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Название [Epic Web, Kent C. Dodds] Ship Modern Full-Stack Web Applications (2023)
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001 Content Management Systems with Alexandra Spalato - Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds - 1280x720 2493K.mp4 157.80Мб
002 Leadership in Tech with Ankita Kulkarni - Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds - 1920x1080 4712K.mp4 252.18Мб
003 API Mocking with Artem Zakharchenko - Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds - 1280x720 2493K.mp4 121.57Мб
004 Enhancing SQLite with Ben Johnson - Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds - 1920x1080 4712K.mp4 324.18Мб
005 The Evolution of Type Safety with Colin McDonnell - Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds - 1280x720 2493K_2.mp4 88.04Мб
006 Simplifying Web Form Management with Edmund Hung - Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds - 1920x1080 4712K.mp4 326.60Мб
007 Scalable Databases and Authentication with Iheanyi Ekechukwu - Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds - 1920x1080 4712K.mp4 204.44Мб
008 Understanding Web Development with Jacob Paris - Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds - 1920x1080 4712K.mp4 274.94Мб
009 The Depth of Software Testing with Jessica Sachs - Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds - 1920x1080 4712K.mp4 409.27Мб
01. Intro to Authentication Strategies & Implementation Workshop.mp4 18.82Мб
01. Intro to Data Modeling Deep Dive Workshop.mp4 9.22Мб
01. Intro to Full Stack Foundations Workshop.mp4 15.45Мб
01. Intro to Professional Web Forms Workshop.mp4 8.63Мб
01. Intro to Web Application Testing Workshop.mp4 7.50Мб
010 Platform Engineering with Jocelyn Harper - Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds - 1920x1080 4712K.mp4 301.21Мб
011 Navigating the Testing Terrain with Debbie O'Brien - Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds - 1920x1080 4712K.mp4 111.85Мб
012 Exploring the Front-End Ecosystem with Mark Dalgleish - Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds - 1920x1080 4712K.mp4 323.74Мб
013 Navigating Changing Web Technologies with Mark Thompson - Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds - 1920x1080 4712K.mp4 359.07Мб
014 The Magic of TypeScript with Matt Pocock - Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds - 1920x1080 4712K.mp4 380.60Мб
015 Building Deep Skills with Michael Chan - Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds - 1920x1080 4712K.mp4 257.99Мб
016 Examining MDX with Monica Powell - Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds - 1920x1080 4712K.mp4 303.13Мб
017 Efficient Form Management with Sandrina Pereira - Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds - 1920x1080 4712K.mp4 309.54Мб
018 Transitioning from Rails to Remix with Sergio Xalambri - Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds - 1920x1080 4712K.mp4 343.45Мб
019 The Capabilities and Ecosystem of Tailwind CSS with Simon Vrachliotis - Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds - 1920x1080 4712K.mp4 413.34Мб
02. Intro to Cookies.mp4 17.50Мб
02. Intro to Database Schema.mp4 16.05Мб
02. Intro to End-to-End.mp4 25.33Мб
02. Intro to Form Validation.mp4 5.47Мб
02. Intro to Styling.mp4 16.98Мб
020 The Crucial Role of Database Optimization with Tyler Benfield - Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds - 1920x1080 4712K.mp4 392.57Мб
021 Product Management with Nevi Shah - Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds - 1920x1080 4712K.mp4 322.64Мб
