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Название Make Magazine - Maker Media Complete Collection 9-2022 (93 Books)
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Make - 21st Century Robot (2018).epub 8.68Мб
Make - 3d Printing Projects - Toys Bots Tools And Vehicles To Print Yourself (2015).pdf 213.85Мб
Make - 3DPrinting - The Essential Guide to 3D Printers (2014).pdf 22.67Мб
Make - Action - Movement, Light, and Sound with Arduino and Raspberry Pi (2016).pdf 140.24Мб
Make - Analog Synthesizers - Make Electronic Sounds the Synth-DIY Way (2013).epub 15.68Мб
Make - Analog Synthesizers - Make Electronic Sounds the Synth-DIY Way (2013).pdf 42.93Мб
Make - A Raspberry Pi-Controlled Robot - Building a Rover with Python, Linux, Motors, and Sensors (2015).pdf 156.16Мб
Make - Arduino Bots and Gadgets - Six Embedded Projects with Open Source Hardware and Software (2011).pdf 26.56Мб
Make - Atmospheric Monitoring With Arduino (2013).epub 4.47Мб
Make - Atmospheric Monitoring With Arduino (2013).pdf 17.65Мб
Make - AVR Programming - Learning to Write Software for Hardware (2014).epub 10.07Мб
Make - AVR Programming - Learning to Write Software for Hardware (2014).pdf 49.00Мб
Make - Basic Arduino Projects - 26 Experiments with Microcontrollers and Electronics (2014).pdf 119.58Мб
Make - Bicycle Projects - Upgrade, Accessorize and Customize with Electronics, Mechanics and Metalwork - 1st Edition (2015).pdf 11.39Мб
Make - Bluetooth - Bluetooth LE Projects for Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and Smartphones (2015).pdf 106.47Мб
Make - Design for 3D Printing - Scanning, Creating, Editing, Remixing, and Making in Three Dimensions (2016).pdf 82.42Мб
Make - Design for CNC - Furniture Projects and Fabrication Technique (2017).pdf 86.39Мб
Make - DIY Bookbinding - Bind Your Own Book by Hand (2011).pdf 28.65Мб
Make - DIY Coffee - Mark Frauenfelder (2007).epub 1.69Мб
Make - DIY Comms and Control for Amateur Space - Talking and Listening to Your Satellite (2015).pdf 14.59Мб
Make - DIY Drone and Quadcopter Projects - Tutorials and Projects from the Pages of Make (2016).pdf 195.59Мб
Make - DIY Instruments for Amateur Space - Inventing Utility for Your Spacecraft Once it Achieves Orbit (2013).epub 4.73Мб
Make - Easy 1+2+3 Projects (2015).pdf 13.73Мб
Make - Easy Electronics (2017).epub 22.09Мб
Make - Edible Inventions - Cooking Hacks and Yummy Recipes You Can Build, Mix, Bake and Grow (2016).pdf 19.80Мб
Make Electronics - 2nd Ed (2015).epub 72.67Мб
Make Electronics - 2nd Ed (2015).pdf 70.03Мб
Make - Encyclopedia Of Electronic Components Volume 1 - Charles Platt (2012).pdf 27.80Мб
Make - Encyclopedia Of Electronic Components Volume 2 - Charles Platt (2014).pdf 70.17Мб
Make - Encyclopedia Of Electronic Components Volume 3 - Charles Platt (2016).pdf 61.91Мб
Make - Family Projects for Smart Objects - Tabletop Projects That Respond to Your World (2016).pdf 9.08Мб
Make - Fire - The Art and Science of Working with Propane.pdf 43.08Мб
Make - Fitness for Geeks - Real Science, Great Nutrition, and Good Health.pdf 61.17Мб
Make - Forrest Mims’ Science Experiments (2016).epub 62.70Мб
Make - Forrest Mims’ Science Experiments (2016).mobi 14.94Мб
Make - Forrest Mims’ Science Experiments (2016).pdf 16.37Мб
Make - FPGAs - Turning Software into Hardware with Eight Fun and Easy DIY Projects (2016).pdf 43.96Мб
Make - Fun! Create Your Own Toys, Games and Amusements (2016).epub 104.52Мб
