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1. Introduction and Scope.mp4 219.25Мб
1. Introduction to Computational and Systems Biology.mp4 135.61Мб
1. Signals and Systems.mp4 121.62Мб
1. What Makes Healthcare Unique.mp4 467.42Мб
10. Application of Machine Learning to Cardiac Imaging.mp4 373.06Мб
10. Feedback and Control.mp4 76.42Мб
10. Introduction to Learning, Nearest Neighbors.mp4 464.73Мб
10. Markov and Hidden Markov Models of Genomic and Protein Features.mp4 493.73Мб
11. Continuous-Time (CT) Frequency Response and Bode Plot.mp4 129.61Мб
11. Differential Diagnosis.mp4 312.63Мб
11. Learning - Identification Trees, Disorder.mp4 246.20Мб
11. RNA Secondary Structure; Biological Functions and Predictions.mp4 645.04Мб
12. Continuous-Time (CT) Feedback and Control, Part 1.mp4 113.16Мб
12. Introduction to Protein Structure; Structure Comparison and Classification.mp4 266.54Мб
12. Machine Learning for Pathology.mp4 316.41Мб
12a - Neural Nets.mp4 226.45Мб
12b - Deep Neural Nets.mp4 208.38Мб
13. Continuous-Time (CT) Feedback and Control, Part 2.mp4 126.12Мб
13. Learning - Genetic Algorithms.mp4 231.80Мб
13. Machine Learning for Mammography.mp4 120.72Мб
13. Predicting Protein Structure.mp4 173.31Мб
14. Causal Inference, Part 1.mp4 642.91Мб
14. Fourier Representations.mp4 120.92Мб
14. Learning - Sparse Spaces, Phonology.mp4 215.63Мб
14. Predicting Protein Interactions.mp4 570.86Мб
15. Causal Inference, Part 2.mp4 111.41Мб
15. Fourier Series.mp4 124.54Мб
15. Gene Regulatory Networks.mp4 442.43Мб
15. Learning - Near Misses, Felicity Conditions.mp4 423.84Мб
16. Fourier Transform.mp4 109.86Мб
16. Learning - Support Vector Machines.mp4 157.09Мб
16. Protein Interaction Networks.mp4 203.22Мб
16. Reinforcement Learning, Part 1.mp4 288.54Мб
17. Discrete-Time (DT) Frequency Representations.mp4 136.85Мб
17. Learning - Boosting.mp4 233.46Мб
17. Logic Modeling of Cell Signaling Networks.mp4 666.61Мб
17. Reinforcement Learning, Part 2.mp4 434.65Мб
18. Analysis of Chromatin Structure.mp4 424.63Мб
18. Discrete-Time (DT) Fourier Representations.mp4 129.74Мб
18. Disease Progression Modeling and Subtyping, Part 1.mp4 531.31Мб
18. Representations - Classes, Trajectories, Transitions.mp4 224.37Мб
19. Architectures - GPS, SOAR, Subsumption, Society of Mind.mp4 472.85Мб
19. Discovering Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs).mp4 782.59Мб
19. Disease Progression Modeling and Subtyping, Part 2.mp4 422.31Мб
19. Relations Among Fourier Representations.mp4 126.17Мб
2. Discrete-Time (DT) Systems.mp4 115.14Мб
2. Local Alignment (BLAST) and Statistics.mp4 542.58Мб
2. Overview of Clinical Care.mp4 464.63Мб
2. Reasoning - Goal Trees and Problem Solving.mp4 466.99Мб
20. Applications of Fourier Transforms.mp4 125.21Мб
20. Human Genetics, SNPs, and Genome Wide Associate Studies.mp4 465.82Мб
20. Precision Medicine.mp4 421.42Мб
21. Automating Clinical Work Flows.mp4 315.87Мб
21. Probabilistic Inference I.mp4 388.97Мб
21. Sampling.mp4 128.25Мб
21. Synthetic Biology - From Parts to Modules to Therapeutic Systems.mp4 228.28Мб
22. Causality, Natural Computing, and Engineering Genomes.mp4 587.29Мб
22. Probabilistic Inference II.mp4 358.47Мб
22. Regulation of Machine Learning _ Artificial Intelligence in the US.mp4 561.65Мб
22. Sampling and Quantization.mp4 109.71Мб
23. Fairness.mp4 312.66Мб
23. Model Merging, Cross-Modal Coupling, Course Summary.mp4 128.95Мб
23. Modulation, Part 1.mp4 114.97Мб
24. Modulation, Part 2.mp4 97.21Мб
24. Robustness to Dataset Shift.mp4 350.52Мб
25. Audio CD.mp4 117.23Мб
25. Interpretability.mp4 340.54Мб
3. Deep Dive Into Clinical Data.mp4 457.12Мб
3. Feedback, Poles, and Fundamental Modes.mp4 119.35Мб
3. Global Alignment of Protein Sequences (NW, SW, PAM, BLOSUM).mp4 510.98Мб
3. Reasoning - Goal Trees and Rule-Based Expert Systems.mp4 217.63Мб
4. Comparative Genomic Analysis of Gene Regulation.mp4 511.20Мб
4. Continuous-Time (CT) Systems.mp4 131.26Мб
4. Risk Stratification, Part 1.mp4 543.25Мб
4. Search - Depth-First, Hill Climbing, Beam.mp4 429.07Мб
5. Library Complexity and Short Read Alignment (Mapping).mp4 662.88Мб
5. Risk Stratification, Part 2.mp4 509.63Мб
5. Search - Optimal, Branch and Bound, A.mp4 435.71Мб
5. Z Transform.mp4 119.50Мб
6. Genome Assembly.mp4 314.15Мб
6. Laplace Transform.mp4 104.10Мб
6. Physiological Time-Series.mp4 399.08Мб
6. Search - Games, Minimax, and Alpha-Beta.mp4 454.16Мб
7. ChIP-seq Analysis; DNA-protein Interactions.mp4 284.12Мб
7. Constraints - Interpreting Line Drawings.mp4 457.28Мб
7. Discrete Approximation of Continuous-Time Systems.mp4 111.78Мб
7. Natural Language Processing (NLP), Part 1.mp4 436.51Мб
8. Constraints - Search, Domain Reduction.mp4 119.14Мб
8. Convolution.mp4 129.46Мб
8. Natural Language Processing (NLP), Part 2.mp4 394.60Мб
8. RNA-sequence Analysis - Expression, Isoforms.mp4 499.07Мб
9. Constraints - Visual Object Recognition.mp4 133.54Мб
9. Frequency Response.mp4 122.87Мб
9. Modeling and Discovery of Sequence Motifs.mp4 643.97Мб
9. Translating Technology Into the Clinic.mp4 641.02Мб
Addition rule for probability _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.mp4 13.94Мб
Advanced Algorithms (COMPSCI 224), Lecture 1.mp4 237.17Мб
Advanced Algorithms (COMPSCI 224), Lecture 10.mp4 220.33Мб
Advanced Algorithms (COMPSCI 224), Lecture 11.mp4 225.94Мб
Advanced Algorithms (COMPSCI 224), Lecture 12.mp4 224.23Мб
Advanced Algorithms (COMPSCI 224), Lecture 13.mp4 221.86Мб
Advanced Algorithms (COMPSCI 224), Lecture 15.mp4 225.77Мб
Advanced Algorithms (COMPSCI 224), Lecture 16.mp4 221.06Мб
Advanced Algorithms (COMPSCI 224), Lecture 17.mp4 228.65Мб
Advanced Algorithms (COMPSCI 224), Lecture 18.mp4 222.29Мб
Advanced Algorithms (COMPSCI 224), Lecture 19.mp4 215.61Мб
Advanced Algorithms (COMPSCI 224), Lecture 2.mp4 263.93Мб
Advanced Algorithms (COMPSCI 224), Lecture 20.mp4 224.50Мб
Advanced Algorithms (COMPSCI 224), Lecture 21.mp4 233.95Мб
Advanced Algorithms (COMPSCI 224), Lecture 22.mp4 212.15Мб
Advanced Algorithms (COMPSCI 224), Lecture 23.mp4 226.66Мб
Advanced Algorithms (COMPSCI 224), Lecture 24.mp4 224.80Мб
Advanced Algorithms (COMPSCI 224), Lecture 25.mp4 228.18Мб
Advanced Algorithms (COMPSCI 224), Lecture 26.mp4 225.01Мб
Advanced Algorithms (COMPSCI 224), Lecture 3.mp4 240.85Мб
Advanced Algorithms (COMPSCI 224), Lecture 4.mp4 231.44Мб
Advanced Algorithms (COMPSCI 224), Lecture 5.mp4 212.84Мб
Advanced Algorithms (COMPSCI 224), Lecture 6.mp4 220.04Мб
Advanced Algorithms (COMPSCI 224), Lecture 7.mp4 228.55Мб
Advanced Algorithms (COMPSCI 224), Lecture 8.mp4 217.42Мб
Advanced Algorithms (COMPSCI 224), Lecture 9.mp4 222.31Мб
An Introduction To NoSQL Databases.mp4 22.53Мб
Applying our K Nearest Neighbors Algorithm - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.18.mp4 28.93Мб
Artificial Intelligence Full Course _ Artificial Intelligence Tutorial for Beginners _ Edureka.mp4 661.16Мб
AVL 1 Introduction.mp4 31.45Мб
AVL Tree 2 Nodes.mp4 30.10Мб
AVL Tree 3 Adding a node.mp4 33.65Мб
AVL Tree 4 recursive add for an AVL tree.mp4 52.25Мб
AVL Tree 5 checking balance in an AVL tree.mp4 37.28Мб
AVL Tree 6 Rebalancing AVL trees.mp4 50.38Мб
AVL Tree 7 complete example of adding data to an AVL tree..mp4 59.54Мб
Barack Obama - Intro to Deep Learning _ MIT 6.S191.mp4 4.63Мб
Basics of OS (Computer System Operation).mp4 37.36Мб
Basics of OS (I_O Structure).mp4 30.96Мб
Basics of OS (Storage Structure).mp4 15.95Мб
Big Bang Model.mp4 20.46Мб
Big O Notations.mp4 42.18Мб
Binomial Distribution 1.mp4 12.01Мб
Binomial Distribution 2.mp4 11.98Мб
Binomial Distribution 3.mp4 13.99Мб
Binomial Distribution 4.mp4 10.04Мб
Bioinformatics in Python - Development Tools Setup..mp4 47.95Мб
Bioinformatics in Python - DNA Toolkit. Part 1 - Validating and counting nucleotides..mp4 29.73Мб
Bioinformatics in Python - DNA Toolkit. Part 2 - Transcription, Reverse Complement..mp4 42.17Мб
Bioinformatics in Python - DNA Toolkit. Part 3 - GC Content Calculation..mp4 37.16Мб
Bioinformatics in Python - DNA Toolkit. Part 4 - Translation, Codon Usage..mp4 32.58Мб
Bioinformatics in Python - DNA Toolkit. Part 5 - Open Reading Frames..mp4 21.45Мб
Bioinformatics in Python - DNA Toolkit. Part 6 - Protein search in a reading frame..mp4 38.40Мб
Bioinformatics in Python - DNA Toolkit. Part 7 - A search for a real protein from NCBI database..mp4 41.26Мб
Bioinformatics in Python - DNA Toolkit. Part 8.1 - Code refactoring into a bio_seq class..mp4 56.55Мб
Bioinformatics in Python - DNA Toolkit. Part 8.2 - Code refactoring into a bio_seq class..mp4 65.74Мб
Bioinformatics in Python - DNA Toolkit. Part 9 - RNA, Helper functions..mp4 51.33Мб
Bioinformatics in Python - Intro.mp4 38.45Мб
Bioinformatics Tips & Tricks - Hamming Distance.mp4 25.38Мб
Birthday probability problem _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.mp4 13.80Мб
Black Box Testing.mp4 41.43Мб
Bloom Filters.mp4 122.77Мб
