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Название Criticism of the Western Civilization - Collection 196 (Inequality, Poverty 6)
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Adamson et al - Sustainable Places. Addressing Social Inequality and Environmental Crisis (2023).pdf 5.56Мб
Adler & Bilbija – When We Walk By. Forgotten Humanity, Broken Systems, and the Role We Can Each Play in Ending Homelessness in America (2023).epub 2.07Мб
Andreski (Ed.) - Reflection on Inequality (1975).pdf 9.94Мб
Au - Unequal by Design. High-Stakes Testing and the Standardization of Inequality, 2e (2023).pdf 2.12Мб
Baumann & Bultmann (Eds.) - Social Ontology, Sociocultures, and Inequality in the Global South (2020).pdf 2.17Мб
Berry - Orphans of Empire; The Fate of London’s Foundlings (2019).pdf 61.91Мб
Bezruchka - Inequality Kills Us All. COVID-19’s Health Lessons for the World (2023).pdf 9.64Мб
Bhandari & Hanna (Eds.) - Social Inequality as a Global Challenge (2021).pdf 71.49Мб
Bight & Kwak - The Fear of Too Much Justice. Race, Poverty, and the Persistence of Inequality in the Criminal Courts (.pdf 4.49Мб
Chancel et al (Eds.) - World Inequality Report 2022 (2022).epub 21.33Мб
Christiansen et al (Eds.) - Talking About Global Inequality. Personal Experiences and Historical Perspectives (2023).pdf 4.01Мб
Curtis - Poverty is not Natural (2020).epub 172.93Кб
Dorling - Shattered Nation. Inequality and the Geography of a Failing State (2023).epub 347.09Кб
Galor - The Journey of Humanity. The Origins of Wealth and Inequality (2022).epub 9.77Мб
George - The Essence of Progress and Poverty (2020).epub 267.05Кб
Gornick & Jantti (Eds.) - Income Inequality; Economic Disparities and the Middle Class in Affluent Countries (2013).epub 16.61Мб
Grove (Ed.) - Global Inequality. Political and Socioeconomic Perspectives (1979).epub 3.77Мб
Haltinner & Hormel (Eds.) - Teaching Economic Inequality and Capitalism in Contemporary America (2018).pdf 3.55Мб
Jones - State Schooling and the Reproduction of Social Inequalities. Contesting Lived Inequalities through Participatory Methods (2023).pdf 2.54Мб
Jordan - Automatic Poverty (1981).epub 1.18Мб
Lee et al (Eds.) - Democratizing Inequalities. Dilemmas of the new public participation (2015).pdf 2.17Мб
Meyers & Miller (Eds.) - Inequity in Education. A Historical Perspective (2009).PDF 846.87Кб
Mhlanga - Digital Financial Inclusion. Revisiting Poverty Theories in the Context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (2022).pdf 6.99Мб
Milanovic - Visions of Inequality. From the French Revolution to the End of the Cold War (2023).epub 4.72Мб
Moellendorf - Mobilizing Hope. Climate Change and Global Poverty (2022).pdf 10.74Мб
Myridis (Ed.) - Poverty and Quality of Life in the Digital Era. Interdisciplinary Discussions and Solutions (2022).pdf 7.00Мб
Norton - Structural Inequality. Origins and Quests for Solutions in Old Worlds and New (2022).pdf 4.17Мб
O’Mahony & Toark - Squatting and the State. Resilient property in an age of crisis (2022).pdf 5.80Мб
Pettinicchio (Ed.) - The Politics of Inequality (2021).pdf 3.69Мб
Rakauskiene et al - Excessive Inequality and Socio-Economic Progress (2022).pdf 10.48Мб
Schneiders - Hard Labour. Wage Theft in the Age of Inequality (2022).epub 2.50Мб
Swift - The Identity Myth. Why We Need to Embrace Our Differences to Beat Inequality (2022).epub 833.94Кб
Taranath - Beyond Guilt Trips. Mindful Travel in an Unequal World (2019).epub 4.13Мб
Walker - The Shame of Poverty (2014).pdf 2.42Мб
Wardhaugh - Sub City. Young People, Homelessness and Crime (2000).epub 3.32Мб
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