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Название True Facials
Тип Игры
Размер 4.09Гб
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.mp3 10.33Кб
.mp3 10.33Кб
.mp3 10.33Кб
(kiss).mp3 10.33Кб
{BodyActor} Okay, go ahead..mp3 10.33Кб
{HandActor} I'm going to put my hand on your {BodyPart}..mp3 10.33Кб
{HandActor} puts his hand on {BodyActor}'s {BodyPart}..mp3 10.33Кб
{HumanA} Let's go!.mp3 10.33Кб
{HumanB} I'm ready!.mp3 10.33Кб
{HumanB} Sure, I need a break too..mp3 10.33Кб
{Kasumi} Do you have any questions.mp3 48.07Кб
{Kasumi} Hi, I'm {Kasumi}..mp3 61.65Кб
{Kasumi} Hi again, {Player}..mp3 27.88Кб
{Kasumi} I'll show you how to do it..mp3 34.42Кб
{Kasumi} I'm here to help you with the game..mp3 51.12Кб
{Kasumi} Of course, you can do that with me..mp3 58.26Кб
{Kasumi} Okay, let's go to my room..mp3 46.64Кб
{Kasumi} See, you're now grabbing my breasts!.mp3 10.33Кб
{Kasumi} See, you're now grabbing my breasts..mp3 61.93Кб
{Kasumi} That's naughty, grabbing my ass..mp3 75.38Кб
{Kasumi} That's okay, you can do that whenever you want..mp3 86.38Кб
{Kasumi} This is a game where you can interact with everyone in the game..mp3 108.39Кб
{Kasumi} Welcome back!.mp3 38.29Кб
{Kasumi} You're welcome. Have fun..mp3 54.59Кб
{Kasumi} You can also do that with others as well..mp3 53.37Кб
{Kasumi} You can also try to drag it to other parts of my body..mp3 86.38Кб
{Kasumi} You can also use X to open the menu..mp3 67.43Кб
{Kasumi} You can talk to people, and do things with them..mp3 93.10Кб
{Kasumi} You can talk to them, and do things with them..mp3 81.49Кб
{Kasumi} You can use the arrow keys to move, and Z to interact with things..mp3 118.78Кб
{Kasumi} You like my ass, don't you.mp3 51.53Кб
2b.tfa 50.06Мб
actions.json 4.36Кб
actions.json 4.36Кб
ada wong.tfa 58.42Мб
aerith.tfa 68.61Мб
app.info 23б
app.info 23б
app.info 23б
Assembly-CSharp.dll 8.49Мб
Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll 4.50Кб
AVProMovieCapture.dll 594.50Кб
AVProMovieCapture.dll 594.50Кб
baselib.dll 479.50Кб
baselib.dll 395.52Кб
bin.exe 638.50Кб
bin.exe 638.50Кб
binding_holographic_hmd.json 671б
binding_holographic_hmd.json 671б
binding_index_hmd.json 563б
binding_index_hmd.json 563б
binding_rift.json 649б
binding_rift.json 649б
binding_vive_cosmos.json 572б
binding_vive_cosmos.json 572б
binding_vive_pro.json 657б
binding_vive_pro.json 657б
binding_vive_tracker_camera.json 461б
binding_vive_tracker_camera.json 461б
binding_vive.json 649б
binding_vive.json 649б
bindings_holographic_controller.json 8.94Кб
bindings_holographic_controller.json 8.94Кб
bindings_knuckles.json 9.51Кб
bindings_knuckles.json 9.51Кб
bindings_logitech_stylus.json 7.93Кб
bindings_logitech_stylus.json 7.93Кб
bindings_oculus_touch.json 9.26Кб
bindings_oculus_touch.json 9.26Кб
bindings_vive_controller.json 8.66Кб
bindings_vive_controller.json 8.66Кб
bindings_vive_cosmos_controller.json 8.46Кб
bindings_vive_cosmos_controller.json 8.46Кб
Blowjob_69.lua 3.45Кб
Blowjob_69.png 6.88Мб
Blowjob_Base.lua 2.88Кб
Blowjob_Base.png 13.04Мб
Blowjob_Pause.lua 2.88Кб
Blowjob_Pause.png 13.08Мб
Blowjob_Stop.lua 2.91Кб
Blowjob_Stop.png 12.38Мб
boot.config 79б
boot.config 66б
boot.config 117б
browscap.ini 304.67Кб
browscap.ini 304.67Кб
Capture_133619669431837172.lua 3.18Кб
Capture_133619669431837172.png 10.17Мб
cindy aurum.tfa 58.47Мб
ciri.tfa 54.77Мб
Clothes_Swap.lua 4.22Кб
Clothes_Swap.png 11.99Мб
Clothing_Mode.lua 7.12Кб
Clothing_Mode.png 3.25Мб
cloud.tfa 52.52Мб
Cloud Can I have the last one again.mp3 10.33Кб
Cloud I'm good..mp3 10.33Кб
Cloud I'm just a bit tired I guess..mp3 10.33Кб
Cloud I can't stop thinking about you all day..mp3 10.33Кб
Cloud I just want to rest a bit..mp3 10.33Кб
Cloud I love you Tifa..mp3 10.33Кб
Cloud It did..mp3 10.33Кб
Cloud I won't..mp3 10.33Кб
Cloud No, but managed..mp3 10.33Кб
Cloud You're really good at this..mp3 10.33Кб
CodeResources 3.87Кб
CodeResources 1.70Кб
com.unity.multiplayer-hlapi.Runtime.dll 224.50Кб
commands.cfg 1.70Кб
Common.lua 13.80Кб
Compat.browser 1.57Кб
Compat.browser 1.57Кб
Compat.browser 1.57Кб
Compat.browser 1.57Кб
Compat.browser 1.57Кб
Compat.browser 1.57Кб
config 3.20Кб
config 3.20Кб
config.xml 25.21Кб
config.xml 25.21Кб
COPYING.mhook 1.11Кб
COPYING.mhook 1.11Кб
COPYING.minhook 3.94Кб
COPYING.minhook 3.94Кб
COPYING.win32++ 1.23Кб
COPYING.win32++ 1.23Кб
Cowgirl_AfterSex_Happy.lua 3.06Кб
Cowgirl_AfterSex_Happy.png 12.90Мб
Cowgirl_AfterSex_Serious.lua 3.07Кб
Cowgirl_AfterSex_Serious.png 6.78Мб
Cowgirl_AfterSex.lua 3.06Кб
Cowgirl_AfterSex.png 12.65Мб
Cowgirl_base.lua 2.81Кб
Cowgirl_base.png 7.11Мб
Cowgirl_BP.lua 2.95Кб
Cowgirl_BP.png 6.63Мб
Cowgirl_Climax.lua 3.17Кб
Cowgirl_Climax.png 7.11Мб
Cowgirl_Funny.lua 2.72Кб
Cowgirl_Funny.png 7.13Мб
Cowgirl_Happy.lua 2.69Кб
Cowgirl_Happy.png 6.97Мб
Cowgirl_Serious.lua 2.71Кб
Cowgirl_Serious.png 7.07Мб
Cowgirl_Sex.lua 3.08Кб
Cowgirl_Sex.png 6.90Мб
Cowgirl_SexPhase2.lua 3.25Кб
Cowgirl_SexPhase2.png 7.10Мб
Cowgirl_SexPhase3.lua 3.21Кб
Cowgirl_SexPhase3.png 7.04Мб
Cowgirl_Thinking.lua 2.74Кб
Cowgirl_Thinking.png 7.02Мб
CreditsRoll.lua 4.88Кб
CreditsRoll.png 6.84Мб
data.unity3d 406.82Мб
data.unity3d 208.84Мб
data.unity3d 613.64Мб
Deepthroat_Classic.lua 3.31Кб
Deepthroat_Classic.png 11.93Мб
Deepthroat_R.lua 3.19Кб
Deepthroat_R.png 6.37Мб
Deepthroat.lua 3.17Кб
Deepthroat.png 13.21Мб
DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx 59.16Кб
DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx 59.16Кб
DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx 59.16Кб
DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx 59.16Кб
DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx 59.16Кб
DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx 59.16Кб
dva.tfa 50.67Мб
elizabeth.tfa 75.90Мб
elizabeth bas.tfa 54.26Мб
Ex01_01.jpg 1.79Мб
EXTERNAL ActorName(actorCode).mp3 10.33Кб
ff7_seventh_heaven.tfm 107.44Мб
ff7_tifa's apartment.tfm 29.47Мб
ffmpeg 24.13Мб
ffmpeg.exe 26.09Мб
FreeImage.dll 6.62Мб
freemode_main.lua 1.35Кб
freemode_poses.lua 7.65Кб
GameAssembly.dll 72.11Мб
GameAssembly.dll 82.05Мб
game color=#80FFFFi(A flash of memory... Have I done this before).mp3 10.33Кб
game color=#80FFFFi(This is oddly nostalgic as well...).mp3 10.33Кб
game color=#80FFFFi(Your mind stutters for a moment.).mp3 10.33Кб
game color=#80FFFFi(Your mind stutters for a moment again.).mp3 10.33Кб
global-metadata.dat 14.02Мб
global-metadata.dat 23.27Мб
GPUFrameSyncNvAPID3D11.dll 32.50Кб
GPUFrameSyncNvAPID3D12.dll 32.50Кб
H264Encoder.dll 21.00Кб
Handjob_Base.lua 2.91Кб
Handjob_Base.png 12.83Мб
Handjob_Pause.lua 2.93Кб
Handjob_Pause.png 12.85Мб
Handjob_Talk_Faint.lua 2.93Кб
Handjob_Talk_Faint.png 13.00Мб
Handjob_Talk_Smug.lua 2.93Кб
Handjob_Talk_Smug.png 12.83Мб
Handjob_Talk_Surprised.lua 2.93Кб
Handjob_Talk_Surprised.png 12.83Мб
Handjob_Talk.lua 2.93Кб
Handjob_Talk.png 13.00Мб
harley quinn.tfa 91.83Мб
Image.png 2.04Мб
Image.png 1.81Мб
Info.plist 792б
jessie rasberry.tfa 56.41Мб
jill valentine.tfa 86.87Мб
kasumi Click on me if you need to ask more about how to do this..mp3 82.71Кб
kasumi Click on me if you need to ask more about how to do this..mp3 82.71Кб
Kasumi Click on me if you need to ask more about how to do this..mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi Do you have any questions.mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi Do you have any questions.mp3 48.07Кб
Kasumi Do you have any questions.mp3 10.33Кб
Kasumi Do you have any questions.mp3 48.07Кб
kasumi Do you want something else other than a tutorial perhaps.mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi Do you want something else other than a tutorial perhaps.mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi Have fun, ok..mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi Have fun, ok..mp3 10.33Кб
Kasumi Hi, I'm {Kasumi}..mp3 10.33Кб
Kasumi Hi, I'm {Kasumi}..mp3 61.65Кб
Kasumi Hi, I'm Kasumi..mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi Hi, I'm Kasumi.mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi Hi, I'm Kasumi.mp3 61.65Кб
Kasumi Hi again, {Player}..mp3 10.33Кб
Kasumi Hi again, {Player}..mp3 27.88Кб
kasumi Hi again!.mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi Hi again!.mp3 27.88Кб
kasumi I'll return you to the main menu now..mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi I'll return you to the main menu now..mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi I'll show you how to do it..mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi I'll show you how to do it..mp3 34.42Кб
Kasumi I'll show you how to do it..mp3 10.33Кб
Kasumi I'll show you how to do it..mp3 34.42Кб
Kasumi I'm here to help you with the game..mp3 10.33Кб
Kasumi I'm here to help you with the game..mp3 51.12Кб
kasumi I'm here to help you with the game.mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi I'm here to help you with the game.mp3 51.12Кб
Kasumi I hope you enjoyed it, {Player}!.mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi I hope you enjoyed it, Player!.mp3 52.76Кб
kasumi I hope you enjoyed it, Player!.mp3 52.76Кб
kasumi In this tutorial, you can ask me to stop. In other cases, you can exit the module by pressing ESC..mp3 167.69Кб
kasumi In this tutorial, you can ask me to stop. In other cases, you can exit the module by pressing ESC..mp3 167.69Кб
Kasumi In this tutorial, you can ask me to stop. In other cases, you can exit the module by pressing ESC..mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi Just drag on the body part you want to move, and see what happens..mp3 69.87Кб
kasumi Just drag on the body part you want to move, and see what happens..mp3 69.87Кб
Kasumi Just drag on the body part you want to move, and see what happens..mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi Of course, you can do that with me..mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi Of course, you can do that with me..mp3 58.26Кб
Kasumi Of course, you can do that with me..mp3 10.33Кб
Kasumi Of course, you can do that with me..mp3 58.26Кб
kasumi Of course!..mp3 33.81Кб
kasumi Of course!..mp3 33.81Кб
Kasumi Of course!..mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi Of course!.mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi Of course!.mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi Okay, let's go to my room..mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi Okay, let's go to my room..mp3 46.64Кб
Kasumi Okay, let's go to my room..mp3 10.33Кб
Kasumi Okay, let's go to my room..mp3 46.64Кб
Kasumi See, you're now grabbing my breasts..mp3 10.33Кб
Kasumi See, you're now grabbing my breasts..mp3 10.33Кб
Kasumi That's naughty, grabbing my ass..mp3 10.33Кб
