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Название [Udemy] Полный курс грамматики английского языка – от уровня A1 до C1 (2021)
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1.1 116_All tenses - EXC.pdf 58.69Кб
1.1 143_Discourse markers - EXC.pdf 40.24Кб
1. All tenses - revision.mp4 60.79Мб
1. All tenses - revision.srt 10.65Кб
1. am is are - TO BE, positive forms.mp4 28.83Мб
1. am is are - TO BE, positive forms.srt 6.96Кб
1. CAE Transformations - what to expect.mp4 15.77Мб
1. CAE Transformations - what to expect.srt 2.90Кб
1. Discoure Markers.mp4 35.30Мб
1. Discoure Markers.srt 9.66Кб
1. Extra resources to practise online.html 430б
1. FCE Transformations - what to expect.mp4 17.20Мб
1. FCE Transformations - what to expect.srt 2.79Кб
1. Introduction.mp4 22.08Мб
1. Introduction.srt 4.10Кб
1. Introduction to the Phrasal Verbs Series - what to expect.mp4 10.59Мб
1. Introduction to the Phrasal Verbs Series - what to expect.srt 4.22Кб
1. Past Tenses.html 170б
1. Present Simple and Present Continuous - summary.mp4 27.51Мб
1. Present Simple and Present Continuous - summary.srt 6.21Кб
1. Questions.mp4 19.44Мб
1. Questions.srt 4.73Кб
10.1 05_a-an-EXC.pdf 39.81Кб
10.1 125_Passive - Gerund and infinitive - EXC.pdf 36.31Кб
10.1 96_Adjective or adverb - EXC.pdf 39.38Кб
10. Adjective or adverb.mp4 21.05Мб
10. Adjective or adverb.srt 5.33Кб
10. CAE Transformations 1-50 Part 9.mp4 27.60Мб
10. CAE Transformations 1-50 Part 9.srt 5.98Кб
10. EXERCISE - A or AN.mp4 8.13Мб
10. EXERCISE - A or AN.srt 2.86Кб
10. FCE Transformations 1-50 Part 9.mp4 22.68Мб
10. FCE Transformations 1-50 Part 9.srt 5.30Кб
10. Gerund and infinitive - passive.mp4 22.36Мб
10. Gerund and infinitive - passive.srt 4.80Кб
10. Gerund or infinitive.html 170б
10. Inversion (part 2).mp4 9.59Мб
10. Inversion (part 2).srt 4.23Кб
10. Jobs and Career - 09.mp4 9.36Мб
10. Jobs and Career - 09.srt 3.40Кб
10. Past Simple or Past Continuous.mp4 13.19Мб
10. Past Simple or Past Continuous.srt 2.62Кб
11.1 153_Inversion - EXC.pdf 41.74Кб
11.1 51_Past Simple or Past Continuous-EXC.pdf 39.68Кб
11.1 97_I work hardly and I hardly work.- EXC.pdf 36.62Кб
11. A, AN or THE.mp4 35.33Мб
11. A, AN or THE.srt 9.40Кб
11. Adverbs with different meanings (hard, hardly).mp4 21.93Мб
11. Adverbs with different meanings (hard, hardly).srt 6.65Кб
11. CAE Transformations 1-50 Part 10.mp4 24.81Мб
11. CAE Transformations 1-50 Part 10.srt 5.91Кб
11. EXERCISE - Inversion.mp4 20.54Мб
11. EXERCISE - Inversion.srt 3.98Кб
11. EXERCISE - Past Simple or Past Continuous.mp4 37.01Мб
11. EXERCISE - Past Simple or Past Continuous.srt 5.88Кб
11. FCE Transformations 1-50 Part 10.mp4 25.65Мб
11. FCE Transformations 1-50 Part 10.srt 5.70Кб
11. Impersonal structures It is said that....mp4 12.17Мб
11. Impersonal structures It is said that....srt 4.89Кб
11. Jobs and Career - 10.mp4 7.43Мб
11. Jobs and Career - 10.srt 3.76Кб
11. Test 1 Pronouns and W-ever words.html 166б
12.1 06_a-an-the-EXC.pdf 44.95Кб
12.1 154_Impersonal Structures - EXC.pdf 38.27Кб
12.1 52_Questions with and without auxiliaries-EXC.pdf 36.26Кб
12.1 98_Comparison of adverbs - EXC.pdf 43.52Кб
12. CAE Transformations 51-100 Part 1.mp4 23.19Мб
12. CAE Transformations 51-100 Part 1.srt 4.61Кб
12. Comparison of adverbs.mp4 14.86Мб
12. Comparison of adverbs.srt 3.30Кб
12. EXERCISE - A, AN or THE.mp4 22.27Мб
12. EXERCISE - A, AN or THE.srt 6.16Кб
12. FCE Transformations 51-100 Part 1.mp4 18.40Мб
12. FCE Transformations 51-100 Part 1.srt 4.12Кб
12. Impersonal structures He is believed to....mp4 22.47Мб
12. Impersonal structures He is believed to....srt 5.34Кб
12. Impersonal structures Summary + exercises.mp4 27.39Мб
12. Impersonal structures Summary + exercises.srt 5.85Кб
12. Questions with and without auxiliaries.mp4 34.77Мб
12. Questions with and without auxiliaries.srt 8.67Кб
12. Salaries - 01.mp4 9.91Мб
12. Salaries - 01.srt 4.81Кб
12. Test 2 Many, many of, much, much of, etc..html 166б
13.1 128_Impersonal structures - EXC.pdf 38.79Кб
13.1 53_So, because, but, although-EXC.pdf 36.39Кб
13.1 99_Modals - Ability - EXC.pdf 43.54Кб
13. CAE Transformations 51-100 Part 2.mp4 19.50Мб
13. CAE Transformations 51-100 Part 2.srt 4.91Кб
13. EXERCISES - Impersonal structures.mp4 25.65Мб