022 From Tech Sales to Engineering with Shaundai Person - Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds - 1920x1080 4712K.mp4 282.93Мб
023 Remix Behind the Scenes with Ryan Florence - Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds - 1920x1080 4712K.mp4 361.81Мб
024 Art, Code, and Data Visualization with Shirley Wu - Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds - 1920x1080 4712K.mp4 346.03Мб
025 The Future of Authentication with Will Johnson - Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds - 1920x1080 4712K.mp4 310.12Мб
03. Implementing Theme Switching with Conform and UseFetcher.mp4 11.54Мб
03. Manage Asset Links in a Remix Application.mp4 6.84Мб
03. Required Field Validation for User Input.mp4 2.87Мб
03. Setting Up the Database with Prisma.mp4 2.33Мб
03. Writing Automated Tests with Playwright UI Mode.mp4 9.07Мб
04. Creating a Theme Switcher with Form Submission and Fetcher in React.mp4 22.43Мб
04. Database with Prisma and SQLite.mp4 35.96Мб
04. Form Validation for Accessibility.mp4 8.09Мб
04. Using Remix's Links Component.mp4 13.46Мб
04. Writing and Asserting Playwright Tests for Search Functionality.mp4 53.32Мб
05. Adding User Preference for Dark Mode.mp4 2.67Мб
05. Asset Import Caching Issue.mp4 17.29Мб
05. Dad Joke Break Database Schema.mp4 2.31Мб
05. Isolating Tests for Better Reliability and Flexibility.mp4 3.86Мб
05. Server-side Validation and Custom Error Messages.mp4 4.49Мб
06. Caching the Favicon.mp4 16.91Мб
06. Creating and Interacting with User Data.mp4 11.10Мб
06. Implementing Cookies for Theme Selection.mp4 49.17Мб
06. Intro to Data Relationships.mp4 22.22Мб
06. Server-Side Form Validation and Error Handling.mp4 48.53Мб
07. Add Custom Fonts to the Global CSS.mp4 5.23Мб
07. Dynamic Error Validation with Hooks.mp4 2.71Мб
07. Implementing Optimistic UI for Theme Switching.mp4 4.63Мб
07. One-to-Many Relationships.mp4 6.29Мб
07. Test Isolation in End-to-End Testing.mp4 7.33Мб
08. Adding Global Styles to a Remix App.mp4 11.82Мб
08. Form Validation with Client-Side Hydration.mp4 11.68Мб
08. Implementing Optimistic UI with Remix.mp4 28.57Мб
08. One-to-Many Relationships in Prisma.mp4 29.55Мб
08. Proper Setup and Teardown of Testing for Database Cleanup.mp4 5.66Мб
09. Dad Joke Break Cookies.mp4 2.53Мб
09. Dad Joke Break From Validation.mp4 1.39Мб
09. Database Design.mp4 21.30Мб
09. Implementing Fixtures to Ensure User Deletion in Playwright Tests.mp4 9.28Мб
09. Using PostCSS and Tailwind CSS in Remix.mp4 6.79Мб
10. Intro to Accessibility.mp4 42.46Мб
10. Intro to Session Storage.mp4 16.66Мб
10. One-to-One and One-to-Many Relationships in Prisma.mp4 36.39Мб
10. Playwright Fixtures for Testing.mp4 33.32Мб
10. PostCSS and Tailwind CSS Configuration.mp4 22.76Мб
100. Intro to Reset Password.mp4 6.20Мб
101. Implementing Forgot Password and Reset Password Flows.mp4 13.65Мб
102. Resetting Passwords and Handling Verification.mp4 60.37Мб
103. User Authentication and Password Reset Flow.mp4 3.06Мб
104. Secure Password Reset Flow Implementation.mp4 31.49Мб
105. Dad Joke Break Reset Pass.mp4 2.93Мб
106. Intro to Change Email.mp4 6.71Мб
107. Implementing Email Verification for Changing Email Addresses.mp4 3.33Мб
108. Implementing Email Change Verification.mp4 26.52Мб
109. Handling Email Verification and Updates.mp4 1.82Мб
11. Bundling CSS in Remix.mp4 6.22Мб
11. Dad Joke Break Data Relationships.mp4 2.32Мб
11. Dad Joke Break E2E.mp4 1.80Мб
11. Fixing Form Reset Button and Accessibility Issues.mp4 3.90Мб
11. Toast Messages with Cookies.mp4 8.72Мб
110. Implementing a Secure Email Change Flow.mp4 32.40Мб
