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Название Dorotheum Collection - Old Master p.5
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Gerard Hoet A sacrifice in Roman ruins, oil on canvas, 51 x 64.jpg 2.68Мб
Gerard Hoet The Goddess Diana appearing before two soldiers, oil on canvas, 68 x 86.jpg 1.95Мб
Gerard Houckgeest A palace on a southern harbour promenade in the evening light, oil on panel, 48,8 x 65.jpg 2.33Мб
Gerard Terborch The Philosopher Heraclitus, oil on panel, 28 x 22.5.jpg 1.89Мб
Gérard van Spaendonck A vase of flowers 1792, oil on canvas, 24.5 x 33.jpg 1.01Мб
Gerard Wigmana Allegory of Time revealing Truth, oil on panel, 54.2 x 41.jpg 1.45Мб
Gerbrand van den Eeckhout A boy in the guise of Daifilo (from P. C. Hooft’s ‘Granida’), 1642, oil on canvas, 60.7 x 50.6.jpg 2.15Мб
German Court Painter, 18th Century King Frederick II of Prussia with the star and band of the Order of the Black Eagle, oil on canvas, 76.3 x 62.9.jpg 1.69Мб
German School, 16th Century Saint Jerome in a landscape, oil on panel, 26.5 x 21.5.jpg 1.18Мб
German School, 16th Century The martyrdom of a saint, oil on panel, 82 x 66.jpg 2.25Мб
German School, 17th Century A still life with a Venetian glass, a silver vessel and lemons, oil on canvas, 54 x 65.jpg 2.13Мб
German School, 17th Century Portraits of Margrave George the Pious of Brandenburg-Ansbach (1484–1543) oil on panel, each 20 x 14.jpg 1.51Мб
German School, 17th Century Respice Finem, Allegory of the Equality of All Humans in Death, oil on panel, 43.5 x 32.jpg 1.63Мб
German School, 1801 An Italianate landscape with a waterfall, 1801 oil on canvas, 105.5 x 148 ..jpg 6.01Мб
German School, 1801 An Italianate landscape with a waterfall, 1801 oil on canvas, 105.5 x 148.jpg 3.58Мб
German School, 18th Century A large still life with vessels and flowers, oil on canvas, 110 x 140.jpg 4.43Мб
German School, 18th Century An owl and a blue tit sitting in a tree, oil on canvas, 77 x 64.jpg 1.52Мб
German School, 18th Century Esther before King Ahasuerus (Esther 5 1-2, 9-18), oil on canvas, 129 x 139.jpg 2.55Мб
German School, 18th Century Landscape with elegant figures, oil on canvas, 98 x 137.jpg 2.77Мб
German School, 18th Century Portrait of a noblewoman in an ermine cloak with a dog, oil on canvas, 145 x 105.5.jpg 3.02Мб
German School, 18th Century Venus observing the sleeping Adonis oil on copper, oval, 20 x 30.jpg 1.31Мб
German School, circa 1500 he Mass of Saint Gregory, oil on panel, 67 x 57.jpg 2.02Мб
German School, circa 1600 The Annunciation with a kneeling donor, oil on canvas, 115 x 180.jpg 5.24Мб
German School, circa 1700 Saint Matthew the Evangelist, oil on canvas, 80 x 68.jpg 2.80Мб
German School, circa 1790 The Return of Telemach, oil on canvas, 101.5 x 122.jpg 3.00Мб
German School, circa 1800 A market scene with a young woman selling flowers, oil on canvas, 58 x 72..jpg 5.63Мб
German School, circa 1800 A market scene with a young woman selling flowers, oil on canvas, 58 x 72.jpg 1.80Мб
German School, first half of the 18th Century A harbour scene, oil on canvas, 48 x 72.jpg 3.62Мб
German School, first half of the 18th Century Portrait of a princess wearing the imperial star cross order (Sternkreuzorden) with her pet dog, oil on canvas, 117 x 92.jpg 5.70Мб
German School, late 15th Century Saint Roch, oil on panel, 109 x 54.jpg 2.81Мб
German School, late 17th Century Portrait of a man wearing a fur cap, oil on paper, laid down on panel, 14 x 10.5.jpg 4.33Мб
German School, late 18th Century A family portrait with a parrot, oil on canvas, 191 x 132.jpg 1.80Мб
German School, late 18th Century Portrait of a lady as Diana, oil on canvas, 98.5 x 75.jpg 4.95Мб
German School, second half of the 16th Century Portrait of Emperor Maximilian II (1527–1576, Emperor from 1564), 1574, oil on panel, 26.5 x 21..jpg 2.23Мб
German School, second half of the 16th Century Portrait of Emperor Maximilian II (1527–1576, Emperor from 1564), 1574, oil on panel, 26.5 x 21.jpg 800.60Кб
Gerrit Berckheyde The Grote Markt in Haarlem with the Town Hall, oil on canvas, 53.3 x 62.5.jpg 2.05Мб
Gerrit van Vucht. A filled Roemer, grapes and a peeled lemon on a tin plate, oil on copper, 13 x 15.5.jpg 1.43Мб
Gerrit van Vucht Ham, a filled Roemer and grapes oil on copper, 13 x 15.5.jpg 1.34Мб