13. EXERCISES - Impersonal structures.srt 4.04Кб
13. FCE Transformations 51-100 Part 2.mp4 23.73Мб
13. FCE Transformations 51-100 Part 2.srt 5.73Кб
13. It seems that it appears that.mp4 9.46Мб
13. It seems that it appears that.srt 3.61Кб
13. Linking So, because, but, although.mp4 19.82Мб
13. Linking So, because, but, although.srt 4.95Кб
13. Modal Verbs Be able to.mp4 26.96Мб
13. Modal Verbs Be able to.srt 6.55Кб
13. Plurals.mp4 33.71Мб
13. Plurals.srt 9.33Кб
13. Salaries - 02.mp4 15.68Мб
13. Salaries - 02.srt 6.17Кб
13. So neither.html 166б
14.1 07-plurals-EXC.pdf 39.74Кб
14.1 100_Modals - Permission - EXC.pdf 42.09Кб
14.1 129_Future Perfect - EXC.pdf 36.24Кб
14.1 156_Verb-object-infinitive - EXC.pdf 43.84Кб
14.1 54_ On time - in time-EXC.pdf 39.73Кб
14. CAE Transformations 51-100 Part 3.mp4 26.09Мб
14. CAE Transformations 51-100 Part 3.srt 5.33Кб
14. EXERCISE - Plurals.mp4 23.77Мб
14. EXERCISE - Plurals.srt 4.70Кб
14. FCE Transformations 51-100 Part 3.mp4 17.62Мб
14. FCE Transformations 51-100 Part 3.srt 3.32Кб
14. Future Perfect.mp4 18.40Мб
14. Future Perfect.srt 4.24Кб
14. In the end at the end; on time in time.mp4 25.60Мб
14. In the end at the end; on time in time.srt 6.02Кб
14. Modal Verbs Permission.mp4 20.63Мб
14. Modal Verbs Permission.srt 6.01Кб
14. Salaries - 03.mp4 9.61Мб
14. Salaries - 03.srt 4.32Кб
14. Verb Patterns Verb + Object + To.mp4 16.68Мб
14. Verb Patterns Verb + Object + To.srt 3.92Кб
15.1 101_Modals - Possibility and certainty - EXC.pdf 43.35Кб
15.1 130_Future Continuous - EXC.pdf 36.83Кб
15.1 157_Verb-object-ING - EXC.pdf 36.07Кб
15.1 55_Present Simple for the future-EXC.pdf 37.50Кб
15. CAE Transformations 51-100 Part 4.mp4 21.53Мб
15. CAE Transformations 51-100 Part 4.srt 4.66Кб
15. FCE Transformations 51-100 Part 4.mp4 17.50Мб
15. FCE Transformations 51-100 Part 4.srt 3.77Кб
15. Future continuous.mp4 22.85Мб
15. Future continuous.srt 4.85Кб
15. Modal Verbs - Deduction.mp4 21.76Мб
15. Modal Verbs - Deduction.srt 6.56Кб
15. Present Simple for the Future.mp4 16.59Мб
15. Present Simple for the Future.srt 4.04Кб
15. Salaries - 04.mp4 10.60Мб
15. Salaries - 04.srt 4.27Кб
15. This, that, these or those - demonstrative pronouns.mp4 16.70Мб
15. This, that, these or those - demonstrative pronouns.srt 2.79Кб
15. Verb Patterns Verb + Object + ING.mp4 10.50Мб
15. Verb Patterns Verb + Object + ING.srt 2.93Кб
16.1 08_this-that-these-those - EXC.pdf 44.10Кб
16.1 102_Conditionals_ 0, 1st, 2nd - EXC.pdf 36.49Кб
16.1 131_Conditionals - revision - EXC.pdf 35.93Кб
16.1 56_Present Continuous for the future-EXC.pdf 42.16Кб
16. CAE Transformations 51-100 Part 5.mp4 23.34Мб
16. CAE Transformations 51-100 Part 5.srt 5.45Кб
16. Conditionals 0, 1st and 2nd.mp4 28.81Мб
16. Conditionals 0, 1st and 2nd.srt 7.45Кб
16. Conditionals revision.mp4 20.80Мб
16. Conditionals revision.srt 5.11Кб
16. EXERCISE - this, that, these, those.mp4 10.38Мб
16. EXERCISE - this, that, these, those.srt 1.92Кб
16. FCE Transformations 51-100 Part 5.mp4 24.97Мб
16. FCE Transformations 51-100 Part 5.srt 5.12Кб
16. Present Continuous for the Future.mp4 9.56Мб
16. Present Continuous for the Future.srt 2.84Кб
16. Salaries - 05.mp4 7.76Мб
16. Salaries - 05.srt 3.76Кб
16. Verb Patterns Other Structures.mp4 5.03Мб
16. Verb Patterns Other Structures.srt 2.17Кб
17.1 132_Mixed conditionals - EXC.pdf 39.61Кб
17.1 159_Reporting Verbs - EXC.pdf 39.55Кб
17.1 57_Pr. Simple, Pr. Cont. or Be going to-EXC.pdf 40.77Кб
17. A, AN or SOME.mp4 37.15Мб
17. A, AN or SOME.srt 8.36Кб
17. CAE Transformations 51-100 Part 6.mp4 21.63Мб
17. CAE Transformations 51-100 Part 6.srt 5.14Кб
17. Conditionals 3rd conditional.mp4 13.46Мб
17. Conditionals 3rd conditional.srt 3.28Кб
17. FCE Transformations 51-100 Part 6.mp4 25.69Мб
17. FCE Transformations 51-100 Part 6.srt 5.03Кб
17. Mixed conditionals.mp4 35.47Мб
17. Mixed conditionals.srt 8.32Кб
17. Present Continuous, Be going to or Present Simple.mp4 27.98Мб
17. Present Continuous, Be going to or Present Simple.srt 7.01Кб
17. Reporting verbs.mp4 30.41Мб
17. Reporting verbs.srt 8.66Кб
17. Salaries - 06.mp4 10.62Мб
17. Salaries - 06.srt 4.92Кб
18.1 09_a-an-some-EXC_.pdf 95.47Кб
18.1 103_3rd conditional - EXC.pdf 39.71Кб