111. Dad Joke Break Change Email.mp4 1.27Мб
112. Intro to Enable Two-Factor Authentication.mp4 8.84Мб
113. Implementing Two-Factor Authentication Verification.mp4 4.03Мб
114. Two-Factor Authentication with TOTP Codes.mp4 21.30Мб
115. Generating Two-Factor Authentication Codes and QR Codes.mp4 5.07Мб
116. Generating QR Code and Auth URI for Two-Factor Authentication.mp4 26.68Мб
117. Testing the Two-Factor Authentication Setup.mp4 8.80Мб
118. Two-Factor Authentication Code Verification.mp4 51.30Мб
119. Dad Joke Break Enable Two-Factor Authentication.mp4 4.08Мб
12. Configure CSS Bundling.mp4 31.42Мб
12. Configuring Cookie Session Storage for Toast Messages.mp4 20.44Мб
12. Improving Accessibility and Form Associations.mp4 30.91Мб
12. Intro to Data Migrations.mp4 21.36Мб
12. Intro to E2E Mocking.mp4 20.89Мб
120. Intro to Verify Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).mp4 7.75Мб
121. Two-Factor Authentication and Session Verification.mp4 2.33Мб
122. Implementing Two-Factor Authentication Flow.mp4 31.48Мб
123. Switching to Verified Session ID After Code Verification.mp4 11.22Мб
124. Two-Factor Authentication Login in Node.js.mp4 39.44Мб
125. Dad Joke Break Verify Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).mp4 3.17Мб
126. Intro to Two-Factor Authentication Check.mp4 9.94Мб
127. Two-Factor Authentication Deletion.mp4 2.14Мб
128. Disabling Two-Factor Authentication.mp4 6.37Мб
129. Adding User Re-Verification for Critical Operations.mp4 6.57Мб
13. Adding Toast Notifications to Delete Functionality.mp4 3.07Мб
13. Creating Migration Files for Database Management with Prisma.mp4 2.36Мб
13. Dad Joke Break.mp4 1.11Мб
13. Error Messages and Accessibility with ARIA Attributes.mp4 7.44Мб
13. Writing Emails to the File System for Test Automation.mp4 8.31Мб
130. Implementing Verification Age Check for Disable 2FA.mp4 2.70Мб
131. Managing User Verification and Two-Factor Authentication.mp4 36.52Мб
132. Redirecting Users to Re-verify for 2FA Disabling.mp4 18.05Мб
133. Session Expiry Issue During 2FA Disablement Flow.mp4 12.19Мб
134. Fixing Session Expiration Behavior in 2FA Disablement Flow.mp4 25.84Мб
135. Dad Joke Break Two-Factor Authentication Check.mp4 1.98Мб
136. Intro to Oauth.mp4 38.83Мб
137. Integrating GitHub Authentication.mp4 5.78Мб
138. Setting up OAuth Authentication with GitHub.mp4 38.44Мб
139. Testing the OAuth Flow with GitHub Authentication.mp4 4.76Мб
14. Accessible Forms with ARIA Attributes.mp4 31.95Мб
14. Database Migrations with Prisma.mp4 22.16Мб
14. Handling Emails in Node.js using File System.mp4 11.12Мб
14. Intro to Routing.mp4 45.33Мб
14. Managing Toast Messages with Cookie Sessions.mp4 22.94Мб
140. Implementing OAuth2 Flow with GitHub for User Authentication.mp4 35.33Мб
141. Simulating Third-Party Dependencies.mp4 32.31Мб
142. Simulating GitHub Authentication Flow with Mocks.mp4 19.85Мб
143. Updating Prisma Schema for GitHub Login.mp4 4.92Мб
144. Establishing Connections and Seed Script in Prisma for GitHub Authentication.mp4 23.09Мб
145. Dad Joke Break Oauth.mp4 2.44Мб
146. Intro to Provider Errors.mp4 3.31Мб
147. Handling Errors in Third-Party API Calls.mp4 4.54Мб
148. Handling Errors and Redirecting with GitHub Authentication.mp4 6.27Мб
149. Handling Connection Errors and Duplication in Account Management.mp4 2.89Мб
15. Dad Joke Break Data Migrations.mp4 2.28Мб
15. Focus Management for Better User Experience.mp4 4.52Мб
15. Improving Note Deletion Functionality with Multiple Cookies.mp4 2.39Мб
15. Reading Email from Disk in Test Environment.mp4 1.28Мб
15. Routing in Remix.mp4 5.67Мб