Kasumi That's naughty, grabbing my ass..mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi That's okay, you can do that whenever you want..mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi That's okay, you can do that whenever you want..mp3 86.38Кб
Kasumi That's okay, you can do that whenever you want..mp3 10.33Кб
Kasumi That's okay, you can do that whenever you want..mp3 86.38Кб
kasumi This is a game where you can interact with everyone in the game..mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi This is a game where you can interact with everyone in the game..mp3 108.39Кб
Kasumi This is a game where you can interact with everyone in the game..mp3 10.33Кб
Kasumi This is a game where you can interact with everyone in the game..mp3 108.39Кб
kasumi Try dragging your hand onto me..mp3 44.81Кб
kasumi Try dragging your hand onto me..mp3 44.81Кб
Kasumi Try dragging your hand onto me..mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi Welcome back!.mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi Welcome back!.mp3 38.29Кб
Kasumi Welcome back!.mp3 10.33Кб
Kasumi Welcome back!.mp3 38.29Кб
Kasumi You're welcome. Have fun..mp3 10.33Кб
Kasumi You're welcome. Have fun..mp3 54.59Кб
kasumi You can also do that with others as well..mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi You can also do that with others as well..mp3 53.37Кб
Kasumi You can also do that with others as well..mp3 10.33Кб
Kasumi You can also do that with others as well..mp3 53.37Кб
Kasumi You can also try to drag it to other parts of my body..mp3 10.33Кб
Kasumi You can also try to drag it to other parts of my body..mp3 10.33Кб
Kasumi You can also use X to open the menu..mp3 10.33Кб
Kasumi You can also use X to open the menu..mp3 67.43Кб
kasumi You can return to the main menu and load other stories if you want..mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi You can return to the main menu and load other stories if you want..mp3 10.33Кб
Kasumi You can talk to people, and do things with them..mp3 10.33Кб
Kasumi You can talk to people, and do things with them..mp3 93.10Кб
kasumi You can talk to them, and do things with them..mp3 10.33Кб
kasumi You can talk to them, and do things with them..mp3 81.49Кб
Kasumi You can talk to them, and do things with them..mp3 10.33Кб
Kasumi You can talk to them, and do things with them..mp3 81.49Кб
Kasumi You can use the arrow keys to move, and Z to interact with things..mp3 10.33Кб
Kasumi You can use the arrow keys to move, and Z to interact with things..mp3 118.78Кб
Kasumi You like my ass, don't you.mp3 10.33Кб
Kasumi You like my ass, don't you.mp3 10.33Кб
lara croft.tfa 68.23Мб
lib_burst_generated.dll 227.50Кб
lib_burst_generated.dll 681.50Кб
lib_burst_generated.dll 2.13Мб
lib_burst_generated.txt 87.57Кб
lib_burst_generated.txt 227.54Кб
lib_burst_generated.txt 819.22Кб
liblzma.5.dylib 178.89Кб
libSDL2-2.0.0.dylib 1.37Мб
LibTessDotNet.dll 34.50Кб
libvhacd.dll 188.50Кб
libvhacd.dll 188.50Кб
libvhacd.dll 188.50Кб
libwebp.7.dylib 432.16Кб
libwebpmux.3.dylib 88.31Кб
machine.config 28.43Кб
machine.config 32.86Кб
machine.config 33.31Кб
machine.config 28.43Кб
machine.config 32.86Кб
machine.config 33.31Кб
mai shiranui.tfa 38.56Мб
MantisLOD.dll 126.50Кб
marie rose.tfa 38.17Мб
mercy.tfa 50.62Мб
Microsoft.HEVCVideoExtension.Appx 1.44Мб
Microsoft.HEVCVideoExtension.Appx 1.44Мб
Mono.Data.Sqlite.dll-resources.dat 33.67Кб
Mono.Posix.dll 207.50Кб
Mono.Security.dll 302.00Кб
mono-2.0-bdwgc.dll 4.73Мб
MonoPosixHelper.dll 762.00Кб
mscorlib.dll 3.88Мб
mscorlib.dll-resources.dat 329.65Кб
mscorlib.dll-resources.dat 329.65Кб
Newtonsoft.Json.dll 642.00Кб
NonConvexCollider.dll 6.50Кб
NonConvexColliderRuntimeAPI.dll 10.50Кб
ntleaj.dll 340.00Кб
ntleaj.dll 340.00Кб
ntleak.dll 164.50Кб
ntleak.dll 164.50Кб
ntleas.exe 12.50Кб
ntleas.exe 12.50Кб
ntleasCtx.dll 107.00Кб
ntleasCtx.dll 107.00Кб
ntleasCtxExt.dll 97.00Кб
ntleasCtxExt.dll 97.00Кб
ntleasWin.cfg 198б
ntleasWin.cfg 198б
ntleasWin.exe 275.00Кб
ntleasWin.exe 275.00Кб
NvEncPlugin.dll 1.10Мб
onnxruntime_providers_shared.dll 21.44Кб
onnxruntime.dll 9.78Мб
OVRLipSync.dll 15.03Мб
OVRLipSync.dll 15.03Мб
OVRLipSync.dll 15.03Мб
Pose_Set_001.lua 4.99Кб
Pose_Set_001.png 12.76Мб
Pose_set_002.lua 3.31Кб
Pose_set_002.png 13.21Мб
Pose_Set_003.lua 4.67Кб
Pose_Set_003.png 12.94Мб
Pose_Set_004.lua 3.19Кб
Pose_Set_004.png 12.06Мб
Pose_Set_005.lua 3.21Кб
Pose_Set_005.png 13.43Мб
Pose_Set_006.lua 3.37Кб
Pose_Set_006.png 12.58Мб
Pose_Set_007_FullHouse.lua 7.72Кб
Pose_Set_007_FullHouse.png 13.33Мб
Pose_Set_007.lua 5.07Кб
Pose_Set_007.png 12.83Мб
Pose_Set_008.lua 3.28Кб
Pose_Set_008.png 12.63Мб
Pose_Set_009.lua 3.28Кб
Pose_Set_009.png 12.62Мб
Pose_Set_010.lua 3.02Кб
Pose_Set_010.png 12.91Мб
Pose_Set_011.lua 5.02Кб
Pose_Set_011.png 11.79Мб
Primrose_Posing_1.lua 2.88Кб
Primrose_Posing_1.png 11.74Мб
Primrose_Posing_2.lua 3.19Кб
Primrose_Posing_2.png 11.64Мб
primrose !....mp3 24.40Кб
primrose ....mp3 24.40Кб
primrose ...Ah!.mp3 22.80Кб
primrose ...Ah.mp3 23.41Кб
primrose ...Anyways, let's wake her up!.mp3 57.04Кб
primrose ...Mmm.mp3 22.80Кб
primrose ...Oh!.mp3 23.41Кб
primrose ...Oh my!.mp3 31.36Кб
primrose ...Oh my.mp3 28.92Кб
primrose ...Oh yes!.mp3 28.30Кб
primrose ...Whoops! I forgot to....mp3 86.38Кб
primrose ...you will.mp3 32.58Кб
primrose Actually that wasn't too bad. We make a good team master!.mp3 91.88Кб