18.1 133_Would rather- EXC.pdf 35.02Кб
18.1 160_Reported speech - EXC.pdf 43.59Кб
18.1 58_Will (predictions)-EXC.pdf 37.00Кб
18. CAE Transformations 51-100 Part 8.mp4 29.20Мб
18. CAE Transformations 51-100 Part 8.srt 5.81Кб
18. EXERCISE - 3rd conditional.mp4 23.87Мб
18. EXERCISE - 3rd conditional.srt 4.10Кб
18. EXERCISE - a, an, some.mp4 19.35Мб
18. EXERCISE - a, an, some.srt 4.74Кб
18. FCE Transformations 51-100 Part 7.mp4 21.56Мб
18. FCE Transformations 51-100 Part 7.srt 4.77Кб
18. Future Simple (will) Predictions.mp4 21.57Мб
18. Future Simple (will) Predictions.srt 5.89Кб
18. I would rather.mp4 17.65Мб
18. I would rather.srt 4.42Кб
18. Reported Speech Revision.mp4 22.36Мб
18. Reported Speech Revision.srt 3.72Кб
18. Salaries - 07.mp4 8.85Мб
18. Salaries - 07.srt 4.30Кб
19.1 105_Conditionals - EXC - answers.pdf 45.90Кб
19.1 134_Prefer - EXC.pdf 36.55Кб
19.1 161_Conditionals - revision - EXC.pdf 39.89Кб
19.2 105_Conditionals - EXC.pdf 39.59Кб
19. CAE Transformations 51-100 Part 7.mp4 30.32Мб
19. CAE Transformations 51-100 Part 7.srt 6.19Кб
19. Conditional Sentences.mp4 34.42Мб
19. Conditional Sentences.srt 7.44Кб
19. Conditionals Exercises.mp4 19.38Мб
19. Conditionals Exercises.srt 4.22Кб
19. FCE Transformations 51-100 Part 8.mp4 16.31Мб
19. FCE Transformations 51-100 Part 8.srt 4.08Кб
19. Future Simple (will) Decisions, promises, offers.mp4 11.28Мб
19. Future Simple (will) Decisions, promises, offers.srt 4.48Кб
19. Prefer.mp4 21.94Мб
19. Prefer.srt 5.81Кб
19. Salaries - 08.mp4 11.10Мб
19. Salaries - 08.srt 5.53Кб
19. Some or Any.mp4 17.49Мб
19. Some or Any.srt 5.72Кб
2.1 01_TO-BE-positive-EXC.pdf 162.82Кб
2.1 117_Question types revision - EXC.pdf 46.54Кб
2.1 144_Have - EXC.pdf 44.32Кб
2.1 45_Questions-EXC.pdf 39.60Кб
2.1 89_Present Simple or Present Continuous - EXC.pdf 46.98Кб
2. Bonus lecture Learn more!.html 2.01Кб
2. CAE Transformations 1-50 Part 1.mp4 28.65Мб
2. CAE Transformations 1-50 Part 1.srt 5.43Кб
2. EXERCISE - Present Simple or Present Continuous.mp4 38.15Мб
2. EXERCISE - Present Simple or Present Continuous.srt 7.45Кб
2. EXERCISE - questions.mp4 14.50Мб
2. EXERCISE - questions.srt 4.54Кб
2. EXERCISE - TO BE, positive forms.mp4 29.20Мб
2. EXERCISE - TO BE, positive forms.srt 4.48Кб
2. FCE Transformations 1-50 Part 1.mp4 23.39Мб
2. FCE Transformations 1-50 Part 1.srt 5.58Кб
2. Jobs and Career - 01.mp4 14.30Мб
2. Jobs and Career - 01.srt 6.37Кб
2. Past and Perfect Tenses.html 170б
2. Question Types revision.mp4 48.18Мб
2. Question Types revision.srt 11.20Кб
2. Usage of HAVE.mp4 30.03Мб
2. Usage of HAVE.srt 6.84Кб
20.1 10_some-any-EXC_.pdf 39.43Кб
20.1 104_Unless - EXC.pdf 36.00Кб
20.1 162_Wish sentences and other conditional structures - EXC.pdf 37.49Кб
20.1 60_Future - exc.pdf 37.53Кб
20.2 verb + prep.zip 3.31Мб
20. CAE Transformations 51-100 Part 9.mp4 23.98Мб
20. CAE Transformations 51-100 Part 9.srt 5.57Кб
20. Conditionals Unless.mp4 14.20Мб
20. Conditionals Unless.srt 3.38Кб
20. EXERCISE - some or any.mp4 26.91Мб
20. EXERCISE - some or any.srt 4.87Кб
20. FCE Transformations 51-100 Part 9.mp4 17.55Мб
20. FCE Transformations 51-100 Part 9.srt 3.45Кб
20. Future tenses revision.mp4 33.82Мб
20. Future tenses revision.srt 7.76Кб
20. Had better and Ought to.mp4 7.98Мб
20. Had better and Ought to.srt 2.75Кб
20. Other Conditional Structures.mp4 23.80Мб
20. Other Conditional Structures.srt 5.10Кб
20. Salaries - 09.mp4 9.33Мб
20. Salaries - 09.srt 4.49Кб
21.1 107_Verbs of senses + bare infinitive EXC.pdf 43.69Кб
21.1 163_Verbs of senses - EXC.pdf 45.45Кб
21.1 61_Present Perfect - intro-EXC.pdf 36.43Кб
21. CAE Transformations 51-100 Part 10.mp4 20.94Мб
21. CAE Transformations 51-100 Part 10.srt 4.47Кб
21. FCE Transformations 51-100 Part 10.mp4 26.51Мб
21. FCE Transformations 51-100 Part 10.srt 5.33Кб
21. Perfect Modal Verbs.mp4 20.42Мб
21. Perfect Modal Verbs.srt 6.88Кб
21. Present Perfect Forms.mp4 25.10Мб
21. Present Perfect Forms.srt 7.29Кб
21. Salaries 10.mp4 10.47Мб
21. Salaries 10.srt 4.89Кб
21. There is or There are.mp4 39.37Мб
21. There is or There are.srt 9.19Кб
21. Verbs of senses.mp4 14.48Мб
21. Verbs of senses.srt 3.22Кб
21. Verbs of senses (see do see doing).mp4 26.44Мб
21. Verbs of senses (see do see doing).srt 5.70Кб