Make - Fun! Create Your Own Toys, Games and Amusements (2016).mobi 254.59Мб
Make - Fun! Create Your Own Toys, Games and Amusements (2016).pdf 60.68Мб
Make - Fusion 360 For Makers - Design Your Own Digital Models for 3D Printing and CNC Fabrication (2018).pdf 21.45Мб
Make - Geek Girls Guide - DIY Projects from Four Women who Pushed the Boundaries of Technology (2017).pdf 2.19Мб
Make - Getting Started with 3D Printing - A Hands-on Guide to the Hardware, Software, and Services Behind the New Manufacturing Revolution, 2nd Edition (2021).pdf 164.67Мб
Make - Getting Started with Adafruit FLORA - Making Wearables with an Arduino-Compatible Electronics Platform (2015).pdf 73.01Мб
Make - Getting Started with Adafruit Trinkit 15 Projects with the Low-Cost AVR ATtiny85 Board (2015).pdf 35.21Мб
Make - Getting Started with Arduino - The Open Source Electronics Prototyping Platform (2014).pdf 26.17Мб
Make - Getting Started with BeagleBone - Linux-Powered Electronic Projects With Python and JavaScript (2014).epub 5.19Мб
Make - Getting Started with Drones - Build and Customize Your Own Quadcopter (2016).epub 79.86Мб
Make - Getting Started with Drones - Build and Customize Your Own Quadcopter (2016).pdf 90.35Мб
Make - Getting Started with Intel Edison - Sensors, Actuators, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi (2016).epub 14.95Мб
Make - Getting Started with Intel Galileo - Matt Richardson (2014).pdf 94.84Мб
Make - Getting Started with littleBits - Prototyping and Inventing with Modular Electronics (2015).epub 260.77Мб
Make - Getting Started with p5.js - Making Interactive Graphics in JavaScript and Processing (2016).pdf 21.25Мб
Make - Getting Started with Processing, 2nd Edition (2015).epub 13.82Мб
Make - Getting Started with Raspberry Pi - Electronic Projects with the Low-Cost Pocket-Sized Computer (2015).epub 50.46Мб
Make - Getting Started with RFID (2012).epub 301.27Кб
Make - Getting Started with RFID (2012).pdf 2.51Мб
Make - Getting Started with Sensors - Measure the World with Electronics, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi (2014).pdf 7.00Мб
Make - Getting Started with Soldering - A Hands-On Guide to Making Electrical and Mechanical Connections (2017).pdf 6.84Мб
Make - Getting Started with the Internet of Things (2011).pdf 6.20Мб
Make - Getting Started with the Photon - Making Things with the Affordable, Compact, Hackable WiFi Module (2015).pdf 3.60Мб
Make - High-Power Rockets - Construction and Certification for Thousands of Feet and Beyond (2018).pdf 406.30Мб
Make - How to Breadboard (2017).pdf 49.70Мб
Make - Inventing a Better Mousetrap - 200 Years of American History in the Amazing World of Patent Models (2015).epub 64.47Мб
Make It Glow LED Projects for the Whole Family.epub 58.71Мб
Make It Glow LED Projects for the Whole Family.mobi 90.20Мб
Make It Glow LED Projects for the Whole Family.pdf 41.19Мб
Make - JavaScript Robotics - Building NodeBots with Johnny-Five, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and BeagleBone (2015).epub 11.84Мб
Make - Jumpstarting the Raspberry Pi Zero W - Control the World Around You with a $10 Computer (2017).epub 17.32Мб
Make - LEGO and Arduino Projects - Projects for extending MINDSTORMS NXT with open-source electronics (2013).pdf 106.31Мб
Make - LEO the Maker Prince.pdf 31.63Мб
Make - Like The Pioneers - A Day in the Life with Sustainable, Low-Tech--No-Tech Solutions (2015).epub 84.50Мб