primrose Ah...I can feel you're filling me up....mp3 57.04Кб
primrose Ahh....mp3 28.20Кб
primrose Alright, I think we're ready for some more intricate treatments..mp3 105.94Кб
primrose Alright, let's get this over with..mp3 74.76Кб
primrose Amnesia is an usual side effect of your experiments... But you've never forgotten me before!.mp3 127.95Кб
primrose And on the first try too, you're definitely responding well..mp3 89.44Кб
primrose And the succubus did show some reaction, I think she'll wake up soon..mp3 113.28Кб
primrose An improvement to her personality, I must say..mp3 90.05Кб
primrose Another summon of yours master. Hardly your best work, I must say..mp3 120.61Кб
primrose Ask me about any features you want to know about..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose As strong as ever, master!.mp3 52.76Кб
primrose Be sure to hover over the buttons inside first, there are options within them too..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Be sure to hover over the buttons inside first, there are options within them too..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose bI'm cumming again!.mp3 39.31Кб
primrose bOh...yes....mp3 59.48Кб
primrose bOh yes, yesb...I'm cumming!.mp3 101.66Кб
primrose But... if it can help your memory then we should try..mp3 93.10Кб
primrose But I'm sure you keep her for a good reason, master..mp3 80.27Кб
primrose By the way, could you teach me the banish spell once you've recovered.mp3 99.83Кб
primrose C'mon master, I can grab my breasts myself, I want you to do it!.mp3 115.72Кб
primrose Camera controls are designed for one handed use..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Camera controls are designed for one handed use..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Click on me if you need to ask more about how to do this..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Click on me once you're done, master..mp3 64.37Кб
primrose Click on me when you're satisfied, master..mp3 55.20Кб
primrose Click on me when you want to continue, master..mp3 68.65Кб
primrose Click your color=redbMIDDLEbcolor mouse button on my skirt, master..mp3 70.49Кб
primrose Click your middle mouse button on my skirt, master..mp3 76.60Кб
primrose Did I wake you up I'm sorry!.mp3 57.65Кб
primrose Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere..mp3 57.65Кб
primrose Do you have any questions.mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Do you want something else other than a tutorial perhaps.mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Do you want to see more, master My skirt is still on....mp3 93.72Кб
primrose Furthermore, moving things like my hand over my body will let me touch myself..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Furthermore, moving things like my hand over my body will let me touch myself..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Good morning, master!.mp3 40.53Кб
primrose Gotta give it to her, she's really taking it!.mp3 71.71Кб
primrose Harder master, I'm almost there!.mp3 54.59Кб
primrose Have fun, ok..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Have fun!.mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Here, let me give you some extra push, master!.mp3 79.04Кб
primrose Hey, that hurts my feelings!.mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Hey, that hurts my feelings!.mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Hey! are you trying to make me jealous.mp3 69.26Кб
primrose Hi, I'm Primrose.mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Hi again!.mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Hmm, I think it was that succubus. Okay maybe this isn't a good idea..mp3 172.47Кб
primrose Hmm..., you're clicking on yourself, master..mp3 74.76Кб
primrose Hmm....mp3 31.36Кб
primrose Hold Alt will show you more details on what you can do..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Hold Alt will show you more details on what you can do..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Hold your hand with the left mouse button and drag it to my breasts..mp3 102.89Кб
primrose How about that.mp3 34.42Кб
primrose How about you do it yourself, master.mp3 50.91Кб
primrose I'd be happy to help you with anything you need..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose I'll return you to the main menu now..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose I'll show you how to do it..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose I'm almost there, master. Grab my breasts with your hands..mp3 114.50Кб
primrose I'm available too, you know..mp3 38.08Кб
primrose I'm glad you do. By the way, do you remember anything new.mp3 101.55Кб
primrose I'm here to help you with the game.mp3 10.33Кб
primrose I'm just kidding!.mp3 10.33Кб
primrose I'm just kidding!.mp3 10.33Кб
primrose I'm just trying to help you relax..mp3 55.20Кб
primrose I'm Primrose, your personal assistant. Don't worry, I'll get you back on your feet in no time!.mp3 146.19Кб
primrose I'm ready for you, master..mp3 51.53Кб
primrose I'm sorry, master. But this option isn't available in the demo..mp3 80.27Кб
primrose I'm sure it's just the amnesia, master. You'll get your powers back when it's gone..mp3 106.55Кб