Building the Network - Using Convolutional Neural Network to Identify Dogs vs Cats p. 2.mp4 35.95Мб
C++ Tutorial.mp4 50.84Мб
C++ Tutorial 10 - Object Oriented Programming.mp4 190.74Мб
C++ Tutorial 11 - Polymorphism.mp4 29.09Мб
C++ Tutorial 12 - Operator Overloading & File I_O.mp4 47.19Мб
C++ Tutorial 13 - Advanced Functions.mp4 29.27Мб
C++ Tutorial 14 - Templates & Iterators.mp4 34.52Мб
C++ Tutorial 15 - Smart Pointers & Polymorphic Templates.mp4 25.30Мб
C++ Tutorial 16 - C++ Threads.mp4 47.43Мб
C++ Tutorial 17 - Sequence Containers.mp4 37.22Мб
C++ Tutorial 18 - Associative Containers & Container Adapters.mp4 33.04Мб
C++ Tutorial 19 - C++ Regular Expressions.mp4 44.48Мб
C++ Tutorial 20 - C++ Regex 2.mp4 22.98Мб
C++ Tutorial 21 - C++ Regex 3.mp4 28.63Мб
C++ Tutorial 2 - Conditionals, Arrays, Vectors, Strings, Loops.mp4 50.72Мб
C++ Tutorial 3 - Pointers & Functions.mp4 54.58Мб
C++ Tutorial 4 - Exception Handling & Looping.mp4 101.13Мб
C++ Tutorial 5 - Strings & Math.mp4 44.18Мб
C++ Tutorial 6 - Solving Problems.mp4 43.38Мб
C++ Tutorial 7 - Solving Problems.mp4 43.17Мб
C++ Tutorial 8 - Recursion Algorithms & Overloaded Functions.mp4 51.55Мб
C++ Tutorial 9 - Lambda Expressions.mp4 43.97Мб
Calclulus II - 10.1.2 Parabolas.mp4 27.81Мб
Calculus 1.1 A Preview of Calculus.mp4 21.99Мб
Calculus 1.2.1 Find Limits Graphically and Numerically - Estimate a Limit Numerically or Graphically.mp4 42.57Мб
Calculus 1.2.2 Find Limits Graphically and Numerically - When Limits Fail to Exist.mp4 25.41Мб
Calculus 1.2.3 Find Limits Graphically and Numerically - The Formal Definition of A Limit.mp4 44.32Мб
Calculus 1.3.1 Evaluating Limits Using Properties of Limits.mp4 33.52Мб
Calculus 1.3.2 Evaluating Limits By Dividing Out or Rationalizing.mp4 30.34Мб
Calculus 1.3.3 Evaluating Limits Using the Squeeze Theorem.mp4 18.71Мб
Calculus 1.4.1 Continuity on Open Intervals.mp4 36.03Мб
Calculus 1.4.2 Continuity on Closed Intervals.mp4 18.61Мб
Calculus 1.4.3 Properties of Continuity.mp4 11.98Мб
Calculus 1.4.4 The Intermediate Value Theorem.mp4 23.79Мб
Calculus 1.5.1 Determine Infinite Limits.mp4 14.76Мб
Calculus 1.5.2 Determine Vertical Asymptotes.mp4 30.37Мб
Calculus 2.1.1 Find the Slope of a Tangent Line.mp4 52.51Мб
Calculus 2.1.2 Derivatives Using the Limit Definition.mp4 39.74Мб
Calculus 2.1.3 Differentiability and Continuity.mp4 26.82Мб
Calculus 2.2.1 Basic Differentiation Rules.mp4 45.95Мб
Calculus 2.2.2 Rates of Change.mp4 40.94Мб
Calculus 2.3.1 The Product and Quotient Rules.mp4 32.78Мб
Calculus 2.3.2 Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions.mp4 8.07Мб
Calculus 2.3.3 Higher Order Derivatives.mp4 25.08Мб
Calculus 2.4.1 The Chain Rule.mp4 45.65Мб
Calculus 2.4.2 The General Power Rule.mp4 21.85Мб
Calculus 2.4.3 Simplifying Derivatives.mp4 24.58Мб
Calculus 2.4.4 Trigonometric Functions and the Chain Rule.mp4 7.07Мб
Calculus 2.5.1 Implicit and Explicit Functions.mp4 21.20Мб
Calculus 2.5.2 Implicit Differentiation.mp4 39.68Мб
Calculus 3.1.1 Extrema of a Function on an Interval.mp4 20.83Мб
Calculus 3.1.2 Relative Extrema of a Function on an Open Interval.mp4 35.74Мб
Calculus 3.1.3 Find Extrema on a Closed Interval.mp4 26.66Мб
Calculus 3.2.1 Rolle’s Theorem.mp4 38.91Мб
Calculus 3.2.2 The Mean Value Theorem.mp4 41.18Мб
Calculus 3.3.1 Increasing and Decreasing Intervals.mp4 55.73Мб
Calculus 3.3.2 The First Derivative Test.mp4 39.00Мб
Calculus 3.4.1 Intervals of Concavity.mp4 30.10Мб
Calculus 3.4.2 Points of Inflection.mp4 17.48Мб
Calculus 3.4.3 The Second Derivative Test.mp4 19.68Мб
Calculus 3.4.4 Putting It All Together.mp4 39.65Мб
Calculus 3.5.1 Determine Finite Limits at Infinity.mp4 15.63Мб
Calculus 3.5.2 Determine Horizontal Asymptotes of a Function.mp4 39.03Мб
Calculus 3.5.3 Horizontal Asymptotes - Tricky Examples.mp4 25.99Мб
Calculus 3.5.4 Determine Infinite Limits at Infinity.mp4 6.27Мб
Calculus 3.6.1 A Summary of Curve Sketching.mp4 59.67Мб
Calculus 3.6.2 Curve Sketching - Full Practice.mp4 49.27Мб
Calculus 3.7.1 Optimization Problems.mp4 53.46Мб
Calculus 3.7.2 Optimization Practice.mp4 64.22Мб
Calculus 4.1.1 Antiderivatives.mp4 38.35Мб
Calculus 4.1.2 Basic Integration Rules.mp4 10.23Мб
Calculus 4.1.3 Find Particular Solutions to Differential Equations.mp4 43.64Мб
Calculus 4.2.1 Sigma Notation.mp4 37.62Мб
Calculus 4.2.2 The Concept of Area.mp4 16.10Мб
Calculus 4.2.3 The Approximate Area of a Plane Region.mp4 85.20Мб
Calculus 4.2.4 Finding Area By The Limit Definition.mp4 46.87Мб
Calculus 4.3.1 Riemann Sums.mp4 27.02Мб
Calculus 4.3.2 Definite Integrals.mp4 35.60Мб
Calculus 4.3.3 Properties of Definite Integrals.mp4 19.97Мб
Calculus 4.4.1 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.mp4 60.97Мб
Calculus 4.4.2 The Mean Value Theorem for Integrals.mp4 15.47Мб
Calculus 4.4.3 The Average Value of a Function.mp4 8.60Мб
Calculus 4.4.4 The Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.mp4 20.04Мб
Calculus 4.5.1 Use Pattern Recognition in Indefinite Integrals.mp4 34.13Мб
Calculus 4.5.2 Change of Variables for Indefinite Integrals.mp4 72.38Мб
Calculus 5.1.1 Properties of the Natural Logarithmic Function.mp4 52.24Мб
Calculus 5.1.2 The Number e.mp4 9.06Мб
Calculus 5.1.3 The Derivative of the Natural Logarithmic Function.mp4 36.82Мб
Calculus 5.2.1 The Log Rule for Integration.mp4 56.63Мб
Calculus 5.2.2 Integrals of Trigonometric Functions.mp4 6.26Мб
Calculus 5.3.1 Verify Functions are Inverses of One Another.mp4 28.65Мб
Calculus 5.3.2 Determine Whether a Function Has An Inverse.mp4 26.67Мб
Calculus 5.3.3 Find the Inverse of a Function.mp4 9.99Мб
Calculus 5.3.4 Find the Derivative of an Inverse of a Function.mp4 24.98Мб
Calculus 5.4.1 The Natural Exponential Function.mp4 40.26Мб
Calculus 5.4.2 Derivatives of the Natural Exponential Function.mp4 8.14Мб
Calculus 5.4.3 Integrals of the Natural Exponential Function.mp4 18.49Мб
Calculus 5.5.1 Exponential Functions with Bases Other than e.mp4 46.29Мб
Calculus 5.5.2 Differentiate and Integrate with Bases Other than e.mp4 36.25Мб
Calculus 5.5.3 Applications of Bases Other than e.mp4 25.49Мб
Calculus 5.6.1 Indeterminate Forms.mp4 15.06Мб
Calculus 5.6.2 L’Hôpital’s Rule.mp4 28.32Мб
Calculus 5.7.1 Inverse Trigonometric Functions.mp4 64.05Мб
Calculus 5.7.2 Derivatives of Inverse Trigonometric Functions.mp4 20.23Мб
Calculus 5.8.1 Integrate Inverse Trigonometric Functions.mp4 30.24Мб
Calculus 5.8.2 Integrate Using the Completing the Square Technique.mp4 19.45Мб
Calculus I - 2.6.1 Related Rates - Water Ripples (2D Circle).mp4 11.57Мб
Calculus I - 2.6.2 Related Rates - Balloon Inflation (Sphere).mp4 9.89Мб
Calculus I - 2.6.3 Related Rates - Modeling with Triangles.mp4 36.03Мб
Calculus II - 10.1.1 An Introduction to Conic Sections.mp4 12.93Мб
Calculus II - 10.1.3 Ellipses.mp4 29.42Мб
Calculus II - 10.1.4 Hyperbolas.mp4 16.86Мб
Calculus II - 10.2.1 Plane Curves and Parametric Equations.mp4 32.87Мб
Calculus II - 10.2.2 Finding Parametric Equations.mp4 12.13Мб
Calculus II - 10.3.1 Slope, Tangent Lines, and Concavity of Parametric Equations.mp4 40.47Мб
Calculus II - 10.4.1 Polar Coordinates and Coordinate Conversion.mp4 40.55Мб
Calculus II - 10.4.2 Polar Graphs.mp4 16.72Мб
Calculus II - 10.4.3 Slope and Tangent Lines of Polar Equations.mp4 42.78Мб
Calculus II - 6.1.1 General and Particular Solutions to Differential Equations.mp4 29.72Мб
Calculus II - 6.1.2 Slope Fields.mp4 6.70Мб
Calculus II - 6.2.1 Use Separation of Variables to Solve a Simple Differential Equation.mp4 22.70Мб
Calculus II - 6.2.2 Models of Exponential Growth and Decay.mp4 50.12Мб
Calculus II - 6.3.1 Using Separation of Variables to Find General and Particular Solutions.mp4 25.33Мб
Calculus II - 6.3.2 The Logistic Differential Equation.mp4 26.71Мб
Calculus II - 6.4.1 First Order Linear Differential Equations.mp4 33.24Мб
Calculus II - 7.1.1 Finding The Area Under a Curve.mp4 11.83Мб
Calculus II - 7.1.2 Finding the Area Between Two Curves.mp4 42.49Мб
Calculus II - 7.1.3 Applications Involving the Area Between Two Curves.mp4 11.54Мб
Calculus II - 7.2.1 Finding Volume Using the Disk Method.mp4 42.01Мб
Calculus II - 7.2.2 Finding Volume Using the Washer Method.mp4 45.34Мб
Calculus II - 7.2.3 Finding the Volume of a Solid with Known Cross Sections.mp4 27.81Мб
Calculus II - 7.3.1 Finding Volume Using the Shell Method.mp4 46.54Мб
Calculus II - 7.3.2 Disk Method vs. Shell Method.mp4 23.22Мб
Calculus II - 7.4.1 Finding Arc Length.mp4 33.33Мб
Calculus II - 7.4.2 Surfaces of Revolution.mp4 28.34Мб
Calculus II - 7.5.1 Work, Work, Work.mp4 41.32Мб
Calculus II - 7.6.1 Center of Mass in a One- or Two-Dimensional System.mp4 24.45Мб
Calculus II - 7.6.2 Center of Mass of a Planar Lamina.mp4 42.27Мб
Calculus II - 7.7.1 Fluid Pressure and Fluid Force.mp4 34.61Мб
Calculus II - 8.1.1 Fitting Integrands to Basic Integration Rules.mp4 23.96Мб
Calculus II - 8.2.1 Integration by Parts.mp4 29.89Мб
Calculus II - 8.3.1 Integrals Involving Powers of Sine and Cosine.mp4 31.92Мб
