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Название Python GUI Development with PyQt6 & Qt Designer
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[TGx]Downloaded from torrentgalaxy.to .txt 585б
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001 1.window.zip 691б
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001 Color SequentialAnimation in QtQuick.mp4 20.78Мб
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001 Course Introduction.mp4 6.59Мб
001 Creating 3D Scene_en.srt 6.34Кб
001 Creating 3D Scene.mp4 27.85Мб
001 Creating Simple Media Player in PyQt6_en.srt 13.40Кб
001 Creating Simple Media Player in PyQt6.mp4 83.67Мб
001 Introduction and Installation_en.srt 3.44Кб
001 Introduction and Installation.mp4 30.28Мб
001 mediaplay.py 3.01Кб
001 PartFive.rar 16.57Кб
001 PartFour.rar 9.55Кб
001 PartNine.rar 154.87Кб
001 PartSeven.rar 13.61Кб
001 PartTwo.rar 580.71Кб
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001 QtQuick Introduction_en.srt 17.52Кб
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001 Section Introduction_en.srt 1.01Кб
001 Section Introduction_en.srt 452б
001 Section Introduction_en.srt 1.25Кб
001 Section Introduction_en.srt 396б
001 Section Introduction_en.srt 1.02Кб
001 Section Introduction_en.srt 1000б
001 Section Introduction_en.srt 598б
001 Section Introduction_en.srt 479б
001 Section Introduction.mp4 1010.62Кб
001 Section Introduction.mp4 815.42Кб
001 Section Introduction.mp4 1004.92Кб
001 Section Introduction.mp4 7.09Мб
001 Section Introduction.mp4 4.90Мб
001 Section Introduction.mp4 4.77Мб
001 Section Introduction.mp4 1.71Мб
001 Section Introduction.mp4 1.44Мб
001 Section Introduction.mp4 1.21Мб
001 Text-Version-QPainter-Class.pdf 537.32Кб
001 Text-Version-What-is-QtQuick-QML.pdf 298.23Кб
001 Update to PyQt6.4_en.srt 3.54Кб
001 Update to PyQt6.4.mp4 7.66Мб
002 1.Text-Version-Creating-QLabel-in-PyQt6.pdf 1.88Мб
002 2.addmodel.zip 720б
002 2.button.zip 620б
002 2.opacitysequential.zip 607б
002 2.PlayVideo.zip 4.30Мб
002 2.rect.zip 573б
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002 Add Model to Scene.mp4 47.07Мб
002 AWS Introduction & Creating Account_en.srt 7.63Кб
002 AWS Introduction & Creating Account.mp4 31.24Мб
002 Complete-Text-Version-of-First-Part.pdf 7.10Мб
002 Creating GUI Window in QtQuick_en.srt 6.10Кб
002 Creating GUI Window in QtQuick.mp4 11.82Мб
002 Creating LineChart or QLineSeries_en.srt 10.89Кб
002 Creating LineChart or QLineSeries.mp4 47.32Мб
002 Creating Line Graph_en.srt 7.71Кб
002 Creating Line Graph.mp4 19.52Мб
002 Creating MediaPlayer with QtMultiMedia_en.srt 22.76Кб
002 Creating MediaPlayer with QtMultiMedia.mp4 149.52Мб
002 Creating QLabel in PyQt6_en.srt 11.53Кб
002 Creating QLabel in PyQt6.mp4 25.25Мб
002 Creating Simple Web Browser in PyQt6_en.srt 2.86Кб
002 Creating Simple Web Browser in PyQt6.mp4 10.31Мб
002 DbConDemo.ui 2.34Кб
002 Design for Text to Speech_en.srt 11.03Кб
