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Название GetFreeCourses.Co-Udemy-Crash Course Build a Full-Stack Web App in a Weekend!
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1. Finishing Touches and Creating a Production Build.mp4 191.87Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 49.40Мб
1. What is CSS.mp4 17.18Мб
1. What is HTML.mp4 14.34Мб
1. What is JavaScript.mp4 9.74Мб
1. What is React.mp4 41.50Мб
1. What is Supabase.mp4 17.30Мб
1. Where to Go from Here.mp4 24.79Мб
10. Creating Larger Layouts With CSS Grid.mp4 103.81Мб
10. Creating the Header Component.mp4 88.36Мб
10. Objects.mp4 82.61Мб
11. Centering the App.mp4 118.70Мб
11. Looping Over Arrays The forEach and map Methods.mp4 120.31Мб
11. Working With Forms the React Way.mp4 161.19Мб
12. Adding a New Fact – Part 1.mp4 107.44Мб
12. Styling Links and Transitions.mp4 76.33Мб
12. What is the DOM.mp4 12.84Мб
13. Adding a New Fact – Part 2.mp4 133.10Мб
13. Going Back to the First DOM Manipulation.mp4 83.56Мб
13. Styling Buttons.mp4 189.23Мб
14. Creating DOM Elements.mp4 166.73Мб
14. Developer Skill Googling and Reading Documentation.mp4 71.30Мб
14. Loading Data From Supabase with useEffect.mp4 163.02Мб
15. Creating a Loader Component.mp4 151.61Мб
15. Loading Data With fetch and asyncawait.mp4 139.99Мб
15. Styling the Voting Buttons.mp4 120.79Мб
16. Filtering by Categories.mp4 154.57Мб
16. Styling Form Elements.mp4 135.99Мб
16. The filter and find Array Methods.mp4 134.64Мб
17. Adapting the Layout to Smaller Screens.mp4 168.79Мб
17. Uploading a Fact to Supabase.mp4 126.49Мб
18. Handling Votes and Updating a Fact on Supabase.mp4 207.49Мб
2.1 course-slides.pdf 19.79Мб
2.1 final-after-section-02.zip 29.94Кб
2.1 final-after-section-03.zip 31.42Кб
2.1 final-after-section-05.zip 34.05Кб
2.1 final-after-section-06.zip 356.68Кб
2.2 final-after-section-02.zip 29.94Кб
2.3 final-after-section-03.zip 31.42Кб
2.4 final-after-section-05.zip 34.05Кб
2.5 final-after-section-06.zip 356.68Кб
2.6 starter-files.zip 28.54Кб
2. BONUS Check Out My Other Courses!.html 3.01Кб
2. Creating Your First Database.mp4 19.78Мб
2. Deploying to Netlify.mp4 50.82Мб
2. Displaying and Hiding the Form.mp4 112.08Мб
2. HTML Document Structure.mp4 28.70Мб
2. Installing Node.js and Setting Up A React Project.mp4 119.46Мб
2. Read Before You Start!.html 3.11Кб
2. Styling Text.mp4 47.62Мб
3. A High-Level Overview of Web Development.mp4 45.61Мб
3. Creating a Table.mp4 82.90Мб
3. Including Google Fonts.mp4 123.32Мб
3. Meeting JSX and Creating the App Component.mp4 88.35Мб
3. Values, Variables, and Operators.mp4 80.75Мб
3. Working With Text and Lists.mp4 59.26Мб
4. Adding Security Policies.mp4 35.90Мб
4. Dividing Our Interface Into Components.mp4 130.81Мб
4. Functions.mp4 71.58Мб
4. Hyperlinks, Images, and Attributes.mp4 57.55Мб
4. Setting Up Our Code Editor.mp4 61.16Мб
4. Working With Color.mp4 95.71Мб
5. Inheritance and the Global Selector.mp4 58.53Мб
5. Rendering the List of Facts.mp4 120.97Мб
5. Structuring the App.mp4 54.07Мб
5. Taking Decisions With ifelse Statements.mp4 98.41Мб
6. Building a Form.mp4 69.84Мб
6. Passing and Receiving Props.mp4 117.08Мб
6. The CSS Box Model.mp4 138.28Мб
6. The Ternary Operator.mp4 61.90Мб
7. Adding More Buttons.mp4 78.57Мб
7. Block and Inline Elements.mp4 95.24Мб
7. Rendering the List of Categories.mp4 78.71Мб
7. Working With Strings.mp4 75.17Мб
8. Arrow Functions.mp4 80.58Мб
8. Creating Small Layouts With Flexbox.mp4 122.12Мб
8. Introducing State.mp4 97.93Мб
9. Applying Flexbox to Our Facts.mp4 102.85Мб
9. Arrays.mp4 72.28Мб
9. Displaying and Hiding the Form the React Way.mp4 90.82Мб
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