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001 A Pandas Plotting Recap_en.srt 8.48Кб
001 A Pandas Plotting Recap.mp4 36.15Мб
001 Applying Functions To Series_en.srt 11.60Кб
001 Applying Functions To Series.mp4 50.51Мб
001 Casting Types With astype()_en.srt 10.38Кб
001 Casting Types With astype().mp4 45.21Мб
001 Changing Seaborn Themes_en.srt 6.54Кб
001 Changing Seaborn Themes.mp4 27.29Мб
001 Concatenating Series_en.srt 7.70Кб
001 Concatenating Series.mp4 29.70Мб
001 Countplot_en.srt 5.45Кб
001 Countplot.mp4 19.19Мб
001 Course Welcome & Curriculum Walkthrough_en.srt 12.73Кб
001 Course Welcome & Curriculum Walkthrough.mp4 116.97Мб
001 Creating Notebooks & Running Cells_en.srt 11.06Кб
001 Creating Notebooks & Running Cells.mp4 39.05Мб
001 Datasets & CSV_en.srt 9.09Кб
001 Datasets & CSV.mp4 42.90Мб
001 Dropping Columns_en.srt 9.12Кб
001 Dropping Columns.mp4 47.57Мб
001 Filtering DataFrames With A Boolean Series_en.srt 13.70Кб
001 Filtering DataFrames With A Boolean Series.mp4 51.22Мб
001 Groupby With Multiple Columns_en.srt 10.27Кб
001 Groupby With Multiple Columns.mp4 45.78Мб
001 Introducing Groupby_en.srt 8.09Кб
001 Introducing Groupby.mp4 51.40Мб
001 Introducing Jupyter Notebook!_en.srt 9.41Кб
001 Introducing Jupyter Notebook!.mp4 44.62Мб
001 Intro to Matplotlib_en.srt 6.84Кб
001 Intro to Matplotlib.mp4 32.80Мб
001 Intro to Seaborn_en.srt 13.34Кб
001 Intro to Seaborn.mp4 63.95Мб
001 Min & Max_en.srt 8.75Кб
001 Min & Max.mp4 37.56Мб
001 Renaming Columns and Index Labels_en.srt 7.34Кб
001 Renaming Columns and Index Labels.mp4 35.53Мб
001 Selecting A Single Column_en.srt 11.53Кб
001 Selecting A Single Column.mp4 43.19Мб
001 Set_Index Basics_en.srt 14.58Кб
001 Set_Index Basics.mp4 57.21Мб
001 The String Datatype Vs. Object Datatype_en.srt 10.62Кб
001 The String Datatype Vs. Object Datatype.mp4 50.20Мб
001 Why Dates Matter_en.srt 5.71Кб
001 Why Dates Matter.mp4 39.68Мб
002 A Closer Look At Series_en.srt 13.76Кб
002 A Closer Look At Series.mp4 51.03Мб
002 Apply() With Lambdas & Arguments_en.srt 6.94Кб
002 Apply() With Lambdas & Arguments.mp4 32.69Мб
002 Changing Pandas Plot Styles_en.srt 4.17Кб
002 Changing Pandas Plot Styles.mp4 18.74Мб
002 Concatenating Series By Index_en.srt 6.08Кб
002 Concatenating Series By Index.mp4 22.12Мб
002 Converting With pd.to_datetime()_en.srt 11.82Кб
002 Converting With pd.to_datetime().mp4 44.79Мб
002 Creating a MultiIndex With set_index_en.srt 8.82Кб
002 Creating a MultiIndex With set_index.mp4 38.37Мб
002 Customizing Styles with set_style()_en.srt 8.19Кб
002 Customizing Styles with set_style().mp4 48.90Мб
002 Dropping Rows_en.srt 9.62Кб
002 Dropping Rows.mp4 45.86Мб
002 Exploring Groups_en.srt 14.96Кб
002 Exploring Groups.mp4 72.18Мб
002 Filtering With Comparison Operators_en.srt 12.20Кб
002 Filtering With Comparison Operators.mp4 56.47Мб
002 Introducing the Category Type_en.srt 6.50Кб
002 Introducing the Category Type.mp4 32.05Мб
002 Mac Installation Walkthrough_en.srt 10.58Кб