Calculus II - 8.3.2 Integrals Involving Powers of Secant and Tangent.mp4 46.05Мб
Calculus II - 8.4.1 Trigonometric Substitution.mp4 55.02Мб
Calculus II - 8.5.1 Using Partial Fractions with Linear Factors to Integrate.mp4 34.68Мб
Calculus II - 8.5.2 Using Partial Fractions with Quadratic Factors to Integrate.mp4 23.88Мб
Calculus II - 8.6.1 Using the Trapezoidal Rule to Approximate Integrals.mp4 33.95Мб
Calculus II - 8.6.2 Using Simpson's Rule to Approximate Integrals.mp4 18.02Мб
Calculus II - 8.8.1 Improper Integrals with Infinite Limits of Integration.mp4 33.39Мб
Calculus II - 8.8.2 Improper Integrals with Infinite Discontinuities.mp4 24.12Мб
Calculus II - 9.1.1 The Limit of a Sequence.mp4 29.50Мб
Calculus II - 9.1.2 Pattern Recognition for Sequences.mp4 18.87Мб
Calculus II - 9.1.3 Monotonic and Bounded Sequences.mp4 18.52Мб
Calculus II - 9.10.1 The Taylor and Maclaurin Series.mp4 36.12Мб
Calculus II - 9.10.2 The Binomial Series.mp4 17.51Мб
Calculus II - 9.10.3 Use The Power Series for Elementary Functions.mp4 13.55Мб
Calculus II - 9.2.1 Infinite Series.mp4 15.71Мб
Calculus II - 9.2.2 The Geometric Series.mp4 41.16Мб
Calculus II - 9.2.3 The nth Term Test for Divergence.mp4 13.61Мб
Calculus II - 9.3.1 The Integral Test.mp4 25.81Мб
Calculus II - 9.3.2 The p-Series.mp4 13.34Мб
Calculus II - 9.4.1 The Direct Comparison Test.mp4 47.45Мб
Calculus II - 9.4.2 The Limit Comparison Test.mp4 27.46Мб
Calculus II - 9.5.1 The Alternating Series Test.mp4 16.81Мб
Calculus II - 9.5.2 The Alternating Series Remainder.mp4 22.02Мб
Calculus II - 9.5.3 Absolute and Conditional Convergence.mp4 23.75Мб
Calculus II - 9.6.1 The Ratio Test.mp4 30.43Мб
Calculus II - 9.6.2 The Root Test.mp4 11.61Мб
Calculus II - 9.8.1 The Power Series L=0 or L=Inf.mp4 30.42Мб
Calculus II - 9.8.2 The Power Series - Finding R and the Interval of Convergence.mp4 37.22Мб
Calculus II - 9.9.1 Represent Functions with the Geometric Power Series.mp4 35.83Мб
Calculus II - 9.9.2 Operations with The Geometric Power Series.mp4 33.88Мб
CASE Tools.mp4 13.61Мб
Characteristics of Good Software.mp4 30.33Мб
Chris Gerdes (Stanford) on Technology, Policy and Vehicle Safety - MIT Self-Driving Cars.mp4 211.76Мб
Classification w_ K Nearest Neighbors Intro - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.13.mp4 12.33Мб
Clustering Introduction - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.34.mp4 77.96Мб
Cohesion and Coupling.mp4 91.17Мб
Coin flipping probability _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.mp4 9.58Мб
Combinations.mp4 10.04Мб
Command Line Interface (CLI).mp4 51.76Мб
Completing SVM from Scratch - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.28.mp4 115.71Мб
Complexity 1 Introduction to complexity.mp4 85.48Мб
Complexity 2 Big Oh Notation.mp4 37.20Мб
Complexity 3 Some examples of big-Oh notation.mp4 56.29Мб
Component Reusability.mp4 48.55Мб
Components of CASE Tools.mp4 23.66Мб
Compound probability of independent events _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.mp4 5.43Мб
Computer System Architecture.mp4 20.16Мб
Conditional probability and combinations _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.mp4 19.32Мб
Configuration Management.mp4 95.18Мб
Context Switch.mp4 19.07Мб
Convolutional Neural Networks _ MIT 6.S191.mp4 132.30Мб
Convolutional Neural Networks Basics - Deep Learning withTensorFlow 12.mp4 12.46Мб
Convolutional Neural Networks with TensorFlow - Deep Learning with Neural Networks 13.mp4 195.09Мб
Cost of Maintenance.mp4 30.51Мб
C Programming Tutorial _ Learn C programming _ C language.mp4 508.48Мб
C Programming Tutorial for Beginners.mp4 485.79Мб
CPU and I_O Burst Cycles.mp4 17.07Мб
Creating an SVM from scratch - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.25.mp4 18.53Мб
Creating A Reinforcement Learning (RL) Environment - Reinforcement Learning p.4.mp4 143.24Мб
Creating Our K Nearest Neighbors Algorithm - Practical Machine Learning with Python p.16.mp4 17.07Мб
Critical Path Analysis.mp4 43.32Мб
CSS Crash Course For Absolute Beginners.mp4 155.17Мб
Custom K Means - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.37.mp4 77.74Мб
Cyclomatic Complexity Measures.mp4 38.68Мб
Database Design Course - Learn how to design and plan a database for beginners.mp4 5.68Гб
Data Dictionary.mp4 43.85Мб
Data Flow Diagram.mp4 59.78Мб
Data Structures Easy to Advanced Course - Full Tutorial from a Google Engineer.mp4 823.34Мб
Deadlocks _ Chapter-7 _ Operating System.mp4 4.46Мб
Decision Tables.mp4 29.11Мб
Deep Generative Modeling _ MIT 6.S191.mp4 93.57Мб
Deep Learning New Frontiers _ MIT 6.S191.mp4 83.23Мб
Deep Learning with Neural Networks and TensorFlow Introduction.mp4 40.22Мб
Deep Q Learning w_ DQN - Reinforcement Learning p.5.mp4 74.36Мб
Dependent probability example _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.mp4 15.39Мб
Dependent probability example 2 _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.mp4 20.73Мб
Discrete Math - 1.1.1 Propositions, Negations, Conjunctions and Disjunctions.mp4 47.50Мб
Discrete Math - 1.1.2 Implications Converse, Inverse, Contrapositive and Biconditionals.mp4 47.99Мб
Discrete Math - 1.1.3 Constructing a Truth Table for Compound Propositions.mp4 25.18Мб
Discrete Math 1.2.1 - Translating Propositional Logic Statements.mp4 24.73Мб
Discrete Math - 1.2.2 Solving Logic Puzzles.mp4 52.14Мб
Discrete Math - 1.2.3 Introduction to Logic Circuits.mp4 16.79Мб
Discrete Math - 1.3.1 “Proving” Logical Equivalences with Truth Tables.mp4 38.73Мб
Discrete Math - 1.3.2 Key Logical Equivalences Including De Morgan’s Laws.mp4 23.66Мб
Discrete Math - 1.3.3 Constructing New Logical Equivalences.mp4 35.14Мб
Discrete Math - 1.4.1 Predicate Logic.mp4 22.12Мб
Discrete Math - 1.4.2 Quantifiers.mp4 42.96Мб
Discrete Math - 1.4.3 Negating and Translating with Quantifiers.mp4 44.79Мб
Discrete Math - 1.5.1 Nested Quantifiers and Negations.mp4 41.03Мб
Discrete Math - 1.5.2 Translating with Nested Quantifiers.mp4 54.67Мб
Discrete Math - 1.6.1 Rules of Inference for Propositional Logic.mp4 44.55Мб
Discrete Math - 1.6.2 Rules of Inference for Quantified Statements.mp4 38.79Мб
Discrete Math - 1.7.1 Direct Proof.mp4 20.50Мб
Discrete Math - 1.7.2 Proof by Contraposition.mp4 13.60Мб
Discrete Math - 1.7.3 Proof by Contradiction.mp4 22.37Мб
Discrete Math - 1.8.1 Proof by Cases.mp4 42.08Мб
Discrete Math - 1.8.2 Proofs of Existence And Uniqueness.mp4 20.45Мб
Discrete Math - 10.1.1 Introduction to Graphs.mp4 16.47Мб
Discrete Math - 10.2.1 Graph Terminology.mp4 39.37Мб
Discrete Math - 10.2.2 Special Types of Graphs.mp4 34.57Мб
Discrete Math - 10.2.3 Applications of Graphs.mp4 23.44Мб
Discrete Math - 11.1.1 Introduction to Trees.mp4 53.05Мб
Discrete Math - 2.1.1 Introduction to Sets.mp4 25.05Мб
Discrete Math - 2.1.2 Set Relationships.mp4 45.08Мб
Discrete Math - 2.2.1 Operations on Sets.mp4 31.73Мб
Discrete Math - 2.2.2 Set Identities.mp4 24.33Мб
Discrete Math - 2.2.3 Proving Set Identities.mp4 63.74Мб
Discrete Math - 2.3.1 Introduction to Functions.mp4 16.96Мб
Discrete Math - 2.3.2 One to One and Onto Functions.mp4 25.57Мб
Discrete Math - 2.3.3 Inverse Functions and Composition of Functions.mp4 26.77Мб
Discrete Math - 2.3.4 Useful Functions to Know.mp4 10.09Мб
Discrete Math - 2.4.1 Introduction to Sequences.mp4 36.33Мб
Discrete Math - 2.4.2 Recurrence Relations.mp4 59.64Мб
Discrete Math - 2.4.3 Summations and Sigma Notation.mp4 13.77Мб
Discrete Math - 2.4.4 Summation Properties and Formulas.mp4 27.87Мб
Discrete Math - 2.6.1 Matrices and Matrix Operations.mp4 48.20Мб
Discrete Math - 2.6.2 Matrix Operations on your TI-84.mp4 14.73Мб
Discrete Math - 2.6.3 Zero-One Matrices.mp4 21.86Мб
Discrete Math - 3.1.1 Introduction to Algorithms and Pseudo Code.mp4 22.78Мб
Discrete Math - 3.1.2 Searching Algorithms.mp4 28.39Мб
Discrete Math - 3.1.3 Sorting Algorithms.mp4 28.68Мб
Discrete Math - 3.1.4 Optimization Algorithms.mp4 17.76Мб
Discrete Math - 4.1.1 Divisibility.mp4 31.36Мб
Discrete Math - 4.1.2 Modular Arithmetic.mp4 51.31Мб
Discrete Math - 4.2.1 Decimal Expansions from Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal.mp4 26.79Мб
Discrete Math - 4.2.2 Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal Expansions From Decimal.mp4 14.80Мб
Discrete Math - 4.2.3 Conversions Between Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal Expansions.mp4 37.82Мб
Discrete Math - 4.2.4 Algorithms for Integer Operations.mp4 94.21Мб
Discrete Math - 4.3.1 Prime Numbers and Their Properties.mp4 42.57Мб
Discrete Math - 4.3.2 Greatest Common Divisors and Least Common Multiples.mp4 21.82Мб
Discrete Math - 4.3.3 The Euclidean Algorithm.mp4 17.07Мб
Discrete Math - 4.3.4 Greatest Common Divisors as Linear Combinations.mp4 27.64Мб
Discrete Math - 4.4.1 Solving Linear Congruences Using the Inverse.mp4 36.55Мб
Discrete Math - 5.1.1 Proof Using Mathematical Induction - Summation Formulae.mp4 49.95Мб
