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Название Udemy - Unity Game Development Beginner to Pro
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1. Introduction to Unity & installation.mp4 43.32Мб
10. Arithmetic Operators.mp4 14.30Мб
11. Relational Operators.mp4 32.81Мб
12. Logical Operators.mp4 38.98Мб
13. Conditional Operators.mp4 28.45Мб
14. Introduction to Control Flow Statements in Unity C#.mp4 10.03Мб
15. Decision making statements - if statement.mp4 15.53Мб
16. Decision making statements - if-else statement.mp4 13.59Мб
17. Decision making statements - if-else-if statement.mp4 28.13Мб
18. Switch-Case statements.mp4 30.93Мб
19. Looping statements.mp4 55.76Мб
2. Create a 3D project in Unity.mp4 35.13Мб
20. Introduction to Collections.mp4 43.38Мб
21. List in Unity C#.mp4 31.62Мб
22. Sorted List in Unity C#.mp4 27.47Мб
23. Dictionary in Unity C#.mp4 20.37Мб
24. Arraylist in Unity C#.mp4 34.90Мб
25. Hashtable in Unity C#.mp4 41.46Мб
26. Stack in Unity C#.mp4 34.60Мб
27. UI Canvas in Unity.mp4 44.83Мб
28. UI Text in Unity.mp4 41.71Мб
29. UI Image in Unity.mp4 56.56Мб
3. Configure Visual Studio with Unity.mp4 65.65Мб
30. UI Button in Unity.mp4 66.14Мб
31. UI ScrollView in Unity - Part 1.mp4 61.54Мб
32. UI ScrollView in Unity - Part 2.mp4 60.94Мб
33. UI SrollView in Unity - Part 3.mp4 55.42Мб
34. UI InputField in Unity - Part 1.mp4 41.30Мб
35. UI InputField in Unity - Part 2.mp4 64.97Мб
36. UI Slider in Unity - Part 1.mp4 47.26Мб
37. UI Slider in Unity - Part 2.mp4 39.24Мб
38. Anchoring of UI Components in Unity.mp4 61.07Мб
39. Introduction to Event Functions in Unity.mp4 51.27Мб
4. Create your first C# script in Unity.mp4 26.26Мб
40. Understanding Event Functions within a C# script.mp4 59.76Мб
41. Introduction to Custom Functions in Unity.mp4 38.45Мб
42. Write a basic function in Unity.mp4 26.64Мб
43. Write a function with return type in Unity.mp4 26.29Мб
44. Write a function with parameters in Unity.mp4 34.48Мб
45. Introduction to Delegates in Unity.mp4 25.18Мб
46. Create a Single-cast Delegate in Unity.mp4 89.85Мб
47. Create a Multi-cast Delegate in Unity.mp4 42.30Мб
48. Introduction to Delegate-Events in Unity.mp4 33.76Мб
49. Move an image to left and right using Delegate-Events in Unity.mp4 49.58Мб
5. Understanding the structure of a C# script in Unity - Part 1.mp4 33.08Мб
50. Introduction to Input system in Unity.mp4 39.45Мб
51. Keyboard Inputs in Unity.mp4 53.11Мб
52. Mouse Inputs in Unity.mp4 28.65Мб
53. Axis Inputs in Unity.mp4 49.96Мб
54. Introduction to Physics Engine & Rigidbody in Unity.mp4 28.81Мб
55. Create a Sphere and apply Rigidbody to the Sphere in Unity.mp4 41.98Мб
56. Move the Sphere GameObject using Rigidbody - Part 1.mp4 34.64Мб
57. Move the Sphere GameObject using Rigidbody - Part 2.mp4 24.60Мб
58. Move the Sphere GameObject using Rigidbody - Part 3.mp4 86.28Мб
59. Introduction to Collisions & Triggers in Unity.mp4 45.52Мб
6. Understanding the structure of a C# script in Unity - Part 2.mp4 27.69Мб
60. Detect Collisions in Unity - Part 1.mp4 51.73Мб
61. Detect Collisions in Unity - Part 2.mp4 54.53Мб
62. Introduction to Animations in Unity.mp4 35.93Мб
63. Create a 2D animation on a Sprite - Part 1.mp4 45.06Мб
64. Create a 2D animation on a Sprite - Part 2.mp4 40.58Мб
65. Create a 2D animation on a Sprite - Part 3.mp4 64.53Мб
66. Create a 2D animation on a Sprite - Part 4.mp4 86.97Мб
67. Create a 3D animation on a humanoid character - Part 1.mp4 58.21Мб
68. Create a 3D animation on a humanoid character - Part 2.mp4 125.99Мб
69. Create a 3D animation on a humanoid character - Part 3.mp4 75.06Мб
7. Print 'Hello code' in Unity console.mp4 30.32Мб
70. Create Knock the cans game - Part 1.mp4 104.21Мб
71. Create Knock the cans game - Part 2.mp4 59.92Мб
72. Create Knock the cans game - Part 3.mp4 50.51Мб
73. Create Knock the cans game - Part 4.mp4 49.27Мб
74. Create Knock the cans game - Part 5.mp4 82.23Мб
8. Data types & Variables in Unity C#.mp4 47.15Мб
9. Introduction to Operators in Unity C#.mp4 25.27Мб
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