002 Design for Text to Speech.mp4 46.01Мб
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002 Drawing Rectangle with QPainter_en.srt 9.13Кб
002 Drawing Rectangle with QPainter.mp4 24.84Мб
002 linegraph.py 835б
002 load.py 437б
002 Main Design with Qt Designer_en.srt 6.41Кб
002 Main Design with Qt Designer.mp4 18.59Мб
002 Menubar and Menu Items for Notepad Application_en.srt 10.01Кб
002 Menubar and Menu Items for Notepad Application.mp4 27.42Мб
002 MySQL Database Connection in PyQt6_en.srt 12.86Кб
002 MySQL Database Connection in PyQt6.mp4 98.07Мб
002 Opacity SequentialAnimation in QtQuick_en.srt 2.73Кб
002 Opacity SequentialAnimation in QtQuick.mp4 18.22Мб
002 PartTen.rar 24.84Кб
002 player.ico 220.29Кб
002 Play Video in QtQuick MultiMedia_en.srt 3.87Кб
002 Play Video in QtQuick MultiMedia.mp4 24.26Мб
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002 QtQuick Controls Button.mp4 32.52Мб
002 Rectangle Element_en.srt 7.50Кб
002 Rectangle Element.mp4 31.85Мб
002 Section Introduction_en.srt 904б
002 Section Introduction.mp4 8.07Мб
002 window.qml 170б
003 18.PyQt6.4-Release-with-QtTextToSpeech.zip 2.18Кб
003 2.Text-Version-Working-with-QPushButton-in-PyQt6.pdf 449.61Кб
003 3.MediaPlayer.zip 4.30Мб
003 3.signal.zip 733б
003 3.stateanimation.zip 682б
003 3.text.zip 470б
003 Adding Icons to Menu Items_en.srt 12.01Кб
003 Adding Icons to Menu Items.mp4 104.73Мб
003 button.qml 650б
003 Buttons Signals_en.srt 3.15Кб
003 Buttons Signals.mp4 20.91Мб
003 Creating Bar Graph_en.srt 5.52Кб
003 Creating Bar Graph.mp4 20.59Мб
003 Creating Button & Handling Event_en.srt 7.40Кб
003 Creating Button & Handling Event.mp4 14.42Мб
003 Creating PieChart or QPieSeries_en.srt 6.34Кб
003 Creating PieChart or QPieSeries.mp4 15.59Мб
003 Drawing Ellipse with QPainter Class_en.srt 3.27Кб
003 Drawing Ellipse with QPainter Class.mp4 10.84Мб
003 InsertDemo.ui 2.48Кб
003 Inserting Data to MySQL Database_en.srt 10.27Кб
003 Inserting Data to MySQL Database.mp4 63.01Мб
003 Introduction to Amazon RDS_en.srt 5.70Кб
003 Introduction to Amazon RDS.mp4 10.90Мб
003 Issue Book Design_en.srt 6.16Кб
003 Issue Book Design.mp4 29.79Мб
003 PyQt Introduction_en.srt 7.27Кб
003 PyQt Introduction.mp4 25.40Мб
003 python.png 7.84Кб
003 QTextToSpeech in PyQt6_en.srt 10.67Кб
003 QTextToSpeech in PyQt6.mp4 27.91Мб
003 QtQuick MediaPlayer - Adding Volume Slider_en.srt 5.71Кб
003 QtQuick MediaPlayer - Adding Volume Slider.mp4 41.37Мб
003 QtQuick State Animation_en.srt 8.74Кб
003 QtQuick State Animation.mp4 44.17Мб
003 Required Codec for QtMultiMedia_en.srt 1.08Кб
003 Required Codec for QtMultiMedia.mp4 1.93Мб
003 Text Element_en.srt 3.22Кб
003 Text Element.mp4 13.62Мб
003 Working with QPushButton_en.srt 8.64Кб
003 Working with QPushButton.mp4 25.52Мб
004 3.Text-Version-Creating-QLineEdit-in-PyQt6.pdf 533.60Кб
004 4.checkbox.zip 610б
004 4.guianimation.zip 620б
004 4.image.zip 67.56Кб
004 Convert PY File to EXE File_en.srt 3.77Кб