150. Handling Existing Connections in AuthProvider Callback.mp4 19.65Мб
151. Dad Joke Break Provider Errors.mp4 2.13Мб
152. Intro to Third Party Login.mp4 7.88Мб
153. Implementing GitHub Login with Two-Factor Authentication.mp4 4.96Мб
154. Refactoring Login Logic and Implementing GitHub Login.mp4 27.93Мб
155. Sign Up with GitHub and Handling Mocked Data.mp4 11.57Мб
156. Onboarding and User Authentication with Third-Party Providers.mp4 58.32Мб
157. Dad Joke Break Third Party Login.mp4 2.32Мб
158. Intro to Connection.mp4 4.71Мб
159. Connecting Website and GitHub Accounts.mp4 6.38Мб
16. Communicating Between Processes with File System in Node.js.mp4 15.58Мб
16. Creating User Profile and Notes Pages with Remix Routes.mp4 35.09Мб
16. Efficiently Updating and Serializing Cookies.mp4 23.57Мб
16. Intro to Seeding Data.mp4 13.00Мб
16. Managing Focus for Form Errors.mp4 40.78Мб
160. Automatically Connecting User Profiles with Existing Accounts.mp4 22.29Мб
161. Adding Multiple GitHub Connections to User Accounts.mp4 3.63Мб
162. Connecting Existing Accounts with an Auth Provider.mp4 7.51Мб
163. Dad Joke Break Connection.mp4 3.29Мб
164. Intro to Redirect Cookie.mp4 3.94Мб
165. Managing Redirects in Forms and Handling Cookies for Persistent Navigation.mp4 4.22Мб
166. Adding Redirect Functionality to Login and Signup Forms.mp4 12.21Мб
167. Handling Redirects and Cookies.mp4 4.32Мб
168. Handling Authentication Redirects and Cookies.mp4 9.99Мб
169. Handling Redirects.mp4 2.76Мб
17. Adding Navigation Links.mp4 2.67Мб
17. Configuring Prisma for Seed Script Execution.mp4 2.65Мб
17. Dad Break Joke Accessibility.mp4 2.90Мб
17. Dad Joke Break E2E Mocking.mp4 2.10Мб
17. Implementing Flash Messages for Temporary Notifications.mp4 2.79Мб
170. Managing Redirects and Cookies.mp4 28.97Мб
171. Dad Joke Break Redirect Cookie.mp4 2.14Мб
172. Outro to Authentication Strategies & Implementation Workshop.mp4 3.36Мб
18. Adding Absolute and Relative Links.mp4 20.36Мб
18. Creating and Managing Data with Prisma Seed Scripts.mp4 16.65Мб
18. Efficiently Removing Toast Messages with Flash API.mp4 3.71Мб
18. Intro to Auth E2E.mp4 12.11Мб
18. Intro to Schema Validation.mp4 29.91Мб
19. Adding Dynamic Parameter Support.mp4 3.07Мб
19. Dad Joke Break Session Storage.mp4 1.11Мб
19. End-to-End User Flow Testing and Authentication Utility.mp4 7.57Мб
19. Optimizing Queries with Nested Mutations in Prisma.mp4 4.79Мб
19. Schema Validation.mp4 1.91Мб
20. Access Params with useParams.mp4 14.30Мб
20. Intro to User Sessions.mp4 2.76Мб
20. Login and Setting Cookies for Browser Testing.mp4 34.53Мб
20. Nested Queries in Database Operations.mp4 8.55Мб
20. Schema Validation with Zod.mp4 20.85Мб
21. Adding a Resource Route.mp4 9.22Мб
21. Dad Joke Break Auth E2E.mp4 3.49Мб
21. Dad Joke Break Seeding Data.mp4 3.59Мб
21. Form Data Parsing with Conform.mp4 4.47Мб
21. Managing User Sessions with Separate Cookies.mp4 1.43Мб
22. Example Resource Route Usage.mp4 24.31Мб
22. Form Submission and Error Handling with Conform & Zod.mp4 16.35Мб
22. Intro to Generating Seed Data.mp4 8.26Мб
22. Intro to Unit Test.mp4 13.17Мб
22. Secure Cookie Session Storage.mp4 4.74Мб
23. Dad Joke Break_2.mp4 2.03Мб
23. Generating Fake Data for Efficient Testing.mp4 1.66Мб
23. Type Safety with Conform.mp4 1.77Мб
23. Unit Testing a Function for Error Messages.mp4 2.53Мб
23. User Authentication and Session Management.mp4 4.53Мб
24. Generating Random User Data with Faker.js for Database Seeding.mp4 6.69Мб
24. Intro to Loading.mp4 15.25Мб
24. Simplifying Form Handling with Conform and Schema Validation.mp4 42.24Мб
24. User Authentication and Session Management with Login Forms.mp4 31.78Мб