002 Mac Installation Walkthrough.mp4 57.42Мб
002 Our First Matplotlib Plots!_en.srt 10.96Кб
002 Our First Matplotlib Plots!.mp4 38.12Мб
002 pd.read_csv & DataFrames_en.srt 10.16Кб
002 pd.read_csv & DataFrames.mp4 47.90Мб
002 set_index The World Happiness Index Dataset_en.srt 8.16Кб
002 set_index The World Happiness Index Dataset.mp4 36.41Мб
002 Shutting Down The Notebook Server_en.srt 8.79Кб
002 Shutting Down The Notebook Server.mp4 33.64Мб
002 Strip & Swarm Plots_en.srt 13.31Кб
002 Strip & Swarm Plots.mp4 67.72Мб
002 Sum & Count_en.srt 14.35Кб
002 Sum & Count.mp4 71.06Мб
002 The Helpful load_dataset() method_en.srt 6.64Кб
002 The Helpful load_dataset() method.mp4 26.58Мб
002 The replace() method_en.srt 11.09Кб
002 The replace() method.mp4 47.05Мб
002 Upper(), Lower(), and Capitalize()_en.srt 6.07Кб
002 Upper(), Lower(), and Capitalize().mp4 28.48Мб
002 What Do You Need To Know To Take This Course_en.srt 2.92Кб
002 What Do You Need To Know To Take This Course.mp4 16.78Мб
003 Adding Labels and Titles to Pandas Plots_en.srt 11.27Кб
003 Adding Labels and Titles to Pandas Plots.mp4 55.16Мб
003 Adding Static Columns_en.srt 8.82Кб
003 Adding Static Columns.mp4 41.25Мб
003 Altering Spines With despine()_en.srt 4.25Кб
003 Altering Spines With despine().mp4 17.67Мб
003 Apply() w DataFrames Columns_en.srt 5.99Кб
003 Apply() w DataFrames Columns.mp4 24.77Мб
003 Boxplots_en.srt 13.86Кб
003 Boxplots.mp4 49.14Мб
003 Casting With pd.to_numeric()_en.srt 6.70Кб
003 Casting With pd.to_numeric().mp4 32.66Мб
003 DataAnalysisCourseMaterials.zip 120.53Мб
003 Do We Need plt.show()_en.srt 3.92Кб
003 Do We Need plt.show().mp4 14.98Мб
003 Downloading The Course Materials IMPORTANT!!_en.srt 4.19Кб
003 Downloading The Course Materials IMPORTANT!!.mp4 28.41Мб
003 How Cell Output Works_en.srt 4.33Кб
003 How Cell Output Works.mp4 6.12Мб
003 Important Series Methods_en.srt 7.53Кб
003 Important Series Methods.mp4 17.36Мб
003 Indexing String Series With []_en.srt 8.44Кб
003 Indexing String Series With [].mp4 40.10Мб
003 Inner vs. Outer Joins_en.srt 5.32Кб
003 Inner vs. Outer Joins.mp4 18.38Мб
003 Inspecting DataFrames head(), tail(), etc_en.srt 11.31Кб
003 Inspecting DataFrames head(), tail(), etc.mp4 68.09Мб
003 Mean, Median, & Mode_en.srt 8.45Кб
003 Mean, Median, & Mode.mp4 30.25Мб
003 Seaborn Scatterplots_en.srt 15.11Кб
003 Seaborn Scatterplots.mp4 75.23Мб
003 setting index with read_csv_en.srt 4.00Кб
003 setting index with read_csv.mp4 20.54Мб
003 Sorting A MultiIndex_en.srt 12.39Кб
003 Sorting A MultiIndex.mp4 41.24Мб
003 Specifying Fancy Formats With pd.to_datetime()_en.srt 13.52Кб
003 Specifying Fancy Formats With pd.to_datetime().mp4 68.00Мб
003 Split-Apply-Combine_en.srt 13.80Кб
003 Split-Apply-Combine.mp4 59.01Мб
003 The Between Method_en.srt 4.21Кб
003 The Between Method.mp4 20.90Мб
003 Updating Values Using loc[]_en.srt 11.68Кб
003 Updating Values Using loc[].mp4 27.09Мб
003 Windows Installation Walkthrough_en.srt 11.41Кб