004 Convert PY File to EXE File.mp4 13.01Мб
004 Creating BarChart or QBarSeries_en.srt 4.10Кб
004 Creating BarChart or QBarSeries.mp4 11.53Мб
004 Creating Dynamic Line Graph_en.srt 10.04Кб
004 Creating Dynamic Line Graph.mp4 37.56Мб
004 Creating MySQL Database Instance in Amazon RDS_en.srt 8.11Кб
004 Creating MySQL Database Instance in Amazon RDS.mp4 26.13Мб
004 Creating QLineEdit in PyQt6_en.srt 4.51Кб
004 Creating QLineEdit in PyQt6.mp4 10.15Мб
004 Drawing Text with QPainter_en.srt 6.12Кб
004 Drawing Text with QPainter.mp4 15.34Мб
004 GUI Animation with QtQuick_en.srt 4.68Кб
004 GUI Animation with QtQuick.mp4 23.43Мб
004 Image Element_en.srt 2.26Кб
004 Image Element.mp4 9.69Мб
004 lined.py 1.83Кб
004 PyQt6 Installation & First GUI Window_en.srt 9.79Кб
004 PyQt6 Installation & First GUI Window.mp4 38.03Мб
004 python.png 7.84Кб
004 QtQuick Controls CheckBox_en.srt 5.06Кб
004 QtQuick Controls CheckBox.mp4 28.77Мб
004 QtQuick MediaPlayer - Adding Seekable Slider_en.srt 6.38Кб
004 QtQuick MediaPlayer - Adding Seekable Slider.mp4 42.40Мб
004 Renew or Submission Book Design_en.srt 5.19Кб
004 Renew or Submission Book Design.mp4 20.10Мб
004 row.qml 374б
004 Row and Column in QtQuick_en.srt 3.81Кб
004 Row and Column in QtQuick.mp4 7.51Мб
004 SelectDemo.ui 2.64Кб
004 Selecting Data in QTableWidget_en.srt 10.87Кб
004 Selecting Data in QTableWidget.mp4 82.17Мб
004 Separating GUI File_en.srt 3.98Кб
004 Separating GUI File.mp4 25.00Мб
005 4.Text-Version-Layout-Management-QHBoxLayout.pdf 353.92Кб
005 5.mousearea.zip 576б
005 5.slider.zip 759б
005 Amazon RDS Charges_en.srt 3.95Кб
005 Amazon RDS Charges.mp4 31.45Мб
005 Convert UI Design to PY File_en.srt 4.78Кб
005 Convert UI Design to PY File.mp4 40.84Мб
005 Creating Label & Handling Events_en.srt 3.92Кб
005 Creating Label & Handling Events.mp4 8.58Мб
005 Creating QStackedBarSeries_en.srt 5.60Кб
005 Creating QStackedBarSeries.mp4 24.79Мб
005 Creating Scatter Plot_en.srt 4.09Кб
005 Creating Scatter Plot.mp4 16.38Мб
005 label.qml 652б
005 Layout Management QHBoxLayout_en.srt 5.91Кб
005 Layout Management QHBoxLayout.mp4 12.37Мб
005 MouseArea Example_en.srt 4.27Кб
005 MouseArea Example.mp4 16.82Мб
005 Packaging & Creating Installer for Media Player_en.srt 5.68Кб
005 Packaging & Creating Installer for Media Player.mp4 11.82Мб
005 PyQt6 Window Type Classes_en.srt 6.43Кб
005 PyQt6 Window Type Classes.mp4 13.58Мб
005 python.png 7.84Кб
005 python.png 7.84Кб
005 QLinearGradient in PyQt6_en.srt 5.10Кб
005 QLinearGradient in PyQt6.mp4 12.51Мб
005 QtQuick Control Slider_en.srt 8.39Кб
005 QtQuick Control Slider.mp4 42.23Мб
005 QtQuick MediaPlayer - Play & Pause Buttons_en.srt 6.30Кб
005 QtQuick MediaPlayer - Play & Pause Buttons.mp4 44.38Мб
005 Saving the File_en.srt 3.91Кб
005 Saving the File.mp4 8.16Мб
005 scatterp.py 946б
005 SearchDemo.ui 3.88Кб
005 Searching Data From MySQL Database_en.srt 10.23Кб
005 Searching Data From MySQL Database.mp4 86.81Мб
005 windowtwo.py 261б
