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Название Criticism of Capitalism and Globalization - Collection 30
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Appelbaum - The Economists’ Hour; How the False Prophets of Free Markets Fractured Our Society (2019).epub 698.75Кб
Benke - Risk and Ruin; Enron and the Culture of American Capitalism (2018).pdf 3.72Мб
Berger & Przyrembel (Eds.) - Moralizing Capitalism; Agents, Discourses and Practices of Capitalism and Anti-Capitalism in the Modern Age (2019).pdf 3.50Мб
Blakeley - Stolen; How to Save the World from Financilisation (2019).epub 414.54Кб
Boix - Democratic Capitalism at the Crossroads; Technological Change and the Future of Politics (2019).epub 4.08Мб
Bruck - Predator's Ball; the Inside Story of Drexel Burnham and the Rise of the Junk Bond Raiders (1988).epub 656.88Кб
Byttebier - The Tools of Law that Shape Capitalism; And How Altering Their Use Could Give Form to a More Just Society (2019).pdf 3.42Мб
Chen - Manipulating Globalization; the Influence of Bureaucrats on Business in China (2018).pdf 2.28Мб
Crotty - Keynes Against Capitalism; His Economic Case for Liberal Socialism (2019).pdf 3.60Мб
Elson - The United States in the World Economy; Making Sense of Globalization (2019).pdf 1.97Мб
Figueroa - The Quality of Society; Essays on the Unified Theory of Capitalism (2019).pdf 2.61Мб
Fraser - Mongrel Firebugs and Men of Property; Capitalism and Class Conflict in American History (2019).epub 622.00Кб
Fraser - The Age of Acquiescence; the Life and Death of American Resistance to Organized Wealth and Power (2015).epub 846.13Кб
Fumagalli et al - Exclusionary Practices; the Economics of Monopolisation and Abuse of Dominance (2018).pdf 3.62Мб
Gallagher - Ruling Capital; Emerging Markets and the Reregulation of Cross-Border Finance (2015).pdf 1.77Мб
Geisst - Beggar Thy Neighbor; a History of Usury and Debt (2013).pdf 4.18Мб
Johannessen - Automation, Capitalism and the End of the Middle Class (2019).pdf 885.19Кб
Kelly & Howard - The Making of a Democratic Economy; Building Prosperity for the Many, Not Just the Few (2019).epub 1.85Мб
Ketcham - This Land; How Cowboys, Capitalism, and Corruption are Ruining the American West (2019).epub 1.48Мб
Leonard - Kochland; the Secret History of Koch Industries and Corporate Power in America (2019).pdf 4.41Мб
McQuaig - The Sport and Prey of Capitalists; How the Rich Are Stealing Canada’s Public Wealth (2019).epub 766.14Кб
O’Sullivan - The Levelling; What's Next After Globalization (2019).epub 1.05Мб
Pistor - The Code of Capital; How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality (2019).pdf 3.67Мб
Preobrazhensky - The Decline of Capitalism (1985).epub 3.81Мб
Price - How Wealth Rules the World; Saving Our Communities and Freedoms from the Dictatorship of Property (2019).epub 1.13Мб
Rappaport - Saving Capitalism from Short-Termism; How to Build Long-Term Value and Take Back Our Financial Future (2011).pdf 1.81Мб
Ravenelle - Hustle and Gig; Struggling and Surviving in the Sharing Economy (2019).epub 5.60Мб
Reiman & Leighton - The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison; Ideology, Class, and Criminal Justice, 11e (2017).pdf 2.80Мб
Rodden - Why Cities Lose (2019).epub 21.76Мб
Silver (Ed.) - Confronting Capitalism in the 21st Century; Lessons from Marx’s Capital (2020).pdf 2.81Мб
Storr & Choi - Do Markets Corrupt Our Morals (2019).pdf 5.71Мб
Trivellato - The Promise and Peril of Credit (2019).pdf 31.49Мб
Tronti - Workers and Capital (2019).epub 572.55Кб
Villegas - Has Capitalism Failed (2016).epub 136.36Кб
Wright - How to Be an Anti-capitalist in the Twenty-First Century (2019).epub 467.72Кб
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