primrose I'm trying hard to compete with the others you know..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose I'm trying hard to compete with the others you know..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose I've been preparing you for the most important part!.mp3 75.99Кб
primrose I've heard you can travel to other worlds into another body, so you must be used to it..mp3 140.18Кб
primrose I don't think so, you've never passed out after doing that..mp3 88.21Кб
primrose If you can, please report it to our developers. They'll be happy to help you..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose If you can, please report it to our developers. They'll be happy to help you..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose If you find it a little hard, hold the color=redbALTbcolor button to highlight the part you could move..mp3 122.45Кб
primrose I guess more recent memory are easier to get back..mp3 72.32Кб
primrose I hope you're enjoying the sights, master..mp3 63.76Кб
primrose I hope you enjoyed it, Player!.mp3 10.33Кб
primrose I know it didn't help you, but you did it anyways..mp3 96.16Кб
primrose I love it when you take control, master!.mp3 77.82Кб
primrose In any case, there's a button at the bottom right of the screen. It has my face on it..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose In any case, there's a button at the bottom right of the screen. It has my face on it..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose In general, dragging your left mouse button on parts of my body will move them..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose In general, dragging your left mouse button on parts of my body will move them..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose In this tutorial, you can ask me to stop. In other cases, you can exit the module by pressing ESC..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose I really need it, please!.mp3 53.37Кб
primrose It's one of your spells, master. You can change your body at will!.mp3 101.66Кб
primrose It feels really good..mp3 46.03Кб
primrose It feels so good, what about you, master.mp3 79.55Кб
primrose I think we're going too easy on her..mp3 61.93Кб
primrose I was trying to take your pulse, master..mp3 56.42Кб
primrose Just drag on the body part you want to move, and see what happens..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Just drag your hand to my breasts with the left mouse button!.mp3 74.15Кб
primrose Just leave it to me, I'll show you how good of a student I am..mp3 98.00Кб
primrose Just look at me, your finest work!.mp3 70.49Кб
primrose Just push my hips in and I'll move by myself, master..mp3 74.15Кб
primrose Let's get creative, master!.mp3 53.37Кб
primrose Let's see if you can move using your astral form..mp3 66.21Кб
primrose Let's speed up, master!.mp3 57.65Кб
primrose Let's start with the basics..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Let's try some more then!.mp3 36.86Кб
primrose Let me help you and take it off..mp3 48.48Кб
primrose Let me introduce myself!.mp3 47.25Кб
primrose Looks like doing familiar things will get you to remember..mp3 67.43Кб
primrose Master, please check out the release version for this feature..mp3 88.83Кб
primrose Master! Thank god you're back..mp3 70.49Кб
primrose Master! What happened you're passing out....mp3 82.10Кб
primrose Maybe the last one with you would also know something about what happened!.mp3 88.11Кб
primrose My skirt is the only thing that left, master..mp3 62.54Кб
primrose Nicely done master!.mp3 37.47Кб
primrose Normal summoners can only summon monsters, but you can summon people from other worlds!.mp3 131.62Кб
primrose Not with my hands, master. I need to feel your hand on my breasts....mp3 109.61Кб
primrose Of course, master!.mp3 48.48Кб
primrose Of course, you can do that with me..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Of course!..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Of course!.mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Of course you did, master!.mp3 43.59Кб
primrose Oh, are you bored of me already.mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Oh, are you bored of me already.mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Oh, yes!...yes!.mp3 53.98Кб
primrose Oh come on! You usually get your memory back so quick, I don't even get to do anything..mp3 142.62Кб
primrose Oh no, she seems to be unconscious, master..mp3 79.66Кб
primrose Oh no! I'm sorry for that!.mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Oh no! I'm sorry for that!.mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Okay, it's time for some hips exercises..mp3 88.83Кб
primrose Okay, let's go to my room..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Once you unlock your AWESOME magic, this will be no problem at all..mp3 70.75Кб
primrose Please be our patron, master. Then we could serve you to our heart's content!.mp3 118.78Кб
primrose Please try to left clicking on your penis, master..mp3 72.32Кб
primrose Remember master, once you push your hips in you will start to move on your own. Same with my hips too..mp3 159.74Кб
PrimroseSexAfter.lua 3.13Кб
PrimroseSexAfter.png 7.28Мб
PrimroseSexAfter2.lua 3.13Кб
PrimroseSexAfter2.png 7.27Мб
PrimroseSexAfter3.lua 3.14Кб
PrimroseSexAfter3.png 12.51Мб
PrimroseSexE.lua 3.08Кб