006 5.Text-Version-Layout-Management-QVBoxLayout.pdf 353.04Кб
006 6.mouseareasecond.zip 699б
006 6.popup.zip 67.72Кб
006 Add Book Design with Qt Designer_en.srt 7.54Кб
006 Add Book Design with Qt Designer.mp4 52.96Мб
006 Adding Icon & Title to PyQt6 GUI Window_en.srt 8.48Кб
006 Adding Icon & Title to PyQt6 GUI Window.mp4 16.37Мб
006 addlegendexa.py 689б
006 Add Legend to Graph_en.srt 3.29Кб
006 Add Legend to Graph.mp4 14.39Мб
006 checkbox.qml 459б
006 Creating CheckBox_en.srt 2.50Кб
006 Creating CheckBox.mp4 4.90Мб
006 Creating Web Browser with PyQtWebEngine_en.srt 15.73Кб
006 Creating Web Browser with PyQtWebEngine.mp4 123.12Мб
006 CRUD Operation with MySQL DB Instance_en.srt 11.78Кб
006 CRUD Operation with MySQL DB Instance.mp4 40.69Мб
006 Layout Management QVBoxLayout_en.srt 3.99Кб
006 Layout Management QVBoxLayout.mp4 11.97Мб
006 LineChart and BarChart_en.srt 3.67Кб
006 LineChart and BarChart.mp4 14.46Мб
006 LoginDemo.ui 2.60Кб
006 MouseArea Second Example_en.srt 5.33Кб
006 MouseArea Second Example.mp4 21.26Мб
006 Popup In QtQuick Controls_en.srt 6.12Кб
006 Popup In QtQuick Controls.mp4 28.44Мб
006 python.png 7.84Кб
006 python.png 7.84Кб
006 QRadialGradient in PyQt6_en.srt 3.24Кб
006 QRadialGradient in PyQt6.mp4 14.77Мб
006 Simple Login with MySQL & PyQt6_en.srt 7.68Кб
006 Simple Login with MySQL & PyQt6.mp4 36.95Мб
006 WebBrowser.rar 23.94Кб
006 Working on New Functionality_en.srt 5.54Кб
006 Working on New Functionality.mp4 16.60Мб
007 6.Text-Version-Layout-Management-QGridLayout.pdf 351.59Кб
007 7.progressbar.zip 670б
007 7.textinput.zip 552б
007 combo.qml 637б
007 conicalgradient.py 986б
007 Create AWS RDS MySQL_en.srt 27.71Кб
007 Create AWS RDS MySQL.mp4 139.75Мб
007 Creating ComboBox in QtQuick_en.srt 3.58Кб
007 Creating ComboBox in QtQuick.mp4 8.11Мб
007 Creating DonutChart_en.srt 3.02Кб
007 Creating DonutChart.mp4 12.15Мб
007 Inserting Books to MySQL Database_en.srt 12.13Кб
007 Inserting Books to MySQL Database.mp4 93.02Мб
007 Introduction to Qt Designer_en.srt 5.69Кб
007 Introduction to Qt Designer.mp4 16.45Мб
007 Layout Management QGridLayout_en.srt 4.59Кб
007 Layout Management QGridLayout.mp4 11.25Мб
007 ProgressBar in QtQuick Controls_en.srt 3.95Кб
007 ProgressBar in QtQuick Controls.mp4 15.28Мб
007 python.png 7.84Кб
007 QConicalGRadient in PyQt6_en.srt 2.94Кб
007 QConicalGRadient in PyQt6.mp4 8.44Мб
007 TextInput Element_en.srt 4.61Кб
007 TextInput Element.mp4 21.71Мб
007 updategraph.py 1.09Кб
007 Updating Graph_en.srt 5.48Кб
007 Updating Graph.mp4 24.66Мб
007 WindowUI.ui 407б
007 Working on Open Menu Item_en.srt 1.84Кб
007 Working on Open Menu Item.mp4 5.56Мб
008 7.Text-Version-Event-Handling-in-PyQt6.pdf 430.73Кб
008 8.overlay.zip 657б
008 8.positioning.zip 546б
008 Add Member Design with Qt Designer_en.srt 6.32Кб
008 Add Member Design with Qt Designer.mp4 44.12Мб
008 Convert Qt Designer UI File to PY File_en.srt 4.11Кб
008 Convert Qt Designer UI File to PY File.mp4 11.85Мб