24. Writing Unit Tests for Utility Functions.mp4 26.41Мб
25. Dad Joke Break Schema Validation.mp4 2.67Мб
25. Dynamically Generating Data.mp4 13.04Мб
25. Loading Data to Your Database.mp4 6.91Мб
25. Load User Avatars.mp4 1.35Мб
25. Managing Test Output and Error Logging with Console Mocking.mp4 8.74Мб
26. Efficient Data Loading in a Remix App.mp4 53.18Мб
26. Generating Dynamic Seed Data.mp4 30.94Мб
26. Handling User Authentication and Session Management with Prisma.mp4 15.41Мб
26. Intro to File Upload.mp4 23.32Мб
26. Testing Console Error with Spies.mp4 18.64Мб
27. Creating Unique User Data with Enforce Unique Library.mp4 4.67Мб
27. Dad Joke Break User Sessions.mp4 2.01Мб
27. File Upload Functionality.mp4 4.56Мб
27. Handling Error Messages.mp4 5.20Мб
27. Implementing Test Hooks for Error Restoration in Playwright.mp4 3.91Мб
28. Effective Error Handling and Console Capture Testing.mp4 26.10Мб
28. Generating Unique and Valid Usernames in Seed Data.mp4 23.61Мб
28. Handling Error Responses with Remix.mp4 26.11Мб
28. Image Upload with Form Data and Memory Upload Handling.mp4 70.00Мб
28. Intro to Password.mp4 18.68Мб
29. Creating an Optional Password Model in Prisma Schema.mp4 2.15Мб
29. Creating a Setup File for Test Environment Setup.mp4 3.04Мб
29. Dad Joke Break Generating Seed Data.mp4 1.92Мб
29. Dad Joke Break Loading.mp4 1.80Мб
29. TypeScript Integration.mp4 2.05Мб
30. Intro to Mutations.mp4 31.43Мб
30. Intro to Querying Data.mp4 21.49Мб
30. Model Relationships and Handling Passwords in Database Schema.mp4 12.80Мб
30. Setting Up Test Environment and Utilizing Setup Files with VTest.mp4 15.86Мб
30. Validating File Uploads with Zod Schema in a Web Application.mp4 26.79Мб
31. Building Forms.mp4 2.89Мб
31. Connecting to a Real Database with Prisma and SQLite.mp4 3.38Мб
31. Dad Joke Break File Upload.mp4 3.89Мб
31. Dad Joke Break Unit Test.mp4 3.36Мб
31. Generating Passwords for Secure User Creation.mp4 3.36Мб
32. Creating Form Components with Remix.mp4 15.44Мб
32. Intro to Complex Structures.mp4 27.48Мб
32. Intro to Component Testing.mp4 24.60Мб
32. Optimizing Prisma Client for Efficient Database Operations.mp4 39.60Мб
32. Secure Password Creation with Prisma.mp4 17.95Мб
33. Enhancing User Creation by Adding Passwords.mp4 1.30Мб
33. Error List Component with React Testing Library.mp4 2.30Мб
33. Grouping and Managing Related Fields in Form Objects.mp4 3.42Мб
33. Handling POST Requests for Form Submission.mp4 4.12Мб
33. Transitioning to Real Database with Prisma API.mp4 2.13Мб
34. Creating and Hashing Passwords for User Sign-Up.mp4 9.58Мб
34. Handling Form Submissions and Mutations.mp4 30.59Мб
34. Implementing Image Field Set with Conform and TypeScript.mp4 55.88Мб
34. Testing React Components with JSDOM.mp4 25.10Мб
34. Using Prisma to Retrieve User Data from a SQLite Database.mp4 18.44Мб
35. Dad Joke Break Password.mp4 1.47Мб
35. Database Queries and Migrating to Prisma.mp4 2.30Мб
35. Handling Form Errors and User Mistakes.mp4 7.24Мб
35. Multiple Image Uploading.mp4 4.49Мб
35. Proper DOM Cleanup for Reliable Testing.mp4 2.31Мб
36. Dynamic Image Lists with Field Sets.mp4 26.62Мб
36. Efficient Data Retrieval with Prisma and Subselects.mp4 12.79Мб
36. Ensuring Isolation and Proper Test Execution.mp4 22.98Мб
36. Form Data Types and Validation.mp4 20.30Мб
36. Intro to Login.mp4 15.38Мб
37. Button Forms Data.mp4 4.22Мб
37. Dad Joke Break Component Test.mp4 728.41Кб
37. Dad Joke Break Querying Data.mp4 3.85Мб
37. Interactive Image Management.mp4 9.10Мб
37. Secure Password Authentication with bcrypt Compare in Node.js.mp4 1.14Мб