Discrete Math - 5.1.2 Proof Using Mathematical Induction - Inequalities.mp4 18.06Мб
Discrete Math - 5.1.3 Proof Using Mathematical Induction - Divisibility.mp4 17.76Мб
Discrete Math - 5.2.1 The Well-Ordering Principle and Strong Induction.mp4 28.60Мб
Discrete Math - 5.3.1 Revisiting Recursive Definitions.mp4 56.49Мб
Discrete Math - 5.3.2 Structural Induction.mp4 41.16Мб
Discrete Math - 5.4.1 Recursive Algorithms.mp4 24.52Мб
Discrete Math - 6.1.1 Counting Rules.mp4 34.10Мб
Discrete Math - 6.3.1 Permutations and Combinations.mp4 37.16Мб
Discrete Math - 6.3.2 Counting Rules Practice.mp4 65.88Мб
Discrete Math - 6.4.1 The Binomial Theorem.mp4 46.23Мб
Discrete Math - 7.1.1 An Intro to Discrete Probability.mp4 31.93Мб
Discrete Math - 7.1.2 Discrete Probability Practice.mp4 70.10Мб
Discrete Math - 7.2.1 Probability Theory.mp4 30.01Мб
Discrete Math - 7.2.2 Random Variables and the Binomial Distribution.mp4 39.62Мб
Discrete Math - 8.1.1 Modeling with Recurrence Relations.mp4 59.62Мб
Discrete Math - 8.5.1 The Principle of Inclusion Exclusion.mp4 43.29Мб
Discrete Math - 9.1.1 Introduction to Relations.mp4 27.24Мб
Discrete Math - 9.1.2 Properties of Relations.mp4 39.27Мб
Discrete Math - 9.1.3 Combining Relations.mp4 47.19Мб
Discrete Math - 9.3.1 Matrix Representations of Relations and Properties.mp4 56.12Мб
Discrete Math - 9.3.2 Representing Relations Using Digraphs.mp4 33.92Мб
Discrete Math - 9.5.1 Equivalence Relations.mp4 58.36Мб
download.py 4.02Кб
Drago Anguelov (Waymo) - MIT Self-Driving Cars.mp4 149.37Мб
Emilio Frazzoli, CTO, nuTonomy - MIT Self-Driving Cars.mp4 185.44Мб
Entity Relationship Model.mp4 43.41Мб
E-Type Software Evolution.mp4 38.77Мб
Euclidean Distance - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.15.mp4 17.31Мб
Exactly three heads in five flips _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.mp4 6.50Мб
Expected Value - E(X).mp4 16.22Мб
Expected value of binomial distribution _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.mp4 16.25Мб
Final Review Session - Carnegie Mellon - Computer Architecture 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 888.43Мб
Final thoughts on K Nearest Neighbors - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.19.mp4 38.35Мб
Finding probability example 2 _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.mp4 14.07Мб
First Come First Served Scheduling (Solved Problem 1).mp4 64.18Мб
First Come First Served Scheduling (Solved Problem 2).mp4 35.32Мб
fork() and exec() System Calls.mp4 47.06Мб
Free throwing probability _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.mp4 14.77Мб
Frequency stability property short film _ Computer Science _ Khan Academy.mp4 3.60Мб
Functional Programming.mp4 52.43Мб
Function Oriented Design.mp4 35.57Мб
Function Point.mp4 77.58Мб
Generalizable Autonomy for Robot Manipulation _ MIT 6.S191.mp4 209.78Мб
Generalizing with binomial coefficients (bit advanced) _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.mp4 29.59Мб
Getting exactly two heads (combinatorics) _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.mp4 9.38Мб
Graphical User Interface.mp4 68.59Мб
Halstead’s Complexity Measures.mp4 38.67Мб
Handling Non-Numeric Data - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.35.mp4 37.97Мб
Hashes 10 Rehashing.mp4 88.36Мб
Hashes 11 the hash class.mp4 112.01Мб
Hashes 12 Review of the hash element inner class.mp4 55.27Мб
Hashes 13 Constructor for a chained hash..mp4 91.27Мб
Hashes 14 Review of constructors.mp4 57.71Мб
Hashes 15 add() and remove() methods.mp4 76.04Мб
Hashes 16 getValue().mp4 37.65Мб
Hashes 17 resize.mp4 80.97Мб
Hashes 18 KeyIterator.mp4 109.43Мб
Hashes 1 Introduction.mp4 126.57Мб
Hashes 2 Hash Functions.mp4 21.12Мб
Hashes 3 Collisions.mp4 42.08Мб
Hashes 4 Hash Functions for Strings.mp4 31.81Мб
Hashes 5 Compressing numbers to fit the size of the array.mp4 30.01Мб
Hashes 6 Make an integer positive.mp4 88.13Мб
Hashes 7 LoadFactor().mp4 20.93Мб
Hashes 8 Open Addressing.mp4 86.76Мб
Hashes 9 Chaining.mp4 74.43Мб
Heaps 1 Introduction and Tree levels.mp4 50.10Мб
Heaps 2 Add Remove.mp4 51.64Мб
Heaps 3 TrickleUp.mp4 116.57Мб
Heaps 4 TrickleDown.mp4 95.34Мб
Heaps 5 HeapSort.mp4 75.55Мб
HIPO Diagram.mp4 28.75Мб
How to program the Best Fit Line - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.9.mp4 45.91Мб
How to program the Best Fit Slope - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.8.mp4 54.55Мб
HTML Crash Course For Absolute Beginners.mp4 112.39Мб
Incremental Model.mp4 35.59Мб
Install C++ & NetBeans.mp4 22.24Мб
Installing CPU and GPU TensorFlow on Windows.mp4 73.60Мб
Installing TensorFlow (OPTIONAL) - Deep Learning with Neural Networks and TensorFlow p2.1.mp4 65.93Мб
Installing the GPU version of TensorFlow for making use of your CUDA GPU.mp4 79.28Мб
Interprocess Communication.mp4 19.11Мб
Intro and preprocessing - Using Convolutional Neural Network to Identify Dogs vs Cats p. 1.mp4 25.39Мб
Introduction - 3D Convolutional Neural Network w_ Kaggle Lung Cancer Detection Competiton p.1.mp4 26.87Мб
Introduction to CPU Scheduling.mp4 18.64Мб
Introduction to Operating System.mp4 33.07Мб
Introduction to Random Variables.mp4 11.09Мб
Introduction to Threads.mp4 29.94Мб
Intro - Training a neural network to play a game with TensorFlow and Open AI.mp4 25.85Мб
iOS Tutorial (2020) - How To Make Your First App.mp4 449.19Мб
Issues in RPC & How They're Resolved.mp4 63.31Мб
Java 1 ObjectOrientedProgramming.mp4 112.47Мб
Java 2 ComparableGenerics.mp4 93.51Мб
Java 3 Introduction to Generic Programming.mp4 98.32Мб
Java 4 Parameterized Types.mp4 98.22Мб
Java 5 Autoboxing.mp4 20.63Мб
Java 6 Exceptions.mp4 55.91Мб
Java Algorithms.mp4 30.16Мб
Java Binary Search Tree.mp4 81.41Мб
Java Binary Search Tree 2.mp4 28.19Мб
Java Hash Table.mp4 28.13Мб
Java Hash Tables 2.mp4 41.63Мб
Java Hash Tables 3.mp4 41.26Мб
Java Heaps.mp4 28.71Мб
Java Quick Sort.mp4 57.36Мб
Java Recursion.mp4 83.74Мб
Java Shell Sort.mp4 22.32Мб
Java Sort Algorithm.mp4 46.11Мб
Karl Iagnemma & Oscar Beijbom (Aptiv Autonomous Mobility) - MIT Self-Driving Cars.mp4 148.66Мб
Kernels Introduction - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.29.mp4 20.38Мб
K Means from Scratch - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.38.mp4 38.63Мб
K Means with Titanic Dataset - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.36.mp4 72.51Мб
k-mer algorithms - Compare and Swap.mp4 52.01Мб
K Nearest Neighbors Application - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.14.mp4 145.73Мб
Law of large numbers _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.mp4 7.66Мб
Lecture 01. Overview (CS 162, Fall 2013, UC Berkeley).mp4 255.36Мб
Lecture 02. Concurrency Processes, Threads, and Address Spaces (CS 162, Fall 2013, UC Berkeley).mp4 284.16Мб
Lecture 03. Concurrency and Thread Dispatching (CS 162, Fall 2013, UC Berkeley).mp4 258.42Мб
Lecture 04. Synchronization, Atomic Operations, Locks (CS 162, Fall 2013, UC Berkeley).mp4 147.53Мб
Lecture 05. Semaphores, Conditional Variables (CS 162, Fall 2013, UC Berkeley).mp4 133.24Мб
Lecture 06. Readers -Writers Problem, Working in Teams (CS 162, Fall 2013, UC Berkeley).mp4 157.30Мб
Lecture 07. Language Support for Concurrent Programming, Deadlocks (CS 162, Fall 2013, UC Berkeley).mp4 146.79Мб
Lecture 08. Thread Scheduling (CS 162, Fall 2013, UC Berkeley).mp4 131.95Мб
Lecture 09. Address Translation (CS 162, Fall 2013, UC Berkeley).mp4 145.49Мб
Lecture 1 _ MIT 6.832 Underactuated Robotics, Spring 2009.mp4 196.37Мб
Lecture 1. Introduction and Basics - Carnegie Mellon - Computer Architecture 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 947.89Мб
Lecture 10 _ MIT 6.832 Underactuated Robotics, Spring 2009.mp4 207.10Мб
Lecture 10. Branch Prediction II - Carnegie Mellon - Comp. Arch. 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 796.65Мб
Lecture 10. Caches and TLBs (CS 162, Fall 2013, UC Berkeley).mp4 159.59Мб
Lecture 10 - Cloud Replicated DB, Aurora.mp4 597.64Мб
Lecture 10 – Grounding _ Stanford CS224U - Natural Language Understanding _ Spring 2019.mp4 201.82Мб
Lecture 11 _ MIT 6.832 Underactuated Robotics, Spring 2009.mp4 265.03Мб
Lecture 11. Page Allocation and Replacement (CS 162, Fall 2013, UC Berkeley).mp4 138.96Мб
Lecture 11. Precise Exceptions, State Maintenance_Recovery - CMU - Comp. Arch. 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 1.13Гб
Lecture 11 - Cache Consistency - Frangipani.mp4 767.35Мб
Lecture 11 – Semantic Parsing _ Stanford CS224U - Natural Language Understanding _ Spring 2019.mp4 308.16Мб
Lecture 12 _ MIT 6.832 Underactuated Robotics, Spring 2009.mp4 215.98Мб
Lecture 12. Kernel_User, I_O (CS 162, Fall 2013, UC Berkeley).mp4 155.84Мб
Lecture 12. Out of Order Execution - Carnegie Mellon - Comp. Arch. 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 1002.01Мб
Lecture 12 - Distributed Transactions.mp4 621.39Мб