008 Creating MenuBar_en.srt 2.49Кб
008 Creating MenuBar.mp4 5.97Мб
008 Creating Print Functionality_en.srt 2.26Кб
008 Creating Print Functionality.mp4 8.16Мб
008 Element Positioning_en.srt 7.71Кб
008 Element Positioning.mp4 37.92Мб
008 Insert Data_en.srt 12.21Кб
008 Insert Data.mp4 70.54Мб
008 InsertData.py 4.29Кб
008 linechart.qml 593б
008 LineChart with QtQuick_en.srt 9.10Кб
008 LineChart with QtQuick.mp4 38.91Мб
008 menubar.qml 640б
008 Mouse Events in QPainter Class_en.srt 3.52Кб
008 Mouse Events in QPainter Class.mp4 9.48Мб
008 Overlay in QtQuick Controls_en.srt 4.73Кб
008 Overlay in QtQuick Controls.mp4 24.62Мб
008 PartTwelve.rar 3.83Кб
008 PyQt6 Event Handling (Signal and Slots)_en.srt 7.33Кб
008 PyQt6 Event Handling (Signal and Slots).mp4 15.98Мб
008 python.png 7.84Кб
008 WindowUI.ui 407б
009 9.anchors.zip 568б
009 9.busyindicator.zip 487б
009 Anchors_en.srt 5.47Кб
009 Anchors.mp4 24.32Мб
009 barchart.qml 611б
009 BarChart with QtQuick_en.srt 2.49Кб
009 BarChart with QtQuick.mp4 8.83Мб
009 BusyIndicator in QtQuick Controls_en.srt 1.03Кб
009 BusyIndicator in QtQuick Controls.mp4 4.65Мб
009 Creating Print Preview Functionality_en.srt 2.30Кб
009 Creating Print Preview Functionality.mp4 9.85Мб
009 Creating SpinBox_en.srt 3.80Кб
009 Creating SpinBox.mp4 7.64Мб
009 Event.ui 1.62Кб
009 Event Handling with Qt Designer_en.srt 11.87Кб
009 Event Handling with Qt Designer.mp4 45.02Мб
009 Inserting Members in MySQL Database_en.srt 7.36Кб
009 Inserting Members in MySQL Database.mp4 62.23Мб
009 Loading Qt Designer UI File_en.srt 2.56Кб
009 Loading Qt Designer UI File.mp4 5.18Мб
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009 mousePress and mouseRelease Events.mp4 32.64Мб
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009 WindowUI.ui 407б
010 10.dialogbutton.zip 535б
010 10.textfield.zip 634б
010 Calc.ui 4.72Кб
010 Creating Slider_en.srt 2.59Кб
010 Creating Slider.mp4 5.56Мб
010 DialogButton in QtQuick Controls_en.srt 3.84Кб
010 DialogButton in QtQuick Controls.mp4 16.69Мб
010 Drawing Point with Click_en.srt 3.85Кб
010 Drawing Point with Click.mp4 13.05Мб
010 Exporting File as PDF_en.srt 4.52Кб
010 Exporting File as PDF.mp4 30.06Мб
010 Input Elements_en.srt 8.54Кб
010 Input Elements.mp4 45.51Мб
010 Simple Calculator with Qt Designer_en.srt 13.52Кб
010 Simple Calculator with Qt Designer.mp4 120.94Мб
010 slider.qml 593б
010 stackedbar.qml 629б
010 StackedBarChart in QtQuick_en.srt 1.43Кб
010 StackedBarChart in QtQuick.mp4 3.75Мб
010 View Books Design with Qt Designer_en.srt 6.21Кб
010 View Books Design with Qt Designer.mp4 42.09Мб
011 10.Text-Version-QRadioButton-in-PyQt6.pdf 469.56Кб
011 11.KeyElement.zip 544б
011 11.textfield.zip 603б
011 Creating ScrollView_en.srt 1.66Кб
011 Creating ScrollView.mp4 4.01Мб
011 Drawing Line By Click_en.srt 3.46Кб
011 Drawing Line By Click.mp4 12.06Мб
011 Getting Books from MySQL Database_en.srt 4.43Кб
011 Getting Books from MySQL Database.mp4 28.68Мб