Gervasio Gatti Portrait of a lady, oil on canvas, 82 x 60.5.jpg 2.66Мб
Gherardo and Giuseppe Poli A capriccio of classical ruins with figures, oil on canvas, 57 x 113..jpg 6.05Мб
Gherardo and Giuseppe Poli A capriccio of classical ruins with figures, oil on canvas, 57 x 113.jpg 2.79Мб
Giacinto Gimignani Christ and the Samaritan Woman at the well, 1639, oil on canvas, 76.5 x 62.jpg 2.40Мб
Giacinto Gimignani Jacob’s encounter with Rachel and Laban, 1653, oil on unlined canvas, 150 x 214.jpg 2.16Мб
Giacomo Apollonio Portrait of Matthio Zamberlani, in a black coat, at a table with an open book oil on canvas, 113.5 x 95.jpg 1.48Мб
Giacomo Ceruti Soldiers playing cards, oil on canvas, 196 x 143.jpg 5.50Мб
Giacomo Francesco Cipper, called il Todeschini The Brawl, oil on canvas, 225 x 430.jpg 1.99Мб
Giacomo Francia and Giulio Francia The Holy Family, oil on panel, 66.5 x 54 ..jpg 5.51Мб
Giacomo Francia and Giulio Francia The Holy Family, oil on panel, 66.5 x 54.jpg 2.59Мб
Giacomo Recco Flowers in an ornamental vase on a table, oil on canvas, 72 x 51.jpg 1.67Мб
Gian Antonio Burrini and Workshop Fabio Albergati received by Philipp II of Spain, while an artist secretly executes his portrait on the king’s instructions oil on canvas, 267 x 172,.jpg 1.92Мб
Gian Domenico Cerrini, called il Cavalier Perugino Saint Francis, oil on canvas, 129.5 x 94.5.jpg 1.53Мб
Gian Francesco Caroto Madonna, oil on panel, 29.1 x 20.7.jpg 1.67Мб
Giannicola di Paolo God the Father with angels, oil on panel, 42.5 x 54.jpg 3.84Мб
Gillis de Winter A village market scene, oil on canvas, 66 x 79.5.jpg 4.56Мб
Gillis van Coninxloo A forest landscape with huntsmen and animals, oil on panel, 49 x 74.5.jpg 1.89Мб
Gillis van Coninxloo II An extensive wooded landscape with a village and a town by the mountains beyond, 1602 oil on canvas, 86 x 153.jpg 3.58Мб
Gillis van Tilborgh A merry company of peasants in front of a tavern, oil on canvas, 56 x 76 ..jpg 6.57Мб
Gillis van Tilborgh A merry company of peasants in front of a tavern, oil on canvas, 56 x 76.jpg 3.07Мб
Gioacchino Assereto Aeneas fleeing the burning Troy, oil on canvas, 223 x 146.jpg 2.49Мб
Gioacchino Assereto Prometheus Bound, oil on canvas, 119.5 x 143.jpg 3.39Мб
Gioacchino Assereto The Penitent Mary Magdalene, oil on canvas, 63.8 x 56.5.jpg 987.26Кб
Giorgio Fossati Figures in ideal coastal garden landscape with an arch oil on canvas, 180 x 235.jpg 2.92Мб
Giorgio Vasari and Workshop Christ in the house of Martha and Mary, oil on slate, 28.5 x 36.jpg 986.71Кб
Giovan Battista Cartei. Allegories of the Seasons or Allegories of the Senses oil on canvas, 132 x 174.jpg 2.76Мб
Giovan Battista Cartei Allegories of the Seasons or Allegories of the Senses oil on canvas, 132 x 174.jpg 2.74Мб
Giovan Battista Crespi, called Cerano Saints Peter and Paul, oil on canvas, 155 x 120.jpg 4.89Мб
Giovan Battista Gaulli and Abraham Brueghel A youth lifting a vase of flowers from the pedestal, a landscape beyond, oil on canvas, 97.5 x 76.5.jpg 2.89Мб
Giovan Battista Recco A ligated lamb besides a basket of eggs, an Allegory of Easter, oil on canvas, 49.5 x 62.8.jpg 4.10Мб
Giovan Battista Ruggeri, called Battistino del Gessi The Vestal Tuccia, oil on canvas, 106 x 145.jpg 3.79Мб
Giovan Bernardino Azzolino Martyrdom of Saint Ursula, oil on canvas, 104 x 128.5.jpg 1.27Мб
Giovan Gioseffo Dal Sole The Holy Family, oil on canvas, 39 x 29.jpg 6.10Мб
Giovanni Andrea Carlone, il Genovese Tobias healing his Father’s Blindness, oil on canvas, 232.5 x 150.5.jpg 1.98Мб
Giovanni Andrea de Ferrari The Conversion of Mary Magdalene, oil on canvas, 118 x 96.5.jpg 3.70Мб
Giovanni Antonio Fasolo Portrait of a gentleman and a child with a dog, oil on canvas, 125 x 97.jpg 3.13Мб
Giovanni Battista Beinaschi An Apostle, oil on canvas, octagon, 84.5 x 66.jpg 1.34Мб
Giovanni Battista Beinaschi The Tribute Money, oil on canvas, 95 x 127.jpg 2.50Мб
Giovanni Battista Crosato The Vision of Saint Helena, oil on canvas, 28.5 x 21.5..jpg 2.85Мб
Giovanni Battista Crosato The Vision of Saint Helena, oil on canvas, 28.5 x 21.5.jpg 1.32Мб
Giovanni Battista della Rovere, called il Fiammenghino and Giovanni Mauro della Rovere, called il Fiammenghino Adoration of the Magi, oil on canvas, 175 x 384.jpg 1.53Мб