Lecture 12 – Evaluation Methods _ Stanford CS224U - Natural Language Understanding _ Spring 2019.mp4 319.85Мб
Lecture 13 _ MIT 6.832 Underactuated Robotics, Spring 2009.mp4 199.69Мб
Lecture 13. Disk_SSDs, File Systems (Part 1) (CS 162, Fall 2013, UC Berkeley).mp4 163.03Мб
Lecture 13. Out of Order Execution II and Data Flow - CMU - Comp. Arch. 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 257.92Мб
Lecture 13 – Evaluation Metrics _ Stanford CS224U - Natural Language Understanding _ Spring 2019.mp4 227.32Мб
Lecture 13 - Spanner.mp4 144.63Мб
Lecture 14 _ MIT 6.832 Underactuated Robotics, Spring 2009.mp4 203.90Мб
Lecture 14. File Systems (Part 2) (CS 162, Fall 2013, UC Berkeley).mp4 152.80Мб
Lecture 14. SIMD (Vector Processors) - Carnegie Mellon - Comp. Arch. 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 1.01Гб
Lecture 14 – Contextual Vectors _ Stanford CS224U - Natural Language Understanding _ Spring 2019.mp4 278.08Мб
Lecture 14 - Optimistic Concurrency Control.mp4 126.96Мб
Lecture 15 _ MIT 6.832 Underactuated Robotics, Spring 2009.mp4 273.10Мб
Lecture 15. GPUs, VLIW, Execution Models - Carnegie Mellon - Computer Architecture 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 272.32Мб
Lecture 15. Key Value Storage, Network Protocols (CS 162, Fall 2013, UC Berkeley).mp4 137.02Мб
Lecture 15 - Big Data - Spark.mp4 218.00Мб
Lecture 15 – Presenting Your Work _ Stanford CS224U - Natural Language Understanding _ Spring 2019.mp4 231.81Мб
Lecture 16 _ MIT 6.832 Underactuated Robotics, Spring 2009.mp4 232.12Мб
Lecture 16. Layering (CS 162, Fall 2013, UC Berkeley).mp4 133.57Мб
Lecture 16. Static Instruction Scheduling - Carnegie Mellon - Comp. Arch. 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 253.94Мб
Lecture 16 - Cache Consistency - Memcached at Facebook.mp4 154.14Мб
Lecture 17 _ MIT 6.832 Underactuated Robotics, Spring 2009.mp4 199.32Мб
Lecture 17. Memory Hierarchy and Caches - Carnegie Mellon - Comp. Arch. 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 739.60Мб
Lecture 17. TCP, Flow Control, Reliability (CS 162, Fall 2013, UC Berkeley).mp4 138.81Мб
Lecture 17 - COPS, Causal Consistency.mp4 162.97Мб
Lecture 18 _ MIT 6.832 Underactuated Robotics, Spring 2009.mp4 204.29Мб
Lecture 18. Caches - Carnegie Mellon - Comp. Arch. 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 704.30Мб
Lecture 18. Transactions (CS 162, Fall 2013, UC Berkeley).mp4 128.84Мб
Lecture 18 - Fork Consistency, Certificate Transparency.mp4 123.61Мб
Lecture 19 _ MIT 6.832 Underactuated Robotics, Spring 2009.mp4 205.46Мб
Lecture 19. High Performance Caches - Carnegie Mellon - Comp. Arch. 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 244.99Мб
Lecture 19. Transactions, Two Phase Locking 2PL & Commit 2PC (CS 162, Fall 2013, UC Berkeley).mp4 219.70Мб
Lecture 19 - Bitcoin.mp4 93.33Мб
Lecture 1 – Course Overview _ Stanford CS224U - Natural Language Understanding _ Spring 2019.mp4 376.09Мб
Lecture 1 - Introduction.mp4 730.93Мб
Lecture 1 - Welcome _ Stanford CS229 - Machine Learning (Autumn 2018).mp4 217.40Мб
Lecture 2 _ MIT 6.832 Underactuated Robotics, Spring 2009.mp4 203.42Мб
Lecture 2. Fundamental Concepts and ISA - Carnegie Mellon - Computer Architecture 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 948.72Мб
Lecture 20 _ MIT 6.832 Underactuated Robotics, Spring 2009.mp4 270.07Мб
Lecture 20. Virtual Memory - Carnegie Mellon - Comp. Arch. 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 1004.58Мб
Lecture 20. Why Systems Fail and What We Can Do About It (CS 162, Fall 2013, UC Berkeley).mp4 143.62Мб
Lecture 20 - Blockstack.mp4 141.03Мб
Lecture 21 _ MIT 6.832 Underactuated Robotics, Spring 2009.mp4 268.33Мб
Lecture 21. Security I - Key Security and Cryptographic Mechanisms (CS 162, Fall 2013, UC Berkeley).mp4 150.56Мб
Lecture 21 - Main Memory and the DRAM System - Carnegie Mellon - Comp. Arch. 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 232.95Мб
Lecture 22 _ MIT 6.832 Underactuated Robotics, Spring 2009.mp4 183.56Мб
Lecture 22. Security II - Host Compromise & Denial of Service (CS 162, Fall 2013, UC Berkeley).mp4 131.05Мб
Lecture 22 - Memory Controllers - Carnegie Mellon - Comp. Arch. 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 1021.57Мб
Lecture 23 _ MIT 6.832 Underactuated Robotics, Spring 2009.mp4 161.24Мб
Lecture 23. Remote Procedure Call (CS 162, Fall 2013, UC Berkeley).mp4 286.70Мб
Lecture 23 - Memory Management - Carnegie Mellon - Comp. Arch. 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 1.09Гб
Lecture 24. Capstone - Cloud Computing (CS 162, Fall 2013, UC Berkeley).mp4 263.70Мб
Lecture 24 - Simulation & Memory Latency Tolerance - Carnegie Mellon - Comp. Arch. 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 1.03Гб
Lecture 25 - Prefetching - Carnegie Mellon - Computer Architecture 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 693.75Мб
Lecture 26. More Prefetching and Emerging Memory Technologies - CMU - Comp. Arch. 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 1.14Гб
Lecture 27. Multiprocessors - Carnegie Mellon - Computer Architecture 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 839.28Мб
Lecture 28. Memory Consistency and Cache Coherence - Carnegie Mellon - Comp. Arch. 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 1.05Гб
Lecture 29. Cache Coherence - Carnegie Mellon - Computer Architecture 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 940.47Мб
Lecture 2 - RPC and Threads.mp4 570.72Мб
Lecture 2 – Word Vectors 1 _ Stanford CS224U - Natural Language Understanding _ Spring 2019.mp4 303.94Мб
Lecture 3 _ MIT 6.832 Underactuated Robotics, Spring 2009.mp4 198.35Мб
Lecture 3. ISA Tradeoffs - Carnegie Mellon - Computer Architecture 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 520.51Мб
Lecture 30. In-memory Processing - Carnegie Mellon - Computer Architecture 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 191.30Мб
Lecture 31. Predictable Performance - Carnegie Mellon - Computer Architecture 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 853.51Мб
Lecture 32. Heterogeneous Systems - Carnegie Mellon - Computer Architecture 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 1.09Гб
Lecture 33. Interconnection Networks - Carnegie Mellon - Computer Architecture 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 914.49Мб
Lecture 3 - GFS.mp4 815.54Мб
Lecture 3 – Word Vectors 2 _ Stanford CS224U - Natural Language Understanding _ Spring 2019.mp4 327.56Мб
Lecture 4 _ MIT 6.832 Underactuated Robotics, Spring 2009.mp4 219.35Мб
Lecture 4. ISA Tradeoffs & MIPS ISA - Carnegie Mellon - Computer Architecture 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 728.02Мб
Lecture 4 - Primary-Backup Replication.mp4 823.42Мб
Lecture 4 – Word Vectors 3 _ Stanford CS224U - Natural Language Understanding _ Spring 2019.mp4 152.54Мб
Lecture 5 _ MIT 6.832 Underactuated Robotics, Spring 2009.mp4 253.97Мб
Lecture 5. Intro to Microarchitecture - Carnegie Mellon - Computer Architecture 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 787.39Мб
Lecture 5 - Go, Threads, and Raft.mp4 405.67Мб
Lecture 5 – Sentiment Analysis 1 _ Stanford CS224U - Natural Language Understanding _ Spring 2019.mp4 273.15Мб
Lecture 6 _ MIT 6.832 Underactuated Robotics, Spring 2009.mp4 224.75Мб
Lecture 6. Microarchitecture II - Carnegie Mellon - Computer Architecture 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 1.09Гб
Lecture 6 - Fault Tolerance - Raft (1).mp4 729.80Мб
Lecture 6 – Sentiment Analysis 2 _ Stanford CS224U - Natural Language Understanding _ Spring 2019.mp4 300.44Мб
Lecture 7 _ MIT 6.832 Underactuated Robotics, Spring 2009.mp4 169.59Мб
Lecture 7. Pipelining - Carnegie Mellon - Computer Architecture 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 893.91Мб
Lecture 7 - Fault Tolerance - Raft (2).mp4 589.18Мб
Lecture 7 – Relation Extraction _ Stanford CS224U - Natural Language Understanding _ Spring 2019.mp4 264.33Мб
Lecture 8 _ MIT 6.832 Underactuated Robotics, Spring 2009.mp4 193.56Мб
Lecture 8. Pipelining II - Data and Control Dependence Handling - CMU - Comp. Arch. 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 1.11Гб
Lecture 8 – NLI 1 _ Stanford CS224U - Natural Language Understanding _ Spring 2019.mp4 270.77Мб
Lecture 8 - Zookeeper.mp4 808.01Мб
Lecture 9 _ MIT 6.832 Underactuated Robotics, Spring 2009.mp4 178.30Мб
Lecture 9. Branch Prediction I - Carnegie Mellon - Comp. Arch. 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 1.07Гб
Lecture 9 - More Replication, CRAQ.mp4 890.57Мб
Lecture 9 – NLI 2 _ Stanford CS224U - Natural Language Understanding _ Spring 2019.mp4 296.22Мб
Linear Algebra 1.1.1 Systems of Linear Equations.mp4 37.61Мб
Linear Algebra 1.1.2 Solve Systems of Linear Equations in Augmented Matrices Using Row Operations.mp4 54.98Мб
Linear Algebra 1.2.1 Row Reduction and Echelon Forms.mp4 41.99Мб
Linear Algebra 1.2.2 Solution Sets and Free Variables.mp4 29.74Мб