011 images.rar 543.71Кб
011 Key Elements_en.srt 2.96Кб
011 Key Elements.mp4 15.88Мб
011 piechart.qml 517б
011 PieSeries with QtQuick_en.srt 1.88Кб
011 PieSeries with QtQuick.mp4 6.32Мб
011 QRadioButton in PyQt6_en.srt 12.31Кб
011 QRadioButton in PyQt6.mp4 38.30Мб
011 scroll.qml 315б
011 TextField in QtQuick Controls_en.srt 2.79Кб
011 TextField in QtQuick Controls.mp4 13.73Мб
011 Working on Quite_en.srt 1.04Кб
011 Working on Quite.mp4 4.89Мб
012 12.components.zip 1.40Кб
012 12.tabbutton.zip 552б
012 Drawing Circle By Click_en.srt 6.19Кб
012 Drawing Circle By Click.mp4 15.94Мб
012 FlightDemo.ui 2.57Кб
012 PartSix.rar 3.63Кб
012 QRadioButton with Qt Designer in PyQt6_en.srt 9.64Кб
012 QRadioButton with Qt Designer in PyQt6.mp4 45.62Мб
012 QtQuick Components_en.srt 11.15Кб
012 QtQuick Components.mp4 53.27Мб
012 scatter.qml 774б
012 ScatterChart with QtQuick_en.srt 2.25Кб
012 ScatterChart with QtQuick.mp4 6.43Мб
012 switch.qml 359б
012 Switch Button in QtQuick_en.srt 1.50Кб
012 Switch Button in QtQuick.mp4 3.84Мб
012 TabButton in QtQuick Controls_en.srt 2.38Кб
012 TabButton in QtQuick Controls.mp4 11.17Мб
012 View Members Design with Qt Designer_en.srt 5.29Кб
012 View Members Design with Qt Designer.mp4 25.90Мб
012 Working on Edit Menu_en.srt 2.70Кб
012 Working on Edit Menu.mp4 21.34Мб
013 13.shape.zip 182.30Кб
013 13.tabbar.zip 564б
013 Drawing Rectangle with Click_en.srt 3.74Кб
013 Drawing Rectangle with Click.mp4 15.12Мб
013 Getting Members from MySQL Database_en.srt 3.60Кб
013 Getting Members from MySQL Database.mp4 28.88Мб
013 Grouping QRadioButton with Qt Designer_en.srt 10.05Кб
013 Grouping QRadioButton with Qt Designer.mp4 82.28Мб
013 Italic, Bold and Underline Functionality_en.srt 2.95Кб
013 Italic, Bold and Underline Functionality.mp4 13.58Мб
013 QtQuick Transformation_en.srt 3.96Кб
013 QtQuick Transformation.mp4 17.87Мб
013 RadioDemo.ui 3.99Кб
013 TabBar in QtQuick Controls_en.srt 2.48Кб
013 TabBar in QtQuick Controls.mp4 13.00Мб
014 13.Text-Version-Working-with-QCheckBox.pdf 360.96Кб
014 14.drawer.zip 642б
014 checkboxex.py 1.96Кб
014 Drawer Example in QtQuick Controls_en.srt 4.58Кб
014 Drawer Example in QtQuick Controls.mp4 24.37Мб
014 Drawing Text By Clicking_en.srt 8.66Кб
014 Drawing Text By Clicking.mp4 22.96Мб
014 images.rar 543.71Кб
014 Issue Book Part One_en.srt 5.71Кб
014 Issue Book Part One.mp4 17.93Мб
014 Left, Right and Center Functionality_en.srt 3.22Кб
014 Left, Right and Center Functionality.mp4 23.23Мб
014 Working with QCheckBox in PyQt6_en.srt 10.23Кб
014 Working with QCheckBox in PyQt6.mp4 35.30Мб
015 15.swipeview.zip 647б
015 CheckDemo.ui 2.52Кб
015 Font and Color Dialog_en.srt 3.61Кб
015 Font and Color Dialog.mp4 22.87Мб
015 Issue Book Part Two_en.srt 5.08Кб
015 Issue Book Part Two.mp4 19.06Мб
015 PartThree.rar 26.86Кб
015 QCheckBox with Qt Designer in PyQt6_en.srt 7.54Кб
015 QCheckBox with Qt Designer in PyQt6.mp4 54.28Мб