PrimroseSexE.png 11.92Мб
PrimroseSexE2.lua 3.33Кб
PrimroseSexE2.png 13.01Мб
primrose Sometimes this happens when you summon a new body..mp3 70.49Кб
primrose Speaking of which, I think I have an idea on how to restore your memory..mp3 113.28Кб
primrose Take care not to drag on my body as it will move me around..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Teach her some discipline, master!.mp3 74.15Кб
primrose Thank you for playing!.mp3 40.53Кб
primrose Thank you for spending the time with me!.mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Thank you for taking the time for me, master..mp3 64.37Кб
primrose That's okay, you can do that whenever you want..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose That feels so good..mp3 50.31Кб
primrose The greatest summoner in the world!.mp3 68.04Кб
primrose This actually helps with circulation as well..mp3 68.64Кб
primrose This doesn't ring any bells yet Looks like we have to take more off..mp3 90.05Кб
primrose This is a game where you can interact with everyone in the game..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose This is the best!.mp3 35.03Кб
primrose This is the end of the demo, master!.mp3 79.66Кб
primrose This must be an oversight, please report it to our developers..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose This must be an oversight, please report it to our developers..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Try clicking on me instead.mp3 39.31Кб
primrose Try dragging your hand onto me..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Try it, master! You can click on me to talk to me once you're done..mp3 85.77Кб
primrose Try it on me!.mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Try it on me!.mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Try left clicking on your penis!.mp3 65.59Кб
primrose Uhh... It's your spell, master..mp3 64.98Кб
primrose Uhh...Master, we're missing a penis for that.mp3 107.17Кб
primrose Use the color=redbWASDbcolor keys to move and drag the right mouse button to look around..mp3 115.72Кб
primrose Use your color=redbLMBbcolor to adjust her face if you are having aim problem..mp3 105.33Кб
primrose Use your color=redbLMBbcolor to drag my hips onto your penis, master!.mp3 90.05Кб
primrose Use your color=redbMIDDLEbcolor mouse button on my skirt, master..mp3 68.65Кб
primrose We've got to fix this master, I need you to last longer than this..mp3 101.66Кб
primrose We barely got started the last time....mp3 63.76Кб
primrose We can go right to the sexy stuff if you'd like. Otherwise you can ask me anything you want to know..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Welcome back!.mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Well, maybe a threesome will help You do have other assistants too..mp3 119.29Кб
primrose Well done!.mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Well done master!.mp3 42.36Кб
primrose What! You don't remember me.mp3 61.93Кб
primrose What.mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Would you like to return to the main menu now.mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Yes, I love it!.mp3 53.98Кб
primrose Yes, master.mp3 31.97Кб
primrose Yes, we can wear clothes from other girls now..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Yes, we can wear clothes from other girls now..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose Yes! That's it..mp3 73.54Кб
primrose You're enjoying doing this, aren't you master I can tell..mp3 83.32Кб
primrose You're learning really fast, master..mp3 50.31Кб
primrose You're really spoiling me, you know..mp3 52.15Кб
primrose You're telling me you forgot all your spells too!.mp3 62.54Кб
primrose You're trying to talk to yourself, master..mp3 49.70Кб
primrose You've been working so hard, you deserve a break!.mp3 60.70Кб
primrose You always do that when you travel to other worlds..mp3 77.82Кб
primrose You can access premade poses in the menu below, it's the button with the human icon..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose You can access premade poses in the menu below, it's the button with the human icon..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose You can access the clothing menu from the menu below, it's the button with the clothing icon..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose You can access the clothing menu from the menu below, it's the button with the clothing icon..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose You can access the menu from there..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose You can access the menu from there..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose You can adjust your view if you find it difficult to move your hip..mp3 82.10Кб
primrose You can also do that with others as well..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose You can also save your own poses there..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose You can also save your own poses there..mp3 10.33Кб
