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Название Ethical Hacking Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots
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[TGx]Downloaded from torrentgalaxy.to .txt 585б
0 46б
01 Finding weaknesses in the perimeter.en.srt 1.92Кб
01 Finding weaknesses in the perimeter.mp4 19.06Мб
02 What you should know.en.srt 1.33Кб
02 What you should know.mp4 1.25Мб
03 Course disclaimer.en.srt 2.30Кб
03 Course disclaimer.mp4 2.15Мб
04 Understanding Firewalls.en.srt 2.05Кб
04 Understanding Firewalls.mp4 1.83Мб
05 Apply the basics of the Windows firewall.en.srt 7.09Кб
05 Apply the basics of the Windows firewall.mp4 13.02Мб
06 Use advanced features in the Windows Firewall.en.srt 11.11Кб
06 Use advanced features in the Windows Firewall.mp4 23.44Мб
07 Review firewall logs.en.srt 5.81Кб
07 Review firewall logs.mp4 10.01Мб
08 Understand Linux IPTables.en.srt 5.78Кб
08 Understand Linux IPTables.mp4 11.32Мб
09 Set up an IPTables firewall.en.srt 3.39Кб
09 Set up an IPTables firewall.mp4 7.43Мб
1 40б
10 185.71Кб
10 Manage rules with Firewall Builder.en.srt 11.95Кб
10 Manage rules with Firewall Builder.mp4 19.82Мб
11 235.83Кб
11 Port testing.en.srt 1.68Кб
11 Port testing.mp4 2.00Мб
12 225.63Кб
12 Set up a Cisco PIX firewall.mp4 8.44Мб
13 184.68Кб
13 Create a secure enclave.mp4 8.60Мб
14 244.95Кб
14 Set up a Cisco PIX firewall.en.srt 5.14Кб
14 Set up a Cisco PIX firewall.mp4 8.44Мб
15 187.83Кб
15 Create a secure enclave.en.srt 5.29Кб
15 Create a secure enclave.mp4 8.60Мб
16 249.16Кб
16 Install GNS3.en.srt 9.63Кб
16 Install GNS3.mp4 13.68Мб
17 41.04Кб
17 Obtain network device images.en.srt 3.88Кб
17 Obtain network device images.mp4 5.89Мб
18 93.65Кб
18 Set up a network.en.srt 5.65Кб
18 Set up a network.mp4 13.07Мб
19 185.67Кб
19 Simulate the ASA firewall.en.srt 8.50Кб
19 Simulate the ASA firewall.mp4 18.41Мб
2 156.53Кб
20 152.14Кб
20 Integrate Kali into GNS3.en.srt 6.10Кб
20 Integrate Kali into GNS3.mp4 13.54Мб
21 152.14Кб
21 Understand Web Application Firewalls.en.srt 6.48Кб
21 Understand Web Application Firewalls.mp4 10.76Мб
22 59.92Кб
22 Protect API services with the WSO2 gateway.en.srt 13.08Кб
22 Protect API services with the WSO2 gateway.mp4 29.16Мб
23 59.92Кб
23 Understand honeypots.en.srt 7.57Кб
23 Understand honeypots.mp4 11.53Мб
24 75.88Кб
24 Run the Cowrie honeypot.en.srt 2.62Кб
24 Run the Cowrie honeypot.mp4 8.91Мб
25 100.50Кб
25 Intrusion response techniques.en.srt 8.18Кб
25 Intrusion response techniques.mp4 8.82Мб
26 16.27Кб
26 xListing sites.en.srt 1.78Кб
26 xListing sites.mp4 1.84Мб
27 111.68Кб
27 Snort rules.en.srt 7.87Кб
27 Snort rules.mp4 14.18Мб
28 51.21Кб
28 Detect intrusions with Security Onion.en.srt 7.01Кб
28 Detect intrusions with Security Onion.mp4 16.88Мб
29 71.00Кб
29 Extend IDS with reputation.en.srt 4.36Кб
29 Extend IDS with reputation.mp4 5.98Мб
3 190.67Кб
30 181.49Кб
30 EINSTEIN.en.srt 4.11Кб
30 EINSTEIN.mp4 4.95Мб
31 95.16Кб
31 Evading antivirus detection.en.srt 2.30Кб
31 Evading antivirus detection.mp4 2.41Мб
32 175.33Кб
32 Obfuscating payloads with msfvenom.en.srt 2.35Кб
32 Obfuscating payloads with msfvenom.mp4 6.40Мб
33 52.67Кб
33 Hiding payloads in benign files.en.srt 5.56Кб
33 Hiding payloads in benign files.mp4 17.21Мб
34 104.28Кб
34 Custom packaging of software.en.srt 1.70Кб
34 Custom packaging of software.mp4 3.07Мб
35 251.96Кб
35 Fileless attacks with PowerShell.en.srt 4.19Кб
35 Fileless attacks with PowerShell.mp4 10.57Мб
36 163.92Кб
36 Hiding with the cloak of invisibility.en.srt 2.53Кб
36 Hiding with the cloak of invisibility.mp4 4.93Мб
37 177.94Кб
37 Embedding malware in an alternate data stream.en.srt 4.07Кб
37 Embedding malware in an alternate data stream.mp4 8.96Мб
38 515б
38 Checking for oversight.en.srt 2.19Кб
38 Checking for oversight.mp4 2.33Мб
39 Next steps.en.srt 1.51Кб
39 Next steps.mp4 2.20Мб
4 87.04Кб
5 39.66Кб
6 124.50Кб
7 75.75Кб
8 75.49Кб
9 215.42Кб
Ex_Files_Ethical_Firewalls_Honeypots_Upd.zip 333.94Кб
TutsNode.com.txt 63б
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