22.1 108_Reported Speech - tenses - EXC.pdf 36.25Кб
22.1 11_There is-There are_EXC.pdf 36.05Кб
22.1 137_Perfect Modals - EXC.pdf 43.11Кб
22.1 62_Present Perfct_experience-EXC.pdf 36.99Кб
22. Buying - 01.mp4 9.23Мб
22. Buying - 01.srt 4.06Кб
22. CAE Transformations 101-150 Part 1.mp4 24.23Мб
22. CAE Transformations 101-150 Part 1.srt 5.72Кб
22. EXERCISE - Perfect Modal Verbs.mp4 24.24Мб
22. EXERCISE - Perfect Modal Verbs.srt 5.05Кб
22. EXERCISE - there is or there are.mp4 14.82Мб
22. EXERCISE - there is or there are.srt 2.63Кб
22. FCE Transformations 101-150 Part 1.mp4 19.86Мб
22. FCE Transformations 101-150 Part 1.srt 3.81Кб
22. Linking.mp4 12.01Мб
22. Linking.srt 5.21Кб
22. Present Perfect Experience.mp4 28.76Мб
22. Present Perfect Experience.srt 8.04Кб
22. Reported Speech Change of tense.mp4 26.02Мб
22. Reported Speech Change of tense.srt 6.68Кб
23.1 109_Reported Speech_Words- EXC.pdf 36.13Кб
23.1 138_Be used to - EXC.pdf 36.72Кб
23.1 165_Ellipsis.pdf 39.75Кб
23.1 63_Present Perfect - yet, already, just-EXC.pdf 37.08Кб
23. Be used to doing something.mp4 24.02Мб
23. Be used to doing something.srt 4.97Кб
23. Buying - 02.mp4 11.48Мб
23. Buying - 02.srt 5.05Кб
23. CAE Transformations 101-150 Part 2.mp4 19.96Мб
23. CAE Transformations 101-150 Part 2.srt 4.63Кб
23. FCE Transformations 101-150 Part 2.mp4 24.38Мб
23. FCE Transformations 101-150 Part 2.srt 4.87Кб
23. Parts of sentences that can be omitted.mp4 19.14Мб
23. Parts of sentences that can be omitted.srt 6.46Кб
23. Present Perfect Just, Yet, Already.mp4 24.50Мб
23. Present Perfect Just, Yet, Already.srt 7.21Кб
23. Present Simple, positive.mp4 30.42Мб
23. Present Simple, positive.srt 8.54Кб
23. Reported Speech- Change of words.mp4 18.15Мб
23. Reported Speech- Change of words.srt 4.30Кб
24.1 110_Reported Speech_Questions - EXC.pdf 35.89Кб
24.1 12_Present_simple_positive_EXC.pdf 39.63Кб
24.1 139_Get used to - EXC.pdf 36.63Кб
24.1 166_Cleft sentences.pdf 37.69Кб
24. Buying - 03.mp4 9.49Мб
24. Buying - 03.srt 5.16Кб
24. CAE Transformations 101-150 Part 3.mp4 18.92Мб
24. CAE Transformations 101-150 Part 3.srt 4.36Кб
24. Cleft Sentences.mp4 15.25Мб
24. Cleft Sentences.srt 3.94Кб
24. EXERCISE - present simple, positive.mp4 17.10Мб
24. EXERCISE - present simple, positive.srt 3.19Кб
24. FCE Transformations 101-150 Part 3.mp4 17.46Мб
24. FCE Transformations 101-150 Part 3.srt 4.11Кб
24. Get used to doing something.mp4 21.64Мб
24. Get used to doing something.srt 4.50Кб
24. Present Perfect For, Since.mp4 9.46Мб
24. Present Perfect For, Since.srt 3.71Кб
24. Reported Speech Questions.mp4 26.20Мб
24. Reported Speech Questions.srt 6.99Кб
25.1 111_Reported Speech_Commands - EXC.pdf 36.45Кб
25.1 140_Have something done - EXC.pdf 36.90Кб
25. Buying - 04.mp4 10.37Мб
25. Buying - 04.srt 4.69Кб
25. CAE Transformations 101-150 Part 4.mp4 24.02Мб
25. CAE Transformations 101-150 Part 4.srt 6.00Кб
25. FCE Transformations 101-150 Part 4.mp4 26.66Мб
25. FCE Transformations 101-150 Part 4.srt 6.11Кб
25. Have Get something done.mp4 24.75Мб
25. Have Get something done.srt 4.56Кб
25. Past Simple and Present Perfect.mp4 15.20Мб
25. Past Simple and Present Perfect.srt 4.59Кб
25. Present Simple, negative.mp4 20.09Мб
25. Present Simple, negative.srt 4.31Кб
25. Reportied Speech Commands.mp4 18.53Мб
25. Reportied Speech Commands.srt 3.99Кб
26.1 112_Passive or Active - revision - EXC.pdf 45.31Кб
26.1 13_Present_simple-negative_EXC.pdf 42.94Кб
26.1 141_Wish sentences - EXC.pdf 36.00Кб
26.1 66_Present Perfect or Past Simple -EXC.pdf 42.13Кб
26. Buying - 05.mp4 8.60Мб
26. Buying - 05.srt 4.36Кб
26. CAE Transformations 101-150 Part 5.mp4 28.31Мб
26. CAE Transformations 101-150 Part 5.srt 6.64Кб
26. EXERCISE - Past Simple and Present Perfect.mp4 26.83Мб
26. EXERCISE - Past Simple and Present Perfect.srt 6.21Кб
26. EXERCISE - present simple, negative.mp4 16.58Мб
26. EXERCISE - present simple, negative.srt 3.57Кб
26. FCE Transformations 101-150 Part 5.mp4 15.78Мб
26. FCE Transformations 101-150 Part 5.srt 3.28Кб
26. Passive Revision.mp4 27.09Мб
26. Passive Revision.srt 4.69Кб
26. Wish Sentences.mp4 15.75Мб
26. Wish Sentences.srt 4.67Кб
27.1 113_Relative clauses - EXC.pdf 44.20Кб
27.1 142_Clauses of contrast - EXC.pdf 36.88Кб