Giovanni Battista Discepoli, called Lo Zoppo di Lugano The Holy Family, oil on canvas, 119 x 84.jpg 2.12Мб
Giovanni Battista Langetti A Philosopher, oil on canvas, 99 x 81.jpg 3.11Мб
Giovanni Battista Langetti Diogenes, oil on canvas, 99 x 81.jpg 3.12Мб
Giovanni Battista Langetti Joseph interpreting dreams, oil on canvas, 146 x 198.5.jpg 3.29Мб
Giovanni Battista Lenardi The Marriage at Cana, oil on canvas, 135 x 97.jpg 2.60Мб
Giovanni Battista Paggi The Mystical Marriage of Saint Catherine, oil on canvas, 153 x 126.jpg 4.98Мб
Giovanni Battista Paggi Venus and Cupid, oil on canvas, 81 x 66.jpg 1.42Мб
Giovanni Battista Pittoni Venus in the forge of Vulcan, oil on canvas, 82 x 66.jpg 2.41Мб
Giovanni Battista Salvi, called il Sassoferrato, and Workshop The Madonna at Prayer, oil on canvas, 48 x 38.jpg 1.32Мб
Giovanni Battista Salvi, called il Sassoferrato and Workshop Madonna and Child, oil on canvas, 31 x 24.jpg 2.95Мб
Giovanni Battista Salvi, called il Sassoferrato and Workshop Madonna in prayer, oil on canvas, 49 x 41.7.jpg 2.32Мб
Giovanni Battista Salvi, called il Sassoferrato and Workshop The Holy Family, oil on canvas, 71 x 94.jpg 2.59Мб
Giovanni Battista Salvi, called il Sassoferrato The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist, oil on copper, 25 x 34.3.jpg 3.57Мб
Giovanni Battista Salvi, il Sassoferrato Madonna in Prayer, oil on copper, 22 x 17.5.jpg 2.41Мб
Giovanni Bonsi Madonna and Child with Saints and angels, tempera on panel, gold ground, shaped top, overall 80 x 39.jpg 2.06Мб
Giovanni Crivelli, il Crivellino Peacocks and other birds in a landscape, oil on canvas, 237 x 179.jpg 2.33Мб
Giovanni di Marco, called Giovanni dal Ponte Madonna and Child, tempera on goldground panel, shaped top, 55 x 46.3.jpg 5.29Мб
Giovanni di Ser Giovanni Guidi, called Lo Scheggia The Madonna and Child between Saint Francis and Saint Michael, tempera and gold on panel, 47 x 35.jpg 1.68Мб
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo Paris holding an apple, oil on canvas, 35.5 x 26.jpg 2.71Мб
Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, called il Guercino Caritas Romana, oil on canvas, 31.5 x 24.jpg 1.70Мб
Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, called Il Guercino Portrait of an Italian mastiff and a tri-coloured spaniel before a wall, a landscape beyond, oil on canvas, 98 x 127.jpg 4.11Мб
Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, called il Guercino Portrait of Cardinal Bernardino Spada, oil on canvas, 60 x 43.jpg 2.05Мб
Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, called il Guercino Saint Francis receiving the Stigmata, oil on canvas, 113 x 94.jpg 3.01Мб
Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, called il Guercino Saint Jerome, oil on canvas, 120 x 102.jpg 2.85Мб
Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, called il Guercino Saint Peter, oil on canvas, 107 x 88.jpg 2.81Мб
Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, called il Guercino The Risen Christ appears to the Virgin, oil on copper, 38.5 x 28.jpg 2.03Мб
Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, gen. Guercino Caritas Romana, Öl auf Leinwand, 112 x 163.jpg 1.48Мб
Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, Il Guercino Saint Francis of Paola, oil on unlined canvas, 130 x 102.jpg 3.97Мб
Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, il Guercino Saint Paul, oil on canvas, 60.5 x 49.jpg 1.85Мб
Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, il Guercino Saint Romuald, oil on canvas, 74 x 61.jpg 2.07Мб
Giovanni Francesco Bezzi, called il Nosadella Madonna and Child with Saints James the Less and Antony Abbot, oil on paper mounted on canvas strips, laid down on panel, 60.6 x 42.6.jpg 1.06Мб
Giovanni Francesco Romanelli Allegory of Fame, oil on canvas, 191.5 x 137.jpg 3.49Мб
Giovanni Ghisolfi A coastal landscape with figures by a classical ruin, oil on canvas, 68.5 x 88.jpg 3.62Мб
Giovanni Ghisolfi A landscape with ruins and Alexander the Great in front of the Tomb of Achilles, oil on canvas, 91 x 132.5.jpg 2.84Мб
Giovanni Ghisolfi Figures by a ruined temple with Pythagoras appearing from the cavern, oil on canvas, 61.5 x 81.5.jpg 5.74Мб
Giovanni Giacomo Sementi Bacchus and Arianna, oil on canvas, 140 x 98.jpg 1.72Мб