015 QGraphicsView & QGraphicsScene_en.srt 6.57Кб
015 QGraphicsView & QGraphicsScene.mp4 17.80Мб
015 SwipeView in QtQuick Controls_en.srt 4.68Кб
015 SwipeView in QtQuick Controls.mp4 23.94Мб
016 15.Text-Version-Creating-QSpinBox-in-PyQt6.pdf 459.71Кб
016 16.stackview.zip 616б
016 Creating QSpinBox in PyQt6_en.srt 7.93Кб
016 Creating QSpinBox in PyQt6.mp4 20.43Мб
016 Issue Book Part Three_en.srt 7.58Кб
016 Issue Book Part Three.mp4 29.70Мб
016 python.png 7.84Кб
016 QGraphicsRectItem in PyQt6_en.srt 3.98Кб
016 QGraphicsRectItem in PyQt6.mp4 8.28Мб
016 StackView in QtQuick Controls_en.srt 4.33Кб
016 StackView in QtQuick Controls.mp4 20.56Мб
017 17.frame.zip 504б
017 DoubleSpinDemo.ui 1.11Кб
017 Frame Example_en.srt 1.26Кб
017 Frame Example.mp4 6.53Мб
017 Handling Key Press Event_en.srt 5.80Кб
017 Handling Key Press Event.mp4 16.71Мб
017 Loading Issued Books from Database_en.srt 4.82Кб
017 Loading Issued Books from Database.mp4 27.39Мб
017 QDoubleSpinBox with Qt Designer_en.srt 10.51Кб
017 QDoubleSpinBox with Qt Designer.mp4 69.00Мб
018 18.contextmenu.zip 612б
018 ContextMenu in QtQuick Controls_en.srt 2.71Кб
018 ContextMenu in QtQuick Controls.mp4 14.05Мб
018 QSpinBox EditingFinished Signal_en.srt 10.62Кб
018 QSpinBox EditingFinished Signal.mp4 65.12Мб
018 SpinBoxDemo.ui 2.05Кб
018 Working on Submit Book_en.srt 8.75Кб
018 Working on Submit Book.mp4 45.32Мб
019 19.popmenu.zip 542б
019 PartEight.rar 50.09Кб
019 PopupMenu in QtQuick Controls_en.srt 1.93Кб
019 PopupMenu in QtQuick Controls.mp4 8.22Мб
019 Showing System Clock with QLCDNumber_en.srt 5.66Кб
019 Showing System Clock with QLCDNumber.mp4 16.67Мб
019 Working on Renew Book_en.srt 8.04Кб
019 Working on Renew Book.mp4 47.63Мб
020 20.tooltip.zip 559б
020 QLCDDemo.ui 1020б
020 Random Generator App with QLCDNumber_en.srt 4.28Кб
020 Random Generator App with QLCDNumber.mp4 33.35Мб
020 Tooltip in QtQuick Controls_en.srt 3.63Кб
020 Tooltip in QtQuick Controls.mp4 15.57Мб
021 20.Text-Version-Working-with-QComboBox.pdf 467.50Кб
021 comboexamole.py 1.32Кб
021 python.png 7.84Кб
021 Working with QComboBox Class_en.srt 7.62Кб
021 Working with QComboBox Class.mp4 51.33Мб
022 ComboDemo.ui 1.82Кб
022 LoadCombo.py 633б
022 QComboBox with Qt Designer_en.srt 6.15Кб
022 QComboBox with Qt Designer.mp4 37.03Мб
023 Signal and Slots with Qt Designer_en.srt 2.71Кб
023 Signal and Slots with Qt Designer.mp4 6.19Мб
024 23.Text-Version-Working-with-QSlider.pdf 458.13Кб
024 Creating QSlider in PyQt6_en.srt 7.69Кб
024 Creating QSlider in PyQt6.mp4 26.13Мб
024 python.png 7.84Кб
024 sliderexample.py 1.13Кб
025 QSlider with Qt Designer_en.srt 6.33Кб
025 QSlider with Qt Designer.mp4 30.05Мб
025 SliderDemo.ui 1.25Кб
026 25.Text-Version-Working-with-QListWidget.pdf 358.91Кб
026 Creating QListWidget in PyQt6_en.srt 6.12Кб
026 Creating QListWidget in PyQt6.mp4 22.84Мб
026 python.png 7.84Кб
027 ListDemo.ui 1.89Кб
027 QListWidget with Qt Designer_en.srt 4.36Кб