27.1 67_Tenses Revision.pdf 41.97Кб
27. Buying - 06.mp4 10.53Мб
27. Buying - 06.srt 4.63Кб
27. CAE Transformations 101-150 Part 6.mp4 23.13Мб
27. CAE Transformations 101-150 Part 6.srt 5.32Кб
27. Clauses of contrast.mp4 30.19Мб
27. Clauses of contrast.srt 5.68Кб
27. Defining and Non-defining Relative clauses.mp4 42.26Мб
27. Defining and Non-defining Relative clauses.srt 8.54Кб
27. FCE Transformations 101-150 Part 6.mp4 19.88Мб
27. FCE Transformations 101-150 Part 6.srt 4.42Кб
27. Present Simple, questions.mp4 15.83Мб
27. Present Simple, questions.srt 4.57Кб
27. Tenses - revision.mp4 29.49Мб
27. Tenses - revision.srt 5.31Кб
28.1 114_Tag questions - EXC.pdf 47.32Кб
28.1 14_Present_simple_questions-EXC.pdf 40.66Кб
28. Buying - 07.mp4 15.34Мб
28. Buying - 07.srt 5.66Кб
28. CAE Transformations 101-150 Part 7.mp4 20.21Мб
28. CAE Transformations 101-150 Part 7.srt 5.40Кб
28. Comparison AS - AS.mp4 30.49Мб
28. Comparison AS - AS.srt 6.13Кб
28. EXERCISE - present simple, questions.mp4 17.28Мб
28. EXERCISE - present simple, questions.srt 4.33Кб
28. FCE Transformations 101-150 Part 7.mp4 19.65Мб
28. FCE Transformations 101-150 Part 7.srt 4.89Кб
28. Question Tags.mp4 25.39Мб
28. Question Tags.srt 5.14Кб
29.1 115_Indirect questions - EXC.pdf 45.71Кб
29.1 68_AS ... as-EXC.pdf 36.57Кб
29. Buying - 08.mp4 11.77Мб
29. Buying - 08.srt 5.04Кб
29. CAE Transformations 101-150 Part 8.mp4 23.11Мб
29. CAE Transformations 101-150 Part 8.srt 5.31Кб
29. EXERCISE - Comparison AS-AS.mp4 15.68Мб
29. EXERCISE - Comparison AS-AS.srt 3.05Кб
29. FCE Transformations 101-150 Part 8.mp4 17.99Мб
29. FCE Transformations 101-150 Part 8.srt 3.92Кб
29. Have or Have got.mp4 19.05Мб
29. Have or Have got.srt 7.83Кб
29. Indirect Questions.mp4 22.96Мб
29. Indirect Questions.srt 5.49Кб
3.1 118_Adjectives order - EXC.pdf 34.62Кб
3.1 145_Uses of GET - EXC.pdf 36.59Кб
3.1 90_Past Tenses - EXC.pdf 42.44Кб
3. Adjectives Order.mp4 16.66Мб
3. Adjectives Order.srt 5.80Кб
3. am is are - TO BE, negative forms.mp4 31.94Мб
3. am is are - TO BE, negative forms.srt 6.58Кб
3. CAE Transformations 1-50 Part 2.mp4 26.86Мб
3. CAE Transformations 1-50 Part 2.srt 6.11Кб
3. FCE Transformations 1-50 Part 2.mp4 24.26Мб
3. FCE Transformations 1-50 Part 2.srt 6.33Кб
3. Jobs and Career - 02.mp4 15.92Мб
3. Jobs and Career - 02.srt 5.68Кб
3. Past tenses - summary + exercises.mp4 48.54Мб
3. Past tenses - summary + exercises.srt 8.51Кб
3. Stative Verbs (Present Simple or Present Continuous).mp4 26.91Мб
3. Stative Verbs (Present Simple or Present Continuous).srt 8.01Кб
3. Tenses for future actions.html 170б
3. Usage of GET.mp4 26.40Мб
3. Usage of GET.srt 7.36Кб
30.1 15_Have-have-got-EXC.pdf 35.10Кб
30.1 69. EVER + superlative.pdf 45.49Кб
30. Buying - 09.mp4 13.13Мб
30. Buying - 09.srt 5.22Кб
30. CAE Transformations 101-150 Part 9.mp4 20.49Мб
30. CAE Transformations 101-150 Part 9.srt 4.18Кб
30. Comparison Ever + superlative.mp4 25.66Мб
30. Comparison Ever + superlative.srt 5.22Кб
30. EXERCISE - Have or Have got.mp4 12.52Мб
30. EXERCISE - Have or Have got.srt 2.59Кб
30. FCE Transformations 101-150 Part 9.mp4 14.22Мб
30. FCE Transformations 101-150 Part 9.srt 2.93Кб
31. Buying - 10.mp4 9.69Мб
31. Buying - 10.srt 4.55Кб
31. CAE Transformations 101-150 Part 10.mp4 29.94Мб
31. CAE Transformations 101-150 Part 10.srt 6.10Кб
31. FCE Transformations 101-150 Part 10.mp4 18.12Мб
31. FCE Transformations 101-150 Part 10.srt 4.88Кб
31. Verb + to + Verb (infinitives).mp4 20.78Мб
31. Verb + to + Verb (infinitives).srt 5.98Кб
31. WH-questions.mp4 26.71Мб
31. WH-questions.srt 8.24Кб
32.1 16_WH-questions-EXC.pdf 35.40Кб
32. EXERCISE - WH questions.mp4 14.70Мб
32. EXERCISE - WH questions.srt 4.32Кб
32. Verb + Verb+ING (Gerund).mp4 19.45Мб
32. Verb + Verb+ING (Gerund).srt 5.65Кб
33. Verbs + ING and + TO - difference in meaning.mp4 23.82Мб
33. Verbs + ING and + TO - difference in meaning.srt 6.25Кб
33. Whose is this - 's.mp4 38.90Мб
33. Whose is this - 's.srt 8.09Кб
34.1 17_Whose-is-this-EXC.pdf 72.71Кб
34.1 72_ING and TO-EXC.pdf 37.18Кб
34. EXERCISE - Verbs + ING and + TO - difference in meaning.mp4 16.21Мб
34. EXERCISE - Verbs + ING and + TO - difference in meaning.srt 3.61Кб
34. EXERCISE - whose is this - -s.mp4 25.93Мб
34. EXERCISE - whose is this - -s.srt 4.20Кб