Giovanni Giacomo Sementi Portia, oil on canvas, 200 x 124.jpg 2.94Мб
Giovanni Grubacs A nocturnal view of the Canal Grande, Venice, oil on canvas, 85 x 126.jpg 3.29Мб
Giovanni Grubacs Piazza San Marco by moonlight, Venice, oil on canvas, 53 x 76.jpg 3.80Мб
Giovanni Grubacs Ragatta on the Canal Grande, Venice, oil on canvas, 82 x 120.jpg 2.04Мб
Giovanni Grubacs The Doge on the Bucintoro near the Riva di Sant’Elena, Venice, oil on canvas, 50.5 x 73.5.jpg 4.77Мб
Giovanni Grubacs The Piazzetta di San Marco in moonlight, Venice, oil on canvas, 69.5 x 92.jpg 2.05Мб
Giovanni Grubacs The Punta della Dogana and Santa Maria della Salute, Venice oil on canvas, 73 x 97.5.jpg 4.18Мб
Giovanni Lanfranco Portrait of the artist’s family, oil on canvas, 118 x 96.5.jpg 4.32Мб
Giovanni Larciani and Mariotto Dolzemele The Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist and two angels, oil on panel, tondo, diameter 86.jpg 1.79Мб
Giovanni Losardi (Jan Lossaert) Madonna in Glory with Saints, oil on copper, 46 x 35.5.jpg 3.23Мб
Giovanni Maria Arduino Female Saint, oil on canvas, 92 x 74.jpg 1.91Мб
Giovanni Maria Butteri Portrait of Joanna of Austria, Granduchess of Tuscany (1547–1578), oil on panel, 60.7 x 48.5.jpg 1.42Мб
Giovanni Maria Butteri Portrait of Virginia de’ Medici (1568–1615), oil on panel, 68 x 51.jpg 2.22Мб
Giovanni Martinelli Roses, foxgloves, peonies, carnations and lilies, in a majolica vase, oil on panel, 68.5 x 52.jpg 3.22Мб
Giovanni Martinelli Saint Cecilia, oil on canvas, 50.5 x 39..jpg 5.13Мб
Giovanni Martinelli Saint Cecilia, oil on canvas, 50.5 x 39.jpg 2.43Мб
Giovanni Odazzi The Temptation of Saint Anthony, oil on canvas, 72 x 96.jpg 2.93Мб
Giovanni Paolo Castelli, called Lo Spadino An anthropomorphic allegory of Autumn, oil on canvas, 131 x 94.jpg 5.33Мб
Giovanni Paolo Castelli, called Lo Spadino An anthropomorphic allegory of Spring, oil on canvas, 131 x 94.jpg 4.30Мб
Giovanni Paolo Castelli, called Lo Spadino An anthropomorphic allegory of Summer, oil on canvas, 131 x 94.jpg 4.86Мб
Giovanni Paolo Castelli, called Lo Spadino An anthropomorphic allegory of Winter, oil on canvas, 131 x 94.jpg 3.25Мб
Giovanni Paolo Castelli, called Lo Spadino and Bartolomeo Castelli I and Girolamo Troppa Flowers and fruit on a stone ledge with a young woman, oil on canvas, 95.5 x 113.jpg 6.20Мб
Giovanni Paolo Panini and Workshop An Architectural Capriccio with figures among Roman ruins oil on canvas, 74 x 115.jpg 2.89Мб
Giovanni Paolo Panini Classical scene with the Pyramid of Caius Cestius, oil on canvas, 94 x 73.jpg 2.54Мб
Giovanni Paolo Panini Ruins with a woman preaching (a Sibyl), oil on canvas, 48 x 63.jpg 3.26Мб
Giovanni Pietro Rizzoli, called Giampietrino The Penitent Magdalene, oil on panel, 37.8 x 28.3.jpg 1.75Мб
Giovanni Reder and Domenico Roberti Preparing for the Race of the Berber Horses, Rome, oil on canvas, 49.5 x 65.jpg 4.04Мб
Giovanni Ricca Saint Lucy, oil on canvas, 85 x 66.jpg 1.51Мб
Giovanni Rivalta Peaches, grapes and figs, on a table tempera on paper, 37.5 x 50.5.jpg 3.39Мб
Giovanni Rivalta Peaches, grapes and plums, on a table, tempera on paper, 37.5 x 50.5.jpg 2.53Мб
Giovanni Segala Galatea with a Putto, oil on canvas, 26.5 x 53.jpg 1.06Мб
Giovanni Stanchi, called dei Fiori A flower still life, oil on canvas, 97 x 72.jpg 2.82Мб
Giovanni Stanchi A garland of flowers surrounding a medallion depicting the Annunciation, oil on canvas, 135 x 110.jpg 3.43Мб
Giovanni Stanchi Mixed flowers in a vase on a ledge, oil on canvas, 57.5 x 43.8.jpg 1.59Мб
Giovanni Stefano Danedi, gen. Il Montalto Herkules und Omphale, Öl auf Leinwand, 220 x 161,5.jpg 1.62Мб
Girolamo Brusaferro Joseph Interpreting the Dreams of the Pharaoh, oil on canvas, 79 x 96.5.jpg 3.87Мб
Girolamo da Santacroce Madonna and Child, oil on panel, 82 x 62.jpg 5.66Мб
Girolamo da Santacroce The Holy Family with Saint Mary Magdalene, oil on canvas, 141 x 205.jpg 2.15Мб
Girolamo Macchietti Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist, oil on panel, 61 x 50.jpg 3.03Мб
Girolamo Mazzola Bedoli The Nativity, oil on panel, 50 x 35.jpg 3.01Мб
Girolamo Scaglia Allegorical Figure with musical instruments and sheets of music, oil on canvas, 128 x 96.jpg 1.78Мб