Linear Algebra 1.3.1 Vector Equations.mp4 30.36Мб
Linear Algebra 1.3.2 Linear Combinations.mp4 106.05Мб
Linear Algebra 1.4.1 The Matrix Equation Ax=b.mp4 24.49Мб
Linear Algebra 1.4.2 Computation of Ax.mp4 20.33Мб
Linear Algebra 1.5.1 Homogeneous System Solutions.mp4 32.97Мб
Linear Algebra 1.5.2 Non-Homogeneous System Solutions.mp4 21.01Мб
Linear Algebra 1.6.1 Applications of Linear Systems - Economic Sectors.mp4 16.25Мб
Linear Algebra 1.6.2 Applications of Linear Systems - Network Flow.mp4 21.73Мб
Linear Algebra 1.7.1 Linear Independence.mp4 24.45Мб
Linear Algebra 1.7.2 Special Ways to Determine Linear Independence.mp4 20.25Мб
Linear Algebra 1.8.1 Matrix Transformations.mp4 34.31Мб
Linear Algebra 1.8.2 Introduction to Linear Transformations.mp4 20.75Мб
Linear Algebra 2.1.1 Matrix Operations - Sums and Scalar Multiples.mp4 27.41Мб
Linear Algebra 2.1.2 Matrix Operations - Multiplication and Transpose.mp4 61.24Мб
Linear Algebra 2.2.1 The Inverse of a Matrix.mp4 30.54Мб
Linear Algebra 2.2.2 Solving 2x2 Systems with the Inverse and Inverse Properties.mp4 30.49Мб
Linear Algebra 2.2.3 Elementary Matrices And An Algorithm for Finding A Inverse.mp4 84.81Мб
Linear Algebra 2.3.1 Characterizations of Invertible Matrices.mp4 14.86Мб
Linear Algebra 3.1.1 Introduction to Determinants.mp4 30.62Мб
Linear Algebra 3.1.2 Co-factor Expansion.mp4 32.22Мб
Linear Algebra 3.2.1 Properties of Determinants.mp4 52.08Мб
Linear Algebra 4.1.1 Vector Spaces.mp4 41.90Мб
Linear Algebra 4.1.2 Subspace of a Vector Space.mp4 39.46Мб
Linear Algebra 4.2.1 Null Spaces.mp4 36.69Мб
Linear Algebra 4.2.2 Column Spaces.mp4 42.12Мб
Linear Algebra 4.3.1 Linearly Independent Sets and Bases.mp4 37.67Мб
Linear Algebra 4.3.2 The Spanning Set Theorem.mp4 42.25Мб
Linear Algebra 4.5.1 The Dimension of a Vector Space.mp4 23.03Мб
Linear Algebra 4.5.2 Subspaces of a Finite Dimensional Space.mp4 19.95Мб
Linear Algebra 4.6.1 The Row Space.mp4 30.71Мб
Linear Algebra 4.6.2 Rank.mp4 10.01Мб
Linear Algebra 5.1.1 Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues.mp4 38.48Мб
Linear Algebra 5.1.2 More About Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues.mp4 22.04Мб
Linear Algebra 5.2.1 Determinants and the IMT.mp4 19.46Мб
Linear Algebra 5.2.2 The Characteristic Equation.mp4 19.66Мб
Linear Algebra 6.1.1 Inner Product, Vector Length and Distance.mp4 24.53Мб
Linear Algebra 6.1.2 Orthogonal Vectors.mp4 16.66Мб
Linear Algebra 6.2.1 Orthogonal Sets.mp4 29.56Мб
Linear Algebra 6.2.2 Orthogonal Projections.mp4 20.80Мб
Linear Algebra 6.3.1 Orthogonal Decomposition Theorem.mp4 18.13Мб
Linear Algebra 6.3.2 The Best Approximation Theorem.mp4 21.43Мб
Linear Algebra 6.5.1 Least Squares Problems.mp4 40.50Мб
LinkedList 10 Testing the list.mp4 53.66Мб
LinkedList 11 Iterators.mp4 179.57Мб
LinkedList 12 Double Linked Lists.mp4 92.10Мб
LinkedList 13 Circular Linked Lists.mp4 64.91Мб
LinkedList 1 Introduction.mp4 62.02Мб
LinkedList 2 Nodes and Size.mp4 74.36Мб
LinkedList 3 Boundary Conditions.mp4 26.31Мб
LinkedList 4 addFirst().mp4 79.75Мб
LinkedList 5 addLast().mp4 166.99Мб
LinkedList 6 removeFirst().mp4 99.52Мб
LinkedList 7 removeLast().mp4 104.43Мб
LinkedList 8 remove and find.mp4 196.04Мб
LinkedList 9 peek().mp4 45.01Мб
Linked List in Java.mp4 37.01Мб
Linked List in Java 2.mp4 54.20Мб
Machine Learning for Scent _ MIT 6.S191.mp4 89.26Мб
Main Memory _ Chapter-8 _ Operating System.mp4 10.83Мб
Maintenance Activities.mp4 51.16Мб
Manual Vs Automated Testing.mp4 26.44Мб
Mean Shift Dynamic Bandwidth - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.42.mp4 72.58Мб
Mean Shift from Scratch - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.41.mp4 35.42Мб
Mean Shift Intro - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.39.mp4 52.50Мб
Mean Shift with Titanic Dataset - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.40.mp4 185.44Мб
Mega millions jackpot probability _ Probability and combinatorics _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.mp4 11.81Мб
Mega-R1. Rule-Based Systems.mp4 447.56Мб
Mega-R2. Basic Search, Optimal Search.mp4 387.54Мб
Mega-R3. Games, Minimax, Alpha-Beta.mp4 237.03Мб
Mega-R4. Neural Nets.mp4 426.63Мб
Mega-R5. Support Vector Machines.mp4 130.94Мб
Mega-R6. Boosting.mp4 342.46Мб
Mega-R7. Near Misses, Arch Learning.mp4 203.23Мб
Message Passing Systems (Part 1).mp4 18.04Мб
Message Passing Systems (Part 2).mp4 44.37Мб
Message Passing Systems (Part 3).mp4 24.98Мб
Midterm 1 Review - Carnegie Mellon - Comp. Arch. 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 855.57Мб
Midterm 2 Review - Carnegie Mellon - Comp. Arch. 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 257.27Мб
MIT 6.S094 - Computer Vision.mp4 135.01Мб
MIT 6.S191 (2018) - Beyond Deep Learning - Learning+Reasoning.mp4 73.41Мб
MIT 6.S191 (2018) - Computer Vision Meets Social Networks.mp4 195.62Мб
MIT 6.S191 (2018) - Convolutional Neural Networks.mp4 179.02Мб
MIT 6.S191 (2018) - Deep Generative Modeling.mp4 96.73Мб
MIT 6.S191 (2018) - Deep Learning - A Personal Perspective.mp4 209.58Мб
MIT 6.S191 (2018) - Deep Learning Limitations and New Frontiers.mp4 55.20Мб
MIT 6.S191 (2018) - Deep Reinforcement Learning.mp4 187.42Мб
MIT 6.S191 (2018) - Faster ML Development with TensorFlow.mp4 30.84Мб
MIT 6.S191 (2018) - Introduction to Deep Learning.mp4 167.85Мб
MIT 6.S191 (2018) - Issues in Image Classification.mp4 67.75Мб
MIT 6.S191 (2018) - Sequence Modeling with Neural Networks.mp4 40.31Мб
MIT 6.S191 (2019) - Biologically Inspired Neural Networks (IBM).mp4 73.45Мб
MIT 6.S191 (2019) - Convolutional Neural Networks.mp4 99.37Мб
MIT 6.S191 (2019) - Deep Generative Modeling.mp4 92.43Мб
MIT 6.S191 (2019) - Deep Learning Limitations and New Frontiers.mp4 88.78Мб
MIT 6.S191 (2019) - Deep Reinforcement Learning.mp4 96.77Мб
MIT 6.S191 (2019) - Image Domain Transfer (NVIDIA).mp4 139.92Мб
MIT 6.S191 (2019) - Introduction to Deep Learning.mp4 93.16Мб
MIT 6.S191 (2019) - Recurrent Neural Networks.mp4 75.87Мб
MIT 6.S191 (2019) - Visualization for Machine Learning (Google Brain).mp4 90.34Мб
MIT Introduction to Deep Learning _ 6.S191.mp4 111.49Мб
MIT Self-Driving Cars (2018).mp4 240.69Мб
Modularization.mp4 28.72Мб
MongoDB In 30 Minutes.mp4 60.61Мб
Multilevel Feedback-Queue Scheduling Algorithm.mp4 42.06Мб
Multilevel Queue Scheduling Algorithm.mp4 59.52Мб
Multithreading Models & Hyperthreading.mp4 30.46Мб
Need of Software Engineering.mp4 27.91Мб
Need of Software Project Management.mp4 36.98Мб
Neural Network Model - Deep Learning with Neural Networks and TensorFlow.mp4 74.64Мб
Neural Rendering _ MIT 6.S191.mp4 151.55Мб
Neurosymbolic AI _ MIT 6.S191.mp4 93.63Мб
Object Oriented Design.mp4 71.33Мб
Oliver Cameron (CEO, Voyage) - MIT Self-Driving Cars.mp4 168.03Мб
OpenCV Course - Full Tutorial with Python.mp4 419.96Мб
Operating System Design & Implementation.mp4 21.64Мб
Operating System Generation and System Boot.mp4 49.38Мб
Operating System Services.mp4 16.50Мб
Operating System Structure.mp4 21.56Мб
Operation on Processes – Process Creation.mp4 45.95Мб
Operation on Processes – Process Termination.mp4 18.22Мб
Overview of Software Engineering.mp4 57.16Мб
Permutations.mp4 9.94Мб
Pickling and Scaling - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.6.mp4 32.36Мб
Poisson process 1 _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.mp4 10.88Мб
Poisson process 2 _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.mp4 13.75Мб
Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python Intro p.1.mp4 21.10Мб
Preemptive and Non-Preemptive Scheduling.mp4 38.98Мб
Preprocessing cont'd - Deep Learning with Neural Networks and TensorFlow part 6.mp4 53.67Мб
Preprocessing data - 3D Convolutional Neural Network w_ Kaggle and 3D medical imaging p.5.mp4 51.24Мб
Priority Scheduling (Solved Problem 1).mp4 51.57Мб
Priority Scheduling (Solved Problem 2).mp4 28.58Мб
Probability (part 2).mp4 9.28Мб
Probability (part 3).mp4 9.62Мб
Probability (part 4).mp4 10.57Мб
Probability (part 5).mp4 10.12Мб
Probability (part 6).mp4 8.80Мб
Probability (part 7).mp4 9.27Мб
Probability (part 8).mp4 5.53Мб
Probability and combinations (part 2) _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.mp4 10.99Мб
Probability density functions _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.mp4 10.81Мб
Probability explained _ Independent and dependent events _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.mp4 8.53Мб
Probability using combinations _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.mp4 8.67Мб
Probability without equally likely events _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.mp4 9.48Мб
Probability with playing cards and Venn diagrams _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.mp4 13.36Мб
Process Control Block.mp4 9.40Мб
Processing our own Data - Deep Learning with Neural Networks and TensorFlow part 5.mp4 50.28Мб
Process Management (Processes and Threads).mp4 13.14Мб