38. Dynamically Delete and Add Buttons.mp4 53.48Мб
38. Form Submissions and Mutations.mp4 15.68Мб
38. Implementing Secure Password Verification in User Login.mp4 17.53Мб
38. Intro to Hooks.mp4 27.30Мб
38. Intro to Updating Data.mp4 11.40Мб
39. Dad Joke Break Complex Structures.mp4 1.88Мб
39. Double Confirmation Feature.mp4 16.02Мб
39. Handling Multiple Actions in a Single Action Function.mp4 4.81Мб
39. Mutating Data with Prisma.mp4 2.26Мб
39. Securing UI Elements.mp4 2.74Мб
40. Dad Joke Break Login.mp4 2.15Мб
40. Deleting Data with Prisma.mp4 5.17Мб
40. Intro to Honeypot.mp4 16.60Мб
40. Leveraging Name and Value in Buttons for Multiple Form Submissions.mp4 19.09Мб
40. Testing Custom React Hooks with RenderHook and Act.mp4 45.49Мб
41. Adding a Honeypot to Protect Against Spam Bots.mp4 4.12Мб
41. Custom Test Components vs Render Hook Utility.mp4 6.40Мб
41. Dad Joke Break Mutations.mp4 1014.21Кб
41. Leveraging Utility Functions for User Data Handling and UI Customization.mp4 40.86Мб
41. Updating Page Mutations for Images and Notes with Efficient Cache Control.mp4 17.21Мб
42. Efficiently Updating and Deleting Data in a Form with Prisma.mp4 26.99Мб
42. Honeypot Fields in Sign Up Forms.mp4 30.15Мб
42. Intro to Logout.mp4 4.11Мб
42. Intro to Scripting.mp4 20.63Мб
42. Testing React Hooks.mp4 28.44Мб
43. Dad Joke Break Hooks.mp4 1.56Мб
43. Honeypot Fields for Form Security.mp4 22.90Мб
43. Implementing Transactions for Reliable Data Operations.mp4 9.59Мб
43. JavaScript in Remix- From Optional to Essential.mp4 8.53Мб
43. Transforming a Logout Link into a Secure Logout Form.mp4 2.17Мб
44. Honeypots for Form Security.mp4 3.80Мб
44. Implementing Transactions with Prisma for Atomic Database Operations.mp4 16.57Мб
44. Improving User Experience with Client-Side JavaScript.mp4 24.47Мб
44. Intro to Testing Remix.mp4 15.50Мб
44. Logout Functionality with Session Storage and CSRF Protection.mp4 17.56Мб
45. Creating a Stub for Testing Component Logic in Remix.mp4 5.00Мб
45. Honeypot Protection.mp4 21.39Мб
45. Implementing Remember Me Functionality for Login Sessions.mp4 11.92Мб
45. Optimizing Database Calls with Nested Queries in Prisma.mp4 2.67Мб
45. Page Navigation with Scroll Behavior.mp4 6.21Мб
46. Consistent Encryption with Honeypot Server.mp4 6.51Мб
46. Efficient Database Updates with Prisma's Nested Queries.mp4 22.40Мб
46. Enhancing Scroll Restoration.mp4 9.73Мб
46. Implementing Remember Me Functionality.mp4 23.66Мб
46. Rendering Components with Mock Data.mp4 35.73Мб
47. Creating a Parent Route for Accessing Root Data.mp4 6.19Мб
47. Dad Joke Break Updating Data.mp4 1.46Мб
47. Environment Variables for Client-Side and Server-Side.mp4 32.02Мб
47. Managing Inactive User Sessions.mp4 3.75Мб
47. Setting Up Honeypot Security for Server Environment Variables.mp4 13.88Мб
48. Creating Routes and Context in Remix.mp4 18.96Мб
48. Dad Joke Break Honeypot.mp4 2.24Мб
48. Destroying Sessions and Handling Weird States.mp4 6.76Мб
48. Exposing Environment Variables in a Web Application.mp4 31.25Мб
48. Intro to SQL.mp4 19.46Мб
49. Dad Joke Break Testing Remix.mp4 1.67Мб
49. Implementing Automatic Logout with Modals.mp4 10.77Мб
49. Intro to CSRF.mp4 21.98Мб
49. Optimizing Resource Loading with JavaScript Prefetching.mp4 7.59Мб
49. SQL Queries for User Search in Prisma.mp4 4.65Мб
50. Auto-Logout Functionality.mp4 35.91Мб
50. CSRF Protection with Cookies.mp4 4.60Мб
50. Enhancing User Experience with Prefetching.mp4 18.13Мб
50. Intro to Http Mocking.mp4 9.52Мб
50. User Search with Prisma and SQL.mp4 13.62Мб
51. Creating and Managing CSRF Tokens With Node.js.mp4 38.36Мб