Girolamo Siciolante called Siciolante da Sermoneta Portrait of a Cardinal, circa 1560-65, oil on canvas, 111.5 x 86.jpg 2.41Мб
Girolamo Siciolante da Sermoneta Portrait of Pope Julius III (1487–1555), oil on canvas, 98.5 x 88.jpg 2.31Мб
Giulio Campi Portrait of a gentleman, three-quarter length, oil on canvas, 143.5 x 102.jpg 3.92Мб
Giulio Carpioni Bacchanal with putti, oil on canvas, 66 x 56.jpg 8.77Мб
Giulio Carpioni Lot and his Daughters, oil on canvas, 55 x 69.jpg 4.20Мб
Giulio Carpioni Orpheus and Eurydice, oil on canvas, 58.5 x 84.5.jpg 3.05Мб
Giulio Carpioni Putti in a landscape, oil on canvas, 65.5 x 50.jpg 2.01Мб
Giulio Francia The Mystical Marriage of Saint Catherine, oil on panel, 73 x 58.jpg 2.74Мб
Giuseppe Angeli Madonna and Child, oil on canvas, 72 x 55.5.jpg 2.81Мб
Giuseppe Angeli Moses and the serpent of brass, oil on canvas, 205 x 310.jpg 1.96Мб
Giuseppe Antonio Petrini Saint Mark, oil on canvas, 82 x 83.jpg 3.58Мб
Giuseppe Bazzani The Education of the Virgin, oil on canvas, 106 x 81.jpg 2.54Мб
Giuseppe Bernardino Bison A bucolic river landscape, oil on canvas, 178 x 293.jpg 4.46Мб
Giuseppe Bernardino Bison A capriccio with palace by a canal oil on canvas, 32.5 x 47.jpg 3.58Мб
Giuseppe Bernardino Bison A Regatta on the Grand Canal, Venice, oil on canvas, 40.5 x 73.jpg 1.53Мб
Giuseppe Bernardino Bison The Bucintoro at the Molo, Venice, on Ascension Day, oil on canvas, 58.5 x 78.jpg 2.80Мб
Giuseppe Bernardino Bison The flooding of the Tagliamento river, oil on panel, 57.5 x 90.5.jpg 2.50Мб
Giuseppe Bernardino Bison The Grand Canal with the Rialto Bridge, Venice, oil on canvas, 68 x 97.jpg 1.34Мб
Giuseppe Bernardino Bison The Molo, looking towards the Zecca with the column of Saint Teodoro, Venice, oil on canvas, 59 x 73.jpg 1.51Мб
Giuseppe Bernardino Bison The Molo by the Biblioteca Marciana facing the entrance of the Canal Grande, Venice, oil on canvas, 57.5 x 79.5.jpg 2.44Мб
Giuseppe Bernardino Bison The Molo towards the Riva degli Schiavoni, Venice, oil on canvas, 27 x 33.5.jpg 4.19Мб
Giuseppe Bernardino Bison The Palazzo Ducale and the Riva degli Schiavoni, Venice, oil on canvas, 57.5 x 79.5.jpg 2.26Мб
Giuseppe Bernardino Bison The Regatta on Grand Canal, Venice, oil on canvas, 58.5 x 78.jpg 2.40Мб
Giuseppe Bernardino Bison The ‘Giovedi Grasso’ Festival before the Ducal Palace in Venice, oil on canvas, 81 x 111.jpg 4.56Мб
Giuseppe Bernardino Bison View of Genoa, gouache on paper, 14.5 x 19.jpg 382.69Кб
Giuseppe Bonito Portrait of the young King Ferdinand IV of Naples with the Order of the Golden Fleece, the Order of Saint Januarius and the Order of Saint Esprit, oil on canvas, 89 x 69.5.jpg 1.56Мб
Giuseppe Bonito The Lesson, oil on canvas, 35.5 x 47.5..jpg 3.83Мб
Giuseppe Bonito The Lesson, oil on canvas, 35.5 x 47.5.jpg 1.33Мб
Giuseppe Bottani Cleopatra, oil on canvas, 73.5 x 61.5.jpg 1.40Мб
Giuseppe Cesari, called Cavalier d’Arpino and Bernardino Cesari The Capture of Christ, oil on panel, 89.4 x 62.3.jpg 1.95Мб
Giuseppe Cesari, il Cavaliere d’Arpino The Holy Family with Saint Francis and Saint Jerome, oil on copper, 40 x 30.jpg 1.61Мб
Giuseppe Danedi, called il Montalto Ceres, Bacchus and Venus with Cupid, oil on canvas, 220 x 160.5.jpg 1.79Мб
Giuseppe di Guido, called Master of Fontanarosa The three Hebrews in the fiery furnace, oil on canvas, 183 x 242.jpg 4.22Мб
Giuseppe Marchesi, il Sansone Allegory of Spring, oil on canvas, 79 x 128.jpg 4.93Мб
Giuseppe Marchesi, il Sansone Allegory of Winter oil on canvas, 79 x 128.jpg 4.47Мб
Giuseppe Maria Crespi Saint in Prayer before a crucifix, oil on canvas, 82 x 58.jpg 2.81Мб
Giuseppe Maria Crespi Singer at the Spinet with Admirers, oil on canvas, 59 x 47.5.jpg 3.73Мб
Giuseppe Marullo Saint Michael defeating Lucifer, oil on canvas, 158 x 128.5.jpg 2.23Мб
Giuseppe Marullo Supper at Emmaus, oil on canvas, 128.5 x 153.jpg 2.24Мб
Giuseppe Nogari A girl adorned with flowers, with a lap dog on her arm, oil on canvas, 54 x 43.jpg 4.90Мб
Giuseppe Nuvolone Das Jesuskind mit dem Johannesknaben und einem Cherub, Öl auf Leinwand, 61 x 75.jpg 2.89Мб
Giuseppe Nuvolone Moses and the Brazen Serpent, oil on canvas, 148 x 208.5.jpg 3.92Мб
Giuseppe Nuvolone Tarquin and Lucretia, oil on canvas, 150 x 182.jpg 1.87Мб
Giuseppe Nuvolone The Marriage of Bacchus and Ariadne in the presence of Venus, oil on canvas, 180 x 230.jpg 6.11Мб
