61Мб
08.Getting started with lighting.en.srt 10.72Кб
08.Getting started with lighting.mp4 14.00Мб
09.Completing environment lighting.en.srt 16.09Кб
09.Completing environment lighting.mp4 31.46Мб
10.Adding post-process effects.en.srt 18.14Кб
10.Adding post-process effects.mp4 24.60Мб
11.Working with light probes.en.srt 15.06Кб
11.Working with light probes.mp4 35.55Мб
12.Working with occlusion culling.en.srt 8.47Кб
12.Working with occlusion culling.mp4 19.24Мб
13.Importing utility scripts.en.srt 9.22Кб
13.Importing utility scripts.mp4 18.09Мб
14.Coin collection mechanic.en.srt 10.99Кб
14.Coin collection mechanic.mp4 15.17Мб
15.Creating timed behaviors.en.srt 10.09Кб
15.Creating timed behaviors.mp4 15.62Мб
16.Implementing the win condition.en.srt 15.04Кб
16.Implementing the win condition.mp4 20.35Мб
17.Line of sight.en.srt 14.28Кб
17.Line of sight.mp4 25.59Мб
18.Navigation meshes and pathfinding.en.srt 13.11Кб
18.Navigation meshes and pathfinding.mp4 22.88Мб
19.Starting a finite state machine.en.srt 10.40Кб
19.Starting a finite state machine.mp4 17.57Мб
20.Completing a finite state machine.en.srt 10.73Кб
20.Completing a finite state machine.mp4 13.44Мб
21.Next steps.en.srt 3.81Кб
21.Next steps.mp4 8.52Мб
Ex_Files_Unity_3D_Level_Design.zip 1.44Гб
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