51. Dad Joke Break Logout.mp4 2.75Мб
51. GitHub Sign-In Callback.mp4 8.37Мб
51. Handling TypeScript Errors and Runtime Type Checking with Prisma and Zod.mp4 6.44Мб
51. Improve the UX with Pending UI.mp4 7.87Мб
52. Adding Pending State to Form Submissions with Remix.mp4 32.90Мб
52. Authenticity With Token Protection.mp4 4.00Мб
52. Intro to Protecting Routes.mp4 6.85Мб
52. Runtime Type Checking and Parsing in Prisma with Raw Queries.mp4 29.93Мб
52. Testing OAuth2 Flow and Mocking GitHub API Responses.mp4 52.47Мб
53. Creating Protected Routes.mp4 2.79Мб
53. Dad Joke Break Scripting.mp4 1.69Мб
53. Security with Authenticity Token and CSRF Validation.mp4 31.06Мб
53. Testing Error Handling in GitHub API Interceptor.mp4 6.57Мб
53. Working with Joins in SQL.mp4 16.06Мб
54. Creating an Auth Utility.mp4 15.56Мб
54. Dad Joke Break CSRF.mp4 955.46Кб
54. Intro to Search Engine Optimization (SEO).mp4 14.51Мб
54. Left Joins with Prisma and SQLite.mp4 11.99Мб
54. Testing Error Handling and Assertions with Mock API Calls.mp4 35.30Мб
55. Building a Profile Page.mp4 3.90Мб
55. Configuring Meta Tags.mp4 3.06Мб
55. Intro to Rate Limit.mp4 10.20Мб
55. Sorting Users by Recent Entry with Raw SQL.mp4 6.12Мб
55. Streamlining Repetitive Test Setup for Optimal Efficiency.mp4 6.10Мб
56. Efficient Code Organization with Setup Functions.mp4 14.69Мб
56. Leveraging AI Assistance for Writing SQL Queries.mp4 15.76Мб
56. Meta Tags for Better SEO and UX.mp4 10.28Мб
56. Optimizing Your Express Server with Rate Limiting Middleware.mp4 4.50Мб
56. User Authentication and Authorization.mp4 20.97Мб
57. Dad Joke Break Http Mocking.mp4 3.07Мб
57. Dad Joke Break SQL.mp4 1.73Мб
57. Dynamic Metadata for Different Routes.mp4 2.11Мб
57. Safeguarding Your Server- Adding Rate Limit Configuration.mp4 20.21Мб
57. Securing User Access.mp4 5.01Мб
58. Authorization and User Authentication.mp4 21.49Мб
58. Intro to Auth Integration.mp4 11.52Мб
58. Intro to Query Optimization.mp4 47.48Мб
58. Managing Meta Tags and Descriptions in RemixRunReact.mp4 20.71Мб
58. Tiered Rate Limiting with Custom Middleware.mp4 5.67Мб
59. Applying Rate Limiting.mp4 22.30Мб
59. Customizing Meta Tags with Dynamic Data.mp4 4.80Мб
59. Optimizing Query Performance with Indexes in Prisma.mp4 2.91Мб
59. Redirect Functionality.mp4 7.42Мб
59. Testing Authenticated Requests and Connection Creation.mp4 7.56Мб
60. Creating and Authenticating Users for Connection Setup.mp4 52.64Мб
60. Dad Joke Break Rate Limit.mp4 2.23Мб
60. Handling Dynamic Data with Remix's Meta Function.mp4 12.26Мб
60. Handling Redirects Safely in User Authentication.mp4 40.78Мб
60. Optimizing Database Queries with Indexes.mp4 19.96Мб
61. Assertions for GitHub Login Session Creation.mp4 4.44Мб
61. Dad Joke Break Protecting Routes.mp4 1.97Мб
61. Optimizing Metadata for User Info.mp4 6.06Мб
61. Optimizing User Search Query Performance with Indexing.mp4 11.81Мб
61. Outro to Professional Web Forms Workshop.mp4 3.26Мб
62. Implementing Dynamic Meta Data for Routes in a TypeScript Application.mp4 43.02Мб
62. Intro to Permissions.mp4 14.27Мб
62. Query Performance with Indexes in SQLite.mp4 51.11Мб
62. Verifying Session Creation and User Authentication.mp4 14.86Мб
63. Dad Joke Break Query Optimization.mp4 2.70Мб
63. Dad Joke Break - SEO.mp4 1.93Мб
63. Integrating Real Database with User Routes.mp4 5.08Мб
63. Role-Based Access Control with Prisma.mp4 3.04Мб
64. Authentication in Database Integration Tests.mp4 41.32Мб
64. Intro to Error Handling.mp4 13.33Мб
64. Modeling Permissions and Roles in Prisma Database.mp4 33.34Мб
64. Outro to Data Modeling Deep Dive Workshop.mp4 2.43Мб