35.1 73_To or ING - exc.pdf 46.25Кб
35. Gerund or infinitive.mp4 11.28Мб
35. Gerund or infinitive.srt 2.36Кб
35. Much, Many, A lot, A lot of.mp4 37.75Мб
35. Much, Many, A lot, A lot of.srt 8.12Кб
36.1 18_a-lot-of-much-many-EXC.pdf 38.85Кб
36.1 74_have to-mustn_t-EXC.pdf 38.72Кб
36. EXERCISE - Much, Many, A lot of, A lot.mp4 12.13Мб
36. EXERCISE - Much, Many, A lot of, A lot.srt 2.67Кб
36. Have to and Mustn't.mp4 18.61Мб
36. Have to and Mustn't.srt 5.00Кб
37. Adjectives.mp4 15.42Мб
37. Adjectives.srt 2.93Кб
37. Don't have to and Must.mp4 10.27Мб
37. Don't have to and Must.srt 4.27Кб
38.1 19_Adjectives-EXC.pdf 35.28Кб
38. EXERCISE - Adjectives.mp4 13.30Мб
38. EXERCISE - Adjectives.srt 2.44Кб
38. Must mustn't have to don't have to - summary.mp4 15.64Мб
38. Must mustn't have to don't have to - summary.srt 4.59Кб
39.1 76_must-have-mustn_t-don_t have to - summary-EXC.pdf 40.10Кб
39. Comparative forms of adjectives.mp4 29.16Мб
39. Comparative forms of adjectives.srt 8.33Кб
39. EXERCISE - Must mustn't have to don't have to - summary.mp4 23.68Мб
39. EXERCISE - Must mustn't have to don't have to - summary.srt 4.89Кб
4.1 02_TO-BE-negative-EXC.pdf 104.25Кб
4.1 119_Adjectives as nouns - EXC.pdf 36.18Кб
4.1 146_Used to and would- EXC.pdf 36.51Кб
4.1 46_Pr.Simple_Pr.Continuous-EXC.pdf 40.85Кб
4.1 91_ Future Tenses - EXC.pdf 49.18Кб
4. Adjectives as nouns.mp4 17.37Мб
4. Adjectives as nouns.srt 4.04Кб
4. CAE Transformations 1-50 Part 3.mp4 29.08Мб
4. CAE Transformations 1-50 Part 3.srt 7.06Кб
4. Correct the questions.html 170б
4. EXERCISE - Stative Verbs.mp4 27.31Мб
4. EXERCISE - Stative Verbs.srt 4.21Кб
4. EXERCISE - TO BE, negative forms.mp4 16.27Мб
4. EXERCISE - TO BE, negative forms.srt 2.23Кб
4. FCE Transformations 1-50 Part 3.mp4 24.40Мб
4. FCE Transformations 1-50 Part 3.srt 5.01Кб
4. Future Tenses.mp4 34.85Мб
4. Future Tenses.srt 7.95Кб
4. Jobs and Career - 03.mp4 9.46Мб
4. Jobs and Career - 03.srt 4.74Кб
4. USED TO or WOULD.mp4 24.86Мб
4. USED TO or WOULD.srt 6.29Кб
40.1 20_Comparatives-EXC.pdf 39.45Кб
40. EXERCISE - Comparison of adjectives.mp4 10.22Мб
40. EXERCISE - Comparison of adjectives.srt 1.89Кб
40. May or might. Modals summary..mp4 17.32Мб
40. May or might. Modals summary..srt 7.21Кб
41.1 78_First Conditional-EXC.pdf 36.36Кб
41. First Conditional.mp4 17.42Мб
41. First Conditional.srt 4.75Кб
41. Superlative forms of adjectives.mp4 22.19Мб
41. Superlative forms of adjectives.srt 4.84Кб
42.1 21_Superlatives-EXC.pdf 39.39Кб
42. EXERCISE - Superlative forms of adjectives.mp4 21.17Мб
42. EXERCISE - Superlative forms of adjectives.srt 3.33Кб
42. Second Conditional.mp4 15.58Мб
42. Second Conditional.srt 3.57Кб
43.1 79_Second Conditional-EXC.pdf 39.19Кб
43. Adverbs.mp4 15.35Мб
43. Adverbs.srt 4.80Кб
43. EXERCISE - Second Conditional.mp4 29.87Мб
43. EXERCISE - Second Conditional.srt 5.36Кб
44.1 22_Adverbs-EXC.pdf 110.58Кб
44.1 80_Used to-EXC.pdf 42.29Кб
44. EXERCISE - Adverbs.mp4 16.22Мб
44. EXERCISE - Adverbs.srt 3.95Кб
44. Used to.mp4 20.47Мб
44. Used to.srt 5.17Кб
45. Adverbs of frequency.mp4 21.86Мб
45. Adverbs of frequency.srt 6.06Кб
45. Passive Simple Tenses.mp4 20.58Мб
45. Passive Simple Tenses.srt 4.94Кб
46.1 23_Adverbs-of-frequency-EXC.pdf 36.69Кб
46.1 81_EXC Passive - Simple Tenses.pdf 39.78Кб
46. EXERCISE - Adverbs of frequency.mp4 15.54Мб
46. EXERCISE - Adverbs of frequency.srt 3.91Кб
46. EXERCISE - Passive Simple Tenses.mp4 30.47Мб
46. EXERCISE - Passive Simple Tenses.srt 5.30Кб
47. Passive Continuous Tenses.mp4 13.05Мб
47. Passive Continuous Tenses.srt 3.07Кб
47. Prepositions of Time.mp4 14.39Мб
47. Prepositions of Time.srt 3.41Кб
48.1 24_Prepositions-of-time.pdf 39.42Кб
48.1 82_Passive - Continuous Tenses-EXC.pdf 39.94Кб
48. EXERCISE - Passive Continuous Tenses.mp4 26.61Мб
48. EXERCISE - Passive Continuous Tenses.srt 4.35Кб
48. EXERCISE - Prepositions of time.mp4 16.01Мб
48. EXERCISE - Prepositions of time.srt 3.36Кб
49.1 83_Passive - PerfectTenses-EXC.pdf 35.86Кб
49. Modal Verbs CAN.mp4 35.95Мб
49. Modal Verbs CAN.srt 9.08Кб
49. Passive Perfect Tenses.mp4 25.74Мб
49. Passive Perfect Tenses.srt 6.29Кб
5.1 120_Past Perfect Continuous - EXC.pdf 44.07Кб
5.1 147_Past tenses - EXC.pdf 47.94Кб
