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1.1 python_refresher.py |
1.33Кб |
1. Amazon CodeWhisperer - Introduction.mp4 |
14.55Мб |
1. AWS API Gateway Refresher.mp4 |
236.47Мб |
1. AWS Lambda - Overview.mp4 |
31.37Мб |
1. Basic Python Programming Refresher - Part 1.mp4 |
47.19Мб |
1. Course Introduction.mp4 |
46.01Мб |
1. Section Introduction Use Case 2 - Text Summarization.mp4 |
8.16Мб |
1. Section Introduction- Use Case for Media and Entertainment Industry.mp4 |
8.15Мб |
1. Section Overview - Amazon Bedrock.mp4 |
3.49Мб |
1. Section Overview - Evolution of Generative AI.mp4 |
4.54Мб |
1. Section Overview - Fine Tuning of Foundation Model.mp4 |
3.71Мб |
1. Section Overview - Foundation Model Selection for your Use Case.mp4 |
3.66Мб |
1. Section Overview - GenAI Project Lifecycle and Use Case Identification.mp4 |
2.47Мб |
1. Section Overview - Generative AI & Foundation Models Concepts.mp4 |
4.50Мб |
1. Section Overview - Prompt Engineering.mp4 |
3.88Мб |
10. End to End Demo.mp4 |
30.53Мб |
2.1 Amazon Bedrock and AWS Generative AI - Beginner to Advanced_v1.0_24122023.pdf |
5.45Мб |
2.1 PythonCode_Lambda_Boto3VersionCheck.py |
211б |
2. Amazon Bedrock - Introduction.mp4 |
30.51Мб |
2. Amazon CodeWhisperer - Installation.mp4 |
18.14Мб |
2. Artificial Intelligence - Overview.mp4 |
15.68Мб |
2. AWS Lambda - Invocation.mp4 |
22.56Мб |
2. Basic Python Programming Refresher - Par 2.mp4 |
92.62Мб |
2. Fine Tuning of Foundation Model - Overview.mp4 |
19.59Мб |
2. Foundation Model Selection Criteria - Theory - Part 1.mp4 |
30.48Мб |
2. Must Watch - Tips to Optimize Learning & Download Course Content Slides.mp4 |
15.74Мб |
2. Overview of GenAI Project Lifecycle.mp4 |
9.33Мб |
2. Prompt Engineering - 1.mp4 |
38.36Мб |
2. Text Summarization - Use Case Description and Architecture.mp4 |
13.59Мб |
2. Use Case Pre-Requisites - Model Access and Lambda Boto3 Version Upgrade.mp4 |
87.78Мб |
2. What is Generative AI and Use Cases.mp4 |
22.61Мб |
3.1 PythonCode_Lambda_demoManufacturing.py |
1.43Кб |
3. Amazon CodeWhisperer - Create S3 bucket.mp4 |
57.60Мб |
3. Bedrock - Console Walkthrough - 1.mp4 |
76.52Мб |
3. Boto3 Introduction.mp4 |
81.89Мб |
3. Creation of AWS Lambda function and Boto3 upgrade.mp4 |
26.34Мб |
3. Fine Tuning of Foundation Model - Architecture.mp4 |
16.06Мб |
3. Foundation Model Selection Criteria - Theory - Part 2.mp4 |
57.24Мб |
3. GenAI - Use Case Identification Approach.mp4 |
25.43Мб |
3. How Generative AI works 1 - Prompt, Completion and Infererences.mp4 |
48.72Мб |
3. Machine Learning - Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforced Learning.mp4 |
50.29Мб |
3. Prompt Engineering - 2.mp4 |
45.03Мб |
3. Use Case Description - Media and Entertainment Industry.mp4 |
14.31Мб |
4. Amazon Bedrock - Data Privacy Challenges.mp4 |
6.51Мб |
4. Amazon CodeWhisperer - Create VPC and RDS.mp4 |
151.23Мб |
4. Bedrock - Console Walkthrough -2.mp4 |
88.72Мб |
4. Deep Learning and Neural Networks.mp4 |
55.54Мб |
4. Foundation Model Selection Criteria - HandsOn.mp4 |
98.24Мб |
4. How Generative AI works - Basic Concepts and Terminology - 2.mp4 |
57.24Мб |
4. Prompt Engineering Techinques.mp4 |
24.74Мб |
4. Use Case Architecture - Amazon Bedrock (Stability AI), Lambda and S3.mp4 |
12.64Мб |
4. Writing the AWS Lambda function to connect to Bedrock Service - 1.mp4 |
105.93Мб |
5.1 manufacturingUseCase_fineTuningData.json |
1.96Кб |
5.1 PythonCode_Lambda_moviePosterDesignFunction.py |
1.87Кб |
5. Amazon Bedrock - Architecture.mp4 |
24.83Мб |
5. Creation of S3 Bucket and Lambda Function.mp4 |
66.02Мб |
5. Fine Tuning of Foundation Models - Hands On.mp4 |
86.64Мб |
5. Service Offerings in Generative AI from AWS.mp4 |
53.25Мб |
5. Steps to engineer a good prompt.mp4 |
2.65Мб |
5. Writing the AWS Lambda function to connect to Bedrock Service - 2.mp4 |
161.42Мб |
6. Amazon Bedrock - Infererence Parameters - Temperature.mp4 |
67.91Мб |
6. AWS Lambda and Bedrock Integration - 1.mp4 |
163.22Мб |
6. Create REST API using AWS API Gateway and Lambda Integration.mp4 |
49.69Мб |
7. Amazon Bedrock - Infererence Parameters - 2.mp4 |
56.46Мб |
7. AWS Lambda and Bedrock Integration - 2.mp4 |
90.69Мб |
7. End to End Demo.mp4 |
29.79Мб |
8. AWS Lambda and S3 Pre Signed URL.mp4 |
79.29Мб |
8. Bedrock - Pricing.mp4 |
51.50Мб |
9. AWS API Gateway and Lambda Integration.mp4 |
86.43Мб |
Bonus Resources.txt |
386б |
Get Bonus Downloads Here.url |
182б |