003 Windows Installation Walkthrough.mp4 54.66Мб
004 Anatomy of Plots_en.srt 14.14Кб
004 Anatomy of Plots.mp4 45.36Мб
004 Apply() w DataFrames Rows_en.srt 9.46Кб
004 Apply() w DataFrames Rows.mp4 42.06Мб
004 Boxenplots_en.srt 3.47Кб
004 Boxenplots.mp4 15.38Мб
004 Changing Color Palettes_en.srt 13.15Кб
004 Changing Color Palettes.mp4 68.68Мб
004 Command Mode Shortcuts_en.srt 10.64Кб
004 Command Mode Shortcuts.mp4 35.46Мб
004 Concatenating DataFrames By Columns_en.srt 6.79Кб
004 Concatenating DataFrames By Columns.mp4 26.67Мб
004 Creating New Dynamic Columns_en.srt 10.35Кб
004 Creating New Dynamic Columns.mp4 41.07Мб
004 DataTypes and info()_en.srt 7.42Кб
004 DataTypes and info().mp4 39.75Мб
004 Dates and DataFrames_en.srt 10.01Кб
004 Dates and DataFrames.mp4 67.39Мб
004 Describe With Numeric Values_en.srt 6.94Кб
004 Describe With Numeric Values.mp4 29.28Мб
004 dropna() and isna()_en.srt 12.70Кб
004 dropna() and isna().mp4 55.98Мб
004 How The Exercises Work_en.srt 3.89Кб
004 How The Exercises Work.mp4 18.66Мб
004 Installing Pandas & Matplotlib (Mac & Windows)_en.srt 6.88Кб
004 Installing Pandas & Matplotlib (Mac & Windows).mp4 20.80Мб
004 Seaborn Lineplots_en.srt 18.11Кб
004 Seaborn Lineplots.mp4 86.54Мб
004 sort_values intro_en.srt 6.18Кб
004 sort_values intro.mp4 34.90Мб
004 Stripping Whitespace With Strip()_en.srt 6.24Кб
004 Stripping Whitespace With Strip().mp4 18.66Мб
004 The isin() Method_en.srt 5.43Кб
004 The isin() Method.mp4 26.75Мб
004 unique & nunique_en.srt 7.77Кб
004 unique & nunique.mp4 29.62Мб
004 Updating Multiple Values Using loc[]_en.srt 6.11Кб
004 Updating Multiple Values Using loc[].mp4 31.70Мб
004 Using .loc[] With A MultiIndex_en.srt 14.78Кб
004 Using .loc[] With A MultiIndex.mp4 49.59Мб
004 Using rename() When Plotting_en.srt 4.81Кб
004 Using rename() When Plotting.mp4 21.28Мб
004 Using The Agg Method_en.srt 10.67Кб
004 Using The Agg Method.mp4 54.23Мб
005 Agg with Custom Functions_en.srt 7.04Кб
005 Agg with Custom Functions.mp4 15.12Мб
005 Cell Types Markdown Time!_en.srt 8.26Кб
005 Cell Types Markdown Time!.mp4 34.21Мб
005 Closer Look at Pandas Bar Plots_en.srt 10.88Кб
005 Closer Look at Pandas Bar Plots.mp4 56.31Мб
005 Combining Conditions Using AND (&)_en.srt 17.99Кб
005 Combining Conditions Using AND (&).mp4 83.67Мб
005 Concatenating DataFrames By Index_en.srt 4.69Кб
005 Concatenating DataFrames By Index.mp4 16.40Мб
005 Cross Sections With The XS Method_en.srt 3.40Кб
005 Cross Sections With The XS Method.mp4 12.89Мб
005 Describe With Objects (Text) Values_en.srt 11.85Кб
005 Describe With Objects (Text) Values.mp4 54.48Мб
005 Figsize & Plot Dimensions_en.srt 6.76Кб
005 Figsize & Plot Dimensions.mp4 28.70Мб
005 fillna()_en.srt 7.99Кб
005 fillna().mp4 35.73Мб
005 Finding The Highest pricesqft homes_en.srt 6.05Кб
005 Finding The Highest pricesqft homes.mp4 28.23Мб
005 Making Updates With loc[] and Boolean Masks_en.srt 11.05Кб
005 Making Updates With loc[] and Boolean Masks.mp4 54.61Мб