5.1 97_I work hardly and I hardly work.- EXC.pdf 36.62Кб
5. am is are - TO BE, question forms.mp4 26.26Мб
5. am is are - TO BE, question forms.srt 8.41Кб
5. Be about to.mp4 16.52Мб
5. Be about to.srt 4.02Кб
5. CAE Transformations 1-50 Part 4.mp4 21.47Мб
5. CAE Transformations 1-50 Part 4.srt 4.95Кб
5. FCE Transformations 1-50 Part 4.mp4 25.93Мб
5. FCE Transformations 1-50 Part 4.srt 5.84Кб
5. Jobs and Career - 04.mp4 12.64Мб
5. Jobs and Career - 04.srt 4.95Кб
5. Past Perfect Continuous.mp4 27.37Мб
5. Past Perfect Continuous.srt 5.06Кб
5. Past Tenses - advanced.mp4 35.62Мб
5. Past Tenses - advanced.srt 6.79Кб
5. Reported speech.html 170б
5. Which, where, who, that.mp4 13.02Мб
5. Which, where, who, that.srt 3.17Кб
50.1 25_Can-cannot-EXC.pdf 36.81Кб
50. EXERCISE - Modal Verbs CAN.mp4 20.36Мб
50. EXERCISE - Modal Verbs CAN.srt 3.44Кб
50. Something, anyone, nowhere.mp4 15.81Мб
50. Something, anyone, nowhere.srt 4.79Кб
51.1 84_something, anything, nothing-EXC.pdf 39.27Кб
51. EXERCISE - Something, anyone, nowhere.mp4 14.81Мб
51. EXERCISE - Something, anyone, nowhere.srt 3.07Кб
51. Modal Verbs SHOULD.mp4 16.37Мб
51. Modal Verbs SHOULD.srt 3.69Кб
52.1 26_should-should-not-EXC.pdf 39.79Кб
52.1 85_So or neither-EXC.pdf 38.55Кб
52. EXERCISE - Modal Verbs SHOULD.mp4 18.91Мб
52. EXERCISE - Modal Verbs SHOULD.srt 4.55Кб
52. So and neither.mp4 20.44Мб
52. So and neither.srt 7.53Кб
53.1 86_Past Perfect-EXC.pdf 37.30Кб
53. Past Perfect.mp4 29.70Мб
53. Past Perfect.srt 6.60Кб
53. Verb structures LOVE, LIKE, HATE.mp4 14.67Мб
53. Verb structures LOVE, LIKE, HATE.srt 5.57Кб
54.1 27_love-like-hate-EXC.pdf 35.59Кб
54.1 87_Past Perfect or Past Simple-EXC.pdf 39.68Кб
54. EXERCISE - Verb structures LOVE, LIKE, HATE.mp4 20.10Мб
54. EXERCISE - Verb structures LOVE, LIKE, HATE.srt 3.98Кб
54. Past Simple or Past Perfect.mp4 20.22Мб
54. Past Simple or Past Perfect.srt 3.98Кб
55.1 88_Present Perfect, Past perfect, Past Simple-EXC.pdf 39.65Кб
55. Past Simple, Present Perfect or Past Perfect.mp4 25.17Мб
55. Past Simple, Present Perfect or Past Perfect.srt 5.93Кб
55. Pronouns ME, YOU, HIM.mp4 31.76Мб
55. Pronouns ME, YOU, HIM.srt 6.73Кб
56.1 28_me-you-him-EXC.pdf 41.76Кб
56. EXERCISE - Pronouns ME, YOU, HIM.mp4 27.77Мб
56. EXERCISE - Pronouns ME, YOU, HIM.srt 5.96Кб
57. Pronouns MINE, YOURS.mp4 24.76Мб
57. Pronouns MINE, YOURS.srt 5.91Кб
58.1 29_mine-yours-EXC.pdf 44.82Кб
58. EXERCISE - Pronouns MINE, YOURS.mp4 11.55Мб
58. EXERCISE - Pronouns MINE, YOURS.srt 2.73Кб
59.1 30_I-my-me-mine-EXC.pdf 39.07Кб
59. Pronouns, mixed - EXERCISES.mp4 24.68Мб
59. Pronouns, mixed - EXERCISES.srt 6.00Кб
6.1 03_TO-BE-question-EXC.pdf 49.74Кб
6.1 121_Narrative tenses - EXC.pdf 44.92Кб
6.1 148_Modal verbs - need - EXC.pdf 36.65Кб
6.1 47_Who, which, that-EXC.pdf 39.36Кб
6.1 93_When I get there - EXC.pdf 40.08Кб
6. CAE Transformations 1-50 Part 5.mp4 16.64Мб
6. CAE Transformations 1-50 Part 5.srt 3.87Кб
6. EXERCISE - TO BE, question forms.mp4 12.86Мб
6. EXERCISE - TO BE, question forms.srt 3.43Кб
6. EXERCISE - Which, where, who, that.mp4 17.84Мб
6. EXERCISE - Which, where, who, that.srt 2.92Кб
6. FCE Transformations 1-50 Part 5.mp4 28.35Мб
6. FCE Transformations 1-50 Part 5.srt 5.46Кб
6. Future Clauses.mp4 24.49Мб
6. Future Clauses.srt 5.27Кб
6. Jobs and Career - 05.mp4 14.98Мб
6. Jobs and Career - 05.srt 5.60Кб
6. Modal Verbs Need.mp4 27.67Мб
6. Modal Verbs Need.srt 7.53Кб
6. Narrative tenses - revision.mp4 25.83Мб
6. Narrative tenses - revision.srt 4.27Кб
6. Passive Voice.html 170б
60.1 31_was-were-positive-EXC.pdf 35.70Кб
60. Past Simple WASWERE.mp4 15.82Мб
60. Past Simple WASWERE.srt 3.98Кб
61.1 32_was-were-negative-question-EXC.pdf 35.69Кб
61. Past Simple WASWERE (negative, questions).mp4 22.63Мб
61. Past Simple WASWERE (negative, questions).srt 4.64Кб
62.1 33_Past-Simple-positive-EXC.pdf 36.69Кб
62. Past Simple Positive sentences.mp4 29.19Мб
62. Past Simple Positive sentences.srt 8.80Кб
63.1 34_ Irregular-verbs-1-20-EXC.pdf 39.64Кб
63. Past Simple Irregular verbs, Part 1.mp4 21.50Мб
63. Past Simple Irregular verbs, Part 1.srt 5.83Кб
64.1 35_ Irregular-verbs-21-40-EXC.pdf 39.77Кб
64. Past Simple Irregular verbs, Part 2.mp4 17.38Мб
64. Past Simple Irregular verbs, Part 2.srt 5.08Кб
65. Past Simple Negative sentences.mp4 15.28Мб