Giuseppe Nuvolone The Story of Tamar and Judah, oil on canvas, 149 x 179.jpg 4.92Мб
Giuseppe Ruoppolo Still life with peaches figs and blackberries, oil on canvas, 78.5 x 103.jpg 2.65Мб
Giuseppe Simonelli Battle of the Centaurs against the Lapiths, oil on canvas, 190 x 257.jpg 2.26Мб
Giuseppe Varotti The Return of Jephtha, oil on canvas, 138.5 x 98.5.jpg 2.69Мб
Giuseppe Vicenzino Pears, peaches, plums and flowers, oil on canvas, 74.5 x 57.5.jpg 2.49Мб
Giuseppe Zais A landscape with figures, oil on canvas, 70.5 x 94.5.jpg 2.48Мб
Giuseppe Zais A river landscape with peasants and their flock, a water mill and a village beyond, oil on canvas, 45 x 55.5.jpg 2.42Мб
Giuseppe Zais Battle scene, oil on canvas, 25 x 37.5.jpg 3.50Мб
Giuseppe Zais Landscape with a waterfall, washerwomen and a Cavalier, oil on canvas, 82 x 101.5.jpg 2.85Мб
Gortzius Geldorp Violante or ‘La Bella Gatta’(after Titian), oil on panel, 50 x 37.5.jpg 1.41Мб
Gottfried Eichler the Elder Two children making music, oil on canvas, 67 x 61.jpg 1.61Мб
Gottfried von Wedig Portrait of a man from the Beywegh family as Councillor of Cologne, his coat-of-arms upper right, 1637, oil on panel, 102.5 x 78.5.jpg 2.04Мб
Gregorio Lazzarini Moses and the Gathering of the Manna by the Israelites, oil on canvas, 75.5 x 130.5.jpg 2.31Мб
Guglielmo Da Re. The Bucintoro with the church of San Nicolò al Lido, Venice, oil on canvas, 100 x 180.jpg 1.85Мб
Guglielmo Da Re The departure of the Bucintoro oil on canvas, 100 x 180.jpg 1.78Мб
Guido Cagnacci The Penitent Magdalene, oil on canvas, 54.5 x 65.jpg 2.37Мб
Guido Cagnacci The Penitent Mary Magdalene, oil on canvas, 96 x 75.5.jpg 1.18Мб
Guido Reni Christ bearing the Cross, oil on copper, 49.5 x 36.5.jpg 3.61Мб
Guido Reni Fortuna with a purse, oil on canvas, 152 x 130.jpg 2.86Мб
Guido Reni Saint Peter, oil on canvas, 61.3 x 49.5.jpg 2.17Мб
Guido Reni The Madonna in Prayer, oil on canvas, 90.5 x 72.5.jpg 3.55Мб
Guillaume Voiriot Portrait of a young lady, oil on canvas, 82 x 65.jpg 1.97Мб
Habsburg Court Painter, 18th Century Portrait of Emperor Joseph II as a young man (1741–1790), three-quarter-length, oil on canvas, 111.5 x 85.5.jpg 2.10Мб
Habsburg Court Painter, 18th Portrait of Emperor Joseph II (1741–1790), three-quarter-length with the crown and wearing the Order of the Golden Fleece, oil on canvas, 117 x 90.jpg 5.59Мб
Habsburg Court Painter, active in Prague circa 1600 An allegorical scene, oil on canvas, 131 x 107.5.jpg 5.33Мб
Habsburg Court Painter, circa 1550 Portrait of Emperor Frederick III (1415–1493 oil on panel, 40 x 25.jpg 4.93Мб
Habsburg Court Painter, circa 1600–20 Триумфальное шествие oil on canvas, 73 x 192.jpg 2.16Мб
Habsburg Court Painter, circa 1600 A portrait of Archduke Albrecht VII, Governor of the Spanish Netherlands (1559–1621), oil on canvas, 75 x 60..jpg 3.51Мб
Habsburg Court Painter, circa 1600 A portrait of Archduke Albrecht VII, Governor of the Spanish Netherlands (1559–1621), oil on canvas, 75 x 60.jpg 1.56Мб
Habsburg Court Painter, circa 1765 Portrait of Archduke Leopold (later Emperor Leopold II) oil on canvas, 125 x 96.5.jpg 4.05Мб
Habsburg Court Painter, late 16th Century Portrait of Archduke Ernst of Austria (1553–1595), oil on canvas, 124 x 103.jpg 3.56Мб
Habsburg Court Painter of the 18th Century Francis Stephen of Lorraine as Grand Duke of Tuscany, oil on canvas, 74 x 61.jpg 2.24Мб
Hans Caspar Memberger The Transfiguration of Christ on Mount Tabor with the Prophets Elijah and Moses with Saints John, Peter and James, and the donor Jacob Rassler (1568–1617), oil on panel, 179 x 119.jpg 5.61Мб
Hans Jordaens I Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, oil on panel, 55.5 x 84.jpg 1.95Мб
Hans Rottenhammer and Jan Brueghel I Diana and Actaeon, oil on copper, 27 x 37.jpg 4.83Мб
Hans Rottenhammer The Virgin nursing the Child, oil on copper, 21.5 x 16.jpg 798.61Кб
Hans Schöpfer Portrait of a Lady in a red dress and head-dress, 1531, oil on panel, 64.8 x 50.2.jpg 1.51Мб
Harmen Evertsz. Steenwyck A kitchen still life with fish, oil on panel, 23 x 25.7.jpg 1.62Мб
Harmen Hals An interior with peasants making music, oil on panel, 36 x 31.5.jpg 1.23Мб
Harmen Hals A young woman by an arched gate, oil on panel, 33.6 x 27.3.jpg 2.37Мб