Process Scheduling.mp4 16.25Мб
Process State.mp4 14.99Мб
Process Synchronization _ Chapter-6 _ Operating System.mp4 7.11Мб
Programming R Squared - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.11.mp4 47.73Мб
Programming Style.mp4 55.71Мб
Project Communication Management.mp4 49.35Мб
Project Estimation.mp4 70.03Мб
Project Estimation Techniques.mp4 39.38Мб
Project Execution and Monitoring.mp4 54.34Мб
Project Management Tools.mp4 66.95Мб
Project Risk Management.mp4 56.13Мб
Project Scheduling.mp4 71.25Мб
Pseudo Code.mp4 22.77Мб
Python Django Tutorial - Deploying Your Application (Option #1) - Deploy to a Linux Server.mp4 125.92Мб
Python Django Tutorial - Deploying Your Application (Option #2) - Deploy using Heroku.mp4 91.80Мб
Python Django Tutorial - Full-Featured Web App Part 10 - Create, Update, and Delete Posts.mp4 82.12Мб
Python Django Tutorial - Full-Featured Web App Part 11 - Pagination.mp4 65.50Мб
Python Django Tutorial - Full-Featured Web App Part 12 - Email and Password Reset.mp4 40.10Мб
Python Django Tutorial - Full-Featured Web App Part 13 - Using AWS S3 for File Uploads.mp4 44.05Мб
Python Django Tutorial - Full-Featured Web App Part 1 - Getting Started.mp4 24.59Мб
Python Django Tutorial - Full-Featured Web App Part 2 - Applications and Routes.mp4 31.71Мб
Python Django Tutorial - Full-Featured Web App Part 3 - Templates.mp4 68.54Мб
Python Django Tutorial - Full-Featured Web App Part 4 - Admin Page.mp4 13.93Мб
Python Django Tutorial - Full-Featured Web App Part 5 - Database and Migrations.mp4 58.17Мб
Python Django Tutorial - Full-Featured Web App Part 6 - User Registration.mp4 86.10Мб
Python Django Tutorial - Full-Featured Web App Part 7 - Login and Logout System.mp4 47.42Мб
Python Django Tutorial - Full-Featured Web App Part 8 - User Profile and Picture.mp4 49.90Мб
Python Django Tutorial - Full-Featured Web App Part 9 - Update User Profile.mp4 45.30Мб
Python Django Tutorial - How to enable HTTPS with a free SSL_TLS Certificate using Let's Encrypt.mp4 39.41Мб
Python Django Tutorial - How to Use a Custom Domain Name for Our Application.mp4 44.20Мб
Python Django Web Framework - Full Course for Beginners.mp4 494.09Мб
Q-Learning Agent Analysis - Reinforcement Learning p.3.mp4 61.02Мб
Q Learning Algorithm and Agent - Reinforcement Learning p.2.mp4 66.47Мб
Q Learning Intro_Table - Reinforcement Learning p.1.mp4 46.57Мб
Qt Tutorial 2 - C++ Calculator.mp4 68.32Мб
Qt Tutorial 3 - Qt Charts.mp4 52.56Мб
Qt Tutorial 4 - C++ Paint App.mp4 41.42Мб
Qt Tutorial 5 - Finish Paint App.mp4 82.55Мб
Qt Tutorial - C++ Notepad App.mp4 65.09Мб
Rapid Application Development (RAD).mp4 36.68Мб
Reading Files - 3D Convolutional Neural Network w_ Kaggle and 3D medical imaging p.2.mp4 87.57Мб
Recitation 3 - Carnegie Mellon - Comp. Arch. 2015 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 594.65Мб
Recurrent Neural Networks _ MIT 6.S191.mp4 106.94Мб
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) - Deep Learning with Neural Networks and TensorFlow 10.mp4 23.99Мб
Red Black Tree 10 number of black nodes.mp4 29.79Мб
Red Black Tree 1 The Rules.mp4 68.09Мб
Red Black Tree 3 - Classes.mp4 58.28Мб
Red Black Tree 4 - Add methods.mp4 92.17Мб
Red Black Tree 5 checking violations in the tree.mp4 121.40Мб
Red Black Tree 6 The Rotate method.mp4 68.69Мб
Red Black Tree 7 left rotate.mp4 118.53Мб
Red Black Tree 8 leftRightRotate.mp4 27.49Мб
Red Black Tree 9 height.mp4 35.64Мб
Red Black Trees 2 Example of building a tree.mp4 49.39Мб
Regression Features and Labels - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.3.mp4 22.27Мб
Regression forecasting and predicting - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.5.mp4 92.45Мб
Regression How it Works - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.7.mp4 10.12Мб
Regression Intro - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.2.mp4 22.71Мб
Regression Training and Testing - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.4.mp4 34.81Мб
Reinforcement Learning _ MIT 6.S191.mp4 94.31Мб
Remote Procedure Calls (RPC).mp4 33.07Мб
Requirement Elicitation Techniques.mp4 78.74Мб
Requirement Engineering Process.mp4 74.06Мб
Resizing Data - 3D Convolutional Neural Network w_ Kaggle and 3D medical imaging p.4.mp4 54.30Мб
Resource Management.mp4 40.19Мб
Review Session 1 - CMU - Computer Architecture 2014 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 308.32Мб
Review Session 2 - CMU - Computer Architecture 2014 - Onur Mutlu.mp4 685.39Мб
RNN Example in Tensorflow - Deep Learning with Neural Networks 11.mp4 112.46Мб
Rosalind Problems - Counting DNA Nucleotides.mp4 28.95Мб
Rosalind Problems - Fibonacci, Rabbits and Recurrence Relations..mp4 44.71Мб
Rosalind Problems - GC Content, FASTA File Format, Data Processing..mp4 67.98Мб
Rosalind Problems - Python Village.mp4 57.06Мб
Rosalind Problems - Transcription and Reverse Complement.mp4 18.04Мб
Round Robin Scheduling (Turnaround Time & Waiting Time).mp4 46.46Мб
Round Robin Scheduling - Solved Problem (Part 1).mp4 30.19Мб
Round Robin Scheduling - Solved Problem (Part 2).mp4 24.89Мб
R Squared Theory - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.10.mp4 9.60Мб
Running our Network - Deep Learning with Neural Networks and TensorFlow.mp4 65.51Мб
Running the Network - 3D Convolutional Neural Network w_ Kaggle and 3D medical imaging p.6.mp4 133.18Мб
Sacha Arnoud, Director of Engineering, Waymo - MIT Self-Driving Cars.mp4 221.32Мб
Scheduling Algorithms - First Come First Served (FCFS).mp4 30.47Мб
Scheduling Algorithms - Priority Scheduling.mp4 45.45Мб
Scheduling Algorithms - Round Robin Scheduling.mp4 75.64Мб
Scheduling Algorithms - Shortest Job First (SJF).mp4 53.46Мб
Scheduling Algorithms – Solved Problems.mp4 88.90Мб
Scheduling Criteria.mp4 75.20Мб
Scope of CASE Tools.mp4 80.31Мб
Scrum Development Model.mp4 36.14Мб
Self-Driving Cars - State of the Art (2019).mp4 148.44Мб
Sertac Karaman (MIT) on Motion Planning in a Complex World - MIT Self-Driving Cars.mp4 476.51Мб
Setup Visual Studio Code Mac.mp4 14.09Мб
Setup Visual Studio Code Windows.mp4 23.27Мб
Shared Memory Systems.mp4 28.05Мб
Shortest Job First Scheduling (Solved Problem 1).mp4 35.90Мб
Shortest Job First Scheduling (Solved Problem 2).mp4 22.51Мб
Sockets in Operating System.mp4 21.53Мб
Soft Margin SVM and Kernels with CVXOPT - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.32.mp4 52.25Мб
Soft Margin SVM - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.31.mp4 44.91Мб
Software Design Approaches.mp4 35.46Мб
Software Design Levels.mp4 28.49Мб
Software Development Life Cycle.mp4 83.97Мб
Software Development Paradigm.mp4 17.53Мб
Software Documentation.mp4 70.70Мб
Software Engineering Basics.mp4 11.74Мб
Software Evolution.mp4 27.36Мб
Software Evolution Laws.mp4 25.87Мб
Software Maintenance Overview.mp4 24.34Мб
Software Metrics and Measures.mp4 42.39Мб
Software Paradigms.mp4 28.98Мб
Software Project Management.mp4 35.45Мб
Software Project Management Activities.mp4 61.84Мб
Software Project Manager.mp4 30.19Мб
Software Quality Attributes.mp4 40.68Мб
Software Re engineering.mp4 52.78Мб
Software Requirements.mp4 36.12Мб
Software User Interface Design.mp4 35.45Мб
Software Validation and Verification.mp4 46.51Мб
Solving Programming Problems.mp4 45.51Мб
Solving Programming Problems 2.mp4 124.99Мб
Sorts 10 Quick Sort Code.mp4 61.07Мб
Sorts 11 Radix Sort.mp4 43.51Мб
Sorts 12 Sort Summary.mp4 63.96Мб
Sorts 1 Introduction to sorts.mp4 68.83Мб
Sorts 2 Selection Sort.mp4 38.58Мб
Sorts 3 Insertion Sort.mp4 51.69Мб
Sorts 4 Insertion Sort Code.mp4 28.85Мб
Sorts 5 Shell Sort.mp4 39.47Мб
Sorts 6 Merge Sort.mp4 64.88Мб
Sorts 7 Merge Sort Code.mp4 68.29Мб
Sorts 8 Quick Sort.mp4 33.83Мб
Sorts 9 Quick Sort Worst Case.mp4 8.95Мб
Spiral Model.mp4 44.75Мб
SQL Tutorial - Full Database Course for Beginners.mp4 1.22Гб
Stacks and Queues.mp4 35.52Мб
Stacks and Queues 3 Using arrays to write stacks and queues.mp4 110.95Мб
Stanford CS224N - NLP with Deep Learning _ Winter 2019 _ Lecture 10 – Question Answering.mp4 196.92Мб
Stanford CS224N - NLP with Deep Learning _ Winter 2019 _ Lecture 11 – Convolutional Networks for NLP.mkv 614.34Мб
Stanford CS224N - NLP with Deep Learning _ Winter 2019 _ Lecture 1 – Introduction and Word Vectors.mp4 173.01Мб
Stanford CS224N - NLP with Deep Learning _ Winter 2019 _ Lecture 2 – Word Vectors and Word Senses.mp4 195.36Мб
Stanford CS224N - NLP with Deep Learning _ Winter 2019 _ Lecture 3 – Neural Networks.mp4 190.88Мб
Stanford CS224N - NLP with Deep Learning _ Winter 2019 _ Lecture 4 – Backpropagation.mp4 205.80Мб
Stanford CS224N - NLP with Deep Learning _ Winter 2019 _ Lecture 5 – Dependency Parsing.mp4 139.41Мб
Stanford CS224N - NLP with Deep Learning _ Winter 2019 _ Lecture 6 – Language Models and RNNs.mp4 143.66Мб
Stanford CS224N - NLP with Deep Learning _ Winter 2019 _ Lecture 7 – Vanishing Gradients, Fancy RNNs.mp4 130.52Мб