65. Dad Joke Break Auth Integration.mp4 3.82Мб
65. Improving Error Handling and UI on User Profile Page.mp4 3.06Мб
65. Managing Roles and Permissions.mp4 6.52Мб
66. Error Handling and Error Boundaries.mp4 28.74Мб
66. Intro to Custom Assertions.mp4 11.91Мб
66. Seed Data.mp4 36.11Мб
67. Custom Matchers for Assertions.mp4 8.29Мб
67. Handling Expected Errors with Error Boundaries.mp4 7.45Мб
67. Implementing User Permissions and Authorization Logic.mp4 5.61Мб
68. Custom Assertions with Jest's Expect Library.mp4 22.33Мб
68. Implementing Role-Based Permissions.mp4 63.21Мб
68. Improving Error Messages for User.mp4 12.23Мб
69. Dad Joke Break Custom Assertions.mp4 3.03Мб
69. Securing Admin Pages with User Permissions.mp4 4.12Мб
69. Streamlining Error Handling in Routes with a General Error Boundary.mp4 5.54Мб
70. Error Boundaries and Handling in Nested Routes.mp4 23.74Мб
70. Implementing Role-based Access Control and Permissions.mp4 51.99Мб
70. Intro to Test Database.mp4 14.21Мб
71. Dad Joke Break Permissions.mp4 2.57Мб
71. Improving Error Handling with a Document Component.mp4 12.39Мб
71. Setting Up a Test Database for Prisma Integration Tests.mp4 8.83Мб
72. Intro to Man Sessions.mp4 3.86Мб
72. Refactoring App Components for Better Error Handling.mp4 15.42Мб
72. Setting Up an Isolated Database for Tests.mp4 28.30Мб
73. Handling 404 Errors in React Router with Splat Routes.mp4 9.20Мб
73. Managing User Sessions and Allowing Data Downloads.mp4 3.12Мб
73. Optimizing Database Seeding for Faster Execution.mp4 3.38Мб
74. Handling 404 Errors with Splat Routes in Remix.mp4 16.85Мб
74. Integrating User Sessions into the Login Process.mp4 10.45Мб
74. Optimizing Database Seeding for Faster Execution_2.mp4 9.78Мб
75. Dad Joke Break_3.mp4 1.90Мб
75. Implementing Session-Based Authentication.mp4 2.97Мб
75. Managing Test Databases for Parallel Testing.mp4 6.47Мб
76. Authentication Logic with Session IDs and User Creation.mp4 31.95Мб
76. Isolating Test Databases for Efficient Testing.mp4 7.10Мб
76. Outro to Full Stack Foundations Workshop.mp4 3.56Мб
77. Improving Login and Signup Flows with Session Management.mp4 1.74Мб
77. Optimizing Test Setup.mp4 8.31Мб
78. Optimizing Test Setup with Global Database Configuration.mp4 23.63Мб
78. Updating Login and Signup Routes to Use Sessions instead of User IDs.mp4 15.24Мб
79. Dad Joke Break Test Database.mp4 1.96Мб
79. Proactive Session Management.mp4 4.70Мб
80. Managing Sessions and Sign Out in Web Applications.mp4 27.26Мб
80. Outro to Web Application Testing Workshop.mp4 2.90Мб
81. Dad Joke Break Man Sessions.mp4 2.06Мб
82. Intro to Email.mp4 14.53Мб
83. Integrating Email Services.mp4 3.55Мб
84. Sending Emails with the Resend API using Fetch.mp4 22.74Мб
85. Mocking APIs with MSW and Testing.mp4 6.17Мб
86. Setting Up a Mock Server with MSW Node.mp4 50.61Мб
87. Email Verification Flow.mp4 5.38Мб
88. User Verification Emails.mp4 5.12Мб
89. Secure Email Transfer and Storage with Cookies for Onboarding.mp4 7.10Мб
90. Passing Data Between Routes.mp4 39.70Мб
91. Dad Joke Break Email.mp4 1.97Мб
92. Intro to Verification.mp4 18.99Мб
93. Implementing One-Time Password Verification with Database Storage.mp4 2.43Мб
94. Creating a Verification Model in Prisma for User Verification.mp4 15.42Мб
95. User Verification Workflow.mp4 7.17Мб
96. Generating One-Time Passwords and Verification URLs in a Signup Flow.mp4 36.72Мб
97. Implementing User Code Verification with TOTP.mp4 3.90Мб
98. Verification Flow and Dynamic Query Parameters.mp4 66.08Мб
99. Dad Joke Break Verification.mp4 2.02Мб
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