005 nlargest & nsmallest_en.srt 10.62Кб
005 nlargest & nsmallest.mp4 53.88Мб
005 sorting by multiple columns_en.srt 4.78Кб
005 sorting by multiple columns.mp4 26.35Мб
005 Splitting Text Values With Split()_en.srt 10.02Кб
005 Splitting Text Values With Split().mp4 49.17Мб
005 The House Sales Dataset Walkthrough_en.srt 8.49Кб
005 The House Sales Dataset Walkthrough.mp4 53.06Мб
005 The relplot() Method_en.srt 13.41Кб
005 The relplot() Method.mp4 84.97Мб
005 The Series Map() Method_en.srt 4.20Кб
005 The Series Map() Method.mp4 16.72Мб
005 The Useful dt Properties_en.srt 13.75Кб
005 The Useful dt Properties.mp4 56.24Мб
005 Violinplots_en.srt 6.79Кб
005 Violinplots.mp4 28.98Мб
006 Barplots_en.srt 13.12Кб
006 Barplots.mp4 55.43Мб
006 Changing Matplotlib Stylesheets_en.srt 6.35Кб
006 Changing Matplotlib Stylesheets.mp4 28.77Мб
006 Combining Conditions Using OR ()_en.srt 15.71Кб
006 Combining Conditions Using OR ().mp4 91.18Мб
006 Comparing Dates_en.srt 8.24Кб
006 Comparing Dates.mp4 40.45Мб
006 EXERCISE Basic DataFrame Methods_en.srt 2.58Кб
006 EXERCISE Basic DataFrame Methods.mp4 13.47Мб
006 EXERCISE Dealing With NA Values_en.srt 1.91Кб
006 EXERCISE Dealing With NA Values.mp4 12.55Мб
006 EXERCISE Pandas Plotting Challenge #1_en.srt 11.66Кб
006 EXERCISE Pandas Plotting Challenge #1.mp4 61.17Мб
006 EXERCISE Updating Values_en.srt 3.20Кб
006 EXERCISE Updating Values.mp4 16.12Мб
006 Finding Largest Bitcoin Price Changes_en.srt 7.38Кб
006 Finding Largest Bitcoin Price Changes.mp4 37.60Мб
006 get_level_values()_en.srt 11.46Кб
006 get_level_values().mp4 49.27Мб
006 Named Aggregation_en.srt 6.19Кб
006 Named Aggregation.mp4 29.09Мб
006 Replacing Portions of Strings With Replace()_en.srt 10.43Кб
006 Replacing Portions of Strings With Replace().mp4 52.20Мб
006 Resizing Seaborn Plots Aspect & Height_en.srt 10.73Кб
006 Resizing Seaborn Plots Aspect & Height.mp4 63.21Мб
006 Restarting The Kernel_en.srt 11.14Кб
006 Restarting The Kernel.mp4 26.20Мб
006 Selecting Multiple Columns_en.srt 5.62Кб
006 Selecting Multiple Columns.mp4 21.79Мб
006 sorting text columns_en.srt 5.43Кб
006 sorting text columns.mp4 26.74Мб
006 The ApplyMap() Method_en.srt 5.83Кб
006 The ApplyMap() Method.mp4 24.71Мб
006 The DataFrame Merge() Method_en.srt 6.47Кб
006 The DataFrame Merge() Method.mp4 34.14Мб
006 The Titanic Passenger Dataset Walkthrough_en.srt 13.50Кб
006 The Titanic Passenger Dataset Walkthrough.mp4 79.67Мб
007 Bitwise Negation_en.srt 10.12Кб
007 Bitwise Negation.mp4 40.97Мб
007 EXERCISE AddingRemoving Columns & Rows_en.srt 5.22Кб
007 EXERCISE AddingRemoving Columns & Rows.mp4 24.59Мб
007 Finding StarLink Flybys In UFO Dataset_en.srt 12.46Кб
007 Finding StarLink Flybys In UFO Dataset.mp4 72.24Мб
007 Hierarchical Columns_en.srt 7.23Кб
007 Hierarchical Columns.mp4 29.92Мб
007 Line Styles, Colors, Widths, and More!_en.srt 10.29Кб
007 Line Styles, Colors, Widths, and More!.mp4 71.39Мб
007 Merge() w Left, Right, Inner, & Outer Joins_en.srt 9.44Кб