Harmen Loeding A pomegranate, a lemon, cherries and a glass of white wine on a stone ledge, oil on panel, 26.5 x 21.jpg 1.25Мб
Harmen van Steenwijck A still life with game, poultry, fish and fruit, oil on panel, 82 x 115.1.jpg 2.44Мб
Heinrich Christoph Pickhardt A fruit and flower still life with a parrot, signed and dated lower right HC Pickhardtfecit 1731, oil on canvas, 135 x 84.jpg 4.49Мб
Heinrich Friedrich Füger Apollo amongst the Shepherds, a ‘study’ for the former Burgtheater, Vienna, oil on canvas, 80.5 x 83.2.jpg 2.70Мб
Heinrich Lihl A roebuck on a path at the edge of the forest, oil on canvas, 153 x 114.jpg 4.36Мб
Heinrich Wilhelm Schweickhardt A winter landscape with cottages near a frozen river, oil on panel, 35.5 x 48.5..jpg 3.24Мб
Heinrich Wilhelm Schweickhardt A winter landscape with cottages near a frozen river, oil on panel, 35.5 x 48.5.jpg 1.50Мб
Hendrick Aerts An Allegory of Love and Death, oil on panel, 65 x 89.jpg 2.87Мб
Hendrick Bloemaert Vertumnus and Pomona, 1647, oil on canvas, 148.5 x 196.jpg 1.26Мб
Hendrick de Fromantiou A still life with flowers in a silver vase and a folded rug, oil on canvas, 91.5 x 70.5.jpg 1.74Мб
Hendrick de Meijer The market at Scheveningen, oil on panel, 33 x 38.5..jpg 4.90Мб
Hendrick de Meijer The market at Scheveningen, oil on panel, 33 x 38.5.jpg 1.74Мб
Hendrick Gerritsz. Pot A young man, with an open collar, oil on panel, 34 x 27.jpg 1.20Мб
Hendrick Goltzius The Virgin and Child with Angels, 1607 oil on canvas, 133.4 x 100.5.jpg 3.31Мб
Hendrick Govaerts Allegory of the Arts, oil on canvas, 144 x 258.jpg 2.62Мб
Hendrick Jacobsz. Dubbels Ice-skating on the Eastern Docks of Amsterdam, oil on canvas, 54 x 66.jpg 2.80Мб
Hendrick Martensz. Sorgh A barn interior, oil on panel, 55 x 84.jpg 1.17Мб
Hendrick van Cleve III An extensive landscape with a statue of Saturn, oil on panel, 51 x 71.jpg 2.35Мб
Hendrick van Steenwijck II A prison interior with the Liberation of Saint Peter, oil on canvas, 97 x 130.jpg 2.80Мб
Hendrik Frans van Lint Figures in an ideal river landscape by a bridge and buildings beyond, oil on canvas, 64.5 x 117.jpg 5.23Мб
Hendrik Maertensz. Sorgh A kitchen interior with two maids, oil on panel, 41 x 52.5.jpg 1.61Мб
Hendrik van Balen and Jan Brueghel II Diana and her Nymphs after the Hunt, overheard by Satyrs, oil on copper, 29 x 41.jpg 1.35Мб
Hendrik van Balen I and Jan Brueghel I Minerva Visits the Nine Muses (Ovid, Met. V, 250-268), oil on copper, 50 x 66.jpg 3.38Мб
Henrik Frans van Lint A classical landscape with figures seated before a tempietto, 1748, oil on canvas, 48 x 72.jpg 3.91Мб
Henrik Frans van Lint An ideal river landscape, with a bridge and a classical monument, oil on canvas, 48 x 72.jpg 5.48Мб
Henrik Frans van LintCastel Gandolfo, 1742, oil on canvas, 48.5 x 73.5.jpg 2.02Мб
Hermann van Swanevelt A Campagna landscape with shepherds and classical architecture, oil on panel, 26 x 35.jpg 4.50Мб
Hermann van Swanevelt A Campagna landscape with shepherds and classical architecture, oil on panel, 26 x 35.jpg 9.94Мб
Herman Saftleven A Rhine landscape, oil on canvas, 35.8 x 47..jpg 3.81Мб
Herman Saftleven A Rhine landscape, oil on canvas, 35.8 x 47.jpg 2.12Мб
Herman Saftleven Landscape with a view of the river Meuse, oil on canvas, 75.5 x 114..jpg 4.36Мб
Herman Saftleven Landscape with a view of the river Meuse, oil on canvas, 75.5 x 114.jpg 3.98Мб
Herman van Swanevelt A landscape with Jacob and Rachel at the well of Haran oil on canvas, 110 x 132.jpg 3.18Мб
Herman van Swanevelt A rocky landscape with figures fishing by a stream, oil on canvas, 79 x 105.jpg 3.59Мб
Herri met de Bles On the Way to Mount Calvary, oil on panel, 31 x 47.jpg 2.12Мб
Hieronymus Bosch, Nachfolger Versuchung des heiligen Antonius, Öl auf Holz, 55,5 x 42,5.jpg 972.18Кб
Hieronymus Francken II A banquet scene, oil on panel, 105.5 x 74.jpg 4.07Мб
Hieronymus Francken II and Frans Franken II A painter in his workshop, oil on panel, 49.5 x 70.jpg 2.42Мб
Hieronymus Francken II and Workshop of Frans Francken II The Parable of the Prodigal son, oil on panel, 59 x 87.jpg 2.90Мб
Hieronymus Francken III and Frans Francken II The Departure of the Israelites from Egypt, oil on copper, 58 x 77.5.jpg 2.27Мб