027 QListWidget with Qt Designer.mp4 35.43Мб
028 Adding Items to QListWidget in Qt Designer_en.srt 4.53Кб
028 Adding Items to QListWidget in Qt Designer.mp4 32.80Мб
028 ListAdd.ui 1.56Кб
029 ListWidgetApp.ui 2.14Кб
029 QListWidget CRUD with Qt Designer_en.srt 16.57Кб
029 QListWidget CRUD with Qt Designer.mp4 110.73Мб
030 29.Text-Version-Working-with-QFontComboBox.pdf 384.97Кб
030 FontCombo.ui 1.79Кб
030 QFontComboBox in PyQt6_en.srt 5.35Кб
030 QFontComboBox in PyQt6.mp4 39.81Мб
031 30.Text-Version-QTableWidget-in-PyQt6.pdf 338.48Кб
031 python.png 7.84Кб
031 QTableWidget in PyQt6_en.srt 6.00Кб
031 QTableWidget in PyQt6.mp4 12.97Мб
032 QTableWidget with Qt Designer_en.srt 3.82Кб
032 QTableWidget with Qt Designer.mp4 8.16Мб
033 32.Text-Version-QCalendarWidget-in-PyQt6.pdf 450.62Кб
033 python.png 7.84Кб
033 QCalendarWidget with PyQt6_en.srt 6.46Кб
033 QCalendarWidget with PyQt6.mp4 13.91Мб
034 CalendarDemo.ui 3.49Кб
034 QCalendarWidget with Qt Designer_en.srt 9.02Кб
034 QCalendarWidget with Qt Designer.mp4 60.00Мб
035 34.Text-Version-QInputDialog-in-PyQt6.pdf 345.83Кб
035 python.png 7.84Кб
035 QInputDialog in PyQt6_en.srt 11.45Кб
035 QInputDialog in PyQt6.mp4 41.51Мб
036 35.Text-Version-QColorDialog-in-PyQt6.pdf 325.46Кб
036 ColorDemo.ui 1.06Кб
036 QColorDialog in PyQt6_en.srt 5.51Кб
036 QColorDialog in PyQt6.mp4 21.99Мб
037 36.Text-Version-QFontDialog-in-PyQt6.pdf 313.17Кб
037 FontDemo.ui 820б
037 QFontDialog in PyQt6_en.srt 3.73Кб
037 QFontDialog in PyQt6.mp4 15.68Мб
038 37.Text-Version-QMessageBox-in-PyQt6.pdf 323.95Кб
038 MessageDemo.ui 992б
038 QMessageBox in PyQt6_en.srt 5.20Кб
038 QMessageBox in PyQt6.mp4 39.07Мб
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157 867.27Кб
158 148.80Кб
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16 24б
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164 742.39Кб
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166 857.84Кб
167 861.58Кб
168 863.35Кб
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174 917.25Кб
175 928.41Кб
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18 1021.77Кб
180 827.76Кб
181 28.45Кб
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184 844.73Кб
185 97.39Кб
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189 359.18Кб
19 740.21Кб
190 713.93Кб
191 714.37Кб
192 1013.41Кб
193 161.62Кб
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195 74.14Кб
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198 571.14Кб
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20 747.74Кб
21 38.58Кб
22 681.89Кб
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35 789.59Кб
36 933.76Кб
37 499.88Кб
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42 954.64Кб
43 87.86Кб
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72 620.80Кб
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74 886.18Кб
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98 760.57Кб
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