Stanford CS224N - NLP with Deep Learning _ Winter 2019 _ Lecture 8 – Translation, Seq2Seq, Attention.mp4 127.81Мб
Stanford CS224N - NLP with Deep Learning _ Winter 2019 _ Lecture 9 – Practical Tips for Projects.mp4 154.29Мб
Stanford CS234 - Reinforcement Learning _ Winter 2019 _ Lecture 10 - Policy Gradient III & Review.mp4 239.54Мб
Stanford CS234 - Reinforcement Learning _ Winter 2019 _ Lecture 11 - Fast Reinforcement Learning.mp4 369.90Мб
Stanford CS234 - Reinforcement Learning _ Winter 2019 _ Lecture 12 - Fast Reinforcement Learning II.mp4 222.72Мб
Stanford CS234 - Reinforcement Learning _ Winter 2019 _ Lecture 13 - Fast Reinforcement Learning III.mp4 484.52Мб
Stanford CS234 - Reinforcement Learning _ Winter 2019 _ Lecture 15 - Batch Reinforcement Learning.mp4 131.90Мб
Stanford CS234 - Reinforcement Learning _ Winter 2019 _ Lecture 16 - Monte Carlo Tree Search.mp4 135.22Мб
Stanford CS234 - Reinforcement Learning _ Winter 2019 _ Lecture 1 - Introduction.mp4 127.71Мб
Stanford CS234 - Reinforcement Learning _ Winter 2019 _ Lecture 2 - Given a Model of the World.mp4 134.73Мб
Stanford CS234 - Reinforcement Learning _ Winter 2019 _ Lecture 3 - Model-Free Policy Evaluation.mp4 318.47Мб
Stanford CS234 - Reinforcement Learning _ Winter 2019 _ Lecture 4 - Model Free Control.mp4 211.88Мб
Stanford CS234 - Reinforcement Learning _ Winter 2019 _ Lecture 5 - Value Function Approximation.mp4 141.28Мб
Stanford CS234 - Reinforcement Learning _ Winter 2019 _ Lecture 6 - CNNs and Deep Q Learning.mp4 163.27Мб
Stanford CS234 - Reinforcement Learning _ Winter 2019 _ Lecture 7 - Imitation Learning.mp4 175.17Мб
Stanford CS234 - Reinforcement Learning _ Winter 2019 _ Lecture 8 - Policy Gradient I.mp4 270.00Мб
Stanford CS234 - Reinforcement Learning _ Winter 2019 _ Lecture 9 - Policy Gradient II.mp4 217.37Мб
Statistics Lecture 1.1 - The Key Words and Definitions For Elementary Statistics.mp4 43.02Мб
Statistics Lecture 1.3 - Exploring Categories of Data, Levels of Measurement.mp4 118.44Мб
Statistics Lecture 1.5 - Sampling Techniques. How to Develop a Random Sample.mp4 273.84Мб
Statistics Lecture 2.2 - Creating Frequency Distribution and Histograms.mp4 579.87Мб
Statistics Lecture 3.2 - Finding the Center of a Data Set. Mean, Median, Mode.mp4 248.59Мб
Statistics Lecture 3.3 - Finding the Standard Deviation of a Data Set.mp4 1003.05Мб
Statistics Lecture 3.4 - Finding Z-Score, Percentiles and Quartiles, and Comparing Standard Deviation.mp4 332.88Мб
Statistics Lecture 4.2 - Introduction to Probability.mp4 323.26Мб
Statistics Lecture 4.3 - The Addition Rule for Probability.mp4 263.17Мб
Statistics Lecture 4.4 - The Multiplication Rule for 'And' Probabilities..mp4 573.42Мб
Statistics Lecture 4.5 - Probability of Complementary Events with 'At Least One'.mp4 121.22Мб
Statistics Lecture 4.7 - Fundamental Counting Rule, Permutations and Combinations.mp4 358.00Мб
Statistics Lecture 5.2 - A Study of Probability Distributions, Mean, and Standard Deviation.mp4 294.20Мб
Statistics Lecture 5.3 - A Study of Binomial Probability Distributions.mp4 798.71Мб
Statistics Lecture 5.4 - Finding Mean and Standard Deviation of a Binomial Probability Distribution.mp4 109.82Мб
Statistics Lecture 6.2 - Introduction to the Normal Distribution and Continuous Random Variables.mp4 671.07Мб
Statistics Lecture 6.3 - The Standard Normal Distribution. Using z-score, Standard Score.mp4 496.73Мб
Statistics Lecture 6.4 - Sampling Distributions Statistics. Using Samples to Approx. Populations.mp4 161.98Мб
Statistics Lecture 6.5 - The Central Limit Theorem for Statistics. Using z-score, Standard Score.mp4 803.27Мб
Statistics Lecture 7.2 - Finding Confidence Intervals for the Population Proportion.mp4 1.23Гб
Statistics Lecture 7.3 - Confidence Interval for the Sample Mean, Population Std Dev -- Known.mp4 162.88Мб
Statistics Lecture 7.4 - Confidence Interval for the Sample Mean, Population Std Dev -- Unknown.mp4 203.15Мб
Statistics Lecture 7.5 - Confidence Intervals for Variance and Std Dev. Chi-Squared Distribution..mp4 84.06Мб
Statistics Lecture 8.2 - An Introduction to Hypothesis Testing.mp4 423.96Мб
Statistics Lecture 8.3 - Hypothesis Testing for Population Proportion.mp4 334.88Мб
Statistics Lecture 8.4 - Hypothesis Testing for Population Mean. Population Std Dev is Known..mp4 123.22Мб
Statistics Lecture 8.5 - Hypothesis Testing for Population Mean. Population Std Dev is Unknown..mp4 130.03Мб
Statistics Lecture 8.6 - Hypothesis Testing Involving Variance and Standard Deviation..mp4 37.70Мб
Sterling Anderson, Co-Founder, Aurora - MIT Self-Driving Cars.mp4 319.31Мб
Structured Charts.mp4 41.85Мб
Structured Design.mp4 29.54Мб
Structured English.mp4 37.56Мб
Structured Evolutionary Prototyping Model.mp4 63.43Мб
Structured Programming.mp4 43.53Мб
Structures of Operating System.mp4 28.69Мб
Support Vector Assertion - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.22.mp4 13.86Мб
Support Vector Machine Fundamentals - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.23.mp4 19.69Мб
Support Vector Machine Intro and Application - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.20.mp4 17.11Мб
Support Vector Machine Optimization - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.24.mp4 61.05Мб
SVM Optimization - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.27.mp4 111.86Мб
SVM Parameters - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.33.mp4 40.03Мб
SVM Training - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.26.mp4 49.70Мб
Swift for TensorFlow - The Next-Generation Machine Learning Framework (TF Dev Summit '19).mp4 97.17Мб
Swift Programming Tutorial for Beginners (Full Tutorial).mp4 689.67Мб
System Calls.mp4 20.73Мб
System Programs.mp4 20.08Мб
TensorFlow Basics - Deep Learning with Neural Networks p. 2.mp4 37.81Мб
TensorFlow Lite for Android (Coding TensorFlow).mp4 34.14Мб
TensorFlow Lite for iOS (Coding TensorFlow).mp4 38.19Мб
Term life insurance and death probability _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.mp4 8.18Мб
Testing Approaches.mp4 25.82Мб
Testing Assumptions - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.12.mp4 154.03Мб
Testing Documentation.mp4 46.39Мб
Testing Levels.mp4 71.50Мб
Testing Network - Training a neural network to play a game with TensorFlow and Open AI p.4.mp4 68.83Мб
TFLearn - Deep Learning with Neural Networks and TensorFlow p. 14.mp4 134.40Мб
Threading Issues (Thread Cancellation).mp4 39.79Мб
Threading Issues [fork() & exec() System Calls].mp4 47.05Мб
Three pointer vs free throwing probability _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.mp4 11.36Мб
Training_Testing on our Data - Deep Learning with Neural Networks and TensorFlow part 7.mp4 98.48Мб
Training & Testing Deep reinforcement learning (DQN) Agent - Reinforcement Learning p.6.mp4 119.65Мб
Training Data - Training a neural network to play a game with TensorFlow and Open AI p.2.mp4 44.83Мб
Training Model - Training a neural network to play a game with TensorFlow and Open AI p.3.mp4 61.45Мб
Training - Using Convolutional Neural Network to Identify Dogs vs Cats p. 3.mp4 77.74Мб
Trees 10 Rotations.mp4 70.96Мб
Trees 11 Coding Rotations.mp4 41.97Мб
Trees 2 Complete and Full.mp4 15.42Мб
Trees 3 Traversal.mp4 69.42Мб
Trees 4 Expression Trees.mp4 31.83Мб
Trees 5 Node Class.mp4 53.10Мб
Trees 6 recursive add.mp4 131.82Мб
Trees 7 Contains.mp4 43.10Мб
Trees 8 Remove.mp4 98.88Мб
Trees 9 Introduction to rotations.mp4 75.31Мб
Trees and heaps 1 Introduction.mp4 37.04Мб
Tutorix Brings Simply Easy Learning.mp4 1.72Мб
Tutorix Simply Easy Learning Steps.mp4 2.29Мб
Types of Maintenance.mp4 28.98Мб
Types of System Calls.mp4 16.28Мб
UML 2.0 Activity Diagrams.mp4 27.50Мб
UML 2.0 Class Diagrams.mp4 35.58Мб
UML 2.0 Tutorial.mp4 24.98Мб
UML 2 Communication Diagrams.mp4 18.13Мб
UML 2 Component Diagrams.mp4 50.40Мб
UML 2 Deployment Diagrams.mp4 28.66Мб
UML 2 Sequence Diagrams.mp4 89.93Мб
UML 2 State Machine Diagrams.mp4 70.14Мб
UML 2 Timing Diagrams.mp4 22.18Мб
Understanding Vectors - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.21.mp4 6.77Мб
User Interface Golden Rules.mp4 56.93Мб
User Interface Requirements.mp4 30.03Мб
User Operating System Interface.mp4 23.59Мб
Using More Data - Deep Learning with Neural Networks and TensorFlow part 8.mp4 112.79Мб
Using our Network - Using Convolutional Neural Network to Identify Dogs vs Cats p. 4.mp4 38.99Мб
Virtual Machines.mp4 43.71Мб
Virtual Memory _ Chapter-9 _ Operating System.mp4 9.70Мб
Visualizing - 3D Convolutional Neural Network w_ Kaggle and 3D medical imaging p.3.mp4 22.41Мб
V Model.mp4 37.46Мб
Waterfall Model.mp4 68.92Мб
Welcome to Data Structures.mp4 4.44Мб
White Box Testing.mp4 22.07Мб
Why Kernels - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.30.mp4 30.95Мб
Writing our own K Nearest Neighbors in Code - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.17.mp4 44.91Мб
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