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Название Criticism of the Western Civilization - Collection 185 (Slavery 26)
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Aje & Armstrong (Eds.) - The Many Faces of Slavery. New Perspectives on Slave Ownership and Experiences in the Americas (2021).epub 1.98Мб
A Primary Source History of Slavery in the United States (2015).epub 11.11Мб
Barba - Country of the Cursed and the Driven. Slavery and the Texas Borderlands (2020).epub 3.64Мб
Berlin & Morgan (Eds.) - The Slaves’ Economy. Independent Production by Slaves in the Americas (1991).pdf 7.37Мб
Bruce - The New Man. Twenty-nine years a slave, twenty-nine years a free man (2019).epub 548.74Кб
Buxton - Haunted Plantations. Ghosts of Slavery and Legends of the Cotton Kingdoms (2007).epub 9.26Мб
Campbell (Ed.) - Slavery in America (2016).epub 10.94Мб
Cugoano - Thoughts and Sentiments on the Evil and Wicked Traffic of the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species (2013).pdf 6.40Мб
Dickinson - Almost Dead. Slavery And Social Rebirth in the Black Urban Atlantic, 1680–1807 (2022).epub 5.42Мб
Forster & Forster - Sugar and Slavery. The Letter and Diary of Pierre Dassalles, Planter in Martinique, 1808-1856 (1996).pdf 12.07Мб
Greenidge - The Grimkes. The Legacy of Slavery in an American Family (2022).epub 16.72Мб
Groba et al - Pathologizing Black Bodies. The Legacy of Plantation Slavery (2023).pdf 2.19Мб
Groth - Slavery and Freedom in the Mid-Hudson Valley (2017).epub 1.80Мб
Haslam - The Slave Trade, Abolition and the Long History of International Criminal Law. The Recaptive and the Victim (2020).epub 803.78Кб
Iverson - Rebels in Arms. Black Resistance and the Fight for Freedom in the Anglo-Atlantic (2022).epub 3.58Мб
Johnson - Slavery’s Metropolis. Unfree Labor in New Orleans during the Age of Revolutions (2016).pdf 7.55Мб
Kolchin - American Slavery, 1619-1877 (1993).pdf 9.86Мб
Mayer & Canot - Captain Canot - Twenty Years of an African Slave Ship. Autobiographical Account (2018).epub 1.24Мб
Meyers & Walker - The Reverse Underground Railroad in Ohio (2022).epub 4.24Мб
Muller - Escape to the City. Fugitive Slaves in the Antebellum Urban South (2022).pdf 22.55Мб
Murphy - Banking on Slavery. Financing Southern Expansion in the Antebellum United States (2023).pdf 9.15Мб
Naylor - Unsilencing Slavery. Telling Truths About Rose Hall Plantation, Jamaica (2022).epub 11.41Мб
Parish - Slavery. History and Historians (1989).pdf 4.21Мб
Prados-Torreira - The Power of Their Will. Slaveholding Women in Nineteenth-Century Cuba (2021).epub 1.95Мб
Sandy - The Overseers of Early American Slavery. Supervisors, Enslaved Labourers, and the Plantation Enterprise (2020).epub 1.49Мб
Scarr - Seychelles since 1770. History of a Slave and Post-Slavery Society (2000).pdf 31.32Мб
Shaw - Memories of the Slave Trade. Ritual and the Historical Imagination in Sierra Leone (2002).pdf 46.22Мб
Tabor - Africatown. America’s Last Slave Ship and the Community It Created (2022).epub 13.33Мб
The Great Escapes. Four Slave Narratives (2007).epub 1.32Мб
Tomich & Lovejoy (Eds.) - The Atlantic and Africa. The Second Slavery and Beyond (2021).pdf 5.82Мб
Turner - Slavery in Pennsylvania. A PhD Dissertation, Johns Hopkins University, 1910 (2019).epub 673.08Кб
Walvin - A World Transformed. Slavery In the Americas and the Origins of Global Power (2022).pdf 17.30Мб
Whitefield - Biographical Dictionary of Enslaved Black People in the Maritimes (2022).pdf 2.45Мб
Winters - The Mulatta Concubine. Terror, Intimacy, Freedom, and Desire in the Black Transatlantic (2016).pdf 2.78Мб
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