65. Past Simple Negative sentences.srt 3.52Кб
66.1 36_Past-Simple-negative-EXC.pdf 40.32Кб
66. EXERCISE Past Simple Negative sentences.mp4 15.34Мб
66. EXERCISE Past Simple Negative sentences.srt 2.61Кб
67. Past Simple Question sentences.mp4 13.38Мб
67. Past Simple Question sentences.srt 4.17Кб
68.1 37_Past-Simple-question-EXC.pdf 39.99Кб
68. Past Simple Question Exercises.mp4 32.92Мб
68. Past Simple Question Exercises.srt 6.53Кб
69.1 38_There-was-there-were-EXC.pdf 154.93Кб
69. There was There were.mp4 33.09Мб
69. There was There were.srt 6.32Кб
7.1 149_Modal verbs - exercises.pdf 50.98Кб
7.1 48_PastSimple_Revision-EXC.pdf 43.64Кб
7.2 Irregular Verbs Grammar Rap Song.html 104б
7.3 irregular.zip 2.31Мб
7.4 Text.html 163б
7. Adverbs order.mp4 14.95Мб
7. Adverbs order.srt 5.06Кб
7. CAE Transformations 1-50 Part 6.mp4 19.29Мб
7. CAE Transformations 1-50 Part 6.srt 4.74Кб
7. FCE Transformations 1-50 Part 6.mp4 25.02Мб
7. FCE Transformations 1-50 Part 6.srt 4.94Кб
7. Jobs and Career - 06.mp4 13.78Мб
7. Jobs and Career - 06.srt 4.92Кб
7. Modals All forms, revision.mp4 43.66Мб
7. Modals All forms, revision.srt 9.21Кб
7. my his her.mp4 29.02Мб
7. my his her.srt 6.37Кб
7. Past Simple - revision.mp4 47.51Мб
7. Past Simple - revision.srt 8.30Кб
7. Present Perfect Continuous.mp4 20.46Мб
7. Present Perfect Continuous.srt 4.89Кб
7. Transformations Passive, impersonal constructions, get.html 170б
70. Present Continuous Positive sentences.mp4 24.47Мб
70. Present Continuous Positive sentences.srt 7.18Кб
71.1 39_Present-Continuous-positive-EXC.pdf 39.78Кб
71. EXERCISE Present Continuous, positive.mp4 24.69Мб
71. EXERCISE Present Continuous, positive.srt 4.60Кб
72.1 40_Present-Continuous-negative-EXC.pdf 36.82Кб
72. Present Continuous negative sentences.mp4 25.63Мб
72. Present Continuous negative sentences.srt 5.89Кб
73. Present Continuous Question sentences.mp4 16.50Мб
73. Present Continuous Question sentences.srt 4.70Кб
74.1 41_Present Continuous, question-EXC.pdf 37.02Кб
74. EXERCISE Present Continuous Question sentences.mp4 27.20Мб
74. EXERCISE Present Continuous Question sentences.srt 4.84Кб
75.1 42_Present simple or Present Continuous.pdf 42.60Кб
75. Present Simple or Present Continuous.mp4 38.37Мб
75. Present Simple or Present Continuous.srt 7.51Кб
76. BE GOING TO - plans.mp4 12.44Мб
76. BE GOING TO - plans.srt 3.76Кб
77. BE GOING TO - predictions.mp4 9.90Мб
77. BE GOING TO - predictions.srt 3.17Кб
8.1 04_my-his-their-EXC.pdf 43.40Кб
8.1 123_Types of adverbs - EXC.pdf 37.27Кб
8.1 150_Other ways of expressing speculations - EXC.pdf 37.61Кб
8.1 94_Present Perfect Coninuous - EXC.pdf 40.68Кб
8. CAE Transformations 1-50 Part 7.mp4 21.62Мб
8. CAE Transformations 1-50 Part 7.srt 4.92Кб
8. EXERCISE - my his her.mp4 30.73Мб
8. EXERCISE - my his her.srt 5.39Кб
8. EXERCISE - Present Perfect Continuous.mp4 18.90Мб
8. EXERCISE - Present Perfect Continuous.srt 3.41Кб
8. FCE Transformations 1-50 Part 7.mp4 19.06Мб
8. FCE Transformations 1-50 Part 7.srt 3.56Кб
8. Jobs and Career - 07.mp4 14.97Мб
8. Jobs and Career - 07.srt 6.26Кб
8. Other ways of expressing speculation.mp4 20.16Мб
8. Other ways of expressing speculation.srt 4.55Кб
8. Past Continuous.mp4 19.14Мб
8. Past Continuous.srt 6.15Кб
8. Present Tenses.html 170б
8. Types of adverbs.mp4 21.17Мб
8. Types of adverbs.srt 7.62Кб
9.1 124_Passive_summary - EXC.pdf 39.20Кб
9.1 50_Past Continuous-EXC.pdf 40.40Кб
9.1 95_Present Perfect Or Pr. Perfect Cont - EXC.pdf 36.79Кб
9. A or AN.mp4 26.52Мб
9. A or AN.srt 5.88Кб
9. CAE Transformations 1-50 Part 8.mp4 23.98Мб
9. CAE Transformations 1-50 Part 8.srt 5.54Кб
9. Conditional sentences.html 170б
9. EXERCISE - Past Continuous.mp4 38.62Мб
9. EXERCISE - Past Continuous.srt 6.46Кб
9. FCE Transformations 1-50 Part 8.mp4 25.81Мб
9. FCE Transformations 1-50 Part 8.srt 5.86Кб
9. Inversion (part 1).mp4 14.57Мб
9. Inversion (part 1).srt 7.04Кб
9. Jobs and Career - 08.mp4 13.06Мб
9. Jobs and Career - 08.srt 4.39Кб
9. Passive Summary.mp4 24.75Мб
9. Passive Summary.srt 5.73Кб
9. Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.mp4 32.55Мб
9. Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.srt 7.74Кб
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