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Название Evidence and Proofs to God Existence - Collection 2
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Ashton (Ed.) - On the Seventh Day. 40 Scientists and Academics Explain Why They Believe In God (2002).pdf 1.00Мб
Attard - Is God a Reality. A Scientific Investigation (2017).pdf 2.27Мб
Baggett & Walls - The Moral Argument. A History (2019).pdf 10.50Мб
Brown - The God Conclusion. Why Smart People Still Believe (2015).epub 284.33Кб
Campbell - A Cosmological Reformulation of Anselm’s Proof That God Exists (2022).pdf 3.48Мб
Christianto & Boyd - “An Outline of New Proof of the Existence of God”, Sci God J, 10(5), 2019..pdf 514.79Кб
Corner - Signs of God. Miracles and their Interpretation (2005).pdf 1.03Мб
Dzugan - How to Prove There Is God. Mortimer J. Adler’s Writings and Thoughts About God (2012).epub 689.49Кб
Ganssle - A Reasonable God. Engaging the New Face of Atheism (2009).epub 279.89Кб
Gensler - Reasoning about God. An Introduction to Thinking Logically about Religion (2023).pdf 2.44Мб
Givens - The Fingerprint of God. Physics in the 21st Century (2020).pdf 8.50Мб
Guillen - Believing Is Seeing. A Physicist Explains How Science Shattered His Atheism and Revealed the Necessity of Faith (2021).epub 2.69Мб
Haque & Muslim - “New Proofs for the Existence of God; Part II, The Cosmological Applications of the Sesamatic Proof”, Sci God J, 2(2), 2011..pdf 413.24Кб
Haque & Muslim - “New Proofs for the Existence of God (Part III). The Teleogenical Proof”, Sci God J, 2(2), 2011..pdf 509.52Кб
Harrison - 50 Reasons People Give for Believing in a God (2008).epub 781.27Кб
Holder - Big Bang, Big God. A Universe Designed for Life (2013).epub 587.91Кб
Jaza - Scientific Evidence. GOD EXISTS (2007).pdf 557.17Кб
Johnston - Did God Make Us. An investigation into the evidence for design in the human body and nature (2015).epub 35.99Мб
Joyce (Ed.) - The Conception of God (2020).epub 817.91Кб
Levering - Proofs of God. Classical Arguments from Tertullian to Barth (2016).pdf 4.65Мб
Loke - The Teleological and Kalam Cosmological Arguments Revisited (2022).pdf 3.50Мб
McDowell & Williams - How to Know God Exists. Solid Reasons to Believe in God, Discover Truth, and Find Meaning in Your Life (2022).epub 7.45Мб
Muslim - “New Proofs for the Existence of God; Part I, The Sesamatic Proof”, Sci God J, 2(1), 2011..pdf 492.75Кб
Paley - Natural Theology. Or, Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity, Collected from the Appearances of Nature, 6e (1803).pdf 15.75Мб
Pal - “On Atheists’ Complaint of No Evidence for God”, Sci God J, 3(8), 2012..pdf 71.88Кб
Polkinghorne - Belief in God in an Age of Science (1998).epub 261.35Кб
Puckett - The Apologetics of Joy. A Case for the Existence of God from C.S. Lewis’s Argument from Desire (2013).pdf 1.25Мб
Schwartz - The G.O.D. Experiments. How Science Is Discovering God in Everything, Including Us (2006).epub 3.50Мб
Stannard (Ed.) - God for the 21st Century (2000).pdf 5.01Мб
Stannard - The God Experiment. Can Science Prove the Existence of God (2000).epub 382.58Кб
Stark - Discovering God. The Origins of the Great Religions and the Evolution of Belief (2007).epub 4.79Мб
Swinburne - The Existence of God, 2nd ed. (2004).pdf 2.95Мб
Tompkins & Haisch - Proof of God. The Shocking True Answer to the World’s Most Important Question (2017).epub 2.57Мб
Turner - Faith, Reason and the Existence of God (2004).pdf 1.61Мб
Wallace - God’s Crime Scene. A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe (2015).epub 5.89Мб
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