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Название Criticism of the Western Civilization - Collection 107 (WW-I, WW-II 12)
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Abbenhuis et al (Eds.) - The Myriad Legacies of 1917; a Year of War and Revolution (2018).pdf 5.52Мб
Bank & Gevers - Churches and Religion in the Second World War (2016).pdf 7.49Мб
Bilton - Allied POWs in German Hands, 1914-1918; Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives (2016).pdf 23.54Мб
Carls & Carls - Europe from War to War, 1914-1945 (2018).pdf 15.23Мб
Carpenter - Bearing Witness; How Writers Brought the Brutality of World War II to Light (2017).epub 1.01Мб
Davis - Anglo-French Relations before the Second World War; Appeasement and Crisis (2001).pdf 1.07Мб
Gerwarth - The Vanquished; Why the First World War Failed to End, 1917-1923 (2016).epub 4.13Мб
Hall - The Balkan Wars, 1912-1913; Prelude to the First World War (2000).pdf 1.14Мб
Hanson - Unknown Soldiers; the Story of the Missing of the First World War (2005).epub 4.65Мб
Heyman - Daily Life During World War I (2002).pdf 3.74Мб
Holmes - Einstein’s Pacifism and World War I (2017).pdf 35.14Мб
Hughes & Philpott - The Palgrave Concise Historical Atlas of the First World War (2005).pdf 4.09Мб
Hyslop - Eyewitness to World War II; Unforgettable Stories from History’s Greatest Conflict (2018).epub 81.24Мб
Janda - The Emperor and the Peasant; Two Men at the Start of the Great War and the End of the Habsburg Empire (2018).pdf 13.03Мб
Kennan - The Fateful Alliance; France, Russia, and the Coming of the First War (1984).pdf 40.95Мб
King - World Wars and the Modern Age (2005).pdf 2.37Мб
Kollar (Ed.) - A Nun, a Convent, and the German Occupation of Belgium (2016).pdf 1013.79Кб
Leonhard - Pandora’s Box; A History of the First World War (2018).pdf 9.80Мб
Levy & Vasquez (Eds.) - The Outbreak of the First World War; Structure, Politics, and Decision-Making (2014).pdf 15.75Мб
Pistol - Internment During the Second World War; A Comparative Study of Great Britain and the USA (2017).pdf 11.74Мб
Ross - World War I; Timelines (2008).epub 5.89Мб
Stevenson - Armaments and the Coming of War; Europe, 1904-1914 (1996).pdf 21.64Мб
Stevenson - The History of the First World War, 1914-1918 (2004).epub 10.41Мб
Stone - World War One; a Short History (2007).epub 3.23Мб
Strachan - The First World War (2003).epub 7.67Мб
Thompson - The Battle for Singapore; the True Story of the Greatest Catastrophe of World War II (2005).pdf 61.31Мб
Tittmann - Inside the Vatican of Pius XII; the Memoir of an American Diplomat During World War II (2004).epub 3.55Мб
Tonsmeyer et al (Eds.) - Coping with Hunger and Shortage under German Occupation in World War II (2018).pdf 3.49Мб
Tuccille - The War Against the Vets; the World War I Bonus Army during the Great Depression (2018).epub 1.41Мб
Tuchman - The Proud Tower; a Portrait of the World before the War, 1890-1914 (1965).epub 6.67Мб
Velzen - Missing in Action; Australia’s World War I Grave Services, an Astonishing Story of Misconduct, Fraud and Hoaxing (2018).epub 5.12Мб
Wendy Ng - Japanese American Internment During World War II (2002).pdf 14.39Мб
Wiggam - The Blackout in Britain and Germany, 1939-1945 (2018).epub 451.05Кб
Williams - A Passing Fury; Searching for Justice at the End of World War II (2016).epub 5.01Мб
Yavuz & Ahmad (Eds.) - War and Collapse; World War I and the Ottoman State (2016).pdf 7.53Мб
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