Primrose You can also use Free mode, which let you do anything you want..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose You can ask me about any features you want to know about..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose You can drag with the left mouse button on the scene to rotate the camera..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose You can drag with the left mouse button on the scene to rotate the camera..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose You can drag with the right mouse button to pan the camera..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose You can drag with the right mouse button to pan the camera..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose You can orbit around by dragging the left mouse button (LMB) and pan with middle mouse (MMB) too..mp3 113.89Кб
primrose You can orbit around by dragging the left mouse button and pan with middle mouse too..mp3 113.89Кб
Primrose You can press N to do that manually, or build up arousal until it bursts..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose You can replace me with someone else from there, or keep us both by adding them in..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose You can replace me with someone else from there, or keep us both by adding them in..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose You can return to the main menu and load other stories if you want..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose You can rotate the view around me by dragging with the left mouse button..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose You can scroll with the mouse wheel to zoom in and out..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose You can scroll with the mouse wheel to zoom in and out..mp3 10.33Кб
Primrose You can talk to the girls, they can let you do that..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose You can talk to them, and do things with them..mp3 10.33Кб
primrose You did once, but I didn't like it. It felt weird..mp3 91.88Кб
primrose You know... typical succubus behaviors..mp3 96.16Кб
primrose Your heart pumps blood through it, does it not.mp3 74.15Кб
primrose You should click on your penis instead of me, master..mp3 81.49Кб
primrose You usually split your astral form for stuff like this..mp3 80.88Кб
quiet.tfa 62.44Мб
README_Extra.txt 135б
resources.resource 52.78Мб
resources.resource 7.93Мб
resources.resource 170.91Мб
Rock, Scissors & Paper.lua 2.89Кб
Rock, Scissors & Paper.png 12.15Мб
RuntimeInitializeOnLoads.json 1.17Кб
RuntimeInitializeOnLoads.json 4.09Кб
RuntimeTestAssembly.dll 5.00Кб
samus.tfa 48.27Мб
script.txt 6.89Кб
ScriptingAssemblies.json 3.29Кб
ScriptingAssemblies.json 4.23Кб
settings.map 2.56Кб
settings.map 2.56Кб
settings.map 2.56Кб
settings.map 2.56Кб
settings.map 2.56Кб
settings.map 2.56Кб
sharedassets0.resource 313.16Кб
sharedassets0.resource 864.78Кб
sharedassets0.resource 864.78Кб
She is breathing heavily.mp3 10.33Кб
Succubus_Posing_1.lua 2.96Кб
Succubus_Posing_1.png 11.43Мб
Succubus_Posing_2.lua 3.11Кб
Succubus_Posing_2.png 11.67Мб
System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll 250.50Кб
System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll-resources.dat 21.09Кб
System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll-resources.dat 21.09Кб
System.Configuration.dll 122.00Кб
System.Core.dll 1021.50Кб
System.Data.dll 1.98Мб
System.Data.dll-resources.dat 91.52Кб
System.Data.dll-resources.dat 91.52Кб
System.Data.Services.Client.dll-resources.dat 32.61Кб
System.dll 2.59Мб
System.Drawing.dll-resources.dat 24.86Кб
System.Drawing.dll-resources.dat 24.86Кб
System.EnterpriseServices.dll 43.50Кб
System.Numerics.dll 111.50Кб
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll 21.64Кб
System.Runtime.dll 12.50Кб
System.Runtime.Serialization.dll 906.50Кб
System.Security.dll 180.00Кб
System.ServiceModel.dll-resources.dat 9.52Кб
System.ServiceModel.Internals.dll 209.50Кб
System.Transactions.dll 33.50Кб
System.Web.dll-resources.dat 3.83Кб
System.Web.Services.dll-resources.dat 19.15Кб
System.Xml.dll 2.99Мб
System.Xml.Linq.dll 116.50Кб
Tifa ....mp3 10.33Кб
tifa.tfa 74.26Мб
Tifa Ahh....mp3 10.33Кб
Tifa Cloud, you're back early today..mp3 10.33Кб
Tifa Cloud... this is so sudden..mp3 10.33Кб
Tifa Did the mission go well.mp3 10.33Кб
Tifa Don't leave me alone all day....mp3 10.33Кб
tifa Hello!.mp3 31.36Кб
tifa Hello!.mp3 31.36Кб
Tifa Hello!.mp3 10.33Кб
Tifa Hi Cloud..mp3 10.33Кб
Tifa How about a drink.mp3 10.33Кб
tifa How are you doing today.mp3 37.47Кб
tifa How are you doing today.mp3 37.47Кб
Tifa How are you doing today.mp3 10.33Кб
Tifa I'm glad we have you together with everyone..mp3 10.33Кб
tifa I'm here to help you..mp3 35.64Кб
tifa I'm here to help you..mp3 35.64Кб
Tifa I'm here to help you..mp3 10.33Кб
Tifa I've been working for years you know..mp3 10.33Кб
Tifa I can take care of that, let me get you a drink..mp3 10.33Кб
tifa I hope you're not too tired..mp3 50.92Кб
tifa I hope you're not too tired..mp3 50.92Кб
Tifa I hope you're not too tired..mp3 10.33Кб
Tifa I knew you'd like it, just a second..mp3 10.33Кб
Tifa I love you too..mp3 10.33Кб
Tifa I miss you too... so much..mp3 10.33Кб
Tifa Let me get you some water then..mp3 10.33Кб
Tifa So, how did the mission go.mp3 10.33Кб
Tifa Thanks to you I bet..mp3 10.33Кб
tifa That's great! Did the mission go well.mp3 65.59Кб
tifa That's great! Did the mission go well.mp3 65.59Кб
Tifa That's great! Did the mission go well.mp3 10.33Кб
Tifa That's great! We can relax for a bit then..mp3 10.33Кб
