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[TGx]Downloaded from torrentgalaxy.to .txt 585б
001 asyncio Hello World_en.srt 10.28Кб
001 asyncio Hello World.mp4 34.26Мб
001 Callables_en.srt 14.47Кб
001 Callables.mp4 51.16Мб
001 Counter_en.srt 8.21Кб
001 Counter.mp4 25.94Мб
001 Introduction to Generators_en.srt 12.19Кб
001 Introduction to Generators.mp4 47.99Мб
001 Intro to Indexable Objects_en.srt 8.72Кб
001 Intro to Indexable Objects.mp4 33.08Мб
001 Pythonic Attribute Access_en.srt 5.01Кб
001 Pythonic Attribute Access.mp4 19.02Мб
001 Regex Character Classes and Quantifiers (regexpr.com)_en.srt 9.72Кб
001 Regex Character Classes and Quantifiers (regexpr.com).mp4 57.80Мб
002 __getitem__ Implementation_en.srt 10.70Кб
002 __getitem__ Implementation.mp4 61.47Мб
002 Character Classes, Quantifiers, and Groups Part I (Python)_en.srt 11.76Кб
002 Character Classes, Quantifiers, and Groups Part I (Python).mp4 36.92Мб
002 Extended Argument Syntax Positional Arguments_en.srt 11.19Кб
002 Extended Argument Syntax Positional Arguments.mp4 41.43Мб
002 Futures, Tasks, and Scheduling on the Event Loop_en.srt 19.13Кб
002 Futures, Tasks, and Scheduling on the Event Loop.mp4 86.10Мб
002 Generator Use Case I - Readability and Simplicity_en.srt 6.94Кб
002 Generator Use Case I - Readability and Simplicity.mp4 32.73Мб
002 Merging Dictionaries_en.srt 8.52Кб
002 Merging Dictionaries.mp4 23.82Мб
002 Uniform Access Principle via Properties_en.srt 9.51Кб
002 Uniform Access Principle via Properties.mp4 40.17Мб
003 __len__ and __bool___en.srt 10.70Кб
003 __len__ and __bool__.mp4 61.46Мб
003 ChainMap_en.srt 14.15Кб
003 ChainMap.mp4 59.09Мб
003 Descriptors_en.srt 9.00Кб
003 Descriptors.mp4 50.37Мб
003 Extended Argument Syntax Keyword Arguments_en.srt 13.52Кб
003 Extended Argument Syntax Keyword Arguments.mp4 54.28Мб
003 Generator Use Case II - BatchingChunking of Large Data Collections_en.srt 14.78Кб
003 Generator Use Case II - BatchingChunking of Large Data Collections.mp4 89.23Мб
003 IP Address Matching (regexpr)_en.srt 12.21Кб
003 IP Address Matching (regexpr).mp4 100.27Мб
004 collections.abc Sized and Sequence_en.srt 14.90Кб
004 collections.abc Sized and Sequence.mp4 90.27Мб
004 IP Address Matching & Word Boundaries (Python)_en.srt 7.85Кб
004 IP Address Matching & Word Boundaries (Python).mp4 30.62Мб
004 Unpacking Use Cases_en.srt 15.45Кб
004 Unpacking Use Cases.mp4 49.60Мб
004 Yield From and Send_en.srt 19.44Кб
004 Yield From and Send.mp4 79.69Мб
005 __contains__ and __eq___en.srt 15.09Кб
005 __contains__ and __eq__.mp4 74.50Мб
005 Capture and Non-Capture Groups_en.srt 11.39Кб
005 Capture and Non-Capture Groups.mp4 61.08Мб
005 Local Functions and Scopes_en.srt 13.79Кб
005 Local Functions and Scopes.mp4 48.67Мб
005 Multi-Level Send and Throw_en.srt 20.08Кб
005 Multi-Level Send and Throw.mp4 74.40Мб
006 Index Slicing_en.srt 11.58Кб
006 Index Slicing.mp4 18.26Мб
006 Lazy Quantifiers_en.srt 11.03Кб
006 Lazy Quantifiers.mp4 81.54Мб
006 Local Function Use Cases and Tradeoffs_en.srt 10.48Кб
006 Local Function Use Cases and Tradeoffs.mp4 49.36Мб
006 Yield From and Coroutines_en.srt 18.34Кб
006 Yield From and Coroutines.mp4 80.76Мб
007 Implementing Custom Slicing_en.srt 12.56Кб
007 Implementing Custom Slicing.mp4 82.55Мб
007 Named Capture Groups_en.srt 9.35Кб
007 Named Capture Groups.mp4 37.72Мб
007 The nonlocal Keyword_en.srt 14.37Кб
007 The nonlocal Keyword.mp4 52.01Мб
008 Backreferences_en.srt 10.83Кб
008 Backreferences.mp4 92.66Мб
008 Closures_en.srt 17.83Кб
008 Closures.mp4 83.38Мб
008 Introduction to Iteration - Creating Our Own For Loop_en.srt 14.12Кб
008 Introduction to Iteration - Creating Our Own For Loop.mp4 40.23Мб