Make - Linux for Makers - Understanding the Operating System That Runs Raspberry Pi and Other Maker SBCs (2017).pdf 4.72Мб
Make - Maker Pro - Essays on Making a Living as a Maker (2015).pdf 100.60Мб
Make - Making Makers - Kids, Tools, and the Future of Innovation (2014).pdf 3.29Мб
Make - Making Simple Robots - Exploring Cutting-Edge Robotics with Everyday Stuff (2015).epub 14.06Мб
Make - Making Simple Robots - Exploring Cutting-Edge Robotics with Everyday Stuff (2015).pdf 14.35Мб
Make - Making Things See (2012).epub 10.53Мб
Make - Making Things See (2012).mobi 20.96Мб
Make - Making Things See (2012).pdf 15.02Мб
Make - Making Things Smart (2017).epub 372.71Кб
Make - Making Things Smart (2017).mobi 338.26Кб
Make - Making Things Smart (2017).pdf 38.30Мб
Make - Making Things Talk (2007).epub 17.21Мб
Make - Making Things Talk (2007).mobi 11.78Мб
Make - Making Things Talk (2007).pdf 41.67Мб
Make - Mechanical Engineering - A Hands-On Guide to Designing and Making Physical Things (2019).pdf 168.99Мб
Make - Modern Leatherwork for Makers - Traditional Craft Techniques Meet CNC and 3D Printing (2017).pdf 36.56Мб
Make - More Electronics - Journey Deep Into the World of Logic Chips, Amplifiers, Sensors, and Randomicity (2014).pdf 47.42Мб
Make - More Tinkering - Kids in the Tropics Learn by Making Stuff (2018).pdf 42.47Мб
Make - Musical Inventions - DIY Instruments (2017).epub 130.00Мб
Make - Paper Inventions - Machines that Move, Drawings that Light Up and Wearables and Structures You Can Cut, Fold and Roll - 1st Ed (2015).epub 197.37Мб
Make - Planes, Gliders and Paper Rockets - Simple Flying Things Anyone Can Make--Kites and Copters, Too! (2015).pdf 237.05Мб
Make - Props and Costume Armor - Create Realistic Science Fiction and Fantasy Weapons, Armor, and Accessories(2016).pdf 42.51Мб
Make - Remaking History Vol. 1 Early Makers (2016).pdf 41.19Мб
Make - ReMaking History Vol. 2 Industrial Revolutionaries (2016).pdf 58.89Мб
Make - ReMaking History Vol. 3 Makers of the Modern World (2017).pdf 27.14Мб
Make - Rockets - Down-to-Earth Rocket Science (2014).epub 109.52Мб
Make - Sensors - Projects and Experiments to Measure the World with Arduino and Raspberry Pi (2014).pdf 392.21Мб
Make - Start Making! - A Guide to Engaging Young People in Maker Activities (2016).epub 35.68Мб
Make - Surviving Orbit the DIY Way (2012).pdf 41.12Мб
Make - Tech DIY - Easy Electronics Projects for Parents and Kids (2016).pdf 28.51Мб
Make - The Annotated Build-It-Yourself Science Laboratory - Raymond Barrett, Windell Oskay (2015).pdf 10.15Мб
Make - The Maker's Manual A Practical Guide to the New Industrial Revolution (2015).pdf 83.27Мб
Make - The Maker's Manual - A Practical Guide to the New Industrial Revolution - 1st Edition (2015).pdf 11.78Мб
Make - The Makerspace Workbench (2013).epub 37.96Мб
Make - The Makerspace Workbench (2013).pdf 20.16Мб
Make Tips and Tales from the Workshop A Handy Reference for Makers.epub 31.87Мб
Make Tips and Tales from the Workshop A Handy Reference for Makers.pdf 9.62Мб
Make - Tools - How They Work and How To Use Them(2016).pdf 18.48Мб
Make - Wearable Electronics Design - Design, prototype, and wear your own interactive garments (2014).pdf 65.03Мб
Make - Woodworking For Young Makers - Fun And Easy Do It Yourself Projects (2017).pdf 41.19Мб
Make - Workshop Mastery with Jimmy DiResta (2016).epub 69.89Мб
Make - Zero to Maker - Learn (Just Enough) to Make (Just About) Anything (2013).pdf 23.47Мб
Read Me.txt 642б
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