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Alao - Natural Resources and Conflict in Africa. The Tragedy of Endowment (2007).pdf 1.42Мб
Anugwom - From Biafra to the Niger Delta Conflict; Memory, Ethnicity, and the State in Nigeria (2019).pdf 1.18Мб
Bates - When Things Fell Apart. State Failure in Late-Century Africa (2008).pdf 2.39Мб
Boca - Mohamed Fekini and the Fight to Free Libya (2011).pdf 4.01Мб
Calderwood - Colonial Al-Andalus; Spain and the Making of Modern Moroccan Culture (2018).pdf 28.27Мб
Cavanagh - Settler Colonialism and Land Rights in South Africa; Possession and Dispossession on the Orange River (2013).pdf 771.28Кб
Chantiluke et al (Eds.) - Rhodes Must Fall; The Struggle to Decolonise the Racist Heart of Empire (2018).pdf 1007.08Кб
Cole - Lethal Provocation; The Constantine Murders and the Politics of French Algeria (2019).pdf 9.45Мб
Elkins - Imperial Reckoning; the Untold Story of Britain's Gulag in Kenya (2004).epub 1.71Мб
Fabian - Out of Our Minds; Reason and Madness in the Exploration of Central Africa (2000).pdf 2.75Мб
Gallois - A History of Violence in the Early Algerian Colony (2013).pdf 1.48Мб
Harms - Land of Tear; the Exploration and Exploitation of Equatorial Africa (2019).epub 33.36Мб
Harrison - Our Civilizing Mission; The Lessons of Colonial Education (2019).pdf 2.37Мб
Heshmati (Ed.) - Determinants of Economic Growth in Africa (2018).pdf 6.29Мб
HRW - A Dirty Investment. European Development Banks’ Link to Abuses in the Democratic Republic of Congo's Palm Oil Industry (2019).pdf 10.59Мб
Ipek - North Africa, Colonialism and the EU (2020).pdf 1.13Мб
Kalman - French Colonial Fascism; The Extreme Right in Algeria, 1919 –1939 (2013).pdf 6.57Мб
Kenrick - Decolonisation, Identity and Nation in Rhodesia, 1964–1979; A Race Against Time (2019).pdf 2.45Мб
Killingray - Fighting for Britain. African Soldiers in the Second World War (2010).pdf 11.18Мб
Laroussi - Postcolonial Counterpoint; Orientalism, France, and the Maghreb (2016).pdf 10.88Мб
MacKenzie - The Partition of Africa (1983).epub 214.08Кб
Mann - Native Sons; West African Veterans and France in the Twentieth Century (2006).pdf 1.68Мб
Melvern - A People Betrayed. The Role of the West in Rwanda’s Genocide (2009).epub 1.50Мб
Milner-Thornton - The Long Shadow of the British Empire; The Ongoing Legacies of Race and Class in Zambia (2012).pdf 3.94Мб
Okia - Labor in Colonial Keya after the Forced Labor Convention, 1930-1963 (2019).pdf 3.53Мб
Pringle - Psychiatry and Decolonisation in Uganda (2019).pdf 3.02Мб
Rodney - How Europe Underdeveloped Africa (2018).epub 951.39Кб
Rutz - King Leopold’s Congo and the “Scramble for Africa”. A Short History with Documents (2018).pdf 6.53Мб
Schroeter - Merchants of Essaouira; Urban society and imperialism in southwestern Morocco, 1844-1886 (1988).pdf 9.35Мб
Sharkey - Living with Colonialism; Nationalism and Culture in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (2003).epub 9.37Мб
Smith - German Colonial Empire (1978).epub 2.22Мб
Stapleton - Africa; War and Conflict in the Twentieth Century (2018).pdf 2.31Мб
Weigert - Traditional Religion and Guerrilla Warfare in Modern Africa (1996).pdf 10.53Мб
Williams - Who Killed Hammarskjold. The UN, the Cold War and White Supremacy in Africa (2014).pdf 25.68Мб
Yearwood - Nigeria and the Death of Liberal England; Palm Nuts and Prime Ministers, 1914-1916 (2018).pdf 3.67Мб
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