Tifa This is not fair... you're tired..mp3 10.33Кб
Tifa Were you hurt.mp3 10.33Кб
tifa You can always talk to me if you're bored..mp3 53.98Кб
tifa You can always talk to me if you're bored..mp3 53.98Кб
Tifa You can always talk to me if you're bored..mp3 10.33Кб
tifa You should take a rest..mp3 38.08Кб
tifa You should take a rest..mp3 38.08Кб
Tifa You should take a rest..mp3 10.33Кб
tracer.tfa 37.80Мб
TrueFacials.bat 63б
TrueFacials.bat 63б
TrueFacials.exe 635.50Кб
TrueFacials.exe 669.50Кб
TrueFacials.exe 669.50Кб
tutorial_main.lua 15.95Кб
tutorial_poses.lua 69.63Кб
ucrtbased.dll 1.72Мб
UnconsciousSuccubus.lua 4.21Кб
UnconsciousSuccubus.png 7.07Мб
UnconsciousSuccubus2.lua 4.21Кб
UnconsciousSuccubus2.png 7.14Мб
UnconsciousSuccubusDP.lua 4.61Кб
UnconsciousSuccubusDP.png 6.36Мб
UnconsciousSuccubusDP2.lua 4.76Кб
UnconsciousSuccubusDP2.png 6.78Мб
UnconsciousSuccubusFacefuck.lua 4.49Кб
UnconsciousSuccubusFacefuck.png 6.75Мб
UnconsciousSuccubusFacefuck2.lua 4.62Кб
UnconsciousSuccubusFacefuck2.png 7.31Мб
UnconsciousSuccubusFacefuck2A.lua 4.72Кб
UnconsciousSuccubusFacefuck2A.png 13.09Мб
UnconsciousSuccubusFacefuck2B.lua 4.71Кб
UnconsciousSuccubusFacefuck2B.png 12.27Мб
UnconsciousSuccubusFacefuck3.lua 4.61Кб
UnconsciousSuccubusFacefuck3.png 7.32Мб
Unity.Analytics.DataPrivacy.dll 7.50Кб
Unity.Burst.dll 131.00Кб
Unity.Burst.Unsafe.dll 5.50Кб
Unity.Collections.dll 298.00Кб
Unity.Jobs.dll 9.00Кб
Unity.Mathematics.dll 693.50Кб
Unity.TextMeshPro.dll 324.00Кб
Unity.Timeline.dll 106.00Кб
UnityCrashHandler64.exe 1.04Мб
UnityCrashHandler64.exe 1.19Мб
UnityCrashHandler64.exe 1.07Мб
unity default resources 3.65Мб
unity default resources 4.62Мб
unity default resources 4.61Мб
UnityEngine.AccessibilityModule.dll 11.50Кб
UnityEngine.AIModule.dll 43.00Кб
UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll 55.50Кб
UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll 142.00Кб
UnityEngine.ARModule.dll 12.50Кб
UnityEngine.AssetBundleModule.dll 20.50Кб
UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll 56.00Кб
UnityEngine.ClothModule.dll 15.00Кб
UnityEngine.ClusterInputModule.dll 10.00Кб
UnityEngine.ClusterRendererModule.dll 9.00Кб
UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll 968.00Кб
UnityEngine.CrashReportingModule.dll 9.00Кб
UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll 13.00Кб
UnityEngine.dll 81.50Кб
UnityEngine.DSPGraphModule.dll 17.50Кб
UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll 26.00Кб
UnityEngine.GridModule.dll 13.00Кб
UnityEngine.HotReloadModule.dll 8.50Кб
UnityEngine.ImageConversionModule.dll 10.50Кб
UnityEngine.IMGUIModule.dll 152.00Кб
UnityEngine.InputLegacyModule.dll 25.00Кб
UnityEngine.InputModule.dll 11.50Кб
UnityEngine.JSONSerializeModule.dll 10.50Кб
UnityEngine.LocalizationModule.dll 9.50Кб
UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll 130.50Кб
UnityEngine.PerformanceReportingModule.dll 9.00Кб
UnityEngine.Physics2DModule.dll 103.50Кб
UnityEngine.PhysicsModule.dll 85.00Кб
UnityEngine.ProfilerModule.dll 8.50Кб
UnityEngine.Purchasing.dll 27.00Кб
UnityEngine.ScreenCaptureModule.dll 9.50Кб
UnityEngine.SharedInternalsModule.dll 19.00Кб
UnityEngine.SpatialTracking.dll 10.00Кб
UnityEngine.SpriteMaskModule.dll 9.50Кб
UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll 13.50Кб
UnityEngine.StreamingModule.dll 9.00Кб
UnityEngine.SubstanceModule.dll 13.00Кб
UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll 16.50Кб
UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll 78.50Кб
UnityEngine.TerrainPhysicsModule.dll 9.00Кб
UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll 177.00Кб
UnityEngine.TextRenderingModule.dll 27.00Кб
UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll 24.00Кб
UnityEngine.TLSModule.dll 8.50Кб
UnityEngine.UI.dll 219.50Кб
UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll 706.00Кб
UnityEngine.UIModule.dll 22.00Кб
UnityEngine.UmbraModule.dll 8.50Кб
UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll 75.50Кб
UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll 32.00Кб
UnityEngine.UnityConnectModule.dll 10.00Кб
UnityEngine.UnityTestProtocolModule.dll 8.50Кб
UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAssetBundleModule.dll 11.00Кб
UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAudioModule.dll 11.00Кб
UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll 42.00Кб
UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestTextureModule.dll 10.00Кб
UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestWWWModule.dll 19.50Кб
UnityEngine.VehiclesModule.dll 12.00Кб
UnityEngine.VFXModule.dll 37.50Кб
UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll 28.00Кб
UnityEngine.VRModule.dll 33.00Кб
UnityEngine.WindModule.dll 9.50Кб
UnityEngine.XR.LegacyInputHelpers.dll 15.50Кб
UnityEngine.XRModule.dll 52.00Кб
UnityPlayer.dll 24.57Мб
UnityPlayer.dll 26.69Мб
UnityPlayer.dll 28.00Мб
UnitySubsystemsManifest.json 299б
vc_redist_x64.exe 13.90Мб
vc_redist_x64.exe 13.90Мб
vc_redist_x64.exe 13.90Мб
web.config 11.41Кб
web.config 18.41Кб
web.config 18.42Кб
web.config 11.41Кб
web.config 18.41Кб
web.config 18.42Кб
Where's my water.lua 4.67Кб
Where's my water.png 5.85Мб
widowmaker.tfa 57.92Мб
witch mercy.tfa 47.30Мб
y'shtola.tfa 65.19Мб
yennefer.tfa 50.19Мб
zelda.tfa 37.26Мб
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