007 Merge() w Left, Right, Inner, & Outer Joins.mp4 41.98Мб
007 Non-comma Separators Netflix Dataset_en.srt 12.84Кб
007 Non-comma Separators Netflix Dataset.mp4 85.13Мб
007 Pandas Histograms_en.srt 4.62Кб
007 Pandas Histograms.mp4 19.70Мб
007 Seaborn Histograms_en.srt 9.01Кб
007 Seaborn Histograms.mp4 38.67Мб
007 SOLUTION Basic DataFrame Methods_en.srt 6.75Кб
007 SOLUTION Basic DataFrame Methods.mp4 31.66Мб
007 SOLUTION Dealing With NA Values_en.srt 6.52Кб
007 SOLUTION Dealing With NA Values.mp4 42.30Мб
007 SOLUTION Updating Values Exercise_en.srt 11.44Кб
007 SOLUTION Updating Values Exercise.mp4 70.35Мб
007 sort_index_en.srt 3.36Кб
007 sort_index.mp4 19.39Мб
007 Testing Strings With Contains()_en.srt 5.75Кб
007 Testing Strings With Contains().mp4 28.39Мб
007 The Big Boy Catplot Method_en.srt 12.29Кб
007 The Big Boy Catplot Method.mp4 61.61Мб
007 The powerful value_counts() method_en.srt 13.22Кб
007 The powerful value_counts() method.mp4 47.57Мб
007 Viewing The Docs Inside A Notebook_en.srt 4.47Кб
007 Viewing The Docs Inside A Notebook.mp4 21.90Мб
008 Box Plots_en.srt 7.29Кб
008 Box Plots.mp4 31.98Мб
008 Date Math & TimeDeltas_en.srt 13.05Кб
008 Date Math & TimeDeltas.mp4 68.03Мб
008 EXERCISE Jupyter Notebook_en.srt 4.54Кб
008 EXERCISE Jupyter Notebook.mp4 15.98Мб
008 isna() and notna() Methods_en.srt 4.86Кб
008 isna() and notna() Methods.mp4 27.40Мб
008 KDE Plots_en.srt 3.88Кб
008 KDE Plots.mp4 21.03Мб
008 Merge() On and Suffixes Arguments_en.srt 14.28Кб
008 Merge() On and Suffixes Arguments.mp4 59.14Мб
008 Overriding Headers Country Population Dataset_en.srt 6.74Кб
008 Overriding Headers Country Population Dataset.mp4 40.92Мб
008 Plot Labels & Titles_en.srt 8.19Кб
008 Plot Labels & Titles.mp4 49.62Мб
008 SOLUTION AddingRemoving Columns & Rows_en.srt 7.45Кб
008 SOLUTION AddingRemoving Columns & Rows.mp4 46.70Мб
008 Sorting and Plotting!_en.srt 7.55Кб
008 Sorting and Plotting!.mp4 22.45Мб
008 Stack() and Unstack()_en.srt 5.52Кб
008 Stack() and Unstack().mp4 30.91Мб
008 Using plot() to visualize!_en.srt 16.84Кб
008 Using plot() to visualize!.mp4 59.72Мб
009 Billboard Charts Dataset Exploration_en.srt 17.63Кб
009 Billboard Charts Dataset Exploration.mp4 88.93Мб
009 Bivariate Distribution Plots_en.srt 8.07Кб
009 Bivariate Distribution Plots.mp4 40.73Мб
009 Changing X & Y Ticks_en.srt 9.46Кб
009 Changing X & Y Ticks.mp4 53.16Мб
009 EXERCISE DataFrames & Datasets_en.srt 5.07Кб
009 EXERCISE DataFrames & Datasets.mp4 17.49Мб
009 EXERCISE Series & Plotting_en.srt 4.73Кб
009 EXERCISE Series & Plotting.mp4 18.20Мб
009 Filtering + Plotting Examples_en.srt 8.71Кб
009 Filtering + Plotting Examples.mp4 34.79Мб
009 loc_en.srt 11.49Кб
009 loc.mp4 53.80Мб
009 Pandas Line Plots_en.srt 7.86Кб
009 Pandas Line Plots.mp4 34.65Мб
009 Plotting With Unstack()_en.srt 11.07Кб
009 Plotting With Unstack().mp4 43.56Мб
009 SOLUTION Jupyter Notebook_en.srt 10.40Кб
009 SOLUTION Jupyter Notebook.mp4 39.11Мб
010 Adding Legends To Plots_en.srt 7.52Кб
010 Adding Legends To Plots.mp4 39.61Мб
