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1. Buy Call Detail.mp4 |
5.50Мб |
1. Buy Call Detail.srt |
2.48Кб |
1. Buy Put Details.mp4 |
7.65Мб |
1. Buy Put Details.srt |
3.88Кб |
1. Entry Point Tips - 1.mp4 |
8.08Мб |
1. Entry Point Tips - 1.srt |
3.44Кб |
1. Intro.mp4 |
5.47Мб |
1. Intro.srt |
2.50Кб |
1. Introduction.mp4 |
4.41Кб |
1. Introduction.mp4 |
3.52Мб |
1. Introduction.mp4 |
2.37Мб |
1. Introduction.srt |
1.95Кб |
1. Introduction.srt |
1.26Кб |
1. Next Courses.mp4 |
4.10Мб |
1. Next Courses.srt |
2.04Кб |
1. Options Characteristic #1.mp4 |
13.09Мб |
1. Options Characteristic #1.srt |
4.00Кб |
1. Overview.mp4 |
5.85Мб |
1. Overview.srt |
3.64Кб |
1. Technical Analysis.mp4 |
35.06Мб |
1. Technical Analysis.srt |
4.05Кб |
1. Understanding Options.mp4 |
16.80Мб |
1. Understanding Options.srt |
1.57Кб |
2.1 trading-view-lux-algo.pdf |
695.69Кб |
2. Broker Paper Trading.mp4 |
3.99Мб |
2. Broker Paper Trading.srt |
1.11Кб |
2. Buy Call Profit Calculation.mp4 |
11.78Мб |
2. Buy Call Profit Calculation.srt |
3.12Кб |
2. Buy Put Risk-Reward.mp4 |
4.89Мб |
2. Buy Put Risk-Reward.srt |
2.34Кб |
2. Entry Point Tips - 2.mp4 |
7.67Мб |
2. Entry Point Tips - 2.srt |
4.26Кб |
2. Formula.mp4 |
9.24Мб |
2. Formula.mp4 |
12.03Мб |
2. Formula.mp4 |
7.18Мб |
2. Formula.srt |
3.82Кб |
2. Formula.srt |
3.51Кб |
2. Formula.srt |
3.46Кб |
2. Options Characteristic #2.mp4 |
18.33Мб |
2. Options Characteristic #2.srt |
5.51Кб |
2. Trading Stock Options.mp4 |
8.51Мб |
2. Trading Stock Options.srt |
2.66Кб |
2. TradingView and LuxAlgo Indicators.mp4 |
44.99Мб |
2. TradingView and LuxAlgo Indicators.srt |
6.16Кб |
2. Why Options Traders Losses.mp4 |
9.28Мб |
2. Why Options Traders Losses.srt |
4.06Кб |
3.1 The wheel - journal-price-calculator.xlsx |
10.89Кб |
3. Buy Call Risk Reward.mp4 |
6.28Мб |
3. Buy Call Risk Reward.srt |
2.56Кб |
3. Buy Put Tips.mp4 |
4.23Мб |
3. Buy Put Tips.srt |
1.73Кб |
3. Closing Statement.mp4 |
22.24Мб |
3. Finding a Good Business.mp4 |
12.37Мб |
3. Finding a Good Business.srt |
4.07Кб |
3. ITM - OTM.mp4 |
11.00Мб |
3. ITM - OTM.srt |
3.96Кб |
3. Journal.mp4 |
8.35Мб |
3. Journal.srt |
1.61Кб |
3. Risk and Reward.mp4 |
4.60Мб |
3. Risk and Reward.srt |
1.66Кб |
3. Risk-Reward.mp4 |
4.69Мб |
3. Risk-Reward.srt |
3.49Кб |
3. Stock, Options, Forex comparison.mp4 |
14.23Мб |
3. Stock, Options, Forex comparison.srt |
4.02Кб |
3. Trading View Earnings and Dividen.mp4 |
20.65Мб |
3. Trading View Earnings and Dividen.srt |
2.77Кб |
3. VPN List.html |
1.01Кб |
4. Buy Call Tips.mp4 |
5.92Мб |
4. Buy Call Tips.srt |
2.47Кб |
4. Comparison and Tips.mp4 |
4.81Мб |
4. Comparison and Tips.srt |
2.69Кб |
4. Illustration.mp4 |
4.66Мб |
4. Illustration.srt |
1.97Кб |
4. Options Style.mp4 |
6.46Мб |
4. Options Style.srt |
2.89Кб |
4. Referral.html |
620б |
4. Scenario 1 price moves down.mp4 |
9.04Мб |
4. Scenario 1 price moves down.srt |
2.80Кб |
4. Sell Put Details.mp4 |
11.16Мб |
4. Sell Put Details.srt |
3.93Кб |
4. TradingView Backtesting.mp4 |
45.44Мб |
4. TradingView Backtesting.srt |
5.55Кб |
4. Valuation.mp4 |
5.31Мб |
4. Valuation.srt |
2.85Кб |
5. Options Size.mp4 |
2.72Мб |
5. Options Size.srt |
1.43Кб |
5. Scenario 2 price moves up.mp4 |
12.70Мб |
5. Scenario 2 price moves up.srt |
3.21Кб |
5. Sell Call Detail.mp4 |
10.46Мб |
5. Sell Call Detail.srt |
4.18Кб |
5. Sell Put Risk-Reward.mp4 |
3.49Мб |
5. Sell Put Risk-Reward.srt |
1.57Кб |
5. Valuation - Gurufocus.mp4 |
21.26Мб |
5. Valuation - Gurufocus.srt |
3.59Кб |
6. Options in Action.mp4 |
12.05Мб |
6. Options in Action.srt |
3.75Кб |
6. Scenario 3 Jackpot.mp4 |
54.83Мб |
6. Scenario 3 Jackpot.srt |
10.77Кб |
6. Sell Call Risk-Reward.mp4 |
4.65Мб |
6. Sell Call Risk-Reward.srt |
1.91Кб |
6. Sell Put Tips.mp4 |
5.41Мб |
6. Sell Put Tips.srt |
2.79Кб |
6. The Danger of Bad Stock.mp4 |
20.46Мб |
6. The Danger of Bad Stock.srt |
2.67Кб |
7. ETF.mp4 |
7.97Мб |
7. ETF.srt |
2.17Кб |
7. Laboratory session #1 - ITM - OTM - Delta - Options Transaction.mp4 |
100.25Мб |
7. Laboratory session #1 - ITM - OTM - Delta - Options Transaction.srt |
12.59Кб |
7. Sell Call Tips.mp4 |
6.91Мб |
7. Sell Call Tips.srt |
2.69Кб |
7. Sell Put Cautions.mp4 |
8.67Мб |
7. Sell Put Cautions.srt |
4.66Кб |
7. Why not.mp4 |
5.48Мб |
7. Why not.srt |
3.22Кб |
8. ETF List.html |
1.33Кб |
8. Laboratory session #2 - Bid - Ask - Spread.mp4 |
34.99Мб |
8. Laboratory session #2 - Bid - Ask - Spread.srt |
4.58Кб |
8. Put Hedging.mp4 |
6.18Мб |
8. Put Hedging.srt |
3.98Кб |
9. ETF - List #2.html |
434б |
9. Laboratory session #3 - Risk Reward.mp4 |
15.42Мб |
9. Laboratory session #3 - Risk Reward.srt |
2.73Кб |
9. Labs.mp4 |
44.05Мб |
9. Labs.srt |
7.26Кб |
Bonus Resources.txt |
386б |
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