Hieronymus Francken III The Israelites after crossing the Red Sea, oil on copper, 50.5 x 67.5.jpg 3.23Мб
Hieronymus Galle A still life of flowers in a basket, oil on canvas, 52 x 73.jpg 1.93Мб
Hieronymus Janssens An elegant company in an interior, oil on canvas, 56 x 80.jpg 2.72Мб
Hispano-Lombard School, 17th Century Interior with figures grouped around a dish of eggs, oil on canvas, 85 x 141.jpg 1.55Мб
Hispano-Lombard School, 17th Century Vases of flowers with asparagus, lemons and a flower on a ledge, oil on canvas, 63.8 x 79.jpg 1.64Мб
Hispano-Lombard School, 17th Century Vases of flowers with grapes and an artichoke on a ledge, oil on canvas, 63.8 x 79.jpg 1.73Мб
Hubert Maurer Let the little children come to me, 1815, oil on canvas, 91.5 x 116 ..jpg 5.25Мб
Hubert Maurer Let the little children come to me, 1815, oil on canvas, 91.5 x 116.jpg 3.01Мб
Huybert van Westhoven A still life with a lobster, fruit, filled glasses and a Delft lidded vase, oil on canvas, 83 x 74.jpg 2.43Мб
Huybrecht Beukeleer Christ bearing the Cross, oil on panel, 77.8 x 103.5.jpg 4.74Мб
Huybrecht Bueckeleer The Holy Family with Saint Anne, dated 1563 in the plinth upper right, oil on panel, 110 x 141.jpg 2.89Мб
Ignaz Stern The Madonna and Child with angels, oil on canvas, 85 x 68.5.jpg 3.53Мб
Ilario Spolverini Pair of Battle scenes, oil on canvas, 91.5 x 131.jpg 6.42Мб
In the manner of Anthony van Dyck Rinaldo and Armida, oil on canvas, 96.6 x 77.5.jpg 3.43Мб
In the manner of Daniel van Heil A winter landscape, 1618 oil on canvas, 161 x 219.5.jpg 4.32Мб
In the manner of Domenico Zampieri, called Domenichino Saint Agnes, oil on canvas, 73 x 55.jpg 2.40Мб
In the manner of Gentile Bellini Portrait of Doge Loredan, inscribed in the coat of arms 1501, oil on panel, re-mounted on panel, 46 x 39.5.jpg 1.20Мб
In the manner of Jacques Callot A lady and two beggars in an interior, oil on panel, 21.5 x 27.jpg 871.55Кб
Ippolito Scarsella, called lo Scarsellino Madonna and Child with Saint Michael the Archangel, oil on canvas, 87 x 69.5.jpg 1.79Мб
Isaac Ouwater The Amsterdamse Poort in Haarlem, 1783, oil on canvas, 34 x 38..jpg 4.19Мб
Isaac Ouwater The Amsterdamse Poort in Haarlem, 1783, oil on canvas, 34 x 38.jpg 1.63Мб
Isaac Soreau A flower still life in a Berkemeyer glass, oil on copper, 16.2 x 13.3.jpg 1.04Мб
Isaac Soreau A still life of fruit and flowers with grapes in a wicker basket, blackberries in a porcelain bowl and tulips in a glass vase on the right, oil on panel, 60 x 83.jpg 1.88Мб
Isaac van Oosten A landscape with a horse-drawn cart and travelers on a village road, oil on panel, 40.5 x 70.8.jpg 2.71Мб
Isaac van Ostade A man in a hat and weathered clothes, oil on panel, 25.4 x 22.jpg 739.33Кб
Italian School, 16th Century The Coronation of the Madonna by Angels, holding the Child, oil on panel, 39 x 26.jpg 3.59Мб
Italian School, 17th Century Capriccio with the myth of the foundation of Carthage, oil on canvas, 234 x 294.jpg 3.47Мб
Italian School, 17th Century The Annunciation to the Virgin, oil on stone, 17.3 x 30.jpg 832.69Кб
Italian School, 17th Century The Penitent Magdalene, oil on canvas, 80 x 81.jpg 1.13Мб
Italian School, 18th Century A river landscape with a bridge and figures, oil on canvas, 214.5 x 249.5.jpg 3.05Мб
Italian School, 18th Century A Turkish wedding oil on canvas, 60 x 124.jpg 3.63Мб
Italian School, 18th Century Flowers in an ornamental vase on a table covered by a cloth, oil on canvas, 92.5 x 75.5.jpg 1.97Мб
Italian School, 18th Century Mixed flowers in a vase by a parrot, oil on canvas, 99 x 74.3.jpg 2.46Мб
Italian School, 18th Century Winter landscape with figures on a frozen river, oil on canvas, 75 x 102.jpg 1.88Мб
Italian School, 19th Century Sleeping Cupid, oil on canvas, 58 x 75.jpg 2.40Мб
Italo-Dutch School, late 17th or early 18th Century A Port with Tall Ships, oil on canvas, 61.5 x 75.jpg 1.72Мб
Italo-flämische Schule, 16. Jahrhundert Beweinung Christi, Öl auf Holz, 65 x 49.jpg 1.39Мб
Italo-Flemish School, 16th Century Juno, Cupid and Venus (), oil on panel, 66 x 84.jpg 3.66Мб
Italo-Flemish School, 17th Century The Apostles, oil on canvas, 65.8 x 49..jpg 2.76Мб
Italo-Flemish School, 17th Century The Apostles, oil on canvas, 65.8 x 49.jpg 2.96Мб
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