010 EXERCISE Dates & Times_en.srt 7.29Кб
010 EXERCISE Dates & Times.mp4 33.52Мб
010 EXERCISE Filtering_en.srt 2.71Кб
010 EXERCISE Filtering.mp4 12.83Мб
010 EXERCISE Pandas Plotting Challenge #2_en.srt 5.99Кб
010 EXERCISE Pandas Plotting Challenge #2.mp4 29.89Мб
010 Grouping By Index_en.srt 7.66Кб
010 Grouping By Index.mp4 26.51Мб
010 iloc_en.srt 5.98Кб
010 iloc.mp4 31.01Мб
010 Rugplots_en.srt 8.71Кб
010 Rugplots.mp4 39.19Мб
010 SOLUTION DataFrames & Datasets_en.srt 13.09Кб
010 SOLUTION DataFrames & Datasets.mp4 82.32Мб
010 SOLUTION Series & Plotting_en.srt 14.40Кб
010 SOLUTION Series & Plotting.mp4 63.63Мб
011 EXERCISE Matplotlib Challenge #1_en.srt 6.94Кб
011 EXERCISE Matplotlib Challenge #1.mp4 35.76Мб
011 loc & iloc with Series_en.srt 8.60Кб
011 loc & iloc with Series.mp4 31.51Мб
011 Pandas Scatter Plots_en.srt 4.25Кб
011 Pandas Scatter Plots.mp4 23.65Мб
011 SOLUTION Dates & Times_en.srt 21.13Кб
011 SOLUTION Dates & Times.mp4 115.74Мб
011 SOLUTION Filtering Exercise_en.srt 14.85Кб
011 SOLUTION Filtering Exercise.mp4 85.89Мб
011 The Amazing displot() Method_en.srt 9.79Кб
011 The Amazing displot() Method.mp4 52.18Мб
012 Creating Bar Plots_en.srt 13.90Кб
012 Creating Bar Plots.mp4 69.01Мб
012 EXERCISE Indexes & Sorting_en.srt 6.44Кб
012 EXERCISE Indexes & Sorting.mp4 29.02Мб
012 Multiple Plots On The Same Axes_en.srt 7.81Кб
012 Multiple Plots On The Same Axes.mp4 35.74Мб
013 Creating Histograms_en.srt 15.51Кб
013 Creating Histograms.mp4 77.71Мб
013 SOLUTION Indexes & Sorting_en.srt 13.73Кб
013 SOLUTION Indexes & Sorting.mp4 83.17Мб
013 UFOS Plotting Challenge!_en.srt 10.18Кб
013 UFOS Plotting Challenge!.mp4 46.51Мб
014 EXERCISE Matplotlib Challenge #2_en.srt 6.08Кб
014 EXERCISE Matplotlib Challenge #2.mp4 28.29Мб
014 EXERCISE Pandas Plotting Challenge #3_en.srt 5.24Кб
014 EXERCISE Pandas Plotting Challenge #3.mp4 30.59Мб
015 Creating Scatter Plots_en.srt 6.88Кб
015 Creating Scatter Plots.mp4 35.21Мб
015 Pandas Automatic Subplots_en.srt 11.64Кб
015 Pandas Automatic Subplots.mp4 54.58Мб
016 Creating Pie Charts_en.srt 8.71Кб
016 Creating Pie Charts.mp4 50.96Мб
016 Manual Subplots With Pandas_en.srt 8.94Кб
016 Manual Subplots With Pandas.mp4 47.22Мб
017 EXERCISE Matplotlib Challenge #3_en.srt 6.84Кб
017 EXERCISE Matplotlib Challenge #3.mp4 34.90Мб
017 EXERCISE Pandas Plotting Challenge #4_en.srt 15.16Кб
017 EXERCISE Pandas Plotting Challenge #4.mp4 107.87Мб
018 EXERCISE Pandas Plotting Challenge #5_en.srt 14.06Кб
018 EXERCISE Pandas Plotting Challenge #5.mp4 109.16Мб
018 Working With Subplots_en.srt 15.42Кб
018 Working With Subplots.mp4 74.84Мб
019 Exporting Figures With savefig()_en.srt 3.96Кб
019 Exporting Figures With savefig().mp4 27.17Мб
019 Putting It All Together_en.srt 8.62Кб
019 Putting It All Together.mp4 46.88Мб
020 EXERCISE Matplotlib Challenge #4_en.srt 13.05Кб
020 EXERCISE Matplotlib Challenge #4.mp4 74.81Мб
external-assets-links.txt 162б
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