009 Basic Decorators_en.srt 10.08Кб
009 Basic Decorators.mp4 38.46Мб
009 Iterators and Iterables_en.srt 17.36Кб
009 Iterators and Iterables.mp4 72.16Мб
009 String Substitution using re.sub()_en.srt 13.64Кб
009 String Substitution using re.sub().mp4 73.58Мб
010 functools.update_wrapper_en.srt 12.88Кб
010 functools.update_wrapper.mp4 71.14Мб
010 Iterators and Iterables in collections.abc_en.srt 10.01Кб
010 Iterators and Iterables in collections.abc.mp4 53.28Мб
011 functools.partial and functools.wraps_en.srt 15.96Кб
011 functools.partial and functools.wraps.mp4 87.57Мб
011 Iterable Example File Objects_en.srt 10.77Кб
011 Iterable Example File Objects.mp4 48.12Мб
012 Class-Based Decorators_en.srt 12.10Кб
012 Class-Based Decorators.mp4 50.33Мб
012 Itertools.Chain & Lazy Iteration_en.srt 14.19Кб
012 Itertools.Chain & Lazy Iteration.mp4 67.45Мб
013 Decorators with Parameters_en.srt 13.90Кб
013 Decorators with Parameters.mp4 70.95Мб
013 Iterating Over Nested Collections - Chain.From_Iterable and StarMap_en.srt 12.79Кб
013 Iterating Over Nested Collections - Chain.From_Iterable and StarMap.mp4 47.16Мб
014 Decorating Classes and Methods_en.srt 14.73Кб
014 Decorating Classes and Methods.mp4 78.69Мб
014 Intro to Sorting - Pairwise Comparators_en.srt 15.50Кб
014 Intro to Sorting - Pairwise Comparators.mp4 60.16Мб
015 Function Overloading and Dispatch Tables_en.srt 18.30Кб
015 Function Overloading and Dispatch Tables.mp4 98.23Мб
015 IntEnums and Tuple Comparison_en.srt 10.43Кб
015 IntEnums and Tuple Comparison.mp4 56.58Мб
016 functools.singledispatch and functools.singledispatchmethod_en.srt 16.98Кб
016 functools.singledispatch and functools.singledispatchmethod.mp4 88.62Мб
016 Total Ordering and Rich Comparison_en.srt 9.07Кб
016 Total Ordering and Rich Comparison.mp4 57.27Мб
017 Dataclasses_en.srt 13.38Кб
017 Dataclasses.mp4 60.30Мб
017 Multiple Dispatch (Part I - GVR's MultiMethod Class)_en.srt 16.28Кб
017 Multiple Dispatch (Part I - GVR's MultiMethod Class).mp4 78.50Мб
017 Multiple-dispatch-in-practice.pdf 683.63Кб
018 Customizing Dataclass Fields_en.srt 17.01Кб
018 Customizing Dataclass Fields.mp4 74.18Мб
018 Multiple Dispatch (Part II - Decorator and Argument Symmetry)_en.srt 16.35Кб
018 Multiple Dispatch (Part II - Decorator and Argument Symmetry).mp4 92.86Мб
019 Multiple Dispatch (Part III - Itertools.Product and Subclassing)_en.srt 11.60Кб
019 Multiple Dispatch (Part III - Itertools.Product and Subclassing).mp4 74.11Мб
020 Function Caching_en.srt 20.94Кб
020 Function Caching.mp4 90.63Мб
021 functools.cached_property_en.srt 18.89Кб
021 functools.cached_property.mp4 90.65Мб
1 31.32Кб
10 924.58Кб
11 637.47Кб
12 463.90Кб
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2 139.14Кб
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3 350.21Кб
30 717.48Кб
31 860.94Кб
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34 746.64Кб
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36 740.13Кб
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38 1016.64Кб
39 858.30Кб
4 362.55Кб
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49 785.52Кб
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50 854.57Кб
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53 86.03Кб
54 760.47Кб
55 946.98Кб
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58 62.55Кб
59 184.06Кб
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60 999.70Кб
7 791.11Кб
8 384.90Кб
9 435.62Кб
external-assets-links.txt 244б
external-assets-links.txt 121б
external-assets-links.txt 228б
external-assets-links.txt 217б
TutsNode.com.txt 63б
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